r 1, £ A T A 5fT~L~ O~ LI'dXIre, T~L.1!.YL. ~, - -- a a Aur x i& muw, kruuÂî8nlrs. il,âu a yearini advance. IiUWMNAINVILJJJi,5ONTIO1CANADA, THURS DAY, JANUARY-29, 1920 VoLnMn~ LXVL Nn ~ BowmanvIlle Is put on the tact that the balance of ail Must be cleared before stock-taking1 Our annuâal 0f fers unparalelled op- portunity for real cloth- ing econorny. Corne in and select the set of furs you want white prices are reduced. 10 per cent off ail men's and boys' suits and over-. coatse Lîmlted. àý'q When wo test cye it n perly. Jury& Loveli. dune pro 1il rushnees, A big lot te select from uat 19c. Jury & Loîl. Diumond Dyes hure advanced to 1 àc a package. Jury & Lore]]. jFOR INSOMNIA AND NERVOUSNESS Use applicutor No. 1. Apply on buck ut bead. Thon apply No, . 1Lu the lims with an upward and duwn- ward movoment trom caîf Lu the Ligh. thon bauk tu the, cuit. For Insomnia Use applicator Nu,1 Apply Lu back ut neck, uppor spine andj Lu smaîl of the back. FOR FATIGUE AND HEADACHE First, lie duwn and relax yonr: muscles. Thon use upplicator No. 1 massaging yonr forehoad and temples tburoughly, Relief ehould como Iwithin fivo minutes. Remember that headache le us a remiut bluod con. gestion many imes. Theretor eiec- trie massage is a natural sodative, FOR RHEUMJATrISM SORE MUSCLES Scientiste ail agree thit rbeu mu- tieým la the resuit uf blood congestion. Theretor stîmulation is the ideul treatment. Use applicators No. 1 and No. 2, applying vibrateýr partie cnlarly Le those parts that are affect- ed. Then appiy to the upper aýido- minai regions and Lu the smaluf the back. FOR COMPLEXION IMPROVEMENT Massaging the face gortly wîth ap- plicator No. 1 for 3 minutes ineures goud circulation, thoruughiy stirs np the blond snd cleanses the skia., In appiying upplicator Lu the face and hoad alwuys work -upward troin the jmounh, and nover with a' duwuwurdj MRS. JOLLIFFE'S BEQUESTS! BEQUEÂTHs 5300 TO HIGH SCHOOL ANDI $200 TO PUBLic LiBRARY. Mrs, (Rer.> T, W. Jolliffe who died in Turonto on January 4, 1920, iL has long been known, had a very real affection for the tuwn ut Bowmanville and for many ut iLs citizens. Befure ieaving Bowmanville for Toronto Lu resîde, her husbarid Rer, T. W, Jolliffe, for some Vears, was a memn- ber of the High Schoul Board and the Public Library Board, in both of which institutions he took a very deep intereat. A communication receired onSatur- day by Mr, J, 8. Moorcraft, Secret "ery Treasurer uf the High Schooi Bir,d, shows that Mrs. Jolliffe shared wi h ber hue band hie pereonal interest ini the weitare uf these twu institutions, ýfor this letter frum the firni of Mercer, Bradford & Campbell, Barrîsters, 241 King.st., W., Toronto, states that Evira Amelia Jolliffe, widow, by ber last will and testament bequeuthed Lu Bowmanville High School the sum utf $800. The clause in Mrs Jolliffe's will dealing ýwith the bequest reads: "I bequeath three hundred dollars ($800.) Lu the Bowman- ville High School the proceeds tu be used fromn year Lu year as first and second prises in the third and fourth formes in said schuol for the beet essays on some topic ut Imperlal in- terest, said prises tu be known as the Lieutenant Reginald lober Manning Jolliffe Prises". iWe iearn that Mrs. Jolliffe bas aleo bequeathed $200 Lu the Public Libnary Board ini meînury ut ber lite husband and $100 Lu, the Woman's Misionary Society ut Bowmanrille Ldethodist Church ut whicb she was au active member. 0Strong L ad ie s' Cloth Coats Clearance Sale In1 Furs Mens Clothing k t!mD We pubiish the article below because We believe every statement made in it.ý About Lhree vears 'ago the senior editor uf The James Papers, began.a bread.and M a, d e MI H Mmilk diet twice a day and bas used millk Article No 3 ever enjoyed, su far as he can remember. Thisi bcas advised readersofti journal su often Lu drink butter-milk Prom letters, inquiries and orders re- Last season around go boys, girls, men, frcely and eat and drink new milk treely, ceived by the firms being written up in women and about 16 Canadian India is tuo. Eggs are a splendid food for olci our special "Made-in-Bowmanvilîle Cam-. froni Scugog Island, were. engaged dur. and yuung but eggs are very dear and s paln'~a vry ee ineret i ahwni ng the months ut July, August and la butterbut milk is cheaper and spien- painl'a vrykee ineret s sowninSeptember in pulling the fiax, weekly didly takes the place of botb and shoud the announcements ut the enterprising wages being from $600 Lu $150. The be adopted as a regular daily diet in local industries. Many hundreds ut fiax was brought to the miii and thresbcd every hume and cspeciajiy where there copies are being sent ail over the worid te extract the seed which amonnîed Lu are, children.-EDTou, about î,2oo bushels, A large quantity ut DRINK MORE MIlà ANI) USF MORE by citizens as well as by the fi rma co .n- Ibis seed was shipped Lu Ireland where BREAD is ADVICE OF PHYSICIAN. cerned. '. seed is exchanged every 4 Or 5 years Lu Wudyuliet cyun tsvny This week we caîl attention te ou keep up the quality. Ater thresbing, the Would you like teuebe uaiheventy? newest industry. With a cursory glance whole straw is taken to fields and spread Wud olietschatirbbes at toa'sindstres t semsnatraituout in tim rows te rett or cure. Then it Wuuld you like te reduce tht cost of think only of the larger and old establish- ls bundled and put in sturage barns. living? cd ndutril stalisnaets Th îiîîLuter it is brougbt to the miii and goes Then drink miik.-mure milk-lots ut ee-ive mtialeslishment-s.sThe d îehrongb the proces utscutching-sepera- miik; and eat toods containing milk- oe-ve iow a ver tenomitted min g fibre trom wbicb linen is made from custards, icc creani, cheese, etc. such mental visuaiizing. H veit i woody part ut straw wbich is destroyed. No; tbat isn't the advice ut a reporter. unrintntins uL u Hwevr This is the prucess going on at the miii It la the officiai advice ut Dr. B. V. Mc- these industries as we ovkerlook any u t rnt. The fibre is then balcd in Collum ut the Johns Hopkins' University, vists o te vrios pant ioate inbundies of 100 pounds each ready for the and strongiy supported by ail the medical Bowmane hv arollpanse, td nspînninginis. The oniy spinning miii in beaitb cificers: AbutayeragITbe Durham Plax Ontario is at Guelph, but considerable WHAT DOCToRs SAY. About a year ago,~ fibre is expurted Lu the United SttLes, Lse uwa rf colmbsL Co. Limited, was incorpurated with bead.. Ireland ana~ Belgium, itnt htPof colmbst quartera at Bowmanville. After looking san un Lhis subject: around for a suitabie building it ninaîiy By pruducts for which there is an un- "'It is quite the cc mmon thing te meet acquired possession uftIhe brick sîruc ure lim'ted demand include green tuw fur men and wumnen who appear te be pass at the nortbh west corner ut King and uph usteî lng, tarched tuw for liven th-ead the age off 7o who in reality are under 50. Scugog Streets owned by Mr. W. M. and Lwines, and paper tow for inen bond This is largely due to eating 100 mnch Horsey, Police Magistrate. It is donbt- writing paler. meat, pastry and other thinga pieasing Lu fui if the oldeat inhabitant cuuld recali Piax gruwing is by nu means a new in- the palate, but nuL guud for general wbcn this building was erccted, as it is dustry in ibis province as it bas been car- heaith building. Such peuple arc suifer- considered the most ancient sbop aiung ried un for the past 5o vears in the west- ing tram arterju seierusis, wbich condi-. King-st,, but many in "the thrce score ern part ut Ontario, slthough. 25 yeara ion wouud nuL prevail if thçv drank vear class" wiil remember iL as tbe prenions te the war the output was more miik and ate more toods containing Simnpson Store, Por at least 2o years it graduaiiy d.minî bhing. During the war m'lk, The chiid which is denied a bas been nsed as a store bouse. The flix gruwing received a fresb impetus and liberal suppiy uf milk daily, is nutl hkeiy spookes wbo cioistered about this place ut there are now So milîs similar tu the une Lu develop int a bealthy adùit. There is mystery (as it was sncb tu many ut the iocated bere in varions parts ut Ontario. far greater food value i n mille and cheese