Bjuy our Purs 0dol.W When You Can Get a Large- Selection to Choose Pro-m.O Having always earried-a large stock of dependable Furs and liaving attained a reputation for good values and excellent qualitiesý we have m ade sure this season of maintaining re utation. We firmly believe we eau give you the best values lu that Ladies' and Gents' Fur and Furlined Coats, Coon Coat's, Wombat 'Coats, Caponines., Ruifs, Muffs, Gauntiets, Fur Caps, Gloves, etc, Our entire stock of Furs is heing offered at Great Reductions. We are determined to clear our Purs early so if you want to share in these b argains comiQ in to-day. It will ot take long to find ready buyers at the prices we are asking. price you have set as your limit we can give you the best values for your money in Furs. Another point.-It pays to buy Furs from a m'an Who has had experience in the Fur business, We have made a specialty in Purs for over 50 years. You have the benefit of our experience. flarkus flyer, The Furrier Whatever Bowmanvit lei, ~4~*4~* I JA. Hadoy's Four IdealIs: * No. 1 IADDY S IDEAL TEA, our owu. blend of India and 4 Ceylon Teas, not too rnild flot too strong, but jast the* Ideal Tea. Black, Green or Mixed at 25e and 40o a 4 *ond *No. Il -HADDY'S IDE AL BAKING POWDER, strength and * purity guaranteed. The Ideal Baking Powder for * Biscuits and Cakes. Not the ieheapest but the best ouly 20è per lb tin. * NOUII HIADDY'S IDEAL CORN STARCII a superior corn 4 starch made from the best selected coru starch. 10ç per package or 3 for 25e. 4 *No WV,.IDEAL AMMONIA POWDER for washing and disin- *fecting, for the kitchen, laundary or the bath, Has no superîor. 10e per package or 3 for 25c. *We wMl be pleased to fil your Grocery Order. Butter and * Eggs wanted, China Hall Urocery 'u~'-a '~-v-'~' v '~- v ~' v HIAMPTON. Mrs Alvin Peters, President of Hamp- ton Woman's Inetitute, will represent thie Branch at the Provincial conven- tÉon in Guelphi Dec 8-9 ...Rev T H P Anderson, owing to sickness In his family,-didflot leavfl Hamptoni Sunday ...Mr Russell Rowe, Oshawa, le holi daying at home ...Our public schoal has been ciosed fur some da3 s awing te measies in tiie villiage..Woman's Mlossionary Society is doing good work ln thie place. Another box will be shipped to Toronto this week consisting cf clothing.. .. Mr Bruce Ferguson lias rnoved into J T Cole'o bouse opposite the church. ***Our League bas decided to have a Christmas Tree on Christmas eve ...Five or six teams which have been working on the C N R went north last week, baviîig finished for this season .... The Stonhouse Bros Eold a 4ene team of horses last week. NOT FO0R iNNBEYJ ISAIS MR. QUIRK Would M-e be Witlbout Dodd's Kid- ney Pis. ARE YOU GOING SOUTH OR WEST THIS WINTER? Now le tbe lime ta plan your trip ta Califorula, Mexico, Flonida, or the Suniay South. Consuit jury & Loveil or the neareet Grand Tnunk Agent reganding low tourist rates, or address J D MacDonald, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. OOING TO BI'JLAND? M, A. James. Steamehip Ticket Agent, nepresents-al leading Canadian Atlan- lic Ocean Linos and wlll be pleased to bo)ok passengers ln bast availabie ac commodation De bas been over 20 Yeats lu teamship baokIng business and knows the beet steamers. Cal or write from any part of Canadafor lates., X. A. JAMBIS, fHowmavile, Ont. JEF,'ERX"S $1s SUITS. lhùve Yeu seen tihe oeogaut Lmprted Fili Suitînge joseph jeffrey 9 on are' maklug nup to order for $15? They are styiish goode worsted and tweeds - and wili be made up equai ta the besl. Fîrst luss wonkmansbip ls a well kuown foulure ot Star Houes suite. Young mon, mlddle-aged and aIder are iuvlted ta eull and see Chose populan $15 Fal suite. You nover saw botter bargains for this prîce, quality and wank consid- THEY CU~ED H1 LIJMIAqO OU TNY 1wlllbe arush for t hesp tt$ te- 1VEBýTY Y. AIS YOIUGER- 1ic Fortune Harbor, Nfll., Nov. 22ndý ENNISKILLEN (Specal).