~e t B c k, Kifn g Street. Be mafile. n eetla n tsyL ab e raties. 48evgn. et Mt.1 CaHrmelHopAiC 1011. t 3 ý.r vaLLOW ten1 c gN n___ d__ 101 TIegto Kt. Te A. boue No.GHLcf. Feier ter uho1naile tseadi-ebi iiy niiaii her Paentbuins rusFe Moufrealan t dV ihîiitoi..,..U.S.A. TRAoE MARKiS DESIGNS <leir ase ertain otîr opinion fris whether au Invention la Probably patentabie. Conîmunica. tien stsurctircouSfdoiutiai. IiANDBOOK on Patents &tfe. Oidet aee for securing patents. (ýimts5talicu througts Mure&ACo. receive s sqciaI ,tioe, wthout charge, le the Sckute ilfk il eric,> A haedscelcy iinstteid sreetr. targest cir- rgx!attiee tl ser soieific tournai. Tenus for tai-, ttayer, potage piepald. toid hy -oaetaia SYfl0fjis of Canadien Nortlîwest Lend Regulations. j~ N/acnou ho ta tise soie head o! a Al tany maie over 18 y cars nid, mer ihomastecrIa quarter section off avait. chie Domijjioni land su Manitobsa, Sas-. atchean or Aberta. Thea appiican-t muet aPpoar in cers-an ai the Dominion Lande Agener or Sui-Agency for tise district. Entry by rproxy mer ho made aS en.v ag. eui-y, 0oucertain conîditions, isr Satser. inotisor. son. daugister, brother or isten of intandîne isometeader. Dunies :Six months' residence uceeu and rrlîlvatiro of tise land in ctisou tisrce reIns. A isomsteader mer live with. iu aine milcs cf big homeaiaed on a farm of ai leastil60acres ely owued and occupied por isimor isr hia fetiser.moti- un, son, dau"isuerý, ibror or siàter. In certain districts a hometeeder te gond standîing mer a37 re-emmesa quarter section aoeiehie liomestead. Pnicel $3LOO per ace. Dttes -Mnstnaside i menthe in mch o! six Years ffreim date f leometead autr iuiudinoe tise tinte e- A omeedrwhe basees ('I ,1ýt 'l hie h~meeted ntgt anScanot ebtain1 Sa-et ito. me Sai ,urchaeed home-ri e-id itecetain ds4ite!. Pnice ;.3.00 ueýr sures. Duttes-Muet rIeFsi-desix moithmje osi f thrc'e ysarge. enItiva_ýte fifîy acr"es aiSeet at).ouee wrth fIltqO.O. W. iw. Coey.i De,îpýty Mt1ýeiTte"ietish Itrir ~dvrtssiielêwil Loct be onid for. The Mabratta country in the western part of India, is the home of one of the finest Indian races. The pricle ef the inhabitaiits is natural,' as teyknow thato they are ýsupeijor tethe.tribels ef ether districts-fert ar ý 1att-,an s ba e in their time oqerdalIndia. This keldg a-gvnrse te tragedies ofa stîrange anti ,en terrible nature. 0 Oneef the crimes that thrilled the whele ceuntry, and incidentally nearly brought te the gallews an innocent man, eccurreti shortly af- ter the termination ef the Amnr- Cali Civil War. During the progreissof this cen- fliet the native cetton-growers had miade enormous profits owing te the blockade of the southern ports of the t:ited States. Cotton was at a premnium. every- where, and money poured into the Mabratta country from the sale ef !the raw material. Cultix aters w-ho had formerly eked out a preca-ieuMs excistence sudclenly feunEd themý- selves nîch beyond their- wildest ambitions. In tact their chief prob- lemn was hew te dispose cf thaîr wcalth. Ameng the most prosperous of these farmers wasý Bussapa iPatol, wvho launched eut into the wildest extravagancesý in order te "sa-ve the face" ef the lamily among the neighbers. 