BOWMAN'VILLE,,JAN 29, 1920 TheOld Reli'able Satisfaction for Every Customer Groce ry la establishing and build- ing up our grocery busi- ness we have always en- deavoured to satisfy eve ry Phione customer, whether his 'or her neds ere argeor small. [ 65I Our' service is reliable-- your child can shop here as well as Yourself. We turn over oui' stock quickly-no old merchandî'se loads down our shelves. Everyth'ng new, bright and clean. Try us, ARCHIE TAIT Prompt Delivery. Bowlrnaniville. PHONE 65. Sto'cre Your Car For The Winter We are now prepared to store a himited ilumber of cars in our large garage for the winter roonths. You will be surprised at the very low rate, A Good Idea It's also a good idea to have your car overhauled during the winter rnonths. Bring it iný early for we are already very busy, And dont forget to hring us yoîu' batteries for safe keeping. Pickad's arage Klng Street Bowmanville AiP HAMPTON FLOUR MILLS Fu r Grahamn Flour Whole Wheat Flour XXX Pastry Flour Royal Flour for Bread If you cannot secure these popular grades of Flour from your grocer order direct frorn us. 100 Tons Feed Juast arrived inclnding American Corn, Old Mani - toba Oats, Mixed Chop, etc G-et your supply early. Chas.Imlapo CANADIAN PAICIFIC CONVENJENT DAYLIGIIT TRAINS BETWEEN TORONTO AND OTTAWA No Roati-n of tihe Trouble Sînce Takin-g "FRUIT-A.TIVEsp MR. JOHN E. GUtLOý11EReON P. O. Box 123, Pareshoro, N. S. "I suffered ioith Rheusstism for fisc year, h aving it so badly aI limes 1 was unable te get up withont assistane4 1 tried différenit me4icines 1 saw adv ertised au d wu t rea te d by do tors in Amherst, aiso li my home town, but the Rheunoatism came- back. In 1916, 1 saw in an advertisement that 'Iruît6a-îives' WOal $top Rlîe*.. matism, aud tbon eebox aud gel relief; then I tob thern rîgbt along for about six mnonthas and the Rheu- mnatism was aIl gene snd I ham e Bver feit i: since. Anynne Who would care ta write me as regards 'Fruît-a-tives' I would ho glad te tell them what 'Fruit-a. ives' did for me.,, JOHN E. GUILDERSON, Contracter aud Magon. 50C. a box, 6 for $2-50, trial size 250, At ail dealers'or sent posbpaîd by Fruiît-a-tîves Lâmited, Ottswa, Ont, CARTWRIGHT COUNGIL Inaugural meeting, Jan. I2th;,members ail preseut and subscribed te the neces- sary declarations sud qualification et Office. Tbos. McDermoti applied te have con. 8 opeued opposite bis preperty, referred te committee et whoie Council. Coun. Hyland commissioned te procure bridge stringers. By-laws were passed appeiniug D Englisb Assessor at 885.0o, R. Edgerton sud C. Devitt auditors at salai-y et $800o eacb sud S, Jeffrey M. L. B. et Health. R. Dicky applied for trees on con, 5 Council deciuied not te sel] samne. Orders signed as -fellows. L. Fitze, timber Mauvers bouud'ry $îî 3o jas. Dicky, i sbeep kiiled 15 00 J. Wright, sbeep vaiuator 18 o Municipal Wortd, 7 copies 7 0e W. J, Patton, oil etc. 3 50 Reeve, service L B. et Health 10 00 S. Jeffrey, '«" ' ý 10 00 W. Beaeock, Sec." ' 10 00 Council adjourued te meet Feb. 2nd., 1920. W. BEAÇOCK, Clerk. CAusE 0F ASTHatA. No eue can say wiib. certainty exactly wbat causes tht establishing et astbmatic conditions. Dust trom the street, from flowers, from grain and varieus ether irritants may seý up a trouble impossible te irradicat excepitbrougb a sure preparation such ns Di'.J. D Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. Uncertainty may exist as te caus", bol there can be ne uncertainty regarding a remedy which bas t-ced a generatien oi asthmatic victims from ibis scourge et tht