Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1920, p. 3

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Phone 145 Bowrnanville LehghValley Anthracite Coal Dl ON'T experiment: buy the coal that's certain to '~piease every miember of your housebold, We seil an hon est ton of coal that wiIl gix c youi furnace less trouble and wi1l give you more comfort thaii any fule] you ever spont pur nîoney for. Juhn A. Holgate & Son Queen àad Division Sts. l3owmanvilie p TRfE right -ray to fonce is te figure how ycu can gel the meest yoars of service for the least per year ceaI, FROST TIGHT LOCK FEN CE je made le appeal te the man who fonces this way, who le a came- fui buyer, wbo appreciates the truc value cf a dollar. ÂND, boïsides oýctling wearing qualities, the mani wbo pute up a FROST FE NCE frocs bimsclf of the bother cf repaire, and cf replacing hie fonce be- fore ho ebouid have te do se, He can rid bis mînd of these worrics, knowing Ihat hie fonce is made cf FROST WIRE and Iwoen wslh the TIGHT'-LOCK, Thero je a style te moot any requiremeut yen may have. T. CBR GBowmanvlle,Ont.,, Phone 111 -r-3 RR.4 a'. The advantages of the Heola Pipeless Furn- acp a"re numberless; You will be amazed at thie difl'erenee it will make to your home. From celler to attic it ivili mean a home made more comfortable, more couvenient aad more pleas- an t, À Cool Roomy CeIlar 1ou can keep fruit and vegetables with'-in a few feet of a Hecla Pipeless Furnace. The nald a7ir cong down wîth-in fb miter casting-~ keeps the ontside of the Hecla IPipe1ess, always cool, A dlean cellar to, No pipes to dodge, room to stand up. With this system only one register is reqnired, through which pass cold and warm air. Corne in and sec us for further parionlars and quotations. W T R. DUSAN <~uaity Tinsmiti'hing and Plumbing Poe7 theme are so many young, people and evervene is so fiendly." Comment is unnecessamy. Now is the time te get your skates sharpened at Luke, Boys & Cmv demman's garage. Sk.n0Ilealthy 11F every miother eould only realize the danger which. lurks in the neglect of chafing and skin irritatiî ons she, would not take chances on being without Dr. Chase's Ointment to apply after baby's bath. It arrests the development of czemaa and niakes the skIn soft. mooth and velvety. 60 cents a bxv'ra dealers, or Edmansoa Basa oLtd,, Toronto. B0WMANVILLE,-JKN. ,12 -Local and Otherwise. Take your skates te Pickamd's Gai age when they need shampening. Omono Athietic Association wiil hold te next danýe en Friday, Feb. 6th. Newcastle hockey team is scbeduied for a game at Oronio Friday, Jan. 30. When travelling C. P. R. secume youm ticket frem C. B. Kent at Post Office. tf. Mm. Morden now knows that when people see it in Ibis paper thev know ils se W. T. Gibbamd, foontder of the Gibbard Fumnitume Company, Napanee, died Jan. 17, aged 75 yeatks. (rýgt harains b al kindscf Furs dur- iog the stock-taking sale at Couch, John- stoen & Cryderman's Ltd. Cold weather is heî,e, the ice will scýen he ready, get vour skates sharpened at Luke, Boys & Cryderman's. Boost your -home town. Say a good word for il every time you get a chance. Encourage progressive ideas, and pretty soon yôu will have a town that nothing can hold back. A missionary from China says the price of chickens bas advanced, but even after t he advance he was able te buy them for Io cents a-piece. Yet the pack- ers tell us prices in Canada are reguiated by the international market. Rev. A. J. Thomas, Peterboro, preach- ed in Port Hope Methodist church Sun- day in the interest cf the Forward Movemerit. Rev. C. S. Applegath, Port Hope, preached Sunday School anniver- Why enrimadohapns er-sk tes eoes say ern in erg hre-ssPetebe oro. a gond job, The schooner Oliver Mowat cf Bow- manville has been, purchased hy Capt. T. L. VanDusen and R G. K Hepburn. Picton. T he Mowat was owned by Cap- tains Peacock and Savage. Her capacîty is 550 tonsý She will be engaged in car- rying ceaI from Oswego to Picton the) coming season. Mr. R. M. Mitchell cf the firm cof R. M. Mitchell & Co., Druggists and Optomet- rists, was in Toronto last week attending the three days' convention of the Opto- metrical Association ef Ontario. Mr. Mitchell is a member cf the Executive Council cf this Association. This con- vention was held especially te celebrate the passing cf a new Optcmetry Law. Many