Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jan 1920, p. 2

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BESIRk .a ORSALEI ?,j j acres, e, st in Duirhain County- overyv acre W', nd, lt il, B. F.- at Port Bowuanvlln', a soit, flot a. stump or stGens ou ilal ,-i-unuing ceek, baru 90x4b. With àoe-akasbabes underneath. driving .hed, i.il , ta.c,ill i ugcod repair: anoth'er baro 10!,x3. Fine 12roouieà modern brick rosi- dence wîb iae ,otin good cepair, tUreaceý bath rooi. GandTywik 3atiln mile frein resdo- e A tqickly if von want ibis farru. Appy t R Hmlev. Owner. Box B' 1ow- 'Net e Forgý-et" K' . IOUNJ LL Desicle oi Deter ils T i~ ~s'~ .krs, etc-i ",AIL",WAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. GRAND TRUNX RAIL VeAY GOING EAST GOING WEST Express 8.52 a. m. Local 9.45 a. . Expresas 1.30 a. m. Pass'ngr i 56 p. m.* Paýsenger -3.28 P. M.* Pass'ngr 7.16 p.m. Local 7-14 P. m-* Mail 9.58 P. m. SDaily except Sunday. CANADIAN PACIFic RAILWAY Goule WEsu GOSNG EAS'r Express 5.58 am., Express 10.20 a.m eLocal 8.20 a. m. * 3.05 P.m lEmPres 4.44 p. 5Local 9.48 P m. " 7.42 Ode. Express 1203 a.m ',ily except Sunday. C B. ICuNT, Town Agent / ANADLJàN NATIONAL RAILWAY GOIjNG EAST GoiNG WEsT Eàress 6.45 P. M- Express 9 .40 a. m. DýAy except Sunday, ,CLUBBING LIST, 1920 CANASSSAN STATESMAN......$ 50 BOWMANVILLE NEWS.. 1. I50 THE STATESMAN or TuH. NEw wllI be clubbed for 1920 with the under named publications atiprices stated.- Daily Globe.- ,-........... 5 25 DIailv Mail &Emnpire,.......5 25 Toronto Woaid...........5 25 Toronto -Daily Star.........4 25 Weekly Witness ........,..... 3 OO earmers' Advocate, ... ... 3 00 Farm and Dary.......,..... 2 50 Famiîv Fiers id & Weekly Star.. . 3 00 Ladies'Canadian Home Journal... 4 50 Christian Hierald...... ........4 50 Christian uardian ............3 50 Toronto Sunday World. ..........4 00 Lar.uers' Magazine.........3 0 Farmers' Sun.......... ...3 00 Rura~l Canada ................ 3 00 Sonday Wcrid...,............. 4 00 NO TIC ('lE! BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 22, 19201 THE EDITOR TALKS Canadanes are fast becoming ex- travagant. ,Arriericans have long been extravagant. Ail people had bettereau a hait, Tlsvft and carein ail expenditiires aie advised. A great itîdustrial and finnecial crisis nay soon corne on tisis continent, 0f late, we have observed tisai womnee es- pecîa]ly, and anen as weIl, seem in- toxicated with deligisi over paying heretofto-re unheard of prîces for ariciles cf clothiog or dornesiic use aîîd many are indulgiug tisenseives in iraporfredluxuries regardless of tise fact that tisey are aidiug a threat en- fig national bnnkruptcy. Tbisscourseý le tise ieight of tolly a'nd unwisdoro, for our adverse trade balanc sn gist but a genuitne reality that tisreafens Canada very seriously, Tise mnandate sisould go forth te every house'hold te boy as far as pos ible Cainadian-miade goods. Aîn emba rgo sisould be placed con onnecessary iu- port s from tise United States. Tisere is hope for tisis couetry when thse women bots preacis and practice the "Bey in Canada" slogan, recogniz- inr tise urgent need for tisrifi and econorny in tise management of tiseir houseisold. It is ane encouragingi onien f0 see tise Diiigiters cf tise Empire passing unnnimously a reso- lution saying tisat tise financial situ- ation in Canada and tise ilotherý Country is such as f0 cause anxirety, and wisereas tise eeed for tirif t and economy is obvions, and whereas ln order te re-ndjust our adverse position we sisouhd encourage incrýased pro- duction lu Canada, tiserefore be it resolved tisat tise Natiotzah Execufive urge tise members of tise Irmperial Order Daugisters of tise