Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jul 1919, p. 1

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anub iun M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. $1.50 a ycar in advance. - BOWMANVILLE , ONTAIJO, CANADA, ý'HURSDAY, JULY'10 1919 VO LumE, LXV. No. 28 Exquisite Dfisplay of Summffer Weatinig Apparel, Von wiIl be Correc4Iy-, Dressed if You Wear our Stylishliarments. The hot weather demands light cool clothing. We can please you in style and quality. PRETTY VOILE WAISTS We have a very fine-collection of these dainty blouses, neatly trimmed with filet lace and embroidery, in all sizes. Prices ........... $1.25 to $4.50 VOILE DRESSES In--grat-vad~y-f-clora, in aney- lorl-a id designs- 8, eatifiiIY- made and neatly trimnied, ahl sizes. -Prices.. ........ ......$T.00 to $15.00 GINGHAM DRESSES Made of a good quality of Scotch and American Ginghams, in attractive plalids and checks. See these model dresses. Prices......... $4.50 to $8.00 CHAM BRAY DRESSES .h...ke.e...rtt pochdresses,-very -dainty-in -shades -ofpik blue and green. Siz(,s 34 to 44. Special ................... $7.00 and $8.00 WASII SKIRTS Madeo« fancy Gabardine, Pique, and Repp-a splendid skirt for. outing The styles are bound to attract. Prices...................... $2.00 to $7.00 NEW VOILES In a charming range of floral desigus of mauve and white, -purpie and white, blue'and'wbite, and rose and white; 40 in. wide, special,60c to $1.25 CHILDREN'S DRESSES Dark colors as well as the lighter, -daintier ones usually associated with ginghams, great variety of colors, fromn................... .....$2.00 to $7,50 NEW ORGANDIES New organdies, very fashiouable, sand, green, grey, pale blue, pink, at 75e yd COTTONT-OULARDS Cotton foulards, in variety of colors and patterns, 42 inï, wide, at 60c yd CouhJohnston & Crydermaan, j BnwmanvilI Phone-404 Limnite, Items of Importance SWater Wings, Bathiug Caps, uew stock, popuhar prices at Jury Loy- ell. Tahcumn Powders. Joateel at 35e is the yery hast the market produces. IOtiser hunes 10c, 18c, 25e, 50c. Jury & Loveli.- Mosquitos-A new remedy put np in ceaveaient form like Campisor Ice Keeps away mosquitos and black flues se take it on yonr vacation. 25c at Jury & Lovaîl. A naw timely preparatioa-ReÏal Mosquito and Black Fhy Chaser. It ie put up lu baudy tubes ika Cam- phor Ica. 'Vary affective., Try it. ouly 25e a tube. Jury &L-vell. That Glycerine Soap at 4 for 25c is tise best soap bargain since war time. It is a regular 10e soap and makes a ricis, crcamy lather. Is fine for tau-soothiug and cleausing, While it asts 75o doz. Jury & Loy- ehl. For-yaars hundreds in this locality have used Harrnony Soap, 15oe a cake. To coeabrate thse signing of peace thse firm has given us a special price on a limited qnantity and whihe it hasts we are ofiering it at 15e or 2 for 16c. Jury & Luvell. Ladies, hava yen tried tise fiuast- lina, of Toihet Creams, Lotions, Pow- ders, etc, ever produced. In New York and other U. S. cities Jenteel preparations have captured the best trade and if yen haveý net tried them eall and let us slow yn Jury & Loveil. A lc SoapýtSae-Nearly everyoue- knows cf the farnous lec sales th&,t Rexa11s'Stores rua occasioualiy. Now is your chance to get soap 'on this plan. Most people lu this locality kuow low vastly superior Harmony Rosa and Harmouy Violet Soaps are. Tise regular pnica is 15e a cake but as a special lot waather offer wa wil sali you eue cakie at 15o and the naxt cqake ,foýr - cakes for 16c' Do net wait until it is ahi gene, yen eau neçt get it again at this prical. Jury THE EDITOR TAILKS. Editor H. P. Moore, proprietor ef Tise Free Press, Acten, Ont., bas compiated 41 years as editor and publisher-being tise senior cf Editor M. A. James in journalisma by exactly oe mouth, aitho a mucis younger sud moe vigorous man. Possibly ne weekiy newspaper Ln Ontario has beau more--impnoved of late yaars tisu tisa Free Press. Editor Moore is alec oua of His Majesties justices of tise Peace.