Te as on sale anywhere Black cgen or ixed Biruce'@ srtFedn eat, In two colors White saito,1se, a cosbetween, suger Beet anîd mauïel, sp,ýlndid crop prils and une n ,alled for* feeding, easily harvesed, and keep Weil. y, lb. t.C, I b. 6àc, 1 lb. t &et,1Cib.84.&C0,,oýtpeîd. Bruies MeamOth White CarmOt Haîf 1 01111,tVariey, heavy creppet, splendIid 'ueltceily barvested, grwadkeeper. flb.Wcc, . lb, 90c, 1 lb. $1M01, pestpaid. a'nce's Cimnt Yellcw PMangel, An e.eit.variety, htav crapper, good ke-npero' ýlcnc'td feezingquality an cxily ?I ' eed. 5/1h. t8c, 1ý' lb. 5C', 1 ILb.' f1 P -l.. 6.50 postpaid. A1so yellow jL ,1ir ' nGant Vellow Gbec Golden -Tan], d nd Mamxnoth-Ion Recd Mnese epie Ilrucee New Cemsry Swede Turnio, Z;Ar î 1an prpl top variety, splendid for tfie table and cisc for feeding cattIe,s gndkeeper and shipper. 4 lb. 45c, lb O,1lb. $1.110 * ôIbs. $7.25. Aire Pruces Selected Bruce'@ iant King, HaIl'a Westbury, 'k.pha.t, Mag- num B.num, iiangarooc ad l'fatley'e Swedo8a rt '/ lb. 40c, ýi lb. 75c, 1 lb 6 ,O 5 ibs. $6.75, posipaid. Alzc Aberdeen's, White Globe, and GreyatoeTurnip, et V4 lb.tce, 3' lb. 70c, 1 lb. 81 . 2%,and 5 Ibý. $6.25, pestpaid. FugT-our.eÀupble îîJ pagec 1atalogue cf leds,-PIanlsBlbs, ir-Porleents and- Poeatrey bpplies. XX ntfor ilte day. Imperial - Mica Axie Grease ..noiotls the axIe pdi and, hub. soeket lîy .filing týhe tiny surface pores with powdered feats friction. longer and Jit SoltI in sizes fr There'ýs a JR Lureka llarness 011 -keeps traces sud harness straps pliale, set sd streeg. ,Weath'erproofti,ýeaîheýr sud kceps it from dryiuig euiit antI cracki-ng. SelI je con-tenient sires. acil- Uc gea Ccd- Imperial .Makes a-les last Euirekia Harness Oier ictIs easier te bcdl. Makes harness oiing, quick, andI irom 1 b. , barreis, thoreugli. Simple te operate ai sýeaves werk. Ilealth Begis in aIsfancy te Preveut Thinning ilair. The preveutien cf early thinning cfthe air afntIbaidness, begins before th ,g fpersonal responsîbility,,As an individuai, there for e, the nature andI quaility cof your, hair ar~e 1part!y dependent upen your parent's care cf You as a babe and a yeungster. When ie the cradle or îppn yourj mother's knees, if you were fortun- ate iu the cnutiousness cf your par- eut, yen ýmeat Iiheley have'the henefit cf eniightened scalp treatmeont. Yen probahbly had your hair shampeoed, every day as an infant, twice la week" as a child of ene, twe afid three, andI once a week at four or five years cf age. Treatinent thus frequent is ne- cessary for the cleanliness and beauty of every chiid's hair, for iiu these years bodily changes telte plae>e very rapidly an-i every precaution for leanliness, therefore, la neces- sary te meet nny uew conditien with- 'Iu the- mechanisin, During the years cf youth it îs well, te wash the hair every twe weeks. This ameunt cf cleausing is esgential1 andI net tee frequeutly te cause ie- jury iu any *way. During aduît life, froin 20 euward, yen Imust be guided iargely hy cireuinstauces. If ycur Ji l tee îly yon muet wash it fre- quentiy. If,, on the. other baud, you r lînir is very dry, yen may wash it once a month or e-yen permit six weeks to..clapse befoeeyou appîy