Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1919, p. 8

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Senlsible Gift Suiggestions At Money=Saving Prices See our rnany bargains in Men's and Poys' Clothing Shirts: RiR L Bi Your Winter Overcoa Save--$!-O.ow L.ot -No.-1 cal bargain to clear $1 25 t No. 2 g Special to clear 't Save $1 0~O~ Buy It At Webster's Store The Store where Quality cornes bef ore the Price, Young Men's Models, waist Une, etc, to clear $25.»O Gl'oves of Ail . j Kïnds, Tan, Grey, Chamois and Woollen Prïces $ 1.00 to $5,.00 Ou all Ordier Departmient at you,,r service, BOWMANVJLLE, DEC. Il, 1919 S HAWS Sbaws School Concert will be tield on Friday, evening Dec. 19 ai 8 o'clock. Everybody corne Silver collection. 49-3- ENNIÈSKILLEN4 Everyone was delightud with the pro- grami given on Dec. i by Prof. Laugher and conipany, of Bowmanville. The -Youn-g -ëpeule-gave anC excellent prograni and were fi111y appreciated and enturtain- ed at the cl ose .... Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke on the arrivai of a son.... Mrs. E. Hall, Toronto, visîted with her parents, Mr and Mrs. C. Stewart ... Messrs. Wiibur Smith and Gordon Werry attended the Boys' Conference at Peterboro. . .. Miss Eva and Mr, Milton -Sanderson, Miss Stella Sbarplev, Toronto, visited friends here . .. .Glad to see Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stevens and family out again. . .. Rev. G. 1. McKenzie visited at Janietville ,. ..Dr. and Mrs, Siemon ac- conipanied their aunt, Mrs. A. Staples, to Toronto wllere she wihl undergo an oper- ation. We hope for ipeedy recovery.. Udr. Peter anîd Miss Emmna Werry, Tyrone, 'Wr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascue, Soina, Mr. andi Mrs. R. Phiup, Burketpn, visitedat Mr. J. A. Werry's ... . League meeting Wudnesday evening w"~ in charge of Miss Grace Slenion, 3st. vice President. After open- ing exercises, the topic "lTemptation" ,pas taken by Gordon Werry. Readings were given by Miss Stella Smith and Mr Francis Werry; roll caîl to which a large number responded; 14 new nienbers were received at the, Reception service, Reserve Tuesday, Dec. 23, for Christ- nias- concert -tnder auspices -of -Snnday- School. HAMPTON The niembers of the Senior and Junior Le-agus ---are lpreparting--a--Christmas cantats entiîîed "Santa Claus. and hie Pairies" wbieh yl l e presented in the basement of the churcli on Monday uven- ing,. Dec. 22nd. Reserve the date. advt. Tbank-offering services on Sunday were a great success, Excellent sermons were preached afternoon aud evening to large %nd appreciative audiences by Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., Chairman of Bowmanville District. Splendid miusic was rendered by- the choir. A tbank- offering of $350 was'asked for and tbe response exceetis $ i70. Epwortb League met with good ai- tendance on Priday uvening hast, Miss "Mary Katerson,, isi Vice President in charge. The Scripture Lesson was read by a number of the Leaguers. Au ex- cellent topie, on "Praver" was given by Mrs. F, T. Allun. Miss Reta Kerelaku gave a readiug' "What Prayer Means to Dr. Grenville" Miss Ruby Clatworthy also gave a short reading. Mrs. R. H. Warder sang, "«Because He Loved Me So,' A season of prayer was