U, F. O" NOTICE Maple Goe Farmers' Club will meet Friday,jan. 30,in the Sons' Ha1, Ma: le Gi ove, at 2p.m. Discussion "Dairying" led by R.R. Stevens Otiier b'usiness of importance. BETIIES DA Reserve Friday, J ani 0th , for the Oyster Supper in BeUL '.da Cburch. Excellent musical pti gi-amu. Mrs. Roes Pearce, Darlington, eýocutiqnist. Supper servedat 5 30 ahai p. Admis- sion: Supper aiid concesili 60r. I F youîr chiAd in school lis not progressing pro- perly witb lis studies the chances are that lis eyes should be exaînined. for possible eye defeets that can he remeudied hby wearing glasses. If you no0 longer enjoy readîng your daily paper andi vour distance-sene leai- BO)WMAN VILLE, -JAN. 29, 1920 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY BOWMANVILLE FAIR WILL BE HELD SEPT. 14 AND IS-BETTER ATTRAC- TIONS TO BE PROCURED-FINANCES iNq GOOD SHAPE. The'animal meeting of the West Durham Agricutural Society heldin Council Room, Bowmanville, on Saturday afternoon, Jan. I7th was a fairly representative one with President Frank Allin in the chair. Minutes of last annual and subsequent directors' meetings were read, also re- ports of Secretary-Treasurer and Auditors together with ist of members for 1920 were read and adopted, It was decided to hold the West Durham Fail Fair for i1920 on Tuesday and Wednesday Sept. 14 and 15. Standing Field Crop Competition will be held with white oats as the grain selected, This society wîll affiliate with Ontario Fairs and Exhibition Association, the Pi esident and Secretary to be delegates to the Convention. Committees appointed to solîcit grants aînd donations are. Bowmanville-F. Allin, L. A. W. -Foie, W. E. Jewell. Darlington- W. J. Bragg, L. A. W. Tole, Merchants, etc-A. E. Clemens, H. Greenlees, M. J. Elliott, E. F. Weather- ult. Goyernment judges will be applied for in Ladies' and Poultry Classes, with fol- lowing appointments in remaining classes- Heavy horses-JGs. Stapies, Ida. Light horses-T. A. Crow, Toronto Beef cattle-W. A. Dryden, lirooklin. Dairy cattle-R. M. Holtby, Manchester. ISheep-Prof. Day, Guelph, 0. A. C. Swine-Carl Squair.LyeJ.P IGrain & Seeds-J. McMurtry, F. Vanstone jFr uit-W. F. Kydd, Toronto Vegetable-W. S. Gamsby, Orono. Fowers-R. Jarvis, Hý . C WES'A W'AY-G'RIGG On Tuesday afternoon January 2oth, at 4.3 o'coc nie home of Mr. and Mrs. John Grigg, Ontarîo-st, Bowmanv 11e, was the scene cf the marriage of their young- est daugbter, Edra Ermane, and Mr. Rich- ard Herman Westawav. Rev S. C. Moore, B, A., B. D., took the service be- fore a banti of palms and flowers in the livingroom. The bride, who was given away by ber father, looked charming in ber travelling suit of of taupe velour cloth and bat 10 match, and wore a corsage bouquet of Sweetbeart Roses.- Littlb Miss Mldred Ward, niece of the bride, was the only attendant and looked pretty in a betrilled frock of pink net over Ipink silk, carrying a basket of pink sweetpeas with streamers of duchess satin ribbon. Miss Muriel Decb, niece of the bride, played the Wedding March, After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Grigg beld a re- ception, the latter wearing blue charmeuse and figured chiffon. Tbe groom's mother was gowned in black satin and chiffon. Mr. and Mrs, Westaway left later for western cities and on their return will re- side in Osbaiwa, To the flower girl the groom's gift was a-lavalier set witb pearîs and sappbires, to the pianist a signet ring and the bride receîved a bar of t'earls, Some of the out-of-town guests were. Mr. and Mrs, Roger Fishleigh, Miss Hilda Bottreil, Mr. Gene Dopp, Toronto; Mr. Fraî,k Grigg and daughter Marjarie, Miss Gladys Westaway, Mr. Leon Dumas, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ward and daughters, Owen Sound. Several tele- grams of congratulation were received at luncheon fromn out-of-town friends unable to be present. YOUNG LADIES' CLASS. PLEASANT SOCIAL EVENING ENJOYED BY ABOUT EIGHTY MEMBERS. ODD IFELZLOWS' NIGET GRAND ATER HÂRRISTON VISITs FLORENCE NIORTINCiALE LODGE. Itwais installation rlight ait Florence Nightingaile Lodge No,6t$, 1. 