Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Dec 1921, p. 4

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~1 -1922- We- Tender--Dur Thanks- To those who gave thefr support to our store during the past year. The very liberal patronage we consider is an endi9rse- ment of our business integrity, and an acceptance of the fact that the high class of goods which we show is not excelled by any. We shaîl endeavor to mnaintain this enviable position and the entry of the New Year will find us better stocked and better equipped than ever to cater to the requirements of our patroris. WE EXTEND TO ALL A HAPPY NEW YEAR OppoSite Post Office Bowmanville Dominion Stores Ltd JUST A FEW REGULAR PRICES Tiger Salmon............ ......... 30c New Dates, lb................ ... 171/2 Campbell Soups..................................... 16c Cream of Wheat, 4 lbs ...............................25c Victor, Oats, lb.......................................... 4c Rice, lb................................................. lOc Sago, lb .... ........................................... loc Corn Meal , 6 lbs ...................................... 25c GOOD SPECIALS ON SATURDAY WATCH OUR WINDOWS The Shop That Leads We Hope That this New'Year may be to you the very happiest you have ever known, and tbat new joys may ring in with the birth of each succeeding day. We extend to you and your friends best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous Year, Go.-N. THUSO Bowmnanville's Up-to-date Haberdashery and Fur Shop. If The Husbands asliiig It wouldn't be long before every home would have one of TIME SAVER ELECTRIC Give your ~wif e the same consideration and buy her one. Cal and ask for demon- stration. Mason & DaIe's Hardware WHONE 145 BOWMANVILLE BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 29th, î 91.1 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE, Miss Doris Foster is visiting with friends in Toronto. .Oshawa has 34 puplic school teach- ers and Bowmanville 12. -This is- the- last- paper- for 1921. Have you paid for 1922? Reserve January 26 and 27 for Women's Institute entertainment. 1Miss M. 1. Foy, Provincial Board of Health, is, spendîng a f ew days with Nurse Heeley. Mr. Thos. Stapleton, Cedardale, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Brima- combe, Elgin-st., on Tuesday. 1Mrs. Anna Elford and Mr. and Mr%. Percy Elford are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Elford, Buffalo, N. Y. Bowmanville Women's Institute meets on Friday, December 30, at Mrs. Milton Jamieson's, Westmount. Mr. and ýMrs. Stanley Elliott and daughter Isabel, St. Catharines, Mr. Ephraim Little, Toronto, at Mr. S. J. Henry's. Mrs. H. W. Burk, piano, and Mr. W. B. Tapson, Drums, supplied -the music for a big dance at Blackstock Armories Tuesday nfight. Misses Florence and Leetha Cole assisted their father ,Mr. W. H. Cole, during the Christmas rush and re- turned to London with him on Sunday for the holiday festivities. Alexander Trio corne here Mon- day, January 2nd with glowing press reports from many places where they have delighted large audiences. Don't f ail to hear this wonderful musical trio. Mr. R. D. Davidson, Principal of ,Public School, has resigned that posi- The School Board is advertising for a new Principal. School opens Tues- day morning at 9 o'clock, Dr. James Colville, Harwîch, and! Dr. Neil S. Macdonald, City Inspect-I or of Schools, and Mr. Donald Mac-1 denald, Toronto, who were called here owing to the death of the form- er's brother, Mr. W. S. Colville, Town Line, Clarke, were guests on Monday of their uncles, Messrs. James and Donald Smith, Liberty-st. In our last week's paper to out-of- town subscribers a remittance blank and addressed envelope were enclosed for sending subscriptions and the first to respond was Mrs. William Jackson, 157 Athol-st., E., Oshawa. Second ýplace was won by Mr. John, H. Campbell, Enfield, and third by T. H. Jennings, 13 Charles-st. W., Toronto. Mr. Russell Osborne has returned from Amherst, Nova Scotia, where he exhibited a short horn steer under 18 months at the Maritime Winter Show winning 'first in its class, and the prize for best Champion Steer, any breed or age; first in group of three; and second prize for best beef ani- mal on grounds in competition with 250 others. This fine prize animal has been sold by Messrs. J. F. Os- borne & Son to Mr. John Miller, Ash- burn. At the close of the Sunday School session on Sunday afternoon the members of the Young Ladies' Bible Class kindly remembered their teach-, er, Miss E. E. Haycraft, with a beautiful electric reading lamp and Mr. John A. Holgate, the assistanti teacher, with Hall Caine's new book,j "The Master Man". Miss M. Adel-.1 aide Cawker, the President, read a very appreciative address and Miss E. M. Otton made the presentation on behaîf of the members. This, class numbers about 90 members. CONSULTING ENGINEERS JAMES, PROCTOR & REDFERN Limited. E. M. P),octor, B. A. Sc., Manager 36 Toronto St., Toronto, Can. Bridges, Pavements,» Waterworks, Sewerage