AKdverti*sing induces a first sale LB 'Lt "Quality" alone males permanent Once tried, is neyer forsaken Sealed pacllets only BlacllGreen or mixed Start' the Vear Right, By -Buying Your Groceries From POE186 ALLIN BOWMANVILLE You -can use sweet milk, sour milk, bgttermilk or water with fGG-Ou Bakin( owe /ORDER FROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER. Cream, Wanted!1 Prices of Cream are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Want Yours If we faill to call on you we would appreciate a phone, cati or write us.. Orono Creanmery Co., ORONO The Secret of Good Health AssistWhen Nature requires assistance, she ASSÎst will flot be slow in conveying to you Nature an intimation of the fact. Decline of back energy, inability to sleep well, head-~ to ache, biliousness, constipation, a gen- îiornaleral sluggishness of mind and body and any sign of digestive "unrest" should action imýpel you to seek the aid of a reliable me dic ne without delay. There is no rahe better-no surer-no safer-than this proven remedy. SoId everywhere in boxes l Ait Niglt aud Marningý ?f~ Hove Cloan. Hcalthy Eyea. If they Tire, FOR Itch, Smart or Burn, YOUZ CEYif Sore, lrritated, In- useMuineoften. Sooius,Refresaeg Safefor Infantoe Adult.*At al Drugglistm. Write 25c-40 pilla 5OC-90 PUIS Weks= cottoil Root Compound. .. Afe ,eliable Cep ulaf ing meree. soldin fthree de- gre fstrength-No. 1, $1-, No. 2, $3; No. 3, $5 per box. Soid by all druists. or sent ~ ead on r'eeipi nofpri,,e. Vme p.' pl. à . Address: TIIF COd!,,trMlDC!ý,2CO., TOPDOIIYT, ÔOST. (FumeIy W5!h,.h.m BOWMANVILLE, JAN. l9th., 1922 WARDEN F. W.,BOWEN GIVEN PRESENTATION Reeve Baker Attacked Present Sys- tem of Electting County Councillors. a qî-ý At the final session of Counties Council for 1921 W'erden F. W. Bowen, Reeve of Clarke township, was presented by the mombors of the Council with a handsome gold wutch, chain and lochet, Roove Chas. David- son of Campbellford, makiug the presentation, wbile Reeve H. B. Phil- lips of Brighton Village, rend this addross: To the Wardeu of the United Coun- ties of Northumberland and Dur- hum, F. W .Bowen, Esq., M. Mr. Warden,-We, the members of the Counties Council of 1921, can- not let this session pass witbout, at least iu sor4e small way, making knowu to you, sir, the very bigh os- teem iu whicb vour associates in the council regard you. Your unfailing kin.d and courteous mauner and good judgment iu ruling the council while in session, will long remain lu the memory of each one of us. And in 1some slight, manner, sir, we desire you to accept this watch and chain as a visible token of the regard, lu which you are held by every member of the council;,and ail unite in hop- ing you may be long spared to carry it arouud with you iu tbe larger field iu whicb your supporters have called you to in the Parliament of Can- ada. And may you always look back ou the year 19 21 witb love and aff ect- ion wbenever you look on the face of this time piece. Signed ou behaîf of the Counties Council, Ceo. A. Smith, Chairman; Harry B. Phillips, W. A. VanCamp, Chas. Davidson. Iu thanking the members of the Council Warden Boweu said it was with mingled feelings of pleasure and regret hie urose to reply. It had been a pleasure to be a member of the council of Northumberland and Durham, also an inspiration, and it was witb regret hie aùnounced bie would not be back ugain to its de- lîberations. H1e believed the aver- age man lu the council tried to do bis best for bis people. There is no money in it, but it is un honor to have the confidence of the people you know and ure ussociated witb. The council bas been most courteous to bim. and the members of the council hud doue their' parts and to the best of their ubilitv. It bad been a plensure to preside over the council this year, and hie regretted he would ýnot be buck b!ere next year. He referred feelingly to the deatb of their lute member, Reeve Willan of South Monaghan, wbo ail liked and respected. Iu conclusion hie thanked tbem for the gift and the spirit in which it was given. Reeve T. S. Holgate, Bowmau- ville, suid Wnrden Boweu -was the first member of this council, as Wnrd- en, to be elected as M. P., and hie was pleased Durbam had honored our Wnrden in this manner. Warden Bowen bad proved himself straight- forwýXard and caudid. He also did not