Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Feb 1922, p. 3

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Specials Cannied Peaches, in heavy syrup ......... .....25e Hor--ey, 1.Q L.pail........ ....$1.25 Pure:4ý«******""* "*** Aylmer Jam, 4slbs.......................80C Cao-ined Peae p\er tin ..............................15c Fresýh Prunes, tender and meaty, lb.. .......... 15c Bee Brand Jefly Powder, 3 for ...............24c Peazrmiit Butter in bulk, lb ............................25c Fan cy Biscuits ,lb................................... 17c 3 lbas. Broken Soda Biscuits ...................30c Sunlkist Oranges, extra value, dozen ..........30c. Large Grape Fruit, 3 for .....................25c Qu.e ker Molasses Kisses, lb .....................25c C. M.9 C AWKE R à&S ON BUTWCHERS and GROCERS BOWMAN VILLEý, Everything fresh, clean and up-to-date. If- you get it at The Corner Grocery you are sure of s atisfaction-that is the keynote of our ever- incr-easing business.Iý Faor choice butter and fresh laid eggs we satisfy the m-ost particular customer. 1 -UIARRY ALUIN BOWMANVILLE SLAUGHTER SALE 0F MARMALADE Being overstocked with Marmalade. we are celearing out our entire stock at Less Than Haif Price Cýj Don't go to the trouble and expense of mak- ing marmalade this season when you can buy at these prices. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY AROHIE,,TAIT PHONE 65 PROMPT DELIVERY BOWMANVILLE Seasonable Suggestions ) There is money in Poultry if you use Blatch- ford's Poultry Supplies, Blatchford's Egg Mash is, the Premier Egg Proç,ucer,- Blatchford's Milk Mash the Ideal Starter for Baby Chicks, You also need Grit, Oyster Shell and Hen and Chick Charcoal. We sell them ail. HARDWOOD FLOORING Is better and more sanitary than anything else. We have a full line of Oak, Maple, Beech and lirch, and shalbe gladto show them and give you an estimate on your job. Now is the best time for buying and laying your floor. Come and let us talk it over with you. YIcC1eI1an & Co., Liniited Kng --t, Eat Bowmanville Office Plione 15 Hou, Phoneà 228, 274, 218 81,LDMNQ LOTS FOR SALE 1 ani tofferS&ng two of the choicest onî acre buidin= lts ie the towa of Bow- mariville at very reasonable prices, ln good iotaity c=m Lberty-st., mat one block aoutb of Nureey corner. 2lxcelent gar- den wth abmut 50 good apple trees on each lot just cunlng Into bearing. Nor. mn S. B. Ja mes, Statesman Ofice, Bow. mnrvIlle. "BABY CHICKS-It is cheaper and more satisfactory te buy ready hatcbed cbicks. We guarantee safe deiivery cf vigereus, pure bned, hus- ky chicks cf all breeds. Write for free bookiet and prices. THE CANADIAN CHICK HIATCHERY, Ltd. Dept., C. N. Hamilton, On- tarie"o- BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 9th., 1922. WHITBYITE S OFF TO CUBA Dr. H. Bascom, Clerk Surrogate Court and Dr. J. M. Forster, Medical Superintendent Ontario iHospital are on a trip to Cuba, where Dr. Bascom bas business interests. Dr. Bas- com 's office is la charge of Mr. John Hay. Col. J. E. Farewell, County Crown Attorney, is planning a trip to Cuba, and left last week f or the Southern States, from which he will sail later. Col. Farewell was gra0nt- ed a month's leave of' abscence by the County Council last week. ZION Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. E. Mount- joy at Mrs. W. J. Lanmgaid's, Osh- awa; Mr. Howard Mackey, Brooklin, visited here on Sunday..Ladies Aid held its regulIar meetingat Mrs. E. Mountjoy's, Wednesday afternoon last ....... . Miss Marguerite Con- lin gu eýt of Miss Gladys Brooks, Bowmanville.. .. Miss Olive Brock is home after visitîng her parents at Maple Grove .... Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley floskin upon the arrivai of a baby girl .... Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lee Sundayed with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs, A. R. Scott, Bowmanville. . .. Mrs. W. J. Lang- maid guest at E. Mountjoy's. TYRONE Report of S. S. 18, Darlington for January, names in oredr of meit: Class V-Wesley Little, Harold Bur- gess, Dean Hodgson. Jr. IV-Fred Goodman, Richard Gibbs, Kathleen Gibbs, Stanley Lawrence, Harry Hatherley. Sr. 111-Flora 'Me- Roberts, Leon Moore, Kathleen Mc- Cullough, Leverne Burgess, Frank Hatherly, Arthur Richards, Verna McCoy. Sr. II-Eleanor Thompson, Annie Gardiner, Ivan Smith, Clar- ence Goodman. Jr. IT-Eani Good- man. Sr. I-Teddy Woodyard, Bruce McRoberts. Sr. Pr.-Alice Thompson, Clarence Hatherly. Jr. Pr.-Francis Thompson, Lorne An- ns. Jr. Pr. (a)-Chester Prescott. M. L. Wight, teacher. If you want plenty of pep, strength and energy, take Tanlac. Jury & Loveli. WON CARTER SCHOLARSHIP On the Oshawa. High School has fallen the first and second honors as rewards for two of its pupils who passed in the Honor Matriculation ex- amination of last June.. Miss Cora Evertt captured the first prize of $100.00 scholarship, and Miss Marion Bravener was awarded the second prize scholarship of $60, and the third prize went to Miss Grace Rose, of Port Perry. Miss Bravener is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Robt. Brav- ener of the Base Line, Whitby, and attended Whltby High School f oi several years. Her inany Whitby friends will be glad to hear of her ne- cent success. She isstudying at Ton- onto University this year.. COULDN'T SCARE THIS GIRL. A certain girl had a proposai of marriage, ,and asked a week to think it over. She went to ail her married sisters. One who used to be a belle had three children, did ail her own work and had not been to the theatre or out riding since she was married. Another, whose husband was a prom- mnent young'man at the time she was married. was supportîng him. A third didn't dare say her lif e was her own when her husband was anound, and the fourth was divorced, After visiting them and hearing their woes the heroine of the tale went home, got pen, ink, and paper and wrote an answer to the young man. You may think it was refusing him, but it wasn't. She said she would be ready in a month. Wise and experienced mothers know when their children are troubled with worms and lose no time in applying Miller's Worm Powdens, a most eff ect- ive vermifuge. It is absolute in clearing the system of worms andi rest"~ing those, healthy condeioirs without which there can be no comý fort for the child, or hope of robust growth. It is a most trustworthy worm exterminator. tine's from 1 wards, suitable cent up-. for child- ren and grown ups. Also boxed Stationery suitable for Valentine Gifts. W. T. ALLEN, BIG 20 Book Shopi Bowmanville ONTARIO'S SMALL TOWNS Here's Where Bowmanville Shines Brightly. The Daily Ontario of Belleville in an editorial makes this contribution to country towns' loss of population and indicates the reason in a very correct sènse, we think. The Ontar- io says:, Checking over census retuirns it will be seen that'Ontanio tewns are losing out. The cry is raised: How can this sort of thing be stopped? It is declared a national menace. Is it? Just consider what bas happened. In bigger cities and throughout Wes- tern Canada are to be found people in twos and dozens and hundreds from this section as well as from ail over older Ontario. In fact, many of the young towns in the west are made up of people from hene. But look at it in another way. Take, for instance, Trentonor Madoc or Napanee or even Belleville. What have these places to offen? When a boy got his entrance thene, he had a chance to go to high school. At six- teen, let us say, he was through school. There used to be an occasion- iai chance to learn a trade at the Io- cal foundry, pninting office, or car- eiage and 'blacksmithing establish- ment; sometimes