Specials, Ho)ney, 10 IL.pail............................... $1.25 Pure Aylmer Jam, 4 lbs ........................80e Ceanned Peas, per tin ..............................15c Fr -esh Prunes, tender, and meaty, lb ...........15c BL-e Brand Jelly Powder, 3 for ...............24c P& anut Butter in bulk, lb ..................1..........25c Fa.ney Biscuits ,lb.................................... 17c 3 1 bs. Broken Soda Biscuits .........................30c Sttnkist Oranges, extra value, dozen ..........30c Large Grape Fruit, 3 for .....................25c Qu2aker Mollasses Kisses, lb .....................25c c. Me C-AWKER &SO BUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMANVILLE Seasonable Suggestions There is money in Poultry if you use Blatch- ford's Poultry Supplies, Blatchford's Egg Mash is the Premier Egg Producer, Blatchford's Milk Mash the Ideal Starter for Baby Chicks, You also need Grit, Oyster Sheil and Hen and Chick Chercoal. We seli them ail. HARDWOOD FLOORING Is better and more sanitary than anything else. We have a full limé of Oak, Maple, Beech, and Birch, and shall be glad to show them and give you an estirnate on your job. Now is the best time for buying and laying your floor. Corne and let us talk it over with you. McCtlellan & Co., Limlited King St. East Bowmanville 'Office Phone 15 Hous, Phones 228, 274, 218 U5111%-u 1119 l Now is the best time for having your car over- hauled. We can give it better attention and give you a set price for the job. We carry a large stock of Genuine Ford and Chevrolet parts on hand at all times, Cali and get our price. Satisfaction, guaranteed. New and second hand cars for sale. oil and accessories. Gas, West End Garcage Bowmanville Farmers', Attention We are now booking orders for Contract Peas for the year 1922 and will be glad to have orders from a lirnited number of good, careful farmers, having good soil prepared for the coming crop. We believe the price we are able to offer will com- pare f avorably with any crop on the farm. Ou r stocks of FLOUR and FEED will be found complete at ail times. Phone 203. USE IT. Hiogg & Lytie, Limited. Oshiawa We like to seil Tanlac because it satisfies our customie'rs. Jury & Loveli. Tbe use cf Miller's Worm Pewders lusures healthy cbldrea ne f ar as t ailints attributable te, wornis ,rÉe eoncened. A high niortality r imosýg children la traceable te, worm.. 'Ihes. sap the strength of infants se tiat tbey aTe unable te inaintain the latt1a, for Mfe and sueeumb te 'weak- min..,This peparation gives prormise et health and, keeps t. Ontario M. and Mrs. Hugh Walker cela- hated thair Golden Wedding at Port Hope on Jaauary 25 when their ehild- rau were all home: Percy D. Waik- er,, Wininipeg; Mbe Loda Walker, Toronto; Mrn. McCnughey and son, Donald, Vancouver; aad Mrs. Innes aad daugbter Vara, Cleveland. How families de become scatterad? Tsulae la on, medicine that deas what they say it will de, Jury & Lovell. 1SENATOR BEITH'S LIFE Passed to Rest at Waverly on Thursday, Ja.nuary 26th., 1922. After about three weeks' illness at bis residence, Wnverly Farm, Bo'wmanville, Honoulrable Robert Beitb, Member of the Seîaate of Canada, passed peacafully to rest in hiý 8tb year. It may very truth- fully ba aaid of him that ha diad ful of honors and greatly baloved by people of ail classes by wbom ha was known, and be had a very wida acquaintance in Canada, Great Brit- ain and the United States, aspecially among horsernen, ha baving heen for most of bis adult life in tbe busi- ness of importer and breeder of Clydesdale and more latterly of Hackney horses. No man in tbis part of Canada bas done more than he in an endeavor to improve the cas of beavy borses by importing from Scotland, tbe native home of the Clydesdale, a large number of stallions and mares that won fore- most places in the larger exhibitions. Many