0 WHAT THE ARMS PARLEY HAS ACCOMPLISHED By Chas. M. Bice, B. A., LL, B., Deniver, Coloradto. The Epoch-Making Arms Parley has passed-into history. Six distinct Lreaties resuÏt from its deliberations, and two others agreed to in -sub- stance besides ten' "declarations" were made. These, and a few others comprise the formai and tangible contribution of the arms conference negotiations to history. By the major 'agreements of the conference, the great powers put a limit on their conf erence,, made a frank confession when he said "I once belîeved in armed preparedness. I advocated it, but 1 have now corne to believe there is a better preparedness in a public mind and a world opinion made ready to grant justice precisely as it' exacts it. And justice is betteri served in conference of peace than in confliet at arms. No intrigue, no offensive oz defensive alliances, no involvments have wrouhgt your agreements, but reasoning with each other to common undersLanding has made new relationships among gov- ernments and peoples, new securitîes for pence, and new opportunities fori achievement and attending happincss. Over a Quarter, of a Centur3 of Public Service of the highest order, atandig behi every pacilet sold. -~ -4 f- Tanlac strengthens the nerves and brings back the normal state of health through its effect on the ap- petite and nutrition of the body. Jury & Lovell. CHANGE 0F TIME For the convenience of the travel- ling public I arn now making daily trips to Oshawa. Leave West End Garage, Bowmanville, at 6 a. m., leave corner King and Mary-Bts., Oshawa, at 5 p. m. Saturday leav- ing ýOshawa at 12 noon. St± Art Cole, Proprietor.