Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jul 1911, p. 5

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I/1,PURE BLOOD MEANS STRENGTH -1 -Y y'r -V NIPILb J3LUUIJ I~UI<1Ffr1< mens prebiod.Try it ad ouwill e on1 ned Bssores, pimlpies, skîi ;diseass and rugh s-ki!i mdýi- caeimpqure, tin biMood. Na' BodPuri-fier, purifies .and enrîchs the blood, driing ouf the poisoîsousmteis ttIÉproluce suvhSdisaeeable syMpoms. Tis for the sUme OumAss f dseues s toseteteutRtprns Got a bottie at our storýýe: weý, recommweud it bocaue we know Wvhat is iný it-anri every NYAL IReîuedy is good. rice $1,0 R. M. MITCHELL Druggists Phono 92a. &x CO., Opticians Bowmanville. a n ] HE STANDARD BkNK 0F CANADA, TORONTO, Ras removed to its 110W Head Oflice Building, King St. West, corner of Jordan St., Toronto, The Snavings Bank1 Department at te now location will be made a special featuro of the Bank's business. UCONOMY IN SPRING CLOTI-ES, Why buy a rend-r-matie or matie-to- i neasure Sprbng suit fliat costs from $22 10 $535 when we are makbng taibor-matie -suifs in latesi styles anti of lest materials irom $15 f0 $20? You are invitedti f inspeet oui 110w Spring Suitings anti Overcoats witiouît tic leasf obligation f0 buv. We have the popular shades of tweeds anti fancy woî- sýtetis, perfcctly wovcu, peifectly dyeti anti finisieti,, wbich will le matie up in oui usual fiîrst-clasis style. JOSEPH JEFFERT SN Th e Staur H otISe owavbl ILÀWN mOWu S The old reliable is on deccl agnin anti -wivôîili solicif yonr patronage as in fie past. I will guarantce to sharpen youî miowei f0 give enitire satisfaction. I have fie liesi improveti Ideal Grintier coupleti witb a very largeý experiiece7 'ad you can dcpeud on a gooti job leing doue. Also aIl etige tools, grounti, sncb as kuives, scissors, etc., saws sharpeneti, anti alI gon- oral jolbing doue witli ncatncss anti strengil. Tbnnking yon for ahi pasi pat- ron-age,. The West Enti Smifby, King-st., owm;au1Ville. S -3m W. H. WILLIAMS3 COAL! COAL!!11 Th)is monti is the lest trne 10 luy con], wahile fý iepces are the lowcst in fthe year. Duir intgflic montb, of July we are deliver- th fe lest grades of Lehigli Valleyn Coal iu towu at flic following prices: Pea s$.2s; Egg anti Stove $700; Ciesinuit §$7.25; 50e per ton less ai G. T. R, station. A relate of 25 cents per fou will le giv- -on on al aoal paiti for turing July. We arc now lusy unloating several cars of flic fiuest Lehigli Valley Coal sont .duirecf frorn tle mines. If you bavc nover frieti Lehigli Valley Coal placc your nezi -rdur wifh ume anti you will gai flic lict coal value tînt your rnonev bias yef j boughit. Orders will receive prompt attention if ) eff ni my coal yards anti office ai Finkle's Evýaporator, opposite Higli Scbool., E. W. Lo)seoMBE, Bowmanville. Phione: office 177, bouse 144. M TO'THE AMATEUR Why nof give me a trial developing your films andi fin isbing yourý pictures? My prices are riglif and my work is best. 