I -- -- - 0F' CANADA Your surpilus earninlgs in our Savings Departmùent ýearn inter- ssT'O lina 3 est at current rate. 3 BOWMANILLE -BRANCH- X. N. McMULLAN, iP.fgr The ex-Emperor William Il. was! From fifteen to fifty Brazil nuts kùe oisîy king of P-russia vwho ovor1 grow in une seoil "pod," vhich la ais throne. rsually as big as a man's head, ý =zý Do your Ps~n leak oil and dirty up your. spark plugs? If' so we cau re- bore yourcylinders and fit oversize pistous insuring clean plugs and more power, also you will use less oil. Corne and let us -tell you about it. We have a large quantity of oil on hand of ail grades AUl thedifférent kinds of Gargoyle for Tractors, Steam n gifles, Cars, etc. Our price is riýght. Solci in quantities f rom one galonto une bar eil. AilU n~o Ford parts and accessories on handi at ail ti-ies Phonie 188 GARiPAGE Bowmanville offered Meore.' 7----- The finit prize is an Electric Voýice-o- phone, the môît up-to-date of reproducilng instruments, the selfing prie of whicb le $210.00.' The second priza e is lo afine cabihet- Instrument, wh ich selle for $xxo. .Atogetber, there are.twenty prizes, the total value of wib i e$5 SO.oo. Ail particulars about the Diary Com- petition, along wiltli jilustrations and de'ý tilis in regard to dia Va e!ý--o-pýiihoe~, ste lound on pages a M i.,xcof- br. Ciaae's Almanac. This almanac bas beau nlled tu practically every lith n ad, but if for any neaison you have not received your copDy Write to Edman01dson Bates & Ca., Ltd., Tcor1no, and thywl en!d you anc bv retu m ial. These prises are Weil wom-th tryigg for, anid t1iere is Do tîmne ta laie if yoü are té get a fair start inx the competitIan, THAT ,WAR MEMORIAL Mm, Peter Weirr, Tyrone, writes: .West Durham 'shoid unatte to erect 5- Memoriai H-all, ay, near the Poet Office, C. P. R. St-ation, or somenwheië between the two, at ieast tw o stoýreys high, main 2ntrance wl de axs-d Uiniceiy decor-] at1ed; on orie siden a life-siiza statue of a soldier In fpLI uifarmi, with rifle; on theî otiter a nurse in uolrforin with tray, bandages, ete; on cOlter side a rosest oom for visitors, walislun wîiîhphiotos of our brave lads *ho pait he supreme sacri.fice, aud tableis wlth namez of ail who went to do theuir bit. A miuseumn of mementos fram Fianýdérs' C9le!ds-bainbs, shahls, gai structumees, helmiets, soidiers' clothes, etc. At ieft of main entran.-ce ithere should ha a Y. W. C. A. or l'adies' nastt and meeting oom, and an the second floor one or two ooms for Y. M. C. A. or other club ooms. 'One or two) captumed hig guns ud a machine gun mrigbt also ha placed outside, Aprîl. Aprîl gronts n s witli a smie Only for a ïtitle wlïile. Proetty soon ali e, *1I,'drop a teëar, F 'et w're gla,aîd thaale l ioe, Similes tnd tarwin bacle the flowrs Tliat 90,11 charm tlirouiv sùrmr lionne; Make tegrass Put on lisgxea Coax t0 ckand leafy ecreen For uta birds to noat and wo Sead thea brooks a-dancing, too. Coy, unicantala, full of wfles, Oftensïclias'y of lier amile, April trips along thse way kDecking eartli in brighit array. Spare the cbildrrn from 'suffeing from worm-ýs by tusing Mýiier's Worm Powders, the ntost effecti-je vermifuge that can ha gat with which to combat these ildious faes of the young and blipess. Theme le nothlng that excels s prepamation as a worm destroyer, anid when ite qualities become kfiown ln a houseiojd no other wili hc tug-d. The meçicine acte by itseof, eqiing no purgative to aseit it, and so thoroughlyv that nothing maore je desired. THE EDITOR TALKS. the hearts