Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jul 1922, p. 6

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BOWMANVILLE,-JULY 6th, 1922. TYRONE (From or own correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie, Toronto, were guests at Mr. Stewart's; Mr. and Mrs. Dob- son and John, Toronto, at Mr. Ray- mond Davey's, and other relatives; Mr. and Mrs. C. Philp and family, Toronto, at his grandmother's, Mrs. Thos. Gardiner; Mr. and Mrs. T. Branton, Whitby, at her brother's, Mr, T. Curtis; Miss Margaret Moore, Oshawa, at Mr. W. H._ Moore's; Master Russel Leslie, Toronto, !i spending the summer with his lîttie friend, Master Teddy Woodyard; Mr.1 F. W. O. and Miss E. M. Werry, called on a number of old friends in Toronto last week enroute the Iving- Hines wedding in Danforth Method- ist Church; Mr. A. F. Annis, B. A., and Miss E. U. Nef, B. A., Toron- to, at Mr. A. W. Annis'; Miss Irene Werrny, Oshawa, is holidaying at Mr. M. J. Werry's; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Werry and Montrose Werry, Wood- stock at his brother's, Mr. J. H. Werry; Mr. Ernest and Miss Elma Gardiner. at Mr. B. F. Gardin- er's. Miss Gardiner has accepted the Smithfield school for another year ..Mr. and Mrs. Aikins, Billy and Norman, Miss M. Dexter and Mr. F. Pieken, Toronto, at Mr. W. H. Haif- acre's .... Haydon was well patron- ized by our people on Saturday, July lst. Our basebali team playing' against Enniskillen making a credit- able score .. .. Don't miss League this Thursday, Mr. M. A. James will be there to present the banner which he so generously gave to the Leag- ue..... .Mrs. M. J. ýWerry was called to Oshawa last week owing to the ser- Mous illness of ber mother, Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin. Rer many friends will be glad to know that time of writ- ing she is some better. SOLINA '(From our own correspondent.) Visitors: Mr .and Mrs, L. Harris, Toronto, Mrs. A. McMullen, Oshawa, at Reeve Baker's; Miss Irene Argue, Toronto, at home; Mrs. C. Mackey and Greta, Brooklin, at Miss M. Ho- gaith's;, Mr. Everett Cryderman, Mr. E. R. Taylor and Miss Lyda Taylor at Providence; Miss Lena Taylor has returned to Toronto; Mr. Norman Reynolds, B. A., Toronto, and Mr. Jos. Reynolds, Cherrywood, at home; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Han- Reock and Miss Alice, Aberta, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Werry and Audrey, Oshawa, Mr,. and Mrs. C. Fry and famîly, Norwich, Mrs. (Rev.) W. H-.i Barraclough, Lindsay, at ýMr. A. L. Pascoe's; Mr. and'-Mrs. Herb. Tink,' Columbus, Mr. and -Mrs,. Fred Hardy and daughter, TorQrfto, at Mr. Harvey Hardy's; Miss Edith.. Beacock, Bowý manville, at Mr. C. H. Scott's; Mr. R. J. MeKessock is attending Toi,- onto University ... . The- Regt. foot. hall team, Oshawa, play the local team here Saturday eveni.ng ...Messrs. jJ. Baker, H. E. Tink, H. Pascoe and E. R. Taylor disposed of Shropshire Shearling lambs to go to Japan. Solina Women's Institute will meet on Wednesday, July 12, at Mrs. W. T. Taylor's at 2.30 p. ni. Dr. G. 1C. Bonnycastle, Bowmanville, w1ll address the meeting. NEW GARAGE Mr- Frank Rogers, wishes to in-. form the people of Darlington that he has opened a garage on