Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Dec 1921, p. 2

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I nsurance Agency. Ail lines of l'IRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS,ý AUTOMOBILE, GUARAN- TEE. E4,di th V. Scobeli, Agent 2nd door west of the '«Big 20" Bowmanville Ontario. LEGAL M. Ge_-.-.GOULD, B.A.,- LLD... BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY money to loan on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, flowmanville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Mouey to loan. Bonds for sale. Offices:' Bleakley Block,1 King Street, Bowmauville Ontario. Phones: Office 102, House 178J. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medalist of Trinity University 'Toronto. Four years Attending Phy- tsician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Mospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Reaidence, Wellington Street, Bow- smanville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. 'Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and residence, Dr. Beth's, former residence on Church-st., ,Bow- imunville. Phone 259. 44-t DR. V. H. STOREY Graduate Toronto University, yeur and a haîf resident physician and sur- geon- Toronto- General -iuxspital (six- znonths Buraside Maternýty) two and haîf years Military Hospital. Office: Royal Bank Building, Bow- manville. Phone 143w. 10-1yr* DENTAL DR. 3. C. DEVITT 'Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King-st. East, BoW- mauville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.'duîly except Sunday. Phone 90a. House phone 90b. DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor gruduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. OfriceKing-st., Bowmanville. Office phone 40., House phone,22. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL, Licensed to practice in Ontario *nd the Dominion. Dentistry in ail its branches Office-King-st., BowmanviIIe Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 301 FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Most, complete equipment. Sunday ýand night calîs promptly attended to. fowmanville phones 10 and 34. izBranch at Oronlo. VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE 'VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or _Night Calîs Promptly Attended To. 'Office, King-st., W., Statesman Block, Bowmanville. Phone 243. M. A. JAMES STEAMSHIP TICKETS -TO EUROPE-Canadian Pacific, White Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- ican. Ask for information. Phone 53, Bowmanville. JUNK DEALERS POULTRY and JUNK-A. Dillick, Duke-st., just opposite Canning Factory, pays highest cash prices for ail kinds of poultry and junk. Phone 299 or calut bis residence. 5-tf DAILY TRIPS TO OSHAWA For the convenience of the travel- ling public I wish to announce that I arn now making daily trips to Osh- awa in my large comfortable motor bus. Leave West End Garage, Bow- manville, at 7 a. m, leave corner King and Mary-sts., Oshawa, t 5 p. m. Saturday Ieaving Oshawa at 12 noon. 36-t Art Cole, Proprietor. Repair work kinds done. of al Russel Ho)bbs' At J. T. MolIon's Store King St. E. Bowmianvle BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 29th., 1921. PUBLIC SCHOOL CONCERT Very Large Attendance and Excellent Pirogram The Opera House was filled to the extent of its seating capacity and f ar beyond on Wednesday evening for the annual Christmas concert, and it was a delighted audience that left the building at 10 o'clock. A child- ren's program seldom fails to attract the citizens and to please them. The applause that followed each appearance of the youngsters plainly demonstrated the satisfaction their performance gave, and, be it said, the wee ones merited their share of the applause. Any one who bias had experience in training children for public perf ormancçs know welI the great task it