Empire ail over Canada to purchase, wisenever possible, articles of clotmisig, food, or other necessilies of ife, whicis are maeufacr.ured or grown le Caniada oiZ, any otiser part cf tise Britisis Empire. Wiseu a sensible suggestion of tis practical eberacter is adopted by a society of intelligent ladies witis eîîthusiasm isiould menu sonetising fo eveiy women in tisis coutry. Get tise bey ai home spirit tisen and be actnated by ift tiioiut tisis year of grace !920. By a, siegular coincideî ce tise more- îng atter wriîing tise article on tiseif t and economy tisa. appears je tiss coluine todny, we îeceived frcm MXotreal huila article discussieg tise very sanme question cf extravagant expend itus es on tise part of L'aîsadians. A New Year's contribution te tise -New York Sun", by Mr. E. W. Beatty, President of tise Carindiamu Pacifie Railway: WVitis eveay new new leaf, LtI theme is to be any gener- al resolution made foIr tise year 1920 WOMEN'SFOLLY. REnUKF 13Y KATHARINE KENT IN THE GLOBE 0F JANUARY 15TH., 1920. Canadian women are like tise Canadian mec who went overseas, in tisai theV go into a campaign so wisole-hearîediy ubere is neo stoppmng them. I bers is an energy about tisec, whicb, rightly applied, proves a boon amîd a blessing, but wisicis may easily become a menace. Noo how they went into war work, Noweariness or discomragetVent, no ick- nesa ofisope deferred; no bardsbîp could stop thece. Tbey were ail for service and sacrfice. Tise record îhey made for themi;elves was, nav, is sill tise pride and wonder of tise natiomi. The tisoogisful citizen excaimed ibat war had wrooghi tise and one lastiîîg good in putting an end ho the idleness and extravagance of ils women, tise mad quest for excitemeni and peasure wbicis iad engrossed tisec beyund bounds, A stop ? No. "Tise proof of tise pud- ding"-and present cocditio-s prove Pasl doubting tisatishe "stop" was only a hait. Not only have our women returned to their extravagant ways, but uhey have returned witis an ardor whetted, made warmer and stronger by the season of abstinence. "Welr wisat oh it ?" soimeone says care- Iessly. "Afier aIl, it's cobody's business but their own." t is, tisougis Anything tisai is a men- ace te tise community or tise country at large is, or should be, tise business of ahI who have tise good oh said communîtv or conntrv ai beart. ý "*Neveu", declared cneeof our Ieading jcwe!ers, "have we done tise business in diamnonds and otiser precions stones tisat we have done this season"'. t is nof j swelry ahone, t je everything. Furs, priced ai figures whicis before tise war would have staggered us, have been eagerly bougist up. Our cousins .across thse mie set the example in extravagant buying, and our womnen follow it as fer as they dare and fariher tisan tisey ongist. "War is over," tîiey excuse tiseceselves, and tise others are buying, buying, making up for tise drear days 'and forced ecan- OMY." But we muet remember tisai while our country we..r loto tise war aitishe begin- ning, leaving finances te adjasi tise nselves as besi iisny mîgisî, America waiîed and tisai waiîing time made bier ricis. Con- ditions differ greatly in tise two ceuntries. For ibis reason, if fui no otiser, if is absurd tisai N-w York sisould sct tise fasiion-and tise pace, for, say, eur tisree largest cities-Montreal, Toronto and Winnipeg. We may put asîda tise moral issues ai sîake, tise evil effecis upon tise vouinger and poorer gz nerations, of extravagance in dress, the aimospisere ol' wasie, and, yes, îmmodesty; tise license fashion kciv, s te sncb as serve lier faithfully, but we must face liseisard fac tisaitishe wave-lof uccurbed, full-tide extravagance sweepikig our iacd uodav is, under preseni con- i- lions, a detriment and a danger t0 thse very peace and proaperity our sons and brothers gave their lives te maintaîn. Iu tends te i.