Main Street, Hampton, south of post Office, where he is prepared to do repairs on ail makes of cars. 27-4w* BUR KETON, DARLINGTON TYRONE IMZON (Prom our'own correspondent.) (Prom our own .correspondent.) (Prom our own correspondent.) (Prom our own correspondent.) Leage i eloed or uly nd ug- Visiors Mr.W. asce an MisesMr. Eýlmer Prost and Miss Wright, Pet- Leage i cloed or uly nd ug- Visiais Mi.W. asce an Mises A good time was spent at the W., erboro, visited friends. .Mjss Evelyn Fice ust ... . S.. S. and Church as usual Madelipe and Edna Pascoe, Toronto, M. S. quilting when the ladies quilt- and Miss Tenemant, Oshawa, at Mr. Fices. .. Seeralfrom hereattended Inext Sun.day morning .... The school with M4rs. Roy Metcalf; Mi,. and' Mis. ed six quilts. The Auxiliaryý are Hamtoc anerar.... .vri rMissAne' Fr picnic which was heid in Mr. Fred Wm. Scott, Moorefield, with Mrs. E. sendinga bale of quilts and clotbing of Toronto, at ber sister's, Mrs. Thos. lludson's grove Fîîday was well-at- J. Burk and other relatives; Mi. to Miss Jackson's Mission and ahl do- Martin. . .. Several have started haying tened. Weahe wa idalanda ilndMis. John Metcalf, Oshawa, with nations will be appreciated. Bale and prospects look good for a good grain tendd. Weathr ws idal ad ai ancrop the rain doing everything a lot of enjoyed_ themselves .... .Mr. Robert relatives; Mr,. John Langstone and bis to ho packed at paisonage very soon. good on Saturday.... .Mr. and Mrs. Aif Philp bas a cellar dug for a new grandson, Mi. and Mis. Percy Lang- The annual strawbeîîy festival un- AYre and Mr. and Mrs. A. T_ Stainton house whî ch hie intends ta buîld this stone, Mr. and Mis. H{arold Lang- der auspices of W. M. S. was a de-.andfaiy .M.attnded t.heri lincon summer.... School is losed and the stone, Mi. and Mis. Ernest Kincade, cided success. A very interesting'and Miss Orma motored to Port Hope.. children are at libety .... Recent Toronto, at Mr. W. H. Woods'; Mis. baseball game between Hampton and .Mrianvsd Mrs. .G-Chas.,Viian'nd heavy rains have improved the ap- J. Bell with Miss Edith Platford, Tyrone young ladies was being play- Brooklin. .. .Kedron Ladies' Aid visited pearance of the gardens and crops. . Toronto; Mi. and Mis. Roy Metcalf ed when the rain came on and the Zion Ladies' Aid Thursday afternoon... The motor traffic is heavy between at Hampton; Mr,. and Mrs. Bruce game bad ta be called off. After ail Mr. Wesley Cameron returned from Metalfwit frend inWes Osawa dd fli ustce a te ecelentsuperOrmustown Pair, he having accompanied the lakes. eal ihrinsiWetOhw;ddfljutc oteecletSPr Mr. Aif. Ayre .... .Mr. AIlf.Avre returned 'Mi. W. C. Blackburn and Miss a splendid program was given in the home from Ormstown Pair.. Out of 64 Stla ecslat Mark Black- church that was enjoe y vrone~ entries he won over 60 Pr zs. M* sa joyd b evryi Cora Crùse has returned ta berhe% for HAMPTON burn's; Mr. Cedri an.d Miss Annie Program opened wîtb a f ew remarks'vacation.... .Mr. and Mrs. BronTor (Prom our own correspondent.) ! Parsons at Whitby. from the Piesident, Mis, W. T. eonta, visited Miss Hilda Langmad Holiay vsîtos: Ms. I Cla e AdJ Livîngston, living near Asb- Wickett-who made an ideal chairlady._______ a oda udeyToronto, with. Cerkeln City, Tennessee, says: "I f eel Splendid selections were given by the ~eî,Mis.L. Cyderan; aughlike going from house ta bouse and Bragg Quartet, Mrs. Potts, Bowman- DVTE MOHRPS S leMs. MLon Averan Ms Lep telling the people about Tanlac.