Coughs Colds and Chronic, Bronchitis Totally destroyed by Buckley's Brouchitis Mdixture, The Worid's snost wonderful remedy. <UARANTEED ta giVe relief or money refunded 40 Doses for 750 Sold bv al druggiste or by muail from W. K. BIICILE. LIMITEI. 142 Mutmal St. Tarente SOLD IN BOWMIANVILLE BY F. R. KERSLAKE AN OPERATION So Thinks Mrs. Tracey of Ontario, Regarding yclia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compeund Knlightington, Ontarlo.--«I took Lydia E. Pi*nkbaM's Vegetable Com. Dound at the change oflilfe for troubles that women often have at that tinie. 1 bad not been wel 10r ayear and as flot rffaiiy able toý dO My work. A frlend Who had t&ken the Vegetable ComPound berseif reeommended it te Mie and 1 think its use Bayied me from aifl operation, I highly recommend Xt to ail women whO have, troubles like màne, and amn willing for you tO use my testinsonia."-Mjzsî D A N ip J. TRAtcsv, Knightington, Ontario. Some female troubles may through neglect reacli a stage when an opera. tien is necessary. But the more coin- mon aliments are not the surgical ores; they are nt caused by serious dispiacements, tumors or growths, W.- though the symptoma mMay appear thie saine. When disturblng sympltoms flrst appear take LYdila B. Pintchain's Vegetable -Compouad le relleve the present distress an4 prevent more serious troublef.. Zûtoo0 THE5"L !FTUP I (paseited) A LL BIAS FIL LED CORSETS ar-e designed in conformity wilh Lthe science cf -Anatomy. Thse LIFTUP" a Patented invention witb non-slip etastie iside tait. gently supports tise abdomen and ih very beneficial for use att-r an ope, - etion invoiving an abdominal incision.1 Mot effective in relievisg rthose pisysical aliments from whicis nsnyi women suifer. WRlTE for se.f ui iints on fiting and ael.-meaeluresnent. FREF. Thse genuine paiente-d 'LIFTUt'> i ta BIAS CORSET mtade only by 49 aacr1ITAEN STREEi Dzrr F PHONE MAIN 3700 MÂNVERS MAN IN TROUBLE William-Kennedy Fined $200 andi .Cost. For, Having a Stili. William Kennedy of Manvers was sumrnoned to appear in Court; yes- terday on a charge of having in his possession a stili for the manufacture of liquor. Kennedy did net appear and n summons was issued for his arrest. About 1.30 oeclock Kennedy strolled into the Police Court room ail ready for the ceremeny. 11e did net fancy the Cannon Bail ex- press and waited for the noon train, hence bis deLay in reaching the court. H1e pieaded guiity te the charge and was fined $200 and $20 costs. The case was heard, by J.1 W. Sanders, J. P.-Port Hope Guide. Mr. and Mrs. John Robson, Ver- nonville, ceiebrated their golden wed-ý ding Tuesday at their daughters, the Misses Robson, Toronto. Six daughters and one son were withý them. George A. Robson, Bindios, Aita., was absent. No Appetite Nervous exhaustion leads te dis- taste for food. Thse nerves of the stomacis are weak, 'digestion faits and you become generally upset and eut of sorts, Tise secret of complete restera- t' s in getting tise nerveus system- 'fu!!y built up. Mrs. R. Chcsîey, 208 Ricih- moud St., Chatham, Ont-, writes: w as troubled with indigestion, ni i-h caused me many sicepless nigbus. i would bc in terrible distrais at imes, and wouid get no relief for two or three ours. For sixteen months I ate catIs- iî17 but Shredded Wheat biscuis, as i Idare flot eat anything eite. not K now what tb do, as i hati tried se many -ý4.erent remedies, ai well as doctori' medicines, withosit gaining' permanent relief, Finally 1IetgotiomnEDr. SChase's Nerve Food, and while onth îI econd box noticed'that i was improving. i continued the trealment until I arn now fufly restored, and have returned to MY regular diet. MY husband bai alto taken Dr. Chase's Nerve Food wiih splendid results, îo we are Iglad to recomnend it to others." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 5 Oc a box, ail denlers, or Edmanson, Bates & Ce., Limited, Toronto. iIa Farfl czema "If mothers only knew. the value of D. D. D." %rres Mra. A. Ashby of 655 Yonge St., Toronto. Write ber for tihe story of how D. D. D. cureti hier baby of a case of eczema tisat compieteiy covere-d tise Ieati and face. We keep on publishing these statemanta weekly from ail parts of Canada, teiling of tise realiy marvelous resuits secured by thse iquid .a.b. wby not gt a bottle afiD. D. D. today on our positive gnaranteel ltc)sPoe$ lîke »Mir-o 81.00 a bttie. Try D. D. D. Saap, too. M' ICUM R)i1r Shin Disease JURY &LOVELL,, DRUGGI-STS Perk Up and Smnile Blues and Backiache Vasish Toronto, Ont,- "Less than a year ago 1 w S liti a very -~ ~- - ~poor tate of healtis: ceulid scarco--ly drag il vwseif arorndtoit c iy 1xsuiework. ~» T..- I 1 aTr htcc'Lakte Dr. ,~- ~/Pie il -'s F1avorite Pre-,e- 1ticn and I /l~ ~< cialncL traise it tee highly for the gtýý beiefeit I re- ceiveti. Th,- bacirabe')e and pains dis- apPeared erntj;'- -,ý s I on was re- stereti te sertect 1 ktl aIitow that Dr. Pierce'.0 Fra: e r1 -cription La the best woi,-e --L-r, fer noth- ing ever hespesr as much as this 'Prescription.', u ene hesitancy in recoin mr-;i-sg h r-t o e:ber womea who stiSfer as i j"~..TS Kathleen -Whiiians, 1.3 Br okfleid St. Orillia, OrLt-.."s (Led a bati case of woman's trouible, s a-ffetrd fhm back- ache, Ëervtsusness, ai-d diserdereti di- grestion. IL hati gcat Pain ail the time, semetintes 1 el faint at my worir I had one nhystcian atter an- or-her bttvtll no iegood. I1 then toit nine bottles et Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescriprtion and i t fixeti me up ail rigbt, I Iook miuh better. ard feel fine. 1 w ilreccîner-enti the 'Pre. sc2ription' te ail suffering as 1 did- Mus. Maybeile B. Gratrix, Box 940. Health is Most important te every weman. You canneft aff-ti te to eglect t when your n-eighborholiod druLggist can suppiy you witti Fav~orite Pre- scription in tale,ts or liquid. This Prescription is r-os de b-t Dr. Pierce's La-bora-torv LU r:dveý-burg, Ont. Send [Oc U'e1, f .xu -,ssn a ptriai pkg. IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL 1 Editors' Note: A lettîr like this makîs us ail feel good. Mr. NI. T. Sîlby is an old Durhamn Boy who stili 5loves the llomeland and sends bis -regards and geed wisbes tý, bis eld sfriends at Bewmanville and New- castle where hie was known as 'the r"Strawberry King" of this district. gWe are glad te hear frein hlm and tbank huma for bis apprecilative werds on env efforts te prodCuce a weekly newspaper worthy of this Banner County. Grand Coulee, Sask., January 30, 1922. Mr. M. A. James & Sens, Bowmanville. Dear Sirs--We bave been receiving, the Newcastle Inde- pendent through your firin anti undîr the circumstances I am-ipieased-lte knew that yen are giving us the two papers in elle. Under this uew ar-, 7rangement, Lt should make a more -up-te-date local paper. I was born in the tewn of Bow- manvilie and I think if there ia any place on earth more dear te eue than another, Lt La the place where wî were hemn. My home was Lu the South Warti. We were all boys anti girls together -theMitchell's, Coleman's, Jonesses, Soper's 'anti others. I rernember when a kid I usedti t help carry my father's dinner up te Neatis' & Port- er's Foundry., My parents finally moveti town te; Newcastle anti hure my father entered inte work for, Lu those tinys, The Hart A. Massey firin, but now the' greaý Massey-Harris Company of Toronto whose machines anti implements stand second te none in the world. N. T. Selby. LOCAL ANI) OTHERWISE Get seed grain ready-Spriug is coming. Dust Causes Asthma. Even a lit- tle speck tee amail te see will lead te agonies which ne words'can descrîbe. The wnils of the brîathing tubes con- tract ant iLt seoins as if the very life must pas. Prom this condition Dr'. J. Dl. