Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Aug 1911, p. 7

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"Fou gocudnuoe' sake, Join", ' said Mmc. iJdhîury, "he amore cure- fnl lun the languuagu yen use areuotnd the boue. lie heen inteudiug te )ak tc yeni about ît fer some lime, .but t got away fmomi me." "Wbats the kick l" demandcd ber husoand, iudignsuitl.. 'eYeni dou't heur nie spîlling any proilan- ;ity or any41bing hike thaI, do yen V' "'Ne, hut cr xiiil1talk sQuolg Y' p rotested Mrs. Mudlbuiry;"ud 'ni oettung jte the habjt se that I'm asbaîued t)-talk te ruc s It'a ferce-I mean it-s distress- "I never noticcd yeum talkieg- slang," said Medbnny. -'Bes,«des, everyhcdy talks a ittie sang nom' a dais. Wht's the principal noise about h' "There youî o uw lY'said bis w9if*e, sharplyv. 'Yen tahk txatway twe-tbirds oh tlime, sud I1a' hlpflling fo.r seme cf il mysef- I1m'euld say, unconscieus]y assurnu,_- Iatiuîg expressýions froma your cen- vratiniW7en auy of rny friends -culli I'm iu a nervous trumor al hetime four feur l'Il forget, mysel 1 anid make sonie kind cf horrible break. Tbeyre not usud te it." "Oh, I guese you're nt se bad," protested Mcdh1,ury. 'Tbey can stand for aniytbinig youm land thein withoumt strainîug themseixes. I'd like te sue auy of ycnr set that, yen do't slape up mit1 on the con- versatienal thî;ng m'bhea yen put jouirseif te il." "Tbat's the trouble," meut ou Mme. Medihury, "and thbts' m'hy I 'wish yen w ouldcu eut coeeof y-oum'-slang. Then in time I cculd break nu self cof the habit. Onhy this aftermon Mrs. Mgggles sud Mme. Jasp,)et xi cruhure makiug ar-I rangements about the party ut the obmreh ,ext w cek, sud' me got te lking about theu servant-girl 1 p robîcîn. I rold.them hem' anoy n.' Mincie bas been, sud heur mu plauned t etlut ber go, sud, linuîy sbsntcnr'd.dxxay, mbat du y.o ù think îil nus tf'at ISaid 2' -1I couldut lit il in a thcusandi fears," said Mchui.'Cougb iti W'ell, I mas se emharra.ssed af- t.ermards I could scuncely talk te tbem," cent on hie mife. "I w'as telliug the.m houx' Minnie m'vas gncm'- huîg more hîietuctevery day, and 1 suid, Ilthink shie kuces that 'x fixii'g te put the rellurs uindclr be r.' Medbury jiouided bis kucu muwtb bis open ptwal d sucbiukud witb lauight,?r. Mre. Mecibuumy bit ber lip snd lien ed. "You see, " sdue xc.a-ired, 'that' s the n ay it goees, a-ad it' s ail youîm fauuht. You'vu Sirnply gel1 to talk btter Enghish around the helie, hereause I'm cure ail the w'e- muen I kiîom' arc beginuiug te gel! wisud up eonue, sud the first thirug I kuem' l'Il flîîd mysulf gettirîg _ditehxe l -uledd--adi-g-- ncrud. I-s îeally a sumious thing, Jeohn, aud I do't suem'heuc youu gel such a big lalgb eut cf it.-' '<Nethor d "ad-rnitted lMed- bur."ntryi1ig to he se-mons, ne alter 1hem ,painfuh. Youî knoîv I ain,î'hèrier mith that lonag-facedl gtnff mcml muîich, huit 'm rcaliy go- inig te ry to hulp y ou cut. I "au sou m'he'ru u 'u're hîkehy te get in wrong with thesu dames that are:'li Joseph te ùur i' he cf talk, sudi "PILLS LIKE, A FY1LE" Bo Harsh and Drastie are Many Pis as to Sericusly sri,,ug." For tuoxeul L,.c"d ~ p p i ea ale cenuinaîon '-vunan emci e-àl stapies -or clamps to nail the cable Ti~WDlOl l li f let in its old formin f Offenbach or Fo euaigte in place, therýe isnothing else re- 1THE W R91OfRA tINIUthopicture4squc Tyrolean. In no- Frrgltgth urdn rnm ne n points, L ihing peýrtainingtfo apparel Was the -110tiffes wate,4,tRin ore l(tîý( hanin Hithe ini- the n~goa~ng On a long bariltherc shoud be KING wihsaeeactiutbis face kl idneys and wo' i, ,builx)erm ahCO~ ~ EU O rdoin fteHmer etht .