TOLE'S LIST REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $3500 will buy 8 roomed brick houge anid office attached, opposite Town Hall. $2200 wlll purchaze 7 room frame hous en Chtûreh Street, waterý sewer, electris dght and furnace, 8-roomed brick honne on Ontario-et., Bowinanville good lot, every convenience. WiUl be sold reasonable for quick saie. $3000 wiil purchase 2 tory brick boune an Concession Street, water, aewer, elect- rie light, furnaze, gerage and every con- venience. $7000 will purchase 170 acres,Iot1l Township of Clarke fine buildings, well fenced and watered, &bout 3 miles east of Newcastle Wharf. .86,700 wiil purchase 116 acres parts loti 6, con. 1, and 6 con. 2, Cartwright, known as the Bruce Fanm, well fencsd, so11 ciay loai, good buildings. Ternms easy. $20,000 will purchase the Semers Farni oontainîng 150 acres, mast outaide the cor- poration of the Town of Bowmanvîlle, on county road, on which are erected an 8- roomed brick h use commodious out- buildings, atone tabling for 40-head of cattie; the noli la a rich dlay boai, we]l fenced and watersd; this la conaiderei one of the beat farina in the county. Terme to suit the Purchaser. L A. W. TOLE, REMAL ESTATE AGENT' 85-tf Bowmavill, Phone 41. Chiropractic (Spinal Adjiust.unts) Remove the Cause of Diseaae without Medicine or Knife. Chfr- opractors hae remarkable sue- cesb in removing the cause of Apend ts Deaf ne.., Asthrna, Rhematam, Lumbago, Lame Back, Constipation, Piles, Female Diseases, Stomach and Kidney Troubles. Nervousnesa in many forma respond readily to Chfro, practic. Examination Free at Office. DR. S. M. JONES. 86 Simaco. St. N. Oshawa Phone 224. The Double Track Route- between Montroal Toronto Detroit Chicago Uiiexcelled dining car service. Sleeping car on nlght trains and Parlor cars on the principal day traini PFull information from an y Granc Trunk Ticket Agent or C. M. Hornlng D)istrict Psuenger Agent, Toronto. J. IL H. JURY, Avant Phonae 78aBswayLl THE "LIFTUP» (Patented) ALL BIAS FIL LED CORSETS are designed in conforMity wilh the science of Anatomy. The 'LXFTU? ' apatented invention with non-slip elastie inside beit, gently supports the abdomen and is very beneficial for use ater an apel - ation involving an abdominal incision. Most effective in relieving those physical ailinents fram which mnany women suifer. WRITE for ujefulhit.onfiUin, and self-meegurement. FREE. The genuine Potented *'Lfl'fUP" is BIAS CORSET made oniy by 1511S CRAS Sris '-U DEPT.PF PHONE MAIN 3700 c ", SE TS CHANGE 0F TIIME GIRLS' WORK AND LEADERSHIPI IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL Mr. an! Mrs. J. B. Pearce, Nor- I wood, celebrated the 5th anniver- For the convenience -of the travel- Conference to be HeId in Bowsman- Mr. Stephen H. Short, Vineland, ýary of their marriage on January ling public I ain now making daily ville in February. ' North Carolina, in transmitting $2.50 ý-Ati. Their five living childnen are: tripis to Oshawa. Leave West End for his old home paper for another Vrý W. A. F. Canmpbell, Port Garage, Bowmanville, at 6 a, m., A shorttime ago there was organ- year tells of the progr-ss of "our e issBaceadHelen, Nor eleave corner King and Mary-as., ized in Bowmanville a Girls' Work growing little town". ' t surely has wood; Charles P. Pearce, Turnbull Oshawa, at 5 p. mi. Saturday leav- Board composed of two represen- a boom on which reads like a Cana- Cove, B. C., and J. F. Pearce, Nor- ing Oshawa at 12 noon. tatives from each of these churches: dian Northxvest boom slory 25 years wood. Their son, Russell Sperry 2 tf Art Colo, Proprietor. Methodist, Preshyterian and Discip- ago or so., He sav s real estate hias served in South Afnican war, and wasi ________________________les. The pastors of the churches doubled in vin'ue