0. O. F, laiet Wedn2sdaY evening and it was mtade Unusually interesting by the Visît Of Grand Master G. M. lernîleton, Toronto, and DisLtict Deputy GÇranid Master D. McKinnon, Jr, Cobourg, with hie Inetallhng Team, Officers for this teamn are. Nuble Grand-W. Claude Ives. Paiet do-W. J. Bagneil. Vice do-S. Littie, Reccrding Secretary-F, C. Pethick. Financial do-Frank Burden, Treasurer -William Edger, Warden-.R. E. Yates. Oonductr-Octo Bragg. R. S. N Gf.-W. S. Bragg. L, S. N. G-John J. Mason. (Jhaplain-Fred Bragg. R. S. V. G,-Sam Glanville, L. S. V. G.-BeDj, Bennett. R. S. S.-D. Richard (Jameroti. L. S. S -Fred Bennett. Inside Guard-William Mille. Outside Gua d-James Johnston, The installation ceremony was splendidly exemplîfied by the Cobourg brethren the Deputy Grand Marshai upon whoui moet of the responsibility feil doing hie onerous duties with neatness and despatch. Atter the, officere were placed lu their respective chairs, Grand Master ilermiston delivered a baîf hour ad- drese eucb as hase ldom if ever been heard within the wails cf that lodge. room, It wae inepiring, instructive and full of interest for the brethren. In thie connection we have pleaoure Ln giving from the report of taie Paiet Grand Master thie definition of an Odd Fellow-, The study cf Odd Fellowshîp te the study cf mn as a candidate for a blessed eternity. -I1t furnishes examp- les cf holy living and displays the conduet which is pleasing and accept- able te God. The doctrines aî.d exanmples which distinguish the Order CUT-RATE HARDWARE STOREh NOW STOCK-TAKI.NG AND CLEARING-OUT SALE JEVERYTHING GOING AT REDUCED PRICES Don't Take Our W'ord Alsk any, Aviator who too-k part in the Great War what he thinks of Omega Watches 5000 of these watcbes were used by Aviators and stood the test- We have just received another shipinent in1 gold filled c-ases, thin model, 15 and 17- jewelled, most perfect timie pieces made giv a ie.ime service besides a pesueto own one, $23.00 aud, $25.00 ]Jon't buy a watch until y on have seen these Omega Watches. Etiot cBros, Jewelers 14 Simcoe St N Oshawa1 Phone 21 Fruit-J. F. Osborne, T. C. Bragg, R, J. GuI. Vegetables-A. E, Clemens, H-. W. Jewel>. Flowers-R. Jarvis, Roy Jackman, A. H. Fletcher. Fine Arts-Mrs. E S. Senkler, Misses C. Allen and Ethel Morris. Domestic Science-Mrs. E. R. Bounsaîl, Mrs. W, E. Jewell, Judging contest-Left 10 Executîve te arrange witb District Representative, Society will net, advertise tbrough Central Fais Circuit. Building committee was instructed to carr) on work outlined last year and endeavor to bave building erected tn lime for Fair. Officers and directors are as follows. President-Frank Allun, a îst. Vice-John Baker,- 2nd. Vice-M. J, Elloît, Manager-W. E. Jewell, bec'y -Treas -J. S. Moorcraft, Directors-Darlington-A, H. Allin, Alan Campbell, A.E. Clemens, H. Green- lees, R. R. Stevens, S. Snowden, L. Skinner; Bowmanville-J. Lyle, W. J. Bragg, L. A. W. Tele, Jas. Nokes, E. F. Weatherwilt: Clarke-Nnrman Allun, J. F. Osborne, D. J. Gîbson. Auditors-John Lyle, 1. H. McMurtry. Hon. Directors-Hon, Robt. Beith, Hon. N. W. Rowetl, M. P., D. B, Simpson, K. C., W, F. Allen, J. P., Reeve T. S. Holgate. W. E. Jewell was granted $5o for services as Manager for t9t9. Realizing that the Grand Stand attrac- tiens have net been up te the usual standards during the war years owing 10 scarcity ci high-class performers, the fuliowing cirmmîttee was appointed to secure suitable ai tractions for 1920, the President, J. Baker, M. J. Ellîott A. jCampbell, W. E. Jewell and Secretary. The officers and directors, are 10 be congratulated on the satisfactory condi- tion cf the societv's finances, there being a balance on hand of $740 99. The assois are $7,38099 wîh liabîlities Of $1032. iii 'I Bowmanville Nseeuiess to say tnîs tempfing menu was tboroly enjoyed in addition te the joIIy social time. Miss