Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1919, p. 3

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Or CAN ADAý tIEAD OFFICE- TORONTO Adlvces tcco vfgrmï-rs are mad a secil eatreby this Bank, 3 BO MANVILLE aB3A238 ret-Aling. otrTranspo)rtation, baî,givesra lesa nes go eaueIf, dapx~n tntyfor busînesaýq Complete Trucks - Twco Stanidard Bodiesi L"y zal ie ixprsBody. widens thetir tradin, a-L"f. Thiese tobloçly type3 are ksp je stCkrady for suiei Ti-uk maesavilabe ths maimum e thclEnc ited Chb --<nflstcut, ,lw man- Ici ri proper Protection £rom tihe lenance~Seos theie complets trucks. Seze the. opportuLiîy C enlarge youc dllao0 g businew. sai uve your dollVer A small outlay will niotorhz9 ipiîm p4e* (Cfflsg gay) e- U(,qr ord Çode J $7 F'o r~ d. Ont ~r. Got Our price I BOWMANVILLE GARAGE BRA ~L EY O Dlr The Createst Name in Good Y-Land heUditorTak 'We noýte bh earty approval a sug~t-oncotane in the 6th an- nulreport of Mie. M.-Denyes, B.A., Milton, 1He proposes to call a con- vention ln each township ln hisin- spectorate this year, to wbich school trustees in particular and ratepayers in general are to 'be invitcd, when lie will place before them for their con- sideration -important questions which should be of the highest interest to them. Ia former times school inepec- Lors heid public mee~tings once a yea ia the rIwal sehool hous es for dis- cussion of school nnd educationai affairs, generally. The proposed con- ventio n will serve a like pu rpo 'se, it is' believed. We have neve r quiteý rccognized the value of the servicesi of rural school inspectors puder present ways of doing -what they see'n to consider their duty. One complainL wc make is that the time, of the irsîŽector's brief vi-sit is spent in the school, and no attention is pnid to trustees, viho offten deserve"a- ing eve~ --or ntgnct-of - duty--fae m1ore, than the teacher. Ia a -word, inspector and trustees should aseet üfte rand be. l a chdiother's (confi- den-ce more than they are. Sechool trustees ln rural -sections gre of#en 4eplorably remis lanthe performance o f their duties. A vi!sit to some country ehelhouýï,,s made les!t yeaýr rcveale-d a mos't s1hocing codiio. ndead-c, 4socù fanerýT, 1r Mca w1 are electcd on sho thyaeprepared te p)erform itic dutieýs, oene part of which !is te see th-at tie-school housýe _and ouii-build- ings are, kept la proper santitr-y cn diio nd la gceod staý7te of repair, tihe r in l a dlean and attracti_'ve apeaene.Driving t". rouigli the CoýtY wc e tee of otcn tint ;sihool y1ar*dsI, feces, and particularly gatc-1, are shemefully neglected and pairt eviýdcntlya stranger to-the 'e-4erior of the school _house, and moeet likely to thé inLterior aise. 'It les to be keared tha to stictecoomyis pracýçtiCed jby -Lbtieü nuStcesnlamany casesý. A i4coo h~seaadgrounides LLuid bto kcpt 'as neat, cisan, and ia asgoýod rearas the homes inî the section. Awariter recently said that if-ura depopulien ontinues gand thc pres- cntlo avrg birtirate obtains there will bje ne children la many of tie country schools. This argument is adv anced la favor of consolidated schools, which, in the opinion of riost educational> authorities, offers the best solution of the problem of how,)ý te secuîe the maximum resuits la cf- fîciecdy for tic expe nditure made on rural sebools. Inspector Denyes says la his annuel report that mnany ; hools ae se small la aunîbers