Fruit Gr'owems' Convention, Women's IDstitute Convention Beekeepers' Convention. Special iRailway Rates on Certifica>te Plan. The Famly wrIncome This snbject, is given a great' deal of thought by almost everypLne, these days when a $ reaches only about haif as far as it did a few years ago. Experience That Counts, Our long experience, in the grocery business places us in a position to give our enstornersý the, best that is on the market and at the lowest possible prices. Yon owe it to'yonrself to giv e us an opportun- ity of filling your grocery order-try us next, C&l"awker& Ioopmer Pure Food Grocers Phone 62 Bowmanville The makers' of these Fauitless Fitting Shoes for women usher, in_ the Autumu and Winter Season with-new meodels unsurpassed-f or style, fi )t anci workmanship. Smart original designs with the distinctive touches that have linked tise naine of this store with the best in women's foctwear; are here in profusion. Women's higli top boots in black brown, patent, or color combina- tions in high or low heel, priced fromu $5.50 te $12.50. Women's 0Ov ergaiters, in al colors p riced from $1.50 to $3.00. In Men's wear we are showing a compiete range of styles in brown or black welted soles priced from $5.50 to $12,00. Shoe Store Phone 120- Bowmanville need for competent and experienced tions. The larger~ the ciïý, thé lUwer teachers greater than today. This is is the average, of intelligence.- Whule a new world with new visions and the metropolitan center draws t0 it, broader- outlook and parents and rnaly nmen Who are national leaders teachers alike must catch the new in their varions avocations it also at- vision in the interest of the men andi tracts a far largerproportion of human women of tomorrow. The training derelicts, slum dwellers, outcasts and schools are given the task of sendlng society's scuin. That is why Toronto out teachers, qualifled and equipped suffers several times a vear from scap- for imparting the kind of education box cutbreaks' and broncho niote. this new age is demanding. Increas- More bone-heads and boobs can be ingly insistent le the demand that the found lu the average city block in schoois of this country teach citizen- Toronto than lui the whoie of an ship-that they equip the child te, do average agricultural township. the fui] duty of a goodcitizen. It le Those who characterise the Farmena net forgotten that the ' chools have party at Toronto as a rabble of barn- for generations doue excellent work: Yard savages don't know what they but the experience of the hast five are taiking about, for a cleaner, eventful years hbas brought the realiz- sttaighter, More level headed or more atin tat, change in method and in efficient group of men have neyer eupject-matter-a shifting of emphasis been eieeted to our Legielative As- -le urgently required, and it le up to sembly. the teachers to, carry into effect the Werwiloefnaflrtyec changd proram.citizen than Mr. Henry K. Denyes, Our thoughtfuh readers will readilv meniber-elect for East Hastings? It agree f*bm their own knowhvedge audâ requires quite as high an order of observation that a young man may be ability, and pêrhaps greater resource ant e xpert i n- arithmetic, lu epel]iug, in____________________ writiug, grain --ma-r-,--geogmaphy, and every other subject ou the curriculum and may, nuxe the lese, displav quai- ities of wastefuinese and disloyalty. An altered type of training, a uew view of relative values, in sorne re- spects, muet corne. A knowledge cf the fundamentais on which rests the structure of democracy must be a part of ail instructiion worthy the name. The heart muet be educated-with the head and hand. The demand front the scheols is for gond citizens- Oine valuabie hesson should be leamu- ed front the late terrible war and that lesson is that education mav make or mat a nation-lt has doue se in Europe and elsewhere. Withai teach- ers miuet continue te teach thrif t lun the schools te, encourage industry because children wish te earu se that they may save, and, more than ever lu its history, this old world needs to go te work. Production muet leienl- creased. Produce, cave, inveet, mustt become the universal slogan, coupled with the higher ideai of deveioping gond citizeuship. The presence lu this teachers' inetitute e.f somte ditin- , guished educal ionalists chouidMR SM LAKEuMrLeA that teachers receive a hi cred M .SMCLRE .LA broader vision of their sacred calling~ wbo won a splendlid victory overk anai the duties that face thein daiiy as Lt.-Coi. Bogg-majorîty 731. 11e is at they enter school-rooms. Bock learn- Danl1ington oid boy. boru at Hampton( ing le stihi eceentiai but the modern and has represeuted West Northum-f teacher must be prepared te deveiop berland for several ternis. He is f anýd put luto exercice the pcwers of worthy of a Cabinet position. mind and heart that no amouint cf baie book lore can make effectuai in Pate1 h sollinfrmJn makiug good and useful ctizeus. Pateth tl lesfonJh jGilbert, south-west cf town, had better settie at once te cave costs and trouble, IA Progressive Euchre will lie held in ý as they are wel]-koown tirouglinut town1 1. O O. F. Hall on Monday Nov. 17 af and countrv.a 8 p m. Ererybodv welcome. 