Haycraft, the teacher, called the company 10 order and Mr. John A. Holgate, the associate teacher, on behaîf of the winners, m ,ved, pecond- ed by Miss Elva Andrus, a heartyvote ot thanks to the President, Miss Edith E. Allin, and the teamt that bad se generous- ly provided the treat. Rev. S C. Moore, pastor, Mayor H. i. Quinn, Superintend- eut, and Mr. W. S. Stevens, Assistant Superintendent, added a -few appreciative words and the gathering was dispersed by aIl jaininÈ heartily in the National An- them. The young ladies have entered mbt another 'contest for the winter months and cordîally invite aIl young women to join themt on Sunday after- noons in their cosy class-room at 230 O'clock. VERY SLJDDEN DEATH WORTHIY CITIZIEN 'SE1ZED WITH A very sudden death occurred on Frldaiy Jan. 10 when Mr. Wesley Webber, Liberty-àt., suddenly passee awaiy after belug seized with a etroke cf apoplexy as ho wae feeding hie chicken. Deceaeed was born and raised on Heppinstal Farm,Norrh Dar- lington, being a sou cf the laite Henry Webber and Susanua Martin. lu Ilie howas marriled ob Mies Lydia Sinte, and they moved to the Webt in 189, eettling lu Southern Manitoba where ho caiiried on meet succeselul farming operatione until a little over a year ago when hie eold hie preperty an;d camne to Bowmanville te reside, Shortly ai 1er their arrivai hores Mrs. Webber who had been in feeble health paeed away on March 18, 1910. TheI family lived on Carlisle Avenue until about two mnonths ago when be purchased the oid Mediand home from Mr. J. C. Dudley and had moved in but were net properlv set- tI L a hey were making- some im- provomeute te the bouse. The ca.ll came moet unexpectedly leaving the faimily of eight chldien-five sons and three daugnt ers-withoub mother or day afbernoon, service hein' couduet- ed by Rev. S. C. Mooi e, B. A., B D.,, and Rev, W. C, Waiehinuton, M. A, The bearers were-Messre. T,.(C. Jei 011, N. S. Plummer, Wesley Kerr, S. J. Jackman, W. C. Steveus and W. W. Allin, The eighî eilîdren mouru the dem ise of ai kind and loving father. 411 were preseut ait the funeral- Frank, Arthur and Gordon of Maini- tou, Main., Albert H.,, and William Roy, and Misses Minnie E. J., Ethel B. aind Ada L Webber ait homo. Mr. Webber is aise survived by two hrotbers-Joseph of Greenway, Main., and William of (jlifford, Huroný County; and three sisters, Mre. W. 0. Herring, Enniekillen, Mre. Wm. Lake, Newcastle, aind Mise Mary Webber, Bowmanville. CARD 0F THANKS T:he family of the late Wesley Webber desire te îhank their many friends and relatives for their kiudness and sympathy during their rectut sad bereavement, tbrough the suddeu losa of their fatle. BLACKSTOCK The regular monthiv meeting ot the Victorian Women's lostitute will be held at the home of Mrn. James Byers, Blacks- stock, on Wednesday, February 4th., at 2.30 p. m. Corne and hring your friends. attain te tihat true life of whi'ih death is the herald and the grave the portaI, -God bath made mankind, one MIighty Brotbeîbood, Himsesf their Master; thé Worid Ris Lodge.' We learu many truthe witbin the wal cf ai lodge room. One of the grea test and meet necessary le that unseîflehuesse, generosity, naituiral refi .eînent and intelligence, aire found as highly developed among the poorly educaiîed aind hard-workiug classes, as ainong the rich and the cultivated. This once implanted !n'a man's mind, the barrier of social, caste is thrown deavn and ho turne ta hie toiling fei- Iows with a new aind living interest. The words, "My Brother", convey a meaning to hlm they nover bore be- fore He bas learned that trutti 80 eloquently spoken by that groat-friend of the people, Charle Dickens-That mankind le hie business, the cemuion welfat'e le hie business, charity, Mercy, forbearance and benevolence aire al bis business, The dealinge cf bie trade or profession, are but adrop cf water in the comprehensive oean cf hie business." Tles o me le 0dd~ Pellewship. Thielewhy I would have aIl mon