'THOS ROBSON, Photo Studio Bowrnanville EXCURSION DATES Toront o and Falls, Friday, July 28'. Petoîboro and Idyl Wbld, July 28. Cobourg, Monday, July 31. Peterboro, Civic Holiday, Aug. 7. A Good Position, Many young mon and women would like f0 get gooti positions bunflie business worid lut eau not, owing to lmcl of practical ed- ucation. One school that places manv of ifs graduates in good positions is flic Eh- iot Business College of Toronto. Write f0 flic College for a Catalogue. If is suie f0 interesf any ambitions young man or woman. SEA COAxST RESORTS The Grand Trunli Railway System of-. fers excellent service fo flic seaside re- sorts of flic St. Lawrence anti Atlantic ocoan, also tle coasi of Maine anti Massa- chusetts. Thiongli Pullnman sleepers beave Toronto for Portlandt and Boston 9.oo a.m. daily. Nigit -train leaving Toronto 1.30 p.m. daily couneefs ai Montreal witli train to Portlandt and Olti Orchard, Me. Full particulars frorn Grand Trunli agents. HURRAH FOR COBOURG! Thousantis of people ini ibis district have nover leen in Cobonrg, flic beautiful Couniy Town of fliese United Counties. Victoria Park is flic chef pleasure resoît anti if is ounflic lakeshore close by flic wharf Wbere flic boni lands the passengers. Amerianus have builf several cusfly soin- mer homes down there andi have ninde flic iown farnous as a resoît. Take a day off anti visit Cobourg wiih the Methodisi Sundny Seiool anti members of the cou- gregation nexi Monda-r Juhy 3i-fare Soe, chltiren 2,e. Boat beaves Port Bowmau- ville ai 9 a.m. anti returnbng leaves Col- ourg at 5 p.rn. giving 5fto 6 hours in flic f own. Delays Are- Dangerous-Espec-. POPULAR STR. ARGYLE ially On The Coal Question Mi. F. T. Hichinson, chef owneî of Evcry ativanfage is wifb flic Consumer fhe 'Argylo', was on b.)ard Friday looki- ïa Buying Coal Early. Btter Service, ing after fh ings ant iis pheaseti wiîl flhe* Less Cosi, noue 0f fhe disagreeahle fon- patronage trom flic diffe-rent towns. fores of winter tielivery, and theficatitet The Argyle wa -s w pafronizeti on ý(1ciri of liavbug flie-Coal in Yonr 0-11 j Tucsday andi riayof ast weei anti Bins, anti le sure yon bey flic Best when M?,anager Pethiciý is peaiseti wifh tice way 17on1 are Buyiug, fiat of course bU s Scran- Bowm.-auville. peoýple acpatnii hle fOui, andti bet eis one pfiscc luinowu boni.Anyîing yo [wat lmficway of Whee2e you can gct if, ti is f, rom iUS.-- ccmmdain nt 1 mli I pen- O ui stois arenowComplote, anifie jybelexvi eti;l;atno. 1Quahliy "NoVoer rNi:ceBgh, Siny u.Aglewl tk tcMids ooito booli nt, Beýtte-r bo Bain. Stove$7,0, demuert 10il paris of flic e rflctpfCoug nsiouiy cooytibyai, aibcexosonii 0Ynor50 c""Ipe1onbosai Habor i !)i,2lebotter flan ever.Corne ýa- A irelate of 25e er f in wihlie givenongoit-elac c;citr25C. Boui aIl ý Golpaitifrd rn uy evsa .m nirlîiglae o Remrnrliaiwe rels Hadquar- bourg Agond assoirmeuf of al linose_ ant &Dnl's pucs rea Sofiable. Cîlanti ecls ant i - Io iidooui lest f0 givo oe' A SQU1DEA IdcClllan& Co. Limted5FOR FECE' i I -- g -..----.-------.---.------------------------------------- ~..