HOl"GG & LYTLE LT-De Fà4rmers Attention! Fancy Peas We are now booking orders for the 1920 crop of Peas at advanced prices and will be pleased to hear f rom prospective growers while we ean furnish the variety you prefer. higherprices as the seasen advinces. Grain and, Seeds We are buyers of ail kinds of quote yen prices. hand. Every prospect of Grain and Seeds. Lot us LIM1WID Phone 2-03-Use it. Oshawa HAMPTON-FLOUR MILLS FPour ,Big -Favorite Graha-m Flour Whole Wheat Flour XXX Pastry Flour Royal Flour- forýBread If you. cannot seenre these popular grades !of Flour from yonr grocer order direct from us. 100 Tons Feed Jnst arrived inclnding American Corn, Old Mani- toba Oats, Mixed Chop, etc, Get your If supply early. Ch a sbm, ampto The Way lathe pWest DAILY SERVICE Lvs, TORONTO (Union Station) 9.15 P.M. WINNIPEG .CALGARY BRANDON , EDMONTON RtIEMAVANCOU VER SASKATCOO.VICTORIA STANDRD TAUS-ONTINNTAL RAINEQUIPMENIT TNROUqI. OmI, INOlxuDIISEW AqLL-STEEL TOIJRIST SLEEPING CARS, Su.. on. ed. rL-Onadlan National ail th, way. lue. Tur, St,-IaOJ., YT, &1.0.,Coechan, thence o. o. lys, floetasudfgllJnformation from nearest Canadian National Ralsy'Aet, W. GI. Giffier. er ~neaIPassenger Department, Toronto. Indatrsi epatu,~tToronto and Winnipeg wiiI furnish full particulars Pegard1mu ltond lu Weetornq Canadla avallable for farming or ether purposes. IiJW A&VILE. ARl , 1b20 Chambqre, EBowmanpville, bas been fixed O ON for1- the appointmnent of peýrsans ta attendV at the aforjesa'(d pollingz places, and at thePomTe esE ODlU I O 7 final suming up - of votes by the Clerk. K eau5v 0JW î By-..< w Io, 98e ANDTHA th Clrk f te sid Miss Mildred Smith is home from visît-£ Municipality wilI attend at the Coundil ingher sister, Mrs. N. McKenzie,Toranto. , --Chamber, in the ýMun icipal Building in the Mr. John Brown passed a few very AI11 A By-law ta amend By-]aw number 960 Town of lîowmianville, on Friday the i2th poor days, but on going to press hie is of the Corporation of the Town-of Bow- day of Match 1920, at eleven o'clack in reported somewhat impraved. T eo s T h tn y rds-i~it h manville. the forenoon ta, sum up the number of Wrt redifguemns ha isppa WHEREAS the Corporation of the votes given far and against this By-law when treated with Holloway's Corn Cure, oa oitca tsts Town of Bowmanvifle did pass By-law and if the said By-law shall bc passed by Durham Canining Factory recentlý, number 960 to issue debentures of the the requis;ite number of votes of the said sipdtrecrlaso andgos Corporation of the Town of Bawmanville electors the samne shaîl bc finally con- an aWnnpgad w oMotel for $50,000 for the purpose of granting a sidered and passed by the Muiipl Med. WnipganSouchntea' ," bonus ta a Company to be formed ta be Counicil of the Corporation of the Twn r. E. ocOshawa, was here look- called the Canadian Can Company Lim- of Bowmanville at a meeting -thereof ta ing for a bouse. Ed sold bis grocery ited or such other namne as might be' be held af ter the expiration of one month business in Oshawa and May return to agreed upon by the Corporation -and one from the date of the'first publication of Orono. Wilfred Servington Dinnick by way of this notice in THE CANADIAN STATES- Win. Davies Ca, Toronto, have issued acquiring a site for a factory and con- MAN, and that such publication was first a writ against G. H. Moady in the county structing an said site a factory building made on the I8.h day of February A. D. conra noe6,68,nriaipa andintref for manufacturing purposes and leasing 1920. onaente5îuakc î..;u the whole ta said Company and also TAKE NOTICE FURTHER thaï a Messrs William and A.J. Staples at-- ____ granting certain exemptions fram taxes. tenant wbo desires to vote upon the said tended the funeral at Tyrone of their AND WHEREAS saîd By-law wat proposed By-law must deliver ta the aunt, Mrs. Alexander Stapfles, sister cf 77 duly passed by said Corporation and was Clerk, nat later than the tenth day ap- Mr. J. J. Virtue. voted upon by the rate-payers of the pointed for taking the votes, a declara-, Mr. and Mrs., John Hall cf Toronto, Corporation of the Town cf Bnwmanville tion under the CANADA EVIDENCE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rowe, Ottawa, and on Monday, the il#. day cf November ACT that hie is a