VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Ngt Calîs Promptly Âttended To. Offce, King-st., W., Stateaman Block, Bowmanville. Phone 243. MARBLE WORKS E. R. BOUNSALL «'Lest Wo Forget" :DESIGNER and DEALER in Monu- ~ments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marbie, Bowmanville. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL.D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money to loan on Farm and Town Property., Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. BOWMANVILLE, DEC, 9th., 1920.1 PUBLIC SPEAKINC A SERIES 0F PLAIN TALKS -BY- FRANK HOME KIRKPATRICK A Serles of 27 Artices Which WiI Se of Assistane to Men and Women In Explainfng Themselves ln Public. (Copyrighted,.) No. 1-INTRODUCTION With the vast majority of people, ideas are condemned to if e imprison- ment and kept in solitary confine- ment. Public Speaking is one of the keys by meansof which the ceil door of'repression may be unlockedan ideas set free. A short time ago I enjoyed the hospitality of a friend in the country. We have been life-long friends., We were schoolmates and college chums. Upon graduation, I remained in the city and he went back to the farm. THE CANADIAN CLUB. Mr. Chas. R. M. McCullough, Ham- ilton, "notes from time to time re- ferences in the good old Statesmnan of the desirability of a live Canadian Club in Bowmnnville. 1 assure ýyou that nothing would please me better than to co-operate in every practical manner to the end that the place of my birth might have what has been Igcnerally conceded tobe a very use- ful institution such as one may find lin the towns and cities from Nova Scotia to British Columbia. Believing that'our Clubs from sea to sea have during.their existence done much to buîld up, a fine Cana- dian nnd British spirit in this country and being of the belief that at: no time in our history was there a more urgent need of fortifying the minds of Our people with the facts of our history than now, 1 trust that Bow- manville may "carry on" ti this work. We Have Moved OUR TIE REPAIRING BUSINESS TO THE WEST END 0F THE STATESMAN BLOCK BUY, CHRISTMAIS GROCERIES NOW We now have in stock for Christmas trade a briglit, dlean, %fresh assortment of pure foods. Your good judgment dernands that you corne in and look thern over. Everything is here to lielp make you and your farnily's Christmnas the briglit- est and happiest of them ail.. ORDER FROM THIS LIST.' Choice Valentia Raisins, per lb...-.....28e Bleached Sultana' Raisins, per lb...,........ 35e Seeded Raisins, in 15 oz. packae. .......... 38e Mr. 'and Mrs. Robert DudY (Fair- view,) Myrtie, announce the engage- mient of thoir eider çlaughter, Mary E. to Mr- Enri C. Batty, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Batty, Oshawa, miarr- lage to take place in Decemnber. INSURANCE.W WE OFFER very best PROTECi ION in ail lunes o,-,;FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENTI