Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jun 1911, p. 2

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Etablished 1873 0 F CANADA" 60 Branches MIONEY ORDERS FOIR SMDALL SUMS Safety, covenecead Iw c tunite to make Mone Ordrs SSued by this Bank C aGmSt satisfactory way of sending uimall sums tc, any part of Canada. Unde $5. .3c. $ 10 ta 3 ..lc $5 t $1 (.'C. $30 ta 50. 5c. Dra27fts issued forlarger aï- uts Savng Bak epatmntat Every Branck. 87 owm nvile ar~ch:A. N. McMILYAl 1 V.W. J. WHITE, lc S toc0 i ctIL maikaer, Branhesalso at Nwate etniiOoo Oshawa, Whitby adBroolin. FAIF EAND TUE OBMA Ireýne Colvi]Ie nas discentenitedý-. Etcoi net have been ble per ancila caused this feeling, for tLhe latrwas meist fascinating. Sewsannoyed with esef Serltir-nes she had saýid sh vxoI!ld net be in Kensington Ga-i densat tree 'clock in the afte- noceî again, but she was there, ccv..- ,rthIeless, and, wliat was more, the ckls would shortly dhiure tliree. Sic'h knew lie would stroli by in a few minutes, just as lieliad doue eeyday fer a month p jast. She ke.e su ouglit to lie anlgry witli hierse'if for heing aviýare -f hils ex- Wistece, and she tried Ilier best to Le s,ýo. Rie was cemning. Fromn afar off sie spied the tall figure wih ligit- ly Lent shoulders. Slie wondere if bis liat would lie bruied; ,1 -it liad benbadly ln want of it -esterday. fie, was drawing v ery fleur to lier now, and slie was trying desperate- Jy liard to keep lier gaze fixed straigit aliead. She feit that s-e was blushing fremnliead to foot. She could feel hier bands trembling lit-e itaves. Ah, hetliad passed by, and now sicbuld loo1--k at hlm. Yes, bis lua ti rsing, and lie wus twe(ed sýuit, wý,hich also wantcd il,111 I1is shing. WYhat a i i , hewas, te lie sure. Undohtcly ie was a gentleman; yetjudingby his appearance, lic did ot appcar to lie well off, uer, on, the- otber iand, did lie eppear to do anfting for a living, for she liedseenhîm t etier times in tie park during the day. Ail tliese thougits, and a liest of oiers tliat would fili pages, flash- eýd tlirougli Iren.e's head as she wutchied the strangcr disuppcar round a liend in tlie waik. Slie stood up, ne longer~ feeling any desire ,-te îemain in tlie gar- dens, walked away in an opposite direction te that taken hy the stranger, and went lieme. Irene CeIville was an erphac liv- ing with lier aunt, Mrs. Denton. fier parents lad left lier a consid- erable income which, combined wi, th lier beauty, cauised lier telbe a miucýli-sougit-after yeung lady. But ucjtil shi, bIad seen tlie stranger in tlie ~ ý gadn hlelad taken nothing beodan ordieary interest in uny -lI-wonder wiat lie tliinks of me l" sl.ie murmured asslie cliacg- cd lier dress. At tiat. moment the unknown sut lu a shabliy armebair puffieg thouglitfully ut bis pipe. 'Tna fool l" lie uiuttered. "Just liecause a pretty girl, loo:ks ut me 1 try teo persuade myselfthat bhe takes an ieterest in me. "But she's sweet." bie centinued ou,"Whlo is she, I wonder l Hew can I get te know ber? I lovec lier!1 But wliut ciance lias a peor li.ggar like me witlilir ho ieadd- ed iitterly. Tbree days passed hy, during which Irene did net 8sec ti strang- er. She liardly kcew wiat te tliink aliout i. Sie was serry, and tlien angry witi lierself for feeling serry. Sic was uf raid in case anything might Lave iappened te lim, and tuis feeling annoyed lier as well. Semelevi, it neyer occuni-c te hemr tliat lie mught ie, mannici. When sIc reacici home on the tlind aiternoon, bier aunt met 1cr ivitl tlie viens "Yen lhaven't forgetten