Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jan 1920, p. 4

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Furs of AI kinds at reatl reuced __________________ prices il Coucb jahotoA ci Cvuerma1 1B 'am ByLw.OITAIE. Ma LE.T.CRITEBWMNcLE CA M A___ % j Àoi o eeygvnta an a R .E OBRE O MNILE h ra eprba enbs flt -~ --. -~ -~ ~ ~ i - ~+~- -~ - ~- #y ~ -~ re ~ u-~i~ ~i~2~uFr fJ1Y ~'~- ~~xw ~- ~ F -~~- -- ~ -------~---- -----~'-~-i - -- _______- ______ - ~ -P ~_______ ____ _______ -~. -. ~7'4p~ ~t.2T -~fi~i~ ~r ~1 ~ ~ f wsanr'r 'r ri~ -~rt~ xeY~ ~ - -, -, - ~-- ..=--- -~==-=:~ ~ * - ___ ci' ~iIiîiOi ,wy Aviatorwo part in the Great what liethinks cf i. - -. r rvw-~ ~, vi, faîthful and useful life, af ter two maonths' The funcral on Wednesday w iliness of beartfailure, on Tuesday, janu- ducted by bis minister, Rev. D. V ary 13th, Mary Ann Furze, widow of B. A, of St. Paul's Presbyterian Samuel Allin, aged 83 Years, She was He' was a metmber of jeriisalem borr in Devonshire, England, and came No, 31, A. F & A. M., G. R C, tandaîl nth e Tcnsbip ofD ark goe. body of rhi beaeserr end Cana etld wîbtherTohshid ofyearkgoe bren.cf thisfrernity tensi - Atter. resid ng- there- -a -few-years--t-bey Msn~ ~G.-C.-Bonnycastie, m5ved ta Cartwright Townsbip where Bragg, M. P. P., 'Hý J. Knight, they liv( d for 30 Years, Then they mav- Greenlees, W. B MMurtry, Fran' ed 10 Darbongton where sbe spent the liams, The fiorai tributes frorn Jer 'emainder of ber lite. The faneral tank Lodge, His Employees the W.M. place from the family residence, Lake Girls' Auxiliary cf St. Paul's Chu] Shore, on Ilhursday, january 15th, service f rom many relatîves andfriend bring conducted by Rev. S. C. Moore, B.- verv beautiful, Among the rt A.., B. D -, pastor-af tbhei!ethodst-Cburcb a-Lresent wi--r and -Mrs, -J.-- of whicb abe was a devoted member. Feeters, Oakville, Mr, and Mrs. b The bearers were her five sons- and Mr. Arnmtrong- and--two children--an was con- W. Best, Church, iLodge, 'and bis Led in a brotber -W. -J.- Hugli nk Wît- -rsalema 1S. and rch and las were elatives -W, MC Norma n dc Miss I - w~ -~ _ -~ x- ~ Il _ __ --.---ELzE~~Jr--- ~--j~-~z--- at being able to buy such dependable f urs cf style and quaity at such surprisingly~ low -prices. We- expect- the next ten- days wil Elliot cBros. - Jewelers 14 Simcoe St N Oshawa l ecla Ppeless Furnace Tb d-,Iage c e ela Pipeless Furn. auare numberless;, You will be amazed at the differenee it will make to 'ourhome. From celler to attie it will mean a home mai-e more li comfortable, more convenieut and mor e p!eas- A ColRoomy Cellar Y ou eau keep fruit and vegeltables w il h-n a few feet of, a Hec]a Pipe] ess Furnace. The cold air coming down witih-in the outer casting keeps the atside ofthe HLXeecla 'Pipe.les always cool. A dlean ceflar to. No pipes to dodge, room to stand np. Wîth this system only one register is required, through which pa ss cold and warm air. Con in an d see nLi for urthe Qu y ardware !-oL e 74 their mother. - VERY SUDDEN CALL W. FRANELiN HOAR., ST. JoHN, N. B. The news of the sudden death in Montyreal on Tuesday, January 6tlî., of William Frankln Hoar, second son of Mr. John D. Hoar, nortb-east af Bowman- ville, came as a great sho _k to the wbolei community. He bad been borne spend-1 ing the Christmas bolidays and left Mon- day moruing for the East. lit seems that an Tuesday eveîîing while catling on an old frieud Mr. Quîrt, Mana- ger of the Canadian Oit Company, Vontreal, and sittîng cbatting about i1,30 pm be suddenly collapsed in his chair and expired front beart failure. Mr. Hoar was boru iu Darlington on Mlay ri, 1873, and brought up on the farm, being educated in the Public and igh schools. Later be was emploved byi the fi-m of Dus=a & H,)ar, hardware merchants, Bowmanville, afterwards go-1 ing ta Oshawa wth _Mr. -F.