present gencration) for a quarter uf a Laet year was the first ime willa bad than there is in beefsteak, eggs, brea'd or century have been driven trom their been operated east ut Torunto-tbey are any other kind uf food. Ev, n at t e pre- seciuded rendezvous and in their P ices located at Pickering, Oshawa and Bow- vaiing bigb price ut miik it, is tbc cheap- may now be found ýi staff ut workers manville. The exacrirnent was a m nst est and beat kind utf >od une can buy, busiiy engagcd in preparing flux for the successful une as the average production and iLs iiberal use wouid tend greatly teu spinning mutas. per acre in tbese castern places surpaýsed sulving the problenm utthbbc hgb cust of A flax miii la nuL uniy a vainable ascî the western counties This should be living. One quart ut milk is tne equal ut tu a tuwn in the emolovment it gives, vcry encouraging Lu farmers as iast year une pound uf-the best beefsteak iii food but tu the farmers mn the immediate was a very pour year for flax. Tb s value. Every achoul boy'and girl sbould vicinity who find it a means of materiaîîy seasun the Department of Agriculture drink at least une quart of miik each day. incrcasîng their bank accounts. Wages wiil exPeriment wîth flax in Northern If peuple wouud make miik the Principal paid ont for first six month's operation Ontario anîd if successfu1,, quantifies uon utm o daiiy diet, tbey wuuld be young exclusive uf wbat fanmera were paid Russiani seed will be brought te Canada, at the age uf 70 instead ut being uid and amonnted Lu over $12,000.00. snîted bu Ibat mure northcrn clîmate. infirm at 50, as su many are"., Last year 40 fanmera contracted Lu Citizens wisbing Lu sec the miii in grow 240 a cres utfiflx from wbicb the operatîdn wili be made weicome by Mr. TYRONE yield varied tromiy~Lu te2y tons tu the E Weiier, the industrions manager. acre for which they receivecd ý$16 per to, Parmers wisbing to gruw flax this seasun Tyrune Parmers' Club will meet on the aggregatc crop yielding about 380 sbouid at once gel mbt communication Wednesday, Pcb. 4, at 8 p. m.'in the Sons' tons. with Mr. Weiier as local acreage is be-. Hall. Ail members and cthers attend. The fanmer prepares the land, sowsîng increased Lu 35o acres, Mr, Herbert Nichols andbrid;e, Cour- the seed sud draws the fiax Lu the miii, Punther information about the history ice, bav7e been spending afwda With, The company supplies the seed free, ducs otf fax and how te gruw iL wili bc found lbis aunt and uncle, MK, and Mrs, . H. l the barvesting and tbreshing. o n page 8 of this issue. Haifacre. THE STORE 0F QUALITY -d GIVINGS TO MISSIONS. WHÂT 50mu LARGE CHLIRCHE8 IN BAÂY 0p QUINTE CONFERENCE GArE. The 95th annual report ut the Mis- sionary Society of the Methudiet (Jhurch in Canada for thé year ending June 30, 19 9, for the Bay ut Quinte (Jonference, was distribuîetd Lu those Whu gare $5 and upwards, In Bosvman- ville church un Sunday. ,: L.cüntaîns much raluable iformationý. Giringe hi the larger churches Lu missions are: Peterboro, George-st .......,"00 00 Belleville Bridge-st, ..,.... .. - 2565 46 Peterburo, Tririty .....,22 0 8 Lin dsay, Catnbidge-t .... 2233 68 Tweed and Lodgeroum, ... 1596 26 Picton . ...... ..... 15M095 Bowmanville. ............... 1483 17 Napanee, Trinity ........... 1368 94 Oshawa, Siiicoest,, ...., 1844 95 Crînipbeliford ........ __ 1156 18 Coborg ............ ....1145 331 Oshawa, Kinget.... ...... _ 1010 00 Port Hope .......,...... 1001 57 Whitby. ....... ,.. 826 20 Cannington.._..._.,... ,, 769 90 Brighton .............. 632 24 Madc. _ .......... . '560 46 HOW THE DISTRICTS CQMPARE. Comparing givings Lu Missions by Districts Peterboro heads the list and Buwmanvllle hoids second place, as folluws- Peterboro District..., . . $10229 28 Bowmanrille I .... 9165506 Belleville à47,88w 68 Napanee 41 ,,:.,.,:: 7,80 67 Campbelltord" .. 1 ..... 7.320 74 Lindsay ..,........ 6,578 91 Cannington " ........., 5.402 24, Madoc . ..... 5,019 70 Cubourg .. ......... 4,775 18 Brighton . ........ 