îsolvency and unresi. Tisis t'. The -Spîrit of Spriig It CiVes Safe and Efficient Sera jviýce atReasonjible Cost. To Ensýure Strong "àd Healthy Foale, PrVegDant Mares- Must, Be Given Exercise, Be Properly Fed and Have Careful Stable Attendance. (Cohtrlbuted by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) CETYLENE ighting la not b7 any means a new thing ln this country as there are homes here ani there in vil- lage and counitryside in which this systemn of lightning has been in use for many years. Many improvemelits have heen made ln the mechanism of the plant so that now this system la considered to be absolutely safe ani reliable if it receives reasonable care and attention,, Thecost, of course, la rather more since the war, but even at the present price it la an In- vestment that wili return high dlvi- dends, probably not always 'directly in dollars and cents, but in better health, more comafort, less labor and genuine satisfaction for those living in the home, because acetylene gas in burning produces less heat, consumes less ozygen and forma less carbon dioxide than kerosene, for example, and makes a far more brilliant light than even electricity, and it is easter on the eyes, t ray also be used fer cooking ln the house and It la also well adapted for street llght- ing of villages and smali towns. The acetylene lighting plant con- sists of a gas generator, gas service piping, and gas jets or chandeliers. The generators vary in size, accord- Ing to amcdunt 0f gas required, one for the home being, of course, much smaller liban that required for a large institution or village. The chief parts of the generator are: Water chamber, carbide holder, gas holder, gas filter, gas washer, gus intake pipe, feed pipe, safety vent, sludge agitator and automatic carbide feeder device The generator for a home requires ouly a few square feef of space, as it is very conipactly con- structed. t la usually placed in the basement, and it is very important that if be kept saf e tromn frost. The operation of the plant In as folloRs: Thse chemical substance uSsed for making thse gas is calcium car- bide, theseanme maierial that la used in bicycle lampa, for instance. Auto- isatically this ci euict is fed into tise watcr chambýr as fast as the gaiz is used i h li tact with the wafer h t oilis zj known as ace- tylene gas, which- cec cs in the gaz Do, t k Does your Furnace' Greenaway & Eilihoifas st1f co We snlpply parts for a;f Do you know what - swronig w!rUýI ta et Greenawav & Elioft re eprt:rsptisgai makes ili firsî class condition., IIow many pans,ti s orIeteshe you tht, Greenaway &EloJ iIný nsgoodi as new neofbuiying, new 4oa Do you need the se, -ice o a plumber, tinsmith o ý,steamfitter? We ae c pers n each branoh, Phone 18 day or il îght Bowmanville With the eoming of ilyacinths 'ws e aturally think of Spring's Awakenîng and it's offering of goigeous bloom, But why wait? Have ansd enjoy them iin the home Prices Iron 50o up, S. J. Jackmian & Sons' Florists andi Growérs iRowmanville Phone au Noticeof Registratioq of By-Law. Notice is hereby given that a By-Law was passed by the Municipal Couneil of theý Corporation of the Town of Bow- manville on the 9th day of December i91q, providing for the guarantee of Bonds of the said Corporation to the Hydro Radial Railway Commission of Ontario and that such Bv-Law was Reg- istered in the- Registry Office the West Riding of the County of Durham on the ibird day nf januiary, 1920. Any motion ce quasb, or set aside the same or an: part thereot must be made