Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jul 1922, p. 7

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Wonien's Hospital Auxiliary regu- nithly meeting will be postpon- fron FîayJuly 7 to Friday, ffy 14 on ï.ccount of Chautauqua. Al memxbers take notice. PUBLIC LIBRARY NOTICE r~ Dring the summer months, the Pulic Library will be open from 2.30 r .00 and froma 8.00 to 9.00 p. m. eurday from 2 80 to 6.00 and 7.00 t9.0 p. m. W'ednesday, closed al da. Beginning July 3rd, 1922. 26-3w BUILDERS' ATTENTION! e, are prepared to do ail kinds of onrete, plastering and brick work. riialists in cernent finishng in al hâbanches. Estimates furnished and I$isaction guaranteed. Peter Martin & Sons, set Elgin-st. N., Bowmanville e Are- s near to you as'your telephone. Telephone orders are carefully taen. Fîlled accurately, and delivered promptly. Our customers who have been uslng this oervice often compli- ment us on the promptness, and accuracy we give them. Il you have not been phoning your Drug Store-Needs to number 49 Bowmanville JU should begîn to-day. Kersiake' s Drug Store'- Phone 49 Bowmanvill, G reeting ý-Cards FOR EVERY OCCASION~ Birthdays Weddings Congratulations Showers Sympathy Acknowledgmente Bir th Announcements Place Carda Large selection from 10e Up, W. T.-Allen -"4Big 20" Bookstor< <Bowmanville '"SA Y IT WITH FLO WERS5 We have flowers an< 1ants for all occasiotjs. S. J. Jackman & Sons Florists and Growèrs Phone 80 Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE, JULY 6th, 1922. LOCAL AND) OTHERWISE Miss Ruth Gage, Toronto, is visit- ing at Mi. C. F. Rice's. Mi. and Mis. S. S. Edsall are vis- iting relatives la Wellington. Mis. Geo. McMullen and daughteî Jean, are visiting relatives at Kendal. To big events'this week-Chautau- quatiýnd Johnston's Great Clothing Sale." r Mr. Walter Bianch has accepted a position la Mr. F. R. Kerslake's Drug Store. Mi. and Mis. F. C. Colmer and fam- ily spent the holidays with relatives in Brantford. Mr. and- Mis. W. G. Penny and childien, Toronto, are holidaying at Mi. Jos. Byer's. Mis. W. L. Keys spent the week- end with her daughteî, Mis. W. J. Webster, Oshawa. Mis. Jas. Bennett and Miss Flor- ence Bennett spent the week-end w,,ith relatives in Oshawa. Mi. and Mis. Wallace Woîkman, Cobourg, weîe recent guests of Mi. iand Mis. Jas. Crant. Mi. and Mis, Chas. F. Rice and son Bud, spent the holiday with Mr. Chas.. Gage, Toronto. Mi. and Mis. H. A. L. Anderson and family, St. Marys,' are visiting her brother, Mr. Milton Wight. Mis. John Grigg and Miss Muriel Dech are visiting the formei's daught- er, Mis. W. J. Waîd, Owen Sound. Mi. and Mis. W. F. Dale and Mi. Melville Dale spent the week-end with his brothers la Rochester, N. ýY. Miss Kate Percy of the teaching staff of OJhio State University Hospit- ai, Columbus, Ohio, is holidaying at home. Mis. A. Jacobs, Port Hope, who was vis iting fîîends here last week had to retuin home on account of illness. Miss, Anale Mountjoy, Matron of the Victor Home, Toronto, spent the week-end with her sister, Mis. J. E. Elliott, Coacessioa-st. Miss Ethel L. VanNest and Miss Olive Luke, 30 Langley Aveaue, Toi- onto, weîe guests of their auat, Mis. M.A.,,James foi the week-end. Msr.W. J. Bragg, M. P. P., E. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE This is Chautauqua week. Mr. Gesi"ge Gibson, Cobait, with his family. Mrs. C. N. Ruse is visiting her sis.