the wet shampoo agann. The brushes aud eombs you apply to your hair must ut ail times be cIe-an. Tour ccmb mîust ho thorough-ý ýy washed each day andI welI dried in the sun lu orIe-r that germs upon it'may he reudemed inactive. Tour brush must simiiarly ho washed every day and weil dried andI applied te the haîr at le-ast once during the 24 hour8, Th1is will net as a tIust me- mover, as a stimulator o! the scarlet strenm lu the scalp, andI will, there- fore, vender the hai - strauds, dean antI gloýssy. The soup you use must neyer be caustie te aveid iujury te the glands ,of the sc-alp or te interfere with the productiýon-of a normai fiew ef oih. Castile §eap le ulways a sufe cleans- ing agent, and maay hob used without nny hiesitation whatever, Soda, ammonlia, or medicated soupe' should ho kept far away froin 'the scalp, Eýach cf these le destructive te the glose, growth antI beauty cof the huir. Pure, simple andI non-medi- cated seaps should ho used te cleause the hair, andI wben dandruif becomes persistent the physiciau's aid should ho scught. AvoitI using a flne-tooth eomb, for this scratches the scalp antI pulls eut' the hair antI dees net cleanse, A ýe1ason ehaion stead of ft fine-toodliodI BABY CLOTHES cnbla effective; ,if neeeLanary use Oh 1 Bables' boautIfl l ong cothetottlte, or Massage cream, A *"dry",rPlussa«61 âaînttîy nmade otf ÛDeat naterialm, Wilh the finlger'-tipe -V,7111do Lmore thlani $10.60 compm~te . ,mat",, ityuiË1rta sand take hepceOf the fine cosnb. dresses a! m Ofr» s d for Wear your h?,t as 'li as possible 1bists. i order te serate the scalp. Sun-, MRES. WOLF8ON shine is splendid for the hair and' 67 Vonge St. .-Torot scealp, so trv -to e t as m ucih oni It 1 F7 - L ý'I.O. ý; 0 l'a 2; e d i: Asý fa.r as ii e erned, the earl. lest use o! the nicknamea John China-; mnan as a esgnttn or Celestiais: le iný "-A Letter to the Commnittee of' Maaementcof Drury Lane Thea-J tre," publîshed iu London just oee hundred years ago. Minerd'o Mlnment f or salIe everywhems MONEY ORDERS. Pay your cut-of-towu accounts by Dominion Express Money Orders. FIve Dollars costs three cents, Turkieh parents punL'ih theirI naughty children by hitting thein on the solies of the feet, Men aud women whào work among lavender, gathering it or distiiig it, seldom have neuraigia or nervous 1-jenda Ile. as you cau. GIRLS! GIRLS! IRY IH! STOP ANORIJFE N BFAIIIFYYOIJR, BAIR Flair stops falling out and gets thick, wavy, strong and Tour hair becemes Iight, wavy, Iluf- fy, aipindant and appears as soft, lustrous and 1 beautiful as a young girl's after a "Danderine hair cleanse." Just try this-moisten a cioth with a littie Danderine and carefuliy draw It through your haïr,- taking one smal strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt antI excessive cil and in just a few moments you have doubled the beauty cf your hair. Besides beautifying the, hair at once,J Danderine dissolves every particie cf dandruf; cleanses, purifies and invig- orates the scalp, forever stopplng itch- iag and faliing hair, But what will please ycu Most willl be after a f ew weeks' use when you will actually see new hair-fine and downy at flrst-yes--but reaily new hair growing ail over the scalp If you care for pretty, soft ha p.a___ot of it, surely get a small bottie ef Knewltou's Danderine from any drug- gist or tiliet counter for a few cents, Te-Day. To-day a thousand rivers run, Filled brimmlng with cur tears. The miser'y-strlcken heart of earth, FilietI with the woe of years, Is eased. t , . Adown the country ronds The willows buru ike/fIre. Sweet beacons of returning Spring, Which slewiy mioveth nigher. 