tenant whose lease ex- Mrs. and Miss Sims, Cobaurg, attended % 1 01m Ko A. D., i918, and received the required tends for the tiime for which the debt or the funeral of Lieut E. D. Rowe. assent cf the electbrs and was subsequent- liability is te be created or in which the A calf owned by Mr. John Berry, ta nn forcsonr elu htw ]y read a third time and passed bv the money ta be raised by the proposed By- Antiach, taok a header into t-ie feed htmn Ofureit estll sta w Municipal Council cf the Corporation of law is payable, or for at least twenty-one chute fromn the barn floar and drapped seil the choieest the Town cf Bowmanville. - Years, and that he bas by the leaseovrsvnfewihusrosinry cavenanted to pay aIl municipal taxes in vrsenftwthusrisijry AND WHEREAS debentures cf the respect of which hie is tenant, 'other than The indications cf worms are restless-a Town cf Bowmanvîlle were îssued in local impravement rates. ness, grinding cf the teeth, picking cf the Pickled Pork and C orned Beef pursuance of said By-law and for the J H Y ECeknase, extreme peevishness, often con- ~,purposes mentioned therein.JO NL ECek vulsions. Under these conditions the hthe hae vrtseP AND WHEREAS said By-law incor- 8-3w best remedy that can be got is Miller'sththe haee rtaed porated a certain agreement dated the Worm Powders. They wilt attack the 3oth day of September A. D. 1918 made worms as scian as administered and will WTe knew it was exceptionally good and it between the Corparation of the Town of Busi ness Cal 1' grind them ta atcmns thaï pass away in hasn't taken our customners ln to realize Bowmanville cf the First Part and WilIP <' the evacuatians. The littie suferer will ln fre Sevinta Dinic cfth Ciy o dalyforquaifid ecrits A bc îmmediate]y eased und a return of the that it 18 the best to be obtained Toronto af the Second Part. atc ilntb iey course in one cf Shaw's Schoels Mr, Fred Winter, an aid Orone boy AND WHEREAS the Company, under will qualify you in Short Order. after ten years in the grocery business, in Jis it our fau] t or yours that you are not:our the namne cf the Canadian Container Write fer catalogue and proaf cf Toronto, bas sold eut and will live retired custorner? Corne in and get acquitd Company Limited was duly încarporated tteBah erlehsbog ancqui ed and organized, whiceh Cempany's name demand fer aur graduates. Ad- atesi echweehebsbgtanc was subsequently changed by Order in dress P. Mclntash, Chief-Principal MrGa.H LuoKnadivedI 1 Council t i that cf The Ross Can Com- YneMnrGrar.tsTaate e f Hbis Lon str ai f Perea an t imied an sbrafe eere ahorses ta Williamson, the Buver, Orono, as te ai camanyand received a cheque thatswelled mater- AND WHEREAS the Corporation bas For the benefit cf these citizens who ially bis bank account. - hae ben ld tobeleveWilbelauet8J. Dudle granted a lease cf the premîses in accord- aebenldtobhev htClue8 f TEE IL CR HUMTS. a n c e w ith th e s a id a g r e e m e n t a n d b y - la w th e o r ig in a l b v-la w b a s t d e w it b th e l a th e m a n y w h o s u ife r f r cm r h e u matis m B o number 960 ta Ross Can Ce. Limited sale price cf the Ross Can Ce. building atilc amlesVgtbePi s H re lc hn 2 u e 22 B wnnil wbich Company was incorparated fer the we herewith publisb in fullaue8 a t riaom breees ey ae pronouncedlokPhn 25 H ue 7 B w an appeaesei thearigial bylaw:mended, The aepoone purpose cf acquiring the assets of the odaId ae n h rgna ylw action upon the liver and kidneys and by company and cf carrving on the industry In case the said Company does not regulatîng the action cf these organs act carried an by the aid campany in the carry out an ils part the terms Of this as an alternative in preventing the ad- Town cf Bowmanville and- whicb coin- contract a& hereinhefore set ont, or if at mixture cf uric acid and blaod that pany bas pnrchased sncb assets and is the any time the said Companyý makes de- causes this painful disorder. Tbev must UANTED-A reliable mans with soine business, Assignee and Successor cf the aid fanît in carrying ont said contract, and be taken according te directions and used IOR SALE-73 acres, pond soi, abot Wmie experience among farmers to represent us Cmayand Wilfred Servington Dmn- such defanît shahl continue for the space steadiîy and they wiîî