within thr.e months after the first publication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter, Pated thse Fiffis day of Januarv, 1920, 2-tf, JOHN LYLE, Clerk. Shoes Repaqîred While Yo,; Wý,ait 1 arn nowii a position to ,give you quick service and best of workrnartshtp as I have two assistants. Work Boots For Sale 1 have a lîrnited stock of good substantial work who semem;ber the flursucial forie a ai o dncngu be genîerated, except as Ifisreatr so-v .s whhave always closed hiïa peefîY dolar ano. chabce U n hid pe ~ds o carleasspeniug. tihat she was 001 indulgïng ie thse wiflqiired, bence fsr an hne iK .I~Iîtn ,~e a ofMontreaU "h h e iewae ftiesm rcs na noto f a ed by evieryd g r en waste that brings woful want. -L ltis le as true of ezrie tye1fpat, 'beLI ' K~iJL5I branch ffgcecr frein E y evhis cient buekles makes thein cost," she exp aineij, for tise gas to, acumulate under pires- Iýî Iý~~~~~~~ eea rchofci îiofriEurope f0 'thrconine tin lieihecpanen l ut n lias ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ trutn opeedLo oui 10 display thse jewel- suelthpanadlakufad Geo. Hnpg tesyaschronizes svlth conditions t9f actuul led bow-knot on each, aed the samie become ignsted by a raw flame, i'e- the starvation in Europe affecting mil- buckles do for several pairs you see? sulting in an explosion. Tise auto- lions of people who fought for freediim te0. imcileteln u" mati f ' hu eexarnîned occa- r*tSv gsi (rniew extra vagance as been aiade possible., n a ny1 oktsogsts ag tl is-îa okn re. Ts I vo sliit busines ai least te part, by tise heavy purchias-J ,tores t0 note how machs of this ficîious directions thlat coule with tise plan i your ~es made urîder stress of war )y 1"economy" prevais Lovely fr.cks of oudbfooedacrtyan lnropeaan enions on thiR contiaceti. 1 anter aI so high-priced usai the i usqtoIner sh l he rteda ratl ai ofe sev-m l« NT ~ e e '&Ft tise exPeniture of un- , 0~~g - u .ak b~c- . __. --- _ - E! 1! AN enr ,..1 er i cants ovndby fariners for rer ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ aO rPe a.iiui Uyv . __________ veyss77r. va OCn, Ll S.,L ~' tJ ') 1aly 8,119. Chanu-,ge 0f Business HR'aving taken over thse business prevîou8ly carried on by Mr. L. Pïke in Bowmanviile as denier in ai3l kiDds of junk, live poultry, biefurs, etc., we are prepared toý pay cash for ail we buy. Sîaturday we shall be at home af No. 7 Argyle St., Bowmanvilie heoarticles mny be delivered fo us, hone289, Wehope f0 do business with ail Mr, Pike,'s former customners sand maynwones, promisie;g to da 30E CHARLES JSRANKER 4 î 3 -Bo iýmanville To Auto Owners TieuJaieson Bros. are busy doegal kinds of tire repnîrîng. SBring)gje your old tires and have tbem1r re-treadif they are worth l iT e wîll tel] you sfîaight if thyare worfh doîng. rin ethose spare tubes à1ud have themi repaired. We rpair pectures and blowouts atshort notice, Be sure and get our priees on Nýew Tires before you buy. We f handie c'ly tise besf makes, e î î e ün, 1, eo.593 tiravagance, Canada is jnst as great a sinner ns tise United States.In, tise ast few weeks Catiadians have beu pennlized f0o some extent for fiseir uncurbed purcisase of American made luxuries by an adverse excisange. DURHAM COUNTY BOYS Hardly a week passes but you isear or read of a Durhsam boy îaking tise lead in some public manner. Tisis lime il is Mr E. J. Creeper, of tise hardware firrn of Creeper & Grifiii of Owen Sonnd, who speet bis boyho d days around damnpton ,nd married one of Hampton's. popular yonng ladies. Intise recent municipal eleciions for Board of Education Ewart ed lise pAihs by about 200 votes. If our, rnemory serves us correctly Ibis is tise fourtis lime ise, as iseaded tise