a farmer bas reason to tbnnk Mr. Beitb for belping bim to a good start in horse hreeding. In the History of Ontario's prom- inent men puhlished by Fraser, Vol. 2, we find a comprebensive sketcb from wbich we quote liberally, ha- liaving it to ha a correct record, hav- ing no douht been ravised hy some one familiar witb ahl the statements containad tharain. Tbe sketch states that Hon. Robert Beith is one of the owners of Waverly Stables at Bowmanvila, famed for tbeir fine padigread Clydesdale borsas, and in this connection ha bas hecome wide- ly known, having doue mucb to im- prove tbe grade of borses raised in the Dominion. Mr. Beith was bora in Darlington on May 17, 1843. His father and graudfntber botb bore the name of Alexander Beitb and came togetber to Canada in 1835 from Campbell- town, Argyleshire, Scotlnnd. Mrs. Catharina Beith, mother of Robart, was a daugbter of Alexander Mc- Taggart who came to Canada also from Campbelltown about the same time as the Beitbs. Both families were farmers in Scotland and follow- ed the. anme pursuit after crossing the Atlantic to the New World. In fact the Beitha have been idantified with agriculture for nver 200 years, Alexander Beith, Sr.. having beau an extensive farmar and milk owner in Scotland. Robert Beitb, subjact of this sketch began bis education in public sebools in Darlington and Bowmnn- ville grammar scbool afterward tnk- ing a course in a Toronto business collage. He later went to work on Faîrfield Farm, the old f amily home- stand, witb bis uncle Robert Beith who was a bachalor and remainad with him until bis deatb in 1872. In 1881 the fnrm wns sold and Robert Baitb came to Bowmanville, wbere witb bis brotber James who had lived on their fathar's farm in Clnrke township, ha engaged iu the import- ing of pedigreed Clydesdale borses. Thay brougbt broad expariauca to this undertnking, baving praviously engaged quite extensively in horse breeding on the farms mentioned, Thay imported soma of the bigbast pricad prize-winning Clydesdale stal- lions and mares brougbt to this coun- try Up to that time, iucluding Gran-j ite City, Oliver Twist nnd Bomeding Willow, nîl First Prize wnners inj Scotlnnd's great borse shows. In 1888J the broth«rs estab'Iishad the1 Waverly stables wbicb bave become widaly known on the American con-1 tinent. lu 1891 to meet an urgent demnnd for good carrnage borses Baitb Broth- ers concentrated thair attention al- most axcluaivaly upon the importing and breeding of Hackuay bornýes. Their success wîtb tbis breed wns most axtrnordinnry. At the Worid's Columbinu Exposition in Cbicago in 18193 thay won on their string of horses thrae First Prizes, ona Second Priza, two Cbampionsbips and tbe only Rasarvad Cbnmpionabip given for bornes. At the Louisinna Purchasa Ex- position in St. Louis in 1904 the Baitb Hackueys won fiva First Prizes,, two Cbampionsbips, two Resarved and two Grand Championsbips. In 1894 at the grant National Horse Show in Madison Square Gard- ans, New York, the Baith borses won hîgb honors. "Bnnguo" won First Prize nnd in 1900 thair "Robin Adair" won First Prize nnd also the Challenge Cup, baing the first tîme it waa avar won hy a Canadian. Messrs. Baith sold "Robin Adair" for $6,500.00 and raturned to the National Horsa Show iu 1901 with "Grapthorp Pinymate" and won the Challenge Cup from "Robin Adair", also winning two First Prizes. They did not show agaiu tili 190)5 whan they brought home two First Prizes and Resarved Championship for Hnckney mares. At Chicago, Ill., at the Interna- tional Horse Show in 1904 thair Waverly stables won six First Prizas, oue Second, two Championahipa and two Reserved Championships. When it is understood that the avants mautionad herewith were in- ternational and practically ln com- patition with the world, the Baith Brothers had avery reason to ba proud of the