Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 May 1922, p. 8

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THURSDAY, MAY il1 th. 1922 RIIUMÂTISM lawariably yield to this Tr.R.C.e (Tempn n R fheumatiecCap. suies) treatment. Many doctors an-d many hundreds of! druggist4 trein coast to coast will eonfixm thia truthy. The hundredu o!tes- timonlal letters ia Our files so that T.R.C.'s bave scesul treatd Rheumatiem, Lumbag, Neui1sý Selatica and &cute Men. a= 9cgail kinds. But the bet e i.-eî your own experie-nCe. K!~u Suer we want 700* t ye th 4. guarneed nn-iJrIu rsdy at 01ur epeS e Druge g lut. sel.l C.$lOpeh. Fer Pree Trial write T.t.c Q.. 6 Colborne St., Toront. Sold by Jury & Lovoil 'Two Months Could Not Tiurniin Bed. Lydia E. Pinicham's Vegetable Coin- Poimd Finally Restored Hîealth Seattle, Washington. - "I had drag- gmng pains first and could flot stand on niy feet, then 1 had cIlis and fever and such pains in Iny right Bide and a hard lump there. I coulhi flot turn myseif in bed and'couid flot sieep. 1 was this way for over two months, trying everything any one told mie, un- tiMy sister brought mie a bottie of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound. I took it regularly un- tii aIl the bard pains had left me and 1 was able to be up -and to do My work again. The haid lump ieft my side and 1 feel splendid in ail ways. 1 know of manry wonmen it bas beiped, "Y-Mrs. G. T- IARDsON, 4640 Orcas St., Seattle, XVashington. This i another case wbere Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetabie Compound broughtresutsafter ' tryingeverything any o.ne toid me" bad failed. If you are suffering from pin, ner- vousness and are always tired; ifyo 2na Low sPirited and good for notbing, take Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound. You may flot oniy relieve the present distress, but prevent the deveiopmnentof more serjous trouble. Wiiat This Buffalo Physician Blas Done For Humtanity The picture whicb appears here of Pr. Pierce of Buffalo, N. Y., was taken In 1910. As a yçung man Dr. Pierce practised mediciiie ln Pennsylvania and was known f ar and wide for bis great success in aileviating disease. He early moved to Buffalo and p ut up in ready - to - use form, bis Golden Medicql Discovery, the weii - known tonie for the biood. This strength- Wulder is made from a formula wbich Dr. Pierce found most effective iu diseases of the biood. It contains no alcohol and is an extract of native raots with the ingredients piai;niy stated on the wrapper. Goodrd biood vim, vigor and vitaiity are sure ta faûow if you take this Alterative lextract* Dr. Pierce's Golden Medicai Dlsaaery clears away pimples and annaying eruptions and tends to keep the complexion fresh and clear. This Pisoovery corrects the disordered con- ditions in a sick, stomach, aids diges- lion, acts as a £oxice and purifies the blcad. Write Dr.. Pierce's Invalids Hôtel in Buffalo, N. Y.,, and receive confidentiai medicai advice withoufr ohr¶e. Ail druggists seil 1)iscovery, ialteo iquid. The Double Track Route between Toronto Detroit tJ'uexcelled dining car ucrvlce. Sleeping cmr on night trains and Parlor cars on the pr4.cipal day traîna Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning T)litrict Passenger Agent, Toronto, J. .LH. JURY, Agoe ,PIon, 8Bewaavile Tise Great Englisis Preparatisn. ,V Tones and invigorates the whole nervous aystem. rnakes new Blood ini old Veins. Used for Nersous D'leblty, Metal and Brain Worry. &*.sondnv,, Lss f EavPalpitation of tse Heari, ailingAMe»sory. ice$2peeox,3t for Z5-, So.id by al druggists, or rnailed ini plain jkg.on reccipt cf pric. New pampkjeVt maited RAILWAY 'lIME TABLE- -UR BOWMAN VILLE. Grand Trunk Railway. Going Eau.. Going Weut Express 8.42 a. m. d Express 4.22 a. m Express 10.38 a. ni. d Ex press 5.25 a. ni. daiiy except Monday Pass'ngr 1.23 p .m. Pass'ngr 7.06 a. m Pass'n-gr 3.49 -p.