of the peopieP, becauseOu ogahave been fail Pflcheer, radiant LEditor If.. B Cowan of 'Fr and "Iilh hope, instIruct wIith VictorY, and Dair ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~; y"beebrad~ A .o uch a character that the people Powems. Orono, of U. 1F. O., attended oprcitIlem a ntba the Caniadlin Council if Agtieiatii-f, e r solos, n-or lier quartets, nior ber at Wlii-ip4cg reelilye 1choirs, which ha ve doneLtho mostfr ofn 0n 6 ttaio. A ler but rather lier cco,'grcrtosa ~te ixrs' a 10 la ot to bho forwed , inging. me do not rslii tàii urtd'-'- bu~ ~ ~~~~~~~l th pohcsmyogss, j'ý7aluo nor disparage the Chor n i, th ywis)h to do s . Arsouin a eipfui, and often brillant. ýServî but we inaintain that~ lasta pose thtev-v istnde uk usic hi most popular, and nti- tb'- coaýt of developing aiîl flelda i the teresting to the averageo baner, In Douxiion.wlich he can take snrne part.Nt so very long ago w had our atLentih il Referring Io ehiidren's pliiy and Cýaled tO the way aceaicogg- Sports ITho îGuardian sIyf: Cilildren tonsantg some cf our wl-nw and young -peý3pie are bette,' without populax. bynins. Tliere wats a swing too IsnuCý promptirrg and the fewer and a go to trn'doth1at elne could masnade lor their gi-,iidaîîce the not heip but feo) iun e-(;y. Shortiy botter. Children shouûId learui to mun afterwntrd we wore i I an-er church. their own affaira amd tie lessAadult ivhere the congreaeton ailther coîiid lýnt,.rference, ave-iî llx atinter- not, or woid ut, aiug;and suddenly faence, the better, -wtkhin, Of cours'te,- we realixed the tremeuiý.dous difference certain reasonahie limita The difl- beLween na singiu ard a norn-singîng culty wîth tie average aduit ta that church. Ail temsclvr are at-- lia wants teo mn the sports off blidren Vated towards Vhe aimging chnrcb, as lie th;inýka they bcnldho n, and, and that chus-ch throitgh ite aooýgs- not ae theo cilidren tlnkil they oiÙd will heip the communitymetl, go,, Provide mificient p1aygroünde apiritually, socially, and even physic- for cIhijdren and lot tham ho piopei'ly alIy, more thauncan easily b etimated., suparvijsed. Tu pIay in the suiight The service of sonig, wisely used, should is a chld's rin igtad lhe ahouid noV ho ha exceedingly helpfui. and a singlng cheated ont of it. congregation Ia a ýbenedlction Vo any Womon araýfat conig to thel oîrnihhu. Ltn oal to continue to merit unrepttonan own îu Ontario. The ile.a.ret Govern- a singing celiureh. mient bas, at lat acceptod the ârgu- ment of Liheral menibere in - ,regard o par mitting Woieu to taka eatsinthe Legislauro if elected, and aIso per. mitting them to ha elected to Po 11nki î municipal office. At the tîma of the passin-g of the Franchise Act of 1'917 Svngwom-en the riglit Vo vote la Are Offered Th eiar Fýor the ntrpi rvnilElectigus, thé BeSt Diary KptIn Dr. rib3elals anipbalzod thé' logic et Chase's Clna-laa folflowing, hs up by permltting those newvotrato epeseitthe peopla if - se deslred, LI erals could flot aup. It wilha 0f intýercat Vo many of our ý-preea-tiielr miirth -atAVis- fresh evi- -ramiers to know -t-ha-tthe Diary -Compati- d'ence of thé Goveinment'im pettiness tion in connection wlih Dr. Chase's In votlng down Liberal proposaïIs and Almanac wiil ho rrumned this yaar with aftarwards àdoptlaIg'hem,. more valuable prizes than wert ever YOUNG FARMER3S MEET. CARTWRIGHT JUNqioR FARMERS'- IM. PROVEMENT ASSOCIATION. Annualr1mting of 4artwrigbt Junior 1ar!iàc's' I1mpr eai sscvt was neld attBatso April 2nd. Mr G, A. Will;ims, Port Hope, District Rpe ~enttiv, si anOtrwa iian discu-ssed 1ngg Ci-rcles. Last ~ersaeuepie above store eggs was 'two cents per dcz. Higher price can be obtained for larger quantitits. Mr. A. R. Ferguson, repre- sentative from Cartwright class on, county Team, who won both Trophy Cups at Guelph, told of his coaching with Rep.