bronchiîl tubes, t is sotd everywbere. DARLINGTON COUNCIL TOWN HALL, Hsmptau, Jan. 12, 1920. Inaugurai meeting was beli thiis day; ftier takîng dectaration et qualificatio,î aud office, usual business was taken up. Reeve Thomas Baker was in the chair. Minutes et asat meeting were read, approveit and signed. Gi-sots et $io each were made te Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, aud Muako- ka Fi-ce Hospital for Consumptives, Thos. Trick complaiued et atate of streets in Burketou sndasakeit thai s street be opencit under the C. P. R. irscks Laid over. Wemen's Instituteasaked Counciltot censider the merits et a Cemmoniîy Hal Aise laid ever. Appeiniment et Schoot Attendance efficer or officers in the Township was considered, J. P. Cowles, Provincial Scboot Atteudauce officer, Toronto, is askei tot meet Council te give information ou d Aties et such office, By-taws were passed, appeinting offie- ers, Auditors-F. J. Groat, A. L. Pascoe. Board etf Health-C. W. 'Siemon, IM. H. O , T. Baker, A. Hogar'th W. E. 1 1 wVrk of Efficient Gas Etigine iii fiouse zni Jbarri. Hevi FEarly W!ureî- Pruning May Be Doee ithout In un'y -= ister Rbnbarb la Deliclens and May Be Grow'n by All. <Contributed by Ontaioj Departmnent ef Agriculture. Teronte.) S 4AVING ]aber lu stable aud home, by the use et macbînery. gej is oeeoe the great economic preblema engaging the atten- tion et tarmers to-day. Threugh the nueet mach iuci' they can produce even more, at lest. cost, blan in years past, when labet pieutîtui, aur. tolerably ceap, Probabiy never betoeeilu lb-' bis- tory et the farming werld have se) many farim probtems been solveit by a single piece et mschinery as bas now been accomplisbeit by the gase- Une englue. Lu bbc stable it eau bc employed te sdvan rage in grinding feed fer the stock. ILteau eut fecd aud ensilage. Lb eau pnmp waber for the bouse and stable whenever oe pleases; a hydraut ou the lawn, anud lu the stock yards te whicb a hose miay be attached tor' washing the buggy, sprinkling the lawn, flushiug pons and stable sud for other pur- poses, is ï,source et mucb satisfac- tIon, pleasure andt comforb. By moans et a lino ahaft a gas engîne may eperate msny isbot-sav- Ing machines nt the samne ime. ,lb eau run the grindstene, root puiper, fanulug miii, ereani separabor, churu, Sheep shearers,"lbprsecelippers, irotary. eurry-comb sud tho miiking machine, wlth wbicb il la possible te milk bwo Cows lu about six mnnes, iuciuding the tino requirod for ebauglug anti scttlng. Furtber assistance may ho hait by abbacbing the power fer re- frigeration andi tai' circuiatiug milk GYci' a coiing ýsortece-a practical neetslty, 1No longer ueed the preparabion ot whltewash sud its application wlth a brnshbch consigneit te warmer ro- glous, fer the cugine eau pump bbe mixture fronoi a tank or barrel through a hose sttscbed te a spray- lng eutfit. It is possible te pump Il twe bnndred f cet. Wbeu the job lu donc tbc bose ahouid be cleanoit ont by bia'v'ng tresb watcr pumped threugh it. The gaseiîne englue selves for the farmer the îrebieres et confort in the bouse, satebty lu the stables, sud a gi-est deal et drndgory generally.- ]Prof. John Evans, 0. A. Coliege, Guelph. Light Faîl Pruning Ta Safe. Lighb pruniag ng u al la spermîss- Ibie, but heavy pruning la daugerous, sud liklcy te result in serions dam-. age freut winter kiiiing, especiliy if the succeediug winter la severe, The Iujury is causeti by drying eut efthIe eut ares sud înay ho preventcd by coverîng ail wennds et any aise withî s good covering ef paint made frein Pure lead sud oul. Do net use pre- parcd paints as these coubain lujur- tous benzine or turpentine dryers. To make au effective ce.eering il will ho uecessary te give net leas than tue coats, hecause eue ceai will net pro-veut eheeking sud drying et green weod. Ceal bar makes an exeoIleut weund coerlug andtisl easily appliedi. This natter et covcriug wouuds made lu tati or early wiuter l i-c.