held, several of the Leaguers taking part. The Roll Caîl met with a good response Six new niembers were e iviýdai îthe Recuption service. The Senior and Junior Leaguers iniend giving, a Cantats on Mopday Dec. 22nd. Fuller particulars nlexi wýek. TYRONE Visitors: Miss K. De La Rond ai Mrs. W. Hsnbly; Rev. anýd Mrs. W. T. Wick- ett, Mrs. H. Curtis, Mrs. (Rev.), Delve and Mr. and Mrs H. Hulis attended a birtbday gathering in bionor of Mr. John Buckluy at Pontyl .; Mrs. Wm. Me- Laughlîn, Oshawa, g-uest of herdçaughtur, .Mrs. M. J. Wurry; Mr. Bruce ESneywell, Toronto, ai Mn. W. R. Cleniens'; Mr. Vialcoîni, Nestleton, at Mr. A. W. Annis'; NWr. andi Mrs. Frank McLaughlin and family, Mr. Douglas McLaughlin and Mladeline, Miss E. Irene Werryi, Os3hawa, ,Mr. and Mrs. Hi. 1. Werry andi Alma, Enniskillen, aniong the guestsata the wedding anuiversary of Mr. and Mrs, M. J. Werry laet Sstunday; Mr. J. Hartley Gallowav, Architeci, Toronto,, spent the week-end at Mr Peter Werrv's. Mr. Galioway bas been for some weeks superinitending-the--building of-the new- ,tandard bank ai Orono; Miss Tyerman andi Mrs. Fairservice, Seaford, guests ai tirs. F. G. Byam's; Mr. F. L. Byaim recenîly spent a few days ai Kingston; M4r. A. V.Staples witb frientis in, Toronto; Mr. Gordon Bruce, Calgary, guest of Mr. W. R. Cleniens. Welcoie borne to Messrs. Lance Phare sud Garuet McCoy ----Public Sehool are busy witb their Concert for Dec. 22nd. Flold the dateu... .Leaguers are busy wiib ibeir drania. Partîculars later ... .. Thursday night's League under the it Vice Presidenit proved very huip- fui, Mr. Charlie Stinton deali wîîb tbe topic "«Teniptations" and Mvrs, Argue pointed oui four ways in wbich Cbist's teniotations were sirnilan to ours. Re- spouse to roll cali was good.... .Over 40 ladies met ai Mrs. A. E. Clernens' ai the W. M. S. meeting Tbursday afiernoon, Presideut, Mrs Thos. Woodley iin th,ý chair. A sumniary of the ist. Chapie thtpie, "A mian wbo said, Send me". ,Readinigs were gîivun bIr Leverne Burgess, [lora McRoberts and Leon Moore. A duL7, by Bessie Prýout and Kahenmc, Cullough ati a Btible irili byMr.Wik et. olcal respoQnse good. n n O think that becauseyu D GA î'ý stmach can digest food you are proof,.against,.indigestion. The niost. important digestive work is done by -the bowels, 1iver and kidneys. Unless these are" active and work in harmony, you are in danger, of self-poisoning., Worth, Sold everyo a Guinea Caaa hIboxe$, a box. 25r-, 50C., hý'elp tha,ý bowels to) f unctI*orà a properly, and influence the vc and kdneysto act 3rï cf fic2z- CANADIAN PACIFLC CONVENIENT DAYLJGIIT TRAINS BETWEEN TORONTO AND,,OTTAWA (Daily Except Sundey) NO. 38-"*THE RIDEAU", NO. 37-"THE YORK1'ý Lv. Toronto....... î.3o p. m. Lv. Ottawa.......31.00 P. m. Lv Whitby....... 2.37 P. m- Lv. Smith's Fals 2.35 p. m. Lv. Oshawa....... 2.47 P. Mi Lv. Perth......... 253 p. m. Lv Bowmanville 3 05 p. m. Lv. Kingston......31.55 P.ini. Lv. Port Hope... 3.44 1). M Lv. Belleville-.5 5o p. mi. Lv. Cobourg....... 3,55 P. m. Lv. Trenton...... 5 53 P nm. Lv. rTrenton....... 507 P. nm. Lv. Cobourg ......6 49 p. m. Lv Belleville . 5.30 P.ini. Lv.,Port Hope...- 7.00 P. m, Ar. Kingzston... 9.10 p. mi. Lv. Bowmanville .42 p. M. Ar. Perth.... ..... 