i NORTH DARLINGTON EFFECTIVIE Jung 2ND, imie &w.TOW NT .. ..... ..1.80 p.Mu ~~v.. O. 1.40 p.M. A~OT W .... ............ 10.00 p.m. TrnNm..si8 Lv, oTrT A^.... ....1... . 00... Ar. DON.. . ............... 8 ...I17p. Ar. TORONTê..,-............ Dlyexcept Sunday Magal Intermedoate Stop@ DhfOT ONECToNTO 'AND FROM KINGOTON ~UPUflT-SeîngCar Fiet CmeCoaches CaVePetr a giar-y Observation Car Si Is4LVU i li -jprln L- pV LA visiLt me old farm once more the place of my birth and home of my boyhood and if possible catch some speckled beauties out of the old stream again. But I know I shahl feel lonety, so lonely witb no familiar face or voice to greet me with Word or welcome. Barth bas its changes but heaven wiIl be a permanent home~. NESTLETON The Nestleton Presbyterian Choir are having a box social and enter- tainine*nt St. Valenttine's eve, Friday, Februa: y I8th, in the basement of the new churth. Ladies with boxes free. unaeaU W.4i i V . onVLL. & ooay irL.e from pains and aches cornes with a tonie known for over fLfty yYa n the best êttemperance" ton-l ind nervine for wornan-namely, Pr. Pieroe's Favorite Prescription. t can 1,e obtaïned i any drng store i liquid or tablet form, ce .end 10e to Dr. Pierce Invalide' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. Cleansing of the intestinal tract ba important TaLke castor oU or select a. vegetable pili1 Such a Great bargaina i a1kinds ol usdr n ýti~ (Both ays) TO RPQNT0 9.15 P., DAILYQ MOST MODERN EQUIPMUTrnt inie Standard Sleeping, Dinîng, Tourlat aoi Colonist Cars. First-cIass Day Cace.. Parlor Car through the Rockios. S..dy. Mîd~, W..esdy, ,Iday Otodjî htiosiau th.en ., 1BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 22, 19:20 ýWý