Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Aug 1911, p. 5

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PURE BLOOD MEANS STRENGTH NYAL'8 BLOOD PURIFER- menus pure blood. Try il and you will be convineed. Boils, sores, pimpies, skin diseases and rougit skin , mdi- cale impure, titin blood. Nyal's Blood Purifier, purifies and enaiehes thte bloocl, driving out tito poisollous materials titat proluce sueit disagrecable symptoias. It is for tite sanie class of diseascs as titose tr.-ated lat Hot- Springs. Got a bottie at our Istoret: we recommend il because we kçnow witat is in it-aîîd every NYAL Remedy is good. Price $1.00 R. M. MITCHELL Druggists Phono 92a. & COI, Opti-cians Bowmanville. 1 HE STANDARD BANK, 0F CANADA, TORONTO, Ras, removod to its new Head Office Building, King St. West, cor'ner of Jordmn 8K, Toronto. The Savings iFan'z Department at the n-.w locaion will be made a sp- cial fe atu re of the Ba nk's business. ECONOMY IN SPRING CLOTHES. M M Why buy a ready-rnade or tiàjeJI - 'uneasure Spring suit tat costs from $22 BOWMANVILLE STATION. t$35 when we are making tailor-made GOING EAST. GOING WEST -suits in latest styles and ofbest materlals Express 5s-44 a.'.j:xrs 4.22 a. m :Express 10.18o? sIgL1cal 7.43 from $î to $2? Passnger 3.1 P. m asn 1.48 p. . You are invited te inspeet our new Lcl 64,IPassenger 75 S3pring Suitings and Overcoats without kMail 9.58 I the least obligation to buv. We have the :Diy popular shades of tweeds and fancy wor- steds, perfectly woven, perfectly dyed and finished, witicit will ho made up in our Ç'~ ~~ usual first-class style. ?%t~1l1IZf u~l 4l JOSEPH JEFFERY & SON, BOWMAN VILLE, AIJG 3, 1911. 'Mie Star 1-1 e Bowmanville CeIVIC HOLIDAY Peterborough 'lif t Lock" Rice Lake.' An Excurssni will be run under te aus- pices of Bowmanville Lawn Bowling Club on Civie Holiday, IMONDAY, AUGUST 7th te Cifiy.-f IPeterboro and via "Lift Lock"' .and Otonabee River te Rice Lake. Tratin Service Social and Personal. Mrs. F. H. Boutîsali is visiling hem 8181er at Lindsay. Miss Olive Lambert, Oshawa, is visiting friands home. Mrs. E. W. Pattinson is visiting rela- tives lu Lindsay. Miss Grace Linlon, Whitby, is visîting Miss Brita Higgînhotham. Miss Lana Haddy is visiting Miss Ethel Kirby, Westmounî, Oshtawa. Miss Bessie Scott, Oshawa, spent Sun- day witit Miss Gmace Trewin, Spring chieken -5Oo.,'anted - at once - by James Ma Çfnachie. Caldwall's, couve nces go te hoat Tuesdays andI Fmidays. Phono 127. Miss Sarait Eas itman, Toronto, itas been visiling hem cousin Mr. F. A Haddy.,, Mrs. C. Dilcihoru, Carbondale, Pa., is visiting item brother Mm. Jacob Pollard. Dr. W. T. Tamblyp, London, is holiday- ing aI bis falter's, Mm. W. W. Tamblyn. Mm. J. H. Hicks, West Toronto, an oid Tyrene bey, gave us a friendly eaul Sat- urday. Dr. andI Mrs. L. PotIer hava relurned from visiling friends aI Leamington and London. 'Station Time Rate Miss Saraht and Hannait Harrison, Belle- ville, are visiîing their brother Mr. D. Wititby 6.30 a. m $1,05 Harrison. Witbr' Jot. 6.4G " 1.05 - sTte.W riga adMs 40âhawa Jet. 6.5o 1.05 MViola Os.W rdmnadMs i3arifigta 7.05 .05Viol, Ottawa, are visiling her sîster Mrs. HBowninville 7-15 1.05John Reid. 'Newcastle 7.25 " io Miss Editit Scott, Brooklin, and Miss iNewtoni,vllle 7.40 1 .00 Preston, Lindsay, spent Sunday wilh titeir, Port Hiope 7.55 ".8& aunt Mrs. Lewis Lyle. 