involves. The teachers who trained these young actors in their various parts deserve high praise for their good services and the general success lof the entertainment. Every number was good and some of them were exceptionally-fine consid- ering the ages of the children. We cannot do better than publish the w>ihole program, giving the names given thereon. While the citizens were assembling Morrison's orchestra with Mr. T. W. Stanley at the piano, played several numbers, their music being very greatly appreciated. The accompan- Sists were Miss Helen, G. Morris, Miss .Leta L. Bragg, Master Jack Kent and .Mrs. Franik Williams for the singing, 1rnarching, club swinging and folk, dancing. During the afternoon the children composed the audience and they were rpresent in large niimbers. A pro- .gram of 39 numbers was, run off and [they wanted more. In the evening [31 numbers were put on. Programs .were not issued, but every number was announced in large print on a sheet at one side of the stage, the sheet being tomn off by a boy as the 1performers were leaving the stage. .The decoration of the stage wns very 1attractive and artistic with a fire .place giving it a homey appearance. Christmas Programi Chorus-Canadian B3oat Song, Sr. -_III girls. Solo1-4m i-evnw-nl-P ,in my Mother's Arms, Sr. I, Donald 1Williams. . Dialogue-Guess what's, in my Pocket, Pr. Greta Pearce and Ross Williams. Motion Song-Hush-A-Bye, Jr. I girls. Folk Dance-Kull-Dansem (Swed- ish), Sr. II 10'boys and 10 girls. 1 Chorus-Christmas Bells, Jr. IV 6 .girls. Reitation-Berea Murdoif. Recitation-Xmas Presents, Sr. I Harold Siemon. Solo-Pulîman Porter Blues, Jr. IV, Geo. Newhouse. > Address-Rev. D. W. Best, B. A. Club Swinging-Sr IV Girls. Motion Song-l'If", Pr. 8 girls. Monologue-Peter's Parley, Jr. Il Douglas Martin. Double Qurtet-"'The Bar .efoot )Trail" in l6th century costume, Sr, III and Sr. IV Classes. Dialogue-Teasing, Pr. Marguerite Burden and Albert Culley. Duet-Whistling Song, Dorothy James and Lorne Williams, Recitation-The Christmas Doîl, Jr. I Yvonne Tighe. Chorus-"'Gliding- through the Meadow", Sr. II and Sr. IV Boys and 'Girls. r Dialogue-Six Candies, Sr. 1, 6 'girls. : Solo-The Christmas Star, Sr. IV, Ruby Halîman. . Recitatipn-Annie and Willie's Prayer, Jr. III, Marjorie Moore. Double Quartet-Santa Lucia-Sr. IV, 8 girls. Orchestral Number. . Folk Dance-Strasak (Czecho- 1Slovak), Sr. IV and Sr. III Classes. Motion Song-Santa Claus, Jr. II .3 girls and 4 boys. Dialogue-i"when-the Cats Away'" Sr IV, 9 grirls and 5 boys. Song "Jolly Pickaninnies", in cos- ,tume, Sr 111 boys. - HnOP Drill-Sr II R'girls and 8 boys. Chorus-"Stars Trembling O'er Us", Sr IV grls. GOD -ýAVE THE KING 1 MAPLE GROVE Xmus visitors: Miss Stella and Mr. Stephea Jeffeny ut Sarnia; Misses Rctuaud Ermu Power ut St. Mry's; Miss Aura Ruadie, Bowmunville Hos- pital, Mn. and Mns. W. G. Rundle, Toronto, ut Mrs. S. C Rundle's; Mr. and Mns. F. Swallow ,Clifford and Edna, with ber sisten in Toronto; Mr. and Mns. H. J. Knight, towu, with her sister, Mn. and Mns. Arthur Bur- gehss; Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hlockin and Aileen, Cobett's Point, ut Mn. John Snowden's; Mn. Fred Stevens, Nest- leton, t home; Song service aext Sunduy afternoon. ENFIELD Visitons: Mn. Elmo and Miss Inene Ashton, Toronto, at Mr. F., T. Ash- to's oven Xmasý-Miss M!yrtle Hobb Toronto, ut Mn. J. Hobb s'; Mn. A. Fracis, Renfnew, t Messrs. Lorne and C. Simpson's; Mns. H. J. Wery and Mn, Gordon Wery, Enniskillen, ut Mr. Russel Ormiston's;Congnatu- lations to Mr. Lorne Knapp, taking for his Christmas box a wife.. Quite a number of family guatherings were held lu this neighbo'rhood on Xmaos day.... Mn. Frank Campbell, Toronto, visited ut Mn. J. Camphell's ...A party gathered ut the home of n, ndMrs. Weslev Kunapp on Christmas day ila honor of thein youugestù son, Mr. Lorne H Krapp who was marnied to Miss Marie N.