Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1922, p. 8

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NOW Do MY WORK WITH, EASE: DecauseLydia . PikllmW Vegretable Comnpound Re- tord My HeaIth Horneil, N. Y. -III wa. in lad helth but there didn't aeemtobeany one thing the natter witli me. 1 was tired eut al ever and itwas an ef- fort for me te nove. I ýwas irritable sand 4 ecould notaleepigts and hd troub le witli my bcweîanty S erioda.Itene S tatnearlyeveryone 11 rund me knew cf j 4 you medicine sand ' wad me totryit, satlait I took Lydia E. PiiikÎham's Vegetable Cein- Meud Ta blets and Lydia E. Pinkham's BId Medicine and improved every day. I do al my own work now exoept the washing and do it wth caae. I can se- complaIs as-mudli in a day now as it would lave taken me a week te do lait winter and I try te get every one I know te take your miedicine te luild tIen up. You. are wehcome ,teuse this letter aà2a testimonial if yen like. " -Mrn. CIILA. BAKER. 21 Spencer Ave., Herneil, N. Y. In nîneet every aeighiborhcod there are women wbo kaow of the value of Lydia E. Pinkhan'a Vegetalle Con- pudTheyknow leenua.they lave taenit md have becs hclped. VWy don't you give it a trial?1 Young Mothers ¶TaIe Advlce la Most Vital te you Strntford, Ont. -'I amn very en- thusiastic la Praise of Dr. -1*?ierce's Favorite Prescription as a tonie for prospère- *have had expert- ence beth with the 'Prescription' ~~ and without, andi an la a pestion te know that there la n vast difference. I was neyer nau- Beated or ick at ail wýth my 'Pre- scription' babies, but ,I was ex- trenely unceinfortable with the ethers and my suffering was greater when Ilad flot taken the 'Favorite Prescription.' I shahi always take pleasure la recornmending it te pro- spective mothers." - Mes. Leota M. Pepper, 114 Grange St. Mothers WVho Are Run- Down and Nervous, Read This St. Catharines Wcmsn's Advice St. Catharines, ont.-I waa in a liervous andi weakened condition dur- Iag ny first expectarit perIoti. :I reaily diti net know whnt to take for relief until my husband brought me home n betie of Dr. Pierce's Favor- Ite Prescription and it strengthened me at once. I aiu sure it helped te, relieve me of suffering and I take pleasure la reconiirending it te other Prospective notliers." -Mra. Cee. Betta, 49 LowelI Ave.-' Health le of vital Importance te every mother. Do net neglect the moet valuabIe asset you lave. Get tuls Prescription of Dr. Pierce's from your neigîborhood druggist in tab- lets or liquit or sent IOc for trial Ï1< te DIr. Pierce's Laboratory in ~rldgeburg, ont. The Double Track Route between Toronto Detroit Unexcehled dinlng enar erie. Sleeping cam on night -trains tud Parlor caus on the prlmeipaI day umina FuIli nformatîin rom any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. M. Bouatin flhtriet Pumnger Agent, Toronto. J. IL H. JURY, Agent "Mea* 18 8.WaaVill 00M 9(7 1 M M Tou are net ex pe riment- Ing _wh en HOME FROM FLORIDA Mr. Gco. Hl. W ileon cf Lndsay Daily Post, and daugîter Miss Jean Wilson are home frein a five wceks' visit te St. Petersburg, Florida. While there tliey met Dr. and Mms. Irvine, and Mr.anad Mrs. D. Cianamon cf Lindsay, wlo are well and enjeyiag the suany seuth. The weatler was what Lindsay people enjoy la Juiy wien the tempemature le amound 86 la the shade. Rosçs and other native flowers were la full bloom and orange trocs were scen with blom on co ide and thc ripe fruit on the other. Coming tîrougî Georgia, farinera were seen putting la ticir crops and hbuds oon trees, lrenking forth. No snow cf any accouat was seen sentI of Buffalo andi on ah asides evideaces cf;tIc near;apprendc f Spring. Oshawa Telegan claima tlat Marks Brothers were tIe tiret Cana- dian Showmen. Telegran isn't