1AIl the cultivators vied with ene another in display, Sarees, or pet- ticonts e-f the mest -expensive tis- sues, were loaded upon the wo- men, and gold and silver, orna- nients. lligh-priced trotting bullocks were purchased,' and carts with sil- ver tyres, and harnessa wîth silver yekes andi silver mountings. The bloodeti bullecks wera matcheti against each other in trotting races at which -tho whele countryside at- tendeti, and the entire, population cf the district blossomod out with rati silk sunshades, which were sent eut by an onterprising English firn andi premptly purchased whelesale. Brandy, gin, anc champagne now made their appearance fer the first tume ameng the sober ceuntry folks. Rioteus living began, and first ameng the revallers was always Bussapa, whe was rarely seber. The only pensons whe did net shara the public proýsperity were the money-lenders, who haci always previously helti murtgages upen the creps andi were the acknewletiged masters of the land. Dewcbund, the. village banker, had ne silven tyres te bis cants, no trotting bulle:cks, and ha went abeut with a long face, looking malignantly upen bis naighbers and heping fer the tume when the price cf cotten would suddernly tumble- a time which the le ger-beadletipar- sens amnong the IVahrattas had al- relady begun te feresee. Bussapa Patal hati one link that beund bum te decency. This was bis little son Bhow. Little Bhow was an almost dailyi visiter at Dewchund's bootb in the bazaar, wbere he was always sure et being given somýe sweatmeats or a handful et nuts er semee ether dolicacy dear te chiltihooti. Bitasapa was net slow te -lPPýfa încreasing intimacy, between bis son and the money-londer, but ha dismissed ithe subjeet trom bhis mind. He hati netbing against Dewcbund; indeati, ho denidat im because the bankingý business was at se low an ebb, and contemptuocslv dlismissed bim tram furtber theuglit. FinalIly the ciash cam, andi iBussapa founti hiiùseif enly able te keep a roof aboya bis bead by the aid ef small tamporary ativancas "îFEEBLE STOMACH'9 Causes Digestive Weakness and Poisons the En- tire Systeni. "Noeuene n have sufforeS more Shen 1 did wtth stomacis trouble,' writes Phit, E. Pascaien, weil icosen at St. Andrews Cernons. "My doctor Sld Me my indigestion ccd sleepiess- ces s ere due te poisons le tise bieed- Certeinly my consdition seas dosperate, and it seemed, frem tise daspondënt feelings tisat swept even me thaS I woutd lese my roc-son. I isapponed te read about Dr. Haenilton's Pilis acd- bougist fiva isoxrs fren tise druggist. Suai soyclacigpillle nver ,useS; Sisey seee mld cdytqui,',,,treng enengis te ýdrive c! l(,tisa hum1oneut et tise leedr,. -M!y ctoesch ,gained atrngtis repidiy n luis Dr. _ïaiiiton's Pille anS I isnpueve se muais isan1 eight weeiss I ceuld oai anddigstcl - ordinary feed. Deprossion ceid wc nasa passdaS en-an cd I cm, tisanka te Dr. HeImîiion's Fille, enjeyiug roba-st good isealtis." SNe remody fer bilunneca, Indigos- tien, iseedcise, sick tomacis or con- stipation thet compar-es wittis r. ERam- iîieu's Fille. RefuseausitteSaiS In 25c. boxes. AI! dealers, or Tise Cetarrisezee(Ce-, IKingelton, ont, bis benror lha saw tiset Bn-ssapa bat omligt. l lc nacaiiune ratreateti inte a corner et thea noce, tali.duoultn't I involve that cet, witb a teartul look in bis cyos- Dewcbhund ins the plet, atter al l" andi ootstnetcbeti hanta, we s outb I ho mutteret. "Ho tercet me te ing anti mnttcning te hinsseif. ant i kli nysyon. He ocgbit te dia fer tuying te keep ett soeaimegiuscnyut" cnemy. Cleariy drink be-t attectet Ho f oh 'it la-st inte a drunken Bussepa's mmnd. "Wbat is ilW/bat tedon o se- stuipen, svich icuteti util a laie ashei Dwchud, sisknee sbk ouur in the mornîing, wben hoe was a reuset hy n