wonderful records of the Waverly stables' horses whicb carried off so many bighly covated awar&s in prisas and cbampionsbips both for Clydesdalas and Hnckneys. Hon. Robert Beith had an honor- able, wortby and succesful career and faw public man bave beld a bigher place lu the, esteem of bis political affinities. Ila was firet alected a member of the House of Commons at thé general alection,-la 1891, suc- ceeding the Hon, Edward Blake. Q. C., and was re-elacted at the gcrcral election in 1896. Iu tbe aext gen- eai election ia 1900 he was defeated but this election was protestad and the seat daclared vacant and Mr. Beitb was elacted a meinher of the Dominion Panlianent again In 1901 and lu 1904 ha dacliaed the nomina- tien in favor of Sir' Allan B. Ayles- 1 --.- ---, - 1 - - - 1 Electrical Work Car Iighting, starting, and ignition systems. Also ail kinds of Electrical appliances repaired and overhauled, bouse wiring, etc. D. A. Sith worth. It was, therefore, a just recognition of bis valuable services to, the country when on January 15, 1907, he was summoned to the Sen- ate of Canada which position he bas faitbfully and acceptably filled up to the time of bis demise. Hon. Mr. Beith was a member of a number of fraternal and patriotic organizations, such as Jarusalem Lodge No. 31, A. F. & A. M., Flor- ence Nightingale Lodge No. 66, 1. 0. 0. F., Ancient Order of United Work- man, No. 99, Canadian Home Circlas, and Sons of Scotland. He has also been an active and promineut mem- ber of several agricultural and horse- men's organizations in this Province and was only recently re-elected an Honorary President of West Durham Agricultural Society of which he has been a valuable member since bis Young nianhood days. Few people are aware of the part Mr. Beith played in securing in '1903 tha naw post office for Bowmanville. It was bis influence at Ottawa that obtaiued the Governuient appropria- tion for its site and erection. BEST JOKE 0F THE SEASON Was Lt on the Doctor or the Young Man? A young mnan called at the bouse of a celebrated diagnostician and askad to see the doctor. "Have you an appointmeut?" the office nurse asked. "No, I hnven't", the young man replied. The nurse consulted the doctor's nppointment list. "I thiuk I can work you in after the next patient leaves", she said, "so please go inside that room and take your clothes off. "Take my clothes off!" tbe Young man exclaimed. "Wbat for?" "The doctor bas made it an ab- solute rule nlot to see anybody unless that is done", the nurse snid firru- 'y.1 "But I don't want to take my clothes off", the Young man insisted. "Then I'm sorry, but you can't see the doctor", the nurse said, "Well, if that's the case, I'm game"l the Young man said. 1A f ew moments Inter the doctor entered tbe room and found the younz man awaiting him stark naked. ."Well, sir", the doctor said, "wbat seems to be Youx trouble?" "Doctor", the Young man replied, "Il cnlled to see if You would renew vour wife's subscription to tbe Ladies' Home Journal". WHAT TO DO FOR YOUR HORSE Proteet your animais from the cold, This will make tbemn more comfortable, and will sava you feed. Stop the bolas in your stables. Blanket your herpes, au old horse, especially, like an old nman, feels the cold. Give your borses and cattie a geod bed-bedding is cheap, Water your horses at least three times a day. A borsa's- stomach is very amaîl. Punctunlity ia feeding and water- lng tbe stock is very important. Tbey will worry and lose flesh if kept wait- ing beyond the regular time. A good grooming costs no money, and is aqual to two quarts of oats. A hotse cannot tbrrve on hay alone. Ha naeds oats or corn for strengtb; and grass, bran or potatoes to keep bis bowels rigbt. Kaep your borse's feet soft, -ind have him sbod often. More feet are ruined in the stable than on the rond. 