- ters in Montana. Mis. Geo. Paîkin ie visiting her sister in Toronto. Miss Elva Andrus, Toronto, is holidnying at home. Miss Helen Baxter,, Toronto, is vis- itiag Mis. R. Nicholson. Mrs. H. Humphîies has been visit- ing her uncle at Lifford Mir.and Mrs. F. J. Horne are enj oy- iag, a trip to Montreal. Miss Helen Allen, Toronto, is vis- iting Mis. S. R. Davey. Mis- J . E. L. Cole visited rela- tives in Toronto over the week-end. Johnston's large advt on page 4 is mighty interesting îeading to thîifty shoppers. Mis. M. A. Neal and two sons are spending the summer with friends at Parker, South Dakota. Miss Elsie M. Bragg, Edmonton, Alta., is holidaying at her father's, MVr. W. J. Bragg, M. P.- P. Miss Myrtle Wilson îs takîng the Summer Course la Agriculture at On- tario Ladies' College, Whitby. Miss Jessie Tuite, Teacher of Ex- pression ln Albert College, Belleville, was recent guest of Miss Spargo. Di. M. B. Annis, Mrs. Annis and daughteî Mildîed, and Mis. Arnot, Lindsay, at Mis. A. E. McCready's. Mr. and Mis. Will Willis, Toronto, are spending their holidays with Mi. and Mis. Wm. McReynolds, Scugog Street. Misses Marion Worden, Dundalk, and Helen Worden, South Bay, are holidaying with their aunts, the Misses Spîy. Mis. May Weekes and grand- daughter Ruth Nuthaîl of Sacra- mento, Cal., are visiting Mis. Andrew Pennington. Mi. and Mis. R. W. Warnica, Cal- lendar,' and Miss Catherine Warnica, Brighton, are holidaying at'Rev. W. C. Washington's. Miss Marlon Beliman and Mar- guerite 4dams are attending Summer School at Albert College, Belleville, as delegates from the Methodist Ep- woîth League. Mrq .. T I Pnrhir w1nP rp DOMINION DAY VISITORS Miss Maud Wilcox at Oshawa. Mr. John Palmer, Toronto, at home. Mi. V. H. Oliver, Toronto, at home. Mis. J. D. Fluker, Whitby, at Mr. Chas. Cox's. Mi. Jack Glbhert, Toronto, at Mi. T. C. Bragg's.. Mis. Morley Vaîcoe, Toronto, at Mi. Geo. Vaîcoe's. Miss Leona Stainton, Oshawa, with Mis. Jas. McDougall. Miss Ethel McQueen, Oshawa, with Mis.. P. F. Newhouse. Mi. and Mrs. Thos. Tod spent the week-end at Beaverton. Mis. E. J. Randaîl, Toronto, with Mr. and Mis. T. C. Jewell Mis C. R. Peteîkin, Toronto, with her sister, Mis. Mark Prout. Mi. and Mis. Heîb. Creeper and son, Toronto, with relatives. Messrs. James and Andîew Mor- row, with relatives in Toronto. Mi. and Mis. John Joblin, Scugog, with Mi. and Miýs. F, H. Joness. Miss Clara Robhins and Mr. Fred Miles, Toronto, at Mi. W. G. Rohbins'. Mi. and Mis, Stanley Duna andÏ family, Toronto, at Mi. S. J. Jack- man 's. Miss Ruth Rehdeî, Toronto, withç her grandpaîents, Mi. and Mis. C. Rehdei. Mi. Robert Elliot, Peteihoro, Mi. and Mis. 1. L.' Ratz, Oshawa, with Mi. Alex Elliot. Mayor and Mis. H. L. Quinn, Miss Ione Quinn with Mi. and Mis. W. C Stevens, Toronto. Miss Florence Pearson, Toronto, Mis. B. Reid, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mis. Harold Wakelin. Mi. and Mis, Haîry Spencer and ýchildien, Toronto, with her mother, iMis. Ed. Williams, Scugog-st. Mr. and Mis. E. W. Rundle and daughteîs, Oshawa, Mi. and Mis. Arthur Lee and family, Toronto, at Mi. J. T. Bragg's, Prospect-st. Mi. and Mis. Chas. H. Haddy andi son Jack, Mi. and Mis. Byron Haddy and daughteî Betty, Miss Agnes Had- dy ,Toronto, at Mi. F. A. Haddy's. SPORTING NEWS ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE-10 acres good clover and timotby. Apply R. Anderson, McDon aldi Farm, Newcastle. 