sarvantviîo asket ing, as bis superstitions feens ever- bmshr buBb tas came hiun. hmweeBo aaws "bl yor tegn " houet Ieistantly the evil nesolution iBuccapa, apparentiy uogeîn'ng bis'loe netetmnatsban self-control. "Yen toit me that Cuigetta i oswssoe yen suoulti bring a cuit against me cîsnobabiy murderet, lho cahot witbin tbroe day. W/ail, I hae 1togetîser a Fearch-party ftromi -r. , - Iansegne u neighbbrs, and] vient youn account." Dewchunt prodaced i bs iedger anti et once began atduîug up the total amount et Bussirpas debt, togathen witb tnee interast tue. Bussapa, appanently calmer, set beite hies anti iooue-d on. Wben the amecunt bcd been figoncti Bus- sapa hegan te wnangle ton c neduna tien in the castemary nener, eo that the money-iecdei- bacate c-,i- vincee that biis visiter- ha 1, inset unknewn niannar, ebtaiat ib meaianti -ta-s 1iencnu't te pcyl hies. Deschueti, aftter euchbabr- gau'sieg, agreedtot knocAk ott a lunmp suesn on condàition oft insetiate set- tiement, ced BuPissaîsa, stili rub lin,e inghagrcealtote ls term. 'New bingDot the mesoîtig de(et i cutd iba,, cuber bondts, so-tJ ch1e Mabrtta,"anti inteuse tliicm u t sbrgt Than iyou seil s rt me ont a ieceipt in tuti for ah tue monay tua. Desehiie begn t temn teibi frein bouse te b ouse in the village, inquiîing overy-wbore, anti soarcb- wXth me, but net;+ in meiey. I put!'in- ameng the stables anti eut- the bag in your atabIs. Coma andibbuildings, until thay reacheti Dew- ae i. chunti's sbop. F 0 Fi Dewchund lhghted a lanteril, and At tia first questien Dawcbund hurrieti in the wake ot the Mah- jali inte a stupor et toar. Ihat rattea inte a sbed ,in oeacerner ef was sufficient te excite imimediate wbich was a quantity etftinieti fuel suspicion, especialiy et a rney- ________that had evidiently bacr disturbati. le'ïder, always an ebject et hate Bussapa tLoek th.c lanitern froni the aîeriog the villagors. A searcb was Wall Knw ~~atU anaCr ymnei) de antid the Way fite madie et Dawcbcntis staýbles, at "Frut-a4veshef -:st cene,floe-he set the disturbeti heap et fuel, the it êwa;coaed ithmud, increaseti SÂNI, in . b.sd, 1910. ho caîîght iicundli, by the îbneat tble beliet that Dewchund anti III have bran a su fro the paet witb ente lian.'ti', -se that lho coulti net killeti the chilti. 25 yod-s with Cetipatien1, Indigestion ci-y eut, anti foietd iibu down uipen 1Tracks wore toui leatiing trem and Cta of e The Stm .Itiedthe grounti. Thon lbe sauti, lîissing1the shedi. They l'an in the dirc- mauyrîreis e naydoetons but 1int iscr d -cv-dnobeneit Whatveine1i artien et the water-course, anti ther-e ialyIread an aietieet f <Youu illain, 1 havoe, aivoyn they suce teund il tuabodiy. "Iiu4~atîea. dciedte 7ý1e with my seu's lita. I've kîl ýlet i ttia DeWchunt was seizeti anti han(]odý "Fnita-jvs"a trial and fodi th;ey Bbow ant i biiten bis body anseng'oer 'te the police. Nobody doubt- ideatywhat wes caise on th'-"- the fuel. if yeu tient agrea to ecd that lhe bati eally murtiereti the sema mon1ýïtae S"ir thsit thafar hewbat I say, l'Il rai-se the, alarin at boy fer tihe sake et bis orrnaments ouly né.iely thet dbes me good once anti accuse yen etf baving mur- ant i isposati et the bodiy in the I have recommannded 'IFnuit-a-t ives" deret imufer the Làke et bis orna-! ididtle efthie nigbt. Ris incebéer- te a groat many of îny f riands and 1Imnints ant ilve\ r banigles. Quick o nt protcsts, bis assai-tiens that cannot praise these fruit tabiat.s toce Make your tiecisioni Canel the Bussapa