ý Williams erd bis trips to Guelph. At the close of Mr. Ferguson'q repor-t, . br eénvied him froi,,an dcr oaipito view. Auditors' report showed the class* in a healthv financialcondiion.Mr.. Wïilia,:tns addreqsedth Ca- i)n thework this year. Ofices !ected for19: Pretidet-HrryPhilp; Vice-Pres't.- jEîrnet Larroer; Sec'v".Treas.-Earl C. D)orreil, Nestieton Sta., R. R. 2; Commnit- tee--Fraàk Malcoim, W. Swain, Roy Ferguson, 'Wm. Hooey, Orr Dtvîr; Board of Agriculture- Harry f L1p, Orr. Dever; Coiunty Executive-R. Fergusoln, E. Larmer; auditors-J. A. Jolinson, Lewis Swàîn. WEST DURHAM JUNIOR F RMERS' 'AS- SOCIATION. Annual meeting of Wèsý Durham junior Farmers' Association was held i CnilRoom onTuda April lat. After opening rcmnarks by President C. R. Lovekin, minutes of et alua meeting were read and apr )2. h Treasurer reaid bis report hthia adopted, Report ofStcJdgg Competîtion wa,-s given by Eiber Snow naid hog feedng and acre profit compettion by J, Lorne Stevens. Mr G.A. i]iam ,Agricujiturai RaejntTive, ort ope, gave an -interestlng andsugge.t'iive tallon sokjudging anu acre -profitcopai tions. Officersielectùd arc.Prsdet Kyle Squair; Vict do-Artbur Bag Sec'y -Treas.--W. Eber Snowden; Diret or-s-1rwin Brag,. Ewart Clceiece, J, Lorne Steven.,Knnt Cox, IC:R. Love- k;Press ersettve-.Lame Stevens; Deiegaatýes to, Board of Agricul- ture-A. C. Bragg, Kenneth Cotirtice; Delegates te, 'Cotsnty Organizaton- Lawrence Sqiiair, M. Siemon., A hêartv- vote of thanki waâs tendereéd the retzo4ng President for bis é ficien t services. THET ySOOTHLE xcITRO ,DNERVES.- ,Nervoug affections arc nsuA]iy attribut- -b!e to defective dgsin as the stomfach, domiînates the rvrve centres. A course of Parmee's Vceetable Pis viil stili ail disturbancesc1'this character, aiby restoring the stonachi to normal actioni relleve the nervos from irritation. There is no sedative, like them and in the correction of irregularities ofthedigestive processeës, no preparation has donc so çffective wbrk, as canq. ho testified to by thousas'ds. By Hils Lette n. "Wlier&es your unele, Tommy?" "In Fac, "-Wht yjis liedog? I htn le lias ca c eotthe ~~. ToMd by Mrs. Lynch From 0-wn Experience. Providence, R. -L1-" 1 was ail run down ini heaith, was nervous, had head- aches, nmy bacle 1;ý1111iached ail the time. 1 was tired- and had no ambition for any- ,-~ s ting. 1 had taken - a number of medi- cmoes wiceh did me no gord. One day I reàed about Lydià table Eorioundàwnd - ~ whetithadonepfor ~ .o omen,50 Itried itMÇy lneÊvouÈnxosa and backache and hoadaches disappeared. 1 gained ia weight and feel fine, so 1 oan honestly recommend Lydia S. PahmsVego.- tabla Compound to ariy woman who le suif ering as 1I was. "- Mn's. ADELIN',E B. LYNtCH, 100, Piaha St, Providenice, R. I.. Backacbe and nervousnesa are svrm(p- toms or nrturos warnings, which lin- dicate a functional disturbanice 'or an uneathy condition which of ton devel- ops loto a more serions ai iment. Women li this condition should not continue to'drag ahing without help, but I-Iand piCjeed and perfectly 1ýcokéd untl eachwtebah- cogue->sosft, mneaby and easily di- gestible. In eaci can la pbaced a piýce utf selected pdtwhibcd :ontpletns tise perfect food balance and adds that delÎcious flàvor wbich ,goos-- wilh mont o d-timc poria!n heaus. Tof-,uc.add another- Try a cnfor !iuncheo ol-- morrw-nohi3gq0iker, rioth- mng nîcer, Sold in,11, 16 and 20 oüncé lins. Plain on with tomato sauce. Order irons your dealer., The Williamn Davies Comparty, -Lîmnited C1d'Tho ftOàsdMôte Few r Sel.ctioflS ýa festival hear tiOts and choir. luets and solos, w -MIS occas tonh: Harold Jarvia 16008.