-A. Hocar W bile there he accepted a position as a travelling salesman in the maritime provinces forThosDavidsanCo, ,Montreal, manufacturers of enamelware, staves, etc , which he held for the past fitteen years, making bis headquarters at St. Joihn,,N. B. The funeral took plaee on Saturday Jan. là from the family hnmestead 10 Bowmanville Cemeterv, aud was very largely aîtended, service being conducted by Rev, ýý, C. -Moore, B. A, B., D., pastor of Bowmanville Methodist Cburch, assîst- ed by Rev. W T. Wicketti pastor of Tyrone Circuit. Pastor Moore paide fitting tribute ta deceased. The beareri were six cousins-Messrs. Chas. A. Wight, Milton H. Wight, Wrigbtson Wigbt, Sydney T. Hoar, Ed. C. Hoar and Russell R Bragg. The floral oferings were very beautïful including wreaths front the Thos, David- sou Co., from the travellers of the saine Co., and fromn mauy otber friends and relatives, Amoog tbose present frrm a distance were, Mr. Qulît, Montreal; Mr. Jao Young, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R. Hoar, Mrs. T. E. Hoar, Mrs. T. A. Anderson and Miss Isobel Ratcliffe, Toronto. Mvanv letters and Pmessages have- ien received by the family from frîtends tof Mr. Hoar's in the Eastern provinces, ex- pressing bîgh regard for the deceased and svmpathy with the relatives in the sudden bereavement they bave been called upon ta sufer. Besides bis father he leaves ta mouru bis loss one sister, Miss Florence Hoar, and two brothers, Messrs. Fred C. tht' band steJ oathoeo theor adWletJHa I oea SALE.0F HEREFORDS Victoria County Herefard Breedets' Association will sel] by auction at rames Isaacs' Garage, Lindsay, Wednesdav Jan. 28 aIt 1P.m, 45 Pure bred polled and barned Herefords, including buils, heifers and caws of' exceptianal class and quality sired from Dale's Dream, Circulation 7th, Refluer, Baron Monitor, and others, fully 50j' will be double standard polled cattle. Terms cash. Settie at Standard Bank, Lîndsa-v. Send for catalogue ta Gea. W. Taylor, Secretary, Bobcaygeon, GEo. JACKsoN, auctianeer. A robin was seet inl Bowmanvîfle on Tuesday. S Tuesday's meetings in tawn were lm ïv attended owhtg ta tt'fierce steirm. care aud nursing gradually sank until the end came. The funerai took place front the famiiy resîdence, Queen.sî , ou Friday af ternoon and was very iargely attended, the Methodist Chair, the officiais of the Metb- odist Church and Sunday .Sehool and a large number af friends being pre.senit t extend their deepest sympatby ta those whose family circle bad sa suddenly been broken. Revr S. C.fflonre, $4 A , B. D,, bis pastor, spoke words nf comfnîita the bereaved nes and paid a very fine tribale 'ta the onewhose lite had been transferred wbile in ybung maîîbood. Rev W. C. Wasbington" and Rev E. A. Tonîkin assisted in tbe service,. Revs, F. Wood- ger and W. H. Spargo were aisa present. The bearers were six comtrades in the choir.lMessrs. T. S. Holgate, Reeve, W. B, Pallard, W. B. rapson,-S. B. Leggntt, H. A. Fletcher sud H. M..cAuespie. The floral trîbutes were very beautiful includîng wreaths and sprays f rom tbe Vlethodist Chair, Sunday School, the S. &5 Orchestra sud Epwortb League, reachers aud students at the- High -School, Teacli- crs af the Public Sehools, the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Ca., Misses Gladys Weese and Marion Worden, Misses Kath- leen Knigbt snd Lena Haddy, Dr. ared Mrs. A. S. Tilley, Mr. snd Mrs. W. C., Cale and Rets R. Cale, Mr. sud Mrs. T.C. Jewell and Frankie, Misses Lola sud Enid Souch, Agnes Haddy aud Mariain Morris, Donald 'and Eriiest Brown, àdr, Lorrne Jackman and Mr. Frank Crydermnan, Hampton. Leslie wss quiet and uassuming ini manner yet ever ready ta hclp in sus way that be cauld. He passcssed excea)- ally gond musical talent, which bu freely ascd lu the Methodist Chair, Sunday School Orchestra, the Baud or wherever aud wbeuever au opportunîty occurred. He will nat offly be greatlv mîssed iu the family cîrcle but especially by bis father ta whom he was net ouly a sou but s real conipanion. We have seldomý known a father aud sou better chums. Amougthe relatives present front a distance weret Mr. 