tîsat vi< 'cIce xit Sir Jaies Armstrong te niglit, I liepe, my deanl" "No, aunt, Iiuentfos'gettcnl.' "En -Ms' . Tubot ssil beter' "til-eMn. Tait il'-" retree luri neyer mt, ut lieraun e iseiev l las.As sic lai teXoi li-eue ,on ccv eral occasions, Le via: geci leoking, vieil connectei, and possessei a mederate income. Ncverthelcss, Irene wus yon enongli te, experienc-e a tinill vil)es ber maici came te mress ber thut evening. Sic ladii meant net to trouble, abent hloy sic -lecic, li îsic, feunn it inupsý,îesslut resîs- tic nat:ural desin t l lok nice,,c sic, prýýei e n exqnîiicappetmr- uce nlinshe joinci tihec tlecî gueste,, ut Sir Jamiies msogs Muny uîmhning giancesvieneev- elici a iber, but cime fuilci teohob serve tieni becanse sho vas viaiting te sec vilat Mn. Talbot vas like. Sic lai ulrcuiy maie np ier mind te dislike him. "fiHe docsn't s-cern to e li lere yet," sai Mrs. Denton, uftera Wultcr Arimstrong, tclrnt son, came np uttsimoe. "It'e My good oruni t bve4 take yen n t diner 5Ms Col- ville,"lie said. "fluave yeussceeu Mn. Talliot yet, Mr-.-Atmstron,c" asîci Mrs. Den- ton. "olee gcnerally late, the scump 1" yonng Armstroug oiserv- cd, uni tIen carnici Irene off. Aften Irene liai toei siti some biglcly-flavored hors d'oeuvýres, a quiet voice besidelier sai "Will yen hase cleur coup, mai- uni" W'liat caused Irne o t gaze up at thc feptmc'î she couli neyer uftcs- was'is say, but seüme unknevin force compelleci lier te. "Mes, pleusei sic sai. Tben a strange, inarticulate, gur- gling ceuni left her lips. Sic felt a desuse, te screum. acndviiti diffic- mlty restruincdi Iesesf. Wenim leupt te lier lips but dici uespok- e. 7lie fcotman vies sene otier tien thie stranger from tîhe gas'iens. "Miss Colville, I uni sure yen must le 4day i--reauîing, or sicîllvie say everdig ,,dreumiing l" came Wal- ter n~ru' veice sniieeiy. ."De yeu î[kuevi I'vc put a question tej yenl four tumesV' Irene manugeci te vear a fixei smlwshidii veiled tic unger tbct possescecil ler. Ob, sic .butci and loatîci lienscîf. A feetman-ceuli aeytbing lie more avifnil? To tiink sic liai gene untoic ganices day uftcr day se that sic muglit sec a' footmau UgI! She longed te rush eut of tic, moon, te get somesulere uni bide. Sue svas vcry giai ivien Lady Ars'mtrong gave flic signai, unidcime sub'iei on te n "'t tee lu tic dravi- ing-roren nitî s igli c1,melief. 1 Tic men iinet sht oerticir svînc long. Iu fact, tle cterci the iscviing s'eom as thel footmen weî'e piling tic empty ccýffee-cuips on the&trays. Burton vies standing vilti a tray- boai of enockeny le tlie centre of tIc rom. Irene kucîrthat bis The- destructi on of the bouse fly is a 'public duty. fAlnlost every Amnerican State Board of Health is carrying ron a crusade against himii, fils filthy origin and habits, and the fact tha t bis body i.s generally laden with disease-producing germs, makes hîi one of the greatest eneýmies of the human race, If the housekceepers of Canada will use 71 'ý7 persisten~ty, this peu! wouid 'b-, tremeudousi'y tedUccýd N Di pees,"lesal, cutng imelfbydrff and invÎgor;tes th 12 e clp 1er " hae lvyslia a inli- Promotes a luurint tat I néogntwrite aSceyxl aliing e4'C5U, jIsnot a dye spnie cin~u ~ fotanutRE1M'SEAL USITS Su .1 'i i., .g' s l'o~VIr si md renre d b "1 v i n as cet ikel Jry& ovl c'amne was Burton, for --hle fud heard Lady Arsrn ddrcss Suddenly siheard shut, and a, mac in cvening dressretowurds P lier. Tien came tic crash of break-UN ieg china. Burton bad dropped tic tray and was aIse rmiueîeg towards lïir,fie leapt passed