Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1922, p. 2

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N.,o Account Too Smnall Huadol=Unirai N oaccount îstoo srn foNfôr hsBank to wel- corne'an-d none too large for kt to hanche. Branchesn ail Important Centres iCauad Savina Deprtnts in ai Branch Bank of Montreal Estabished Ove,, 100 Y«=r Courteous Service T H corteus ttntin etenedby memibers count, adds materially to your satisfaction 'in con- ducting your banking business. Standard Service is essentially courteous service as rendered by every brarich of this Bank, h-cm the Manager to the latesi recruit on the staff. r CANADE TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY.THREE MILLIONS Bown7mniiIe Branch,, H. W. Lapp, Manager Blac-~ck B~~'c - -. -E. A. Preston, Manager Ne J -dIk t l - c'e J. Scott Montgomery, Manager Chamnpion of % C.anada at the C.N.E. BAND ONES TMlray beyour Bandl Every band competing in nt Toronto on Thursday, August 31, has an equai chance of winning this coveted honor. Ail amateur bands in Canada areeligible and are divîded into two classes, governed by size of town and number.of players. Cash Prizes Total $2,950. In additiô7n ta thes 1e, a Special Challenge Trophy wili be' -awarded ta the.,winning band in Ciass A, in whose cus- tody it rernains- for the ensuing year. The winner's name will be inscéribed thereon. Each member of the first prize band ihn both classes will also receive a handsome individuâl award. Ahl members of competing bands admitted ta Exhibition free. Think of the fame that wifnng this competition will Lbring ta your band and your town. Ail you have ta do is ta see that your Band gets ta Toronto ta compete. Ail entries must be in by August l9th, so send your bn's name in without delay. Drop us a line to-day for particulars as ta adjudicators, test pieces, prizes, etc. The Secretary, Exhibition Band Conteat Committee 145 Vonge Street Toronto, Ont. Goodd Judgment The wise bus'iness man doesn't tempt fate. H1e takes no chances wîth, circumstances over which hé has no control. INSURANCE is his bulwark agyainst disaster. Disaster is always threatening you, whether it be in the form of accident, fire, death, theft, busi- ness losses, etc. Let inýsurance protect you from these un- avoidable occurrences. It Wiil relieve you of much care and worry. J. J. MASOIN &SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers. Phone 50 Bowmanville AIDS IN PRESERVING USE CERTO AND CUT TASK IN TWO Give certo a trial. Many have given it a trial and have corne back for more, C erto cuts your preserving bill in haif. Fresh fruits always in season. GEMSý You find here gems of ail kinds and sizes at right prices. GEM HOLDERS This is -something new for women who pre- serve fruit i boilers-great convenience and lab- or saver. lt's worth while examining them. iC. M.CAWKýrER & SON BUTC HERS and GROCERS BOWMAN VILLE E il aIl q h fNewspapers--will lose the prestige ofa giving students wbo write on De- partmental examns, first information af the results as beretofore for we are înformed by the Minister af Edu- cation that this year it will not be practicable ta publish in the daily uewspapers the resuits aI the Depart- mental and Matriculation examina- tions conducted throughout the Pro- vince. This situation is due partly ta the change in thea_ Regulations wbereby candidates are permitted ta divide their examinations aver several years and partly ta the fact that the number af candidates this year bas increased greatly. It lseaxpected that certificates will be mailed ta Principals for distribution ta the can- didates ut east as early as bereta- f ore. The Principals caucerned are requested ta make timely arrange- ments ta send au the certificates ta the candidates immediately ou me- ceipt aI the saine from the Depart- ment. Wbat- a number af maxime and in- spiationail articles for the guidance and encouragement af young people, studen.ts and others out af schools ara, writtan, spoken and publiehed for their benefit, No young man or woman who is not a laggard or down- rigbt lazy need fail ta succeed in ile in a country af so, mauy oppartunîties as are lyiug ail around lu this Damia- ion. Here are twa factors which will make success sure-maxirns whicb bave often been verifiad. First, 'bhat -well-known saying af the Scot- tish Saige-"Our main business in ile is nat ta see what lies dimly at ia distance, but ta do day by day what1 lies cleardy bafore us". The second1 truth :-" Concentration is the secret, af ail successful study. Concentra-1 tion is an art mast difficult ta ac-j quire, but wben once acquired