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy brings the user te rest' anti health. It relieves the passages anti normai breathing La establisheti again. These Uusitedi Coilnties apparîntly have periodicai booms of criminality. At present there are feurteen men awaiting trial befere Jutige Ward at the County Judge's Criminal Court. -Cobourg Worlti.1 Requisite ou the Farm.-Every f armer anti stock-raiser shoulti keep n supply of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 011l on hand, net; only as a ready remîdy for iii. Ln the famiiy, but be- cause it i. a herse anti cattie medi- cine of great potency. As a sub- stitute for sweît ohl for herses anti çattle affecteti by colic Lt f ar surpass- es anything that can be administer- ed. Johin-Young, grain merchant ef Black-water, receiveti n car o! cern frem the Sýtate o! Illinois lnst week, wbere the crop was se plentiful lait harvest, that the price tiroppeti to half that asheti fer Canadian grown. It's net cbeap cern, however, wben it arrives Lu Ontario, owing te the f reight charges coilecteti. Mr. Young hadti t pay $364 freight on the one car o! 1400 bushels. Twenty- six cents per bushel freight charges appears migbty steep. Useful in Camp.-Explorera, sur- veyors, prospectera anti bunters will finti Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oul very useful Lu camp. When the feet anti legs are wet and colt iLt is well te rub tbîm freîly with the Oul and the remilt will be the prevention o! pains in, the muscles, and should a cut, or contusion, or aprain be sus- taineti, nothing ceulti hi better as a dressing or lotion. Oshawa La inaugurating a tree- planting campaigu as a mîmorial te soldiers kilieti in the war. Seventy Oshawa min fell and t i L prepeseti that onle trie shall be plantîdti t the memory of each soldier, the tree te have a preper guard arounti it on which wiil be piaceti a plate bearing the deati seidier's naine. Miiier's Worm Powders 'act inilti- ly anti without injury te, the chilti, anti thîre cani be ne doubt of their tiîadiy effeet upon werms. Thîy bave bien in successfui use fer a long time anti are recognizeti as a leadiug preparation for the purpose. Tbey have proveti their power in numbîrlîsi cases anti have givin re- lief te many chiltiren, wbo, but for the gooti offices of tbis compouni, wouiti bave continueti weak anti en- feeblîti. H1e Gained Twenty triaLii uset just aii&boxis in ail." The rend te -health- lies through the kidneyà. If they.are kept strong anti weill ail the impurities are aIrain- ed eut o! the blooti. But if thîy aârè weak anti eut o! ordir the in- purities stay in the blooti and i-seasel is sure te risuit.t 1Ask your neighbors if Dotit's Kid-1 ney PuIs do net make stroug healthy kitineys. - OBITUARY Mis. W. Aliewell, Cannington. At Cnnnington, on Janunry 24,' death claimeti Mrs. William AllewelI, daugtîr o! the late Mr. and Mri. H. George of Haldiman- - in, ber fifty- fourth yîar. M'-s. 4.1 ,cl s' as bhem lu Ceutreton, Raidi santi County,ý anti was marrieu th -e thirty-onel years ago te Mr. WVilliam Allewîll. The greater rcrt of ber marrieti life was spent Lu Uptergrove, wberî her kintiiy heliuluess won hîr