and quotes soute killed in France- on December 27, and Superintendents of the Sunday instances inv' hich hie was interest- 1915. RAILWAY TIME tABI.Eb FOR Schools are also members of the ed. Hie bought a house and lot BOWMANVILLE. Board, ex-officio. for $600 and sold the property for ____Officers of the Board are- Presi- $1800. Hie bought another house r Grand Trunk Railwday. dent-Miss Amy E. McKowan; Vice- and lot for $900 and has refused u Going Eas.. Going West President-Misa ilazel Wilcox; Sec- $3,500 for it. He paid $2,500 forUS Express 8.42 a. mi. Express 4.22 D Wight. $4,000. Mr. Short Who' le brother smki* M R L A y Express 9.18 a. ni. Express 5.38 D TTnCIO auspices of this Board an of Mr. W. D. Short of Bowmanville, D Express 10.35 a mi Pass'ngr 10.02 x efficient and progressive Canadian says his 'health is excellent and he Just OW8iISwIbUPU@ý x Passenger 3.09 p mi Passenger .7.06* Girls-in-Training work i. being car- bas no cause for worry. lie en- ;RAZ-MAH le Gu.swante.,d nx Local 7.14 p. mi. Passenger 7.13* ried on for the benefit of the 'teen- joys reading the news every week 'te restore normal broatkiug, stop mucus DMail 9.58 p mi. Passenger 8.16 xaggilofomnilefoite Hoeado Durham. gatherngs in, tke brenha ue-- >f x Passenger 1.18 p ni Passenger 1 56* The Girls' Work Board in co-op- They are erecting a $100,000 school 1long lts of quietalcp; coustals » Il * Sundays only; x Daily except1 Sun- eration wiTh the Provincial Gerls' building and canstructing new paved hahit-fcrmlag drg. $l.fl et y.ur&g- day Fagd Work Board is now planning to hold streets. The New fta r-jo'.rllrea uaecs rwrh da; lage.a Conference for Girls and Leaders. gressive own say of A arg pmbr-Z I cia ral ifreelnug W, eue Canadian Pacifie Railway This conference begins Friday, Feb. of n ew snesas venurelare said temeos 4 in . m« Going Eat Going West l7th nt 7 o'clock p. mi., and continues be under contemplation for this year Sold by Jury & Lovel Express 10.18 a. m. Express 5.50 a. ni throughout Saturday and Sunday. fand people who are wise, ta affairs 1Express 2.36 p. m.* Local 8.20 a. ni.* This conference ha. two main oh- àay that 1922 w-HI witness the build- Local 10.08 p. mi.* Express 4.40 p. ni. jects, and plans for two sets of dele- ing of the largest nuniben of brick Express 12.20 a. ni Express 7.42 p m* gates. TFrgrs rn 4ta 7busness structures that have ever *Daily except Sunday.' they plan to show the ScOPe, possiblii- been constructed hene in any year. C. B. Kent, Town Agent. ties and pleasures of Canadian-Girs -_______ In-Trainingz work. II-For lead- Canadien N.%tional Railway. esncdig irsan 17, thone West Bound Eat Bound will ho domonstrated not only the Many people are almost cnippled Âs *8.5 a m.*74p.m sc opo of the C. -G .1. T. work;- but with coras. But it is needîcas suif- 8.5 . i.7.4 ~ i~also bow ta organize and conducte ein wicccnhespodlyone 0Dail excpi Suday.varions activitios of this organization. with liolloway's Corn Remover. AIl girls 14 yoars of age or aven, ail pastors. supointendonts, leaders, Snnday School teachers, and anvono Sm sh Y'ur intorestod in work for girls, rsdn Smas You inSouth Durhami are invited to at- tend this Conferenice. t, Funther information and registra- BUSL' CoiTo-day MNMNA R OK urytion fonnis may be obtained froni any Give il a knockout blow wîth a few officer of tho Girls' Work Board, or doe ffrom the local pastors and supenin- dBIrHect18o7 Bucktey's Brenchitis Mixture tnet.-Ipre Tried and proved by over 200,000 m. SCOTCH AND SWEDE people. Positively Guaranieed to give CANADIAN GIRLS IN TRAINING GRANITES relief. 