speedily give evid- I noith of Oshawa, sitatie for mixed farm ingt in Du rhamn County. A spiendid chance for Coman Fweil watered; bank barn, stable and driving te right mais to make big sales, with the de- nick. the original party cf the said agree- of go days, or if at any time witbin the ence cf their beneficial effects. shed, $600 woitb of wood and cedar on faim. mand there now is for fruit stock and the re- mrent and the party an wbose behaif said said twenty years becemnes bankrnpt or Aiso 9-roonied frayn e housd in Hampton in wbich newing of oid orehard',. Stone & Wellington, B-a ubr90wspassed. insalvent or makes an assignment for the is a fernace; 2 acres iand, che fut"h 1 ebe'ohil NrerisTrn By-iaw numberscrdiors o960es rwasfrsorchard, bain and stable. For particulaîs applv _______7-______________ AND WHEREAS ît is necessary that hsei fisrdtrs rcue rsieste J. E. L. COLE, Hamulton, 6.3w the amendments so agreed ta be made any executien creditor under an execu- SOME STARTLING FIGURES. TFCNDA T.-SA n H OMN should be ratified by the qualified rate- tien ta seize any cf the property cf the 1 iaaa NEWS are pobiished every Thursday and payes o th Ton o Boinanill. sid OMPn3,or sffes sch udgentDo net Buffet $iiday moîmg, îespectivety, at THE STATESMAIS payes c th Ton c Bomanill. sîd ompn>,or uffrs ncbjndmen --another day witb Office. .James Block, 26 and 27 King.st, West, ta remain unsatisfied for the pericd cf 21 REv. A, M. IRWIN, B. D., OSHAWA, Itching, Bleed- Bowvinllie, Ontario, Canada. M. A. James& NUW THEREFORE the Corporation days, er suffers or permits any winding TELLS SOME EYE-OPENERS. ung, or Pratrnd. ,ons, Publishers and Proprietoîs, ats 81.50 per af th ono omnil yisuoretb aevn oitnh ng Piles. No annum, payable iniadvance; 02.00 after first ths'ee Ceuncil enacîs as follows: Province cf Ontario, or if said Company AdPsigbspIpea h t nna r hs' LuES lllreli a atone ots i.Cas fteareetdtdis nat performing its obligations as herein D.Cameetietwllrlev o atoc Septaeme8 ofthe agreement8, ade defined, and continues in be in defanît in metng cf King-st. Methadist Cburcb and as certainly cure 'you. 60c. a ccx' ai DRF. .V.S bewe teCrprto o h Tw fc'1nnection tbere-with fcr a period af 120 rcnltePso aesm anain dealers, or Edmnanson, Bates & Co., LI DR.F.dT TIGHE,V.S beteenth Copoatin f te owncfworking days, then and in sncb case the tc encourage thrift un homes and imper- Toronto. Sample box free If you mention tht VETERINARY SUJRGEON SBowmanville and Wilfred Servingtcn sonal expenses. Here are same state- ape and enclose 2c. stamp to pax~sa. Dinnick and incarporated in and known Corporation may terminale the lease an a as-Scbednle "A" cf By-lawr number 96e 30 days', notice, and the said Company ments. Rev, Mr. Irwin declared that the BOWMANVI LLE e scneldsalb osdrda nOehlîgaeae daily wastef34oneo ra Dav or Nigbt Calîs Pramptly Attended Tao of athe Town cI Bowmanvillesc Tcl eantbecond eredrasrain Overbldiavpreg n e cf an uce cf read oOffice - King-Sî. W., Statesman Block and the falowing substituted therefar. TnntCndaenopoaioadhh aveo pes meant apon annualbas te7 the rigbl le resume possession of the said 85Ca n f w6,a5,upoudacf rao r nof PhSe24 Î8) If during the continuance cf said premises tOgethecr with aIl the plant and 8,1 asc bawibaon fa ' ~ lease the Company makes default iu macbinery installed therein ta be con-waefodsuf oudlî2,4crsf any of the termis, covenants or candi- sidered as part of the real estate, and the the standard 30-tcu capacity or make 57 S I i. ions whatseever of tbis agreement anc propertv of the Corporation, and the trains of 50 cars ta the- train, whlcb would. r"Lest veeForge sncb default continues for go days, or if Company shaîl pav ta ihe Corporation require a whole day to ship, praviding ah it becames- baukrnpt or insalvent or the snm of $5a,000 la becansidered as train was sent every 30 minutes Ilt would _ _ _ _ E. R. BOUNSALL, makes an assigniment for the benefit'cf iquidated damages snstained by the take a western farmner, lie figured Out, 44 Designer aî>C »ealer in ils creditors or causes Or suiffes any Corporation by reasen cf tbe damages- erst team iibis amount cf wheat a Monuments, Table s, Markers, etc., la execution creditor te seize auiv af the the Corporation bas sustsined