-nm.-Express 1-0-0O2 -a.m Local 6.49 p. mi. Pass'ngr 2.02 p. m. Local 7.21 p. ni. Pass'ngr 7.13 p. m. Express 9.58 p. m. d Express 8.24 p.ni Epress 11.49 p. ni. d. Canadian Pacifie Railway Going East , Gcing West Express 10.18 a. ni. Express 5.47 a. m Pass'ngr 2.05 p. ma.* Local 8.20 a. m* Epress 9.16 p. m.* Express 5.08 p. ni Express 12.20 a. ni. Local 7.00 p. m*~ *Daily except Sunday. C. B. Kent, Towr Agent. Canadïan N.ntiontsl Railway. West Bound Eaut Bound Tyrone Station Pass'ngr 8.15 a,.nm. pess'ngr 7.34 p. ni A Delicious Food Roman Meai is a delicious cereal-and more. It's thfe biggest value in nourish- -ment you can buy - re- lieves constipation. and indigestion '- properly balanced in health-giving, qualities - and can be served in a variety of ways. Makes appctizing muffins and genis, deiigbtfui puddings, and the fincst porridge you've ever tasted. ONE SERVING ONE CENT Get it at your grcerS rRIC-'KETS-i Abone-disease cf eaniy child- hodmay be preveated by the1 Ifaithfal use of ccd- ljxe ci Scott's Emulsîioni contains the wcnderfuld rachitic vitamine in abundance. It is the ideal way to give cod- liver oil te chiidren. Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. anti- 22-2j &,ny Ileadache 2 tic Relleved by Zutuo THE "LIFTUP" (Pateuted) 1 ALL BIAS FILLED CORSETS are designed in conformity with the science of Auatomy. The 'LIFTUP " a patented invention witb non-slip elastie inside beit, gentir supports the abdomen and is vsry beneficiai for use atter an oper- ation invoiving an abdominal incision, Mont effective in nelieving those physical aiiments from which many women suifer. WRITE forunieful hints aisfiîng and self-measurement. FREE. Tise genaine vatenied "LJJF1TEP" in BIAS CORSET made only by IB SCOR§ý¶E____ '42 lanzSTrAcrNsTasEs' DPrP PHONE. MAIN 37001 FILLED _ COIQSETS MILK AS A FACTOR IN NATION food Administrator: "Milk is the hast foad we have. -Give your chiidren niulk, a quart fan every child, a pint s, day for every adult. Pienty oi zniik will give every one, bath big and little, the chance they, ought ta bave for health and achievemeut". (To he continued.) 1 ___________________ BUILDING I By. Dr. Margaret Patterson, Toronto. Number 2 Doctorsanad Dairymen. I always feel that the doctors and the niilk producers are the co-guard- 1ians of the heaith of the people. It was the docltors wba first agitated for the scientific _production and band- lîng of niilk, for not only is milk the best food for humans, but for ail f oms of bacterial if e as weil. Before mik was produced in a dlean and sanitary -way it was often the carrier of many disease genms; but tbanks to the intelligent co-op- -eration- of-the -dairymin4hese-dangers, have not been alniost entireiy elimîna- ted. The dairymen were probahly the first great body of people to real- ize that, "that; which is not scientifi-j cally trcue, cannot long be conimer- cialiy successfui". As the light of scientifie research bas been turned on milk it reveals more and more its unequalled quali- ties as a food. I ami not giving you niereiy niy own opinion, but give you the findings of the greatest food ex- perts of -bc world, and the rcsuits obtained from experinients conduet- ed in the mast up-to-date laboratories: Prof. Lusk of Cornell says "tbat na faniiy of five shouid buy meat until they bave bougbt'three quarts of nilk. The first food a famiy shouid buy is mulk'the hast food to he dispensed with is niik". Dr. Rose of Corneli University says "It is impossible toescape tbe con- viction that not oniy is milk the cheapest food, but it is a food