ýltie, guest, cuýught 1er in i l urm uniswucg bier several ifeet aayfrem lier Immcndiatcly fe7î,,llewed a dull tlind asha large,liuy mirror feli on to Add ote11gUs u the. sttee udtien rebounded on b mis l-1FanmusRe dy t th iick cas'pet. Its fustenings lad snapped, and bu-t for Burten' s CGanfor Station, Ont. -1 have taken promîpt action Irene, woud certain7LdaE ika' ly lave been kilîcýi, for tic, gnest VgtbeCm would lave licen 'tee, late. pound for years aid n eyver fonnd "Tliany yen, tbunk yen !" ex-aymdiie4 claimced Irene. compare witi it. I It scemed a liollevi return for lier bad ulcers and f ail- life, but what cisecoculd she say? 1ing of the uterus, Wi.en sic bai quite receveredd doctors did me, * frin te seck ier cf gatino good. 1 snffered n rmthearsokhrfeeling o rt-dreadfully until1 rtude twrsBurten nus joined by begcfan [tuking your a wýsh tiat it liad been anyene but jmdcn.L u iim viho lad' rescucd lier. Nowalse îý'ieied tiers rtiere was a sort o link lietween women te whom 1 bave recommended them; tic last thîng lu the virli it. "-Mrs. HIENRY CLARK, Glanford sic dcsired. Station, O<Jerio. In corîsequence ef all, tus sic -Another Cure 9 was most gracions te Mr. Talbot, 'Harvey Bankiî, N. B.--1. cen highly thereiy, giving ber aunt consîdaer- recominend Lyd,-ia E. Pinkbeui'o Vege- aile pleasuýre. table Compound te eny s.iffering fie ucc;npuied 7thlerm te their weman. 1 bave takeni it fer femrale i carng lt on, iýaîîd us fateonliweakness and pa-inl mentrutio hax it urto n a ieling he doîand it cnred mer -Ma. EVR epenstandng usereetas a rec- BnUu. udir.Beceese yonr case is a difficuit one, "Cntve drep yen uît yu doctors huving donc yeunon good, do Irnent continue te suifer wý,- ýiiont giving chamers fi. Tabetl" aidLy1dia E. Pnklianîs V1teeCern- 1 sweetly. poud, trial. It surely bas cnured i hnk leve n uc "h e- maiiy cases ci'fenie sncb as in- 's and sitting b li er. flbroid tumors, irregularities, peniodie d Burton closed the deor and stood paies, buckucbe, that bearing-down at ,ttetio. A thcarniage drexe feeling, indigestion, dizziness, and at afttene tion A siti ý mplenervons prostration. 14 costa but a off ren fet a irrsisibi imuli trifle te try it, and tbe result is worth to lok t thc foctmn. 11'Thcr millions te muny sifenngwoen gaze me, ad sc cugh lir lnyon want speelal adetïo! t lreuth sliarpl . url there is write for ïJI o Mrs. Pinliha, tic glîest oef a nsmile 1 l is e1xs. Lynn, Mass. Il <s free er.d "I lva box fer 3,therae xt aiways heiplul. Tneisday," sali' allot ueely. "Will yes and yens dccc bonor me 1oy yens' corpany, Mrs. Denton ?" te meet any cf my friends, but 1 Ircne's aunt thengit fer'a mcm- explaincd matters beforeland tc ont. or, se "u etiese I did, for 1 keevi wlo weuld "I'msory," susid, "u ebc visi ting tir. 9 are dining witi Lord Frcslîweli "Olh!" exclaimed Irene. "And I that niglit. But wc shuil be at hone gave Yen money." on f 'lnreduy. Pcrlîaps yen yl fie took the five notes f rom a -cull" li ueant f pocicet. * "Thunks; PUml- -oeo t," "Yen gave me tiese us ae memen- *li eond te," le said, '"uni I shiaîl keep 4 -xjctly, sai Iece ate-them as a mement ef thefortunut-e vyards, "as tieugli le nsatruies- oppertunity svbic.henb ndie te mari ookig anrender a sesrvice te(,ic mest charm- 0 »Next day mbe wrete tic follewing them ail y if e o." 1ýhlIk cote : tenalm il 'Miss rene Colville requests Neither spoke f or a few moments. ýMr. Barten te accept thii,- cosd Yen lave net been in the gar- -as a slight memente of is si-dons -latcly. "Wcrc yen afrai ef acce ut Sir James 'Arimstrciig's