Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jul 1922, p. 9

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0£ Making Men and WomenI <~ In Physique, Mind and Character This is what we are doing. along the broad Unes of education and trainingat ALBERT COLLEGE Belleville, Ontario This residential School. established 64 years ago. prepares Young men and women for Univerity, Ministry, Teaching or Commercial careers. Courses in music, expression, physical culture and art. Seven-acre athietic field. Sports encouraged. SCH0OL RE-OPENS SEPT. l2th For caIendar, write to- Rev. B. N. Baker, M.A., D.D., Principal, Belleville, Ontario. BsETTER THAN MOTHr'ER MADE MOTHFJRS'S bread was good-there's no doubt about it. You enjoyed eating the bread she pro- duced, It waE the best you could get then. It.is different to-day. The bakers who make our bread are experts, -carefully trained in that art. Our modern, sanitary shop contains equip- ment which has made baking a science. With such a combination our bread is par excellence, and we believe, even better than mother used to make. Try a loaf to-day. TLHOMAS'TO0-D Baker and Confectionier Bowmanville Cream Wanted! Prices of Creammare high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream, ýWe. Want Yours If we fail to cali on you we wouid appreciate a phone cali or write us. Orono Creaniery Co., ORONO A Wise ï3ulider USES THE BEST MATERIALS Rogers Cernent-.rakes the best foundation. Ontario Pine-B. C. Fir-and Quebec Spruce make the best superstructure. B. C. Cedar Shingles or Vulcanite Roofing make the best covering. Beaver Brand Hardwood Flooring is more dur- abl an saitay than any other, therefore it i the best -fiooring. Beaver Board Plain or Beaver Board Grained make handsome walls and ceiling. Pine Doors, Sash and inside trim make the best finish. The People's Fuel and Lumber Depot is the best place to buy. Prices reasonable and a square deal for every- Sbody. Cali and see us. McCleIIaii & Co., Limited King St. East Office Phono 14 -Bowmanville Hou., Phono. 228, 274, 218 If your aven is slow ta heat you will find Egg-O just as slow to act- its double action insuiros% leavening with a slow or hot aven. EGG- ORDER FROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER e 49 BOWMANVILLE, JULY 6th, 1922. THE MEMOIRS 0F A MEGALOMANIAC By Chas. M. Bice, B. A., LL. B., Denver, Colorado Considerable excitement was occas- ioned recently at Leipsic,,Germany, in1 the offices of a publishing company. It was besieged by American publish- ers, a syndicate of managers and, we may.say, exploitors. The dispatches state that some of them employed special trains and others took to fiy- ing machines to reach the scene in time or to be there first. There was to be sold the publication rights of the memoirs of William Hohenzollern, the great ex-Kaiser, already marked down in the book of Fate as the arch fiend and cuiprit of the centuries, the sole personage responsible for the great world war that sacrificed mil- lions of lives and untold millions of wealth, and came near wrecking civil- ization itself. A- sorry figure he cut during the war and a worse one since the war-a paltroon in the hour of danger, a strutting egotist when he feit that bis armies were about to win. For a quarter of a century he was the fire- brand of Europe. Ris intense self importance became a mania that brought ruin in the world. And yet he was merely the creature of cir- cumstaace. H1e did nothing himself; lie was bora to the purpie. He won no battie; lie led no army to victory; lie accomplished nothing in diplomacy. H1e was in no sense a Frederick the Great--4he greatness lias been ques- tioned in recent years-and li& cer- tainly was no Napoleon. If lie had not been bora heir to the throne lie would neyer have been lieard of a mile from bis home. But lie took advantage of tlie supposed strengtli of the nation, of whîihlie was the accidentai Kaiser, to foster war and encourage the national monomania f or world dominion. It, is claimed by tlie participants in the deal,, that this man-wlio a few years ago was tlie scorn- of tlie nat- ion, is to receive a cool million Amer-' ican dollars for tlie ri ts to lis so called memoîrs. 