8.oS p. m. Lv. Oshawa .......8,04 p. mi. ~Ar. Srnith'sFÏals.8.25 p. nm Lv. Whitby..ý.....8.179p. m. ,,Ar. Ottawa.....310.00 P. nm. Ar,. Toronto.,,...,...9.ý3<}p. m. Equimnent, Smoker, Coach, Cafe, Parlor. and Observation Parlor Car. W. B. HOWARD, District Passenger Agent,. Toronto C. B. KENT, Agent, PostOffice, Bowmhanvîlle. (UNION TASION Standard Sleepingf, Dniîng, Trourist ai l , pairr car trothte Reis 'Via Ar.r" , Mnd _ '. dsD -e. 1a Cass4~s 5tien.> a> 1h 717 i 1 MAPLE GROVE Reniember the Christmias Concert given by pupils of Maple Grove Public School on Friday uvenlnk Dec. 39th.,, b Sunday Scbool Hall. SOLINA ,Mr. Norman Van Nest is home f rom Oshawa Hligh School with the measies ...Mr. R. J., Fowler had a good bale Wednesday. They entertaiîîed their friends in the evening..:. Mr. Geo. -Northcot-t'"-snon Tb-u-sday-broiight- good prices, Hoîsteins selling higli.... A load of coal arrived at C. N. R, and wns quickly uenoaded by the fariners . 'Deputy Reeve Thos Baker attend- ed the Counties' Council at, Cohour-g .... Farmers' Club had their annîtal nieetng and elected the following officers: 'res.- J. Baker; Vice-A. J. Reynolds; Sec. Treas. and Managing Director-H. G. Pascoe; Directors- S A. Northcott, S. B. Werry, 1, M. Law and 'A. L. Pascoe; Auditors--I. M. Law and A. T1. Reynold.s; Delegates to U. F.0. Convention at Toronto- H. G. Pýascoe,, Myron Robbins and & A. Nortbcott .... Miss Annie WiI. inms is home, from Bowmanvilhe Hospital and getting along nicely .« Mr. and Mr.. H F Werry nnd Miss Wilma, Kedron, visited at Mr. A L. Pascoes.... Mr, and MrsJ. G. L ng- màid and Mr. and Mrs. F. Lnngmaid, Zion, and Mr. John Brooks «f Somner. setahire, England, visited at Mr. S, E. Werry's .... Mr. and Mrs, N-E Wright and family spent Suniay ab Oshawa, A joint meeting of Farniers' Club and Wonien's Institutu will bu held in Seons' Hall, on Wednesday, Dec. 37 at 8 p. Adebate "Resolved-that-Consodatiornof- Scboois would bu a benufit to Ontaricn"; C.eptains J. Baker and R. JMcKessock. Refreshments served. Everybody wel. corne. 1Phone 21 Bowrn-anville Christmas Dinner Most Important In your hnrry to do your Christmas shopping, ont forget t-, get supplies of good things _to eut for the holid&y seaon-tIîo Christmas dinner pinys no smnîalpnrt in the senOS OS' fstvitieqý We are well stocked with aIl the groceries th at you wnit. 'You -Wi--ltWànt -Sume OtThes Seedless Raisins, per lb 25e Seeded Rlasins, per lb 23e Choice Currants, per 1h 300 Mixed ;Pee1, ....pep lb 60c Also Turkish Figs, Df)ates, Mince Monts, Sheiled Wnlnuts., .&hiondî Fariu Poduce Wantedi As usu4a rn ,iiipaàying9 highest prices for.,ail kindis. Of*farm produce: Phone 186 Bonav L HOGG & LYTLE LTD., Farmers Atnin Fancy Peas We are now booking orders for the 1920 crop o-f Peas .L' a-vaced-risan-wil--epleaserto hear-from pro-specive groweri, while we eau, furuish the variety you prefer0 Feed Full stocks of Feed always on higher pnies as the season advances. hnnd.' Every prospec5t of $rinand Seeds We ar~ Oof ah i daOf Grain, and Ses Let us quote ct p nices Hogg & Lyt1 Phone 203-Use it. LIMlTIE;D Oshawa 'r WOOD SALE. THURSDAY, December 18-Mr. Donald McCuilough will seli on lot 3,.con..8, Darlington, i30 acres of' standing> mixed. timber in 4-acre lots. For ternis-se bille. Sale