511tTH ZAVITZ-In Bowmianville Hosital, onI Sunday, Jan. 29, to Rev. and Mrs. L. E. -ri MINISTERS AND CHURCHE'S Mr. and Mrs. John 1. Bell, Mar- BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE St. Paul's Church, Rev, D. W. Best, shalltown, la., Mrs. G. A. Watts and Iamofrg wofteciesen inister, il a. m.-Paul'sThe Miss B. Bingham, Hamilton, accom- Ianofrn w ftecoos n mhifinq T~ ~ ~ anie therernins f thacateGi bui~ding lots in the town of Bow- mbitons 7 . m -I th Dav , anid te rmais ofthelat Gi- mnvile t Ùc'rv reaso nable nrice na -~ -~ ~<-~-- --~I ~Z~7WLII~ r ir i'uu rn-14 ~ -.-7A