-Sixtv years o! age but baie___ anid heart1v and wlt'h ail thse vigor cf a MisarreStwtlaseund y7oung man, Mn Richard Kirk, 'weîî Me agae twr bsrtre knowu and blgbly rerpected bore, gives bomne a!lter a short vieil lu Toronto....- ail the credil fon bie goad bealtb ta Mrs Wmn Broad, Baydon, visiîed at Dr Dodd's Kidney Pille, C W Slemon 's ...Delegutes la Con- vention at Oshawa are Misses Sîbyl -t suffered for aven lwenty years Jewell, Pearl Ranton, Edilli Virtue and fnom Lumbago and Kîdney DiEeas, Mr Will Staulon.. -. Mies Grace Siemon Mn Quink sais, "and alter consulting le visiting fionde lu Toronto.. Misses doctars and taking their medicinse. Addie Pyo and Florence Trewin Sun- made up my mmnd t was Incurable. I aye with Mesdames Fred and Wil was unable to work when I Wae par- SmittL, afl . n ad Mrs J L suaded ta bui ;a-box af Dodd's Kidnev Medcauf, Darlington, yisîed at C Stew- Pilleý To mv great and happy surprise art's .. Miss Brooks, a mieeianary lu t had ual takon bal a box when I China who Is home ou furlougb, gave expenienceti great relief. Seven boxes an addrees ou Friday sveniug lu the eured me. -Tbal was lu 19W0 and I arn Methodt church. Everyoue was de- stili curod. I wouid ual be wilhout lîgbîed with it, and an Sunday morung Dodd's Kidney Pille for any monov. she tauglit the Bible C1a-,ý and aiea, 1 arn lwenty 'oars younger than bel ore addnessed the sebool On ail occasions 1tlook thom." e8he, gave us splendid reuprts ol the Dodd's Kidney Pille cure the Kidnese8 work dons lu Chentu,, China .,.._._ Tho Haithy Kidnoe stralu ail the impuri. AduIt Bible Claseb as adopîed for iIte ties out o! the blood That'e wby tbey name rbaros Searcbligbît, and bave cure Bbeumatimm, Sciatica and thor lakenfor thoîn mollo, 1 ar n ul hm diseases calusd by Ïbe preience oa i il ecd ot Chrit."... MiseTana Stainten 11 acdluto lodhas nelurned bore trom Bowrnanville. HFAYDON. Mr and Mrs R A Ashtorà- viuited friends at Bethany .... Mrs Chas Cooper and Mrs 8 Woodley are visiting relatives ln Toronto.. .. Miss Kato McNeil, Tor. onto.-ls home ...Mrs Thas Mountjoy 'apent tho ii eok-eud witb ber father Mr Poole. Nestioton .. Mr and Mrs P'aul Curtis, Salem, spent Sunday at Mr Rl A Ashton's ...Mr Russoll Auniter bas been lmproving the mili property. For any ease of nervousness, sileep. leseness, weak stomaeh, Indigestion, dysbepsia, try Carter's Little Nerve Pille. Relief Ie sure. The only medi- dune for the prico in market, SOLI14A. Mre C W Soucb will represent Sauina Braucb Women's tustîtuto at Guelph Dec 8-9 ...Mies Maggie Oke, Dur- lingtou, lae vitiug fionds bore .... Mr A L Pascoe attended South York Dis. trict Division at Toronto Saturday... Iu the absence oi the pastar Mr B G Stevens preacbed bore Sunday .... Bey F Meredith. Toronto, visited hie broth- er. Hl W Meredith, last week . . .. Messrs' A Westiake, T Baker end A 1, Pascae', Misses Maggie PaEcoe, Laura Hogarth and Mrs A L Pascos expeet ta attend the Grand Division at, Toronto this week ...Mr Wm Werry and familv bave moved their bousehold effecte iüto, their new home... Mr Thas Westlake bas commonced dloyen tbresing ...... SeveraI tram bere attended District Division at Taunton Frlday... Mn Frank Vice visited at Oshawa ...Mr B McLean and iamily are movlng ta Oshawa. WOMEN WIIO' SUFFER Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Give Regu= lanity and Good ijealtis, Every woman aI sarne time neede a taule. At éecial limes unusuai de- mande are made upon ber strength, Wbere theEo are added ta the worry and bard wark whieh f ails ta ber lot, weakness wiil resuit unless the blood le fortified ta meet the strain. VWeak women find lu Dr, Williams' Pink Pille the toutc exactly suited ta theiruJeeds. Most of the lits with which they suzcf are due te bloodiesness-a condition which the Pilla readily cure. ThQ>50 Pilla,,save the gin 7hoenters into womanhood in a bloadless