Érrn1 u helyZd;o sale1bidigon t. OAt OC OÂ.IL, is said that Il(ie had a great is the mp % zy l idlek. Cmeneat the top taste for straw Ihats ,w11 ilh the X- liver and end t he c1)be sethat three or ception of the Panamaý, -wh1ihlhe 7 four: feet project straighit up,:then Abolit Fifty Suits a Year IWere rather liked. clamp and run on down from thel "One of his latest shooting ont- Dr. ~ ~~~ f rdge of the roof insme out-of-the- IMeedeti Ont of That ofu nlde ot witot way place jute the ground. But îEdwai*d Vil. knickerbockers and cap te match, bnia ell is the critical point: 'The of Englisb tweed with a large tri- The KIindYu Have AIlways lower end of the rod must tel min- "London seiety is iooking per- colored check. The boots accom- lai use for lover 30 years, Root Pulls ate in some damp spot in the sistently te the King for a lead as panying the outfit were a reddish and 1 grud fit terminatcs inidr Ite fashion in men's ciothes," W'rites brown, with spikes. Re aiways wore sonal soi] the apparatus is murthiess. h the English correspondent of the -number sevens. The knickerbeck- have proved for over is here cbiefly in which iii ae 3 Ilaberdasher. "Above ail, whatI ers are a depsign that thc King ARCutrétIiain haif Cenuryifl hav e been made, arndco qetite smart cr@oxd w ould very mucli fasbioned for bis own comfort.AiConrftsImaio hàfa etry n buildings destroyed aithý)iinh P lkete know is wbether'the King They were eut rather long and f ull Experiments that trUie wil every quarter o f the parent]y equipped mith lighoiCg rn,ý, eans te back the frock coat. at the kuce. Wben -worn tbey look- Ifats~l and Chiltiren-Exui wol, boltlyae rods. A spring, drain, or siiile, , 'Everybody knows that thç King ed somewbat like treusers witb the Î world absoutelysafe or any other damp spot makes a likes a frock coat better than any- bottomns turned up inside, higlier î and ost ffecive.good groundingfo the aie hng else. There are disloyal peo- than the top of _ie caif. Few of Any farmer w itb the ordinary pie who say that the royal legs lend bis foliowers, hewever, yieided te 5 Sl 25c. boxheip of the farm can easiiy ereet itbemselves better tcocaettisbsfvrtety.Ather1 castoria. is a harmlesgsi 25c. a boxsuch a cabie and at a very trifiiig than te revelation, but the truth is of ail biis innovations was the aim goene, Drops and Soothing everywhere. 27 cost. tia t the King can never forget that for greater comfort as well as be- contaIns noithier Opium, Xi To increase the efficiency the 11P-'he was once a sailer. H1e likes a comingniess. The single breasted squbstance. ITts age ils Its g _______________________ IPer end of the -cable should be un- frock coat, because it is like a nav- frock coat is said te be a designcf nand aUlays Fe7venlshness. 1 ax elled fer five or six inches leav- a] coat. He likes reefer sbaped bis ewn crecation. It ils aise stated Colle. It rlee Teethluig it isn't righit. 1 apprecîiaetu hat. iig each straud pointiug ont i n a jacket suits, andlhe detests any- that bu perdi hlHueofadFliICly t I'm guîing te chop." Idightly different direction like a tbing that is tig])t and .f4 orniai appios earein te luset of a FJandy~I as "Ohmiiiyow ryJohnr' ~- brsh.The lower endshouIld a.so "-Whetbfer Ringp George wili lever mwhieh almost causud a scanidal,-and ~ Cide' 'nea' claimed 1Mrs. Medbury, eagrîy. Illbu unwouniid for a couple of feet and bi- thef leader cf fashtiioii that bis ery aeriet aqetion of "Tht's~neauddany W'vespread eumt fn kein th cýdamp or fathcr was time alone lcan tell. phlg. lwct grouimd. flu case le-t grOeund lis Ring Edward was komnte ha % î rENUINE C -i sîpl gt e rae t p eIew£y'f not reudily av ailablu