suc- cees is certain". Every studenti nmust cancentrate bis mind on bis1 studies iu order ta make a__ success aI bis school hIfe. The majority of fires that cut are the resuIt af carelassuese on the part af someone, it is claimed-1 often smokers are blamed. Now au- ather hazard ba5 beau f ound. Witb tbousands aI radio sets uow lu use throughout Canada, the majority aI ihe in privata homes and with the ranks aI the "istenam lu" sweliing - from week ta week, ail records for the papularity aI scientifie invaution have beau eclipsed. Aud bîke mauy other inventions, radiatelephony bas inutroduced a naw fire hazard. One aI, the fire dangers lies iu the inclina- jtion oI those interested ta experiment1 witb lighting circuits and other high voltage eystems., Another is the hazard arising from ligbtniug. To mirigate, as far as possible, thesa dangers, spécifications have beau daw unp by a spécial committee iu- cluding représentative engineers. This committea places itselî on record as causidering stations rnaking use afinl- door antenne devoid aI bazard. Em- phasis is also pli-uced upon the fact that most aI the fires sa far rapartad as originatiug with wireless sets, have arisen fmom lightning brought in Irom over-head autanuae. Two learned professors are dis- cuesiug what period aI a mau's hIfe, before or af ter 45 years af age is hie ut bis best. Most folk will agréé that if we wonld be potentially use- fnl, we must be canstantly takiug in. Na man's edncation is ever fiuished; there is always sornething else af value ta be learned. The man who stops ieaming dies up, whether twen- ty or Iorty-five. Most sarry of ahI, perbaps, is hae who ceusas aike ta me- ceive and ta give, who closes bath the inlet and the outlet of the lake of lIfe. For him there is oaiy stagna- tion, whether ut thirty or fifty yeurs af uge. Iu so far as the uttempt le made ta declare arbitmarîly that a man je or is nat more vaine ulter forty-five than -before, the effort is futile. It depends mostly upon the ma, and partly upon the nature of his work.. Some fields are those af young meni, and other fields are those MUNICIPAL EQUALIZATION Counties Council made no changei Ï.. municipal equalization this year. The assessment as returned by the assessor and haw it je eqnalized by the counties: Cartwright Tp. Cavan Tp. Clarke Tp. Darlington Tp. Haldimaud Tp. Hope Tp. Maux ers Tp. B owmanvilla Camipeliford C ob ourg Port Hope Millbrook Newcastle Returned Equalizad 917209'-1156874 1559115 1931765 2040715 '2189550 2414333 2750000 1483774 1833150 2132057 2167990 937900 1441300 2138179 907500 1526730 702000 2763496 1347500 2655307 1292500 272630 191950 231173 187000 OBITUARY William Bag'nell, BowmanVille After a sh rt ihiness, Mm. William Bagneil passed to rest on June 22,1 aged 77 years. De'eased was well known to al aur ci -izens being 27 years associated Iwith the work of the cemetery, 24 of which as Superintendent. A f ew years ago he retired from active duty and has lived quietly at home attend- ing to his garden and doing other duties which his failing strength per- mitted. Mr. Bagneli was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bagneli, natives of Ire- land, but he was born in Quebec City, Que., in 1845. Ris early years were spent in Orangeville, but ho came ta Bowmanville about 39 years ago. The fûneral took place from bis late residence, King-st. East, on Sat- urday, service being conducted by Rav. W. H. Spargo in the absence of bis pastor Rev. S. C. Moore at Con- ference. The pail-bearers were bis four sons, Messrs. George, W. J., Charles and Alex. Bagneli who with their mother and sister Marina rnourn the ioss of a ioved one. Beauti- fui flowers fram sympathizing friends covered the casket.' Among those present at the funeral were his sis- ters, Mrs. Cea. Hazzard and daughter, Mrs. Wm. Deary, and son, Mr. George Ilazzard af Brantford and Miss Sadie Bï gne1li,Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McIBrien, Toronto. A brother, Mr. Isaac Bagneil, Saskatchewan, also survives. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Wm. Bagneil, King-st., andA family desire ta thank their many friends and neîghbors for their kind- ness and sympathy durîng the illness and death of Mr. Bagneil and fbr the beautifulfloral offerîngs. of old men. Some lives flame Up, burn out quickly, while others burn slowly gathering fuel ail the while, ever difl'using more light and warmth to) those about them. Our exper- ience and observation shows that no man should live'unto himself until he becomes too feeble or disabled ta do a kind act or off er kind and en- couraging words or advice. Keep the intellect from impairment through constant activity. anvîle. Ofic hur 9a.m." ta6 m. daily except Sunday. Phone Ca. House phone 90b. DR. G. C. BONNYCÂSTLE - onar graduate in Dentistry Toronto niversity. Graduate of the Rayai ollege af Dental Surgeons of On- ýrio. Office King-st., BowmanvilIe. >ifice phone 40. Hanse phone 22. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL, Honor Graduate of Toronto Uni- --rsity and member of Royal College f Dental Surgeons. Licensed ta 'ractice la Ontario and tuie Domin- Cn. Dentistry in ail its branches. Office-Kîng-st., Bowmanville Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 301 CHIROPRACTOR GORDON P. SOUCH, D . C., PH. C. 3 year Graduate of the Palmer School (The Fountain Head of Chiropractic) Office on Church-st. opposite the Pres- byterian Church. Office H1OUrS: - 5 and 7-8 p. m., or by appointment. Office Phone 41J; House Phone 140- r2 (Lakeview Farm). 26-tf OPTOMETRY R. M .MITCHELL Optomnetrist Registered By Examination Specializ- "gin errors of Refraction and Mus. -'ular Imbalances. Latest Methods,l Modern Equipment.- Office-R. M. Mitchell & Co's.--Drug Store Bowmanville Ont. -FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. iast complete equipment. Sunday -~d night calîs promptly atIrended ta. ,owmanv,1 phones 10 and 34. ranch at Orono. THEO, M. SLEMON, AUCTrIONEER ?Parm and flouse Sales a Speeialty. crms moderate. -tf Ennisklllen P. O. Phone 197-r3. VETERINARY DR. F. T. 'TIGHE ITERINARY SURGEON. Day or- ýight Cails Promptiy Attended To. Mitice, King-st., W., Statesnvan Block, ýowman-jiI1e. Phone 243. GEORGE CHENERY General Contractor ncernent work, hanse f ounidation, etc. Estimates fumnished. King-st., Bowmanville. 18-t S ORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, B0K K E EPI N G Comnplete Commercial and General lm- ,wovement courses. Students accepted ýt any time. Good positions- for ail. gra duates. CANADA BUSINESS COL- . EGE, Oshawa and Toronto, M. A. JAMES STEAMSHIP TICKETS O EUROPE-Canadian Pacific' ffhite Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- can. Ask for information. Phone M. Pnnnanville. A writer giviug bis observations on c'Dwavle the condnct aI s6me Canadians, or better people living lu Canada,- say-y ing "they aven stand with closed lipsU . during the inging af aur NationalM Authem. It seem useles ta. talk t o n s r a n -c Ew* sncb people. The vuet mai arity of Candiaus are happy and content t a bti an integmal part af such a large g n v and important compact as the British ef Empire. If the discontents are not satisfied with the, present tate af Ahi ines of PIRE, LIFE, thinge, let them go ta the States, or ta Germany, or Ruesia, if they so %CCIDENT, SICKNESS, pieuse. But while they are here, earning thair support in Canada andAU O BIE G A A - eujaying ail the priviiegee and pro- àU ,M BL ,G A A - tection af a British subject,- it s111lli-r~~ bacoming ta rail againet'the countryilTE. or the Empire ta which it proudly ha- lange". 'd t .-S o el We have often thought the same E it., c bei about people living in communities where they are knawn as grouehes jAgBut and kickers. Why don't they go 2nd door w.st of th. «Big 2W' where conditions are ta, their liking. Bôwmanvill. Ontar'io. mil BOWMANVILLE, JULY 1l3th., 1922.1 TOWN COUNCIL Bowmanvilie and Newcastle cadeti corps will receive $50 grant fromi Monthly meeting of council was Counties' Council. THE EDITOR TALKS - id Juiy 3 with Mayor Quinn presid -______________ ing, members ahl present excepting We would have every girl and boy- Counchlor ilaliman. in the country taught music in the Petition was granted for cernent LEGAL schools for it is universally enjayed walk on north side af Odell?st from M.GV.GUD BAL.D. in every home where found.' We are Scugog to Prospect-sts. M. RISTER, OULICT.AR, LNOTARY told that music hath charms ta soothe Petition for -,extension of water-'ARIT ,SO CTRN AY rhe ssthe tired buIses mnthe n works system on Duke-st from Nel.-' -oney ta boan on Farm and Town rest th tied usinss antheson-st. ta Base Line was referred ta roperty. Royal Bank Building, fatigued stenographer, the salesman, Waterworks Committee ta report. ýowmanviIIe. Phone 351. the professional man, the student, the Petition for cernent waik on west' mechanie, the laborer, or anyone side af Liberty-st. from Nursery Cor-. .F AD .A showing signs of a hard day's work, ner ta north sida of C. M. Cawker's W. F. WARDLCIT, . A. who goes home weary, with nerves on poet a eeme aRas&8 RITR SLCTRNTR edge. Then a cosy chair by t he grate Streets Committee with Mayor Quinn loney ta boan. Bonds for sale. lire in winter, or on the verandah in and raun. James added ta cammittea ifâces: Bieakiey Block,. King summer, is the thing that appeals. To ta report. 