c-as the mourdorer, w ara PAU< . JNL idebt1 If you consent, rais@ your moelrai egarde as tise lest de-sper- 4' r igbt anm, andti hn cerne back witb ate plea et a 1eetticinal. -.tme te yeur sbep." Helwever, at iast a searcb wes - ' Hait deat i 1îth far, Dewchund matie in Bussepa's blouse, anti raiseti bis an Uedcientiy, anti thora, wrapped in a bondie ot bis Bussapa, stili holding him finmly, cw-n clethes, were fouet the s'Iver led anti draggcd bics back inte the'ankiets anti the Isangles et little lieuse wbiere, alter again thi-eaten- Bhow. -ing hîm teincase lhe sheuit eau eout, Bussapa, in bis tiunkenness, bat Bussapa releai-et i m. foîgetten ý.e take tbem anti secrerte "Now yen aie paiti," ho saiti in them in Dewcbund's bouse when a 'l)w voice. "Give nie the papersý the alaîn w-as first given. Ha ar anti a receipt in fulet once." intende t t place tbem in the Ka Dewcbunti, in wbeni the first karris' camp, but witb the change sbock etfisornrrbadi abatet, new -cf plan bis wits taileti him. said:Upon thair tisevery, Bussape "W/bat is goieg te ha tene with was kopt untier strict watcb anti tlic hody-?" forbidientu t have access te liquor. Êhosand.le nwiluse "Fruit-a-tivea. "W/e siii take it away presantiy The tioprivation et this stimulus after reading the aboya latter. It proves, anti burry it in the water-course,"shattered what littie nerve re- beyond the shadow of a doubt, that et answoret the Mah natta. nmiein n , u, d Bussapa matie lest there is e cura for Constipation and Deivebunti, trenîbiing with fear, a dean breast of bis crime. Stomacli Troubles. tiulv intorseti the papans anti hand- The idea et sacrificing iittie "Fruit--tives" is Natune's cure for edti ibem te Bussapa, at the sainie Bbow, na affirniat, bat nover on- these diseeses, bain g matie of fruit juices- and valuable tonies tîme writing eut a tuil'raceipt fer, tarot bis mmnd until just betore bis Soc. a box, 6 fer $2.5o, trial sire, 25c. ail intiebtedniess. Thon ho took ýa'enter*ieg Dewcbunc's bouse, on the At dealers,or sent on receipt of price by light anti felloeve Bussapa to the night et the murter. Ris first in- Freit-a-tives Limnited, Ottawe. shed. taction, in tact, liati beau teD &o te ______________ ___<_ Bussapa tecok the littie body from Dewcbund te plecti fer a nespite in among the fuel, wrapped it in bis the matter et the tebt. I.t was net whicb Dewcbund,, the meoney-lanti bianket. anti ortereti Dewcbund te tîntil bis glance fell upon bis, son, er, matie bu. leadtihte way te a c1ry svater-course sleeping at bis sida, that tise - Meanw ila, ha drank evon moe a few butineti yards- dîstant, and came te bum, in bis tory anti de- boavily, becoming extremeiy vie- te bning a spatie witih bu. There spair, et wbat a fine revenge tI-is lent when unatio the influence et Bussapa tug a dieep boea in the sucit be, furnisbrnig at tue same lîquor, anti soilen anti morose dur- lose gi-aval anti buriodthtie victies, time a punishesent ton the facccv- ing bis ýoccasienai seber intervals. lieaping lai-go stones upen the body. laier anti bis ew-n release froi Se long as bis wife lise-tlha matie: Tward tayiigbt, alter îîaking a bis c'atc1îcs. soe effort te rotain bis beit upon considerable dateur, tbey ictuinoti Desvchsnnt was set free upen tlio bis affairs, but baer suttien deatli te the cenfines efthte village, wbere confession et Bussapa beiug eh- broke tiewn ail restraint. tbey sepanateti, Bussapia assuning taincti, andthetb latter was in tue Thae nly ovidences et