as tofeu te c li ont the bcst and miost enthsh.ticeffrtsof cither tahr or ppil endthe isoleted sect-'ion sehool cannot fuiiy meet the require- ments of modern education. Tic country school should suifer ne dfis- ebîilty or disedventage as compared with taira or city schools. Rural sehools can be kept up te highest standard of excellence and efficiency if tfie centralization ivolvcd la the systcm of consolidation is secured. The adi antages have been proven te be many and important,' including jmprovement ln tic quality of tic teachîng eouîpment and faciIlit4es, la flhc ieaith and comfort of the chul- dren, la the regularity an-d punctual- lty of attendence, îla the classifica- tion, greding and discipline, and la tie provision of high schiool privi- leges. service. The g 'eatest things arc neyer paid forý here-- Tee costly they for paltry geM te buy. There are se many thiags we mea- sure, try Their weight, and la a trice. say. "chep" or "dear." Give tixis for tint; 'tis ours, and we are clear of obligation cisc-but there are those To whom thc world a long arrearage -na 3ss 2Lcnnn.!I 1 .77 HeIp the" Y" Construc the Manrhood t t wim 2Il Rée7,cînstruet Can i 1 ALL the world 110W knows that the Red Tfriangle of the Y.M.C.A. was the " Sign of Friendship" to thousands of your brothers5 sons, nlephewsklcousins and neighbours' bysin the last four and a haif yeafs. Wlierever the Cai-. now it le --eoming back home ihhm For the support whichlias made possible the war work of the Y.M.C.A. we thank you. Your M'rtey lias been wl e~pndd.We have rendered full a ccount. We as1k iiow your continued, symup?,iliy and support for Red TriangleSevief or'our Soldiers during detnobilizatiprn, and for Y.M.C.A. work for C'anada generally during the Re-ý costucio p4ol.The Anniual ed~ia~ecampaïgu will be xld houutCnda My ýth t tl3,1919. The objective is 81,100,000. For Our -NM Rtrig fro Ovvses, ehave proýVIdced as foilows:-- 1. A Red T rdnglan con board very silp whea i t Leav'es avd reodnai st Eru lfture and writ.aIg m tr~ Wherepo~sbteaise pa no ýcor a.-Ilorganl. etLacnrts ~ " tt, sid fciltie fo ti mli on ar- a.vai e S"t o Qebcmi Mand a ddigcor- 44- dTragc mno cr' y ci t 1opfra îthe 2 irvdergua orgalre frav ce nigsons, a fa'of lm inforiatihn 4..M-dTringl fre cetoe sw,r -inf arnI a!re 0 aetc, 5. Red Trangle vilebs infer prinipalcitie oCanda l ti the te leferete-vns Lor olders aatin ekour work o ti retîr ciaq oîiers, wc bac RsiPalestine and ý'oend. àhùe cf Serviceubrkn mnent:- 1. An increased service te W A000 teen- -boys in th~e Domiionthedeveopueudef~danaienSta'ýiard Iflciency training; Bi1ble Study gru4p5; auiamer camps, confereaices; service for Iigi 5chool ipy, forworkingboys, in the towns and ciies; for be3y2 on t~f~r ann for bys yey wlurewho have lacd oprtimt ormntl neai, p4 l- rsocial develepiment, Aqsociatiop bll a~ ndl eqn!p- menat, on a Pk n (4efScounty organ-. ixton.- Ià iliWin irade tiie- esta1inhme 0? fRed Trignglm ,~ ede tinal wrk nmOng 1boýys and a men, l c-in rtinwitlu tic au 4dleltw hurclmcs, 3.Tne promotion o! Y.M.C.A. work aÏùoq~ Caneda's army ef workers la industriel plants, both la Y.M.C.A. buildings ad la'tic factory buildligs, organizipg tic secialspirît amoag tic industrial wrk-rs O!ur celVis by meetings, enterteanmants, games and sportS. 4. Tic establishment of tic Red Triangle la îsolated dis-. tricti where lumbermea, miners ad other workers iold the front tronches of industry. 