- ville, gave a very helpful address oni Mr.MitnAvr ndMs LpaJury & LovelI.. "Oui, duty ta the strangers witbinî The many friends in this towa and Doncaster, Bowmanville, at R. ______oui Gates" whicb was greatly enjoyed vicinity of Mi. A. R. Scott, B. A., Avçry's; Mi. and Mis. T. Salter, The junior boys and girls gave two Mathemiatical Teacher of Bowman- Mimico, Mis. John Tîewin, Hampton, ENFIELD interesting numbers under leadership ville Higb School, will sympathize at F. .G. Kerslake's; Mi. and Mis. of Miss Velma Staples. Piano solo witb him in the death of bis mother, Ed. Ward and sons, Toronto, at Theo. (From oui own correspondent.) -by Miss Staples and a reading by Mis. Mrs. James Scott who passed quietly Salter's; Mis. Caroline Montgomeýy, Visitais: Mi. and Mis. Campbell Ed. Doidge concluded a most interest- ta rest on Monday, July 3rd, at bier Mi. and Mis. Clifford Peters, Mi. Simpson, Renfrew, at Mi. C. Simp- nprga, Poed 1.1,,îo iClubs and Mis. Percy Peters, Toronto, at E. son's; Messrs. P. Densem, Elmo gpria, Poed$5.. hmenCoubs Tîull's; Misses Carnie and Lillie Ashton, Misses Irene Ashton and Dor- Coins are caused by the pressure Deceased was bain ,mn Wbîtby Smale, Oshawa, at home; Mi. Albert athy Davis, Toronto, at Mr. F. T. of tight boots, but no one need ho township, sixty-one yeaîs ago and Gay and Mi. Clarence Gay, Mis. Ashton's; Miss Myîtle Hobbs, Tor- tîoubled with them long when sa sim- was the daughter of Andrew and, Black, Mis. Young and childien, Toi- anta, at Mi. J. Hobbs'; Mi. and Mis, pie a îemedy as Holloways's Coin Re- Marion Keitb Lawrence. Abouti onta, wîth their pairents, Mi. and Mis. R. Pascoe, Sauina, at Mi. L . C. Pas- moveri vial.thiîty-five years ago she was united W.H a;M.ai r .A o ;Mr.- and Mis. S. Tapp, Tor-la maîriage witb James Scott and! Ormison's;Mi. they lived on the bomestead near Graham and daughter Lenora, Mim- o nta, at Mi. W. J. ritnsM.ENIKL N Aibet an son ENNSKILEN Enfield in Daîlington township until ico, Miss Laura Dundas, Toronto, at et Niddery Cliaotaya and ahafagolvintbe S. Bates'; Mr. and Mis. J. B. Harn Tweed, at Mi. John Hepburn's; Mi. (Prom aur own correspondent.) mbovedt a Columbds. Mis. o hnt ba an.d famîly, Peterboro, Mis. W. G.i and Mis. Rook and famiiy at Messrs. Recent visitoîs: Mr. and Mrs. H. John- boen n oCo lb fors.St h ast Hamm, Pickering, Mi. Fiederick John and H. Stinsan's; Mi. an.d Mis, son, Mi. and Mrs. A. Stainton and son eniporhat for he as Manning, Toronto, Mis .Bennett, i Arthur Page, Toronto, and Mi. and, Clifford at Mrs. .John Pye's; Mi. and eleven montbs. The funeral took MrMs. Wm. Robbins, Eowmanville, at bis place Wednesday afteînoon ta the Bowmanville, at C. Hoîn's; Mis. F. iMis. Lloyd Page, Cartwright, at M.bîother's, Mr. Frank itobbins; Mr. and Union cemetery, Oshawa, service be- Densem, Bawmanville, witbh ler 5 . Page's; A baby girl aîîiv.ed at Mir.vrs. Levi Annis, Toronto, at Mr-. H. mother, Mis. T. Wilacx; Mr. and W . Ferguson's on June 30 ... . Rev.i Stevens'; Mr. and Mis. Wallace Stainton ing canducted by bier minister, Rev. atMr. James Stainton's and Mr. W.