_________________________________________________________________________ s a a a a P1G05 FOR SALE-5 Yio rkshsre white pigS, 6 ,meeks nid. John Nichols, R . Bowmanvi le WANTE-Au experienced mou to dig a well. w Appiy to Miss Boylan, Port Bowmanville. 14 2 liORSE FOR SALE-Work horse, 6 years old. semeiably Sound. Apply Alf. Ayre, Solina Station. 15 1 MOTOR CYCLE FOR SALE-laian Twinin first clams condition. Picka't's Garage, Bowmanville, 14t ENGINEER WANTED-One eapable ofhand- ling Wheelock Englune. British Canadian Canners, Bowmnanville. 13 3 MAN WANTED-to work on faim, experienc- ed. Good wagessý A. E. BELLMAN, Kingsto Rd.. West, Bowmanville. 12.ti.' HANDY MEN AND LABORERS WANTED- HApply Employment Offie,General Motors of Canada, Ltd., Oshawa, ont. 1 2eow4 GIRLS WANTED-To learn operating on Gon gloves and mitts. Apply at once. Bow- inanville Glove,& Mitt Company, Bowman- ville. 74tf P OULTRY ÀIND JUNK-A. Dillick pays highest 10cash price for ail kinds of Poltry and Junk.ý Phone 299 or eall at bis resideuce 77 Ontario Street. -tf LOST-On Thursday March 25, white linen 5 o'clock tea eloti, nScngog-st. Finder please 'Lreturu to Mis, W..H. arruthers, or leave ai STÂTESMAN Office. 14t BOWMÂNVILLE, AFRIL 8, 1920 WEDD1NG. SHÏEPPARD-HILLIER A quiet marriage took place at the Methodist parsonage, Niagara-on-the-lake on Wednesday evening, March 24th, Rev. G. W. Moore officiating, whenMissDorris Hillier was married to Mr. Walter Shep- pard, manager of the Moncrieff farm on Progressive avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Shep- pard went to their ownhonie directly alter the ceremony where they are now settled. Both of thenm, but especially the littie bride, have a large circle of friends who will extend-warm congratulations on their marriage and also many good wish- es for the future.-St. Cat harines Stand- ard. OBITUARY JOH1N L. THOMPSON, PORT HOPE. One of Port Èope's most prominent cîtizens and oldest business men, John L Thompson, passed away after a lengthy illness on Wednesda.y March 306h. He started in -the- harness-making business r r - _________________________________________________ NEWCASTLE SpRiNG FLoWER SHOW A GRAND SiuccEss. Newcastle Horticultural Society held its first annual spring flower show in the Methodist Sunday School rooms on the afternoon and evening of March 26, the humble forerunner of greater ones to follow. Some three weeks ago the society whose emblem is -The Briar Rose" and whose motto is l'Newcastle the Neat", deeided on a Forward ýdove- ment Campaign". A contest was entered into, sides being chosen up with Rev. S. G. MeCormnack, minister of the Preshyterian Church, Captain of the "Pink" side and Dr.A. Butler, of-the "green" side. BrÉt'ws of Pink and green ribbon were the respective badges of membership. There were 35 original members on each side- and the seventy went forth. Each captain and bis foll owers entered heartily and energetically in- to the work, great enthusiasun pre- vailing throughoÙat the village and surrounding country up to the hour of 8 o'clock on the night of the- show, BLACKSTOOK A very enjoyable trne was spent ut, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Larmer on Thursday evening,4pril r, when' the young people gather!d to celebrate the birthday of Mr. Ira Argue who was the guest of the evcning. He was presented withe* a handsome violin box as a re- menibrance of the event. Peace terms have been arranged on the first concession except for a few members of the League who are unwilling to sign the treaty. the week-end at Hamilton with bier A goodcro d attended the pie social brother, Geo.Laidler ... SundaySchool anni- in the Methodist Church on Thursday versarv will be held on June 20th. Vote to evening. The programn consisting of be taken in every home concerning the tea, choruses by the boys, Miss Bertha MC- on Monday june 2Ist. Nally accompanying, and a debatet Newlv elected Sunday ýchool Board : Resolved, that we learn more by reading Superitedent-T. SnoWden; Assistant than by observation. The Young Ladies' do-H. G. Freeman; Secretary-Eber Class of the Sunday School took the Snowden; Assistant do-Clifford Swal- affirmative while the Young. Men's Class low; Treasurer-Truman, Power- Or- took the negative, The males won by ganis-Gertie Lymer; Assistant' do- five points after a hard fought contest. Stella Jeffery; Teachers, Primary-Mrs. We are pleased to have Mr. and Mrs' Wm, Lymer; Jr. Primary-Lloyd Snow* Samuel Devitt in our midst again after den; Boys' Class-Mrs. T. Power; Girls' spending the winter down in Sunny Class-Mrs. F. Swallow; Wide Awake Floriçla, both looking pictures of health. lass-A. Laird, Bus Workers-Mrs. Visitors: Rov Ferguson at N. Mc-, Any consideration of salary increasesa for achool teachiers should begin with the primary grades, even if the increases get no ±arther. A good primary teacher is more valuable than. a professor of math- ematics and deserving of just as large a, salary-Bellevillî Inteligencer. If youi want that room tinted in Kalso- Mine - e sure and give us a cail. J. M. Rowe. Chieken thièvesentered Frank Osborne' hien hnuse recently and relieved hlm of some very fine birds. lIt would pay 3rd Line people to e-gage a private dectective to catch the guilty parties., Miss Maud Ramsay, town, spent the week-end with Viola Stevens.. . Mrs. H. S. and Cbrîssie Freeman,' town, spent Good Friday with her son, H. G F'ree- man ...John Munday returned home from the hospital Thqrsday. Glad to re- port hg is getting along sp endidly....A splendid decision service was held at the church on Sunday. It will be followed by speciz.l services this ..... L C Snowden is in Toronto this week attend- ing a sale.. . .Mrs. W. J. Henderson spent j s T E-i 9'~WJ:~r - r' -~- t- -81Y'r ýV-" -#'~ ~ k -~ i What is your Net Income Today? Victory Bonds Yieldfrom, S4%to 54% Check it up, nd see if you cannot increase the amount and secrt of your incomne by buying Victory Bonds.< I1t's rasimple matter, Vo order -Victory Bonds. Just select the maturity that suits you best, fill ouit the form below, lip it and mail to us. We will forward the Bondswit'hout charge for delivery. Use This Coupon Write Neatly and Clearly m .111-11- 7 7 -,l *ý7 7, = m " , 7 -4r5à -m Il lý > -------- - -- - -- ---------------- - -- -- ---------------- ------------------- - ------- - --- - --- - ----------- ........................... . ....... . ...