-., i BOWMAN VILLE STATION. GOING EAST. GOING WEST Epei .4am:Expreis 4.22 a. in. :Express 10.18, oa 7.43 Passenger 31 . e aseeer 1.48 p., I. Lofai 6.49 ,, j :Pssengr 75 Mail 9.58 , j Daily. BOWMANVILE,JIJLY 27, 1911. Social anid Personal. Mis. 1. Tabb rocently visiteti relaiivcs in W iutby. Fresh Neilson's Cliocolafes just arrived at Mit cbell's Ding Store. Mi. and Mis. C. A. Jo hnsfo annd family are bolidnying ai Lake Se eg6. Spring chieken ---59Zwanted - af once - by James l4 ,fonachio. Caldweil's convoyances go f0 boni Tuesdnys and Fridays. Phono 127. Mr. John Hislop, Whiîby, visifeti bis brother Mi. Wm. Hislop, Tuesday. Mr. Fred VnnNest is enjoying holidays on tle dear olti faim near Taunt on. Dr. Wm. Tonnant is the lafest citizen to ho sporîing aronnd in an automobile. Mi. and Mus. Jos. Towns, Osbawa, wcro Snndny guesis of Mr, Thos Brown, Centre sf. Mi. Chas. Baskeî-ville, Rochester, N. Y., bas been visîfing bis ssior, Mis. John Cur- tis. You save 25e per ton by buying youî coal from Loscombe ibhis montb. Phono Misses Alice and Dorothy WitToi- onfto, are visiting ni Rev. W. C, Wasbing- toni's. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hancock, Clarke, visif cd ber sister, Mis. Louiseý Paftoison, Monda y. Ail Summer gootis sclling off ai gîcntly roduced puices ai Coucb, Jobnsfon & Ciy- derman's. We notice Mesdames F. J. Horne, andi B. J. Hazlewood driving their mot or cars nround fown. Misses Mary Crytierman and Ethel Sco- bell -are holidaying at Sturgeon Point, near Lindisay. Mi. and Mis. Ernest Smithb, Toronto, bave boen visiting bis mother, Mis. John Reid, Liberi y-st. Dr. J. C. Deviti wîll close bis dental paîlors from Aug. 7fi to AUg. 24th while taking bolidays. 30tf Mis. Wmn. MeLean and family, Toron- to, aie visîting bier sister Mrs. Wesley Kerr and other relatives. Mi. anti Mis. Tios. Woodlev left Wcd- nesdny fo visit relatives af Kindersley and Lnngham; Sask. Miss Amanda E. Bond anti sister Mis. L. J. Stainton, Oshawa, spent SundayI with iheir unclo, Mi. M. A. James., Mi. and Mis F. C. Frank, Midland, Mi.t S. M. Frank, Buffalo, N. Y., bave been hloidaying ai their fafher's, Mi. GeorgeE Frank's.t Miss Lucy MeCombe and Miss Validai Raîbe bave retuined f0 their homes int Port Hope affer a pleasaut vîsif bere and at Orono. Misses Mary anti Giadys Vanstone have returneti home affer a week's visif wtht their nunt, Mis. George Etiger ai otho rN frientsinbuToronto. Mi. anti Mis. D. B. Simupson, Mir. and iVEs. C. 11 -oen, -Messrs.- Geo. BalE and J. H. McMurtry lad an'enjoyable aloior trip t Rice Lake Snnday. There nie more lientunuits in a fou of t Scranton coal than bun ny coal produtied. I Egg, stove, nut and pen sizes for sale lya MeClellan & Co., Lîmîteti.f Bowmnnville's summer -resoîf bas grown f0 sncb proportions thnt a sul-posi office bas becu opened ai Port Bowrnan- ville wifh Mi. Arche Tait, poîf master. _ Mi. Chas. R. McCulloulgl, Hamilton, j was elecctid Honoîary President of Can- il adinu Clubs at fie annual meeting ai t Winnipeg, Man. Ho is a Bowrnanville i box'. Misses Lila anti Elsie, Cole, Bethesda, s are visiiing their uncle Mi. Samuel Par-. sons, Exeteor, anti woîc winners in several races ai the- Methodisi pienie ai Grand Bond Tbursdny lasi.0 A slick yonng man visited Bowmauviileg receufly selling mops, whicb lots of oui s ladies bonght ai $î.oo cach. Nicholîs liais t tlic sarno mop wich ie hobs always solti jn for 75e. Moral:- Buy youî goodsafNilip olls'. Mis. (Dr.) William