Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1922, p. 8

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, To You Women Who Handie llubby's Pay Envelope!t Have you ever stopped to figure out how much you could save ln a year if you saved 2c to.5e on every Pound of Meat you, buy? Ask yourself these questions: "Arn 1 a shrewd housewif e? Do I get value for every dollar 1 spend? Arn I letting hubby's hard-earned money slip away because I do no t try to buy at lower puices?") Give us a triai. Let us prove to 'your entire satisfaction tliat we can seil you choice Meat at money-saving prices. G. A. Edmondstone One door east of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 21 Bowmanville BUY DIRECT 4UY YOUR GLOVES AND MITTS DIRECT, FROM MAKER IT PAYS We have the finest impred French Gloves for ladies, also gloves and m=tsfor men. 300 DIFFERENT KINDS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE' The Glove & Mitt Store "Manufacturer and Retailer 1 Door East of Statesman Office BOATS AND LAUNCRES JUST A SONG AT TWILIGHT FREE TRIAL, Johnson light, s,,peedy ou*tbçard niotors. .Hyde propellersac Just a song at twilight, when the cessories, eut ýprices, free deliveries. lights are low, Lgevariety engines-new, rebulit. And the flick'ring shadows softly Canos Bcycl Moors Free Catal- ogues. Canadian. Boat and Engine Ex corne and go. change, Toronto' Though the heart be weary, sad the day and long, Stili to us at twilight cornes love's sweet song, Cornes love's old sweet song. Ec.if thyThe ~OR ~ j/~itch, Smart or hm Sore, Irritated, L- fiamed orGranulated,i ,useMui-rinteoften. ScethesRefreshes SafefoDr In4aniterAduIt.ýAt ailDrtiggists. Write cook'sý Cotton PRoo Compotrnd 4 aaf, veiab1e2la igatinq qnedIcIne,. Sod in three ýdé-. - graes.of strength-No , o.. .;No. 8, 5prbx L ,- yail dcý itorso ' ead onreip of ionce, TIE COOK MEDgc!NECo., es nuohT. Ade, TYRONE Beport of S. S. No. 18, Tyrone. Namas in order of menit: lass V- IWesley Little, Dean Bodgson, Harold Burgess. Jr. IV-Dick Gibbs, Fred Goodman, Kathleen Gibbs, May Cam- aron, Harry Batberly, Stanley Law- ra3nce. Su. 111I-Floua MeBobauts, Leon Moore, Kathleen McCullougb, Frank Batherly, 'Leverna ,Burgess, Authur Richards, Verna MeCoy. Su. il-Ivan Smith, Eleanor Thompson, Anale Gardiner, Clarence Goodman. Jr.. 1I-Eari Goodman, Irene Camer- on. Su. I-Bruce MeRobauts, Teddy Woodyard. Jr. I1-Alice Thompson, Carence Hatherly. Jr. Pr. (b) - Francis Thompson, Edna Cameron, Myrtie Brooks. Jr. Pr. (a)-Lorne Ani, Chaesteiy Prescott, Bernicej HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Results of Easter Examinations. lst Grade Proficiency 75% and over 2nd Grade Proficiency 66 % to 75 % 3rd Grade Proficiency 60 to 66% Pass 50% to 60% Form IV-2nd Grade Pro- ficiency: Baymond Armstrong 74%, Elizabeth Best, Aileen Parker, Mil- dred Lawrie. 3rd Grade Proficiency: Herb. God- dard, Aileen Howard, Vera Veale. Pass-Andrew Somervîlie, Boss Tilley, Mari orie Collacott, Mary Found, Ruth Grigg, Kenneth Fraser, Mae Hickling. Foum 111-12 papeus. lst Grade Proficiency: Helen McGregor 83%, Ralph Caruthers, Edsail Oliver, Alex McGregor, Bud Pethick. 2nd Grade Proficiency: Lawrence Mason, Boss Pooley, Dorothy Bell- man. 3rd Grade Proficiency: Doris Fos- ter., Pass: Eugene Beech, Melville Dale, Ethel Webbe r, Bobert McCul- lough, Fred Goddard. Form III Fewer than 12 subjects. lst Grade Proficiency: Alan Mc- Kessock 80%. 2nd Grade Proficiency: Gladys Jackson, John McMurtry, Margaret Grant, Edna Jewell. 