1 LITEN TO THIS 1 SAY$3 CORNS LIFTj RIGI'T OUT NOW You reckless men andI womeu who are pestered with corns andI whe have at least once a week iuvited an.awful death froin locljaw or blood poison>are now toltI by n Cincinnati, authority, to use a drug calletI freezone, which the moment a few drops are applied te any corn, the soreness is reiieved and soon the entire cern, root andI ail, 11f ts eut, with the fin ger s. Rt Is a sticky ether comPeund which dries the moment it is appiied and simpiy shrivels the cern without ln- flaming or even irrltatlng the surround- ing tissue or sitin. It ls claimed that a quarter et an ounce of freezone will cost very littie nt any cf the drug' stores, but is sufficient te rid, one's fe et cf every hard or softcern or callme. You are further warned that cutng at a cern is a suicidai habit. A Cheery Welcome. "Are you the trained nurse mother snid was comning ?" said little Bohby, "Yes, dear, IVm the trained nurse." "Let's see your tricks, then!" de- manded Bobby. The Price of Meat. Butcer-"What eut, madam?" She--O'ne freom the lower part cf the animal, please. IIubby says mcst of yeur cuts are tee high." 1 was cured cf Acute Brnchitls by MIN'ARD'S LINIMENT. Bay cf Islands. J. M. CAMPBELL. 1 was cured of Facial. Neumalgia, by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Springhili, N.S. WM. DANIELS. I was cured of Chronie Rheumiatism by MINARDS LINIMENT. Albert Ce., N.B. GEO. TINGLEY. Trail'cf the Caribou. The latest postage stamps te reach the Victory War antI Stamp Exhibi- tien at 110 Strand, London, are a pic- turesque nnd historic serles from Ne(-w- fo undiand,,entîtled "TheTrail off the Caribou," while on eachstamp is the fily enrarýVed headef a.ca-ib-, il. Ail grades. Write for prices. TORONTO SALT WORKS G. J. CLIFF - TORONTO Better riuallty preferred. WRITE FOR PRICUlS STANFORD'S, Limited 1128 Mansfield 8 1t. Mnra Dû You Want to Become a Nurse? Motwomen think that avlong and exp7,enslve trii1g la requjred to -Y quiLiy as a nurse. - b r"eality, sound practl- calknowledge of nursing- ,cthiode car be.sLcquired la shiort tiame by home Nurses are Iu great de- ýpmand. TlýOy earn from $15 to $ 0 a week. The Royal Collegese tem enables'you t80 qua..li- fy as a murs e without 1eavling ou own home. Wrieus Jcor particulars. moya. i1tofleà'cof S3iete Dort. 46., ootCad Do you shlave with a sawr? F %OOLISH{ question Ne. 11991 Maybe. But compare for a mxoment the illustrations above., They show pet weil what we're driving et; that le, unless ablae lai ~tcpdregultarly "- t.,eveeps in edge very îit-e a ea'. and nfter-sma ofig cf âich you compiain. Net se with th Atoro IFRaZOr. Fer thesef-tyr p ping feature_, yn ceeform3 the sawIicedothtresuitc fre savîgandI provides yenwih sarp bi-cade for evets'uve.The rbeauty cf it le o dc't have te te- ,rove the biade 1rom the razor to sharpen it, ne-. do yen have te take the AutoStrop Razer apurt te clean 1. From1-iattelast- ing-thc biaderean in the RSazot - Strop -12 bludes -$5 AUTOSTROF SEAFrTY RAZOR Co., Limited NATIVE SEED CORN, Seiceteà lit $rnsklaigtime. "rade wii. No.Ip ,. . 