A. Whîite and dangliters Mildîcti anti Moseifa anti niece, Miss Louise L. White, New York City, are visiîbng lier parents, Mi. anti Mis. M. A. James, "Lorne Villa." D. O. & P. Co. banti gave a splendid open-air concert on the Town Park Sat- urdav evening whici gave pleasure t0aa large number of cifizons. Wliy cannot we bave a weekly concert? Canadian General Elctric football team of Pet erboro is again Midlanti Longue champions, having disposlet of Ahl Saints iearn by a leati of 7 goals. Wc wisli ihem confinueti success in flic Ontario series. Tme regular meeting ofT Bovirmanville Branci Woman's Instifufe will lic lelti aI flic re.sidence of Mirs. George Frank on Friday JnLy 28 ai 3 P. rm. Ail members are reoues cd f0albc present anti bring frieutis. Bowmanville Metiodist Sunday Sdbool willolti ifs annual ,! excursion anti pienie 1)y Steamer Arg_,lo ai Victoria Park, Co- bourg, onMotaJl 1 Tickets 5oc cl,iren 25c. Pbi odiiuiv t f corne anti en, apleaaniday Mr. A. E. craat i. L. Pat- erson leif tinsta Mo aito ontbs' trip ta Westen Cnad. Te frmer ull isi ier son, Mi. T. Herlieri Mc- Mrs. F.R1 rw,<)oos laat jtana Miss - Amg.MKwn th isle Vio iaigivt ia anicMs.W c _owaulf ota 0vsfle riir i - iSend us namresos 0four visitors. Ncw books, new umagazinles at Nchk î' Mr. Harley Perc-y, Toronto, was home over Sunday. Miss Eva Osborne has refurned borne from New York cil v. LieFw antqU-,1Y quantity, any variety at James lVLýp.onnachie's. Leave your order at Caldwell's Livery for Arygle Tuesdnys and Fridays. Loscombe is givinug a relate of 25C Per ton on ail coal oaîd for durinu , ,1vy 0 i ENFIELD M.antiMi.G.MatniifdMibal son Hul onJ.rictn, Lc 1gsuoss i u eheCtid sorrn Wotin i y ecnmg ti stulil igitin atilinet ifi hiibs seasous iay. Tli,nlrx-dis f0 save hem, hiws no eay mat LIBERALS, ATTENTION!i A meeting wiill bce held ini tie Townj Hall, Hamp ton, on Snturday eveingi. Juiy 29th at 7.30 for th-e ele-ction of) dele- gates fo attend tbe Counity Coniven-tïiuat Orono on Aug, 21th.- Every Liheral is invited f0 attend. W. E. POLLARD, A L. P X'SCOE, Presient.Secy-Treas. ýlP!-, - ", ý fi-1 Miss Bessie Scofi, Osh)awa, spent Sun day witb ber aunt Mris, Lewis Lyle. Mrs. Sbipman and Miss Lena Shipman Toronto, are visîting Mis. J. T. Trewin. S Special sale of glaýsware ài Nicholîs Saturday. Mr. aud Mrs. j. W. MIcAdie, Oshawa weîe in town receutly calling ou Mr. T Paftorson. Miss Dora Prout lias been engaged t( tteach the public sclhool, at Saudford ai salaîy of $5o0. Ladies' suifs anid spring coats selling of at a big discount af Coucb, Joburston t8 Cryderman's. Mrs. J. Deikie,, Washington, D. C., is re. newing old acquaintances here, guest o; Mrs. J. McIntyre. 1 High Court Ancient Order of Foresteu meets in Coliegiate -Lecture Hall, Peter. boro, on AUgusf 22. Mr. Haines and Mr. T. R. Tonnant motored from Toronto and spent Sundny af Mr. J. T. Trewjn's. »Mr. Stanley Davey, Oshawa, and M~s R. Warren, Toronto, have been visitifr at Mri. F. W. Kiîkendall's, Napaneo has followed Bowman-vilIe',ý example by selling flic municipal elecirie plant f0 Seymour Poiver Co. foDr $4o,00, Crown fruit jars, ahl sizes, dletivored f0 any part of the fown; also jelly tumbloruý and rubbor rings. Lowest prices at Nich- olîs'. Mis. Goodyear, Charlevoix, Mich., and Mrs. J. 0. LaBelle, Bowmanville, are vis- itîng their brother, W, T. Greenaway.