Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Apr 1922, p. 2

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EOWMANVILLE, APRIL 27, 1922 TheCanladian Statesmuan AND The Bownianville News' With which is incorporated -1HE NEWCASTLE INDEPENDENT COMBINED CIRCULATION 2800 ADVERTISING RATES lLegal, Officiai, Municipal and Gov- ýernmaent Notices-12c per nonpareil Iiie (12 lines ýto inch) for first in- sertion, and 8c per line for each sub- sequent insertion. READING MATTER Readers or locals-10c per line each insertion,.mnimum charge 50c; o, First Page 15e per line each in- eertîon. ADVANCE NOTICES Every advance notice of any kind -Twbere the object is the benefit or convenience of any person or number ,of persons-is advertising, and will be treated by the publishers as sncb. .U no instructions accompany the notice, advising us wbo to charge it to, it will be charged to the persan phoning or sending it in. COMMERCIAL DISPLAY Transient rates-front page, 50e -per inch; run of paper, 40e per inch, ~each insertion. iFor a yearly contract apply at the office Special positions 25% extra. CLASSIFIED ADVTS For Sale, Wanted, To Rent, Lost .ind smail advt of similar character- :2e per word, first insertion, minimum 40c; le per word eaeh subsequent in- mertions, minimum 25c.. Advertisements sent without in- structions will be inserted until writ- ten orders are received for their dis- ,continuance. Ahave rates include bath The James Yapers. M A JAMES & SONS, Publishers. Bowiuanvîle, Ont. Nembers-" Canadian Weekly News- papers' Associations" and "Select- ed Town Weeklies. of Ontario". LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.... BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY money ta boan on Farm and Tawn Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. !BARISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY M.oney to loan. Bonds for sale. Offices: Bleakley Block, King EStreet, Bowmanville Ontario. Phones: Office 102, House 343. music T. W. STANLEY (London College of Music) 'Organist and Choir Leader, Bowman- ville Methodist Cbiirch, is prepared ta take pupils for Piano and Vaice Cult- ure. For termis phone 12, "Green Court", Argyle Street. 49-3m* MEDICAL rB. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. GoId Medalist of T rinity University 'Tro'nto. Four years Atteiîding Phy- ,z.cian and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel ifospital, Pittsburg Ks. Office and Residence, Wellinglon Street, Bow- imanviï1le. Phone 108. THE O. E. A. CONVENTION !average of $100 in taxes-Dr. Mor-1 row. Every Teacher and Schooî Trustee, Truistees' section voted down a pro- Shouîd Read This Article. posaI ta establish a board of concillia- tion. The editor of The Mail & Empire's Canada needs a U. F. O. move- Educational Link or educational col-1 ment in Culture, Morals and Educa- umn in the Saturday issue says: 1 tion. Again this year very many sehool Acding Frencb ta Public Sehool trustees representing every county in, curriculum did not meet with popular Ontario availed themselves of Sec- favor. iion 76 of the Public Sehool Act by Legislative grants ta town and which Boards may pay the expenses city schools sbould equal rural schoob of trustees or of, teachers wîshing ta grants. attend thc Easter meetings. Con- School's efficiency depends on vocation, Hall, filbed to overflowing, teacber's sagacity, skilb and enthus- by rural school trustees seated ac-; iasm. cording ta', counties, eacb gronpf If "the teacher makes the sehool"l around its own county' banner pre-whnopahnirbeandqut sented a spectacle of peculiar in- saîayntpyhn rle naeut terest. What it wilb mean eventualbyi ary cannot be foretobd, Sucbhuge bod- I Inspectors' probbems were discus- les cannot deliberate dîspassionately sed one of them heing ta get ligher and there will always. be a tempta-, salaries! tion for someone ta play polities. 