- J. R. Fraser,. pastor of -the Presbytei- Mis. C.- .McBîide, Peterboro, witb, E. A. Tonkin an aid Enfield boy willi Moore's; Mi. and Mrs. Jas. Perguson, ian cbuîch, of whicb she bas been a lier parents, Mir.and Mis. Gea. White; preacb here Sunday .... Mr. Fred, tlxbridge, at Di. Pergusons; Mr. andi Mis Mi. Frank Cryderman, Albert Col- Smith bas a new car...Several P. Baker and Miss Leolla McMann, Bow- life-long member. Besideslber soi- fromthi setio atendd te f n vile, at, Mr. D. Bîunt's; Miss Mary rowing busband she beaves a family leye, Belleville, at home; Miss Jessie! rmti'eto teddte-ul Brunt at home; Mis. Chas. Stewart and Tuit, Bllevlle Mis Sprgo Bo eral of Mis. James Scott, Columbus, Miss Phennie Hall visited fîiends in Osh- thîee daughters and two sons: Mis. Titev, Bleile isSpro ow n ouhrington Mr and Mrs. Arthur Ross, Columbus; Mis. Geoj m ville, at C. W. Souch's; Mi. and on July 5th. Hayin. bas startedawaoand re South PocuinrMis cttTuton; Misr.si cota Mis. 'F. A. Cale and- sons, Toronto Icrop a gaod average.,- 'sarnan d Mie, S.tA. J .Knx, mOron ottano;Ms eseSota at H. E. Cole's; Mis. Thos. Creeper: Messrs. Samuel Bray and Fred Mc-, at Mis . H. J. Weiiy's; Msses Mldred hm;M.WhaeSoto h Toronto, with friends; Mi, Lewis Keazie attended the big Shorthoîn Lawiie, Helen Knigbt andi Gertrude Oke, homestead and Mi. A. R. Scott, B. A., Sale -~~~~~1Bomanville, at Mi. Wesley Okes; Miss omavle Tbe botes Buînett, Maîkham, with relatives;'al of Russell, Watt & Gaîdhouse' Ventîess at Mrs. W. Ashton's; Miss Maud oiavle he rtes Mi. and Mis. R. Hall and daughter' arWoston last week. Mi,' Mc-:'Curtis and Mi. Johnson, Toronto, at Mi. Messrs. W. L. Lawrence, Brooklin; Oshwa M. ndMr. d.La ad enze se vryfneai p i T '.MGI'lîs and E. Ashton's; Miss Wmn- John Lawrence, Myrtle; A. G. Law- Oshaa, i. nd is.Ed.Lawand enze prchseda vry ine issrt nie Oke, Toronto, ls holidaymng at Mr. E. ronce, Cleveland, Ohio, and one sister, son, Toronto, at Mi. Geo. Wite's; ed bull... . Miss H. Irene Bray, Ms C. -Ashton's; Miss Thompson, Millbiook, Mi. T. 5Sanhouse, Neepawa, Mani- Ethel L. VanNest, Mi. A. W. Worth- at Mis. A. Herrings; Mi. andi Mis. E. Mis, John Mountjoy, Kedron also Staples, Mi. J .MéGili. Mr. Poy and Mis,. survive. One sisteî, Mis, John Oîm- taba, at Mis. F. Ruse's; Mr'. and Mis.. ington, Toronto, Mr. and Mis. Ed. Thos. MeGl attendefi the Manvei Old itn ern idafwyasao Royal Hall and family,* Mrs., M. i Bradley and sans, Oshawa, Mis. (Dr.) Boys iteunion at Janetville on Monday; itn ern îdafwyasao Masan, Miss McQueen, Mnr.and Mis. 1 W. A. White and Miss Mildred, New Mi.. J. Orchaifi and Miss Marion Or- chard et bis daughteî's, Mis.' Fred Hed- John Williams, Mr. and Mrs. F. -J. York City, Mi. and Mis. NormalS. don, Columbus; Mi. Campbell andi child- Clemens, Mi. and Mis. C. Clemence, B . James and daughter Darotby ren and -Miss Margaret Stewart, Oshawa, Oshawa; Mi. EKd. Law and friends, were Sunday visitais at Mi. Samuel at Mi. C. Stewait's; Mi. O. Byeîs, Toi- onto, at bis fathei's, Mi. N. Byeîs; Mis Mr. Clarence Martin, Mi. W. Pascoe, 1 Biay's, "Bimeside Faim". Theo Siomon and Master John at beriý MissPasoe nd issEdn Pacae I or uin an Sclds-.