'Cobourg '(Local> 6.48" 1.00 Miss Mae T. Boltrell and Miss Margaret Grafttn " 6.25" 1.05 Tueker, Oshawa, are holidaying with roi- Ceihorine 6.15" 1.10 at ives. in Rochester, N.Y. ~Brighon " 604 " 1.25 Mrs. N. Hezzlewood and daugitter Katht- Amriving at Peterborought at 9.15 a. m. leen and Mr. R. Kîmver,, Oshawa, have IChildmon over5 andd under 12 years.itaif been visiting at Mr. W.. H. Pearn's, fare. 1 Mr. Harold L. Garner and Miss E. L. Tië4ta 'good going special ouly, vaiid Rogers, London, are visiîiug his sister eeturni.ng same date,, oeept Wliitby, il]rs. C. H-. Anderson, Port Bowmanville. Oshawn an. md Brigitton, valid returning Mr. John Elîloît, BA., Principal of foîiowing cday, except on traiins Nos, 2 &4-. Bowmiianvihhe High Seitohl, is visiting his Return-jjg spe"'a ri aves Peerbro ottr aI Goderici and otiter friends in ;at 8. 30 p.). nte connet wîtlitmi lino Wester»n Ontario.' trainea'sf ' M. Gilbert Biughami and daugitter Mrs. Littiw-n EBowing Tlrlmn, Johniii1Bell, Marshailtown, la., are visit- ~opn t lie Dminonon reos o Lielg is brother Mr. Thos. Binghamn and Fce 7rterôgh1 Club, aI whiichý valuable olter relatives home. pri;,os wiýil hoL!awarded. Mr. Scott ind daugitter, Miss Eva Scott, FîepcWa ragsest andi Missz Daisy Young,-Desemonto, are Havebee mud ulit îr. Sloey Lke"'vîiting ite formmr's daugitter, Mrs. RoLand 'oýf dite Stlny Lako Nýavigal1ion Cem1panly Vates, Woilingiton-sL tocary~ucusioist THOUG lie "it Masters Kennetit MeCoof and Martin Loeýk" andI down iie fanieus G tonab)eeMMien Toronto, spent a daV at 'Mr. R 'River 10 juhilee Point, a îvî stîmmeilr Geniedsou their way home from a e'esort onu.Rice Lako.j treeingtp te Be'Heville. Brinýg .iieng yoor i-basket; ta tke a ln-r udg Teetzel dismissed thie totioi-. of .tirouit .ite largest LftLok, n ijýte i Harry Whittney, Cobousrg, lu quasit his w4> 13au dine ii in es and cemfort ~OiitO for selling iiquor wit1hout a aut Jubiilee Point,te «junclon of tl Lte Otn..! icansa aii 'for which ho was senlenced te ,abee River and Rice L ake. pay $100 andI cests or threemionits in jail. Boat Tickets ICob1oumg 11asenaof fLite finesl an11(lMost jcômioe ew P'ublic scitool buildings te Adoîts SQci. chlircil h eui as eninOîrobut only Rýeturiig boat arrives at Pelerboro at! 4eraunce cnidtswere sueeessfui at 7pm.giiing ocrso ists I hers le r-iect oxamsýi-ý. Oua enaturaiiy inquires, wisî th 'Seffild -fChada Wiat' tit materwilh Cobourg teuciing? ffl "Valueof change of air and sc-enery." Re- tresh-ments -were se, red attlite close and a very pleasant social hýour enjoyed by ail. NexI~ ~ ~~~'h eengAg25a i residenre of rsJ.Mnirris, Be Ave. Ob.ilcLren r FOR FLETCHER'S CAST--O)FeRiAf Silos, sold and erecteci, F. H. Mvason Son. Rubber Rings for fruit jars, 3 doz ic Saturday at Nieholîs'. Miss Helen Mitchell is visiting Mr Willoughby, Coiborne. Cash for aýni qua tt6iepouitry James MacConnaciÏi. Saturday Nichoils selis 144 Puddir Pans al sizes, 10e eaeh. Mrs. Robt. Young, Listowel, is visitir ber daughter, Mrs. M. Nokes. Miss Vera Sisson, Bethany, recent] visited her uncle Dr. J. C. Devitt. Mr. jack Edsall of Royal Bank staf Sault Ste. Marie, is holidaying at home. 1Order ail your funeral designs or ci: flowers fromn S. J. Jackman. Phone 8o. Meni's two-piece suits at away dow prices at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman' Leave