it will be the 1 argest wardrobe of auy mon- - go we won't use gosechiagthIerjth Deityn e tmýwy~necessarvete dig a deep bole nehiny the wt-rld, 1e kept ini TRAININ(l 1 COS'FLY. _â 2Àý i thig o kow kd-deeperth better) go as t encsumeireaidiuess about 200 suits of onle "Suruet damnp connections forithe gr-olnding ki r anther, as many sit forï Carabineer Ils Iobbed M'hile Stalnd- do!" ecliI-lLdur, nhusi-ý end. Ani old gas-piplenuy be driv-'vaviousý occasions and upwards cf ing at Sahite. asti'cally. ".You, can counit on me1 en into thle greund il,îls erisilrîog a10b aps bot fc being theru with my fhair in a braid 1ep00oneto wt ba for.tes ts n ercpsreAoued each A good story is told in.home, 1't- whuu it cornes te the, refornm gag. The cabie is te be înserted ito, or year frem the active lists and be- aly, te illustrute the discipline and Nothiug but the purcst Wells of~ wouind aronud, the gas-pipe. An- came perquisitus cf bis t-wo val- self-control of the fanious'Carabin- English undefiled for mine arttri other plan~ is te drive the gas-pipe useeîrs, that ancient boedy of înilitary thîs-just watcb my smoke Y' doxxn througb the cellar floor (if "Six tbeusand dollars was figur- policemen who bad their enigin in Thle KiRd YOII ll ",That's the real goods," sala bis the buildinig is a dvelling bouse) ed as an estimute of tbe value cf Piedmont and about whom seornucb wifu in delight. "Now 1 know wel and connect the grounding end of bis regular wurdrobe, but in this, bas beeu said during the Camer- In Use F1-or C eau put it over." the cable witb this pipe.l amotint ist trial. MCN1UC@PY.7 Thie objeet of the lightuing rod NU ,îhU UNOM The other day a cempany of thera is te conduct electricity gradually I S UERm'UIORS as druwn up outside the railway TIuE ANVIL. from the eaith to the cloudese as were tbe most extravagant consid- station1 for the. arriva1 cf a royal lisaiah 40:8. te neutralize the charge contained eration, île mas bonorary coloneli prince. The prince appeared ut the in tbe cloud and thus keep the volt-I of mroe than thirty regiments, andldoor cf the station and ail bauds RIGHTING WRIO-N(S. One night wbile we mure standing age se 1cm as te bue mithout da.nger., thus required about 100 nniforms were raised in saiute wben a ýcara- Beside the village spring, Isolated barils anid ouLtbuildings are r eady foi use ut uny moment. bineer felt a little tug at bis peck- Writer Says "Il Is Neyer too Late ýWu beard the blacksuith's anvil more fiable te be stneck than to, c "It is interesti g te kuow that ]le et. Then bie fuît anotiier stronger, lu Mendt." Iu toues o~f cumness ring. ingietps for the saime reason that. did net pay the bigb pnieus foir bis1 pull, and remembered witl un- And mhere the smitb was workiug iunities and towins losses from general app)arel that might bu sup-I guish that ail bis pay and borded A man cf note once said "Do't Theupaosfa rueu tobmders Ayfruteeoena u-psd ar ftesr otbm ealth m'as iu a purse- in bis trou- expiain, den't argue, get thu thing The sbadomsefailed eebide,îigbtuing aroquite1rare.$to ; llungs suite $501 sers pookut which m'as buinginiddoc ,ndlut -tiem hem].' This W'bicli lie bud cast asidc. iîy instali a lîghtuiing mcd systum and eveniug clethes $75. The se- ionsiy uttackud, baving been .cx- man bas a world mide reputation We said, "hem' many anvils bimself perfectly witb a cheap cable ciety nmen cf te day ofteu puy niucb pesed by the ruîsing of bis urm. for sugucity nevertbeles Iduire te Did it nequire, me pray, and with bis own heip. more for similur garments. What sbeuid bue do' The foreigul differ with him. It is alil eli te, To- __areutah-to---am-rs- "'The