wealth that Dcwcbund that bie neet have ne courec placet upen bis t1ial, e were loft bum were littie Bb ew's tear. ivictet, anti bangeti. brigbt cinisen tunic anti the ail- "Thene are someb wantening Kai -___ ver anklets anti bangies wbicb bisilk-anris encanmpedt naer tise village," TH-EN IAIR ON TOP. pnîte ferbate hbu te seli. ho saîi te the monoy-lenter. "To- At ast theotume arniveti wben mennew I shahl accusa theni et hav- If Parisien Sagce, the bain gnower Dewcbund founti hiiseit unable te ing lune-t my son away anti mur- tlhat Jury & Loveil guarantees, wil essist Bussepa longer, anti toli deneti bim." net causa bain te gnow xvbene the bum seo. Tha Keikarnis are one o e hain is thiuning out, notbing on Thon Bussapa shut himiself, up wanclering tnibes, sometbing like this eantb will. alene with a bottle et brandy anti gipsies, Who, estensibly carrying on Anti se say toe-ecrybody, you carn begean drinking. Hie centinuoti thisI the tratie et baske-c-weaving, do net have your money beck if Parisien engyunetil al bis liquer wes gene. beitate te rob, or aven mander, Sage isn't the best hair groer, But this time, insteeti et stupety w-bon opportunity attends. Ie this hein savon, bain beautifier anti ing, the drink reuseti ail the wic- instance tho silver ankiets cf little- dantiruif cura on the market te-ý etineass in the farmer. Bbow woult liea unnisheti a set- day. Ho saw bimsseit bereftt et is home- isfacteny motive. It stpýs itching scalp anti tailiig stead anti turneti eut te stanvec. Bussepe thon retunnedtote is bain anti mekes bain gnew tbick anti Botter littie Bbew tend ti an that! terni, first toatroseti ail the ppers, abunntantiy, or money back, 50 On the third night alter tCeanti thon began te assuege bis cents ton e large bottie. Parisien * qanel ewbun bt pt p igrief with brandy. Saga makes the hein soft anti brul- shuttens anti was sitting in buJ "I must give the alenm et once," lient anti -prometes gnowtb. shop about midnigbt, îsakîng ie tbought ,"or I shall ho suspect- ' bhis eccoueits, according te bis anls-i et. I cen easiiy slip oeeoe littie RIS 1MiAESTY'S MAILS. tom. Ail an oncee h eant e knock Bbow's silver ankiets inte enaet f et the windosv. Ha 'openetif -th thoir buts wbilc uhe scarch is in iTliuîgs te Ramenuhar When Yen shutercauiosiyant lokei ot.progreses, and leter in the day the Write to the Kilig. To bis astonishment, hae saw Bus- body wili be tount." W/ban the King on Quean pan- I sapa. Ho bat compsletedi bis plot te bis snlywie nvt atrt Ho lot him in, fateoed the shut-aisfcins a snibie anyone net et royal rank, it is a1J tai-s agein ,andi ta-nedtoteask i came into bis mmnd. Ha tosseti-ott w--clestabli shed raie that the ne-1 visitonr wnl, har " ew ,nfnanother cap et brandy anti starteti cipient must testrov 'the lattent b-ors eft.t-e royal faimily in their JAPANESh IlTE FIGIITS. pnivato lettons, No memben of thea Honetut, by Cievor- r' aous ns Tisat Briîig the wey, i-s allowuet toe a o iary Rival FE, t-S7 te Grief. on te preservo anythirg i, ,luite way cf a written memoiî of theli- IouàItnl Japan these is an annuel toast lite, anti ail menbci-s oet eeIac day fer beys, wiscn cccii booLsa boi pietge their woitec '-utey aving maie chilir us ha ngs eut tirna te pablisis, enytbing about strings et pap-er canp, svbicb infia,- their officiel tinties or litee t Cesit et by the breeze become litelike uniass they receive the consent. et monstçr fisb. the Soveneige te de se. "It svas on this teast day," soys- At tbe