your order at Caldwell's Liver for boat Tuesdays and Fridays., Phone 12 Mr. and Mrs. L. N. MeNail, Port Hop( are visitjng, their daughter Mrs. Archibal Tait. 1Misses Ethel Hughan and Leta jacksc are visiting friends in Toronto and Han ilton., Mr. George Edger, Toronto, visited M, Thos. Vanstone and other friends ove Sunday. Mrs. S. M. Stahl, Chicago, Ii., is visit ing lier niece Mrs. Jas. Gale and othe relatives. Ail Summer goods selling off at greatl: reduced prices at Couch, Johnston & Cr3 derman's. .Mr. J. Cowley, wife and family, motorei from Toronto and spent Sunday at Mr. A~ L. Dareh's. Mrs. R. J. McCool and Mrs. J. MeKay Toronto, spent the week-end at Mr. R~ Greenfield's. ,Master Floyd Dudley is visiting hiý cousin Elwood Dudley, Victoria 'Beach near Coîborne. Dr. J. C. Devitt will close his denta parlors from Aug. 7th to Aug. 24th whilt taking holidays. 30t: Muslîns, prints, ginghams and dres, goods at greatly reduced prices at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. ý Bring your live poultryp~4Spring chic- ken to Jas. MacConnfLcbié6, Bowmanville, and receive highest pV&e in cash. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Willmott, Torontc are enjoyîng the lake breezes at Kenora Cottage, guests of Mr. R. Dumas., Mr. Cecil Greenfieid and Miss Coffee ci Whîtby, with her niece Miss Crysler oi Buffalo, spent Sunday with Mrs. R. Green- field. Miss J. McIntosit, returned on Saturday from a visit with friends in Rochester, Oshawa, a n d Bowmanville.-Colborne Cnterprise. à Mr. T. E. Higginboîhaip and daughter Brita, Mrs. W. F. Doîl and Miss. Grace Linton are enjoying a week's outing at Lake Scugog. Mrs. (Dr.) Clendenning, and Mrs. (Dr.) Chas. Gilmour, Mrs. J. K. Galbraith, Mrs. Marr, Toronto, were recent guests of Mrs S. S. Bragg, "Mapleton." Toronto World of Tuesday says: "Cor- bett & Hall bougit on order a very choie load of butchers' cattle for C. M. Cawker & Son of Bowmianvilie at $5.8o.", Mr. Chas. Potter, B. A., late Principal of the Whitby Collegiate has accepted the Principalship of te Ridgetown Coilegiate Institute. Mr. Potter teaches Mathe- maties and senior Physics. "Woman is coming to her own at last," we are assured by the Bowmanvilie STATESMAN. Slightly impeded, however, by her hobitle skirt and the flapping sals on her big hat.-Oïrillia Packet. The engagement of Rev. R. W. Allen, rM. A., Port Perry, sonof Mr. J. K. Allen, Neweastle, to Miss Kent of Port Hope, is announeed, the marriage to take place in eariy autumn. The best is the cheapest; Scranton coal is reeognized by ahl the leading dealers in Canada and the United States as the best coal. Several cars fresit mined just re- eeived. MeClellan & C: Limited.. Dr. J. C. Devitt, Messrs. Chas. H. An- derson, and T. Wesley Cawker will repre- sent Florence Nighttingale Lodge at Grand Lodge of Independent Order of Oddfel- lows at Niagara Falls, Ont. Aug. 9 and 10. Principal H. F. Gardiner, OntarioInsti-- tution for the Blnd, Brantford, Ont., re- quests the name and address of any par- ent who itas a blind child or one with very defective sight. No charge for board, tu- ition or books at the Blind Institute.