-e queubiy sligtged by erchard mou, but tbe writer bassacc u scb serions dan- age resuit trem negleet oet this pro- caution that lho teels justiticdin l waruing fruit growers wlbb regard te tbc practice.* Lu experimnual triais iu the cottege appie oî'cbard, varie- tics se hardy as Duchesa et Olden- burg, Wolf River, Snew sud Scetb's Wiuber have suff ereti very serions lu- jury following Novenher 'prunie.g witb bbc cuba lef tunuproeocteti. The wennds dry out aroundthebb edger. andi by sprîng bbc deati arca ta gi eatly en- largcd, trequenbiy cxteuding dewn bbc bronk or brandi toi' a foot or more. The deati hnrk cernes away labcr, lenving a large dcad ares, dctrî- montai te bbe parts above anti cer&ain aise te dccay latr.-Prot. J. W. Crow, O. A. Collegc, Guelph. Uow Winter Rhubarb lIo Produccd, The production et rbnbarb lu wiu- ber bas bocome ef considerabie value amoug gardencra. Lt ts easy te de IJRONO (From the News) Joe Ackenbaum is home from Toronto on the farm. Mr'. Herbert W, Renwick bas been in rather poor bealth. Mr'. Robert Knox bas had a gligbt stroke ef paralysis Mr. John Tamblyn wiii grcathy improve bis farm buildings. Miss E. Harper, Cobourg, visited ber sister, Mrs. R. H. Allen. Rev, E. W. McICay, Peterboro. preacb- ed in Presbyterian Churcb Sundny even- ing. Miss Mary Snowden, North Augusta, Ont., visited ber aunt, Mrs Thomas Coatbam. Miss Latura Allun, ber aunt, Mrs. Chis- bolm and Miss Bell Allun, Oshawa, were bere recently. Mrs, Reynolds and Mrs. Choate, of Port Hope, were visitors hast week at Mr. Wm. Tbompson's. Hsrd aud sott cerns both yield te Hol- loway's Cern Cure, whîcb is entirely safe te use, aud certain and satisfactory iu its action. Mr.'Jeu. Awde and bride, formerly Miss Evi Couch, are visiting ber uncle, Mr'. Isaac Cobbledick. Miss Dorotby Smitb,daugbter et Edîtor W. L. Smith, is in Grace Hospital, Tor-. ente, as nurse-in-training. Mr'. Horace Moulton, wbo bas bcen in very poor beaith fer some weeks, is new able te take a eut daily, Miss Edn Gilroy, daugbter et Anson Gilrey, Kendal, won the silver medal in W, C. T. U. eraterical contest. W. J. McKelvey, bachelor farmer north-east et Orene, rccenthy beugbt the Deweil farru, 5o acres, 7th. concession. Do IT NOW-Diserders et the digestive apparatus sheuld be deaît with at once before complications arise that may be difficult te cope with. The surest remedy te this end and eue that is withîn reach et ahi, is Parmelee's Vegetabie Pulis, the best laxative sud sedative on the market, Do net dclav, but try them new. One triai wilh cenvince anyone tbat thoe' are the best stemnach reguhater that can be got. Mrs. A, R. Gamsby, whe was a guest at Mr- A, A. Rolph's, is en a visit te her ohd home, Millbreok. She and sîster, Mrs, Gray, wili leave February ist., ou their return te California. Remains et Jesse Woodward, son et late Walter Woodward, Starkviiic, were interrea ini Orono cemetery, Jan. 13. His disease was strange, alh glands et body grew ie large bard lumps. Willing Workers hiave ergauized and elected these efficers. Supt., Mrs. A. Relph; Prest., Marion Dickson; Vice do., Margaret Eber; Asst. Sec., Milton Morris; Cor. Sec., Laurence