2&Pr8u North Dakotai ...... .00 ]&ag0 Frl". Cash with ,rdev. Dartug Wigie, kWtgoville, On t. VARICOSE VEINS ? 0ANZABYas, they May be Awrasbed1 or bolied. ADWSYtTAZLN. laced like a alasflts. t measure; ,light ané dur- able. COOLi. contaimi No Rubber. 1>500,000 SOLD ECOOUflcAz. cost $3.50 each, or two for the same 11mb. 8650postpaid. Write 'foreéatalogue and Self-l 1easur-erimnt Biank. Çoci1tu "s Ltmb pecIe.ltyCoc. o 614 INew Elrku eïdg. - 5ntxea1, P.Q. IJOHN A. 7UC1&C7,LXIE D HAMILTON, &alaess Latablishod 69 Tsars ONTARIO Ille for MEKAS n - osn Fo 22 years frlibetd, Wi-te for age ç. iLVER, 22i St. Paul St. WV solfteris l2esevere rhepîrnatic ache Put 't on fh leiy. Doe't rub 18 le. Just icetit penctrate ncturaliy. What a sense of soothg reb;ef îoon foilows l External aciî, st.icî,srfc cramped nmusce, tnrind sinlews, back 'cricks"-those ailments can't flght off' thc relit?, ,ing qualities of Sioan's Lininent. Clean, convenient, economîcai. "MatIe :n Canada. sAsk any druggi!st for il. PKEl3~XLZZ~1E (1 Â1tDENS. LAWNS, F.~ds 18115. ~A Oon~plete FeS il s~er. W <te 50t<e YLte ens. Peerorug. n W nd lot pl1n Sant 9m (Cole. lnimuracc e arricd '$,40C. ï $1fo t.209 ern QUIck sa10. Box 43. b9e. ncy o tryt 0-8St. Jean -Baptýiste Maýdriet, Mont: 'SEED CORf-)N MEA M. GEAASk,- W4neor, ont, r£grex Co=nty J211AO~5~.B WANTED W ANED-AQUALIF11rD T~ fi lor School Section Nu. 5, ý5Lan o commience dtisMa th. Pa~ry$~0: duties lé, -Address .1.~ ~ s' D uth e-Treas. aevle LIt wivth third-class teri 'fleate for S.S. No. 2, Bethune and Proudo:,ot. at art annual sala.'y of $50000; duties to commence after 'aster i-oiidays>. Ap, y tO S. C. HIMBUtY, Sec-Treas., cre'Ont. sud externat. cured ,vith~ I~tanbY eut hoetrsatmset. W'%rit* t00 tfr eelate. Dr. lBelîmn Melc ALROAlaSMIEl AS WE CXREID OTIRS. We have hundreds cf testi- menIials from eery part of Cana1da tes- tifylng te the Wvonderful healing power of WRxITE n IOcxc=Tzs MXT Kr. ýClarke, -7t; Indien Road. Toýrono, coughed for. 35 years wîth Bronchýitis; It; cured hlm. Mrs. Clarke, No. 1 Yerkv Ille Ave., Toronto, ceugheci for 16 yae [oee bottle cured lier. John E. ,Ilbbs. FèIIËlla ufre ten yecris with iBranchiýaal Asthme, ays here is notlijg jk it W. McBraynie, New Liekýeard. "18 le the greatest Mixture I exer took. Pend me three more hottles." Th aboVe a 111e Mny few names of the many thons- an;ls that ha've benefited by t1his greet Ix-ture. Wrlte any cf the above. Tbey V,11blie ni'. tee pleased te tell yen more about 18. TChe ajjo3xe- mixture-is suid iun- der-an iron t cund money hack guarantee te cure env of the abeve aulments. Tee times more pow erful tho n any known preparatïon. .t like maple. One dose gives instant relief cediac good n1ghi's rest withcut a cough. Price 50 cents, 15 cents extra-fer, mailing. Three bot- ties malled