tiesk su bore the King a syitor in th'e tiid-e Wot. "that writes bis pnivata lettons, the blet- we iett YoDkobeaafor Kamsakura, ting pepen is tiestroy et directly bis ôonce the 1castere Capita fetJapan, Majesty bas finishat w-iting, anti new meneiy a qair h-, ittla seasie,- it is repiacet by e fîesh sheat. This village.i may býe toisa tbneaon tour tîmes a "As it was fncb an -important oc- day. Fnesb blottieg papen is ais" casiun, the w-hoeor s-imatie holi- put inte the pet on the wriing day, soeafamilies baîniet te the tablas usat by the King's pnîvata easoet ihi nîeshm sacnoany nti oher mportnt aie g kites, fn orn vich tbe parents Hlousehoit officiais s eny me nnîng. appeeredc te taris e qoite as maceh Thora are two shothant writens e ynn sth hlrn h in the pnivate secnetary's dopant- lent hum emitteti by the soening ment, te whom etone the King fne- kite i asdb ic fti qnently tictatas lettons. Thse shent- ais cawch i bya seceetigti banti writer lies te ho a geouiiliun- arnb's foew-iinsstdretc httiletly guist, for the King otten tîctates i'This tact banebeo filaesnt net French anti German. ol csa naoinhr u The shetthant ssiter may bava ely cdstshasan ol ieol hap but t-e take down -a latter written inbosufteisew-ncave inte seotlsat il coda, but haie es net know subethniriaei oas nta tbig ha isteiegse onnet. f it as ine our kites. e plaite. Tise noise cota, the King or pnivate sacre- lwben soeattsneescoraetrse et tise 1 1 - - -4- - .are in b -e-air t" ý -- e svban reet. tary porsenally puts a private-merk Faw pee ple, et cGunse P.re sut- 0on the top et the iongbent copyl ficienitiv intirnate witb tisa King or baera it is despatcheti, te inticatel Quecu. to e ho umberet ansiong their the code in wbicb it bas bacc svnit- iMajcsties' pris ecornespeetonts. tan. Those suhe are se bonoretI are in- There are sevenal typists amploy- timato andti utsteti tnieeds et roy- ed in the Royal Houseboit,bu alty, antican. be î-eadiiîy -eiied on noce et the letttens or the lrivate te obseî$ve the unie nientienet. atteains et either the King or Qneen' People suho rec-aise latter-s frees are typeti. th King anti Quee, boweer, ai- -__ _- wuays tesine te pro-serve e tew etf Relief for Sattaî-ing Evenywhebre. these toenu et royal regard a-s Ho sebose lita iii matie misereb'c by hairlooms, anti tbeîr is, ot course, the sutterîng thet comas frocs mdi- ranely, or caser, aruy tiffic ulty in gestion anti heu net tniad Paume- their obtaîning Re-tsi cens-ont te lee's Vegeteble Pis tees net knos de se. iiow eesily this formidable tee cen W/han wuiting lettons toeaach ha teait with. These puils wil ne- other about thein pris ete atteains, lieve weee otboris feui. Tbey aie royalties f requantiy ensploy e sec-1 th e rosult -of long anti patient stuoy rat ote teekeyte -hîc i niyanti are confiteetly pot torsvant as known te the meambens et the noyaliý a sure connecter et tisondai-s et the famiiy. The King bas a speciai digestive engens, trees seicli se pnivate cote. useti by bis Majesty rmany suifer. ssbec writing te royalties on prix- ata business attairs. The key te WASTED HINTS. thîs code is, et course, kcown te the recipi ent ef sncb lettons, buit it is A see captaie's wife tells this net emaployet by thees je raplying stery et a asaiden lady. sistar et enai te bis Mcjesty, but the cote in gen- et the owcens et the sbip on! wbiah oral utseaman-g the royal f cmiy is she once mate e long vo ig. She etloptet bhat veny decidet opinions Lon mett The King's cote is very