1 Every subject bas a moral value On the other hand, these gatberings, that should be brought ont and un- are a part of the genuine educatianal derstood. revival that bas taken place amang Public Scbools received most at- tbe trustees and no one could, comn- tentian, welfare of the people depends plain of lack of interest. The trust- on them ee from rural Ontario bas bis own Slr n etbo usin idea an heis ot arai taex-constitute a rural teacher's chief press them. At moments there were troubles. thrilbs of tense excitement. To at- Hgadpbi coltahr tend tbe session whicb discussed the Hg n ule coltahr question of devoting an bour a week shoubd sign yearby contracts and han- ta French in the public sebools and or them. the question of grants ta separate Interchange of tbougbt makes a schools, was ta realize that Professor1 Convention valuable in advaneing Reynolds is very muci beside tbhe ducation. mnark wben hie talks of Ontario farm- Every child is entitled ta equal ers slipping down into the position educational advantages witb every of Enropean peasants. other child. The teachers as a rube came ta Children should grow up witb mus- these meetings after months of'sebool ic wbicb sbaould be taugit in every work; unlike the rural trustees, wbo publie school. are fresh and ful of vigor after win- Shauld Art be taught in public ter's comparativei idleness, they are school? Tbis question was met with weary and gatbering themsebves ta- divided opinion. gether for the last efforts of the year. Ifslreaeaeqtewyd That is the reason, wby tbe speakers Inot laiemare on en choosteahindo outside the profession receive a more ntmr on e hoetahn interested bearing. as a profession? Tbe trustees in refusing ta grant Mathematics and Physics including a 'Board of Reference for the settle- Electricity should be taugbt in Form ment of disputes between teacbers I of higb sebools. and trustees bave taken a stand that History should be taugbt in public may precipitate a confict between the schools as a good foundation for intel- teachers' federations and the trustees, ligent citizenship. naw on their side almost as fully or- After a high school course less ganized as tbe teachers themselves. tban 72 per cent of students go back Bath sides, however, shonld remem- ta, original callings. ber tint sehools and teachers are nat The Trustees' section voted down privat~e enterprises and private per- a resolution ta bave French taught in sans, the State and the whale comn- aur public scbools. munity are concerned, because tbe Scbool's work is ta make good- citi- children will suffer in the event of a collision. Teacbers are ln a sense zens by a proper development and civil servants, for the State guaran- tann fcaatr tees their professional status and It was the 6lstannual meeting. 'heir superannuation allowances; Interest in education was keen and scbool boards are not in the position enthusîasm was great. of ardinary employers, but possess Teachers' salaries sbould depend on only delegated authority- The pub- experience and ability ratier than on lic will be glad ta see a recognition academic qualifications. of these principles on the part of Bulk of osadgrsg ofr bath' parties. The true cause of ther t f Pbyescnogils go no far- education wîll not be advanced by should be goad schools. confliit. One secretary-treasurer wished the O. E A.CONVNTIN ECOES Convention ta discuss the advisability 0.E.A.COVETIN__ HE of lowering teachers' salaries! Givechidrena ral gaspon lfe. Movie films should be more strictly Giv cbldrn area grsp n lfe.censored and the'>use of those of an Educational system is nat yet ideal. educational character encouraged. Popular interest in educatian grows Ontario Government bas increased Permanent teachers was counsebbed appropriations for 'elementary edu- No cild's education is ever finish- cation over 100 per cent since 1919. ed. Teachers' reports on students 1More young men should be teaci- should combine with written exam- ers. inations on a 50-50 basis in justice ta Schoals should me needs of child- tbem. ren. The Bible is not a baek number Scholhoue dor mst e alaysbut should be used in sebools in con- o cpenu.dormutb awy nectian with the teacbing of English TeCnetin.rd ay1 e-Literature. siiTheCneto urdmn e- The 1922 'Convention was one ,of simît. n70an 0 rste e tie most successful in its history. Betwen 00 nd 00 tustes ereKeen interest la education was, main- present. tained ta the end..1 If trustees expect difficulties tbey'lb Our