4,675 73 Whitby .......4,805 62 Sunday Sohool givings: the report shows that BowInanville District gave $1260 85. Peterboro cumes second with $824-97, Belleville gave $799 01, Napanee $777.21, Brighton $616.66, Picton $607.53, Campbeltuord 5599.73. Every one ut the twelve Districts gi ave an increase Lu Missions ]&et year, Bowmanrýiîle heading Lhe liet with $1717,18 uver previons year. Peterboro cornes next with $1645 99, Napanee $1,248.53, Canipbeilfurd $1157,38, Lind- say $1195 74. BuwýmANvîrLE DISRICT. Amounts contrtbuted hy individual churches in this District are- Bownanville .......,.....,,$1483 17 Oshawa, Sîrucue-et......... 1344 95 " Msson...,......,, 23265 Newcastle and Clarke...., 491 90 Oruno .......... ............ 845 90 Ebenezer $724, Maple Grove $192,83 .......,.......... 724,07 Kendal, $238, Newtonrille $137.25, Shiloh $7475.... 450 00 Tyrotie $418.30, Bethesda $15685, Iiaydon $110,60, Salem $122.60, Providpnce $98 60, Lang Sault $36 75 943 70 Hampton $394,47, Eidad $451A&8 Zion $296 85 ...... 1143 00 Enniskilien $290 75, Enfieid $50.56, Burketon $37,80 879 05 Cartwright ., ........... . 606 67 Total ........,.......... $9655 06 MOTOR BUS COMING We wish to advise the peuple ut Bow- manville and viéinity that we have pur- chased a fine, large, cumfortabie mutur bus which will be ready for uperation about March ist. It la our intentiun Lu make daily trips Lu Oshawa, as weiI as cater tu other trade requiring the serviceq i ut snch a bus. STE LE & COLE, 5-t Bowmanville. Couh, ohnton& rydernian, Phone 104 The onderful Star Eeti Vi brat'-or Can- Now Be Purchased For $7.50, Compete With 3 Appliances. Ladies! You can, by using a Star 'Electrie Massage Vibrator, have a comple xion that erery wonaan desires. It L an- ses, beautifles and gives to your skia the gluw of health. Your hair wiiî ho thick, glossy, eoft and luxuriant as the scalp will be pr ,per1y nourished. The prematuro wrink-, les and crows-f et are eradicated and replaced with flrm fIeqh. Yan can give your neck and shoulders Dhe round- ed linos that nature intended and build up and develop any part the body otr remore superfious flesh. When your nerves are on edge you are completely tired out, or your vitality taxed tu the limit, that ia when you appreciate the relaxation re- cired front a gentie imaasage. Sleeplessness Vyields quickly Lu the general influence uf electric Massage. ý7À'.heu matismn which is tho batte 'uo old age, and headaches whieh we al have, flnd îimmediate re.ief and ultimate cure. For Sale By %jury e& LdOCVýI1 CChicago Ophthalmie College Graduates of New York Sehoijl of Optics IDetroit ýOptical College Canadian Optical College- FourMilion forMetodim TDISTRICT CONFERENCE FourM1*1 ins fr M thoïsm AROUSINa SPECEHES ÂD GRBEÂT Foity-one Thousand Dollars From Bowmanvllle i s many a day since BowmanviVU LeaersSeeImm nse wàs favored with such capital addrû, District, BowmanvilleLa rsS I ne ses as were heard on Tuesday Jan. '2, PossblitiesIn ebrury anvas, ow~in the Methodîst Church both afte Possbîltîe in ebrary anvas. ow-noue and evening. manville Churcli Plans to Raîse $6000.00. A xnorning session opened at 10,39) o'clock, Rev. S. C. Moore, B. &., B. 1._ "No Time for a Tlmid Church", Ciaairman of Bowinanville Distict ý Says r, C owncalledl for organization purposes wi h In setting its objectiv e ini the Methodist National Campaign at $000 ail circuits represented but Oibavi a. Bowmanville Methodism has kept Pace with the whole Denomination, Reports froos the circuits showed tI e which aims at raising $4,uuo,ooo.uo as a special after-war fund and 9aoiyognzd cetn h $1,340,000 for current expenses of the Church departments in the drive res8pective objectives and loyally se - which wid ibe conducted between Pcb, 8 and 14 in ail Canada, Newfound- tipg out-not ouly to reach their ou land and Bermuda. At the saine time Bowmanville Methodists are jcîebtiihm ae o"oot answering the challenge of the General Superintendent, Rev S. D. the top". Chon, . D, L. D, wo sys n reentmesagete he hurh:Arrangements were made for thc~ Chon, . D, L. D, wo sys n reentmesageto he hurh:Chairman of the District te visit fo i> "This is no. time for a timîd church. Ail