26-1 ELECTRIC STOVE FOR- SALE-3 burners andi oven. A bargain. Apply Lo W. W. Dickinson, Concession-st., Bow- manville. 26-tf FOR SALE-Bedroom set, 3-piece wal- nut set, in good condition. Ternis reas- onable. Apply Thos. Osborne, Welling- ton-st., Bowman\ ille. 27-2 CAR FOR 'SALE-Ford Car, 4 nearly new tires, mnechanical condition in good shape Big bargain for quick sale. Ap- ply te A. W. Piekard, Bowmanviile. 13-t Team of heavy draught mares, 4 and 5 years old, from,1350 te 1450 lbs. Ap- ply to Samnuel Snowden, Maple Grove, Bowmanville, phone 203-3. 27-2w* BARGAIN, FOR QUICK SALE-De Lavai Silo, 12 x 30 with top, $250; may be seen on Jennings' Farm, lot 17, con. 2, Darlington. J. L. Metosif, 44 Charles- St., Oshawa. 25-tf HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE-6 holes, complete with reservoir and water front, only nsed one winter, replaced with elect- rie stove. Inspection may be made at F .C. Pethick's Barber Shop. 25-t SUPREME KITCHEN RANGE-With water back; one 3-burner Clarke Jewell Coal Oul Stove, in good condition, one mission extension table and oak ward- robe. Apply to Mrs. C. B. Kent, Beecb Ave., Bowmanvîlle. 25-tf The Statesazan to January 1, 1923, FOUND SPECTACLES FOUNO-on Duke-st., as you go te the Canning Factory. Apply at Statesman Office. 27-tf LOST ESTRAY-Came on lot 20 ,con. 7, Dar- rrngton, June 15, a ligbt bay aged horse. Owner may have saine by proving. pro- perty and paying expenses. Herb. SÎain- ton, Enniskillen. 26-3w* LOST-Be'Lween corner of Ontario and Queen-sts. and Metbodist Chur0h, on Tuesday. June 27, penn bnooch. Finder will be suitably rewarded b3y leaving with Mrs. W. Pearn, Queen-st., Bowmanville. 27-2w -V Y 0. D IVUVI.u...--- -£,res. w . i. i airbairnI wfl,.i ± e- LDE OOE ADA-n Ber Jeellattended the Manvers Oid covering from a serious accident, has Bowmanville wîll have its first taste AtudIyaES CoLoRED HAnNewastln Boys' gatheîiag at Janetville on Mon- gone with hier daughteî, Mis. Grant, of Saturday baseball when Peterboro and Bowmanville via Kingston Road, con- day.to hei cotag atBowanvlle forpîns hre uly8 a 3.0 p m. taining a small purse, a sum of money day.to hei cotag atBowanvlle forplas hre uly8,a 3.0 p m. and a G. T. Railway ticket, Newcastle to Mn. and Mis. Albert Slute, Misses the summer.-Tononto Mail & Em- Thfolwn weeteestsa Belleville witb the owner's name there- Fleda, Edna, Majorie and Nellie, plr.efoie, divite rsulionouo. Finder kindly return to owner or Toînt, nd is Crn I.Pantn, Mis RtaR. ol, . , C M, asthe western and enstera iiioso notify Postmnaster at Newcastle and ne- Whioty, spnt Ms arari . PWilln,iam setRne îomClel, .Thio , whesethe Oshawaaind District Football As- ceive a reward. 26-1 Whtby spntSunay t r. illamretrne frm levlan, hio whresociation on Saturday afternoon.- Painton's., she filled the position of soprano Western Division-Glaremont 1, Ux- PROPERTY FOR SALE Mi. and Mis. L. A. Macklem and soloist in Brooklyn Memorial Meth- bridge 1;,Goodwood 4, Ashbuîn 0. daughtei and uncle, Joe Tebble Of odist Episcopai Chuîch duriag the Eastern Division-General Motors 3, FOR SALE-Brick residence, 7 rooms, Coea, ihvisited Mi. and Mis. past year. She hias also been study- Whitby 2. - md one acre of land, with fruit trees ColeanMic1, t Nunsery Corner. Aonly to W. S. Roy Hooper and other relatives. ing unden a famous tencher and pass- Ia îeporting the basebaîl game here Pinch, Division-st., Bowmanvllle. 