3rd Grade Proficieacy:. Maude, Ramsay, Arthur Fouad. Pass: Win-' nifred Cryderman,. Beatrice- Bragg,- Jessie MeDougail, Gertrude Morris, Susie Laird,, Glen Courtice, Annie Laird, Marie Bundie, Oliver Hanna, Eva Lane. Form Il Elevea Subi ects. lst Grade Proficieacy: Mariona Warder 89%, Albert Aluin, Stanley Osborne, Grace Bragg, Beid Pearn, 2nd Grade Proficiency-Coastance Seward, Thelma Gilders, Marlon Pick- ard, Florence Morris Blanche Cry- derman, Iva Gilbank, Annie Thomp- son. 3rd Grade Proficiency-Dorothy Kirkton, Fewer than il Subjects. lst Grade Proficiency: Maitland Gould 91%, William Pointon, Hugh Cameron.' 2nd Grade Proficiency: Cedric Neediiar, Stanford Symons, Stuart James, Boss Lane, William Hopps, Jack Beynolds, Beva McGil, Aileen Jefl'ery. 3rd Grade Proficiency: Jean Swit- zer, Hilda Foley, Percy Cowling, Wilhelmine Switzer, Mildred ýPinch, Kenneth Foster, Marlon Clough. Pass: Gladys Witheridge. Form 1 Nine Subjects. lst Grade Proficienej: Agnes Vanstone 86%, Gladys Bateman, Ella Collacott, Ada Webber, Joyce Muirhead, Norman El- liott, Levi Annis, Boss Trenouth, Mabel Dowson, Dorothy Bonnycastie. 2nd Grade Proficicncy: Bernice Allin, Mabel Stevens, Marjorie Stev- ens, Eliza Kirkton, Murial Dech, Mar- garet McGregor, Melbourne Osborne, Lenore Quick, Florence Aldworth, Ione Quinn. 3rd Grade Pr 'oficiency: Mata Ash- ton ,Hazal Bundie, Janey Mason, Florence Ashton, Katie Pinch., 1Pass: Marjorie Pascoa, Edythe Samis, Hilda Prout, Grace Caverly, Baby Sewell, Edith Beacock, Mar- guerite Joness, Charlie White. Fawer than Nine Subjects: lst Grade Proficiency: Ernest Goddard 81%, Vera Power. 2nd Grade Proficiency: Margaret McGragor, Beatrice Cryderman. 3rd Grade Proficieacy: Ernest, Roach, Elgin Munday,, Marjorie CLemence. Pass-Daisy Culley, Carl Shortt, Ernest Moorcraft. YOUR FAVORITE HYMNS Religion without hymns is incon- ceivabla. Teacli your child to sing. The 2th child la bis family was Philip Doddridge, author "0 Happy Day That Fixed My Choice". "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing",y by Charles Wesley, is saîd to be the only Wasleyaa hyma inciuded la the Church of England hymnal.' 1The author of "Corne, Thou Fount of Every Blessing"l, B. Bobinson, was sent to London by his mothar to ha- corne a barber, but ha bacameaa preachar and hymn-writer.. Miles Lane, the tune to which "Al Hall the Power of Jesus Name" is so oftan sung, was composed by a man namad Shrubsola, in the organloft of the Cathedral of Canterbury. At aga of 54 and while iii, Henryi Newcastle on Thursday, May l8th., sessions baing hald at 10 a. m. and 1.30 p. m. Suparintandents are re- questad ,to f orward S. S.- aad Young Paopla's Sociaty Sceadules to Bey. W. W. Jones, Hampton, and ail othar scedules to Re,. R. G. Carruther,, Blackstock. 3. C. moore, A. M. Iwn Chairma1-n, inanciai l rtr TOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Honour Roll For April. Central School Glass IV-Entrance: Mary Muir- head, Dorothy James, Bernard Mit- chell, Lucy Oliver, Marion McDoug- ail, Jack Cole, Ruby Haliman, Law- rence Goddard, Lucy McMurtry, Jack Kent and Dorothy Plummer, equal. J. H. Johnston, teacher. Jr. IV-Doreen Battie, Anale Tay- lor, Gladys Hooey, Irene Halîman, Irene Shortridge, Wilfrîýd Hamley, Edward Rundie, Marlon Roach, Greg- ory Colmer, Dîck Widdicombe. M. M. Jennings, teacher. Sr. III-Leola McMann and Isobel McMurtry equal, Harold MeWhinney, Fred Jackmaa, Rena Caverly, Helen Argue, Nelson Jackman and Ted Mason, equal, Vera Wood, Lena Dii- lîng. SHelen G-~Morris, teacher. Jr. II-ýMarjorie Moore, Florence Ives, Hlester Caverly, Morgan Lunney, Nelda Lyle, Dick McMillan, Irene Bateman, Myrtie Lyle, Kenneth Lux- ton, Harold Williams.. Greta M. Wickett, teacher. Sr. 11--Jabez Vanstone, Morley Vanstone, Horace, Hobbs, Duaine Thîckson, Howard Piekard, Phyllis Darch, Edgar Tomlason, Geoffrey Terret, Clarence Yeo, Geraldine WIl- [liams. G, M. Armstrong, teacher.1 Sr. Il