meetîeg BurtnlP" l ouvse." >"I din'tfeget Burton," (ire- The slgît imemente censisted cf plici Irene lin lw tories. "II five tee pouni notes. celdr't. fie sav/ed my life Yen eShe inloec the missive in a secrD ceern eete Sir James, s'equcst- y n i nevi," lie said after a iii liir oiand it te i »,.focîman. slgit pause,, "tic, gardens bave Ou tic foliowing dy he reccîv-. semdxery loncly uni- dreary e at rcply wn'tliout yen. I munaged te be D"rMadam,-Pîiuse_ accep~tîchre several days fer a fexv min- Barto's ~utesinuring my service. The latter Batnstbueks fer yensukni gift is endci new, andI spent lieurs in wici is muei appseciated liy,-tic gardons on Sunnay, ycsterday, Yonrs respcctfully, "Burton." uni to-day. But 1 dii net sece "Thunik goodncss," Irene mut-yelecnliirgtfly *toe, "tliut's ever! _No more rom- 'yî onîyieent te sec )on," le con- tance fer mec cf that kind. tI niy"Lietlas seemed v leycoif -.0On the follewing Tnesday slic ud ni e.ieutt mc sînce fistsvr if- liher aunt -,vent te 'Lord Frcslcl's tferneom ic is a <) -dinner. It vias a ver y differcet cf- Ihrenefi 1rfc uicc 'fuir froni tic Arnsstrong's dimner. Iel etle aeadnc Oli ouk uni old plate teck tic 'growing erimson, uni slie gazei place of ornute splenier, tic gnests steudfustly ut lier clasped lanis in viere cf a different type-men unidlier lap, but lie i net sec theni. eomen of ancient lineege. fe e ti li lIamouer r.I "I unm.ciurmci te meet my e icu, e ai " mper friend's dnltr" suid Lord am tn cii1ýars-, eider thue yen, but *Fresiwclli, takinig Ireee's luni. Ilv eiuIlv e. I "Yen are veîy 1lite your metimor,tîruyhoefrml 1my dear." Shie dC n )e pk, but lier slim, fie stuyed by 1Irene's sude fer oglvi bu soeon n rs seme minutes, lutting te lier. * he viisperci glaily. S elie touclici tic un eof a puin ma. F or a -vioncierful moment lie "Eringtan"l ai ltm wateiel lier us she liftci lier leai imtrodtice te yenMis ree cl- anid ekd t i im. TIen le put i [le, tIc d lungît1e r of mly ot; f riend lis arms rounid ier.-Pearson's A diîri Celville. W eekly. "Miss oliltuis is Lord .!Er-________ rlngt n,"-le udici. Irenc's astonisici gaze fell ou TURKISfi DOCTCI'S OATfi. Barten's face, met the kinily eycs, ~HEALTHJ Itle a n ct tut m ptveople vile lave ase t'Ile ageUcf ch Id- isb sport st n neci cf scmeu"! ferm cf dfnt xrcise in eider t b 11i e'la oAvu lceep ticir mslsfrein ct.tlimg-sceto'ý,z3) er nidhile age, nbdiig emn physical dr1anicks il us traie. Aili Normal ï lrn x cse viti est AUlCutrot,~i te beieg teli tede se,, because it is p-pemnetmtt iYi x tîcir natute 1uy, ui play is tic Ithua ed Cude- very lit2terniof exercice, ecpcî- aily if ittus place onticers. But mcst cf tlese, whe have pusseci freni chilihocido, net keep suîpple and limIer viti play, uni tierefrore it QCaL"oia isa amcss fellow: c]ýi thuttby musst, er shevli, rgee, D ro0ps ced ot d ci Itiitji vwrk. coutahus sîitîsler Oim There are certain special exý-erc!s- substantce. 145 Cge t es tiat are net atteeideci ,te neurly an hly eVericlnees ecougi.They are ticmhens Colltrlexe etii cf the nc k unci tirout vihici cenoFPtlny. t usseha trel the ha eeet.An y onetîrciau eeig eau test tsfrhisl y ssl P lhdc' aue- tnrning t1w ic ciuifcm sieldur t iug viiat Lu alîcit ic rsi,tate hecIs V tàtu(e a.frcn i tune mu ith ppsgmsce rcsist tlie imus. feimelt reciIt s;I-h em ae ea s gr-e aaste cuse a( îctual pa-,inbuit is euly ic emeasure maw nef fafw tic paLin is cnly tic measure cf loy mm:ch i te exercice is necicid.k The jeiîning cf tic icai te tic iciy isý inten ici te be us supple unidi as cnftail s it is