expect to be buck next year. Reeve W. A. VanCamp, Cart- wright, said bis associations with the Warden bad been most pleusant, and hie was proud to be a member of the Council during bis tenure us Warden. He was retiring from municipal if e, but could look buck to bis work here wlth pleusure. If there is auything iu municipal hf e it is that fraternal spirit that makes it a pleasure and possible to be a member of the Coun- ties Council. Ho, wished the Wurd- en success as Member for Durbam, and hoe believed the honor of beiug Warden of these two counties was equal to being Member for Durham. Counties fllerk MacNachtau said it wus thirty years since bie took over bis duties as clerk, and 58 years since hoe first came into the office to help bis father, wbo lhe succeeded as clerk. During that time he bad seen mauy changes, and the work to-day is ton times as heavy as wheu hie took it over. The bouse of refuge, the counties rond system are largo un- dertnkings. Warden Bowen bad paroved bimself a mian, and did bis duty and did it uobly. It had been a pleasure to be ussociated witb bim, and hoe was pleased to see him elect- ed ns M. P. for Durham. These counties are sdnding two mon to parliament who were trained in this council, and their presence at Ot- tawa will be for the advancement of the purliament of Canada. Reeve Thos. Baker, Dariingtou, the "Daddy of the Council", said hoe had sut under fifteeu wardens, and under two different systems. Ho first came here lu 1897 wbon there were 44 members. The Hardy Act re- duced the mombersbsp to 24, and bie believed it was a retrogrado net. The old systom wus fairer. and a btter instrument to do business. There wore 12 districts with two members U. F. O's "THE DAY AFTER." Possibly The Toronto Telegrami hates the Drury Goverument in part-1 icular and the Progressives in gener-1 ai more bitterly than does any other political newspaper in the wbole Dom-~ inion, Here is an editorial it pub- lished on January l3th: THE DAY AFTER is getting to bc Hoodoo Day witb farmers of the Morrison-Burnaby faith, THE DAY AFTER the Federal election it became public that the dividend declared in 1920 to mem- bers of the United Farmers Co-Oper- ative Co. was paid out of capital and that the'loss at the end of 1921 had run close to haîf the money that tbey had put into it. THE DAY AFTER the anual meet- inug of the U. F. Co-Operative Co. it becarne public that the U. F. O Club ut Linwood had made an. assignmnent with liabilities set at $17,000 and as-1 sets of $12,000, ,composed of book accounts and stock. THE DAY AFTER a glorification of Messrs. Morrison and Burnaby bas thus-twice within a 'few weeks- been a c'ay of disappointment to farm- ers who have followed their counsel. A few more such coincidences and the idea might; grow that the best way to dodge the hoodoo of THE DAY AFTER isto use more caution, on THE DAYS BEFORE. As very few of our country read- ers ever read The Toronto Evening Telegram, here is its opinion, tersely expressed, of the two Lîberal prem- iers, who are most prominent in the public eye at this time: Canada will receive no useful ser- vice from a Navy League whose lead- ers are more anxious to protect such anti-Dreadnaughters as Hon W. L. M. King froin criticism than they are ,to protect the British Empire from ruin. The Navy Leugue of Canada bas doue a great work. The League should close the book of its gloroy and go out of existence if the league bas nothing better to do tban live througb a future of shuffling compromise and cowardly opportunity. There is no glorlous or useful future open to a Navy League that admits auti-Dread-' naughters to its leadership an.d invites Hon E. C. Drury, Hon. W. E. RaneyI and Hon. Manning Doherty to places of honor on its platform '1 lsn't that rather strong s0 soon af-ý ter the period 'of "Pence on Earth;! Good will to men?" OSHAWA Mrs. A. S. McLeese Is confined to Oshawa Hospital seriously ill. Mrs. E. L. Vickery is at Chat- humi with bier daugbter, Mrs. W. H. Simpson. HIenry A. Milis, 9 Nassau Street, is lu Oshawa Hospital witb a broken collar boue as the resuit of falling on icy pavement. Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin spoke to Mothers in Mary St. Home and School Club on Mouday evening and views of the Old Land were sbown on 'the scireen. At St. George's Church, Jauuary il by Rev. C. R. dePeucier, tbe marriage of Miss Mary Louise, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lee, Oshawa, aud Mr. Henry H. Price, sou of Mr. and Mrs. John Price were married. Tbey will reside in Oshawa. Mr. Geo. W. McLaugblin bas pre- seuted to tbe officers of the Ontar- io County Regiment for tbeir quart ers in the armories, a 11f e portrait of the late Sam Sharpe, of the ll6tb Regiment. Theý painting is the work of the late Robert McLaughlin at 82 years of age. It is a splendid 'pi-ece of work and is very bigbly prized by the regimeut officers, Tbe Aduit Bible Class of King-st. Methodist SuInday Scbool, Osbawa, at a social eveniug iu the school( rooms Tuesday eveniug, wheu about 70 members were preseut, took tbe opportunity of showing tbeir appre- ciation to their teacber, Mr. W. H. Wigg, for bis faithful services dur- iug tbe past f ew years. Mr. Wigg was taken compieteiy by surprise wben bie was presented with a hand- somie leather chair and a very nice address. Mr. Wigg expressed bearty appreciation. RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR 1BOWMAN VILLE. Grand Trunk Railway. Goiug Easý:. Going West D Express. 12.83 a. m. x Express 8.42 a. m. Express 4,22 D *Express 9,18 a. m. Express 5.38 D D Express 10.35 a m Pass'ngr 10M02x x Passenger 3.09' p m Pussenger 7.06* " Local 7.14 p. m. Passenger 7.13* D Mail 9.58 p m. Passenger 8.16 x xi Passenger 1.18 p m Passenger 1.56* * Sundays only; x Dally exc.ept Sun- day; ! Flagged. Canadian Pacifie Railway Going East Coing West Express 10.18 a. m. Express 5.50 a. m Express 2.36 p. m.* Local, 8.20 a. m.* Local 10.08 p. m.* Express 4.40 p. m. Express 12.20 a. m Express 7.42 p m* *Daily except Sunday.' C. B. Kent, Towra Agent. Canadian N,%tionaI Railway. West Bound East Bound *8.15 a. m. ,* 7.34 p. m. *Daily except Sunday. IlHEUÙMATIsM, LUMBAGO NEURITIS vs.T.R s Hav yo gienup ? Have yau resigned yaurself, to, that aid, gnawing pain that nothing seems ta relieve?7 Do you think be- cause youAzant go to Hot Springs or take somne expensive treat- mnent that you have no other alternative ? We have many cases considered hopeless, tried everything, baths, scrums, elec- tricity, whofound recovery in using T. R. C.'s. (Temnp1eton-5 ]Rheumnatic Capsules). We have thousands of letters that prove beyond doubt T.R.C.s tebe the most practical and successrul Rheumatic remedy sold. At drug- gists., $ 1.00 per box. For Fr e Trial writa Templaton, Tarent. Sold by Jury & Loveil Wihat Men Admire Most ir. Wiomen is Perf ect HeaIth -the Sign of -Strength Barrie, Oat.-"I was suffering from a rundoi system somo tiriý( ago, was unfit tc ýd17 - _ perform my dail. duties, and waý advised'to try Dr. - Piere's Favorite~ SPrescription. 1 'i. .t~'-tried it, took tara i ~. ~botties, and "was restored to my natural strergth. I canuot praise Dr, Pierce's medicine too highly and wili be wiliing to write to any o..e sending a stamped enve1ope."-Mr-. A. H. Bishop, R. R. No. 1. Mothers, Advice for XYou! London, Ont.-"I wish I could tell ail the women in the world who sut- fer with worilan's trouble, what a wonderful medicine Dr. Pierce's Fa- vorite. Prescription is. My earliest experience with it was duriug my first expecctdicy. I becatne dropsical aud my people wore quite alarned about mny condition. The doctor',- medicine did not seetra'Io reach my jtrouble at zill io my husband urged jme to try Dr. Picrce's Favorite Pre- scition, and to please limi I did> BeoeI had fi.ilshed the 3econd bot- d te the distress and d1ropsy left me and 1 toit in ai solute1y preiuat 1 had no further trouble froin that tinie on. 1 aeterwarËls- îc >k Favorite Prescription whcniave_ in a ncr\ous rundown condition and it always strengtbened as'l 'bîîltae Up."-Mrs. Lily Stoddart. 