'James Laughcr and son Albert and Mr.s. H. Wyatt, Toronto; Mr, E, Weil and -Mr. and Mrs. S. Langh er, mtaift CARD 0F THANKS Mi. andMrsLaugher destre atextn an expression ai thanks ta the goad people of Boirmanvile, for sh,3-wiug sucb practical sympathy ta tbem duriug their sadden bereavement. Wnrds fail ta ex- press an paper their appreciation, They give thauks particularly ta the Orgar:za. tiens that showed their sympathy by~ wreaths, bouquets, sprays, etc., sud îhey trust they will accept ibis as an indication of their grateful sud sincerest ihanks LESLIE. Laved ? Yes lie toved ait that was good Tha' shy apd retîriug,we kuew wbere 6e stood, Tho' steudersiood net, nar did ste set' That be was anty toaued ta meý Loved ? Yes he was laved by us ail He maide no basi, yea, be tSoughb lne was small; The chain ta uaw broken, yet lattie thaaght we, That Se stas outy baued ta me, Loved ? Ves sud bis lave ta undcrstoad, iCe Sas been dealt with just as Se, shouId Satisfied eear- ibat he's gone te ha M"S I oe wha ouly loued hîm ta me. h = vi Car uval f Value Givi g n This is nîy t Business Birthday in thie Corner Grocery ,te da usuat 1 arn Celebrating it by hol ding an immense Profit-SharingSal d Groceries. Profits are out down to the lowest possible miargin in order that my ustomers may buy there groceries at the gratest saving possible Many goods incýlided in this sale, wîil aet-nally- be ,-old--below -present--"ost-prices-. Salïe Started Jan. 8th Sale Enîds Jan. 3lst « Of course, th's sle i, not confined to niy regular custoiners E very, person iiinra Countv y cordfially invited to paricipate Another ni,, out thi e The More ywou Buy - The More yaou Sv Tomatoes, eau Cornu, ean Macaroni Cornflakes Kruîinbles. Blak ekf a pe.- Rb. LitnsTea , .2(, 2 for .25 2 for .25 2 for .25 .60 Reg, 6.5cfor .60 rgosx Salmîon, perti tn Jelly PowdrhIt ý per box Rose Brand l3aking Powde.r ei for 25 -10 Pickles, 2bottle.. for FlakedI (Xi&ish, p.-r tii-t Pa'rn Olive Soap Oatmeal, Soap Castile Soap Comfort Blue Amîinonia Powder, Eze-Washing Powder French M ustard, per jar Kippered Hefrig, c ab Calîfornia Sarines, Lima I3eans, per tin Pork and Beaus, SMafl tin Siain Rt ce,z Puik RaisJIns, per lb 3for 3for '10 .A5 .25 !-Ï or .25- 1l5 .10 2 ts for .28 T hese are ny a Few o-f the Bargaelins Days of oa-lden porui With ordînary store prices at the high water mark it wîll certainly pa ' ou to-ay in" a big stock of groceries at such attractive l-ow prices. My adivice iS buy early as 1 oniy have a, ]iiùited stock in some limes and co!Uld. not replace them at suai low prices, VlhLIA ALLIff ew tein Don't Take Our -Ask took War 0hs )otcwates- matt i vision. Rl Mitchell & Co. Druggis a-i~d 0ptornetrists Phone 92 BGwmaàville Nig-ht-ý orý Sunday Phone 280 West End Huse, ,JC&JCCLiiry ô CoLtd.- 43o manvt1e ~Ont. IMPORTANT SALENOTICE On account of the extreialy! _coid eather,* rnaking it almost mposible for manv of our ûountry oùstomers to participate in our Jan- uarv Aniyerry Sale, we have extended the time ite February Is . Extra Speeiak .ai, ü£g clr M ievelly department. ocLýme propari. to get some niighty înterestirig bargans - &7 1 499mgmmmmg

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