stron'g, ua Un Fo vice it gises its cwner tic feeling STUCOPN.7 .cf ieing lkea lot cf cli muchinery tiat necis ciiug, tiat is just viat it is, undnietliing yull put it in chape se qmickly us cnstan.tly re- INIAGARIAS DIVERSION1ý. peated Pes;-Iant exercîses. Thcy -chenu iH 1 net enly frem ]BnrItoa Aet te Continuîe in Fore sidc te sude, lut aise ferwaan uniwolers iuckviari, first pressing devin untilfo'T ca. tlic chin alimest rcstc un the ncck, A icsputcli froni Washington, D. ,and tien baek until the face is al- C., says: A selnt.ion cf the centre- mest herizontal. The backward ex- vcrsey over tic diversien of vieter ercîse is s'ery valuable, us thi ut Niagara Falls fer industrial purý muscles ut the base of tIce kull eau poses vii leb postpened for tvio give a let cf trenible inle-s tlieyf years uni tic Burton Act'be con- are kpt nlp te their VektînucàIise force Until Junme 29, 1013, Ticea-le f tic exercices yuvil i-c if Ic suzggestion of tc nbce ne eg irci ey viien It e remmbercimttec tc SeaeJudiciury tiat eeri O f thi neck msce Cmîite eaied. A lively îmus-t, ncsarily impreve tic circu- 1buttlc hues becu ce be'tviccn thieI lactin cf tIcil, btocthrongh l te enoiservuticciste uni tiose vil fe licai. Poarnlte nyvilere 1sentimenýTtal reasees visbei Nia- in theivse n gîvesý riscç te pain1 gara. preservei, on thceueha, uni tobeuil islesmal nier unitic representutis es cf pevier tiat thut heuI be ticecse in the;bouses viliewisiei teO use part of regien n'iere i cst iclicate ticeviater nevi rnnning over the special egn nepucte syFýalîs te ture theýir factery whelcs notiing of ti buie shich cecntrols ou the otlier. 41cm acli. > Tic excîcis-es shenhi be resistent P1IOGuIESS WITII CEiNSUS, because twice us muci eue lie doe je hlf tic time viti tien. Tiey Wonl, Expeetcd te be Coînpîeted are, la fuet, exercice sith an up- withiu Civen Tinie. paratus, cnly tlie apparutus le tic muscles tlcmsc-lvcs, uni tiey, eue A dcsputci fren i tasa suysý: lie ecomenii fr tc pupec usMr. Archibali Blue, tlic Chief Cen- icti inexpenivi-ie uni bandy. -' eus, Ceumissiener, reoports thut tîme Youtli's Cempanien. work cf cenntinigicP Cauîudian pe-1 ________ ple leprgrssngsuilsfactonily ull TO SETTLE SEALING DISPUTErî.! ever tIc D 'oininun tia le ia alrcady eclscirepente freni a litdicatioas J'ibq Coufercîsce Will cube f enunîcraters in tic East- cru provinces svee liese cempleteci Ileaýcl Basis. thcir lubore. Mn. Blue expeets tit A despatchi from Washiingtce the connticg n ill lie demie in tlie saye,: Iusiicct'cus are tiat un ugrce- tnenty-ene icys allý)ecl foc' tic ment-1 iiile ne racierd ly tic Inter- fwcrk, andi ht in tiecocurse cf a nainlSeci Cciferenccce ntic couple cf mumths tic aphîmpoximnute lacis cf a 'acul opna ouation cf t cDomlinion i ii ibe ton iy tic United States eni Rusc- fkncvin. sia te Canadý auni Japen fer tice relinquichmnent liy them of tic tuk- CILO LER V ON LINEIJS. ing cf, seuls et scea, a certain pro- n iiga ewyr-Rp1ot portion cf thc profits ierivci from ieArvn tNeiVr eot tic killing cf seuls on tic reeker- Case oni Board. les being iivcrted fer tlat pres. A mac frniNe Yrksa flagtnd xwheh babe Wi s bercio: sna i ion fanmcyC, lw neouet dcev nu aths is and "just-as.-goed" are bnuý ith and endanger tshealthU 2OZ epceagainst 102imnt Lt Cures Derea~d~hi illates the 1o700à ul~e to rinrg leaItliy andnarcdsr-p O vr30Yas fly from -Rome te. Turin. Frey > Vi7t pregressing favoralily. Thc coM.