the value of which cannot be detenniined in dollars and cents. No one who reaiizes the place of niik as a food cauhd doubt this". Froni Johns Hopkins University we are toid "The greatest thing we can do to raise the standard of public beaitb ia this country, to increase the span of 11f e, and cause the people to retain the characteristics of youth over a longer peniod Is ta change the diet and use less nicat and more niilk and green vegetables". Let us consider what it wouid mean ta the community and ta the nation if we could increase tbis span of liiie, especially preserving tbe character- isties of youth. -As was pointed out by Prof. Irving Fisher, "A Commun- ity is in a prosperous condition or wise according to the nuniber of its citizens wbo are self supporting, or better still, are able to niake a con- tribution of soniething useful ta the conimunity. Let us look at the buman in the sanie practical way we look a, the dnîry cow. We value the cow for ber output. We have studied ber needs and how to meet theni, 50 that she would deveiop ta the greatest pro- ducing capacity of wbicb she is cap- able. - We bave been accused of being more concerned over the heaith of our aninialstban of bunians, but after ail, were we nat building more wisely than we knew? Would it not have been a tragedy ta have had the health conscience awaken before we had the nieans of'supplying itsÉ deniands?, 'As the heahth conscience awakens, more and mare mik and dairy pro- duets wili ha required. What a bhessing that we'bave aur splendid dairy berds, aur dairy plants and means ai distrihuting the supply where needed! The foundations have been weii and truhy laid, and we are in, a position ta f ollow the guiding hand of science. Picture what it will mean ta. add fiteen years ta the active period ai one's life! Human life is divided into three pe*riads: (1) the peniod of preparation for aur if e work. This, raughly speaking, averages about fifteen years. During this tume we are a charge on athers, we are not self suppartîng. (2). Tben cames the periad' during which every nor- mai individuai sbauld be niaking a contribution ai saniething usefui, either physical or mental, ta their caninunity and their country. As a resuit ai plenty ai niulk and dairy praducts we, came ta, this peniod ai useiulnès iuliy deveioped bath phy- sicaliy and mentaiiy, and with a farce capable ai overcoming disease and resisting temptation. With an endurance that will not only enable us ta do mare work, and do it better. but ta denive real joy froni the doing of it, we will he spared the peniods ai unnecessary iii- ,ness and aches and pains that con- Men, your Spring suit now awaits _________you at the new lower prices. Candi, Johnston & Cryderman. STUDY TOUR FOR BOYS ANNUÂL SELF-DENIAL- APPEALI About the best thing a father cani Bowmanville Saivation Army do for bis boys is to encourage them Cop.nuceth nalsfd- to travel and see something of the .rsanucste nulsl-e world, before tbem become too keen- nai campaign again inprgrssand ly egrose i comercil11f e. are soliciting contributions to carry Travel is a great Educator-it en- o t ok riches the mind and fits the youth ta It is worthy of note that the Sal- -beter -fil b-is-place, in--life- - -A--nor-vatioïn Army ioperating-in-seventy- mai boy is observant-be assimilates tbree diff erent countries and colonies, and retains knowledge. Travel gives speaking forty-six languages and bas hlm his opportunity-it fits hlm for two thousand five hundred missionar- every phase in hife. ies in non-christian lands, the ter- A tour of Europe is at present be- ritory known as Canada East has sent ing organized under the personal 157 missionaries and are ready and supervision of Mr. T. H. Matthews, anxious t, send more had they the M. A. (Oxon) Assistant Professor Of necessary funds., Mathematics, McGili University, and I s ehpnels ormn late Instructor-Lieutenant, Royal It fis erapdsupneedes tofremin Navy.