1ti~ oasted tliat this is the largest amount that was ever paid at an time for the publi-1 cation riglits of a book of any char- acter -whatsoever. A million dollars for what? A million dollars that this unrepentent megalomaniac may publisli to the world a garbled ac- count of lis worthless if e and a de- fense of lis conduct in the war. In fact m-oney tliat will enable hlm to retura to Germany as a hero and dlaim the tlirone that lie so cowardly abdîcated wliea danger loomed, and begin preparation for a "corne back"' a war of revenge upon the nations tliat so unceremoniouslsy crushed him. A million dollars that this Egoist, may dishonor the dead, insult the living and client the nation lie flouted and deserted in the bour of its peril. Think of it! Does any one imagine tliat Wil- lrelm, who fied the scene wiea lie saw danger, and earned tlie opprobrium of lis former slaves for his coward- ice, is going to tell the trutli or add anything real to our knowledge - of events of the last eiglit years or the years preceding? The man is s0 constituted that lie could not tell the trutli if he were to receive another million to do so; the trutli is not in him. THE «'NEW NORTH" A Sportsman's Paradise To mea who spend their vacation fishing, hunting or canoeing, Canada is fiist among the countries of the world for the opportunities it affords for indulgence la aither of tliese in- vîting, invigorating and exciting pas- times. But there iz one part of the Do- minion which is particularily inviting to the sporting fisherman, the big game hanter or the canoeist. It is wliat is aptly termed Canada's- New North"~, reaclied via Cochirane, and comprehenids that vast stretch of vfr- gin country coatiguous to the Cana- dian National Railways, Transcontin- ental Division extending across the upper part of the provinces of Ontar- io and Quebec for a distance of over a tlousnnd miles, with Hudson Bay ns its nortliern lîmit. To quote a traveler who knows it well: "It is a virgin country just as God made it". To the sportsman this nortliern country la a veritable paradise. With- la its vast forests there roam at will neariy ail species of big game com- mon to the Northi American continent, 0f the big and burly moose it la the home,.lied deer have a wide range and in some sections are numerous, while Caribou are to be lad by the hanter wlo seeks tlem in their feed- ing grounds. Ia several districts bear are to bc found, while the small- er fur-bearîng animals are common to a wide range of territory.- Disciples of Izank Walton will find ia 'the aumerous rivers and lakes sl that thè most ardent of them can de- sire, both la regard to exteat and variety of fiali whicli abound la their waters. Lake, or grey trout, rang- ing in weiglt from six to tweaty pounds, are common to several of the lakes. Waters in which speckled trout abound are easily accessible, ai- thougli, naturally, the more remote the districts the better thc sport. Ia some of thc rivers and streams are to be cnught speckled brook trout (known also as the square tail trout weighing from five to seven pounds. Good bass fishing is to be lad ia cer- tain parts, and particularly la nortli- western Quebec. One specie of fish whicl is common to some of thc older parts of Canada not-foujid la this far-nortlprn country la the maskin- onge. But la some of the waters flowing into James Bay are to be cauglit the lordly sturgeon, sportsmen havîng landed fish of this species ranging la weight nîl the way from twenty to two hundred pouads. In thc waters contiguous to Hudson Bay excellent salmon fishing is occasion- ally experienced. Pike and pickerel are common to the waters of this norther.wild. To the canoeist who seeks adveat- ure in territory beyoadthe fringe of civilization the waters of the northern parts of Quebec and Ontario afford ideal facilities. Hivers, many of them miglty streams which for gen- erations have served as