Allin; Ass't, Sec.,, Ethel Winter; Treas, Neya Rainey; Asst., Bertha Cain; Mite Box Treas,, Helen Pewers; Pianlat, Mrs. Jý E. Griffith; Asst., Vina Winter. Miller's Worm Powders act âo thor- ougbly that stemachic and intestinal worms are literally ground up and pass frem the cbild witheut being neticed aud without incenvenience te the sufferer. They are pamnlessanad perfect lu action, and at all times, wilh be found a healthy medicine, strengtbening the infantile stomach sud maiutaîning it in vigorous operatien, se that, besides being an effective vermifuge, they are tenicai and health-giving i their effects. WAS NOT PROMOTED. Wbî Because he grombied, watched the cie, was stung by a bad look, was aiways bchindhand, bad ne trou lu bis blood, was wiihing but uftted, did'nt believe in himselt, asked tee many ques- tions, stock excuse was, "I forger, wasn't ready fer the ncxt step, did net put bis beart in bis work, learned notbing trom his mistakes, fcît that he was above bis position, was content te be a second-rate man, ruiued bis abilitv by haIt doing things, chose bis friends from ameng bis inferiors, neyer dared te act on bis own judgmeuî, did net tbink it werth wtiiie te learu how, familiarity wïth slipshed ,metbods paraiyzed bis ideal, trîed te make "bloff" take the plisce et bard werk audthoogbr it was clever te use coarse and profane anguage. Wives andMthr Of Canada Etraýtterd, O nt. --"I arn very enthusiastic ta praie et Dr. Pîen'e's Favorite Prescrip- tion as a tonlc ori expectant mothers. 1 have bad' experi- e'£ce both with the 'Prescription' snd ~ withotii, and ae Insurance Agent Bowmanville1 Good Opportunity For Farmers. I1 now have îny hay-presser in the vicinity of Bowrnan- vi!le and arn ready to buy hay at the highest. cash price. And wili supply press with- ont any charge. Communicate with me at Joe. Rosenvald (Forme riy ot Bowmanvilie) 18 Baldwin St. Toronto Phone College 2395 or Bowmanville 289 'Wallp apers It is not too early, to think of Wallpapers. We have received some Spring papers 13 nnxoAh lAd rhni nia newvaee -, i. __________________________ _____________ ___________ r -'~-vp-v--'~---- i- -~ or, "7- -t---- THE IL OF TEE F 'OPLE.-Many oiis ba-ve comne anci gene, but Dr. Thomas' Eciectric Oul continues te maintain uts position and increase its spbere et useful- nesa each year. Its sterling qualities bave brougbt it te the-front andt kept it there, and it cao truiy be cai.ed the oil et tbe peeple. Thousanits have benefittcd by it sud woold use ne other p)rep)aration. Notice 'of Registration of By=Law. Notice is hereby given that a By-Law was passed by the Municipal Council et the Corporation et the Township et Dar- ington on the 29th day et December, 1919, providîng for the goaraure et Bonds et the said Corporation te the Hydre Ehectrie Power Commission of Ontario te eameunt et$429,680 toi' the construction, eqoipment and eperation et au E]ectric Railway under "The Hydre Electric Railway Act, 1914," and amend- ments thereto sud that soch Bv-Law was registered in Registry Office et the West Ridiug et the County et Durham on the 14th. day of Jauuary, i920, Any motion te quasb or set asîde the same or auy part thereof must be made within three months atter the flrst publication efthiis notice sud canet be made thereatter. Dated the 20th. day et january, 1920. 4-3. 