--Di Thm- fatheis, Mr. John Sandoîs, Bowmanville;; MisPace adMssusselie orBrs n Od.-r ho- p 1 ilbert is woaîing a smillng Mi. and Mis. F. A. Cale and sons, Mi.! as' Eclectric Oul will take the flueot face these das-It's a girl. Congratu- Ed. Wad, Oscr and loydMr. of a humn or scald. It should ho at lations ... . Reseve edsay ty19 Howad Pice Toont; Mr Leis andin ver kithenso ha itmayfor E. L. Social. Paîticulaîs next week Howad PceTorato;Mu.Lewi had i evey ktchn 50tha itmay A veîy inteîesting meeting of the W. Burnett, Markbam; Mi. EFI G. Kers- ho available at any time. There is M. S. was beld at the home of Mis, W.: lake, Pickering; Mi. and Mis. C%. no preparation required. Just ap- Sandeison on Tuesday. Mis. J. E.%H Fry, Mary and Fred, Norwich, Mis. ply the ail ta the hurn ai scald and the Biancb ameeting ....Miss Laveine! (Rev.) W. H. Barraclough, Lindsay, 1the pain will abate an.d in a short Griffin and Master -Ellis Griffin badl their Cea. Caîr iserecuperating with friends Feîaguson on Tuesday.. near Tronto Hopeshe rturnj Rev. G. T. MeKenzie is 'holidaying,, much impîoved in heaith ... . King-st. EBENEZER . BleileadLk Cuhcig. . e are glau uo, ave: Chai Methodist Church, Oshawa, enjoyod a . Rev. Milton Sanleison will take otinnmbr pienie in aur park on Wednesday. . (Pom oui own correspondent.) ih services on Enniskillen circuit turn n large n m es . Mr. E. Horn is nursing a lame knee Mi. H. Bradley of Enniskîllen bas aext Sunday and Rev. E. A. Ton- to be a treat and ins' !rat the effects of playing an aver stren- puîchased fram Mrs. W. Wilson bier kin on Sunday, Tuly 16th.P uaus game of football on July îst thieshing outfit,_ consisting of Tract-SEC when they held the Ebenezer team rion steam engîne, grain thiesher, HAYDON.SE I down ta a tie While on, the other claver mill and silo filler anid is bav- ____1 For thîs occasion we hav( knee hoe is nursing a fine baby girl.I ing the whole autfit oveîbauled ready1 (Fro oui own correspondent.) I sm tin w rhW iei Mis. Thas. Creeper, Toronto, Mi. foi work la this viinity. . ..The The S.7S Anniveisaiy was beld on Sun- and Mus. J. J . Lordc, Mr. and Mis. amazing frîendliness of sanie few of 'day. J,îne 25, serivices being beld in the, departments of our big st( Mrs.J. . Rndle Soina Mr.andthetows pepleforthei contr spcious tent, prettily decoratefi witb' i Mis J. . RudleSaun, Mu andthe awnspeopo fo ther cOntryflags, bunting, maple leaves, flawers and sm fteesvns W. G. Rabbins, Bowinanville, Mi,. andi cousins- is most surpiising, even ta Plants, whicb. were arranged artistically olofte svn . Mis. F. Jones, Wbîtby, were recent vîsîtîng the faîmers pea fields on Sun- aîound the platfoîm. Rev. L. E. Zavitz, guosts of Mi and Mis. Jas. Curtis.... dàys with bags- and baskets ta assistIEn. A., Bowmanville, delivered two excel- ont and impressîve addîesses, bath thor- Women's Institute meetingý will be the working mon with their baîvest- oughly appîeciated by bis many bearors.! held Thursday, July 13 in Bungalow. ing. The cammunity would îeally In the afternoon'he diîected bis attention! SPECIA Grandmother's Day prgram. Ail apprecita thercmay oeon i o eYoung people in a most