polis on incb an occasion. t seemns tise catural îising for Durhsam boys and girls to Se- corne leaders wiserever tisey are found, TYRONIG afford, Se sure. Tise less mateihne in tise construction of a smeartfrcts iigher its price-mark. "H w is tise trousseau coming on î' we asked a Invelv bride-to-Se. "Famonsly", sise iaugised, "but tihe cosi keeps me awake nigisis. Over two isundred dollars fer lace and 511k crepe lingerie aïready, wisicis reminds me tisatI've net îold you about Aunt Clara's visit. My dear, sise was properly horrifier1 when, on ber own- ing up usat sise'd like le see'civ *under- wear', I brouguit forth tisis same delecu- aSle collection. "Yen don't surely in- tend wearing tise in'lýecenitishings" was ait! sise said, and sise bised, actualhy buie.I laugis every lime I liink of tl, But ahi tise same L'un ghad l'Il, Se away on my isoneymeon wben mv Sbis stant te i our in on dad-poor old dad:- t dosen'i seem quile fair does tP' "lThen wisv do il ?" IlWisy? Because everybody does il, one migisl as welh Se ouit<'f tise world as ont of fasiion", she said-acd meant it. * t is le tise air. During tise'dark Vears of tise war tise spirit of service prevaihed among us. ITo-day tise prevailing spirit soems te Sel one Of estentatienuness. lt is tue re- action. we are told, Whalever tise (Cr0 vded ou last weekc) cu e tis efetta bt e demora-1 League met je charge oh our 2ud Vice lizing. KATHERINE KENT. President, Mn,. W. T. Wickett. Aflen devotional exercises, Miss Vera Slemon, -2nd- Vice-et Districî,4ealt wih-tise tapie in a most intenesting wav, statîng sorne Subscrptîon season is isere agaîn. ofhberý plans and isopes for tise coming Decide ai once wisat papers yon wînt for yeîr. Reading was given bv Mr, John 1920 and send your orders to THE His and a solo Sy Mis. Goodmian. Col- STATESMAN Office, Wafch for remit- lection $1 00. lance olank and addressed envelope le Mssionary pnogram ie Sunday Scisool nexi week's piper, 'in charge oh Mr. C. W. Woodley, tise eeed of dochors in China was desît witb by Mn, C, Stinton, denîlsîs by Mr. J. HuIs and nurses by Miss Mary Richards. Mnr. Clarence Woodley gîing some etorfb e W e p n tise terrible conditions tisai exist ils fChina Gleanens'.%are makicg sncb napid pnrogress le iheir fligisi te Ciung King Z E >M A î:àtialoiser classes wùl have ta speed np a Mîra, E. Rayes. of IMmiltcAs, aftea' bit or tisey wilil e beaten. geing South ta, findTýeli<f, finally W.M-Sje tMs .Ageso cars-d l.a alocal ncm.dm'. W. Mdya. ,e us. H. r's on.T. "To bave suffered wîth weepingezema of Tlsnsday Ja, 8,Preiden, Ms. W Tthse bands, so bad that nîy bands were helplers Wjîlkett i chair., Miss Florence Werry -te have tried and tied remédies, wifhout e- fled in tise discussion of our Study Book lief-to have given up work and corne Southa and parts wene t,.ken by Mesdames A. E for help-to bave besai cired completely on hai E. isieW. . Agu, J H a botfle of D. D D. ' This la the substance et lemfens, E htW .Age .H Mn,. Hayes' leffer, 92 Sunset St., Hamilton, Ont,. Weriy, T. Woedley and Miss F, Virtue. Caes ca be sent you from yenrowc vicici y. Duet lhy Mesdames S. T. Hoar and S. V. Write for Canadian festimonials, or secure a Hein Tinougs ue kidnes ofDr.andbottle cf D D. D. today. WIiV s ie tciti Me)r. C.rW.gsdee î, nnsiloenDr.issdF ornient cesotler mo'ment? If 8yuedon,,t ge" VV.