\ot- tinghamy of Raglan on Decemnber 21. aloin honor, of M"s. Samuel Coch- an.Fiends ,and relatives w-,ere rresent from Toronto, Oshawa, Rag- lan and Courtice-. The udvantages of the Canadian banking systemýn have perhajws neyer bef ore been so strikingly shown as during the defiation ând readjust- meut period. The statemeuts of the leadiug banks of the country would indicate that under the Canadian system the langer banking inistitu- tions of the Dominion have met the conditions arising froma deflution in a [more satisfactory mnanner thunal most any of the larger institutions of the wonld. For a country in a state of development, us is Canada, such a record is a notable one. It is bouad to nesuit in Cunudians having a greater uppreciation of the construc- tive work beiag doue by the banks, while in outside counftnies it will be! a greut fuctor of increased confid- ence in hte funamental Istrength of1 Canadu's position.1 HAYDON Report of Christmas examinations, S. S. No. .21, Darliagtoa, names ln order of menit: Sr. IV Class-hou- ors-Helen Wordeu, Arthli Toole, Fred Ashton, Cordon Beech. Sr. III-honors Earl Thompson. Jr. III pass Mabel Beech, Roy Thompsoa, Vernu Trewia, Vera Coulter. Sr. II-pass Louise Hosler, Louis Ash- ton, Anale Trewin. Class 1-Lloyd MR. R. M.LAUGHLIN'S WILL Estate Worth Over Halif Million- Durham County Man Who Won Business Success. National Trust Company, Limited, Toronto, is making application ofr Probate of the Will of the late Mr. Robert McLuughlin, founder of Mc- Laughlin Carrnage Company, Limit- ed, who died ln Oshawa on November 23rd lust. The will, dated November 12, 1921, disposes of an estute of ap- proxîmately one-half million dollars. The principal assets are as f ollows: Cash in, Bank......... $ 9184.82, Life Insurance .........4697.37 Real E state............ 12000.00 Stocks .................24674.00 Bonds .................410978.51 Prov. Ontario $192,739.21 Dom. of Canada Victory and Wur Loa $208,725-32 Miscellaneous . .$9,513.98 Mortgages ...............7228.05 Book Debts and Promis- sory notes.............. 24933.57 Miscellaneous Assets.. 6589.18 Total $500,285.50 The f ollowing-bequests are made- for Charitable purpo ses: The Muskoka Sanitarium for Consumptives.. ..... $ 5,000 Queen Mary Hospital for Consumptive Children, ut Weston, Ontario .. 1,000 Oshawa Hospital'...........5,000 Children's Shelten of the County of Onturio, ut Oshawa, Ontario.........3,0 Cash legacies totalling $50,000 are given to the f ollowing: Mary Jane MCUloch, daughter .............. $ 20,000 Adeluide McCulloch, grand- daughter .................1,000 Maxlon McCulloch, grand- duughter ................1,000 Roland McLuughlin, grand- son. ....................5,000 Majorie McLaughlin,g rand- .daugdhter................5,000 Ewart McLaughlin,, grand- son............1,000 Ray McLýuughlin, g do 1,000 Donothy McLaughlin, grand- daugliter .................1,000 Kathleen McLaughlin, 11 granddaughter ...........1,000 Eileen Phillips, grand- Midug...................1,000 MlrdMeLaughlia, grand- duughter ................1,000 Hil-McLaug-hlin, --grand-- ---- daughter ...............1,000 Isubeila MeLaughlin ,grand- daughten ................1,000 Eleanon MeLaughlin, grand- 11 daughter................1.00() Mary Owens, grauddaughten 1,000 Keuneth Owens, grandson 1,000 Robert MeLaughlin, great- grundson................1,000 Derek Phillips, greut grand- sonu.....................1,000 Margaret Wright, niece ... .