43S Cutcrie St. At ail drug stores, or send 10e te Dr. Pierce's Laboratory, lu Bridge. burg, Ont., for trial I)kg. tabiets. T S it waiting for your message ? The telephone is at your elbow-and over the telephone you always get a hearir How muel v - yoir irave1ier's tîstie is speut -la seliig? While ho is on the train or cooiing his beels lu an outor office, waiting, you or ho mighit be talkitno0 the customer by Long Distance, makiug another sl~ One merchaî't estimates c.,at o1V i a salesman's time is spent in traveliing-that on1.y 15% of hîs time goos to actual. selling. Fle souls offly w hile' the other man is listeuing! "1I enubles a salesmuan to cov er ten towns a day and stay at home," writos the Bunking Service Corporation, Li-mited, Toronto. A bunker tells us tbat O\ ery day's delay in turnover costs Canadian business raen one million dollars. If you placed or- dors by Long Distance and secui'ed shipynent the saimo day, or next, by how many dollars weuid it incvease vousr turnover? We bave yet te hear of a bsns that has net beeni benefite,' by au increased use of long i- sýtance. _____ Apply theclsfiI oo l).te schedule te eus business consist(-ntl 7-i ~ and yeu wil secure good reSilis. Oiirý Telept manager %u hi give y ou hearty, intelli- 1 ll gent co-operation. . , e ~s v Dell ihn .IC A Message of Great Importance, To Readers, of This Paper. A wonderful opportunity for you. We positively endorse and recommend shares in the Canadian U. S. Oil & Refining Corporation at par $1.00 per share, fully paid aind non-assessabie. -Now owning and contýolig- 65 Producing Oul Wells with over 11,000 acres valuable lands in the Great Mid-Continent Oul Fields, where crude oul has ad- vanced over 125 per cent in price within iess than 90 days. Aisovaluable holdings at Fort Norman, Pine Point, Windy Point, Pouce Coupe, adjoining mammotb gas well struck recently by Imperiai Oul Company, near Peace River. Why speculate on stocks that migbt produce? Dividends paid al sharehoiders quarteriy, dividends paid past nine months equalling 18 per cent. Shareholders par- ticipate fully in ail holdings and ail earnings of the Company. One of the most successful Independeut producing Oul Companies controlied by.Canadian capital, offering you a safe and sound investment, backed by capable management, large production, large holdings, and with possihilities of enormous returns on thedevelopments of the 011 Fields of Canada. Free Bookiet, Maps and Information on Request. Only a limited amount at par $1.00 in amounts from 50 shares up, while our allotment lasts. Next offering at greatly advanced price. Fouàrt Norman Securities, Limited. 46 KING ST. E. OSHAWA WANTED A representative by the above Company lu your territory. Appiy by mail to 46 King St. E., Oshawa, Ont. HEAD OFFICE, 146 BAY St. TORONTO, ONT. FILL OUT AND MAIL TO-DAY Fort Norman Securities Ltd., 46 King St. E., Oshawa, Ont. Gentlemen:-Without obligation on my part, pieuse send me your Bookiet and further information regarding the Cana-. dian U. S. 011 & Refining Corporation. Name................................. St.reet............... .................. City................ Pro ............ I The Ea-rninýs that Earn The Inlerest --- and Dividends RIE thing that has impressed those who have Iinvestigated The Mount Royal Rotei Com- pany's 8% Convertible Debentures is the statensent of Mr. George R. O'Neii, Gonerai Manager for Canada of the United Rotais Com- pany of Amoerica, as contained in a special cie- cular issued by us. This estimafe goos fuily Juto every defail of in- corne oxpensesý and estlmatedl profits. The cal- culutions are not visionary, but are basedl upon sucCessful experionce gained iu operuting profit- able Canadian hotels, plus the advaatage of iîav- ing access (for comparative purposes) of the accumulatedl statistics of the United Rotais Com- pany of Amierica (and their chain of sixtcen existing hotels). mhe figures, whîch are understated, rather thun overestimafed, wiil help you to understaud oui, confidence ln associating olîrselves witi ibis enterprise and our responsibilif y in put ting be- hind it the reputation and standing of W. A. 'Mackenzie & Company, Limited. Wc repeat, thait this iuvestment carrnes our con- sidered and unquulified recommeadation. We unhes~itatiug1y recommnind the purchase of the-se 8%/ Convertible Debenti* es, carrying a bonus of 20% Common Stock, anS glve if as our beitef thaf substantiai profits should accrue from the Common Stock which is now given uway asaa bonus. [o WA. - ,ac'kenzie&Co, Ltd, 38 King Street West, Toronto. Dean Sirs; Pieuse send me a eopy of the circuler describlng te 8% Convertie Debenfures of The Mount Rayai Rotai Company, [ArnJiiteta. an oig-e. Naine lu fuil.....................................................j [nltd s......................................................... 'PI a'*' suiite ciearly. ý:ff-mu-MM-M-mm- -lg -ff -m -m-a= m 1