olti enougl te remember Cool Burgess. Nmervous Breakclown Thse extrene depression and ciscouragement which cernes ever eue at tintes ia tihe nost alarning symptoin of nervous exhaustion. TisI kter is a message cf hope te ail who frnd thenacives in this unfortunate condition. Mrs. Cee. T, Tiagiey, Albert, N.B., writes:- "Fer years 1 w..in a very nervous, rua-dowu condition, was.ranch depres,. ed in spirits simd sufered a great deal ai limes. Tiihe meno"se wouId irri- ttais me and*ailimes I f lt as lhugh I certatnly would go crazy. I con- sultesi difiereat dociort to £0 eleci. *A fricnd a<ddi&e une of Dr. Clamia Nerve Fed snd I can tuuly tetify "t.yle ilhe great isenef it, e- ceîved. ThIere w... a marked chiaga Wer1Ihad fnsile isecond box' ad wliea 1 ad useil a dozen boxes my ner,.. wer. thereuèlly re.tored anud i w.. emtirely releved of di... terrible feelings I used, b ýha-ve. 1."Ilever le readyi. testify to the. benefits of tdis w.dful Wmedija..feeling sur t il will g4e e o4hers thse quick snd Permaimemt relief itl bs. iven me' SDr. Clasc's Nerve Food, 50c a box, ail deslers, or Edinansen. Bates &,Ce.,. Ltct, Toronto. First, Doctors '7%en a Skia Speclisi Then a bottie et D.D.D. We chah î,nblish every week for the oenefit. ef gkjn ,ufféere.in this section. u iew words written by Canadiar people -saine of thein ci roiE ieaIhatfeit lt.rlee if relief hurm A sentenee or twe from a letter from .W Corna. 3 Melbourne Ave.. Toronto, a man oi fine standing. "I have been a sufferer for wer years with eczema on the cgb and ankles.* tred thr. or four différent doctor,. h went tc s kr- specahiat. Ail of ne use. 1 used one dollar bottle of D. D. D.-that I. ail. IodaY amo erfectly wel."1 Tif yen wîsb~ toreotefhi"Pecito t.'at Mcr.Cern, foud se reU akable .W guarantee relief on tise irst btLe, or Voc.r =ony back,.St% that itel. foday. 81-00 a 1/lE Loton f br Shln Dsease JURY & LOVELL, DRUGGISTS ar-AT BOOM There are many mothers, nervous and rundown in vitality, to whom. Scott'sEmulIn would be a great boln. It'a the v .enus of Scott'a4 7 iso to build sireng Sem t& D.w»O, T00,0nt." --ALO MKRS0 gu INDIGESTION Giveit fair PIaZ Why not decie> Wte £ ZUTOO Tabsethe rnaai» m a ly uscd for b« athai&ada m'teth ora hs A.....le% bamu mut tyÙMM Zutoo maut you for an axe or anything you m'ant, but the whent we cannot, take. Y'ou lad better take it home and feed it te your cattie and pigs. This state of thuings compelled hin te try orne other mens te, supply neces- saries, se lie tumned lis attention te teaming. HRaving a good span of horses, lie started te draw the better, BOWMANVILLE, MARCH 16, 1922. COURTICE FAMILY HISTORY Sketch of the Histery and Times of the. Late Christopher Courtice of Dar1ington, Ontario. Written by the. late Thos. Courtice, r June, 1 900, and printed with ulight modificatiion fert the Courtice Pic. flic, J'e 29th., 1921. (Clontinued froin Feb. 23rd.) -In the early settiement of the country it was not easy to keepa correct account of the days of the week, and the dates of the month, >for newspapers and alrnanacs were 1seldom seen. Just before our father came into the neighborhood Uncle Thomas said on one occasion he was keeping the Sabbath day sacred by Iaying aside ail work, when to his surprise, a neighbor came in and wanted to do some business. Uncle Thomas told him it was the Sabliath day and he wAs not in the habit of doing business on that day. The neighbor said it was Saturday, and he intended to keep it to-morrow. Alter some debating they could flot decide, se they went to another neiglibor to help them -out of their difflculty. When they came they f oun dhim chopping, they asked him what day it was. "It is, Moaday", said he, "I kept yesterday for Sun- day". So the question was not eas- ily settied.1 