6-tf Miss Fairbaira and hier sister, Mis. ed herexaminations, being now a on Wednesday with Oshawa The Tele- FARM FOR SALE-50 acres of West Georgie Patterson who has just ne- Licentiate of the Cleveland Institute gram of-that town says: "It was a lot 13, 5tb concession, Darlington, 5 miles tuîned from Mexico, have gone to of Music in Piano and a Fellow of dga ;thonsiescrra- nortb of thse town of Bowmanville. AIply good ae h n-ie cr el on premises, E. Barrett, Bowmaavllle, R. Muskoka to enjoy the health-giving Cleveland College of Music in Vocal. ly does not ladicate the kind of play R. 6. 24-t aur of that north country. Miss Cole was offeîed a considerable the boys put uüp. Smril and FOR SALE-Brick cottage contaiaing 6 Mis C. D. Clarke, Toronto, who advance in salaîy to retura to the 'Chambers are<the makiags of extra r11ms, furnace and electric lights. Hard bas r poitin inthechoi assolost.and soft water in bouse, good garden and hsbeen enjoying a visit with hepoionatechrasoost good pitchens. This is the team's fruit trees. Apply to J. Westaway. Queen uncle and aunt, Rev. and Mrs. W. C. The Young Ladies' Bible lass of fiist year la senior bail; they have a Street, Bowmanvîlle. 12-tf Washington, has gone to visit rela- the Methodist Sunday School eajoyed good frame work for an extra good FOR SALE-Lot about flfty feet front- tives at Picton ,Brockville and other a pleasant afteîaoon when the annual team for next yeaî and they may age at corner of Centre and. Concession eýasern oint. yStreets, containing good barn, easily con- eatenpont.picnic was held at "Millei's Rest" the make some of the other burgs travel vertible into bouse. Apply Bruce IHon- Miss Anale Connors has gone to summer home of Mn. and Mis. F. C. pretty fast in the second half of this eywell, 60 Duke-st., Toronto, or tele- f.laveahurst for the benefit of hier Vanstone at Port Bowmanville on present season". phone 194-2, HOSEO Dk-t. GOOD .FRAME HUEO ues. health. Pleased to know she is re- Thursday. About 70 members and a Following ie the 'standing to date: consisting of five rmorne and about one covering from lier recent senlous iii- few friends sat down to a good sup- Team Won Lost P. C acre of land, good barnanad building suit- ness. Her sister, Miss Lizzie Con- per of potato pie, pickles, bread and 'Cobourg 8 2 800 able for garage, near Public Sobool. A bargain $1400. A. N. McMIIIan & Co., nors accompanied hier. butter, stiawberries and cieam, cake Oshawa 9 3 750 Bowmanville. 25-t Mn. and Mis. Win. VanNest, Hamp- end other good ents prepared by the Lindsay 7 3 700 FOR SALE-The W. R. Clemens farmn ton, annouace the engagement of memibers. Goîng-home time came ail Peterboro 5 3 625 located at Tyrone, Ont., contalniag one hundred and fifty-four acres, about 20 their youngest daughter, Alta Doreen, too soon when good-bye was said and Belleville 5 6 556 acres oechard, aine bearing. Plougbing to Samuel Wesley, son of the late J.' the best thanks of ahl the members Leaside 2 6 250 possession this Fali. Apply Bruce Honey. W. and Mis. Brooks, Bowmanville, were expîessed to the host and host- Port Hope 2 7 223 weiI, 60 Duke, Street, Toronto,.-or tele- f t It ftr1 , phone 194-2. Bowmanville. 