- We isaartily congratulate Bren. Mcore on bis continued succass and youtisfui appeananca. By tisa afflux e f tirna and tisa edict ef tisa statiouing com mitteae ftise Bay of Quinte Oonfarance saveral mainistars are haaviug tisa Bowrnanville District this weak. As editors eft tiis journal wa ara Sincerehy sorry te part with tisosa wertisy ambissaders efthtie Cross witis whorn we lave lad very pheasaut interceurse duriuig their residanca here. Tisat thei r services have hee.n Report of Counci'l Meeting. Grant $300 to V'eterans-. Mayor Searching for Indust- ries, Cemetery Bridges Cost over $11,000.- Build More Cernent Walks. To Adver tise Town. Another Bonus By Law Coming. After tise iong-drawu-ont Couculata in tiseakin g-net toc late, wa meeting Monday uigbt which i astad isopa. For tise information cf thoe for naarly tbrea heurs, eue of the old- wbo promptedtisa quastiener and tise ar inisabîtants wiso las attendad more citizans at large, thse Finance Cern. sessions efthtie council duning tise past was instrucead te make a tisorouginl- 25 years tisan any etisar citizen, re- vestigation andi report. Big revehat- marking ou tise business transactad by ions ara promiseci. tisa council for tisa evaning said, 'It was net first clase pciitics, but tisey Cap t. Carter addrassed tisa Council alh rneau well encugis." This expres- su a vary abla-mannar lu bebaif cf tisa sai tise situaticu very wal, witbont local braucis G. W. V. A. for a grant.- undua knocking eoftisa efforts dispiay- Tise speaker statad that tise vetarans ad hy tise'-City Fathars." preferrati a grant te tisair association lc3oa PSl To Celebrate the Peace Treaty. During thje war sffpï have b',en difilcuit to get and high in This one cent soap sale willb3 good "ews to you. llundreds of people in this locality say ilarmo iv Rose and llarmony Violet are the two best Soaps they ever use i and at l5c a cake it has been the best seller we ever Lad. T he manufacturers bave given us a special price on a limited quantity and while it lasts we will sei it at 15e a Cake or 2 Cakes for 16c. You pay regular price for 1 cake and get the s-.cond cake for le. Corne quickly, it will not last long. JURY"&'LVErLL See Jurly & Loveli.1 No guess okpstv resuits follow our caref ul scientific examinations. Over 30, years experience enables us to say with absolute confidence When We Test Eyes it is doue Properly. Jury & Lovei (Chicago Ophthalmic College Gauesof NewYork School of Opties Detroit Optical College ~.canadian Op)tical Colleglej ..ab MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Orono Oddfellows presented Rev, Geo. R. Clare with a beautiful silk umbrella before leaving that village for Little Britain. Rev. W. H. Truscott is, comnrencing bis 7th year as pastor of South Oshawa Methodjst Mission wbere ha has dona splendid service. Rev. A. H. Drumm, formerly of Bow' manville, bas been inducted into the pastorate of the Presbyterian Cburcb, Bobcaygeon, on June 3Oth. Ho for the union p'cnic, Methodist Epwortb League and Presbyterian Guild, on Wednesday, July 16tb. at Cotton's Creek (forth side). Bring your baskets. Conveyances leave the church at 5, 5.30, 6, 6 3o p. m. until ail are taken. Good program of sports and a real jolly time around the camp fire. Churchas are getting busy with invita- tions already. Rev. Dr. C. T. Scott, Bridge-st., Belleville, bas accepted an invitation te Howard Park Methodist Cburcb, Toronto, for next year and Rev, Dr. Solomon Cleavar of this cburcb bas bhas-accepted-an-invitationto--aue-ceed r Scott in Bridge.st. Cburcb. On Sunday,, july 13tb, the Peterboro Salvation Army Temple band, will be in Bowmanvile.' This band represented Canada at the Army Congress of 1914 in England. Morning _meeting Il a. m. attended by the returned soldiers. Musi- cal Festival at 3.15 P. m. Special sal- vation meetinKat,7 p. m.