things are possible to a circuits thruugh their Board meetiulj,ý church preaching a red-blooded Gospel with a big objective and a niighty soon Lu be beid. faith." Mr. J. J. Mason was electâ edt . ceive daily reports from the circuit, "Neither Bowmanville District nor Bowmanville church wilI fait or and forward same Lu Conference Head fali below their financial objective," said Mr. M. A. James, Chairman of quarters. The minister of each fie d the local Financial Council at the District Conférence, Jan. 2o. is responsible for the reports each daii "Our faitb in God and in ont people givea us the fulleat confidence te Mr. Mason during the canvass. that we shall yet reach every other objective," says Pastor S. C. Moore. Executive committee appointed t- carry out the plans of the Financ Along with sister denominations, Methodism, in general, plans to Council comprise. Chairman-John é-~ close ail appeaus on Sunday, Pcb. 8th and to open the "every member Holgate, Chairman of District Council; canvass" the next morning. M . A. James, Chairman of Loc- (ihurch Council, W. J. Bragg, M.P.P . Bowmanville churcli hopes to have ail returns in by Thursday at 6 Rev. J. B. Griffith, B. A., District Or- p. m.,,su that lis prayer meeting ean bie one of a general thanks-giving, aie n e. .C orCa Carefuily prepared lists of ail possible subscribers, are being prepared man uf the District. and volunteer Captains and teams of caniVassers are being organized, se The afternoon session will long Le, as to cuver the entire Bowmanviile congregations in four days. Other remembered by every person present. churches in Bowmanville are following a similar plan. Rev. S. C. Moore, (Jhairman, havîng a funeral and a wedding te attend, ap The week of canvass will simplv be one climax of a commun spiritual pointed liev. H S. Spence, B, A., effort which cummenced ini the five Protestant Communions of Canada B. D., Newcastle, to act as Chair last October. man. We cannot report the speeches,, but wonderfuiiy înspiring addresses With Methodism the special effort to enliat new members is to con- wrdlvrdonesl ltrse tinue until April. hearers by Rer. Ernest Thomas, Field 1The Evangelistic Committee of the local church.already have Plans Secretary Evankeiism and Social and proposais under way for a series of special Evangeiistic services in Service, Toronto, Rev, R. A. Whai- March, leading up to Easter, and earnestly appeal te the congregation tamin(Jonfereîîce Organiser, Coiborne, help prepare the way by prayer and personal effort, su that a real r o evial atid Rer. E. N. Baker, D. D., Principal uf religion may bie the resuit. eivl Albe'rt (ollege. At the Inter-Church rally in the "The Church of Christ la the world's only social hôpe and the sole evening splendid addresses were de- promise of world-peace", said Field.Marshaîl Haig recently, -and it is te iivered by Rev. Ernest Thomas, Rev. realize this hope that Bowmanville Methodists are planning with their C. P. Muirhead of St. John's Anglicarâ fellow-christians of other, Communions teu equip their Churches' enter- Churcli, and Rer. B, W. McKa3 prizes for a vastly greater sevîce. M. A,, Organiser for the Preabyte-rian! Church. Rer, D W, BestRBÀA., o St. Panl's Presbyterian Church, chair- Four$5.O Suserber Volntered man for the evening aise mades'omî' with Miss Helen Morris at the organi Already four menibers of Bowmanville Methodist Church have assisted in the service;,utf Gng. voluntarily subscribed $500 each on condition that ten men, firnis or Rev. J. E. Griffithý B.-A, Orono, families wîl subscribe a similar amount, The canvass does -not begin was se retary ot these Conference ses- tili Monday Pcb, 9, but the hope is expressed that six other generous sions. members uf whom it is hoped at ieast uone will be a lady w11 olunteer in the Pire Hundred Class before the canvass opens. RN OR IK Subscriptiuns way bie made known to Rer, S. C. Moore, Pastor, Mr. John A. Hulgate, District Finance Chairman or M. A. lames, Finance. THE MILKY WAY IS THE HEALTHY Chairman ut Bowmanvilie Methodist Churcb. WAY. VOLumic. LXVI. No. ltý 4zt rJi