62-tf the marriage to take place in July. essafor te veîy peasatateaoon Bowmanvîlle i FARM TO RENT-Sjuth balves lots Dr U N Toatnso adafforded them. Orono Athletic Association is hold- Tbirt5'-one and Thirty-two, Pourtb Con- daughteî, Mi. Dale and Miss Dorothy Bowmanvilie Women's Institute ing a band competition aifd basebali cession., alntn 0 ceipoe Thorntn, Leland,11,1. wliohave eld te Jun meetng atthe hme tornafanmonland. aPlowinglad.afterng presentese cropp Thoiton Leeand 11., wo hve eld he unemeetng t te hoe turnmeaton abo Dayfulullpossession Oct. lst., 1922. Apply ta heen visiting relatives at Woodstock, of Mis. Alex. Taylor, Concession-st., G. D. Conant, Barrister, Etc., Ohqwa. BOshawa and Orono, vsted the form- on Fiiday afternooa. Mis. W. B. Solicitor for the owners. 1 20-tf sise~raa brthr-i-la, i. olard Prsient pesied ndbrif-LAWN BOWLING FOR SALE-Good dsiny fruit and grain er'ssst5 , n rohr-nlwM. olrd re__tp'eie adbre-farm. 83 acres, 1 mile frenm 3gb and Pub- and Mis. R. H. Warder, Horsey-st. ly reviewed the District annual meet- Ae l O' in isWatm lic Scbools, station, creamery, canlng t Ntlt ots Rnk AI Whatam factory. Clay loam, 4 acres of orchard, Miss Florence Walkington who has ing at eseton. Mrs lx. Col-Trophy. pasture, well watered; barn 36 x 70, stone made n successful record as a gooct ville sang a solo, accompanied on_____ stables, drive shed 30 x 30. large loft, teacher and disciplinarian at Bnad- 'lhe piano by Mis. M. F. Hooper. Rol fences and large bouse ail in good condi- ley's schooi the past year has been en- Gaîl conducted by the Assistant Sec- Mr. J. Maynard's rnk of Peterboro tion; stock' and implements If desined. M .which has heid the Whattam Trophy Possession' this Fali. Robert Rainey gaged by the trustees of Shaws, S. S.irtai3T, Mi. H. Jamieson, biought .ic atAgs os h is ai Orono.264 No.- 1, Darington, for the ensuing forth a variety of iatenesting respon- osîtce sas Auustor the fiavtdgamie yeai-salary $1000, ses. Short readings were given by ftesao o ti oee nz Miss Haycraft, Mis. G. H. Bickeii on Dominion Day when Alex Elliot's T E Rev. W. E. Honey, B. A., B. D., of and Mis. J H Morris. A social cup Bowmanville team lifted the silver- Keene who was formeîly on Ennis- wr yago agn h cr FARM FOR RENT-112 acres good kilencicui hs ee gienth S D- f tea, was eajoyed and a vote of laeb odmîi. Tesoe and and baildlngs, immediate possession. e ilencicut asben ivn heSy-thanks extended to the hostess. Next Bowmanville PeterbOnO Apply J. C. Montgomery, Osh4wa. 15-tf ney pastorate. Friday evening iast meeting at the home of Mis. E. Bell- T. W. Stanley, Robenýt Elliot COTTAGE TO RENT-At once on east a social eveniag was spent at the J .Msn E.Tyo side of Bownanville-on-tbe-lake, coin- chuîch when the officiais on behaîf of man, to be in fonm of a picnic. J.a. Mason Ed.W ayor k pletely fu,-nished, lire place. convenient thecogieaton ieened nand Jut roud be oner-urin, SoeJas M ,ogall WteOk to store and post office. Apply Alan M. theconregtio pesetedMr.and Jut aoun th cone-Dugins SoeAlex Elliot, skip 23J. Maynard, skip 9 WiIllams, Bôwmanville. 27-1* -.Mis. Honey with a puise of nsoney. Repair Shop._______________ HOUSE TO RENT-Nine-romed. bouse Oilclm chtswoavrie Mr. T. A. Brown, Ottawa, ia holiday- on corner of Concession and Elgia-sta., ail Ou loa-ecat h dets ing with relatives bere. BIRTHS modern conveniences, possession July 1. in The Canadian Statemaua find that Fresb sbipment of Butter Paper juet Apply to Miss Eva Burk, Elgin-et., Bow- its influence as an advertiser bu not in at The Statesmnan Office. GI bSON- Ta Newcastle, June 23, to Mr. manville, phone 42. 