- Dontmiss this__ treat. 1Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, B. D., pastor of King-st. Methodist Church, Oshawa, was given a farewall June 3oth, when after a musical program, an address was read by Mr. A. R. Goyne, Recording Steward, ex- pressing appreciation of bis work during the past four years and presentig him with a purse of money on bahaîf of tbat congregation. Mr, Wilson goes to Cobourg.' Rev. S. C. Moore, pastor of the Tab- ernacle Methodist Church, Belleville, and ex-president of the Bay of Quinte Con- ference bade farewell to bis congrégation on Sunday. Iu the evening ha spoke mainly on the great question of "Peace". A purse and other valuable gifts were presented te Rev. and Mrs. Moore, wbich were accepted witb very beartfelt tbanks of gratitude te bis people-Ontario. Sunday, July 13th, the congrégations of the Methodist and Presbyterian Churcbes will worship togetber in St. Paul's Cburcb at Il a. m. and in' the Metbedist Churcb at 7. P. m Rev. D. W. Best will preacb. M-or-ning subjec-t--Cmpanonship-by-the--- Way". Evening subject-A View' of Ia mortality. The Suoday Schools and Bible Classes will meet 'in their own School Rooms. St. Paul's at 12-1 P. M., Methodist at 2.30 p. m.' -Rev. B. Greatrix, the retiring pastor of St. James Methodist Chnrch, Peterboro, was presented with a beautifully.illumin- ated address and a purse of $200 in gold b>' the congregation. Rev. Mr. Greatrix bas done splendid work with this congre- ga-tion-in- the building-of-thzir new- church and carnies witbh hm the geod wishes of ail bis people on bis retirement fromn the active work of the ministry, Rev. J. F. Chapman, the incoming paster was given a cordial welcomne. Union services of the methodîst and Presbyterian congregations were inaug- urated last Sunday. Rev. Mr., Best's sermons were vary belpfui and greatly enjoyed, especially irn the evening wben, ha dealt witb Canada's se callad democ- racy, making some very plain and practical ramarks re changes yet iîeeded in the governulant of our country. Mr, H. J. Knigbt and mrs. C. A. Cawker rendered a fine duet in the morning, and miss Ethel L. Van, Nest sang "Abide witb me",' and miss Rata Cola and Mr. W. B. Tapson a duat in the evening all haing well rendared and greatlv enjoyad by the congregations. ZION Good concert will ba given in Zion Church on Tuesdav evening July 15 undaer auspices of the Ladies' Aid. Follewing artists will assist-Duncan Cowan, Tor-. onto, entertaîner; Mrs. R. C. Pearce, eiocutionîst, Ebenazer; aise good local talent. Lunch will be sarved at the close. Admission-adults 50c; childran 25c. Concert at 8 p.m. (old time). Corne andý enjoy a good tima. Peace Day C E L EBA TION AT Port Bowmanville O N Saturday, JuIy 19 vary faithfuî in good works was amply Petitionfo eetwlonLbryisadfidvdu psnain t evidanced by the splendid reporte of st from Carlisle te Welliugton wsteslir.$0 was nottd u Bowmnvile istict ive atthere-laid on table as another petition is be-Do until Coun. Hyuds, Obairman of cent cotïfet'ence. It- was t e ~-mg-eireul-ted-to-axtend the-avement - So]dewRee iQflfloIittee,Âinquir. their combined services that sucli re- te King Street. ed bow the money was te he spent. sults were obtained, Perhaps ne Mr. A. W. Piekard was given par- Ceoun. Qinntheaueainsowelss of other district lu this confarance is les- mission te erect an alectric sign over aboutre la teqetifon ha asked ing-as mauy good preachers and past- walk in front of bis new garage. This a dbu the onetmnofdyamoa ev ors at this tima which is truly the is net accordiug te Hoyle, but as the!db h ono Goya otae ."movilg year." For sorne god and by-law ferbidding such actions was1 The minutes show hae sacondad a rase- sufficient reason Oshawa is favored in passad before Edison and his creweof luts3n net later than April of this year retainiug Rev. John Garbutt for a 5th inventors had perfected the elactric accepting the effar of the Goodyear year and ev W. H.