- mittee lias awarded him a prize ýý'Of' $10,000 aed a gold medal. TO BARU ABSIINTHIE. Freic2h Senatorial Couvnîiitee Has' Approyed of BilI. A despatelcfo Paris ss Tie of absinthe. Statisties low that je i 18713, 147,e,88 gallo-nsof ubsnti were consuînied je F 1ranice. In,iý0OC tic cor-nsumptiiad ijumped te, 5,- 246,274, but eceae te 3,786,552 in 1910. The hest pyiin4pa ele Miller's Cornpou,,nd Irn ils Sol-d by Jury &Loell, Bon ma- ville. BIIITAIN A L,%7119OF WOIILJiN;. 1,17, 317 in Exeess eo f Hea, Acord' iffgLote Cus. A de 'petc i om London say s ,census retiiris sh-ow that there arec 1,1E8,317 fen iesj excess of mulesj in Great Brftuin... The figur-es, lioxever, nould lbe greutly reduc,.ed- if the scfldieîs and sadlors ara \xivee counted. Females cutume te 1ý increase faster thun mule,astliey- FiLed bY ret1aens ila Agaiiis Aliela .Alte., suys: (>lirn erdmae fcd- wit4i the 1eutv uclby tclethe cejd GreatWteay Railweypejc uan tePrvn cial Goeemn. n f thec clainis Isfor $2,00,0 ue,-by tic railway anci cc'csÈucLienc m- ses. The Reyal Bi:nl5 cf Canadai have put in a dlaim fer $398,000'j. he Emp ire Supply' -Cempany asl, ý,121,796.C'5 for tics, tîmberles ced ocs f profi-ts. XLUZZIEýS FOR TOJIOISO DOGýS, Osder is Liks-ly to 1w lssiied Froir A Ie.spatch frin Ottawa 'ý1sav It s a uuîneced ut He etria lienerul Dprmn htagnr al order foi- the mzln fdg as a safeguard agiinst tLic dees ef riles w ,,as netuike I o lie ce- Eerced hi~ sumer. A ocal eder vs as, hcwc ~ ~ ~Lr, issedfr h dsrit un ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1)k un0rulTreo hr icý 6-- tmYt isetersba . r ier4 cdtu irewr ur irc susp [tdî cses uJC(v LVEL av7tc o agencý fer' ibitcmsuniyo-V eesi Braku a Coid heurts"I, prpraie orcod A siip witi a true case cf chgleia flHD Icarnete port on W'ediscay. TIc ~FE *I.IIA>Italian LUe steainsiip Enrepa,e FR0 ST~ ACH froni Genou uni Naples, iroppei FROî H ancIen off quarnnme uni #prt cd fliat a ýsteerug-e passenger nmnh Agostino Tavella vas oui board suf- Those Who Experience UI1 ,igfoicopaThpýitei s ness and pain After ou bic wuy te receoveî'y.a Meals, Stomacli Disorders, TicBnlesa , jiîle aonxbion and Indigestion, Should e fevi dais affer leasing Napîles,I Read Below, vias releasci frens qua-rantine next mernmng, tic steerage pussesigers a uni the stew amis hiuvý ng bopmtransc "When 1 vas vrigaronnd the ferreci te, Hoffm. i. !c he fanm lest vinter T had -anilattack of in- cresv il emIain on ban flicheBer- flanmation," virites Mn. L. P. Daw- lin uni' Jrobscrvation (if tic sihip's kzins, ef Port Richmecd. I vu eiais for a long time, but výIl enongl te SIrgeen. viens until sprng. But soûmcthIsng- xveetNvirong viîth niy bvelfor 1 RlECORD FISU CATU IL 0 had te use seIts on phiýîc ail tise time. My stomacis Sept aur nd ai. --ýf vai aater etigticre vaspaie undu 7,0 emneetWhfeihutSnl finess, adail tise cymnptomc ef me- lu. tectinal Indigestion. Nething heipedl nie neitîl 1Iuscd Dr. Hulýitee's Pille. IAdeptLfoiSlik u. Instead ef linnting, lISe otisr pill they acted very mlauncmd tü us ul iu f700pni heal~~ ~~ tsbscî.Idid rr.î nequine large -c ymtfs stccv eodai dos-es te gc tànsujtc viltisDr. Hmiln- nncib l aeWnic il tonci's Pillsa nd feel ce ýglud ntisut I hve igiisnmî semrWl i fouud la xnill yet ucertain :eey e aýiI, a geod aptie ai t igs- ;ttl croc 0, oeso anytug. Tis is a vilole lot ef good viiîtel,- c nîiicfist7,1 fereui ien te o,I.and I cen ,say wr agtiiesmgelal 1)r. Tiarîi le's Plille are thie bea-t pÏ1s1, ____1___ Refu1se îbtttetnDr. Haiii- WO 0I0PIIE tnsPis et MnraundButr nt, Fold leiloibxenc AilAvto ioW'ilFtuetls r oHant. nsP i Cure the St 'Oah 5rviîfe narlhag]

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