25-tf coafined to immediate viinity of Mr. and Mn,. R. M. Saxby and two sons, and Mrs. Aldin Gibson, (nee Ida Bowen) FARM TO RENT-Between Oshawa Bowanihe. W.GladeIvs f heToronto, with tbe Misses Brimacombe. a daughter. and the lake. About 125 acres in ýexcel- Cowash oe StoreCiafoemsvus thatthe Mis McConnell, Cobourg, late of New GI LBERT-In Darlington, June. 29, to lent state of cultivation. Ample build- CashShoeStoe inormsus hat ie York,ss guest of Mrs. G. A. Gillespie. Mr .and Mrs. Russell Gilbert, a daughter. ings. Plowing after present crop. Fu bas îeceived onders from oui subscrib- Mies Mangaret Dingman, Rocheger, N. (Velma Joy).possessionan Onlt r sawa, nt. Applyto ers la British Columbia and Saskat- Y., ls vîsiting at Mn. Warren Dingmans. FERGUSON-At Enfield, June 29, ta .D aat weOhwOt 0t chewan within the past week and Mn. and Mrs. H.. Jamieson and sons Mr. and Mrs. Walter N. Ferguson, a Often fîom readers in Toronto who Frank and Oscar are visiting relatives at daugbter. (Venna Jean.) -WNE Tr.HORN-Mr.: and Mn,. Edgar Horn, WN dlaim he sells for less than cîty prices Order your wedding stationery at The Hampton, announce tbe bintb fo a daugbt- Alter an absence of 52 years from Statesman Office. New shioment i er on July 3, (Acy Lorraine). RADIATORS REPAIRED-On shortesi Bowanvllëhi naiveton, r. ld-reeivd. Jnotice, All work guaranteed. Sauth Bownanvllehis atie twn, n. ld-receved -~ End Garage, 650 Simcoe-st. S., Oshawa, bridge Burke of Hoten Lake, Ros- Mrs. F. W. Warbam and cildren, Mon- poe35.2-w treal, are visiting ber sister, Mrs. T. W. MARRIAGES phonTeD- 55w. slem n common County, Mchigan, visited Stanley. colleteDfArood nlelesman and tâ here over the Dominion Day holîdays, miss Myrtle Bichan, Pembroke, is vis- CANN-KNIGHT-Ai Bayonne, N. j- seli well-known article. Man wlth car guest of Mr. and Mrs. David Keith, iting Mrs. F. B. Hanford at Mr. M. Mua- on June 29, by Rev. Dr. Charles Waldroa, preferred. Apply Bax 504, Oshawa. 26-2 Conesio-s. n. ibntF.Bukeday's, sr. Mn. J. Harold Cana, son of Mn. William Mn. T. W. StanleMr.OrAanest PndBChoirCann, Bowmanville, and Miss Jennie Day- FURNISHE'D COTTAGE WANTED-1 of 87 Fist Avene, TorotoidsotnrKnigh.iW. SanleyterrofisMraJamesirFor four ladies, at Bowmanville Beach, of 7 ira Aenu, oroto brthr DretoroftheMehodstChuch 15suKnigbt, Bayonne, N. J. for two weeks. siarting August 12tb. Ap- accompanied him. They were Sur- Windsor ibis week.LO -MYE-nue21atPr ply to Thas. Tad, Bowmanville, Phone 3. pîised to find Bowmanville so great- Masters Jabez and Morley Vanstone are LOGMtodsi Churcbne 1,G. H.r 26-2w* ly impîoved and containing 50 many bolidaying witb their grandmother, Mrs. HopeATE-oprso nansHl J.C asoe oot.Copeland, Vera Elaine Maybee, bldet W TDLopron nfts af fianstonecs adToronto. awn daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Millard Maybee, Hose, higbest pices paid on piece work, fin reidnce ad wil ep ians Miss Ethel Eastman and Mn. E. Rager- Cambourne, and William S. Long, son of new steady dm1l loopers. Board five and and gardens. Both. gentlemen were man, Toronto, spent tbe week-end wiih Mn. and Mn,. W. E. Long. six dollars per week. Apply The Paris ci educated la the old Union School -that miss H. Emmerson, Odel-st. KitigCa., Burford, Ont. 27-3w stood where the haadsome Central . Mrs. T. H. Johns and grandsoa Ralph, HELP WANTED-Waaied at once, at are oliayig atbercouin', DETHSthe lake, womnan to malte good home cook- Scolnwsad.Thornhill, ar ousig thrcuins ETSig also 2 girls t owaii table and do gener- Mchooanow s letcooands.Mn. John R. Cole, Beihesda. al bouse work. Good wages. AppiF Mn.an Ms. lbrtOccmoe nd Mn. and Mn,. Rd. Pountaey and daugb- SMITH-At «'Fairvîew Farm", Town Mrs. W. J. Berry, Box 336, Bowmanville, family and Misa Alice Beaidoa4were ter, Margaret, Toronto, are visiting Mr. Line, Darlington, July 2. Colin Smith. phone 28-r6. 