cf our readers will be interested in a "Business Announcement" in [he Calgary Herald, which states that the Higginbotham Drug Co. bas purchased the drug business of J. G. MacFarlane, at I24'-8th. Ave., East. The members et the flrm include Messrs. T. E. Higgin- botham, E. Creighton Higginbotham and S., H. McCielland This firm now ewns two drug stores in this enterprising west- ern citv Ail their oid Durham friends will wish this flrm al the success they deserve. Ail Ladies' Cloth Coats selling off at 25% discount and any cf last years Coats at haif price at Couch, johnsten & Cry- derman's Limited Kindly attention te strangers may m,2an more te a city or town church than many persens ever think of. In a letter ihat came te the writer this week from a friend in a big city, who hadmoved front one part te another, contans a suggestion, more than one, that may well be adopted in many another church with great ben- efit. This letter, written hy a young girl, says, the names. are omitted: "My brother asked me te go te church on h7ay-U1--t w he-eattenswSunay sehol.n ad etadwsral amazed te see se many young men pre- sent. But aftem hearing the sermon I undemstood. The mînister is a live'-wime pastor and incidentally, there are a gond quartette and -an excellent urganist. I Layer Cake Candiles Nuls Coffee Fruit ~BREEDERS'CLUB HOLD SUCCESSFUL SESSIONS BA. t IT AT HOTEL BOWMAN A The Dorhami Connty Holstein'- Priesian Bî-eedes' Club held ils third annuai meeting and banquiet at Hotel Bownian, Bowmanville, on Fîiday aflernioon aand evenîng, Jan. 23rd. The stormy *Weatber was not conducive tu a large attendance but a mccl salis- factorv representation was proseul aI botb sessions and took great intereet in the proceedings. The aflernoon meeting coueisted cf generai business lu wbich many ideas were excbanged for the bettermnt of the Holstein induetry and the growîh of the local club. 1-i 4jL I'I 1 AGENCY THIS Agency is particularly weIl equipped to handie ail uines of FARM INSURANCE, repre- senting as il does the WATER- LOO MIJTUAL and the GORIE MTUAL, the tîro. strongest Mutual Companîes doing business in Ontario today, as well as the MAPLE LEAF FARMERS MUTUAL, and is the only agency in Bowmahville authorized by these Comeanies to solicit business for them, New rates for these three Com- formation will be proniptly and gladly furnisbed at any finie on ieq uest Mrs. Edith V. Scobeli 'Insùrance Agent Phone 189 J3owmnanville great suceess as their predecessors. Mr. C. S. McKellican of "Farm& Dairy" spoke at c'onqsderable Iength of his experiences anid observations while reporting stock sales and at'- -tanùg -stortk bedrs flheiïs Soetirnely adviee on how to suc- cessfully cond uet sales was also given. Mr. Frank Allun, President of West Durham Agrîcultural Society. spoke briefly on the growth of the -Holstein herds at local fairs. The happy gatbering was bî'ought teacls by singing the, National Anthem. V "eA "1fý Many cheap, poorly constructed artices are finished showy aitd soýd at prices that are apparently low. Furniture like that wili îîot ]ast and is expensive at any price. Aý- real bargain is an article buit où honour of dependahie material snob as vou get at our store. Every article of furmâture in our store is made. right and backed by our as well as the înanufacturer's guarantee to g-ive entire satisfaction. Put us to the test bý buyiug your next piece of fuirniture froînlis. WILLIAS2CAId Furniture For Home and Office Fbone 58 or 159 cBowmanvle S1President Tamblvn acted as Toast- m iaster, and after proposing -the toast j___ e -tue -iîng canlea on tîayoril. U. Quinn. His Worship said he toit very muîéh at home, having spen t 25 years on farm, but ho ieft il because induco'- mente outeide seemed greater, lu his day, the educatien the childreu re'- ceived aI sebool had a tendancy le IMr. S. Jose, Past President, referî ed T B HER'OCES A Ite the aime and prOjectS ofthe club:9CETFOTH W Iand the benefits derived from such erts adheoe wnrf- gatheringe. 