inanyý warm. frientis. Two years ago the family moveti te Cannington, whereý ber tieath occurreti. Besides her, huabanti, Mns. Allewell heaves four1 sons, George Lu Atherley, Charles, John, Leroy anti Mansel Lu Canning- ton; aise tbree brothers anti oui ais- tir, Edward George Lu Manitoba, John in Millbrook; Fred anti Miss Mary George, Cobourg. The fun- erni was helti te Atherley cemetery on Fritiay, service being conducteti by Rev. H. W. Foley anti Rev. J. Mac- kersie. The -palîbearîrs were Méssrs. Albert anti E. Pomeroy ant i fve sons pf Mrs. AlIeweIi. Messrs..George, Charles, John anti Leroy Allewell. Among the floral tributes was a bandsome wreath fromý olti Upter- grove friends.-OrLlIia Times. Mns. Allewell wasna siter of Miss Mary George -o! this town who was witb Mns. Wm. Foiey for soe menthe. As1 Oshawa and Bowmanville High Aun0 in the Intercollegiate debating con- fj9 Ssikin. -No Spryn-@^ Suai test here, we suggest a subject: juat SwaIIuw 1 Capualu I'Resoived that a cominunity nurse aUA w ,, should be engaged in every town of 5;R 'AZAH A GaGWt«U 3000 inhabitants", and that alniem- tg restore normai breathing atep mueus bers of the Bowmanviile Town Coun- gtherings ln the brenchiaî tubea, give cil be invited te occupy reserved lal atights "of quiet ui.ep; coataîmn e' seats on the piatform. hbIt-formlmx drug. *1.OOat ,rnr dmr. Soft corns are difficuit te ýeradicate, et". TrLilfe at*our agendas or-writq but Hoiloway's Cern Remover will T"P'É'at 142 King W., larent., draw thein eut painlessiy. Sold by Jury & Lovel HURRY UP CALLS For the Plumber NIGHT DAY We are always'at your Service. G-,reenaway & Elliott Consulting Engineers Ph one 18 day or niglit Bowmanville J' n --t Farers Attenti We are now booking orders for Contract Peas for the year 1922 and wiil be glad to haveý orders from a limited number of good, careful farmers, having good soil prepared for the coming crop. We believe the price we are able to offer xii com- pare favorabiy with any crop on the farm, Our stocks of FLOUR and FEED wili be found compiete at ail times, Phone 203. USE IT. ~Hog &Lytie, Limited. Oshawa Ont,ýri0 THE FARMER'S' FRIEND Il--elietes caked-hag, gar- get, spider or inf ection of the teat, also thrush in horses' feet, fistula, etc. Stops bieeding at once. Removes proud flesh, soreness and swýell- ing. At ail Dealers and Drugzgista., Manufactured onty by DOUGLAS & CO., NAPANEE, Ont. PMOSPHODINEŽ- OD Te Girat English Preparaîin,-s 9 *Tones and nvîgorates the whole nervous syslem. maIres new Blood in oId Veins. Used for îervous Llebi tty, mental an,£ Brain Worry, DepnecLoss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, Faj!jng Memory.- hrce$2, 3 for $5 3 Sold y aldruggisis, or muaied in plain ,pkg.on receipioai rice. New PampisWt meailed COs AL AND OTHERWISE Two -people were killed in an auto ýraý. h jeKingston. Tanlac jappetizing, invigorating .. strengthening. Try t and bo convinced. Jury & Loveli. Died at Home for Aged Saturday, Miss Rainbird, an old resident of Bethany, Manvers aged 78. Remains taken te Bethany for interment. If yen once give Tanlac an bon- est trial, you wili add your voice te the thousands of others who are praising "it. Jury & Loveli, Cobourg Coi]egiate Hockey Club will, it is expected, go up against Bowmanville, winners of their group in the High Schooi Hockey League, in their next gaine. Tanlac Vegetable Pilla are sold on a positive guarantee te give perfect satisfaction. Try them to-night and yen will be delighted te find the re- suits you have obtained. Jury& Loveli. 