25-tf. guesta of Mn. and Mrs. 'Grant Ed- and Mn,. T. W. Cawker, "Norway Coi- KIRBY-In R ech Towfinship, June 27, LOCAL REPRESENTATIVIE WANTE.D wards, Bowmanville-o-hetka.gDeMbl" .Ba.o h Mdcs tf James Kirby, in s 7t er -To seil for "The Old Reliable Fonthil 'On Thursday, June 22, a pleasant of Hamilton Sanitarium, atteadedth WALKER-,-In Port Hope, July 3, John Nurseries". Langeai list of fruits and eveniag was spent when a surprise Foster Family picnic at "Norwood Place" 'William Walker," aged 59 year,. ornamental, te offer, exclusive territory, pary asgienMis Gan Ewadson Tuesday. LANCASH IRE-In Bowmanville, at the higbest commissions, handsome free party was given MMr.andsM..GA.W.tPikamdBow-residence of ber niece, Miss Basset, 0, on et. Wiefrfllpriuas la honor of hier birthday. The guests MrnildM. and Mrs. . R. P ick o- Jn ,Hanb acahr Stone & Wellingtan, Toronto, Ont. 25-4 to the number of about twenty enjoy- ard, Windsor, were registered ai '"TheI OGDEN-At Genenal Hospital, Toronto,' ed dancing and singing tili midnight Empress", Peterboro, on Tuesday. July 3, Dorothy Jane Nicholson, belaved whe a ufft lnchonwassered. Mn.andMr. R T.Humy ad bbewife of J, FP. Ogden, Agincouri. Iatenred, CHERRY PRTSERVING SEASON Severai piano selections by Mis.* Hunt Toronto, Mr. and Mn,. Edward Mayer aiLenton. j Threser Ssk, n ehTey seaso isu nlow aithe and Misses Dorothy and Virginia Mayer. A X/ sie ako bth'eixgosppyfte were greatly enjoyed. Alter wish- Bulffalo, N. Y., were holiday guesis 0f June 15, Russel Alexander, eldest son of red sour as -well as the black and ing Mis. Edwards best birthday Mne. T. H. Inigeht. tDr. and Mns. Herb. Alexander, aged 171 white vanieties. Pnices are reason- wlshes the guests departed- to their. Ban d concert was given Tuesday nîgbi yeams. 6 months. abejdrnwanscta h - "~pe4~ £~tag5~ h'e eekinaealiaf iIdy. N co- ISCOTTr-ITiiColumbus, July2.3, MrËaretl frut-yubu srwnsdpacked cent neataweelç onà-, Store Opens at 8 a. m. Closes 6.30 p. m. Larges t Stock of Cooked Meats In Town. Something to please every taste and pocket book, G. A. EFdmondstone One door east of F. F. Morris Co.' Bowmanville Th ie Shop That Leads Keeping Cool in the hot summer weather is easy if you have smooth-fitting ,light underwear, generously eut shirts and collars of comfortable height and shap- ing. Our Men's Furnishings- include garments and haberdashery in the newest approved styles, designed for-Summer comfort, G. N>j. THvIURSTON Bowmanville's Up-to-date Haberdashery and Fur Shop. Phone 21 Ceiàipelanld Sho,(e Store ANNUAL SALE 0F WOMEN S -SUMMER SHOES STARTS ON TUESDAY, JULY 4TH $5.95 Oxfords, Straps, Sandals, Sport Shoe's Patnta Sedeether shigindlo Tan and Brown Caîf Black Kid and, Caîf, pheels. LAHRHE Ail high grade Canadian made shoes smart iii jstyle, correct in every detail, of excellent material and expert workmanship. Ail styles and sizes in telot, but not in each kind. SPECIAL FOR MEN ]lack and Tan Oxfords "Siater" 30 pairs going at ............$5.95 No Refund on Sale Shoes là Eý ýéýc ffim7 ýl* ' ýý

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