aim must be biingualismn probably meet tbem. among tbe men of education iu. Can- It's dangerous ta, take power away adn-Prof. J. L. Morison, Queen's fi-ou the school boards.,,, University, Kingston. Canada's future depends an educa- "There is not one single tbing in tion of its boys and girls., preventative medicine tiat equals lrnd . mouthj hgi-naiidpreservation of putes between teachers and trustee boards ta be composed of a teacher, a trustee and a member appointed by Governme4t. The fundamental backbone of every prosperous nationality bu mod- ern bistory bas been thc Bible. Teach it in the schaols. We cannot leave out of the sehools child's life the greatest of moral, educational and ln- tellectual factors. Churches sbould fing tbemsebves into a great, elab- orate scbeme of religions education. Unbess you start training in civies witb the fundamental document- the Bible-we -wilb neyer reaci aur goal. Editor's Note: Space avaibable does not admit of publication in this journal of extended reports of the Ontario Educatianal Association's annual convention held last week in the University of Toronto, s0 we are givîng in tabloid f orm mnny of -the ideas presented and statements made. t was one of tbe best conventions we have attended and the report of tbe proceedings when publisbed wibl make a valuable volume for any home or public library, for many of the ad- dresses were masterful and very in- f orming an a wide range of educa- tional tapics and tbaugbts for the times. Thousands bave gotten rid of rheumatism by taking Tanîne. We adieyau ta try it. Jury & LovelI. HOW DO WEDO IT Miss Aima Benzel of Corneli Uni- versi'y, speaking to the Trustees De- partment of the O. E. A., greatly pleased her Canadian audience and especially delighted a couple of wom- en reporters seated on her right by asking in an'informai and friendly manner, "How do you do it?" "To be able to come down ta break- fast with a local newspaper that does flot scream murder and the latest news of a divorce case at you, makes me ask, how you do it. "Again ta have a woman reporter cail at your hotel and listen for twenty minutes ta your pet hobbies and go back ta ber paper and write a series of paragraphs without mis- quoting and with certain corrections -once more, in Canada, I would like ta ask, how you do it"? MUSIC IN THE HOME If the art of music, is worthy ofj the dignity of buman devotion, it is worth considering. A man's life may not; be prolonged, it may be widened and deepened by what he puts into it, and any possibility of getting into touch with those highest ideals were realized, in wbicb nobleý moments in music, in which great aspirations and noble sentiments have been suceessfully embodied, Is~ a chance of enriching human experi- ence in the noblestmanner. Through such sympathies 'and interests thel humanizîng influences which man- kind wilb hereafter have at its dis- posal.by music may be inflnitely en- barged.1 SbHUT 'EM UP THIS IS FENCE TIME We have ail kinds of f ence, in ail sizes and heights for ail purposes: FARM FENCE POULTRY FENCE GARDEN FENCE Now's thletime to do your fencing-and our prices are right. Masoîi & DaIe's hardware Phone 145 Bowmanville q WE SELL AT HAMPTON FLOUR MILLS Best Munitoba FPour, Ontario Oats, Corn, Chop, Cereals, etc. quality and right price. Flour', Western Always best DONIT BUY SEED CORN until you havc e e- us. We are expecting some SPECIALS THIS WEEK IN WALL PAPER S uitabie for any room in the house for 10e per Rol Floral designs in pinks and blue, also small patterns for kitchens and 'kitchenettes. Inspeet these bargains early as we wili be un- able to duplicate them at this 10w price. W. T.ALLEN Big -20 Bookstore I -u *1 M~CIerys Prokclrd Element ordinary Expsed hy,> Or Protected e nt O PEN coils in your Electrie Range Elements mean constant vi gilance, anxiety and worry- McClary's Protected Elernient means easy assur- ance instead of vigilance-even-minded security in place of anxiety-no worry-no accident. Then why risk the satisfaction and pleasure you should have in an Electric Range when you can be sure of 'both with McClary's Protected Elements? I lý

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