3 -treet,ý Bowmanville Ontario. this add music. It sootheg the nerves. Ptto a rne o enn Phones: Office 102, House 343. It rests one's mind while the body is walk' on north side af King-st from' resting. It keeps the mimd fmom re- Browhi-st, ta east side of W. Trewin's MI calling the past day's worries and residence.mui from anticipating the next day's diffi- Request for extension af water- T. W. STANLEY culties. Make music a hobby and works system on Higb-st. was refer- (London College of Music) you will ýbe the gainer physicaily, red ta Waterworks Committee ta me- --rganist and Choir Leader, Bowman- mentIliy and spiritually. port onl. lie Methodist Church, is prepared ta Account of Warren Paving Ca. for ake pupils for Piano and Voice Cuit- $1,192.57 and interest $390.05 was 7re. For terms phone 12, "Green As we pass through hife and deal referred ta Finance Com. ta report. aourt", Argyle Street. 49-3m* with or mingle with ail kinds of peop- Counties' Treasurer advised caunu-_________________ le aur thonghts often centre on an cil that county rate for BowmanvilieMECA individual and instinctiveiy we are amounts ta $8,485.04. EIA set ta meditating on bis or hem quali- Chief Wm. Edger reported resigna- ~j ALWOM . .M ties. Laura Rase StÉven in a recent' tion from Fire Brigade of L. Green- .J ALWOM . .M address tanched on tItis matter of iu- away, L. Elliott and-Frank Williams odld Medaiist of Trinity University dividualism, saying that'it is impos- and recommanded Percy Williams, oront-o. Four years Atteiiding Phy- sibie for us ta get away from aour- Frank Calver and Darwin Biekeli ta o uand- Surgeon at Mt. Carmel selves, aur true selves, and when we fil vacancies. Accepted. _,--pital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and are littie dreaming of it, people are Clerk was instructed to write C. P. eýidence, Wellington- Street, Bow- reading us as if we were an open book R. regardiug proposed cernent walk îanvilie. Phone 108. The young mother and -the kind ta be coiistrncted along Libarty-st. C. W. SLEMON,' M. 0., C. M, graudmother. had in their eyes the ltbru C. P. R. subway. YautofTityMdclCle, light that cames from loving a tend- G. T. R. advised council they ,,dut, aI Trnxy oMeîCllege, or, helpless babe. Another woman wouîd not favor granting public cross- ~otfrei I Eusiln hdthe fliuty steel look in hers which ing at station ta Honey Bridge. Yitce and residence, Dr. Beith's, cames with greed f or gold and getting A committee of whale cauncil was nvmr iie Phon 259. st, ow it, at any cost. Neither af these par- appointed tovist Hski Park ta see 1nil.Poe29 44-t sons knew they were reveuling sulent- what expenditure is necessary ta ly their tmue character by their looks inake-it suitabie for a citizens' park. DENTAL and actions. With the knoWledge Eslimates will be asked for eaves- thatpeole Il bou usandat itroughiug Town Hall. DR. J. C. UEVITT tintes are sizing us np, hocirum_ Mouday, August 7th wii be declar- ,aduate af Royal Dental College, spect we should ail be wberever we jed as Civic Holiday. ona OfceKi-t.EtBw WATCHMAKER JEWELER ENGRAVER Farmers& Chane T'o Save Money We have decided to Binder and Mower parts: BINDER SECTION~ GUARDS GUARD PLATES KNIFE HEADS These prices are onli stock hasts. Ma-Son & D)ale'ý Phone 145 -clear out the following qs 5c 30e 5c 40c y good whie present S. Hard7ware Bowmanville, JELLIED VEAL Home-made, very ehoice and tasty and only 20-c LB iHOME RENDE RED LARD' .1We make it ourselves, pure leaf, kettled rendered 5 LB. PAIL $1.00 We Deliver the Goods Wilbert J. Dudley Horsey Block Phone 225, House 272 Bowrnanville Without a doubt we have the best and largest variety of poultry supplies in town including: Karswood Poultry Spice Wo-odhouse Poultry Supplies Peruna Chowder and Dry Mash Ful-o-pep Laying Mash and Scratch Feed H-O Steam Cooked Chick Feed Chick and H-en Charcoal Qyster Sheil, Grit, Baby Chick Cnit Lowest prices at ailltimes and special prices for' large çquantities. HARkRY A LLIN PIIONE'186 BOWMANVILLE .16 0 Il,1l TKENSL -tokens of love -tokens of friendship -tokens of appreciation -tokens of good-fellowship Make them worthy of their mes- sage-a credit to the giver-a joy to the receiver. Buy Gifts T 1hat Last Our stock is rich in appropriate gift pieces. We will be glad to serve you-whether you wish to spend one dollar or a thousand. You're sure of satisfaction here. ALEJX. ELLIOT1 OEM00

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