- Mr. F. A. Philp has purchased lthe store belonging to the Burley property and- is rebuildiug il for te Bank of Toronto, who have leased it for a term of years. The bank will ocenpy te entire building, -CoIborne E nterpriee. Mr. and Mrs. W. C, Cliff and daugliter, and Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Campbell motored down from their summer cottage on Stur- geon Lake and spent part of Monday with Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Knight, Queen-st re- turning in te evcning by way of Oshawa. & Ask F. H. Mason & Son about silos. Mr. Reginald Warren, Toronto, is vis )c, ing at Mr. F. W. Kirkendall's. 36 Granite Disit Pans reg., 40c, on sa rs. Saturday 23c eac'h at Nicholis'. Live Fowl wanted --y quantity, ar IL varietv at James Maç0onnachie's. Leave your orer at Caldweli's Live: g for Arygie Tuesdays and Fridays. :Misses Liian and Marjorie Bounsala ig spending a few weeks in Gelert, Ont. 72 Granite Preserving- Ketîlesregul Iy 35 ets on sale Saturday 19e at Nicholîs'. 1Mr. and Mrs. John Joblin lefI Mondi f, morning for their home at Red Deer, A]t -Miss Annie Mountjoy, Cýadmus, is visi ait ing Miss Eva Brown and other friends town. 'n Ladies' suits and spring coats sellingo s. at a big discount at Coucit, Johnston ,Cryderman's. 7Mrs. John Osborne and Miss Della 0 eborne are visiting Mr. Mark Osborn [d Newark, N.J. 1Miss Neta Williamson, Lindsay, spet ýn lte week-end with her cousin Mr. W. -William s, Higit-st. Misses Beati ice Devitt and Ileen Cou! r.ms are holidaying with the former ,r grandparents at Cadmus.. SCRANTON COAL-The standard fo t- over 40 years - for sale in ail sizes b ,r MeClellan & Co., Limited Mr. and Mrs. C. W. White and tw y, sons, Canninglon, were guests of i -brother Mr. Thos. White, Tuesday. Lehigit coal is harder, lasîs longer an d contains more iteat titan otiter coal.'SSe Lonly by E. W. Loseombe, phone 177. Silver ring with large coral stoneos Juiy 26 between Centre-st and Post offiut Finder please beave at STATESMAN offiCE SMr. and Mrs. Mark Jennings and tLv s' ciildren, Whilby, spent Sunday with hi sister Mrs, Geo. W. Allun aI lite Pos Office building.. Titere are more heat nunits' in a tono eScranton coal titan in any coal produded fEgg, steve, nuL and pea sizes for sale i SMeCleilan & Co., Limited. LOST -A eemfortor quilt on June 24t1 between Concession-st and Port Bowman ville. Finder wilbe rewarded by leavirý same at STATESMAN office. Passengers who wen t 10 Toronto b3 steamer Argyle Tuesday had le return b3 train owing te a break in te machinerx of te boat. The break was repaired an site took liter regular tr'ip Wednesday. f-Miss Jennie Heooper, Rochester, N.YV is visiting her sister Mrs. J. B. Martyn ané other relatives itere. Miss Greta Morrk who bas been spending a few weeks ir lte Flower City accompanied iter ite "Give me lte brigitt shiny ceaI with t short, round fracture.- ,I don't lîke ltesc long, thin pieces, they hum eout tee quick. 1 wanl Scranton' coal." The only placE Le geL it is from MeClellan & Ce, Limite-, t Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Swire, Harrowgate, Yorksitire, arrived in town Tuesday and are visiting their daugitter Mrs. Jas. Jet- son, Rogers' Farm, Darlington. Wo ex- peet îtey may hecome citizens of tii pretty town. Mrs. R. R. Cameron and son Donald of St. Cathtarines who have beeu guests oe Miss MeLean, Silvor-st., for a forînigit Ieft for home Tuesday delighted witl their visit te Bowmanville. Titey made several pleasant acquahiitances witile here. Mr. E. PL