late Riug's tuste iu dress Prince m'as just opposite, and to recegnize the uselessuess of talk. W hicli yeu bhave tbmomu awuyV." NO APPETITE m ua e emch that cf the exquis p ut down bis b and and niet suauteI thue rrer cf taking time fer argu- fie said "this uly auxi -- iteas tht sof mr tîemn mas unthinkable, but ut the sine ment which sheuld bu gixen oxer Is ahl I bave te show; Tlîjs Rem-etly W iii Resfore IL To m'uar mhat m'as most becoming jtime could 1ieý!h and blood, and an ti to .accomplishmunt, but the idua of Fer it msists the lamiers, m'as bis intumpretatien of the art of 1officer of the hum', tce, dciberately fmcwning upon explanlation ilsJ And wears them eut, yeu know." If yeu have ne appetite for meais, beiug m'ell dressecl. Englishmien ut'allow himseuf to bu robbed and mrcng-tboroughly reg caunt molrk, cant lest and are an- eue tîîne wcre extncmely eonserva- ruined 2 The man cf 1note ils net alcnie Ii And like a solid arnvil noyefi witb tee frequent urinatîlon tuve in regard to their clotbîug and flis despunutu state cf mnd m'as lis tbeery. The wonld is fuii c f The sacred Sciptune stands; and a br~g scaldiag Pain in veiy slow to udepti uny i udiculisbom'n in the trembling cf thatIfpeople w he tbink explanutiens And flercuiy is it beuten muaking passages. change ini style. Celcrud shirts, baud, m'icb, bom'exer, stuaed gined m'uk, wbe fomtify themseleus be- By unbelieî er bauds. If ut nigbt yeu retire, hoping for tan shees, the Alpine but and num- to the fonehead w bile the preýcieus hind the argument, "'My eneme With noise and show cf learing siuup that ci- , ereus ether accessories did neot geo purse m'as slem'ly and suruly ah- jmon't buieve mu auyway, and if T bey make a large dispiuy; ther doe n-t in Engiand until sanctionudb b tatd thst the, agcuîzinig my fmîunds art wentb m'bîle tbcy But, like the blucksînith's bammer, ccmte, oi' r late Ring Euwurd, moment came m'bun lbufuît thut the miii bebuxue me m'tbout takiuig my Thuy muai' tiîeînsehi us av. y. treubhud and DII "As for bis shirts both the cuff s pingbdstpe adkemýw thaï; valuiable time for expla.natio. ' Is That Auîvii is for m'avensand trie collul m're uttacbed fer1 the thuef bud made off. this practical h Te it faimrs? t e XXose edgu is nals keen: kidney trouble. omldusa wh ifrdy Fru asythe tbufr ade tken Seotnm elhficliilin And~~~~~~ ile e mkn .u d n le e d Wear, The Ring m'as fond of colon seme time, aihtieedety Se metupsnmilng e An ie o aiguîmoî Boeth's Ridne-,-y cd shirts in hoth soft and starcbud m'as net vcmy bold, and just as lie right a wreng, uitbur ruai or imag- For uges it bas buen, th-Ba efet nd lu ail instances fuxored get the coveted prize in bis baud, inary, and I miii show you a pur- On :t arc formud the sandals Pis, LI Il-Pfet th tie By 'hib baxefee un shd; anteed remedy double white ]auîîderud cuf s meus- the captainî of the Canabinuers sounnakng long,-lculbystnde An bros hae her ees fr ilkçley uring about 1-2 inchus bnoad. fie turiîcd te give un odur, the salut- towurd the kingdom cf heavun. This Upon the Word cf God. and bladden trouble. A fuw doses were sizu 20 qollar and uscd the1 ing beiug user, and sam' wbat had Idees net concumu the mor-al side, cf Bu sne lî nc i cnptîe (Bcotl's Kidiley Pille mili make poku fer fui] dress, wiug for day buppencd. The erder for pursuit life euly, but is applicable te the But omewho ncein Sripure up the shuiggish kýidnuys 'and negiu- Wear and 1cm' fold style for ivus gîven und the Carubmncer Whio practîcul side as well. Profussed te flnd thuir joy,, lute thei urinie. C'etinîîeid treut- OUTINO PURPOSES. had pncied the pow'er cf dizýcip line It is