by reason îis ~ mls îvddb ae~CI eariflg OntllBalance 0 f 'Granite, and Marbîse. praperty cf the Company or snffers or cf the detsult of the Compauy un nettripsoad day, witb 100 bnshels 10 Ihe P, mavlî,Ontario, permits any winding up order ta be carrying ont its obligations bhereunder, -d made by any court, then the Corpor- wbich said sum cof $50,000 may be re- % ounce 0f heef tbrown away by eacb SOCKS ation may terminale the said lesse on a cavered by the Corporation by distress persan ini Canada per day, meant 255,000,- Se days' wrîîten notice le the Company, on the prcpertv cf the said ComiÏaÏny on 000 pounds cf meat lest, equal te Ço,64o GLOVES U RA DI CT S and thereupon the Campany shall be ssid premîses in the samne manner as rent bnlocks of i,ooo pounds eacb. ThisFUEA RCTR considered ýan averbalding tenant sud in arrears may be recovered, aud this in number of catlle would strelch e'ut 25 RUBBERS f o the Corporation shalbave the right ta addition te ahi and every aiber means and miles when standing side by side.L.M dr i & So resumne possession cf the said premises, metbed open te the Corporation ta re- Heavsdbsuiirtalyrdc-aaSvngoMsIopee npmt net ta include, hewever, the plant anîd caver ssid $50,00a as is usual, and il may ing their amount cf food one ounce per, Mstnacaudplht pelle machinery iusîalled by tbe said Camp- be advised by CoÜnsel. day il would mean a saving cf 690,000o,000 20-0/o REDUCTI0N. promptly attended te, any, sud the said Company shall psy te _________ aves cf bread 10 the country. Bûwmanvllle Phones 10 34 the Corporation te snm cf $c0,c00. tb Cbildren, spending a cent for the dsiîy Acqukyassplisimed ane: OBNHMPN becensidered as liquidated damages cbew of gutu,-were spending the batik Ac uklasupyî Itte. Bnhs: O N -HMPq sustained by the Corporation by reason ~ interest on an account cf $122. The ice ___________ af the Company baviug made defanît i cream girl, wbo must have bier daily U not arrvng cl it oblgatins, bicbcone, spent a banik locomne derived from Ie said sumn may be recovcred bv distres the sum cof $61o The business man, wbcE tt C m ais evc on the praperty cf the Companv in the smok<ed 25c Havanas isallowecd onîy 3 H mstn reof h Rae t eyis ur-ew sme manner as rent in arrears or in wektRxaa h ntrs na$o ampnnjaea h e t eyis ue it suhother way as it may be ad-vised 'Victery Bond or a $1300 batik ecceunb. _____________1____ IA E E D last hune of clause 14 in said agreement merry week-end in a motor car ai $10 per IsrneAet are bercby cbauged ta $io,ooo sud se in- time, "bhew in" the interest On $3,000 if W a Phone 162 OfficeWeinonsj eacb clause where ssid figures ef 50.000 --n me trips per seasen were made. He Bowmanville are used as lîquidated damages the samne cousidered tbat spending $90 in sncb a W m n are changed te sco,coo, fashien was scarcely werth whbile, unlesOntario oe S ay 3. Auy defanît which bas occnrred * the yonng man secured the girl be was Tillscnhurg, Ont.:-"I found Dr. Pierce'm DR. J. C. DEVITT une tesadagemetune B-a Favorite Prescription very heneficial during nler 960al be redby waivC sud aâ ~quite poorîy, was Graduate cf Royal Dental College, lease Rsha . gra ted asbc Crors nauseated sud sick, Toronto. ticu 0 Roa Ca Cc.Lim~ed a proidedcould flot eat any- Office: King-St. East, Bowmai ! by ssid agureementaud iucrerating the +1,;-"g.AdIT a R. jloPoll Clcrker6m1 nsn Bates &Ce, Ltd., Toronto. nesses cf ber &ex-with eyes sunken, bîa-ek jigseue lcneasaci 34 South Ward, Basemeut af Public î J o qikyatred e healtsh h aor Ite rciI am preparcd ta laike s imiîed 4 Scboal, Victoria Street, James Deymau J. J Masoit o qil etrd ohat yteFvrt number of sales. For termsansd dat s Depuly Returuing. Officer, James. Nakcs, da Prescription cf Dr. Pierce. Chauged, t»e, apply te Poîl Clcrk. Thaurance Agent I3ewmanville in looks, for after taking Dr. Pierce's Favoe- THEO. M. SLEMONI ANDcToek Tin thefrnonaIthe 6hCaof cîtI I Prr.i gtaien tin bcs n o hon 17- 3-t arbA. D. 1920 at the heur cf e cvci j* yeebr01toa te heeke plump. It hn ENNISIXILLEN Y Coal & ood i3est grades of Coal only kept, also Wood of ail kinds. If you have flot ordered your Winter supply yet, you had botter -do so as it is liable to advanco any day, eW. LOSCOMBe E Staidrd Bank Buildiing.,Temperanco St Phone 177 0 1 1