Horsey, Gerneral Manager-,of lte Lake Ontario and Bay, of Quinte Steamboal Company, made a haro of him- self yesterday at Kingston by jumping off thte dock and rascuing a child whicli had fallan into lte water. We aiways knew ltatlHorsey was nmade ef lte rigitt stuff. -Belleville Intelligences'. Titis itas a very suspîcieus complexion thinks Millbrook Reporter., Senator Rebi. Beilt and Mr. W. J. Bragg, (President Durham County Libemal Association), Bewmanville, were in town on Friday os- lensibly le buy apples, but lte suspicions Tories are skeptical enougi tot suspect that titey were here te consult wit thtit faititful on lte political situation. My greal-aunt was a notable house- keeper and scarcely ever went eut of the itouse, devoling iterself le leoking after lte comfort and wall-heing of lier home, writes Mrs, Forsytit Grant in Canadiar Magazine. Nol many women of ltai class le-day. Woman's ambitions lu îhis progressive age sÈoar far aboya te routine- of housekeeping. In a tîp ltrougit mucit of Cartwright lownsitiplte editer neticed how muet botter crops are titan lu Darlington tii year, owing te more frequent rainfall. Hlarvesti-ng is lu full swing, eats being the principal grain crep. Some extra titrifty pieces of cern and petatees were noticed. Omeiards give promise of a good apple crop., Better loeking rural residences and farm buildings cannet be seen ln any otiter township in titree countios. Carl- wright is a prosperous community. Tht old sehool btouse in S. S. No. i. was te enly lhing net-ced te mar tite day's obser- vations. The Central BsnesColleze ut Toronto inites yen te wvrite for at copyO ut iLcurriculum it înu are in aîiy wayiuterested in a training wbich will lead yeu n m a gond business aýlppointieut at a gond salaî'y. Ie Faîl Termn opensonu August lSth. 4&ddress W. H, SusPresidleni, Vouge & Ger- îard Sts., Toron.to, and umentioni titis paper. Deering Implemeuts and Machincèry. Are becomîng more and more thte farmers' friends. Thoy find by actual use tlitat titey wear botter a;ad have improvements titat other mak-es . Clal1 anl'see tite Déering B inders, seéd Dilis Disc Harrows ing "aie FRED T. HOBBS. Phone IêG Bowntanvîlio. Fé A1 IIADDY'S IdalSoap First Glass Laundry Soap 6 bars for .............. 25e Ideal Baking Powder A Pure Powder with good results, :1 lb. tin........... Ideal Tea, The best ever for the money Black, Green, Mixed, Two Qualities ................. 20c .ýor 1 "Lest We -Forget" by E. R. BOtJNSALL, WO Designer and Dealer iu his Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marble. id Bowmanville, Ontario. )Id st FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris &Son .s Most Coniplete Equipmnent )stI Sunday and might rais promnptly attended to. of Bowmnanville Phones 10-34 by Branches: ORONO IIAMPTONj AGENTS WA-NTED-For Private Christinas Cards. Either sex. Saurples free. Large tÀ profits. COipehase, "Cardex," Englaud.51 2 ig ONEY TO bOAN-at five, and live and a half Perrent on uMOrgage secnrity. Private tonds yrAnflY~tO R. R.LOSCOMXBE, Barrister, Bow- :y ?OTJNG MEN WANTED-For fari work in 'y F West. Wages $30.00 a nsontb and board. id Fares advanced. APPlY to R. JOINES, Wel- Iington-st, Bowmianvile.