net easy te rip outtcOur seam To-day uppeur to abor meut mil cure and heaI the meak- "Iu fuet lic mas cempe e ed lioercuaugltnaetuief ad mcccx<)lied ee meuhanesd iung t te Itsmessagto-destn-y. ened-kidney-'u unrnstome the appu- s1 t ldt vr mainaue stue ue 'huenme bve ewe ntham'iel Abontie arc heir lbonstite iinthe natunâl m'uy. Soid ev- ceunt of bis short n tuiiesndcis u giig~-- i-itism--n-i-44 And fraitless nltheir pains: r - O. oopstpa il freai tailens bad noened -cf trouble totehe -noti sduti h or-e ou ry t ThuAnilstii hur. T. Be 5cot c . , onbkoxl, catOoraniPk adaiiÀsruumyted only selutim.fue tyn ot Uumovcd by ail that threuteus TeR .BohC.L ,Fr kebsca olrfremn ridiug up ETie Ont Fru tril snt onap-teias.ncmfotable position m'ben Its Virtue Canuet bu Duscribed. tinker a tbing mlîichbhas been start- Witlî spsrks and smoi4ku and îaper, Pibu m' h, ,as suutud. The dreseshir b I Noee au erxThoas'thu ectrie, Ad wrougthe w orsu yen maku It T bey fashion fo-rmis cf doubit, Sold sud glaarantcud 'un Bom'- mwor, bd but oustud and m'tlî theOilPom'setha . ThomiliaEctnie' As ud is'oet tu copl ilted ,gamhnt Unilumd heshdo'smaux ille lyJ'y & Loeli. iexception of the attaebu clrud clpsess TeoiiaO ~mc oestsaryi, von UToc ammteshac won u.veyboddobecff a oi himsclf surpriscd by the m'onderful, yoîidiscoier youî muisa, oibe Tue e ail thu areig ge CACE I ContP. ing eut of the ordinany in uis qualities that bis compoîîud pes-! gin ut tlîe beginning agaîn. and î'ur vried bummerins - appuaranlce. Frfuncy shirts pink sessed. Thut b a h bnf1Imkei ib Tbeyulmus ful tesilece îciîdn Exert lso srnseîganstand blue mure bis favorite colons. tor of humanityis honbyte Wsbudntbdicradut TIl.uat ancient Arnil'srig Alcohol and Curries. '"Alhougli his Majcsty set many ilyriadtaIrsinpie Ptsibiinteothnecr.W ae ring cusoîn lu hu îay f aparelsudwcndrfulOu.Se familiar us ev- but huimuu, sud toeurr is bliiu Above the direfuîh discord Onu of theu inturesting stutemnts persenal ademuments that cm ayed eryone wîitb it thatà ilis prized as, vouko f ouitmai oeiaîin Whicb from contention springc, in Dr. E. F. Bashfords tLoïado, the penduium cf fasluion tbrouglîouti a housebold medicine evuryw'here. icrie, and eîen th etung Iu mcusured tonuss majestic Eugiand), report te the imperial the civilizud m'orld bue failcd muny' balai cf lemioi juice feuls to ceux ut That Auîil's, 'message rings:- cancer research fund is, tlît pecul- timus te populunize innovation--. RAVE VO U A B-i D -011E! gite thepr epr smenss doanet "flue igbt forci cm slinetb iar customs rendur persons uspuc- The îvhite bat, neyer got buyond the if so, rumembur these fade giîteruup iofdep air.dBg mubau- Nigbr ils te film as day : ially fiable te cancer. Dr. Bush- starting Elue and bis curions idea Zam-Buk ils by fan the mit uidely i m'rk in al cf the rcfractcuî d res, Tbe word xhichfIe lbath spoken fend mentions speciflcally the pruec-of creaeiug bis trousurs dowu thue îîse.d halm in Canada? Why bias t 1ig Tuewl b cbn se Shah evunpascam'a." tiu ofeatig ye botnicu n Cli sius c the eg istua of he fent bcomese ppulu? Beeuiceit ian'bonlya litle lme sd th yet Tiw Ï)stan ciepet atrilOU11 in t e ee t m'i c u m nia Ii5 a cablu cornposed c, f galvanizud I h otwl a riaion, thouctonrwsLnddFi.d oisoted n adotr 1t'l I wir su uch as je nscýd fer 'gy 'i ma nmucner u tecn e m, Donald, huit I must s'a stad.simply aoud bouse. m'ocre m'ne fr ehgnpbpeessd the camne m'ay 1okusi aIre a-Lf USIl xonmife bi bano y':Donald-m xobaeerd nyngbt ouri hike Tlisc cbles beig toies un cnsidrabl. nik su ail W Oh tha's c ne ocseu"c(.)hen bh eginiugfgaio 11'7111 Iigcompes-; ______cuffsE ulin 1 cd f ou ra ctans c mire re pensons 'beak uenf rae5re 9 smmer. Now Scott"* "t sue muuc c'f lher, I arn -a hatiely bes. Thy cn bubad1-- -- er a6 a wi#nter r'emedy. Te xond 'nu fr f5 iii a t fump-idec lIt nw àn Vu lunIgth Iii b Ik, sud ieincut'; jM; 1,' ýs1Drink Cuire l3 0 pr Science d it AFsuoe.s q hotanbri e c-idzýJed u i' ue e ee eud ffri e tesi hubuiimg ~epigf1 iut F e e y01. l iiOgg.SS ogoumu ~.