5. Besidos these mai tlds o! incre".ýasc-d' activiî,y for 1919, we have te provide for enlargcd work nsngrailwýfay n, college students and for our camnpaiga te enýîcourage physicat, ad sex edLucation. Under ail our wor-k we place the fund- ameutaI foundation ef manly Christianîty. F OR the sake of our victorîins soldiers and their dependents,--and thie happiness of their hotne-corning; for thesaeo our future citizens, our teen-age bols; foýr the sake of, rural lie in Canada; for the sake of the social betterment of the toilers in factory and work- shop; for the sake of lonely nien nd b- !oys in our mines and forests; for the sake of Christian Society and Canadian muanhood-we ap-peal to you. Giveus your contribution>li tt!ie o r big. Be as geiherous as you can. Hand your contribution Vo tkse canvasser ,,hen lie calls, or if you lilve wliere it î% difficait fo)r Ili, Vo eil, send it by chieck, tnoney urder or reise c eter Vo, the National Treasurer, Red TfIriangleCamag 120 Bay Street, Toronto. Na,,tionalCucip Young en ý"r's Christan ssocations of Canada Hon. CamMaogn JOHN W. ROSe, Tho Red Triangle Cam-pini eigcn-te ne h disuinguished patronage of His Elcslleny thDvrke cf Devonshire, K.G., G.G.M.G., G.C.V.O., P.C. Cie ireas:Cen paiis Charman:Camspaign rc'urer: Cr MotGa . Nxna on oet hot EDHW oaeCa. W.li 1n' b~hdL, Te Â4nu TTsMCadTeSuss Greos~Ue~ Rescf, sica 15m aepu blehod eVo-y Thcrsday anS Cie.an avgoaisii. ho~FrIday scTffi petlelyaS TSs>Â1 '0" 55mem, meMes nwB oOffice, james htock, 5U au 2 7 O-sWei suc& & Cires Nervous BowmanvÏlla, Ontario, Canada. A. JMes &5 DcIUtIII, Men;.t«ILal nl BaiMW* -y.D so-Sons, Publîshîesand Propritr.a 15 e de c, L ' i cf Rner rr ,îý,,ëtton oa f k. anmen, payable îloadvaoce;$5QO1.00 aesibi .ot FaiinfMm>orii. Price 31 per box, six mntlis. for$ 85 owlpesm 11crSolS byv aIl druggisis or mnalleS iii plain pk. on receipi t pres r Becpmhc alc rt IEWOl . 3.HAZLEWOOD, IM.D, C.M,. The-,,Double rakRouqte betwec MontlÉ'r-al Parlor Cam ontQ picpa Tleeing so ihtTan a EPull information f roýmny Grand Trunl icket Agen- îÇ,.lorig District Passenger Agnorno J. il . JUY, TwnAget, Phone 78 BravP sa0 ~DL5 0W TItTNX.-1P 1T ýUN ý- vemTy. TorOnto. FoUr sa ~rm i osita 4a t sbur on ", - ru Q3i en deno.. WQ1UDxýo* At Fe ea.No. SS ail xinds doue te voui-sr at onadat raonbeprions by (Sccser eÏohna.~oe of e, ohnGrlg', r t f For the wives and 0hildrea, Ovres4ependenft upoi-Can- adian soldiers, and for YWCA wor k ini Canada gmenaly, a sum of $175,000 froma the Red Tri- angle Vund wilI be se-t aside for the Dominion Cût-cil of the Y.W.C.A., which h- caring for the soldiers' womepu folk, and the;",-itieones onthe ýlong jour- ney frm iverpool to Canada. suddi also ctn it lUw6rk For theýir sale also be -gen- eroéus whn ou imake your We are flot asking for money to éarry on our work Oversegs, w tithe Army in Great ÏBrit.ain, France or Belgium. T 'hat wrwllconti rue at itýs maximum for some mo'nthis, fiianeialy provided frby thle liquidation of our assets Oese adwill ,not te utI tllChe at Misa lias sailedfo hume n Derrctor: iTSHOP, Torento 33est grades of Coal ouly kept, also Wood. of il kinds If you bave flot ordered your Winter s-upply M yet, ycu had better do so a8 it is Hiable to advaaoe Le b .-dey. 2,honl 77 Iv 5 OPPORTUNUTY for Relail Merchants ý,2,J rW

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