- 311' MTO RENT-Excellent iarm to rent at Oshawa harbor, splendidelay toxu, first- iS present c-p possession April lst, 1912. Apply in to G. D. ,,NNT, Oshawa (South). tdtf R~OOMS TO LET Over Mitchell & Co's Prug ie Store. A suecesstol dressnsaking business has been carriefi on here for over 20 years. eExcellent location. imediate possessýion. Ap- ply te R. M. MITCHELL & Co., Bowmanville. 3ltf ,e d.HOP-SES FOR SALE-one three year nid bay driver, broken double ani single, not atraifi e, ut autos; heaxy borse, about 1500 lbs., gondl Ld tarin horse. Both will bc solfi ai a bargain. Fmxo T. HoueS, Bowmanville. 31tf F. A. HADDY, GROCER, BOWMANVILLE. i j ~ n - New This Week At S. W., Mason & Son 's 2 pieces 4 yards wide, Engliali Linoleum, Speciai value. Floor Oilcioths, 1 yd., 1-1, 1-1, 2 yds., xide, new patterns. Lace Curtains ini white and ecru. Ladies' Whîite Musîju Dresses all sizes and pt'iees. White Linen and Duck Wash Skirts. New Parasols for Ladies and Ciidren. Emhroidered Dre.ss Musiins and Flouneings. White Mýuslia Waists, with Kimona Sieeves, the' very iatest creation in Waists.j Ladies'Co Jars, Tics and Beits all tite newest styles. Specials This ýWeek. Ldes' Tailor-made Suits, balance of stock to clear, $14.75 Ladit for $10.25, $15 suits for $10,50, $18 suits for $12.50, $18.75 suits, for $14, $20O suits for $5.AIl new titis sea- -son, INorthway 3lake. Ladies' and )/isses'1' Spring Coats, $3.50 and $3.75 coats for $2.75, $5.50 coats for $3.95, $6.50 for $4.75, $7.50 for $5.50 $8.50 foi' $6.25, $10 for $7.75, $1275 for $9.75, $14 and $15 for $10175, $16 for $12.50. 12 doz, Black Cotton Hose, great bairgains, 2 pair for ..2.5 e 10 doz. Pure Linon Toweis 18 x 36, reg. 17e oach for 2 for 25e 52 yds. Pnre Linon Table Damask, groat snap, por yard ..... ý35e 3ý doz. Linen Toilet Mats, hîand made, pure linen, reg. special 10eo eaeit for 5e, re'g. 15c for 7,1c, reg. 20e for 10e, Geint's Furnishings. Stock complote and up to date. No boefrvaus Erty Closing Ntice. al,1230O 'cock Mi~n uy anid AugnstmÈ. SOLE AG]ENTS for the-t Leather Label Overail& and the IHomre Journal Dress Patterns C V Gocers. Due Bis Taken as Cash Next Cdoror t ta ndrdBnk owmantvlle. 1 n I COBOURG HORSE SHOW Tite tit annuaI prize lisI of lte pepubar Cobourg Herse Show Association is me- ceived. Intending exhihilors sheuid send for a copy as entr ies close Tuesday, Aug. ist; J. H. Davidson, Seerelary, Cobeurg. Thte show takes place lu Herse Show Park Aug. 15 te 18. A new herse barn bas boon buibt, accommodating 65 herses, iighled by electricity, wiit wash rack for carriages, tlephene antI otiter conven- iences. Mm. J. D. Hiayden is President. Plenty of acconmmodlation, ais Cohourg has ii hoels-Albion, Arlihgton, Balmoral, Balimore, Britisht, Cedarmýere, Columbian, Commercial, Dànbamr, King Edward' andI St. Lawrence. RemembeYr dates andI plan te attend. LEHIGHVALLEY COIAL. My sales of Leitigit Valbey Ceai during lte past few months have bea far heond, my sanguine expectaimus, which cioarly shows that ltae peopleet l'Bewmanvilhe and vicinily wito purcIitsedý Lehiglu Ceai last sprimig were theroughhy1 satisfied and convinced LihtI hey never receîvod botter ,ceai value for lteir mny We aPre siIbs îbaigcars ef lte finest LehýigitV by(-oal sent direct tramilitemineTs. yg a e nver trie- L1ehigit Valley Ca e eflyoum bin ant yo wi hoanolie etmy saîisfied Orders will recei-ve promý-pt attention if beft at my ceai yards aniLdofr-,ce at Finkle"i Evapojater, opposite Iigi