40 Doses for 7 §0____ Seid by &II arsiriselnteresting and Important Clasa at ado h s rdso or by mil frein the Winter School Here.i VERMONT BLUE MARBLE W. . L Sclley, Limitd, 142 Mutual. i. Teademi. p byn eeeycrtkr One of the very helpful features - as agents pre!errîng to sen rny own SL INBOWMANVILLE BY of the Winter School in Cobourg was <~Iod hssvn h ucae SOD Nthe "Canadian Girls in Training" te gontus csion . h Auca F.R ESAEstudy gronp, whicb met every after-slctd MissE. XWonry, Tynone, Ont. t0. noo ude te apbl iadrsipof Could Not, Eat F. fi. BOUNSALL -~ ~ proved most inspiring to the young- er girls as well as to tbose wbo were Constipation is caused hy a Proprietor. Bowomanvllle. .teachers or leaders in girls' work.Phn32WBx4 - j Miss Werry spoke, on "Tbe girl torpid condition of the liver. Dos- from 12 to 17 years of age", "What ing with salts, castor oiT, etc., ta Are vou ren dis<g thse weekiy Canadian letter shei ie' Hrndsad"Te mv th bo lcno fod tellir tories ces s ffring fLomnskin dîsaac ei e,"irned"ad"h oete oes antair and iiow cure wz.- irefculent? Ms en C. G. 1. T. prograni", planned to more than temporary relief. lIere s par f a ]citr rmMsHey meet tbose neods. At this period Il vey. Black Lake, Que. Write her if you des- the girl is stepping ont froin child- If you are ta rid yourself of id "Ten yearss of eczensa on thse face. bood toward womanbood. It is a this ailment and the scores of an.- sample alone of D. D. . cured me, etc." nsitory pe ad dsese The proof of thse pudding is iu thse eitingr mentally sbe is napidly devoloping. wihcoe nts aeih When a prescription for skia disease lias lettr h eoesmr ef setv.She of cure and endorsement from nuearlir every longs to be populan and take bier necessary ta gel the liver right by nity and town ini the Dominion, surely it npaei h ol o sflo. uhtramn spssi - nougbi to convince the Most skeptical. Paei h o fueules uhteteta ssunsested i Relief fromt itchinti forment is immedtafeThere are many things tbat perplex this letter: 'W Just try one bottie of D. il. D. todai' on or and puzzle her that she does not sopoëgaate 10 abti.i .1. understand. It is a period of relig- Mrs. Alvin Richards, R. R., Sious awakcning. Sho longs to he No. 1, Seeley's Bay, Ont., writes: good and do good. Witb ber, ne- "Fer îwo years I was aff licied wiih * * * ligion is a vital tbing and few girl s a thtis age if pnopenly approached idgeton, and ini ihe morning when I'< IrHE Ict1eni for S}dn Diaea.Se but l ldy cetCrsta hi gol up my breath was bad. 1 had a JURY & LOVELL, DRUGGISTS porsonal Saviur ler gats poor appetite, asd just feit like eating ____________________________need at this tino ta ho nndenstood certain foeds. 1 used many diffet-ent ta have leaders who undorstand ansi medicines as a laxative wiihout benei, Ï1, x7~s wil encourage and help honr ta ex- and the doctor's medicine did not help \Pî,Eu LDNtft T NIc pre ss ersoîf in practical and erlig- me ai aIl. Finally 1 îried Dr-. Chase's ionis ways. Sho noeds training for Kidney-Liver PuIs, and found them bei- A B IL INaT helpful home life, wis: guidance ter ihan anyîhing I had ever iried. 1 A s~- To those of delicate con in the choice of books and friends. can highly recomrnend them to any- £I stttoyugor old, 1 She needs contact with thest meîn roubled wt constipationorkd Among the nç" i ")srial mer yoottSE Ung î and women. ,Boause of these needs flCý troubles."~ of this countrv IitV- greal I E 'iuIi the ideal for bier is tbat she ho îinked Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver success along s ycîs:t linet, colts LiIIUIOIwith some Sunday School classacpiiayo ,2w ux s Dr. R. V. c-c Devoting bis ad follows "«The Canadian Girl in Train- Ai deniers, or Edmanson, Rates & discases, hie b -.xme a recognized issnourishmenta ing" program. the aim of wbich i. ta Co., Ltd., Toronto. atithorîty iii fhat Eine. *tonic that builds up aid thoegirl in honr four fold develop- Over fift5' yt-r: - ago thîs notco Ithe whole body. ment. that she May hecome a true -. scian gwhictO bacnor b Pe- Scti& ,weTeoaeOn. Christian citizen. The C. G. I. T. sciptnled or ri e rc-nee o Sot&Bw, eotOt program anus ta bring tho home, nomen. hofic ý. À '10, 19.Y., -AS AESO - scbool, cbunch nand commnnity into 1Ah- lokig tiare un(d ont v IC tig P.til- -AL O AKES F oser co-operation ta mieet the noeds He Knows WhVVat4 raily besttfo orpi e'sdiseases. Be.