Systems, Incinerators, Schools, Public Halls, Housings, Fact- orles, Arbitrations, Litigation. Our1 Fees :-Usually paîd out of the mon- ey w- save aur clients. IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL Dr. E. T. Slemon, B. A., City In- spector of Public Schools, Ottawa, has written a letter from which we pub- lish a few sentences because we ap- preciate very highly hi kind words, and sentiments: Dear Editor and Staff, Statesman Officec Throughout the year you lave contributed . weekiy to my pleasure through the éý3i umns of your valued paper and 1 write this note simply to wish you the compliments of the sea- son, A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I may add that I think The States- yman has been this year freighted ai- most weekly with delightful incidents touching the early history of dear old Darlington, making it a real joy to "Old Boys" like myself. On reading Dr. James Hutchinson's contribution of last week in appreci- ation of Robert McLaughlin, I' thought that if the- different instal- ments of these interesting reminis- censes were assembled into a pamph- let, they would make s9omething to be prized by us aIl and others coming after us. As I close 1 can see you and Miss Haycraft, both of whom I have known so long and for whom I have such kindly feelings, standing smiling at me as you did when last I visited Bowmanville, and a rush of tender feelings comes over me. 1 think I have noticed in your paper growing year by year, a richer, maàêlower, more Christian attitude to men and although I have already said "Merry Xmas and Happy New Year"l I want to say God bless you both and make you happier and more useful stili if that is possible. CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP ofAn open letter to the young people ofevery deinomination, who are anx- ious to secure training for Christian Leadership. Dear Young Peéple,- We are now nearing the date for the commencement of our Winter School. The time has ail but ar- rived when, you must decide as to whether or not you will be with us in Cobourg during the week of January 9-16, 1922. If at present youare of the opinion you cannot corne, just stop, for one moment and think the matter -ail over again.- If you f eel that you will be too busy with other things during the school week, see if you cannot re-or- ganize your work so that yon can corne. The question is, - can you afford net to corne? Have you no difficul Vies upon which you 'des*e light? Have you no problems we can help you solve? Have you no experience you can share with us? Think once again of the Curri- culum, which includes courses in Bible Study, Missions, Young People's Work an-d Problems, Organization and methods of work. Remember that men most eminently fitted for leadership have been, secured and with their co-operation the School hopes fo enlist the young people as a Trained Host in His service. .1You have received the printed pro- gram. Study it well. You can- not afford to mniss this opportunity Send in your registration fee now, to Miss Joy Nichols and make us al happy with the knowledge that we shahl meet you in the Methodist Sun- day School Rooms, Cobourg, Ont., on the opening day of the school. Yours in the Master's SeZvice, Ernest Harston, H. A. Bunt, President. Historian & Reporter. THE PENNY BANK Deposits for December by Bow- mianville Public Schools: Jr. IV- 60 Sr. 111-$4.52 îJr. 111-$4.18 Sr. 11-$3.30 Un. R-$13.49 Jr. 11-$7.40 Sr. 1-$11.46 Primer-$15.22 Miss9 Leta L . Bragg ilexander Tiîý n J & e but ~iSî.s4t-L- 0 l"îve Ordiîiary Folka seratiIity' of This Clever Organiz-,tion Has Caused Much Faeorable Comment Among Loyers of Good Musc-A. Trio of Real Artists. The Alexander Trio, a company of novelty artists, have won popular favor luring the past two seasons because of the fact that behind their novelty worh- rhere 1-es an art which is very unusual. They are musicians who are accorn- ,)ished on more than one Instrument. Each member of thse Alexander Trio loes three or tour different things in a musical way and the cornpany offers i program w hieh usually requires the services of about five people. Saxa- phones, cornets, mellophones, violins, ukeleles, piano, readlngs and many other eature s will be enjoyed when the Alexanders- corne to town. LYCEUM SERIES, OPERA HOUSE, BOWMAN- VILLE, MONDAY, JANUARY 2nd. We Wish You And Yours A Happy And -Prosperous New Year, Saturday, January 7th, 1922 we start our big January Clear- ing Sale. hwill pay you to wait. We wilI have our big bill ready ina f ew days. McMurtry & Co., WEST END HOUSE BOWMANVILLE 'I Ii* "i .1 w 1~ NEW YEAR GREETINGS TO CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS THE OLD YEAR PASSES, BUT LEAVES US RICHER FOR ITS VALURD MEMORIES 0F MUTUAL GIOOD WJLL AND FRIENDSHJP ON WHJCH TO BUILD THE NEW YEAR. WE HEARTJLY, WISH YOU A HAPPY AND SUCCESSFUL NEW YEAR WHJCH WE HOPE TO HAVE AGAIN THE HAPPJNESS 0F SHARJNG WJTH YOU. _W. H. COL&" Outfitter for Men, Young Men and Boys Opposite Bank of Montreal Bowmanville -i HI

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