ý,lm j, Eniki"enMis F eflothedfrstbottle,wewilirefndwithonft .Viuewas, made a Lite Member eofqetion îoaote rDD Sasf o ur Auxir, w îis was m ucis apprei ')ediY our meýnbers. Tise Axiiaryl pseedMrýs.'T. Woodley wit laIte rnemoberslyip tpin. .b ld isas j ~ ~ aPikr' GazaeDrgitf" cost? This question can Se an- swered very geucrnlly as coafs vary wiîh aize of plant, etc. Le &en- eral 1 would say tise initial cuit would be about $200, inluding gen- erator, pipes, chandeliers and the work of installation for tise average- shzed farm home. Tise carbide for a year wll coatln tise neigisborhood oh $12 o $15. Detmiled information regarding installOA«in, etc., will be ans wered upon reqd-esft by tise geter., -R. R. Grahama, B.S.Â., 0. A, Col- lege, Guelph., W inter Cire o!f regnant Maltes. Those wiso have isad experience la hsorse breeding have noficed luit a censiderable perceiltage of tise apring colts, espèciahhy tisose born before tise mares arc on pasture, are weatUy, ohien nef able te stand, and smre- times withsouf auMient ambition ta nurse wisen iseld ni and tise feaft i- troduced mb tiste meufis. t wsll also be obaerved tisai hoala of this de- scription are-usually ihose eh damas that have been pampered during tise winter mot"s-those that havr, beau well f ed, and keptinlutise stable niost ofet ti ime wihut exercise, Tise pregnant mare shisd Se wefl h ed and given reguLar exercise or iguit work. Tise idea tisat sie ghould net Se well f ed is not unCOnîmon. Tise-foetus la dahly lncreasing lu in se. Tuils growtis dees net taise place witUout nutriment. Tise nutriment muet'Se supplied by tise blood if tise dam, and, as nutriment lu not a nor- mai preduet ohftise leod, but ha sup- plied by tisehfood tise animal ea, we eau readihy cee tisaitishe pregnant animal bns net oniy iser own tissnes te nourish, but aise 11105e oh a grew- ung foetus, wisîcinlutise latter montisa et gestationi lene emalmat-, lier. Rience we see tisîtishe pregnant mare requirea more food ihan iser nen-pregnafli siâte ehf tieseanme size tisait is oing tisanme workl, Geod bsal and enlia are tise heoda te be reled upen se provide neurialiment, and these sisonhd Se ted in quantities proportionatie te tise size ohftise ani- niai and tise grain in proportion te iuse a neunt of work or exerciae givea. in addition she shoulti Se given a îew raw roolis dasly, and a feed of bran with a cuptul oh slnaeed meici ai least ties' weekty. 5e sould al- se Se given ail the good watrrse -wl drink a leat sisree limes dail>', A j regîîant mare sisould, wisre poasb~e bepro)vided witisalre comf ocîalebo4 sinîl wisen lu ti stable. Tisha, v eay say, à, q neee sary ,îf e iinthsmenth is e-,-t et thon,_ as paýrturition nsay taiskp, c 'aV' lim ,ýe afier m' H Our custorn a Iiappy New Year Il. Elliott Estate Hlampton Phone 2W8 When you Require the Services of ani Expert ElectricianÎ", Silvet & Ohurch Srs. Bowrnan~ f hese goods at the prices we areJ selling them, P~ O. Nlaorîi c~orae 131. Open Day and Night. BrlfoàRofn We have recenîly been appo-îied Special agents for ths ?-Lý blandCI'Fully rested Rooflng, FirproofamVd eatherproi bs.pleased to show fise goods and f urnis etials Portland Cernent Rogers CanaJiai PDrtlaed Cement is thse hest Cemeni tdawe have a fresa stock in good, sound bags, ready fr itFoçt notice t0 any part of îown or country. $ncranton -Coal-- Scranton C )al is the Standard Anthracite, and we îai<e cars ci or( ers lealsizes. Nowis tiselimeto0put je J teere is eve v indication thartihe price will be higher lai- who take their coal early will be proiected witis regardI i73ld i ng M a te.a We have our usual stock in ahlins and solicîlt guaranice good service. King Street East Office Phonùe 15 - Residetices22 r J', '-'y It' J~tas Necîýfessary Wheu týi gout in h t hos te e proý"Pe,?foÏ00 for th;e table as it is to want tto choose the b est things for the home le When yoî.ohoe you h il he best food for ai the time. fY Y Yoûr Parcels, and Save Monêy ~IEX. CH ITIE The C ash,& Carry Bakery

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