one of the stores had'room for a boy, or one of the banks was pnepared to take on a jun- ior clerk. There may have been a few other oépenings, but ia main the above covers the lot fairly well. What were the other boys going to ~do? The answer is so plain that one hardly needs to, suggest it, viz., get out and dig for a place in the big world, and that is exactly what the boys, and many of the, girls, have done. The smaller centres of Old Ontario have played a very big part in build- ing up this country, including the city life and the smaller centres that are dotted ail over the vast expanse of Western Canada. So, when they have dons counting noses, and compared the count wîith ten years ago, many of the towns may not find much satisfaction in fanding out that they have actuaily slipped back 100 or so. But let their imagination go out a littie, and see whene the boys and girls from that *own have gone. You wili find them ail over the country. They have be- come mecbanics, foremen, superin- te'ndents, owners; they are the lead- ing doctors and surgeons;~ they have fine legal practices; they are editing and managing some of your biggest newspapers; they are teachers and principals in schools and colleges; they are merchants and bankers and salemen. If it were possible to stand them 'ail together it would make the old town proud to think it had con- tributed such a wealth of amanhood and womanhood'to the wonld. 5o the towns do not need to be dis- couraged. They have made a mem- orable contribution to the national lif e.,of Canada, which, in the iast analysis, consists eatirely of the ster- ling, wortb and character of its men aad women. Wretcbed from Asthma. Stnengtb of body and' vigon of mind are in- evitably impaired by the visitations of astbma,. Who can live unden the cloud of recurring attacks and keep body and mind at their full effi- ciency? Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy dissipates the cioud by ne- movîng the cause. It does, relieve. 1 tdoes restore the suff ener to normal bodily trim and mental bappiness. FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONSIo and so reasonably prièed, too. Delivered fresh from our greenhouses to your home. S.ý J. J ackmani & Sons Florists and Growêrs Phone 80 Bowmanville1 Electrical Work Car ligbting, stanting, and ignition systems. Aise ail kinds cf Electrical appliances repained and ovenhauled, bouse wiring, etc. De A. Smith1 Hately's Garage, Bowmanville 1 MUSKOKA HOSPITAL The following additional sunis have been received by the committee in chargeof the Muskoka Hospital Cam- paign, Wm. Quick............ $10*00 Jos. Bryant................'2.00 Business Training RESULTS First Prize won by: Edwin Jennings, Èow- manville, with a total of 1450 words. Second prize, Miss- L. M. Orchard, Enniskillen, with aà total of 1358 words Third Prize, Miss Annie Wilkinson, JRowmanville, jwith a total of 1049 words Bowmanville' Business College Enter Any Time Day and Evening Classes. Cora P. Fulton, O. G. A. Principal TwUo Pair of Glasses, Inconvenfience, Loss of Time From Work and Eyestrain Insuirance A great many people ceme to us with breken glasses and have to lose a day or probably two from work. This is indeed reck- less as no, one can afford to have this incenvenience when it is flot ns..essary. Non can anyone afford to underge the discomfert, even for a short time, while new glasses are being made. Two bats, two suits, 2 pain of boots? Yes. Two pain of glasses? Cer tainly. Let us talk it over togethen. R. M .MITCHELL Registered Optonsetriat- RM. Mticell & Co.