-Truscott- of -the siga- the couinciflors thouglit it -would- Ce. and-auffhorizing the -disch-arge -o-f ISouth Oshawa Mission. Both men do ne harre te have such a liglit on the mortgaga, and later a by-law was arespeialy dapedte the work that Bowrnvilla's "Great White -Wa" passad for învesting mouav lu bonds, holds tham in that grewiug town. As of theTut&Gaate-osd I itimated, this District bas had the A latter from the Countias' Treasur- ing an annual payment of $75Q. te the services of anumber ef excellant min- ar put Joy lu the he.arts et the tewn's town for 7 yaars and payment of $1185 isters, bu t lu iookiug over the appoint- financiers by stating the ceunty rate for the 8th year, making a profit of ments.wa ara pleàsad te find that the for 1919 weuld ha 3 mitls.less than hast $485. Thé purchase of samae was ne- succassors ef these men are possîbly year on account cf patriotic grauts gotiatedthrough the cornpany's local tha equal ef thosa going eut, se that being eut off, Bowmianviile 's grant te reprasentativa, -D. B. Simpson, K. C. the goed work will go on as usual and thFonis rauywl a$85 2 rom the questions Coun.Qninu lias this District will seon ha settled again The high cest cf living lias nething beau asking lu the council cf late hie for another four years' term. on the high cost cf building bridges must have forgotten lha was a mamber ______________judging frein the statarnut raad frein ef hast year's counchl. IL aise leads W.-A- McLean, Deputy Commissioner oe te baiava that ha must have beau cf Highways, as te cost cf the two undar semae hypuotie influence during OBITUARIES fine cernent bridges west cf the Cern- the raigu cf Mayor Mitchal, for hae bas atery. Summary shows bridges .52 ft avidautly lest ail track cf bis own act- MRs. EVA R. SHAw, BOWMANVILLE. and 39 ft spans, raspectively, with 2ft ions during that time or ha would Anoharvay wrty ctien aspasadroadway aud 6ft sidewaik. Total cost neyer appears80ridiculous by askiug Anoherver wothycitzenhaspasedcf abutrnts, steel, eracting and 1 for information about rasolutions and. away te liar heavanly rest-Mrs. William grading appreaches was $11,427.86 cf by-laws which hae assistad Lu passiug Shaw, wbosa funarai took place Sa turday which the tewn's shara was $6, 780.65. se racently.' It may just happen those afternoon frein the family rasidanca h r utn hmu eakn Concession-st., service being cenducted A large daputation from the Good- hos usn are uttig hl aup ofasthe by aformer pastor, Rej, John Garbutt, yaar Factory was prasant te press its btheanuestis tra naar f Oshawa, assistad by Raev. 1). W, Bast of claime for a walk.-pavarnt preferradbomrnhastrwng St. Paui's and Rav. W. C. Washington. -freim Quean Fit, te the factory. It A descriptive bookiat of Bewman-- iVirs.- Sha-w-h-abëean -ailing for _sema -was expined a- caeutvwalk-woul-Vila le- ch was publishad savaral months but was apparently very mu ch raquire opening a street and building yaars ago is te ha distributad amoug better, being able te go eut for an auto a road at a probable cost- of over $1200 Amenican Manufacturers, work te ha rida Monday avening. Early Wednesday aud present-finances ccull net war- doua under supervision cf Mauufact- morning she was saizad bv an acuta attack rant snch au axpanditure this year. urars Cern, of indigestion fromn which she passad, Cinder walk with scautliug aloug sida MayrMMla a ie uh away, Many beautiful floral effanings, wouid do for the present. Roads and y oghunfor nsriesiauthr from sympathizing friands adorned the Streats 0Cmi. will confer with Good- viity ofhDetrn oindustw res tu th casket.- The pali-bearars wera: Messrs. year officiais beforeanay action lis takan. - vcinity cDtroi t Ikeanrmitesba C. M. Cawker, A. Tait, Jos. Pattinson,1 Reeve ilolgate reported that the liivensprelctnthayoan r ombies W. J. Bragg, P. C. Trebiicock h .