- of the girls. It cannies ont the iden . earned j" i tnnc trentsog thcu- I ~~~~~~~~of the foun-sauare. fnlly developed T " ~ snso ss h eoto i * lfo An Jsu icnased in wis- studies was a Medicine called Doctor * (Tablets cr Granules) dam and stature and in favon with PiresFv rit rescription. This E~BINDGES IO IGod and man". "Seek trutb"l, "Cher- Reasons Why Wm. Rimus nMedicine is moade of veget <hie growths INDIG STION ish bealtb -. "Know God" and "Serve Praises Dodd's Kidney Pulls. that niature surely inteucled for back- aM- others l-Warld. ache, headp.,che, w eakening pains, and am' ___________ for the many disorders comrio o His Backache hs Gone and Hi. Reat women in aloges of life. Women who m HOCKEY NOTES. is Unbroken 'Sa He WiIl Tus'n tak., this ,sttl-.dprd reredv know tint BomavileS-ahwa~. Again ta Dodd's Kidney Pilîs if Hi&, b Dr. piercX< Favorite 'Prescuiption Bowmnvile --Osawa3., Trouble Returns. they are getting à safe woman's tonic Quadville, Ont., Jan. 30th, (Spe- so gooid fiat drsiggists everywhere sel 42% 0,à le 1 \ ILJT ÉïBowmanvillse High Scbool now leads çial.)-"I cani truly say that I got if in bofh tablet 9rnil fltlid -fcrm. sa the Interscbool Longue wîth Bow- great relief froni Dodd's Kidney Send 10c to Dr. Pierce's Branch That's all. Twenty minutes aften taki manville, Oshawa and Wbitby, hav- Pilîs." Laboratory in BBni< geburg, Ont., foi aZTOtahiet youn headache will be ing defeated the Ohw fast ag- Sncb is the verdict of Mn., William trial package ta blets. Tbe ---_ _ _1opnsayhya coe+f A--- Th specedVre- dentbore. And-bre-i__________________ Pand 1agebz4 Re, Dlaaond Ware or Pearl Ware kitehen uteu- aU aad save work. They are so dlean, with a Ilint- hard, s morth surface that wipes clean like china. NO Sceuring, Do scraping or polishing. Just use map and water. Every ceactirable pot and pan i. made i either Pearl or Duamemd Ware, the. twe splendid quaality SMP Ena- meled Wareg. Diamoud Ware le a three-coated enamneled etee4 abkr Mue and white outside, snewy whdite inside. Pearl Ware is enameled steel with two coati of grey and white enamel inside and ont. Bitker ware will gi've long service Ask fen M p Pearl. Ware or Dîaiuoud< Mre flSHEET METAL PRODUCT$ Ce."WD MOMTREAL TORONTO WINNIPEG r EDMONTON VANCOUVER CAL&ARY Always Good Every tâme you buy "SURPRISE"' you get a big, bright, solid bar or the highest grade household soap. 121 Hlon. Arthur Meigben was elected S'1'UiSHIEADI> U1iS. Simply Grenill byaven160 nijoniy. ANDRub it Back of the Ears and LI I E T inGrnil yoe100mjiy B N NIGHTS Insert in Nostrils. Proof of suc- STOPS BLEEDING INSTANTLY. lie sbould nover bave heen opposed -gwl egvnb h rgit PREVENTS BLOOD POISONINO. ini this hy-election ,e ilb ienb h rgit CURES THRUSS{, FISTULA, T ESA SMD NCND SPRAINS AND URUISES. The That thene areevidences on ahI MAD. EIN CAgnDATrot best aIl around Liniment for thse sides of a great spiritual revival tak- THURSDAYS A. a. LOAîe.MriîhnN.Ci .EEP r as place in Oshawa, is tho testixnony «AW1nAI' 'Yeu cannot afford fo 6e desif" At al Dealers and Druggists. of observant ministers and la3nmen. .JJAU"NAIS In no othen way can they accaunt H JURY & LOVELL oniy i' , for the great interost nianifest in N alr 'DOUGLAS & CO., NAPANEE, Ont, religions service uring the past loe30r Manager. tbree w eks.-Oshawa Reformer,. hn 0r ____________ McCLELLAN & CO. LIMITED King St. E. Bownmvilio.