I 1> HlARPY PHONE 186 ALLIN,- BOWMANVILLE BOWMANVILLE, MAR. 4, 19201f GO-TO CHURCH SUNDAY A lfew words about two important words It would take a whoIe pake to desoribe ail the different delicacies and necessit- ies Ii n ur popular grocery store. But oiily two words are necessary to give the outstanding features of each commod- ity. These two words-which forrn the basic and unalterable principles of our business -are Quality and Fair- Price, WE WANT MORE FARM PRODUCE Ten tons of Eatoïi catalogues recently came f0 Oshawa P. 0. John Greer, aged 82, an old resident of C'avan, died at H~ome for Aged. The death occurred in Port Hope, Feh. 23, Of Ma.rgaret Pe tit, aged 76 years. Cavaerouclvoted $i000 f0 assisf in erecting rnew Fair buildings in Millbrook Joseph-. Tinney, Cobourg, native of Cornwý.all, Eig'and, la dead in bis 75th vear. Miss J;a.en delI, Cobourg, bas refurned to Madstolne, Sask., f0 resume school duties. Thomnas Buttars, Cohourg, in bis 69th year,>ta eadfrom pneuimonia. He was a welI-knwn awn howler. % Great bargainsk- in aIl k inds of Furs dur- ing th-e soktangsale at Couch, Tohn- ston &CrernsLd Deathi occýurred in Portlaud, Oregon, Feb. 16ýh, ezsuIt Of accident, of David S. Ramsay, former Cobourg boy. Albert Hines, Cobourg, if is reporfed, bought a qewing machine on credif, aold it for $30 cash and left bis wife and country. "'Minister's Bride" will he put on ini Preshyterian church, Cold Springs, by Cobourg Presbvferian Church -choir, March 5. AIl Ladies' Clofh Coafs selîing off at 25% discount and any of lasf years Coats at hait price af Coucb. Johnston & Cry- derman's Limited Independenf Canning-Co have secured sufficient acreage and decided to locafe A bronze fablef, erected in memory of 22 ex-students of Cabourg Collegia1e was unveied and dedicafed by Col. Wm. Beattie, C. M- G. on Feb. 20. Mr. and Mrs. jas. Davidson, Camborne, announce the engagement of their voung-] er daughter, Jessie Isabel, to Mr. Sydney Hilton Eagieson, son )f Mr. A. E. Eagle- son, Cold Springs. Orono is credited, by district papers, with two suicides, neither of :Which oc- curred tiuar that same metropolis Auditors' rebort for town of Coburg shows bad financial conditio n of the town, the cash balance sheet showping a direct deficit of $17,5 17,31 with assets of $15,95 42 of taxes dating back, ix years. (Prom Orono Netcs) The Orono News correspondent who is a musician of renown and wide experience in training musicians has, this f0 say of the services in Bowmanville Methodisf church on Go-to-Chiirch Sunday in the last issue of that bright littie village wee kly: The service in the Metbodisf church Sunday evening last, Feb- 22nd, was somewhat out of the ordinary line, as it was more musical than preaching service. The pas- tor, Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., gave a short address on the power of music i the conversion of individuals and referred f0 the great work done along that line b-v the lafe Ira D. Sankey, and other singing evangelisfs. Refeience was also madeit the good work of cburch choirs in the ser- vice of song. Altogether if was interes,- ing and profitable to, he large congrega.- fion assembled. The large choir sang several anthems in a highly creditable manner and a male quartette (Messrs. W. B. Tapson, W. B. Pollard, H. MacAnespie Samuel Leggett) gave one gond number. Special mention should be made ot the exceptionally well-rendered vocal solo by Miss Elizabeth Painfon, which was a delight f0 hear, Prof Laugher playing a most artistic accompaniment. The lasf anfhem given bv the, choir "The Enemy Said"' was a credif f0 aIl concerned. Iu the morning Miss Je-unie Merchant sang in her very sweet voice "The LittfIe Brown Church In the Wild wood," the whole choir joining in the refrain. The old favorite was immensely euh yed. 0u1 orh friend andcitizen. W. J,. Bragg, .P . LIST H-ere Areé A Few 0f Thie Tempting Bargains, For The Home I Jarness O' Coda? Mops, Reg. $1.75 for $1.33 1 us Re 1.0 o ~0 I W DS PHOSHUi ne Great English Preparatien. c Tories and invigorates the whe-e nervous system. makes ne-wB d "9 in old Veine, Used for Nerrous Debility, Mental and Brain Warry, rlespondency Loss of Ener v, Palpitation of the Heart, Fa,ýiling Memnory. eiice $1 per box, sir for $5. Sold by'ail druggists, or mailed in plainv pkg. on rereipt of priçe. New pamnphlgit maite4 free.TtIE WOOD MEDICINE ÇO.,TQRONTO.ONT.