1British railway officiais tells of a tourist in Ireiand 'who lef t the train at every station and went ahead te the iuggage van te ask if bis trunk was sal e. After the sixth time the exasperated guard replied: "Be-I gorra, I wish the Lord had made ye an elephant instead of an ass, and then you'd always have your trunk in front of yen". For clear ski,, and bright eyes Take ý When food is only irnperfectly digested, it gives rise to fermentation, clogs the bowels, and renders the blood impure. This resuits in duil eyes, muddy ski, blotches, pimples and other disfig,uring marks. Beeceham's Puils act immediately on the stomacli, liver and bowels; regu- late them anid keep them in a vigorous condition, They are mild, harmless and dependable. They are compounded of remedies of vegetable origin having- great medicinal value. Sold everywhere in boxes 25c-40 pis 50C-90 pilla "Sa y Mother, this is Grea t!"p "'I wonder if Frank is iii? I can't understand why we haven't huard from him." 'Don't worry, Mother, he's all right. He lias just for-._ gotten to write." But Mother couldn't help worrying. No lutter for ten days fromhler "boy" at College!1 "Cail hirm up riglit now," said Father-"Just ask for the number. The landlady will get him to the phone. It's half-past eight and you'11 get the eveniug rate on a Station- Io-Station eall."î In juat six minutes Mother anti sou were having a heart-to-h,-art taik. Frank hati written a weîk ago-but--hati forgotten te poit the letter t ViWei, wlhat -a-relief," saiti Motier -as ahi turnetifrmtIeneen .'andti t think how sim? le il was toeest our mintis at reat. 1 îhiak PH'il uhim every week.'? Shu does. BotIs look forward te tiiosu happy fcw minute s, from week te weîk. TIse rîduceti evening rates on ber Slation-to-Saior- r-ails are se vtrv low that, as Mothîr says, "Lt would be foolish to dcny mysuif the pleasure.' vr u Every e,,eiiing, Long Distance wires Tephn -w- eth s i_- bsdgin5 eguif,-- ý1 __ 58a Long ts-ýeenhome anti the absent eueýs.î Distance - . Station ' 7 - - - - - - ------------- AsMaun, to Man IP yen were Sitting In' Our office and aaklng Most searching questions about The Mount~ Royal Hot 1 8% Convertible Debenturce we ' would tell yo"u this: That we, of W. A. Mackenzîe & Co., Limited, spent 5CeCiaI nd ontbs investigating every legai and c<m. iDerciýal phase of titis security before we iinder- wrotLe Lt. That we sold the first $ 1,000,000 of these De- bentu-es for cash to The United Hotels Company of Anierica, wlio wili operate the hotel, andi who' w-ili necessarily be most interested i its inanciai success. Tbat we secureti a Bond frein the Building Con- Ira etors t'O complete the ti<itj. Tiat we have the limaniai 'andi moral support of the large Montreal transportation andi other snterests. We e,,aninedl every estiniate of earnings and ex- penditures before we printed thein ln our circular. Everythtng that we possess of brain and money andi reputation is Intertwined wlth It. We consider il the finesti nvestinent; of its ciass that bas ever been put before tihe Canadian publie. Is It amy, wonder, therefore, that we bave se over- whelinug a confidence lu recominendinig lt te ou Wtenow for a eirculai describng Ibis issue in To W, AALM kenzie & Co,, Ltd. 38 King Street West, Toronto. Dear Sirs: Pieause senti me a copy of the cireniar describing mhe 8 % Convertible, Debentures of The Mount Royal note] Company, Linit(il. sud oblige. N'ame ln full................................................. l'il address......... ....................................... Plens-e Write ceýarly. A slow oven wi*ll not spoil your 'baking when you use ORDER FROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY 44 Beauty ýHint for Women. 1