n&? from years of mlseny, and afford prom pt and permanent relief to tbe womau wbo la bloadless and therefore weakl, Mrs. R Fisher, Coales Mille, N. B., says: "Sometime ugo My system wae lu a very anuemie condition as the resuiltaf anianter ual bemorlrhage caused by an accident. Although I bad the services ýfa gklleq doctor for a limet .J-- t Lut týecéôvéêïîù ât i -i--nala rtail1îI ZreW se weakthat I could- uat do Ihy house-work. As 1 seemed ta grawI steudily weaker 1 bacame mnuch discour- aged, for provions ta my accident I had always beeu a healthy wamau. About Ibis lime 1 roeevd a pamphlet teliing me of the sreugtheuing powers cf Dr. Willi.ams, Pink Pille . 1 prnuned a box at once and began ueing tbem. wben they wee gons t gaI three boxes more, an d by the tm, Ihad used these I found myssif -somdwbaî stranger and my appe- lite muchbetter, Before 1 beran the Pilla Lcould scarcely walk upestairs and could 'do ne wonk at ail, Now aller taklL.g three boxes I was abis to walk1 ont lu the open air. 1 kept ou with the Pille, And ai 1er uelng six boxes was dellghted ta find that I cotild again attend t6a mi' bousebold affaire. I tooak two more .boxes ai the Plla, and I tait Ihat 1 waea as well as ever 1 bad been, and equal ta any kind af exerteoa.I bave sluce recomrnended Dr. Williamns' Pink Pile to finonde wilh beneflciai 1Dr. Williams' Pink PlUs are, eoid b\, all madicine dealers or wll be sent byi mail at 50 cents a box on six boxes for 12l 50 by the Dr. Wiliam2' Medîcino Ca, Broekvillo, Ont, OSHAWA 1 Mrs W E O'Brien wae ln tawn recently Everett Bouldeu, Toronto, Sundave( witb bis parents. Mrs A Gosne la visling ber sieter li Toronto, who la il], Aubrey Morphy, S P -S, Tonanto Sueyed at hQMe, Miess lôrèee Grose, Toronto, speni Suaday witb ber parents. Mr Walter Wigg, Guelph, bolidayed with ber parents recentiy. Miss Moody, Chicago, Ill. le guest ai ber aunt, Mrs M C Devine. -Mr Stiring Cook, Grimsby, vlsiteè his brother Harvey recently. Mn Wallace Johnston, Buffalo, N Y, visited bis mother over Sunday. Mrs Herbert J Harris. Toronto, la vlisitiug ber mother, Mrs W R Bond. Miss MoDonald, Woodstock. bas beeni vlsitlag ber sîster, Mre Chas Anderson. Bis Honor Lieutenant-Gorernar Gibson bas sent 825 to the Y M C A building fuud bore.' Mr Robt W Griereon was elected a director af the Ontario Fruit Orowers' Association at Toronto recently. 'Mrs E B Northwood, Chatham, and Mrs R-Geikie, Wingham, are with their parente, Mr and Mrs G H i>edlar. Mrs Wm N ewton and daughter bave returned aiter spending six weeke under the parental roof at Little Bnitain. Miss B Allen, Bowmanviile, le con- ductlng a classinu Art Needlewark for the Corticelli Silk Company ln Hallltt's store, King St Weet. Mn Howard E Bradley was electod a club representative at the annuai meet- ing af the Ontario Hockey Association heid ln Toronto Saturday. Mr Ed Mothersili, for many years with the Oshawa Rallway, bas been Fippointed Preventive Offleer lu canuec- tion wlth the local Customs, The young men's bible clase of Sim. cas St Uhurch bas beeu organized with Mr N 'lhickson, preeldent, A J Logan, Secretary, and Bey B T Lewis, B A, as teacher. Romembor the District Epworth League Convention Wednsdav, Dec 1. Ibhe day sessions wlll be beid lu Medcalf St Ohurcb and the svening lu Simcoe St Church,' Mre (Rev> Sanderson and Mr Robt Fureey gave excellent reparte of tbe Provincial Sunday Schooi Convention at the Medeaif St prayer service Wed- needay eveuing, Mr and Mre Wm Farrow, Cburcb St, Toronto ((armerly of Oshawa) announce fora, Toronto. The Crriaqe wili takre place very quietly la Doemeif. Mr W E Donneliy, a brlgbt young" student of Victoria Callege, preached a splendid &ermon froni"J WiiUlv.k bq. forO tiu lord lu the Iand of tho îvn, Peaý 11- 9, at Medcalf St Cburcb Sunday evening. He was guost of bis aunt, Mrs W Minard, wbile lu town. A mass meeting lu the intereet of the