Some time after this oae bright moraing la midsummer, my brother John and lis cousin John Mason, went into the woods to huat for a span of horses which had strayed from home, takiag with thein a large white dog whidh soon stEgted a black bear. The dog seized the bear by the tîroat and neyer let go tilI the bear was killed. The boys found the horses and returaed to the house each riding a horse and the black ýbear on the back of oae of tlem. That was enough to give the family amuse- ment for that day. la the old log schoollouse mention- ed before, thà foundation work was done both for education and religion, and part of the resuit is the present Ebenezer Church la South Darlington which is now one of the best coaduct- ed aad most influential country .liurches in the Bay of Quinte Con- fereace. Aise in this place and by thie samne persoas, the Sabbath School was orgaaized, which now has t history over seventy years of suc- cessful work. Truly the starting of this scliool was like plaatiag a tree by the rivera of water, that, bringeth forth friûit in season. This school bas been extending its influence, and gathering from East, West, North andSouth, till hundreds-yes, thous- ands, have felt its Christian influence, ad te attend one of Ebenezer» Sab- bath School Anniversaries would le an, in'spiration to nnyoae. One prominent feature in father's chnracter wa, that he was, net su- spicious 0f anyoae. True to the Britishi law which regards every man innocent tilil e is proven guilty. The !ollowiag incident is a proof of this: One day soon alter settling in the rxew home, a stranger came in, who said he lived in Reach Township, and bliat he wanted to borrow eighty dol- lars. Ail the security lie ceuld give was the deed of hie farm. Father coasidered the case, and aithougli an eatire stranger aad knowiag nothiag of the Township of Reach-,lie thought; the man talked like an honest man tnd let lim have the money. When .t became due father atarted early in the morning te walk to Readli, wlen he got as far as Skae'a Corners (now Oshawa) Mr. Skne, the storekeeper, said to him "Where are you goiag 80 early, Mr. Courtice?"1 Father said "I am going to Reacli to collect eighty dollars which, I leat a man out there". MIr. Skae said "If you take mi advice you will tura and go home, for to save your seul there are net eighty dollars ini the Township of Reach". rlat was not very encouraging, still he weat on tilIl he fouad Reach and the man who got the meaey. Re said Mr. Skae was right about the meney, but lie found an loneat main, who was willing to pay what lie had, and thougli le lad no money, farm stock was taken in satisfactory psy- mnt. Father neyer pushed himself into public office, stililihe was expected to, take the lead in moat public mheet- anga, especi.ally in., durci work. In lhis lie jeined cheeilully. Being an Leeptable local preacher, and a good ais A LOUD CALL te gain the Hearing of every am- bitions person is what we wshte mnale. We want te tell yen tînt if yen desir o te leanSuccesla this Wold's BUSINESS yen must le a master cf esme particular, work. THE BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS ÇOLLEGE tendhes yen ahl Commnercial Stud-1 les. and prepares yeu.to rapidhy gala Succees. Positions are constantiy await- ing our -gaduatos. It'a net tee late for, yen te mnale yonr stnrt TO-DAY. Write for full particulars. Cora P. Fulton, 0. G. A. Principal qualities of lumber to Toronto. On one of those jouraeys il fe was mercifully preserved. Whe»m go- iag dowa tlie Rouge Hill, soe of the F harness got out of place, and the wagon, lorses and lumber went over the bank, and- fell into the ravine below. With some lelp and a little delay, he went on lis way te Tor- ente, and returned home, thankfu] for