- Port Dope fGuide. Mr. and Mrs. John McCombe, Toronto, parents of MeCombe Bros., the Irishi evan- gelists, recently celebrated the. flftiefb annîversary of their marriage. E.- W. Loscombo, the Lehigh Coal agent, is flhling orders with fresb mined coal, aIl sizes, and guarantees the' lowesf Summer price if paid during July. Mrs. (Rev.) S. T. Bartlett, Toronto, waý bere visifing her mother, Mrs. John Hell- ynr, who celebrated hier 82ýnd birthday ou Thnrsday, July 2o. Miss Ethel Bartleft is also visiting bore. Mr. B. N. Brittain, accounfant of Royal Bank, was called f0 bis home in Wood- stock, N. B., owîng f0 tbe sudden deafb of bis tnther. Mi. Harvey Mingeaud, Inger- sol], is relie-ring at flic bank. "Give me the brighf shiny coal wiih fthc short, round fracture. I don't like these long, thin pieces, they buru out f00 quick. 1 want Scranton coal." The only place fo get if 15 from McClellan & Co, Limif cd. "THE STATESMAN is the first paper I ever rend as a boy iiinmy home in Hamp- ton and ifs newsy columuns are of great interest f0 me yet, for if is always a pride f0 me f0 see the rise and progress of Old Durham Boys.--W. J. Ci-AR,,KE, Winnipeg. Au old-fashioniedC striped .sbawl was losf Friday near Bow.,manville cernetery, the brickyard,stio or town. Finder will greatly obliýge owvur by leaving ai TUESTTSMNoflce as the owner prizes if as au heiirloom, from bier grand- mother. Miss Aima Margaret James, who bas ,condncted a uumbc.r of concerts in ibis town and vicinity With s0 much success, has returned f0 lier home in St. Thomas, accompanied by ber cousin, Miss, Winni- fred Power. They will also visit relativcs ai Hamilton, London and other places in Western Ouitario during their vacation. G. W. Soper's stallion, wbich he was drivîng, became frightened at a passing passing auto near Mi. Walter Rickard's. Mr. Soprer xvas thîown oui and received injuries which laid hlm up for a- day or two. Anoflier manî sitting in tbe rig lead- ing a second stallion behind escaped un- injured. Two wheels of the rig wcre smashed. Mi. Dave Mutton, -The Bowmanville Tbresber," lias decided Iorin bis tbresh- ing outfif agabu fbis, FaîL Ho bas thor- oughly overhanled botbi cleanier and on- gine and lie says fbey are now in as good shape as t bey were wheu fhiey left the fac- tory. Ho guarantees good service and requesf s a confinuance o tbe extensive patronage accorded birn inafthc past. 1w -Mi. F. A. Philp, Coibornie, îeceived a citter from bis sou Camneron, who is con- nected witli fli Bank of Toronto at Por- supine, giving bis experience, during fthc receutflice. Affer assisti-ig witb flie woîk ofbuîying the books and valuables bo- !onging f0 the Bank and a portion of bis dlolhing ho in company with anoiber young mauî,,paddled ouf intfli lake in a smaîl canoe where tliey remained for fhue hours, antd alfliougl the heat was intense bhey escapeti wifbht serions injnry. Mr. F'bulp is a relative of Mr. C. L. Munson, 3owmanville. Wbile walking down Km g-st, Monday acitizen calîcti our attention f0 a mop lisplayed by amerebantfor 75e. Hosaid a traveller lad been in fown recently and calling ati fli bouses lad probably sold a hundred or more of those sme mops at $iecd. 