45-2w. jMr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart cf Exeter,p The Rummage Sale and tea at St. Ont., announce the engagement cf theirà John's Churçi on Wednesday was a fine dauighter, Winifred Kathleen, and Mr. R.A success and a nice eum of money was Wallace Fuke, Exefer, fie marriage f0 netted for fie Woman's Association. take place the hast week lu November. S oreauU ThenaMareillaise01was icely rendered on our adherence to the high ideals of Th MreIasýwsnilyedri democracy and pubie service whichby isFoec an Mstrhi. have made this m-ivement a vital Laugher, followed by a chorus "Blowînr thing in the life of the nation- May Bubbles". we not, hope that before long this Five littie boys, Robt. Greenfield, movement, which bas had its birth in Archie Wood, Donald Williams, Alini one partic ular class, may expand, and~ Osborne, Charles Vanstone in costume broaden tili it shall becoiue flot merelyj sang "Little Mischief" and every Iaei a Farmers' party, but in a very reéal looked the part ail right. sense a People's party." Another double quartet "How Can 1 The 0Ontarjo views the auvent of the Leave Thee V' was nicely sung 'Dy the farsuers with entire equ'animity. Their girls mentioned in the former one and arrivai produces no misgivings what- was as before heart ily applauded. ever. They are merely coxing into Master ReidPearn recited the pathetic their own as the largest and most poein "Ben" by'Dr. J. L. Hughes, doing important class of producers in. our it with great credit to himself and th, province or country. Why shouldn't author. He also responded to the de they have representation? They are servîng applanse by reciting 111 don't neither Bolshevists nor revolutionists care", equally as well. as somne'have hinted.- They will' The chorus "Rule Britannia" by fthe man ifest the samne sanity and practical choir made a fitting closing number, good sense at Toronto as they do in Miss Margretta Adams-admirabiy in- 1their township and county councils. personafing the part of "Britannia". They will -,ivenus neither freak nor Ti class legis ation but wili do for, us opeie splendid-program- closed as it manyexcllet ting theoldtim opnedwith the National Anthem. To patiexchaelflet 1higs thom l-ime the conductor, Prof. Latugher, Miss Morri, partes ave aild t accmplsh. pianist, Principal Davidson and his ex- cellent -staff of teachers, belong the cred z for a very enjoyable evening, which wais MINISTERS AND CHURCHES repeated last nîghf to the satisfaction of ail who heard if., -st. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. Best, minister. Public Worship at il a.rn. and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Classes EED ORT L . at 230 Pm.TH DT R AL S Rev. Arthur Phelps, Greenbank, gave an address on "The Aspects Of Modern Those who enjoyed either of two schpoi Poetry" to the True Blue Class of co icerts given in the opera house this Simcoe-st. Mefliodist Sunday Scliool, week by the children under direction or Oshawa. Mr. C. C. Laugher, Mus. Bac., Instmuctor inMusic in the schools, will rapidly cor- Methodist Church-Morning, Rev. W. cede the greaf privilege the scholars cf H. Spargo will preach afil p. m. Missi Bowminvilie have in the training given rý Turner will speak at 7 P. M Men's music in the schools. Sucli service as is Rrotherhood, 2 30, Mr. W. 1. Morrison, given bv Prof, Lauglier cannot De estim- B. A., Leader. ated in dollars. It is very evident thi, t Rev. Andrew McLauchlin, Pontypon], parents of this town appreciate the gooc will, preach in Mêttlodist Churcli Oro,,o work being done in this subject fromn th, on Sunday evening next, and the pastor; wav tliey packed the opera house on those Rev. J. E. Griffith, will preach the an- two evenîflgs, niversary sermons at McCrea's Churcli on _________ the Pontypool circuit. Rev WT.Chery wh i Maagr o IDurham county farmers may takt thev W.eT.Cderst Misso ookanaPerilifhcourage froin the facf thaf the consensus th MthdstSisonBokadit sh- j 0fopini on of Canadian officiaIs who have ing House, at Singapore, Stat et fie-, visited Europe, is that the future of the mnt, who with bis family, is visiting lieme rtadinarypousi sue, bter exc ellent asenatflieacloseof 'In England butter is everywhere -at a bte veningxerventin katthecMoethoistpremium and Canadian cheese continuc s Cherl Sa evening rvc i his M any d t t hold its good reputation. Mr. H. b fhriendSwulday ve muchlie tebear Akell1, Lire Stock Commissioner, wi'o hrim en an adud e mess. l t hrias recentiv returned froin overseas, hîm ive n adress , 1states that the shortage of milk and dairy Consecration service at Epworth pmoducts in Great Britain- is unprecedent - League Monday evenifrg was very in- ed. The same is true of other Europer n teresting and weli attended. President i count ries. The scarcity and higli pmicL J. J. Mason opened thle meeting' after Of concentrated feed' is to some- extef whicli Miss Spargo took charge. Scripture responsible for this The condition is so Lessons were read by Miss Evelyn Joness'general as not quickly to lie, emediece. and Miss Lola Souci, Miss Eva Smith !t is furtlier responsible for retarding the~ played a pretity piano solo aftem which increase of swineproduction and the re- Miss Rildalemon read a paper"Serrice", storing of tlie normal iccuirements of Miss Ethel Garbutt gave a reading and fat. Tbis statement shouid give confi- Mr. Russell Gilbemt. District President dence, ont only f0 daîry farniers but tu spoke on the Epworf h League Pledge' those who are able to raise hogs.