Us~ deliverance, happy and cheer- f ul, with the reward of lis labers in lis pocket. The people, who live la Ontario te. Le day can lardly estimate low mudli a they are indebted te these who pre. iceded them. The pieneers of On- tarie endured great hardships and privations in bringing the wild lands rand forests inýto the cultivated and fruitful fields which we new sel and ts eajey. is Each day brouglit work, work: and dmore work, but they still found time ýfor a little amusement. The boys hly being extra good, migît get a haîf holiday which they often spent by takiag their guns, and going into dthe woods te luat, or in fishiag for speckled trout whidli abounded in ahi the creeks, i this there was, real sport. Theý men of the neiglibor- lihood would often meet at raisinga rand logging bees. If one lad a barn or a lieuse te raise, ail would urn eut and lelp lis neiglibor cheer- fully and williagly and at the Jogging bees, there was as much enthusiasmn maaifested. Ia the faîl of the year the young people often gathering te- gether at apple-pariag beos where tley tloroughly enjoyed theinselves. At ail these gatheringa after the work was done a beautiful supper was en- joyed, and the evening spent in suit- talble amusements. In some homes Ivlere liquor was used, card playing and drinking were carried on toe x- cess, but in our father's home these were strictly excluded. Tempernce principles were always taugit_ by pre- cept and example. In the spring of the yenr sugar mnking was the em- pleynent of nearly everyone, and was considered as much amusement as labor, eacl trying te excel lis neigîbor in the quantity and quality of lis productions. And se as tine went on, and the first years of probation were over,, after sniling plenty lad blessed the toil of the pionýeer, the wayfarer miglit easily find a worse halting place. There was alwnys an alun- .'.aat talle, and lospitable welcome was everywehere the rule in thc good old tines. Long and honorahiy may thcane Jie perpetunted and we think it will, for it lias n Governent Register, we have heard the secretnry of this in- stitution say tint a, large number of the invitations issued for the picnic this yenr were addrcssed te Courtice, P. O. Darlington. Ia closing this brief sketch of our parents' history, we ouglit te leara a lessoa that will, help us, te1 live wortly of our ancestry. First-We should hean ate le satis- lied witl our owa gifts and talents. Secoad-Learn teo make the lest of the spot we stand on, it will soon blossom and bear fruit. Mother died in pence at the old home, Mardli 7, 1872, aged 71 years, preceding father te the Better Land 3 years, 9 mentIs. Father died at the home of lia daugliter, Mrs. Pound, on thce25th Deceniler (Chiristmnas Day), lacking one day cf leing eighty 200 More Men Wanted To Fi Positions in Early- Spring No experience aecessary, $125 te $200 per montl, operating gas tract- era, driving motor trucks, cars and f armn power ýmadhiaery, or auto and tracter madliinery, dity and country- garages. Steady work. We have a plan wlereby you can work la our shopa te pay for part of you* train- ing. Under this ayatem, you en soon be trnined, ready te accept one of these big paying jobs. This spe- cial offer la good for a short tino oaly. Day nd evening sessions. Don't delay. Write or eall for full particulars immediately. HÊMPHILL'S MOTOR SCHOOL, .163 West King Street, Toronto. FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS and so reasonably priced, too. Delivered fresh our greenhouses to home. ,rom S. J. Jackman & Sons Florists and Growêrs Phone 80 Bowmanville SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES And enlY the beut grades of *VERMONT BLUE MÂRBLE *I emPlOY no cemetery caretakers as agente Preferrlng