- In addition local guides wiîîor edsad uprtr o u be ecuedto ondctexcrsinsandany weil-equipped hospitals and bie secureso ondthexcuristeioseanomes of undenominational character givelecureson be atisic, istricmaitaind -ahoe, -Open toalal in- literary-and economicsignifleance--of- n.Aidmt inprotinoth the sights seen. and the Diaces visit- Seieni A i nds rorain oilhe- ed. ýl-eiIfnsrie 11 er- Amost carefuily planned and i- invested in the work in Bowmanviile, teretin itnerry hs ben rraged The local corps gratefuliy acl<now-! teresting isitnrayasbn rangLied- iedge past gifts and contributions and!1 pncluding vstrs t Moreal, Liver.have confidence in the citizens that' poo, Cetr 1afodo-vn they will again respond to their ap- Oxford, London, Paris, Versai les,ý-pei Fontainebleau, Rheims, Lyons, Mar-pei seilles, Cannes, Nice, Manoca, Men-1 A coliector wiii be caliing in the tone, Genoa,- Pisa Rome, Naples, course of a week or two at every Sorrento, Capri, Pompeii, 'Vesuvius, home and place of business, and do- Florence, Venice, Trent, Innsbruck, nation forwarded direct ta Capt, Key Myuniich, the Passion Play at Oberam- Salvation Army, Bownnville, wili be mergau, Nuremberg, Mayence, the acknowledged through this paper. Rbine, Cologne, Brussels, Louvain, .. Yours very sincerely, and Ostend, returning through Lon- George and Alice Key, don and Liverpool. This exceptional tour starts from 0'-E . W. Officers in charte. I Montreal on Saturday, June 24th, cailing at Quebec, by the splendid White Star Line steamship "Cano- pic" (12,100 tons). A period of approxomateiy two months wiii ha occupied by the tour as by the itin- erary the return trip is made fromn Liverpool by the fine steamsbip "Regina" (16,500 tons) arriving at Montreal on August 26th. The arrangements for thîs tour are most complete and, tbe charge which is a minimum one'covers everything in the way of transportation, hatel0 accommodation with three meals a day, transfers, sight-seeing fees, in brief ail necessary travelling'expen- ses for the entire tour. Apply to any agent of the CanadianO National Railways for further partie- ulars. 1- * LEONARD EAR QIL RELIEVES DEAFNESS and STOPS HEAD NOISES "Rubitin Back of the-Ears"- (Neyer Put in Ears) Insert in Nostrils Deafuess in greatly yelieved by a simple treatment with Leonard Ear 011. Special instructions by a noted Ear Specialist for different kinda of Deaf- mess and Head Noises contained in ecd Package. Leûnard Ear Ouis inmot an experiment, but ban b.d a successful sale since 190i, *"You cannot afford to be deaf." TRY TRIS OIIT. It bas helped thousands of people. Why flot vou? Descriptive circular upon request 0 MADE UN CANADA L Bl. Bdingten Co.,aesAgsts, Toronto A. O.LEONARD, Ine.Mfrs,,70 tAv., N.Y.City JURY & LOVELL Bcwmanville Dunlop leadership in Tiredom is most manifest. Mileage records almost unbelievable are piling up ail over Canada. SThe Special Mileage-Making Process, which is the basis of our Fabric Tires, has worked wonders. SPerfect shape and balance, stronger side walls to resist curb and rut abuse, special wear-resisting anti-skid tread, etc., add the last touch to popV4arizing to the full a tire that bas long stood in higli favor. CI Dunlop "Cords" made good from their inception. CI These tires taught motarists to expect more resiliency, greater air space, larger amount of*material, better carrying capacity-in short, bigger mileage; and that is the standard by which ail Cord Tires are judged to-day. Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods Co., Limited Head Office and Factorieus TORONTO. Branches in L.ading Citias. e Th Toilof Death in Rus sia TEN MILLION CHILT)REN in Russia are doomned to, die in the slow agonies of starvation unless15 the people of Canada awaken in their generosity, and by gifts of food and money, enable the Save the Children Fund to, prevent this, horror. The famine in the Volga raglan is the most appalling in recorded history. Whole populations are exterminated. Children -fatierless and înutherless, Iioîeless, with death stalking their steps-wander the highways and byways until they creep into some abandoned hovel to die Htundreds of thousands have died frorn'4 starvation and nceglect; but millions can ba saved if food is dipatched at once. Will You 'give sornething? Will you save a helpless ci- 'd frôm starving to degth? What you do0 give means littie to yqu- yet it means the life of a ehld! 25e will feed a child for a week. $1,00 will ensure suflicient food forona chiid for a month. $500wil esa buh akuthen nd eed100 Two boys brought Io the Relief Station in Saraîoff children un-t'I the next harvest. Cheques and Mormwy Orders may bc forwarded through your Banik or local Comm ittee or sent direct Io Sir George Burn, Treas., Save the Children Fund, Elgin Bldg., Ottawa Save the -Children 1Fund Hon. President: HON. W. L. MACKENZIE KING, CJVLG. Hon. Vice-Presidents: RT. HON. ARTHUR MEIGIIEN HON. T. A. CRERAR HION. RODOLPHE LEMIEUX Bowmanvill, Local Committe H.L QUINN, Chairman. C. A. CAWKE. ,Sà.Troas, Anaemia Tibm, watery blood is no more nourîshing than thin, watery milk -skim mlk. But you can soon cnrich thin bloodl overcome the aîiaemic con. dition and build up the whole sys- tem by using Dr. Chase's Nerve Foodi. Mrs. F. G. Simmons, 42 Cur- tis St., Brantford, Ont., writes: "For about eight years 1 suffered f romt anaemia. My circulation wa3 poor. my gums 'and lips were pale, and rny hands and feet were always cold. 1 was nervous and unable to slcep well. ,I had frequent heedaches,' scemed restiesisud easily worried or iriîated. There was a buzzissg sound in my, cars, Indigestion was asmo one of my complaints, and I often was attacked by weak spells. I went to a doctor, who told me I was nnaemic, but as 1 did flotget any bet- ter 1 decided b îtry Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and after the first box 1 f clt brighter and my headaches completely, disappeared. 1 continued using the Nerve Food for quite a while. 1 arn quite welI now, and cheerfully and gratefully re --med Dr. Chase's Nerve Food t. people sufiering as 1 did before 1 used this splendid medricinc.'" Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50c a box, ail dealers, or Ecimanson, Bates & Co., Limitcd, Toronto. BOUNSALL'S MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857, Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANIlTES and. cnly th~e best grades of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE I emipioy no oemnetery caretakers as agents preferring to asen my oWn gooda thus savlng the purcbaser the agent's coMmission. A caui soliited. F. H. BOUNSALL Proprietor. Bowmanvlile. Phone 326V.. Box 941 THE FARMER'S 1Relîeves caked bag, gar- get, spider or' inf ection of the teat, also thrush in horses' feet, fistula, etc. Stops bleeding at once'. Removes proud flesh, soreness and sweHl- ing. L Atnil Deaiersnd Druggists. Maiinfnctured only byýq DOUGLAS& CO., NAPANEE, Ont. 71okws coofi Root CompoanG. A saafe, s-el able regulating ssnedici ne. Sold ini three de- mesofstrenzth-No. i. SI; 2,$3; No. 3, $5 per box. Sold by ail drugint, or sent prepaidon nec ipt of price. me, pamphlet. Addr.cs: 17HE COCK M~itECO., ?0Ogv14n MIT i..,., el

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