atiip.. m., THEO, M. SLEMON, auctioneer. MONDAY, Dec. 15--C. W. Woodley, lot l0, con. 8,-Darlington,.wilseil 3 acres standing tirnbur, nsostly poplar,. in V4 acre lots. Also some-farni implenients. Sale 1 o'clock. L. A. W'TOLE, auc- tioneer. HAYDON Visitors: -Mr. Charles Garrard with, friends at Peterboro and Pontypool; Mr.. and Mrs. C. Mounijay. Miss-Rose and Mr. Lorenzo at Mr. Thos. Mountjovs; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery, Mr, and Mrs. Sulas Trewin and Mr. Wilh Ingles. attend- ed Rownianville Methodist Churcb anniversary; Mr. and Mrs. Theron Mountjoy at Saleni; Mr. Eîrner Slemon, Oshawa, at home; Mr. Thos. Mountjoy,. Dora and Mrs. Lambkin, visited friends at Cartwright; Mr. D. Grahami and family were called to Oshawa, owing, to the death of bis daughter. Consecration at League, service on Tbursday uvenîing was in chgrgeofMrs. T. Mountjoy. Topie "Temptation" was splundidlv taken hy Mr. Theron Mounîjoy after a helpful explanation froni Ihe vice president A Quitable reading was-given by Miss Vera Mountjay, after which Pastor Wickutt gave a talk on the topic, wbîch was very behpful to ail. The rol *vas called and League closed with bene- diction . .. Temperance prograni on Sun. day morning was in charge of Mrs. Thosý. Ccowling. A Teniperance address was, miven--by -Mr. R. -'Slenon_ -Aireadmng, "Away froni the Wine Cup" by Vera Moutjoy.... .Don't fail t0 attend our Xmas Entertainnient hure on Thursday night, Dec. i8tb. "~Big 20"!Bostr BowmanviN76è, Ca'tBeat -.Tixis List0 Choice.,Meat: 'You. will certainly wanit to have, some of tli8 meut forCrit. mas- when you rend this hist bougit f rom t!u3 best breeders in district. JTohn Baker, Solina, 2 heifers, 1 llabyB,.ef1 Frank Osborne, Tbw Line,, 2 Durham Steers. (Theseý won lst- prize at the Fal Fh W. Ricirard, Shaw's, 2 Durham Steers;ý John Russell, Coboui, i Durhnm Steer; W. Woods, Darlingtoa,; 31inmbs; E. Burice, l3ar- lingtosn, 1 lnmb. Also some very fine poultry frona Mrs. Fred. Lan,,- Get your order- in. early,' is our advice. G4.. A. Edm ondstone, (one door east, of Levi Morris & Son's'} u'ARM FOR SAe.nÉ-l13 acre&, lot 9, con 4 , i See Senor garcelona--Ma5tpt- of tise ftOwnship f) olarke. Good clay loam suitable tromborie-Dec. T.,'and 16 for mixed farming, .N.R, sta tion on farm. This wiIl ini'semîthLe ladiies: Dingmnau Chorch and sehool wjthjn half a mile.0 Two bank dodtn a- utr ag barns, bank stable and romf&rtable houe. Good &e .sodîî~hv utrcevr ag ~rhrjsstarting to bear. Good roade around consîgnment ofr stgaped goods in lioua Vitehell* Royal Bank, Eowm.enville, rt i. pessars uho fute atclx plt .J and! crepe, inchmding day slips _entre~ GiJdy. Port Elope, or to T. J. Baliagb. Starkvillepensrfehintsos1aki- frustees 3852i mofl&Setc. BOCKS By Ptw h Atithors as Connors, Moutgoery, YFraser, Saundýers, and others are always accaptble maen. Faacy boxes, go6d quality paperandenv.elopes. from 25e to $5.00, pleasing, and -very useful f or.ladies, CHINA WARE Cups and Saucers, Bon Bon Dishes, Jaiarre sSpoon, Trays, etc. BASKETS For your Faneywork, ail sizes, nide&of sweet grauss 25e and u.pwarde, PICTURES Fraraed in it or Onak suitable for, an ý-oomn, very use-, ful a.nd ornamental.

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