oarnost Granmoteî' Da prgram Al aprecate<ther cmpay mre n ataîk on Tuxis boys' woîk. In the evenîng; ladies invited. . .. Mi. and Mis. Gea. week day and use a little judgment-ho chose for bis text "Sir, we would see' Elliott, Toronto, visitod at Mr. Thos. by nat destroying mare of the crop Jesus" and beld the attention af bis large Lades Silk Hose, in ailà Elit'.tban tboy can use. Automobiles for audience in this saul-stirring address. . TeS.S. members fuînished excellent; ______________________Sun.day -picnics are not veîy mach'musie,« îeflecting great credit ta those wha1 sizes, very special at $1L approciated in this section and os- bhad charge of the training. Able assist-_ Ladies' Lisle Hose in brow, pecillywbe thir oner ordriersance was givon by Mis. Alex. Colville of I ia awy when appoaeod. ve'Bwanvilea 0ogular soloist who lent iRegular $1.00, Sale Prie aumber of oui people were at New-, enjoymnent of eveyn..' t Ladies' Cotton Hose in blaé castle on Dominion Day and many Satuîday, July lst, Dominion Day, Ial3c o yrod anatbeî social and financial suc-1 eua 5 o otheis spont the afternoon and oven- cess in the bistory of Haydon Sundayc'Sm eCostV ing at Hampton and report a gaod School. Cîowds of people from neai and' Lad les'u mrCres time at bath places.... Congratula- far gathered once more ta tbis favoritel ~ad .~,ad$ 0i'le owntohelp in clebîating this tin oorfootball teamn in holding grand natal day anniversaîy 0f o Io-$1Swed 1.9aters2 the Hampto boys ta a tie game minion of Canada.,Do Ladies' Woollen S etr (witb a goal ta spar) ... . A goodj The ladies again spread their white; overs in ail shades, regular Congeaion was puesont on Snday oan tables 'neath the tent, and made' ta welcamePato oo back fîo m oamost attractive witb fiagiant bau- for to wlcom Pator oycebac £ro > qetswhicb. always onticos the friends ta o Confeetat take up bis fourth, draw near and paîtake of the abondance yea's o . Ho reaboda sien of goad eats provided by the ladies of dîd sermon on the suhject of "Thînk-, busy serving the people as tboy came inCI ing" ... . Go ta Sunday Scbool was their tomn. S E ohserved at the afternoan Session While tea was boing seived severail Er witb about 180 present.- The mem- laved A teresin gamo of baial wée 8 lbs. Granulated Sugar, Si bois of the school were assisted on enjoyed by on-lookers be0tween the ladi* tepîagram hby Mr. Druri, Supt. Of of Tyrone and Enniskillen îesulting in al Con 5. s. Toronto., score mucb in favor of Tyrane. A îiveîy BiihClmilikS th ogregatianal S .Trno game of football was thon played by En- rts ou baPn a MisLwless of the staff of the 0. _R. niskillen and Haydon Intermediate teams,tis2fo E.CToronto, and -a splendid ad- w1h cr a_ tie 0-0. Thon anotherj 1D Vcan have this greatly needed service j E S .... Sboweus on Saturday morinngj Cdo orsodn nOhw I- D E V ESwere very pleasing ta the farmieis. . 