11e spoke a soe Ie egth nwJnayrcrsa on the child in the horne and bow te attract young men te stay on the A Y" î at rsoc"dae farm He did net lay the blame toW the school system but said the respon- sibility rested witb the influences the parents exerted in the home. - Tne pleasure of the eveiiing'e enter--Ye tainment was greatly enhanced by several Feiect'ions by Mr, Dean Pickehl and daughter, Miss t eta Piekeil on î violin and concertinbel- Reeve T. S. Holgate also clainîed te ý be a son of 'ho soil and in his day could plough more in a day than any nmaninuhis locality. H1e thonght much benefit would resuît froni greater ce'- eperatien on part of country and_____________________________ _______________________ tow n folk, Later in the program the --- ---- Rt'eve favored the gathering with a Reeve S. W. Bowen, speaking in 1"'e behaif etf(Clarke Township and Clarke p A Agricultuî ai Society, expressed bis appreciation at being invited te the baniquet and aithough net a Holstein9 plae.de he thouglit every bref d ha ils TC O V N E T D YR AS In introducing the nexL speaker, Mr. R. M- Holtby cf Manchester, theTOAD RM chaiînan sa d he was the largest Holstein) brerder between TorontoT HC A IL ape Bellexilýe Mv. Holtbyîlea great H m, l P, a BoVnm8nviile fair for 5 yeais,Oî'onoVA LAKE ONT1ARIO SHORE LIUNE yais and has attended two banquets oftihe Club, Mr. Hoitby said the f.wnrier osi-(,,n)had been greatly improv*,e di n, the' past year and te huha, bîtie more cf thu m- 4T., selve aDdtheir callix g than everÈ be-fore. The farmers were net eut for clasb legislatien, but wanted a square t deal, wbich they haveu't had. He pmedicted a very briglit future for dairymen as people are becomig edu-OU cated te the food value cf milke. An instance cf Ibis was the erilarging of plants cf chocolats and ice cream manufacturers. Prohibition also bas its influence in inexeased cali for milk P CTV JU EB ,îm ularity of the Holstein is grewing in t every country and the false impression k..TO NT@ - ..0..... TAW .,..,.,,,.m.o that the Hoîstein cow is net abutter .DO....- .1.4 PI.Lv DN---- >z~r cow is fast disappearing. Ol étTaWA ....10...... .00.... A. TRONT- . ý r Mr. Fred R. Foley, in his usual pleasing and entextainiDg nianner, DIYOop UIB ýgave several recitations which were .. ONOINT N R MINSO miuceh appreciated. pz" Mr. M. A, James congratulated the* WU 4s j gOa PitOleCahs President on hie election to office and referred te the prexuincrit part the LbayO.~t. a faâ,mers were t'aking ln public iead-- aIuPm~?.tAe Icarrying on cf goverument affairs. , , . Hof has conýfidenceý that'they wili carry [ou the affaieof Ibis country with as ______________________________________ f Qulity, FurntdureJ Low Prices Do ;ýNot AlwaysMeanBi -~------- _ Officers eiected for 1920 are' Hon. Presdeit-S. Jose, New castle. President-A. J, Tamblyn, Orono, Vice Prest.--W. F. Falles, Millbrook, Secy.-Treas.-A. Arthur Gibson,Orono. Auditor-Harry Jose, Newcastle. Directors-T. W%. Belch, Campbel- croft; Dean Picketi, Bowuîanviile', L. C. Snowden, Bownîanvilîe; 51. A. Northott, Taunton; C. L, Payne, Newcastle; Geo. Mitchell, Orono, Fred Camipbell, Canton'. Hion. Direct or- Hamesden, Port Hope. These committees were apDointed lu each Townehip te collect meney tu be given aI their respeciive Faire in Holstein classes- Darlington-Dean Piceol. W. J. Bragg, M. P. P., L. C. Snowden. Claî-ke--C. Stephenson, A. A. Gibeon. Hope-Hameden, S. Jose. Cavau-W. F. Fallis. AI the elose cf the afternoon ses- sien the members vtere invited te iMr, R_ R. Stevens' Dairî, west of the town, wbere they unspected hie fine berd ef Holsteins and saw the Empire Milking Machine in opera tion in which aIt mnifested a keen înterest. The sociaL part ef the meeting wbicb teck place in the evoning in the Banquet Room was an event cf more than paeeing comment whicb wae en'- joyed by members, their wives and a few invited gueste. about 4,5 in ail. Mine bost and bostese, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wadhams, served a ineal-no, il wasa feast-wbich surpaesed any'- thing attempted in the way &3 cater- ing in Ibis ~'neck cf the woods" for mauy a moon, Ibis nmenu ie ail il implies and more, for everything was te the King's taste and spiendidly Tomale la Creine Sirliolî f Beef and Brown Gravev1 Lettuce Green Tomato Pickles Dressed Turkey and Cranberry Sauce l)ressed Goose and Fied Apples Fruit Jeiiy Boîled aud Creamred Potatees Green Peas and Cor-n Apple Pie and Whipped Cream Leinon Pie Biackberry Tarte Mince Pie Englieh Plum Pudding,. Wine Sauce' Chrietnias Cake Doughnuts Tires Mason &DaIe'sHrwre I1 1 NICJ iD v-TpE 111 lh 1 L -lu-1- 1 i - wý-1

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