highways to adventurers, fur-traders and trappers bound to and from Hudson Bay, are aimost beyond compute la number, thc country beiag grîd-ii'oned by them. Woaderfully interesting can- 0o trips, éither extended or iimited, are available. Take for example the six routes of- Moose Factory of which find their way lato Moose River about 30 miles south of Moose Fact- ory on James Bay. Thc American people, those wlo Untii wîtnîn recent years this great new north was, inaccessible to tIose Iwent to war, andtIc relatives of who lad-but a f ew weeks' vacation ithose wlo sacrificed in thc war la this at their disposai. It could not ever country and in Canada, are expected be reacled- during an ordinary va- to pa y this million dollars and thc cation tern. New, over thc lines publisher's profits, by patronizing thîs of thc Canadian National Railways, compilation of lies and distortions, thc sporting fisherman, thc luater, facetiously styled "Memoirs" of a the canocist and holiday seekers la man who glorified war and gloried in era can, occupyiag en route mod- bloodsled so long as le was safe. ernly appoîatcd steel-constructed tuned o Gemsay st aît or-rains, rend points la this "Happy tured romGeranystae tat ourHunting Ground" la the course of a years after the surrender it is a ques- twet-orhu ore rmsc tionwhehera rferndu voe wuldcentres as Toronto and Montreal andi aut'returu, if not thls detestable cow- from New York, Chicago and Boston ard tIen another Hohqazollern to theic prxmtl hrysxhus tîrone. -Thc "republic" is still an napoiacytit-i as "iempire"e officially. Andi there is an interesting little igo-bookiet entitled "Whene to Hunt, If it lad not been for theic m-FisI and PatdlIe la the New North", inious fligît of their former ruler sud obtainable from any office of the deni$,deity, the mcynerchý 'ses would Canadian National Railways, whiclj have turaed to hlm ere this sud re- enables the holiday seeker te select peatcd Frendch history of a century hi apn rudi hspiea back, but thg, egoists cowardly con- prisemiggon.l hspiea duct sickened lis supporters.prdie The crown prince 's nanelias been A number, of sectional maps cov- submitted ýto the faitîful, but bis re- ering thc sporting territory from west cord is against liim. Recently le of Lake Nipigon to Western Quelce, publisled bis defense la a volume in whîcl are slown canoe routes and tînt found favor la certain circles,' trails, will prove invaluable to the including some lair-brained Amer- sportsman visitiag the territory. icaus, whieli brouglit hlm large finan- Thc Booklet also furnishes la- cial returas. Thc object, of course, formation regarding guides, outfit was to pave thc way for other thiags, and other aeccssary details. 262 sud create sympathy for lis disreput- able father. Senow thc man, if lie-may be dig- trial conditions in Germany are play- nified as sudh, who is uuiversally ing into thc hands of the Monarch- blamcd for briniging on the war to ists. Tic mark is gradually lower- satisfy lis unloly ambitions, sud to n ezraditi eoigcn reach thc stage of a Cacsar of the sng to zaerford thi eoming con-i twentietl century, is to appeal to stantly, hder for twrker to lie western hemisphere for, vindication, hd ecenowltce will naturll ake and for money to carry on lis propa- fllhlm witl a desire for a change. ganda in Germany to get back ou tic A-mouarchical Germaay wouid be a throne le so disgracefully sud ce*, world menace. Thc "memoirs" are ardly -deserted. This million dol- designed to prove tînt Wilhelm is a lars is to corne from American sud mudh-maligned individual both be- Candian gullibles with an implied fore ad duriug the war-that lie was endorsement as a part of tic propo- la fact the real dyed-in-the-twool gancla to returu tîls sneakiag Hohen a- emkr n t l ie h zolleùýagan tethe frome warm friend of civilization, that lie The Asseciated Press Story fo was tIc creature of fate and a Euro- Berlin told of tic fear existîug peau Cabal was bent on ovcrruling throughout Germaay of a well-pian- îîm, ned revoit to seat tic ex-Kaiser