under ils sublime influences. Lot us work for that. Mail C ôntract, SEALED TENDERS, addressed te the Postmaster General, wili be receive'l at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 5th March, 192o, for the conveyance of His Majýsty's Mails, on a propesed Contract for four years, six limes per week on the route, BOWMANVILLE R R 3 (via Courtice) frem the tiret July 1920 next. Pninted notices containing further in- formationas te conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank ferms of Tender mav h ohaied-itthe P-~ Offices of Bowmanville, Courtîce, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, Toronto. Post Office Inspector's Office, Toronto, Jan. 23rd.,,1920. A. SUTHERLAND, 5 -3 Post Office Inspector, MvaîIl Con tra-ýct SHALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 5th March, 1920, for the conveyajnce of His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years, six limes per week on the route BOWMANVILLE R. R 2 irom the îst july 1920 next., Printed notices containing further in- formation as to conditions of proposed Contrset may be seen and blank forms of Tender niay be obtaîned at the Post of the Post Office Inspector, Toron to. Post Office Inspector'. Office, Toronto, fan. 23, 1920. A. SUTHERLAND, 5-3 Puat Office Inspector. wuwn n Proit i I This is my 8tlî Business Birthday in the Corner Groce-i'y toe nas usual I arn Celebrating it ,by holding an immense Profit-Sharing Sale of Groceries. Profits are cut down to the lowest possible margin lu order that my customers May buy there groceries at the gratest saving possible. Many goods included in this sale will actually be sold below present cost prices, Sale Started Jan. 8th Sale Ends Jan. 3lst 0f course, this sale is not confined to mny regular customers . 9'verIy person în Durhiam County is cordiaily invited to participate, Another pointab ont this sale - The More you Buy Tomatoes, cau Corn, can Peas,can Macaroni Cornlakes Krumbles .20 20 2f.20 2 for .25 2 for .25 iiiauis.jea, por Io. Lipton's Tea, Reg. 65c VegeÈable Soup, 3 Argosy Salmon, per tin JelIy Powders, per box IRose Brand Baking Powder Pickles, 2 bottles Flaked Codfish, per tin, for .60 for .25 ,25 '10 .10 for~ .25 .20 lu The More you Save Paini Olive Soap Oatmeal Soap Castile Soap Comfort Blue A mmonia Powder, Eze-Washing Powder Kippered Herring, per eau Cai fornia Sardines, Lima Beans, per tin Pork and Beans, small tin Siam Rice, Bulk Raisins, per lb Split Peas nufr 5 Sfori.S5 3 for 2 ,15 .10 2 bs for .28 These are Only a Few of the Bargains Days of Golden Opportunity With ordinary store prices at the high water mark it willceany pay you to "lay in"* a big stock of groceries at such attractive low prices. 'My dleis buy earlyaslIoniy have a Iimited stock in some lines and could Bot rpaete at such low prices. IIARRY ALUEN, Phone 186 Bowananvillo 't 4 i 2 Vukon Beav or Fur Coafi, reg $50.0 at $3800 1 Imitation Buffalo Coat reg $35.00 at $25.00 Mîtts and Gloves ait cost. 18 Horse Blankets at cost. 2 Sets lleavy Tcam llarness, reg $85.00 at $70.00 2 Sets Single flarnesis, reg $50.00 at $38,00 1 Set Single Harness, reg $40.00 eit $32.00 1. 8et Single llarness reg $30.00 ait $23.00 flarnesd hais taken another 20 pe~r cent lump. Before stock-taking, my prices wiIi not be changed, Buy now for your 'spring requirements. 5 Quebec ileaters to sel at cost. 1 Oak lleatêr to sel at cost, 2 Goal Oil He&ters, reg $5,00 ait$3.75 3 Electric Heaiters, reg $O0 i 85 Ail Granite aind Aluminum Waral.o below to-day's prices. 60 Butter Crocks, al gizes, "educed prices. Ail kirsds of Dairy Utensils, reduced prices. 9 O'Cedar Mops, reg $1.50 at $1.35 240 pkgs. Lux, reg iSo 2 for 25e You Buy TTh.e Choicest Meats For' Less at the Cash and Carry Meat Market G., A. Edmondstone (One door east of Levi Morris & Son's). m il! 1 father. The funezai took moi-m Mcu- ý ý;U-' 1 ýz C:è dl -Q ýl- h ri% 1 - F rfnclïi NI iisfarii r î 1 IX!Itýil ý "VI lai mr- Hm--r-- Fur--u- -T-d ý. % 1- ; livi jc#,l