1 oi-o respo en then psaw anRe- Faîl wbeat le looking very fine.., Afford W'" put an by Maple Grave young1 M.Caec udeand friends'poople gays: It is a bright little play I/ Mi. larnce unde Cortie..and was well put an, each and eveuy i CASH, SHOE STORE called on Mr. and Mis. K. Cor mi.. erson ddl' er part well. Specli mon- 2 J. .Mr. C. Penfound and sisters en- tion mlght be made of Mine Constance aM joyed a motor trip ta Toronto and leward who lmpersonated the character' Niagara, reently. of îdy" adPHONEwn e83 Moffatt Garage, Service There's a big difference between merely get- ting something done and getting Service. Service not only sees th-at you get what you want, but that you get it as you want it-when you want lt-at a fair price. We carry this theory into practice on every repair job entrusted to our care. Our custom of, doing, a littie more than is necessary rather than a a littie less has lengtheiied the life of many a car in this territory. It will lengthen the life of yours. Run it in and let us look it over. WHO IS MALCOLM MORRISON ? We have been very fortunate in securing the services of Malcolm Morrison, head repair mar. from our OsEawa Garage, who is no green horn on the job, having had 15 years' practical expérience. You take no chance in haying Mr. Morrison repair your car. WATCH FOR SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT NEXT WEEK N ffatt Mttor1Sale COMPANY Bowmanville Phone 248 I -cornme To, LUTAUQUAý autauqua in our midst again and hope -the citizens will to e4~j oy it as every entertainment and- lecture. is bound t;ion to both Young and old. [AL FOR CHAUTAUQUA WEEK ve put forth an extra effort to also give our customers n the way of down right unadulterated values im, ail tore. The foliowing lists will give-you a slight idea of ALS FOR CHAUTAUQUA WEEK shades and 1.29 per pair mv and grey, 59c pair ,k and white 25c per pair eryspecial at ,.25 per pair ;and pull- rup to $3.95 $2.95 Pure Linen Glass Towels, very speciai 25c 32 inch Gingham ,different patterns and colors, Regular 45e at 39c per ycl Children's Cotton Hose, biack and tan, Regular 35e for 25e 36 inch Chintz in a large range of pat- terns, very special at'- 35c per yd Corne and inspect'our miii ends of Em- broidery and. Laces at very reduced prices. ALS FOR CHAUTAUQUA WEEK St. Lawrence 65c, ilmon, 12 lb 25c er, is tail tin 25c tin k 25c b ing Po wder pkgs. for 22e ey last 23c ea Pickles, Chow Chow, .Celery Reiish and other varieties, a real bargain 1IOc bottie Pulso Stove Polish 7c per pkg Pure Bulk Ceylon Tea, try it 40C lb Old Cheese, good and nippy 25c lb Pure Cocoa, 1 lb. packages, 2 for 35c Lilac Rose, Goblin and Fairy Toilet Soap, 3 cakes 23c Jeliy Powders in Glass Moulds, al flavors, 2 for 25c Brooms, 4 string 49c each ALS FOR CHAUTAUQUA WEEK sin naturai eir for $1,00 îork Shirts, 1to give sat- $1.48 each rid Drawers, 69c, garment .w sizes left, at $1 .95 pair Pure Wooi f awns and trimmed at $3.95 Suit Men's Fine Lisle Hose, ail shades at 48e per pair Men's High Grade Fine Rib Combina- tion in white lîsie xith long sleeves and ankIe length - at $1 .95 suit Boys' Cotton Jerseys, navy and card- inal, khaki and white, sizes 2 to 12 years at 48c each Boys' Long Khaki Pants, a real savIng at $1.59 per pair Boys-' Hatchway No Button Athietie Unrlerwear, sizes 26 to 32 at $1.15 suit irty C .,Ltd. BOWMANVILLE , 4 I. ~1 Il Uai. You Tr Leavi Holida) will enjoy right kind I havei and invit( Shoesf wear froir s BathingS $1.50 per combinati Take a holiday or W. CLeAL $1.75Et24$

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