fnequnt- mnatteus, and she andti te ceptain ly cheegati, anican is ltke t lieacOay spiniteti argument4s et the presarve--the key te'it e seret. cUertbe Memenset he easboi hae ha cptin's svifeý, a neek, snb-, te haepilyd-rc n iamt sss te seul, fearneg that in od ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~.j etts wcci i er 'ut ieba t argument lber huchent once. Tielttons muetres o migt say sometbing teo ùttenti t1hair onta-i any nefec ereout t-auigusî:t ,pavsiger, was in. the habiýt teins, and it is stricliy agains-t thelet kicklieg bu on the chies ýte bJin,t raies ot the Househeiti fer eny et mederetion. Nevetheles sall membe et t terate te n cm-thesa reminders pas-set unuish ei ________________________ Onea ayshe administanati a more. vigenencas kick thean usuel, ani )e- g, ticet Janu epres*in etpai i -cys thie fa1c'e c te at, ese le q0cl urd I 1,I1,1S. Tise opo ier, Iladeb dsepereafter ceor C' ",M. w, iras ta tor 1LdoseS. Thaey tonse up thleST ACIsil"heakt an1S1cure CON-,STIPATION. At a"il Ys, M.Bike" atth dealers, 25cents par bo, r ts Sgmaa m1i'.it ,1' ycie MI lCe., St. Thom, aS bal havoage e rn tânse is daeig '-The Jaase kito bas c al Ibut 15 furniîsbeti with nommons lsng steesrs. Great compatîtions ci hait by the owineoe the lkitces, antci occesionaliy a miîîtic bettle viti ho fougbt le tbe air, tbe rivai facions!ý cnteevûring hi meanousetpow-uleret giass, whicb abee ïa rsool w-re-d inte i definite langth ettis kîte strings teo sa- t ibougb ae tý-ivl's string, and se turing the, 5anqu ish- et kit-e tnmbling ignlomineutsly tk. the greotc." WHY THEY YVARRY. "Do -antimean te ccv ibat- vois married for muoney 9" "Iln a way I titi. I getmaid bocause I couldn't attordti t staýy angageti any longer." Bîtten nails are a tifrfigurement net oely at the tima, but thy poli the shape et the fingaîs. ifyoî chilti bites bis do net rs ni o bave cured bim et the ai. an the tips with bitter alee,,anibl in evary way possible. G lo Ve sbeuld be worn at night. iSSUE 2i-l~ Dr5 HamUton'e PlUs I Cure Stomach Troubles fitiaivncrysars brirg an înicreaang ztendency tecnsiato.The corrective tniiey need is Entirely ditterent tomcomr-non 10ie.Pçaatt ae Il nipfI A tabiet (or less) at bt-iergltstebwl etcl, lceii doses neyer needeti. CefeUd îieà11ebè1 2_5 'JA -DR-Op paration, b expert cens~ e~ a~ if netýi if~tiy abc;. 1 nkcvii at hei eu 5nada wbeheti hvadoe hvbalt oreaaa redby hf s Ma' l cýý) IoTe ent ra. ll thm you; o yuatrdiegwt eg yon .m y cp- an iacu ' etý" i O. hïthydefeyorce.t -JIfw* tieg tt t eoi# uTýi torduae e ont alel andpc0N Layyor ef r e iv fajet coured ii eyou may e, s tpvyu e n e. ab- T)3 K.ýNgD, ZICL DBCiRTOU CAN eta frsHE ,i5N C RDi l tne5tap ýia4t y t Y. We Treat and Cure CONSULTATION FREE VAftICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILrIY, 1 eoka Free un Dianeasez of Men. If una5>Ie BLOOP and URINARY COMPLAINTS t , write fer c Queeile iSIak for KDNEY adBLADDER Disraaes HOME -71ATME TeaI Discuses Peculiar to Mien. Ail etters front Canadla must bca ddnassed T te our Canîdian Correspondeuca Dopant- meut je Windsor, Ont. If yen dSaire te see as pernolally cali 1t 0r Medical Itîstitute ia Detroit as we sceand treat îne patientSs ie our. Wiîsdscr offices which are for Cennespendence ced fLabenatory for Cane ana buqiness oîîly. Atidrees 'cli lettens as foliews: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private eddrezs. go 1 lbrotiý-ht vou n mpv- (lit", niý! : 1 L.HU ýC,-l ýlrUQ i i - - . . . --- . i 1 new icrK 1