te soeli ny ewn goods thus aavtng the. purchamer the agent'a commission. A onU soliclted. F. *IL BOUNSALL Proprietor. BoWmanville. Phoneo380W Bx9 years old. Their remains were in- terrcd in Ebe nezer Churcl burying ground, Darlington, awaiting the mes- urrection cf the just. The text at fatler's funerni was Rev. 14:13., "And I icard n veice frein Heaven saying unto me Write, Blessed are the dead whici die la the Lord from liencefortl: Yen saith the Spirit, tînt 1tley rnay reat from their labors and -their womks do follow them". *IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL * Editor'a Note: Wlen on Auguet *1, 1878, thc senior editor assumed charge cf The. Statesman Office, hie 3received maceh encouragement and 1editorial assistance frein Mr. Thomas 1Ychbowlees, timon the popular pro- rietor of "Variety Hall", thc leadiag 1bookatore. He knew far more tIen about local aewepaper affairs than týme w ritcr and lia advice and help were exceediagly acceptable. Se lis very complinentary letter of-Marcî 6 inet., la very highly nppreciated. We quote a f ew sentences: Dear Statesman-I enclose liere- wtl my aubscription for another ycnr. I can say witlout fear of con- tradiction, tînt yen are living up te tîe very highest ideals of statesman- slip and cxerdiaing a beneficent in- fluence ever your commuaity. To those cf us wlio have pitched our tenta beyond the limite of The Home- land cf Durhamn, you ceme as a very, weîcome visiter witl youm messages of love and pence, of joy and &or- row, of tliose wlo lave fougît tIe gooid figlit, wlo have flaished tîcir course and kept the faitl, and we are grateful for tIc precieus memeries cf the old comradesîip witl its aweet and leautiful sanities and tender 1miaistries. Wishiag yen every suc- ceas la your work., Believe me, yours very siacerely, Thos. Yellowlees. ETS s SCIATICA Hlave YOU i nup?7Hv o remigimcd yoir&el totethat *Id, nawng aintha motbing e«Mo 9ralieve 1 D you thinjk b.- "U«ro caltgo txt&rwg or tahe some expenmive =et.. mt tthat YOU have Me othen' aiteraativer I hve m. cadmcs £idered hopeies, re eVerythi , ebatha mc. ec tkt w o boad rcovery l lag T. RF. C.1.(e r Rheumàïtic C"O ) e -have theumnde q -mi-e a lt ýb4Fe&d deuh t BC.té t"e mosi Practicai aad muceamdwn alienmaîl.remed molg. Attmeu.. Sohd by Jury &-Loveil 'mm A Big Bar A, f ul-size-, full-weight, solid bar of good soap is "SURPRISE." Best for any and al oshl s- To Everywoman SMÂNY women ack savings accounts, thinkig arnounts, accumulated gradually, are your strengtl in an emnergency. Standard Service welcomes simali au w.lam large accounts. Tifs S TANDR BAN K TOTAL ASSETS'OVER EIGHTY.THREE MILLIONS Bowmsnville Branch, - . . H. W. Lapp, Manager Bîackstock Brandi, - .- E. A. Preston, Manager Newcastle and Newtonville Branches J. Scott Montgomery, Manager Ther sAlwaysî *Sometling Doing Our bakery department is always helping some- body. It may be unexpected visitors,ý an after- nmon tea, a party or just the regular meals.of the day, Our.large and varied assortmnent of fancy and plain baking is always at your service. Why not take advantage of this service? CHRISTIE'S BAKERY The Cash & Carry Bakery 1i Phone 97 Bowmanville Treat Your Liver Fairly A disordered liver throws the whole Help system wrong and affects the health your generally. Beecham's Pilis act di- Iiver rectly on the liver, cleanse and act strengthen the stomach, re guate the bowels, remove all impurities from right the systemn, and make you fit and well. You can have a healthy body, strong nervous system, bright eyes and clear Take complexion if you Bsech ams Sold *p.ryuihere in box«. 25&-40 pille Puis50c-9pilla, Wdbdb âdbMI Teas ,staple as our dailZ bremd n Lii 1 L-m--j

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