'tWlatdo youknow about ibati" said ho., Oui friend was inclined f0 laugb i tic purchasers but they ,ýWeronof f0 ilame for paying fhe extýra 25e. Iftfli ne(rc-han.tbad advertiszeti inThe James FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son teMc. J. W. AL'EXltNLE, entr-i Eowmmlle. 2o ifte. Boanville Phne2-tf3 KTCINceGRcL ýai anD-Athere entoBox- 309, n B w Aiîvle. lte 1101ianile 9t OUASE1 PRENT ExcelleIntDAnîT OCE.a Osawa haO rborJ W.pLEXNciDERyo, iît-t. claî sinnîtcfacîn. Pioming f pceîent o poicgeic Aril l it,11.Applyn to G. D. CONANT, 0Bha aarSonth). 2owf T URAdITE WANTED-Fo SS.Nlo. ,Dingn týon.tetondclamapîfiîionaPl. setate îale, ary and xpeies n.duti ercomenceBo 39Bowmaii,,le. 2902P OsawEa iaru;l facm] vf 30 ae, bing Fls pinaîtd otck3, acingttnPomrialer f setco ossansion MApi 1912. lled fcay ChNe, x Ochall, kuitcin nty n goodA E stn clar th cer et Daor l o ine- ond slcfgod wtc a ro îtablio an hae houseî ndd xe. ie cctes cfcocmchel fORl beAiî,oec 20 aple tn f30re, eiai prtecfit , onen, Dplmao , mies gacdnig purpanvileoni milerroihd.N.R. statisonPlar ithplce t ien o;go iew f bn andi trains; god ail maiFocfmsthbespatiai ful henp vreuni0ea or adrei . . Aearl ol DEN, Box 41, licwmanvilie. Ont. 22tf mn ARE YOU GOING WEST? Parties requiring information regnrding faim lands in the vicinity of Edmonton, Alfa,, should drop me a post card, when literature, maps and price lists will be suppliesi Free of Charge. F. L. WILSON, 344 Jasper East, 28 4* Edmonton, Alfa. Balmoral Hotel Company Limiîted. Lc;.our il o rî oelCipay inue1 imrii onioifo h acpate if the so cnlî f f ca-tconnolfr, tefitenl coy lci u,111 *CARBO MMiNETIC RAZOR fl ~it 30 da ton i o l lWO NT GET DULL would rte oyu [Imoney bnth- an the ra:ýzor [ YEARS four nmllîon în use YEARS NO HONING If You 11prefer n Safe"ty *AU Razor we bave ttoo, MA SON & Cail and see chm MASO 0 DALE, L H PHONE2 DOORS EAST 0F POST OFFICE, HORSEY BL-ocF, PHN 145 0IVU M J îï,EM TO OUR PATRONS Our business year ends Monday, July' 31. How exceedingly glad it would make ý1us if our patrons who owe for subscrip- tion, advertising or printing would pay athe account before july ends. It will *help us- materially if ail will oblige us in this matter. ýo We sincerely thank ail who, have re- i sponded to our request to settie and hope to hear from iuany others this week. ff M. A. JAMES & SON. SCRANTON CoAL-The standard for over 4o years - for sale in ail sizes by -McClellan & Co., Limited Notices of Blrths, 25 cents; Marriages 50 :S cents; Deaths, 50 cents, cach insertion. Wheu funieral cards are printed et this office, insertion free. BIRTHS SHELLEY-1lu Bownianville, ,Tuiy 16, te Mr. and JUrs. Albert Shelley, a son. PATTE RSON-In Brookinju ly Sth, to Mr. and MF . E. Patterson, a son. POOr.v-In Bcwmanville, Jtoly 21it, to Mr. andi gýMn. Richard Pooly, a daughter, HO'1isNoKa .Iii Tonawanda, N. Y., July 25, t o 'S fi. audMmi Oliver W. Roncsinger, (nee Florence conley), ab son. MARRIAGES 