'Do not degrade your family by using a lame borse. KilI tbe worn-out or incurably lame borse. If you sali bim, the money that You recbive is blood money., Sunday was a vary fine day after tbree consacutive stormy Sundays. Ladies' Silk and Serge Dresses, one thîrd off regular prices at Coucb, Jobnston & Cryderman's. 2-t NEW LA MP BURNS 94 ]PER CENT AIR Beats Electric or Gas A naw ou lamp that gives an amaz- ingly brilliant, soft, white ligbt, aven better than gas or electricity, bas beau testad by the U. S. Goverument and 35 lending universities and found to be superior to 10 ordinary oul lamps. It humas without odor, smoke1 BIG 20 Bookstore1 Bownville Two Pair of Glasses Inconvenience, Loass'of Time From Work and Eyestrain Insurance A great many people corne to un with broken glasses and have to lose a day or probably t'wo from work. This is indeed'reck- less as no one can afford to have this inconvenience when it is not nm.cessary. Nor can anyone afford to undergo the discomfort, even f or a short time, while new glasses are being made. Two hats, two suits, 2 pair of boots? Yes. Two pair of glassas? Certninly. Let us talk it over together. R. M .MITCHELL Regstered Optometrist RM. Mitchell & Co. Druggnts and Optometrists Phone 92 Bowmanvifl LHastings Couuty Council hah. adoptad tbis scale of wages for work on the ronds: foramen, $3.60 par day; foremau's teams $4.75; ail other teams $4.50; laborers $2.50. This sc ie takas affect Fab. lst and con- tinuas until June. Business Training Contest RESULTS First Prize won by: Edwin Jenmings, Bow- manville, with a total of 1450 words. Second prize, Miss L. M. Orchard, Emmiskillem, with a total of 1358 words Third Prize, Miss Annie Wilkinson, Bowmanville, with a total of 1049 words Bowmianville Business College Enter Any Time Day and Evening Classes. Cora P. Fulton, 0. G. A. j Principal Circulating Library Good R~eading Cheap We have a splendid lib- rary, with ail the good books of fiction. We sell you the first book for $1.25, and charge you 10 cents for each time you exehange. Thig is worth comsid- ering if you are a reader. W. T, ALLEN HURRY UP. CALLS For, the Plumber- <~NIGHT or DAY We are always at your Service. Greenaway & -Elliott Consulting Engineers Phone 18 day or night Bowmanville i. Our Febrary Sale In which mrnmy limes of Boots and Shoes are greatly,,reduced in prices, is now on-take-advantage. No trouble to show goods-it's a pleasure. Copeland ShoeSoe BOWMAN VILLE ONTARIO r 1v ___il Have you the moliey witlr which to do it? Start to save while they are young-let them coil nrnce if e knowing you are at the back of themi. Savings Accounts are a specialty with THE ROYAL BANK 0 FCANADA R. F. AITCHISON, Manager. More Cattie AGood Business 1 F your progressive ideas for cattle raising School- here's w/,y are beyond the financial resources at your q Overtwenty housand, young. command, talk the matter'over, witk tho hýcdî 1men and women have Iearned. ,;korffiand, typewriting and busi, Manager of this Bank. -nets methods in the Shaw Butness TNADSlVC iaPia~Pq Schools. Every student bas receTNDRl-VIEadjJoaàb ar four uccess. E levc nTU -LA..~Is. We have aa I,"1 A ND JjR, 13NBANK 1 an d sk for y.u. S.wetat nvuâme. .a" A1-i- r'E Write now for hmsdboô4. C r..~N P.MINOSHCJIIEPRNCIALTOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGH1TY THREE, MILLIONS BUSHSSSIIOLS owmauville Branch, H. W. Lapp, MIan..g.w. Blaehntock Branch, E. A. Preston, Manager. TORON TOM IWanches at Newcastle and Newtonvihle THE EDUCATION, 0F YOUR CHILOREN Fida Bargains In Hardware Electric Washers $125.00 for ...............$100 Electrice Washers $140 for ..................$110 Waterpower Washers $32.50 for ............$25 Handpower Washers $27.50 for ..........$17.75 Open Washer-Cheap to Clear. Johnson's Floor Wax, $1.,00 for '.............65c Mason & Dale's llardware PHONE 145 BOWMANVILLE