Marie Valleau, Branton Hazlewood, Heubert Colmar,, Marlon Hamilton, Greta Symoas, Harold King, Kitty Knowles, Authur--Sim- nick, Alian Clarke, Leola Milieu. Estelle M. Blackburn, teacher. Jr. I-Stanton C avarly, Joseph1 Barton, Bruce Canieron, Bobbie Bate, Alice Jackman and Marioa, Allia equal, Harold Siemon, Boy Lunney, Jessie Macfarlane, Marlon Laggott. Leta L. Bragg, teacher. Sr. I-Winona Caverly, Stanlay Duan and Alan Williams equal, Law- rance Williams, lia Valleau, Barry Allen and Cordon Yao, aquai, Garald Sutton, Jack Turner, Newton Back- ney. Myrtie A. Wilson, teacher. Jr. I-Buth Turke, Bob Bafi'auf, Joe On, Edward Bagnali, Marguerite Burdan and Dorothy E.dger, aquai, Harold Gibbs, Bruce Jackman, Edith Cartwright, Jack Allia, Winton Bag- neil and Elford Cox, equal. Gertrude C. Hamley, teacher. Primary-Ned Behder, Bessie Gives, May Maclean, 'Fera Smith, Greta Pearce, Jack Lunney, Mary Thompson, Muriai Taylor, Byron Vanstone, Violet McFeeters. Nellie Montgomery, teacher. South Ward Jr. II-Frank Blunt, George Maush Dorothy Hampage, Clarence Oke, Is- obai Mitchell, ;Roy Todgham, Leslie Tudor, Madeline Veale, Miidred Bar- reil, Bose Bate. lass I-Dorothy Marsh, Edward Flaxman, Hilda Simnick, Hector Gouid, Russell Brown, Burrell Wood- wvard, Boy Neads, Elsia Large, Clar- ence King, Evelyn Flaxman. ,Mildred F. Cole, teachar. Primer-June Lougbman, Ruth Purdy, Charlotte Mitchell, Wiilie Mutton, Bussel Oke, David Marsh, Leonard Wilson, Edith Sellers, Glyna Large, Boland Bate, Arvilla.Jackman, Ted Marsh. Floua M. Galbrait h, teacher. Penny Bank Daposits $108.25 Depositors 208 Bighest Boom, Miss Blackburn's. IN THE'EDITOR' S MAIL A dear friead of our family who has baen a patient la the Mouat Hamilton Hospital for several weeks, ia a letter recently received described this exquisite picture of ber Easter morning vision: Easter Sunday, what day can compare with it la its depth, of joy, so full, so satisfying that we scarcely can belie'Va there will ever be any more pains or losses or heartaches? I saw the sun rise on Easter Sunday-my wiadow looks aast. Out of a lake of pale opal arose across of alabastar, sucb a cross as was used for Hlm. In the centre was the rising sun, round and round it ravolvad again and yat again, spreading its early mouning goldjen giory ovar ail the sky,,turning soft, gray ribbony clouds into vast jawels crowding closaly oaa another. On and on it went, ever upward, change f ollowing change, wonder after won- dar, until the cross was lost la the vast dome of Heavan and a new day was bora; another Easter graated us, fulfiliag Bis promise: "I shall suraly coma -again". Who can doubt it? AS YOU MAKE IT To the preacher, 1f e's a sermon To the joker, life's a jast; To the miser, life is monay; To the loafer, life is rast; To the Iawyer, lifa's a triai; To the poat, lîfa's a soag; To the doctor, lifa's a patient Who naads treatment rigbt along. To the sol dier, life's a battie; To the teachar, îife's a achool; Life's a good tbing to tha grafter; Tt is failura to the fool. To the man upon the:angine, Life's a long and heavy grade; It's a gamble to tha gambler; To themrchant, life is trade. Lif e is but oaa long vacation To the a h loves bis work; Life's en everla-sting effort To shuni duty, to the shirk._ Lîf e ,- wha-,e try to make 1$, Brother, what hÏ&1f. to you?' Receipte Bal. April,25, 1921 Mambarship fees Visitors feas Jack Mînar's Lecture Proceeds, of banquet Interast Expenditures Lacturars Printiag Use of Lecture Booms of Churches Janitors Jack Miner T. C. Boss, Boyal Theatra Mrs. Christiae banquet Sac.