$750dbnue fteCnd cl omne signed contracts lu his carpat Mornison. She leaves te mouro the loss & Sulcer Co., had beau disposed cf to bag for several-industries, -te locate- of, -a good --niother- -two- -sons--Mesrs7ýtise National City Ce.- at a ittrea over hare at laast twice the size cf Oshawa's Wesley W. Shaw and Wallace H. Sbaw,'102, reaaiziug $17898.75. greatast industry. Recaption Corn- Toronte, and Mrs. D. R. Morrison, who lived with, and cared for lier mother Police Dept. bas beau observing the mittea should at once miake preparat- durng her ilinass and death. strictest acouomy lu weariug apparel ions te meet thse Mayor with the Vet- for the -civic watchdgs"The hand- araus' Baud. Mas, MARY A. NICHOLS, BOWMANVILLE me-down and mada-over policy cfT ha eveniug's entertalumaut alm est Much-sypaty i extnde tethecbildhood days bas beau stricthy obsar- spped away without the McGill Es- ved te ngh costbles uit- avîng tata act beiug staged. lu answer te family of Mrs. -Mary Ani Nîchols, widow beau reconstructed for the last tbree the question "Could thse council assist cf Thos. Nichols, who passad away Sat- 'men holding this position. The anat- luaywyte ao vdnl nndav morning after saverai waaks' il 1 emy cftha preseut night slauthis isout tany way"ti eayor tevtsidn ness. The fune'ral teok place MondaY cf ahi proportion te what 18 hft of the THStater re t a ial tsi afternoou frem baer late resideuca, King suit o f bitue, se hi s te have a brand l ethe TATtESAfrithewasedtainate St , service baing ecouductad by Rav. new uuiform, form fitting, and net te hauds cf D. L. McCartisy, K. C. If W. C. Washington, M. A. Besides ber cost more tisan $58. Chief Jarvîs 's thay dont watch eut the coucihlors aged father, Mr. John Luxton, she leaves alsc te ha made tise happy recipient cf ara ontbsrpigmn hm te mouru bier loss, four sens: Luthar, Ia naw niform, decerated with braid goîug te oh srapîugaon tham-jo William, Alfred and Leslie Nichols aud adbasbtosa 6 .To ride te Washington. It bas beau sug- one daughter, Miss lia, ail of wbomn live Allen was awarded tisa ccntract for gested te isold a votiug ccutast te sel- bena and were present at tha funaral. both uniforms. ect tisa most popular memibar. Tise floral offerings ware very mauy and venv beautiful. Old friands and a c-î An effort was made te amead a by- C. J. Halîman, preprietor cf Glove çuaintances wene present lu large num- law appoiuting Win. Barrie enginear Factory, addressed coucil and intim- bers to pav their last tributa of respect teocf steam fine angine lu place cf A. ated hae wisiad te presaut au agrea- a worthy weman and davotad mother Eastwood aud leave tisa salary a blank. meut te tise town for a boan cf certain who wili ha greatly missad. The beanans1 Reeve H-)lgate wouldn't stand for it moulas te build a factory. Mannfact- wena: Messrs. W. Edger, Hanry Baison, because it was't legal. Thee mover urers Cein, will confer with Mr. Hall- Gao. Edgen, W. H. Nichols, W. Mutton, plaaded ignoranceof tise iaw and $150 man Wednesday aveniug. Thus. Vanstone. The floral offerings was îusertad as suitable recompeuse Befora the session closad 1-eeve Hol- inciuded pillow frnosns and daughtens; fosanesrice forheupte ar ithta gata, chairman of Finance, raminded wreatb, Win. Mutton and daughter; sangnee strk tsa p a n the Ce icabis colleagnes to briug lu the éestimat- sprays, Methodist W. M. S; Dýiughfers efEgueo aar a esdfro s-asof the varions departmaents as scon Rebekais, T. Vanstona and family, Fred. 1$50 tc $60. as possible lu erder that thay may Luxton and family, John Luxtoni and Anotiser by-law was passad author- stnika the tax rate for 1919. family, W. H. Nicheis and wife, Win. iziug construction cf sewer aud water- Luxton and family, Mns. jas. Lunnay, B. works along Duke-st te S. W. Masou's, E. Raid and family, J. Infantine and wife, residence. Ladies Auxiliary G. W. V. A., Bowman- Mayor was authorized te issue a pro- S ville Brancis G. W. V. A., Harry Allie eélamation for Monday, August 4th as ?ALVATION ARMY and wife, Walter Kelman and wife, A. a Civic Holiday. ENTERTAIN Mitchell and Mns. T. Dustan, Geo. Vancoe Wm. ileuderson askad counicil for - Tyne, RoiyDin, M rs. nd SGo. FYtche $25 damages te bis orchard causad, hae An enjoyable evening was spent at the Jre W. y M illen n if, Mr Bagn Fetchar, alleges, by water fremraoad, wben En.