- H&Mry iodonoaugx16060 deu Cbatîe- and S Tlty Chair 16178 t-Part I-and r Oratoario Chorus 19173 Iouble-sided g-Couuxay 's Bard ,Part 2 Trhu-!?fity har 35674 'VÜriuUg Cholu-and rT Lucy I. Marsix 3.%75 Melbe-Knhellk 89073 Caruso-Jeumnet 89054 $59W (sakIdon teaqy Ak for frae capy of ncyclopei,lta y' "'His, Maeer's ealers- ramn-o-pliotiCCompany, 3ntreab W ~e disikea minister to preacli a 40Oto 45 minute eermon and tien de- prive' the congregation 01 the part of theo es vice whidh la theirs and whicli Vhey gmoatly on joy by cuttxig cnt two otlree ver,,ses of the closig hy nn. The uardian la a racent exellent dioalon "Our OuriSinging" sai edtomali, s parix -Pe0-rliapa ew cl nsraiebow minucli Metliodiîsm- owvce to her bof ty éand stlrr,îig uoDs. We hava noV seldom arUng Our we y ta -101 OUrTR first ipesiono this present day Maxwell as It passes you on the street is one of decided beauty4 Your first ride in it,whhe at thewheel or înthe tonneau, tells yoiu of its rare charm, Eut after six months you find anw admiratin for the M1axwell. You find it shuns the repair shiop, that à runs And runs and rans and never sfops runninàg. Then after a year is past you develop an enhusiasm for ît that dictionary words don't seeni to fully describe, And then after you have had it for more than the average life of a motor car and you find it far better than even the Maxwell salesman saîd it was you search, for the reason. Thisîs what you-find:, For 5 years Maxwell cars:have been buîlt on the single- chassi-s pl-an. To date 300,000 have been turned ou-t on, this plan. BEachi car better than the other. Each'onetter ook- ing than-the other. There have been more ti han 1000 refinements ini the Maxwell, but neyer once have the Maxwell executives swerve4 froni the original program. Vau conclude that rlait was desigri&ed "no the car an.d bufitt "into" iît, and tïhat a1<poli cy of30,0aiale is the sonetkind of reason for w?,riting your cherck, br a present day Mxel MfAXWEVTLiMOTOIRCOMPAY0F CAN.&D,~ ~ti WINDORONT 4 AilR ililélwl Eest grades of Coal only kept, also Wood Af ail kind. Il you have flot ordered your Winter supply yet, ycu had hetter do so as itis liable to advance I'oe177 A few sele4êions foi 90 cents for lO-finc Christ Aroseo-Hayden qearle-anc Ie of Somewhere Hosana-ad--H iy ght H Jesus Christ is Rises To-d*ay-Hayj Bledi be dxc Ti thïf Biiids WeesLad Wordri Words of Christ- -Part 2 Vlcte $1.50 for 12-inch d, Cretion-The -Heavens are Telling- ]Festival Te DJeum-Part 1-and-P Redexnption-Unfold Ye Portais'-d -Angels Ever Bright and Falr Ave Maria (sopranoe Vct!il) Crucif ix (Tenor aniBas Les Rameaux (Baos) Stabat Mater-Cuju"iluit(Té Vi~roaa Eom $4 upte paymçnta, i erd.Ac Our, 6 0g1 MsialEn oven iAaexaVu Hlear them at air5 Voice" dg Manufaduned by Berliner Gr, Limited, Mo 4"H ÏDEAR: !ý Everyt 'ng S good to eat 'osts so - "Not everything. Have jort triedDavies Ponk andBeans?" Cheapest of al nutritious coînpletely balanced, read'y- prepared foods are ponk and beans, Everyhody whltell You t tb- ducing elemens ha nature ec o to keepn, oesa sde palatable, easily-digested, isiexpena e -J. afer I, tn 1-