- 5,000 The balance of the estate is to be held for the benefit of Mrs. Mc- Laughlin, the widow, and for the four children of the deceased, Mrs. Mary Jane McCulloch, Mrs. Eliza- beth Ana Owens, George W. Mec- Laughlin and Robert S. McLaughlin. The will was drawn by Mr. Gordon Connut, barrister, of Oshawa, On- tario. ROYAL BANKS GOOD YEAR Th e anual report of The Royal Bank of Canada going f orwurd to shareholders will immediately estab- lish increased confidence iu the soundness and stability ofthis great bauking institution. The stutemeut makes its uppear- auce ut a very opportune moment, us au analysis of the report shows that the Bank bas been able to corne through a yean of almost uuprece- deated defltion with au evea strong- er cash position. A development that will be very gratifying to the shaneholdens is that the Bak, lu meeting the chauged conditions, has fully maiutuined its strong position, by, nepotiag liquid ussets equal to 48.61 per cent of total liailities to the public. In- cluded in liquîd assets are actual cash, as nepresented by gold, current coin, Dominion notes and balances due by other bunks, equivlent to 29.69 per cent of liabilities to the public. The Bank, in addition to writing- off any losses, has made full provision for any accounts that might evea be coasidered doubtful. Iu view of this [policy, it should be particularly gmat- ifying to the shareholders that the net profits, af ter making such liberal provision, umounted to $4,037,836 A NEW YEAR'S WISH We desire to extend to our mýany friends, the sincere wish that the New Year will hold for them and theirs health, happiness and prosperity. We also wish to take this opportunity of thanking them for their patronage ex- tended to us in the past. We loék for- w'ard with pleasure to enjoying the con- tinued confidence and again serving them during 1922. F.l F. 'MORRISCO Furniture Dealers &. Funeral Directors Bowmanville And Orono Wanted! Prices of Cream are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Want Yours If we fail to eall on you we would appreciate a phone call or write us, Orono Creamnery Co., ORONO Farm ers' Attention We are now booking orders for Contract Peas for the year 1922 and will be glad to have orders from a limitednumber of good, careful farmers, having good soul prepared for the comingý crop. V/e believe the price we are able to offer will com- pare favorably with any crop on the farm. Our stocks of FLOUR and FEED found complete at ail times. will be Phone 203. USE IT. Hog &--Lytie, -Limited. Oshawa Ontario PROVIDENCE inompson, -'iU-ýi U r i Uiin, Harld Robinson. Sr. Pr.-.-Fred Beech, Report of S. S. No. 5, Darlington, Bert Ashton, M. Thompson. Jr. Pr. for the Christmas term: IV Clas- -Arthur Toeew#in, Myrtle Cowling, Bessie Prout 78, Valeria Dilling 76, Velma Bnwins, Ruby Greer. Eva Darch 62. 111 Class-Alan Os- Helena M. White, teacher. borne 68, Alvin Dowson 65.' II Class-Rose Kemp 75, Ferne Crago 65, George Dilling 52. I Class- Ruth Luxton 83, Doris Dilling 75, December weather tho generally Leland Crago 60. Pr. Class-Maud miid has been very varied. Ruiter, Stuart Crago, Bernard Dil- Turkeys sold 20 years ago at $1.50 ling. Mileta Hoar, teacher. 1 to $ 2.00 each. Hlappy day! Succss ad Prsperty in the New Y ear. We extend every good wish to our many friends and customers at this festive season. We thank them for their splendid patronage and hope we may again serve them during, 1922. c. M. CAWKER & Sý%ON BUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMANVILLE "BonLJ Voyage" As the ship of destiny brings usto the end of another year we wish our good friends "bon voyage" through'the year that lies ahead. A&RO"HIE TAIT PHGNE 6fr Prompt Delivery.- Bowmanville * I w HAPPY NE W YEAR Kindliest greetings to our host of friends and customers. We wish them the compliments of the season'and every success in the New Year. --Our- sincere thanke- arealso-extended- tu our customers and we shail do every- thing within our power to again menit their patronage during 1922. MILES 1KN'OWLES Grocer Phone 36 Bowmanville h e 1 1 BEST WSE We take this opportunity to w ish our many friends and customers a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Greenaway & Elliott Consulting Engineers Phone 18 day or niglit Bowmanville

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