Scitool. E. W. Lose-oMdE, Bowmanvilla Phono:ofce17 ane14 mamm BIRTHS bEr-At ISethesada, July 2th, le Mr. and IMrs. PercY R. Lee, a daughter. OSBOaNE-At Ceurtice July 2ath, te air, and Mis. Herbert 1F. Oshoene, a sou. BELLMÂýIN-In Bowîelauville, July 27, to Mr. and airs. A. E.,Belîtuian, a daughter. CAMERON-lu Darlington, July 30, te Mr. an d iNs John H. eam eron, a daughter. xvooD-Jo Darlington, july 11, to Mr. and aIrs. Chas. Wood, a daughter. (Frankie Etheleen). MARRIAGES aieDticL asasa-4tMillbrook, July 251h, by Rev. Wmui. Jobonston, air. Geo. MeDaniet and' Misbila Clarke. FOWLaa-Adams-lu aillhrook, July l9th. by Rev. WIo. Johnon, Mr. Wesley Fowler and Miss Martha Adamis, both etf(Clarke. S aUII.IîS BvAX At Port Hope, July 24th, by Rey. E. C. baker, Alice Jane, eldest dan-shter nf Mr. Jos. Byam, aud Mr. W. Henry Surphls, ail et Port Hope. DEATHS MCGRATîii lu Clarke, July 3tb, Sarah J. Me- Grath, agefi 42 ypars. I('APP-Near Enfleld, Darlingto, July 3th, William H. R. Knapp. aged 74 years. BIJRNivuTo Toronto, July 28th, Geergina Sisson, widow et the late Dr. Burnhani, aged 65 years. Interred at Port Hope. aiLJNSON-lu Vancouver, B.O., Sunday, July 30, Minnie larentiîîe, relict of the late Lewis Man- son, and second daughter of tise lAte Ilugh Mollon, Enwmanville. CÂRBO MÂONETICRÂZOR ~ ~., ~Buy a "Carbo Ma«'.U * j' netie" Razor, Shave with' it 30 days, then, if you f -ivould rather haveyu rNTGE money back titan the razor FORW, will refund it. Over' YEARS ýt élz four million in is, NO HONING If you prefer a Safety Ltï RAZORRazor we have them, too, if MAS ON &Cal and see them, MSN&DALE, I POE145, BOWMANVILLE. 25c,40c F4 RM FOR SALE-El of lot 12, concession 6, Cartwsright, Durhamî County. contaiîîing 100 acres. Erected oit the preinises are a good trame dwelling, stose cellar 3ox20, 15x24, wnod- shed 18x24, good f rame haro, 5100e stables 80<40. pig pens 40xl8 and ]8x24,, i. acres utfînixed tii- ber. onue acre ut orchard, a neyer failing stream, bard and soit water, one mile iromi railway, i mile frolu the Village ut Blaekstock, N iles from ('usarea, tho lamons sommer resort on Lake Scugog, situ ted in the best tarming section lu thse Conuty of Durbaiur. For turther artieu- lars apply te the lodersignefi, Davidi J. Doug- las Adams, Port Perry, Ont., or Levi O. Taylor, -Nestietoni. ai 2" FO R SALE-A small tarin of 30 acres, being part of lot 10, con. 3, Darlington, 1i1 miles troni Bewmauville, on Manvers moad, Gnnd trame bouse, six roonis, htall, kitchen, pantry and good stone cellar with cement floor; good ciste rut and wel utf good water; haro, stables and he n- bouses in good order, Also 4 acres of orchard in full hearing, neer 260 apple trous, nearly al wir.ter fruit, aiso pears, plonis, grapes, and L acre ut swall fruit. The soil is well adaptefi for ,gardeicig porposes; onue mile frein the C.N.R.' station. Pleasant place to, live in view utfhuaI) and=tain; aily mail. For turther particuars appy n h promises or address.A. F. Âansc AD- OEZN, Box 41, Bowmanville. Ont. 221f su ARE YOU GOING WEST? Parties requiriiig information regarding farm lands in te vîcinity of Edmonton, Alla., should drçtp me a post card, witen literature, maps and price lists will be supplied F'ree ofr Charge. - F. L. WILSON, 23 4*344 Jasper East, 23 4*Edmonton, Alla.

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