~g') rioti Bought, and Nwhichh.ns i~ ias borne the sfinat-urg- of ias been made under Is",per- i supervision $Ine Its ifny u' no one te decelve yenlth' I. e nd 41just-as-good 11o're bu- ýt lbh and endanger tihe beal î)L o bstltute for Castor 011, Pare,. isyrups. It is Pleasant. lit Morphîine nor other, Nar(ot;c ,arantee. It destroys Worrnit It cures Dlarrhoea and Wtind( ,Troubles, cures Constipationt lates tihe Food, regulates thse 11- hpalthy a"d naturai lcp 'Che Motherls Fini MALWATj "-g 1 1 o we A ay Boglf )ver 30 Years. TIIE SOUR MIIÀI DIET. Doctor Advises It for TIlose lVXI Crave ItL "The meet strikiug uxample cf tlîe utility cf scuru'milk le afforded by Du. Robert G ray. ofMeie" suis a witeitn uthe Dietetie sudfIly- gieniic Gazette. "Ou aà diet of but- teruiik sud dabber this ,remark- able uian, cicr 80 ycams eld sud practisiug lu a climate net conduu- cixu te p1uysical or mental activity, is dciug a practusu that Nvould bu bundensome te a mian ini bis pr ime. A dail1 w'aik of twenty-flxuies ii usumal te Dr. Gray, sud bu travele; mmaîmy more miles over the Mexiüaît excuses fer ouds on muleback. "lic secret lies in the fuet that Dr. Gray lias ulwascrcased thesu foeds. This caviug je not a matter of apputute, but its roots go deepen into the pbh'siologica1 neuds of ftue body. I do net buluve thattee articles woîid p noie as sefuh te oià m'ho dîsliked tbem and could netI tuste tbcm mitbeut a shudder, oeeî after faitlîfully partakiug of theai daily for meuke te get the pahate anid digestion acemstomod te thei.- "But if suîcb a oeefut the saw,ý crus iug for sweet milk or creauuu, a crainîg uxisting frein infancy sud, neveu sated, I fuhhybeiv that thiesu suould proie butter fit- ted te bis uceds than the artiics that mure distastuful. The fact tha the a miniitratio-n-oh arsenic farý- oie the formation of lactie acid sud maintains the acidity of the hloedý may' bueue reasen why lil bas pros cd uîsefuul lu the treatment ci theu uged."' N EWVCA STL E. ýMiss Mary Parker, Toronto, bal beemi iisiting her lrother. Mn. Fred lPa i'k ýr. Ifies. J. 1-I. Middhcton and the Misýes Cobbhudick attended the fim-. ci-al cf the late Gorain Poe es, To- rnito. Misseus NeaI, Port Hfope, are î'isit- ing Miss EdithUblgow. Mr. M". T. Breown, Asst.-Suîpt. )Massei Ramýis. moîks, Tomento, me- centhi i isited uis parenits. lins. WaVlters, i ciiet cf tuhe latu Ruclid Walters, an old -tue ten-' aut cf the Coutl m'Fanm before Inox ing te Meafem'd about tbirty x cuis ago, died Sunday, Aug. 6tb. in bel' 9tb ci'. fier dauglter-iuus hum-. Mrs. Richard W'altems, le slow. hi gaiuiuîg in healtlh siuîce return- mîîg home te MNeafor d frein visitiný ber sieten bure s few ' nthe ago. Mme. Jolie Dougas. Mný Lous Psu ual sud dsugbter )aî is.iluhe, bav'e been i isiring i' brotetbm'Williami. C'harles Thonu,fonricfti i il,.e, had an citn tiewtl -Taln1a1, i iixs ii min îngul 'tcsbam igri ynbv PFar Su'perio JLRY & Les Ft.L- have the sole agepc> for this community on "Weeks' Break-usi 1 Cold Tablets", a prepamation for coldi aud la grippýe,;iassiperior ho olé~ fashjionel homxe rumdies ,ýas the modem a JutOmo(bil1 is t' e huOteisof thlu aydaysz. 25c "A ANTEED 25, Money back If flot Thoroughý Pleased. ý 1 11

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