0 LowE WîjrL.,s-At Medeaif-st pacîcuage, Osi- «Shawa, by Rev. S. C. Moore, Jnly 19th, Miss Eliza- beth A. Willis ani Mr. Wm. B. Lowe, beth of Oshawa. IVES--FOEXHA n- luSt. George's (iharcli, O4) dhawa, July 6th, by Rer. C. R. ilePencier, Mc1i,. Emma Fo"enian and Mr. HecberltIve,, both cf East îVhitby. WALKER-WHLTE-In St. George's Chncch, Os- hawa, JuIy 8, by Rev. C. R. dePencier, Flocnce, Maud, eldeit datightec of Mr. W. D. Wlhite and Mr. Acthuc H. Walker, Oishawa. REx"tOLDS-BELLM4.1N In Bowmnanville, JuIy loth, at the cesidence of the bcide'î mothec, Centre-s8t., by Rev. T. W. Jolliffe, Miii Annie Maud, eleit danghter of the late Edwacd Bell- moan, and Mc. Fcancis J. Reynolds, Bcyîon, Que. t DEATHS M O'-nOcono, Jnly 21s t, .Joirn Maie n, aged 8ý 3 yearî. DEAN-In H-ope, July 22nd, Agnei Dea,iore lict cf the late Wm. Dean, ageil 83 yeari. Sf 41'LEs At Coboucg, .uly 20th, Thoînýai J. Staplei, fornecly of Baijuore, Ont., in hia 29th yeac. STALTER -In Toronto, July 20, Fcank W. Stal- tei, eldeit ion of Mc. A. J. Stalter, Oshiawa, in hi s:>th year. f HAWIcîINS-At RoSImount, Joly 218t, Elizabeth~ Ann Hawkins, daughtec of Mr. Wi. Hawkins, aged 49 yeaci. NEWHÀLL-GoDmAx InOshaw,' Juiy,18, by Rer. C.R. dePenciec, Miss Elizabeth A. Good- main and Mr. Wm. Newhal], both of Oshawa. Ideal 1Soap First Class Laundry Soap 6 bars for............... 2e M Ideal IBaking Powder, A Pure Powde,-r with good resuits, 1i.lb. in .......... 20c Ideal Tea SThe best ever for the money Qlackten ixd,,,Two BQulckt e en,............0 Frult- ai 1111Ailids FI->A. HADDY, GROCER, BOWMANVILLE. ....... se8 ' W. Mason & Son 's H 2 pioces 4 yards wide, English Linoleum, Speciai value. Floor Oilcloths, 1 yd., 14, 12~, 2 yds., wide, new patteras. Lace Curtain's in white, and eceu. Ladies1 White Musiin Dresses al -izes and priCes. White Linoni and Duck Wash Skirts.. New Parasols for Ladies and Cl lidren, E rnbroidered iDress Muslins and Fuaiaîgs. White -Muslin Waists, with Kiiuoria Sîceves, the verýylaes creation in Waists. Ldies' Coliars, Ties and Boits l the ne vesfle Speci*als Thils Wileek. Ladies' Taior-mude Suits, balansce of stock to clear, $4.7 5 suits for $10.2-5, $1.5 cuits foi' $10.150, $18 suifs for $1'2.50, $18,75 suifs for $14, $20 suits for $1.5, Ail 10W tfis sn sonl, Northway Make., Ladies' and Misses' Spriag Coats, $3.50 and $3.75 confsfo $2.75, $5.50 coafs for $3.95, $6.50 for $1.7-5, $7.50 for $5.50 h $8.50 for $6.25, $10 for~ $7.75, $ 12.75 for $9.75, $14 n I $1.5 for $10.75, $16 for $12.50. ~I 12 doz, Bal Cotton Rose, reat bargains, :? pair for. 10 z. P r1einenToweis 18x ù ,rog. I17e oach for ý2 for 5 3'zoi Lie'iToiot ats had mdepure linon, reg.spca 10 ecl fr 5c, reg. 1.5e for 7le, reg. 20c for 10t. ent's rnishig11 f Atc opltGau od e N te aus EarlyClosng Ntice Ths toewil eclse vey ~neda ftrTo h.L atJ,0ocokdrngJR n uut i SOL AG NT fo te Lathr abe Oerni ZÎÎÎIRLI p a IL i PL f s m 6 rl F-N'il f-%, T7% TN Ir T Ir%, Ir lýM E i i - l> 11 , i F.' Ap IHADDYS "Lest, We Forget" E. R. BOIJNSALL, Designer and Denier in Monuments, Tabiets, Markecs, etc., in Granite aind Marble. Bowmanvîlbe, Onta arlo.

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