free for $1.50. Sold oly by Buckiev, The Drugc.lst. 97 Dueda St. Fret Toronto. telî, u PARKÉR'S know ail the fine points about cleaning and dyeing. We eau dlean cortIye anythlng frem a fjlmy georgette blouse to heavy draperies or ruge. Every article is given careful ant expert attention andI satisfaction is guaranteed. SentI your faded or epetted eiething or household goods te We will make themn like new again. -Our charges are reasonable ced Nwe psy ex- press or postal charges one way. A post card wIll brlng out- bookiet of househaifi suggestions that save money. Write for IL. PARKER'S DYE WORICS, Limited 1. Cleaners and Dyers "Bad breath lu a sign of decayeýd Steeth, -foui etomach or uncisan M bowel." if your teeth are gond, lock te yOUr dCi;gestive organs et o-nce. etSI~i's Curalive %-rup U et drUgghSts, 15 te 30 drcpu after meais, c1ean up your foodý pasoage and stop the liad breaih odor. -50c. and $1.00 Boules. _Do flot buy aubatitutet. CGet th genuine. 6 We are MUSIRAT Specialists. The iargest handiers of this article ln Canada. Conseqtnentiy we pay more. k11 Write for our special price list and tags. H oerner Wimiiamson "The House cf the Brown Tag" 376 St. Paul St. W., Montreai. Western Branch: 253 prricesa St. Winnipeg IWbat Ails 'Your Horse? ]Dose l10ae ffesh in nlite cf Wood feedinig? If your herse, bas a rough staring coat, p ppetite (though seime- ravenously) f- jlllt en scours, and 1/Hi shows any other ilnsof Is likely enough te he worml- what he needs Ir R.A. 0. DANIELS WORM KILLER combats and destroys the stemnach xworm, pin Worm and tape Worm, or any of thee30oOr more wori'mr that Infest horses. This- remedyf costs only 60 cents. -with 8 cents fer postage. Send us your dealere cname and we will prepay postage on your order. DR. A. C. DANIELS Co., Limlted bept. W.L. Knowitcn, P.Q. cs FaceWas BadtyDisflgured. Cuticura oap and OintmnentfHealed. "Emal md pimples and biack- heads bega on my face, andcio faewas badly diSAigured SSonie cf the pimples fes- j~ eredwhie othr scaied over and there w'ere places where the pimples wcre in l blotches. They used V,-to itc h and burm terribly. "I saw an advertise- ment for Cuticura antd I tx'ed them. They stcpped the itchlng and burn- ing and-I used four cakes cf Soap and three boxes of Olntment whlch healed me." (Signed) Miss V. A. H ayne, Stormont, N. S., Dec. 26V 18. The Cutiera Toilel Trie.,ý consisting of Suo-,ùinsad Talcumi, rmtssi puorlty,coiotand hoeo'th wlon ucd(for everv-day tpilet purpoges. Il ~pl Ea ch Fr.. ryM il, sdd ess: * Cuic-,irs .pî.,Boton,.8.." old everywheýre. ISS-UE 1.'9 Toronto II For hot pancakes. lhoi biscuits and- muiffine snd a dozen other j Table Lud Kkýcesn uîes b, e wivee iîbthe wîdest eperience rscoimmeagl9oui LILY WHITÎCoi'rn Syp SoI! b y Grecer4 eesrywhce, e. i2, 5, 10 Q zd 20 Pouandtins. The Cnada StairehCe,ý Limittd - A4oatzesal 791 Yonge St. -the same de Whecn t-he appetite be- corn'tes Jaded ît's sur- prisi o qikly the dige Stion 0>krespods to a. saucer. of ýl 1, ý 8LNe P- F11R0R SALI Frane W iil rsdi 32.000. Wrb~nl t1iat armoulit Ârinl ..IL ce ilo ;'hblishi cg en.' LIml ted. T oranto. I~inard's Lininlent Cure. Ntîrns. X~e. soc., ! LL4