1 W. R. ALLIN, Tp. Cierk, Companies -Service Rates are of the best when you insure with NINA E. NEADS Instirance Agent. Phone 162 Office Wel!ingtoii-St r1JERAL IRECTORS L~ Mo s &3on Most C'-oz; !; ulment ~nndy am o ,ht caltes Buwmanvilte Phones 10 34 Branches: OUONO HAMPION "Lest We Forget-' E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Ma rhes,, etc,, In Granite and MarbIe, Bowmanville. Ontario. WO'S PHOSPHODIïNE. li1 Te Great English Preparation. -,lTones and insîgorates the whole ne)prvous system,. makes new Blood iu oId Veins. Used for NVervous DebilWy, Mental and Brain Worry, D)esponden7 Lsso nergy, Palpitation of the Heart, ailing Meo. Price $1 per box, six for $5 Sold by alldrugsts, or mailed in plain .pkg. on receipt of price New pamphi "I naîl<d Iroe.TRIE WOOD MEDICINE C.TR~4COT Announce ment! My son, C. H. Mason, having join- cd me in the Insurance and Real Estate Business, ,we are in a posi- tion te give more attention to the numerous details incidentai te the business when properiy conducted. Many people have found to their sorrow whcn a tire eccurred that thev were not properlv protected owing te some eversigbt or defect in their poiicy, We are determined that no one who entrusts us wjth their Insur- ance shall be disappointed when they have a fire. We haveadjusted over 50 fire loss- es during the hast three years and everyone bas been perfectiy satis- fied with the settlement. Insurance is a very important mat- ter and shouhd have undivided at- tention. We are in a position te give it, Cali, phone or write for information, J. J. Mason & Son Grand TrunkRal y Ille Double Track Rouý,te between Montreal Toronto Detroit Chicago o- k. -- + - "- ' + I ~ -~4'5-r--~s--mm- '7. -~ s-'-- ~ J- n orl'tr t~ ~ 'e- ~r~Iv-rt-'~Ï 4~s-rt ~n ~r-wox -r anar-. ~raacv -5X4 T~ ~ ~ -t- .,-r,-.+ r 7-, 7 7- -L ---L 7ý= l'HF ýÂ;N T£A' - Nnd ý19 B OWMAN1 ULýLF N1FWS ar'e pflbl 'hed every ThflEsd a ,,n Friday ILornn. TesP eIveY. at T11-1STAÂE-sMi6 office, James Block, £6 ari £7 King-st. West. Bo'wmanvilles. Ontaio, CaBadaý M. A. j)amen & ýû ,Publisheri and Proprietorq, at $1.50 pet arnium, payable - 1adac~ZOafe'ts three D .F. T. GH ,V.S VETERINARY SURGEON 8OVVMAN VILLE Dav or Night Calis Promptly Attended l'o Office - King -St. W., St.atesrnan Block PhOnt' 243 DR. J. C. DEVITT DENTIST Graduate of Royal Dental Colege, Toronto. Office. King-St. East, Bowr&mville Office Hours: 9 ar.t~o 6 pan. daily except sunday Phone 90a House Phone 90b Alan M. Wi*lamr0s Funeral Director - EmbaLmer- No extracharge for distance in counfltr or to city or outside places, Ernbal-îZi ing donc in the most scientific manjner. Charges reasonable as my expenses are low, Phone 58 or 159 43-6m5' G. C. BONNYCASTLE L. D. B., D. ID. S., Honor Graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Gradtiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Office King-st - Bowmanviile Office Phone 40. H ouse Poe 255 Auctionéer Having secured a icense- as auction- eer I arn prepared to take a limited number of sales, For terms and dates apply to THIEO. M.iSLEMONq ENNISKILLEN Phone ic)7-r,3 32-tf Business CaIIs daily for qualified recruits. A course in one, of Shaw's Schools will qualiVy you in Short Order. Write for catalogue and proof of demand for our graduates. Ad- dress P. Mc'tntoa'n, Chîef -Principal Yonge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto, Carpenter Wr Ladders Made Saws Sharpened W. P. MOSES Bî'adshaw-st Bowmanville 40-Imi Select A School With, Your Eyes Wide Open; Ail Business Colleges Are Not Alike. - 0L'o - r 2~ Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto is noted throughout Canada for high grade training. Our graduares are in great demand. Get our Catalogue, read our records, then decide. Enter any time, W. J, ELLIOTT, Principal. 7777FMýý r