- Druggi.ts andi Optometrins Phone 92Bowmanville Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE_ *1 GRANITES and on ly the best grades of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE I employ no cemetery caretakers3, as agents preferrîng to seii my own gooda thus saviug the purchaser the agent's commission. A cail1 solicited A ýGood Business School- here's why q Over twenly thousand young men and women have Iearned ishorthand, îypewriting and busi- ness methods in the Shaw Business Schools. Everystudent bas recei- ~ .s 'y'nandindividualhel-P Four succesi. Eleven '..Y .au...ts. 5 hsi.rnl We havea chair adi. eskfor you. Stise t an ien. Write now for handbock. P. MCI NTOS H, CHIEF PRINàCIPAL MASON & DALE Frî'day Bargains In Hardware Sewing "Machine, $90 for ..................$45.00 Sewing Machine, $45 for ..................$Z2.50 Johnson's Flopor Wax, 2 lb tin ...............$1.25 CASH AND CARRY Mason & Dale's Hlardware' PHONE 145 BOWMANVILLE Our February Sale In which many lines of Boots and Shoes are greatly reduced in prices is now on-take advantage. No trouble to show goods-it's a pleasure. lU1 Copeland -Shoe Stere BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO III, "His Madter's VoiceNidîor Records for February DANCE RECORDS My Sweet Gai-Fox Trot Ail Star Trio and Their Orchestral 18835 10 S .85 I'm auglgAil the Time Ail Star Trio and Their Orchestra GyinsyBluesFox Trot Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra 18839 1 8 Whe Budhasmiles Paul Whjteman and His Orchestrai 1 .8 Just a Little Love Song Paul Xhiteman and His Orchestra 18842 10 .85 Ty-Tee-Fox Trot Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra Granny, You're My Mammny's Mammy Club aoyal Orchestra 18843 10 .85 Ail That 1 Need la You Club Royal OrchesraÇ 1 Want My Mammy-Manly 'Nî Me J. C. Smith and Hxi- Or. 18845 10 .85 Steain- Fox Trot joseph C. Smith and BisOr a It Must be Someone Like You-Fox Trot Chsampion jazz Band 216354 10 .85 Oh Joy1-Fox Trot Scott's Orchestra Popular S.ngs of Yesterday-Medley Waltz No. 1 H-aclel-nergê Orchestra 35713 12 1.50 Popular Songa of Yesterday-Mediey Waltz No. 2, Hackel-Bergè Orchestra POPULAR SONGS- Molly-O (I Love You) William Robyn 182910 .8 Love's Ship Charles H arrison Rose of My Soul John ýSteel '8836 1 8 Whisper To Me In the Starlight John Steel 1 1 8 Gýeorgra 1Rose0 .8 ToorwLand Sterling Trio183 I've Cor My Habit@ OnMis tgrioa18810 .85 Happy Hottentot Miss Patricola183 There is a Wideness lu God's Mercy Trinity Quartet 216355 10 .95- W1) oftly Now the Light of Day (2) Seven Fold Amen When 'Ihall We Mleet Again Edna Brown- Elliott Shawý 18841 1 8 Mississippi Cradle Edna Brown_]ittSa 1 8 Second Rand Rose 1an rc 45263 10 1.25 My Man (Mon Homme>)Fnn1 Bic VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL RECORDS (1) Run, Run, Run (Concone) (2) Jumping (Gurlitt) (3) Run- ning Game (Gurlitt) (4) Air de Ballet (Jadassoho) 18840 10 .8 Waltzes 1, 2 and 9 (Brahms) Vitor OrhstraJ Guards Brigade March Metropolitan Military Band 216356 10 .85 Mllitary Cross March Metropolitan Military Bandj RED SIIAL RECORDS For Ever and For Everl Emullo de GogorzS4 66019 10 1.3 Afile, Wbere Art Thou? Mischa Elman 74724 12 2.25 Quartet in D Major-Allegro Moderato Flonzaley uluartet 74726 12 2.25 Ol' Car'lina Amelita Galli-Curci 66014 10 1.50 Les Saltlmbanques-Cust l'amour (The Mountebank- 'Ti& Love 66017 10 1.50 Canzonettas Huida Lashanska 66021 10 1.50 Sweet and Low Hulda Lashauska 66020 10 1.50 Querida (My Darling) Titta Ruila 87331 10 1.50 Taming of the Shrew-Part 1 E. H. Sother ansd J. Marlowe 74704 12 2.25 Tamning of the Shrew-Psrt Il E. H. Sothern and J. Marlowe 74705 12 2.25 FOte Bohêime (Bohemian Festival) (No. 4 frai. "Sc nsPttoresques') Artura Toscanini and La Scala Orchestra Q4725 12 2.25 Where My Dear Lady SieepÏ Reinald Werrenratb 66018 10 1.50 lussian Dance Efrem Zimbalist 64955 10 1.5e Âsk te hear these new selections pie yed on the at any "His Madter's Voice"dealers Menuf..tured by N.rln.r %Gram-o-plson. Co., LimgeS d.Montreai Il

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