on tic tîrone. -For mouths the mon-/ archists have been secretly organiz- Chas. W. Hartley, died at bis home ing, sud, backed by thc Roman Cath- lu -Greeuport, Long Island, aged 71 olics party, are- evea veaturiag to yesrs. He was a native of Newcastlc,1 parade.lu publiec, making known their sud whcn sixteen years of age went desîres and pur ,poses. to Peterboro sud iearned harneas- Attacks have been made on the makiug latex .removing to the United preseat bourgeoise goverameut, with- States. out foundation, to belittle it in the Wise sud experieaced motlers eyes of the people, sud dhargiag it know wlien-their chiîdren are troubled with basely submitting to -tIe de- witl worms sud lose uo time lu ap- mands of the entente powcrs lu the plyiug Mlller's Worm Powders, a reparations award, sud se tliey are miost effective vermifuge. -It lsaba- cýalliug for the retura of one who will solute la clearing the system of worms dare the cuemies, sud organize tic and restoriag those healthy coudi- nation for defeuse agaiast invasion tiens withiout whidli tîcre can le no threateued particularly by France if comfort for the 'child, or hope of ro- tIe damages are not paid. bust growtli. It is a most trustwor- Unfortunately economie sud indus- 1tiy worm exterminator. Remedy for ' W ASTIIMA9 CATARRO and WEAK LUNOS ALSA EAI ng k ownta the nmcd- , introd uced into Canada, and this won- derful remnedy is now avaîlable for every. body. Already it has won phenomenal success, and is effecting remnarkable recoveries in the treatmne nt of Asthma, Catarrh, Weak Lungs and -other respWr atory troubles. Buy a bottle to-day JURY & LOVELL Druggists Bowmanville Bsanish Biliousness, Constipation and other dyspeptic disorders by a ,Make short course of Beecham's Pilis-the your unfailing rernedy for ail irregularities liver oif the digestive organs. For eliminat- WeIl ing waste products from the system, improving the appetite, strengthening the stomach,- and in other respects keeping the bodily health in a sound Take condition Sold everywhere iet us Examinie YourBATTERY XT W is the time to have your battery fresly charged and put into Scondition for the summer season. No matter what make of bat- tery you have, do flot hesitate to use~ Prest-0-Lite Service Stations. You are sure to find a battery ex- pert upon whose service you can--depend. He will prolong the life of your battery. Hie will not tell you P.11.Pthat you need a new battery unless you do. 25c-40 pilla But, if your battery is done, he wil tell you the style and size of Prest-O- Lite Storage Battery that is suited ta your car. It is very important that thei battery you buy is the right bat- tery for your car. 100 per cent. Canadian Made F. W. KIRKENDALL Temperance-st. Prest-O-Lite service is everywhere you go. More than 800 Prest-O-Lite Service Stations in Canada will pro- long the if e of your battery and keep it up to full efficiency, Bowmanvil1e THE OLDEST SERXVICETO MOTORISTS f -I -I ~'- IMPERIAL POLARINE QIL (Light Medlum Body) la the lubricant recommended for your Ford. >Poucn Briefly, these are somne of the resuits of using too heavy an oil for your Ford. (1) Engine drag and loss of power. (2) Improper oil distribution. (3) An overheated enginre. (4) Excess carbon deposit. (5) Unnecessary friction -and -car. (6) Large repair bis. (7) Rapid depreci-ition. (8) Excess fuel and oil consurnption. What îs the remnedy ? Use Imperial Polarine Motor Oil (Light Medium Body), which is especially adapted to the mnechanica»ýl requiremnents and operating conditions o f your Ford erigine. Have your cranîk case cleaned and refilled today with Imnperial Polarine Oul (Light Medium Body), and realize full Ford economny and efficiency. IMPERIAL QIL LIMITED Manufactureirs and Marketers of Imnperial Polarine Motor 0is and Marketers ins Canada of Gargoyle Mobilo il. Made ln ive grades for the proper lubrication of ail make3 of auto- mobiles. trucks and tractors. L- it ;e il n 1- n 1- d y a h d n e h ;t e 1 1 - - -, , - 1,ý, eïlls

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