-Traas. Canadian Clubs Association Miss F. M. Galbraith, stamps and supplies Miscallaneous Balance on hand Total $ 43.82 116.00 5.10 104.30 80.00 2.51 $57.00 29.43 16.00 8.00 70.00 15.00 92.00 10.80 9.78 8.00 35.72 $351.73 Sarah L. Bounsail, Treasurar. A BIT OF HEAVEN Thara's a littla bit of heavan In our home to,.day, For a littia bit of heaveih Bas coma with us te stay; And a sweater dearar lassia I know thare could nofý ba, O, she fuls our souls witb gladness And our henuts siag songs of glea. Tbere's a littla bit of beava'n In bar avas of blua, Just a littia bit of heavan, That thuilîs us tbrough and througb Sha makes us want to lovaebar, Just to sea bau tiny smila, And she saams to draw us nearer Tc the lova of God the while. She is a littia bit of bea-Van With silky, goldspuiý hair, Yes. a littia bit of beavan With lips, two rosabuds rare, Two littie chaaks for lovas careas, Two littia hands se swaat. O, littie baba, ramain our guest, And lifa shah ba complete., Dominion Stores Ltdf CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS WHERE YOU GET QUALITY, COURTESY AND HONEST WEIGHT WOMEN'S CANADIAN CLUB At the annual meeting of the Wom- en's Canadian Club the following officers were elected by acclamation: President-Mrs. (Dr.) A. S. Tilley lst Vice do-Mrs. A. L. Nicholis. 2nd Vice do-Miss M. Allen Cor. Secretary-Miss 1. K. Smith. Bec Secretary-Mrs. F. J. Manning Treasurer-Mrs E. R. Bounsaîl. The f ollowing were elected by bal-. lot as members of the Executive Com- mittee: Miss F M. Galbraith, Mrs. L. A. Tole, Mrs, J. C. Devitt, Mus. J. H. Hl. Jury, Mrs. C. A. Cawker, Mus. Fowler, Mrs. D. B. Simpson. The Treasurer's report was as f ol- lows: 0NT BREAKFAST B C NMACH[-NE33cl FINEST B CO LICED 3el 4 lb. tins Pure Plum Frankford JAM 57c PEAS 2 tins 29e 10 Bars Laundry Kellogg's Corn SOAP 69c FAKES 3 for 29e Fry's Baker's & Cowan's, ~COCOA, '/ lb. tins 25c I. I Ammonia P owder, 2 for' Gillett's Lye, 2 tins Rinso, 2 tins Penrline Chioride of Lime Soap Chips, 2 lbs. Old Dutch Snap Sanifluds 15C. 29c 15C Sc 17c 35c lic 15c Campbell's Assorted SOUPS 5 Catsup Éqt. bottie Horse Radish Health Saits, 2 ins Instant Postum Bulk Cocoa, 2 lbs Bulk Coffee Pulled Figs, 2 lbs. lcing Sugar Shredded Cocoanut 25c 23c, 25c~ 28e 25e 39C 29c 9c 20c 24 LB. SACK PASTRY FLOUR 99C SPECIAL BLEND TEA '45c lb. The Best Value in Town at any Price 6 Rolis Toilet Choice Pure PAPER 25c LA RD 18C lb Raspberry & Strawberry Singapore Sliced JAM 4s 75c tin PINEAPPLE 25c tin Tiger Red Shredded SALMON, 1 lb. ins 30c WH EAT 2 for 25c 10 LBS. 68e This is your Iucky day if your grocer can stili suppiy you one of those giad Jungle- land Moving Picturas inside the Waxtite wrappcr on the package of K E ýL L 0 G G'S Corn Flakes! An enormous supply ail over Ontario has been practically exhausted I jungleiand Moving Pictures would seli for 50c. in stores!I They are a very wonderful child gift!-, Go to your grocer QUICK and get KELLOGG'S "WAXTITE" Corn Fiakes! He knows- they are flot the leathery, hard to chew kind; he knows that littie folks and hig folks delight in the won- derful KELLOGG flavor - and ha knows KELLOGG'S SUGAR reach you oven-fresh, because they are wrapped "WAX- TITE." Get KELLOGG'S "WAX- TITE" and get h a pp y KELLOGG'S ,"WAXTITE" Corn Flakes put sunshine iiito breakfast; make it the gladdest time of the day! AIl the family wiil say their t h a n k s for "discovering" KELLOGG'S "WAXTITE" and the Jungleland Moving Pictures! There neyer was such fun and feast! Get your Jungleland Movies QUICK - your last chance!1 Calyour grocer on the phone -or send over! But hurryl We wvant you to have Jungle- Iand for your own kiddlries or for somne chïiid you love!, Ais mirea f EI.OG'SKRUMBLEFS snd KLLOGG'S BkMýN coked aid ktumbggd 1010 LBS. $6.50 BOJWMANVILLE 11 m 1 1 to

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