- Municipal Building on Wednesday last, f.WMlleown ank e m, Toro l nto. gîneer Newhcuse explaiued $74.80 had whan a goodiy -numbar cf raturnad famiy, own;Frak Hrn, oroto- been speut on tise road -in question tisa soldiers wene antantainad by the Salvation mnattar was raferral to Roads & Streets Anmy te supper which was held in the Corn. - Council Room. l'ise suppen was set RETURNING SOLDIERS Tisa presanca cf a govarument street amidst dainty dacoration of rosas and cilar lu towu caused a brain storm tc was votad a great succass. Mambers of -- seize oua cf tise counicillore. Ha wculd tise local corps assisted by soe of tisa Among tisaboys fnomn this district wbo stop at uothiug short cf tearing up the ladies of the G. W. V. A.. waited upon have- necentiy.-1returned frein Englaiid in- F "scrap of papar" ou wisicis-tisa town the tables. Aftan supper tise crowd went cluda: Ptas. Lloyd Snewdefl, Elmer Cox, isad euterad into an agreement te into the Opera HoIuse. and'there listened L. Pewer, Russell Osborne, Lance Phare, have King4 watared for the season. te an intaresting program, Mayor A. N. Cyril Rundle, Gannet McCoy, Art Little, îlHa would than peur cil ou the troub- McMilian presiding. A featura whicb -Aernetisv, Milton Thompson, Wiifred; lad waters (in tise numnerous sisellisoles bnougist forth great applause was tisa Sandarson. on tisa straat) and lay low the'sands of playing ofAlumiuum Chimes by Ens. Sergt. Major Max Qaick, M. M., secondtise desert Althistoe h doua witl- Launie cf Salvation Army Mvilitary son ef Mn. Win. Quick retnrned from eout consulting tise marchant princes Dept. Excellent short addresses wene everseas tissweek. Ha went overseas aswiso would bave te foot tisa bill. This given hv the Mayor, Reeve Holgate, a pivate witistise 136th Bn., and won bis comas witis poor grace from an un- Lieut.-Col. Lorne T. McLaugin, C. M. promotion Le France with tise 2nd'Bn.'qualifiad, irrespeusibla, untaxabla, G., D. S. O., Capt, Murray, Rev. Best, His brother Lewis returned from oven-, couniciler, but the Rcads & Streets Preshyterian, Rav. Muirhaad, Anglican, sea% soe months ago and is convalescing. Comn. tlought it habst te first conenît Miss Noua Eilacott sang a patniotic solo. Le a Military Hospital lu Toronto. tise marchants affacted befora takiug Ernest prayen was offened by Rav. 0. A. Lieut. K. O. Whyte, M. M., is speudiug any action. Graham, Disciple Cburch. Capt. Chaplain a few dave Lu town isaving recentiy ne- Next erder of business was tise McElheney thanked ail preseut Le tise tuned ro Fnpce K O.enlstd wth"Question, Box. Dept. Conucillor namne of Salvation Army and the pleasaut -tisa- i36tis Bn and -servad in France witis Quinn wiso was a ruera ber cf hast yaar'sevngtotenasbuhtoacle tis 21st Bn and won bis commnission on council and votad lu councilinl faver by the, singing of tise National Anthem. te batell.M.Wyewsagaged cf passing -tisa Box Factory by-law, Tise officers, Capt. Clagueansd Lieut. Lhe ttlectial.business er hfe -n owseeks for more ligist ou thie trans- Lang. heartîly -thauk tise clenicai and in thng ud eihopbuiesha rl gben ocatcri-n aon.Tiesa malboy maki gybis cîvîc nepresentatives, and ladies of tise listng nd w hoe li wil agLinlocae i acton.G.,W. V. A. Auxiliary for their ce- town as ha was odctzn i ex- first trip te a city lad notiig on tisa pects bis bride te sai for Canada, Le-tise -quanies askedl by Court. Quinn. 1Tisa oet ingsudassac n h vnn near future. questions wera alrlght, but a ittie poedns

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