Hospital was beld lu the Opera Bouse Sunday afternoan, wiien addresses wero macle by Dr Bruce Smith, Govern- ment Inspecter of Prisons and Charities, Toronto, F L Fowke, M P, Mayor James and the chairman, Mr J D Storie. The Salvation Army Band furnisbed MUSIC. ý Mr L J. Cars eh, a well-known resident of this towu for avor a quarter of a cen- tury, died Nov 16, aged 75 years. H$S was Wel known to the farming coin. mnnity. and by them especiaily, as ho had mucb- experiene lu cuitivatlng and marketig almoet eviery knawn variety of pe-aH. Bis buasiness, from esmaîl be-, ginninge, grew large enough i propor- tions ta warrant building au elevatw iu South Osbawa Be wae buried wî Mas3onic honore Tbursday afternoon, Oshawe aBaptiste have ebown venter. prise a rfd keen g-ood sanse in their phol)ce ol a new pastor lu the perean ob that ablei divine who rainietered so ac- ceptably ta thom duriaz the seimmen boliday'e-Rov. Harry Pethie, D. D., pastor ai Trinity Baptist CbUMeh, Brook- lya, wbo bas accepted a eall to the pastarate of the First Baptlst Church of Oshawa. Mr Pethie bas been in charge of the Brooklyn churcb for'12 years and le greatly beloved but being a Canadian he bas decided to return te bis native land. Dr Pethice scOming ie regarded with mach favor by Our citizensl as ho wll be a valuable acquisition ta local mnsteril cirçles., He cornes ta Oshawa~ pext month. Ie DR. Cn&sn YOUIR nocron? For over a generation Dr. Chase bas byv means of hie lamous Receipt Book and great f amlly medicines, beeu winuing the> confidence and esteem of the peuple of this continent His Kidney.Liver Pille, Ointment, Nerve Food and ather medi- dunes'have long since praven thefr ex- ceptional mernte and today are ta be iu the best homes overywhere. Why neot lot Dr. Chase ba your doctor. The annual Hot Obioken Pie Supper given by Ladies' Aid 0f Medoalf St Church Tuesday evening was as usual a very successful affair. The ladies of that churcb are far-famel for the excel- lence of their suppors, and this was no exception to the rule. Afrer ail had partsken of the delîcacies served ln the basement, the company repaired to the body of the cburcb wben a good pro- gram was given conslsting of vocal solos by Miss Marion Gibson, Mrs (Rev) Sanlerson and Mr A Elliott; reeitations ~by Misses M Wilson, 0 Grose and littie Hazel Harper; a piano duet by Mrs C Wordan and Miss Dillon; a yiolln solo, Mr F Cornish and a Quartette by Messre Salmond, Grey, Whatley and Fursey. The genial pastor, Rev A R Sander- son, presided, the accampaniste being Mrs A Bale, E Kirby and H Salmond, The eeatlng capacitv 0f the building was taxed ta its utniost. Palpitation of the heart, nervousnees, tremblunge, narvous headache, cold bauds and feet, pain ln the bacér, and other forme of weakueee are relieved by Carter's Iron Pille, made specially for the blood, nerves and complexion. CHIRISTMAS POULTRY FAIR AND HORSE SHOW WEDNE5DAY, DBo, 22, 1909. The Bowmanville Christmas Poultry -Fair wlll be heid la the Council Cham- ber and the Borse Show on Temperance Street ln front of Town Hall on Wed- nesday, Dec. 22. No entree or admis sion fees wjll be charged. $100.00 le belng offered In cash prfzee. Start uow ta feed Nour poultry and get your horses in condition. Th'e prize liet BUTTEP. Five lb5 Inprl4.ts ..,.',~i 1 PiveIbs in rock......2 i Ten Ibs In prints .......... 2 i 'Xen lbs ln crock ............ 2 1 CHICKENS. 1ýavIeet pair ............1 Foc Beet dreseci pair ...........i1 50e Exhibit brougbt iongest distance.... 83 Ducxs. Heaviest pair ............. el 50c Best dres2ed pair ............ 1 SNc Heaviet goose............ $2 $1 Best dnessed goase.... ý...... 2 1 Exhibt braught longest distance .... $3 Beuil dnoseed hanu4.....$.2 si Beaviesl heu ........ ...... 2 1 Beet dreesed gobbler ......... 2 1 Heaviest gobbien ............. 2 1 Exhibit brought longesI distance,. .. $a HanSEns Hleivy druught team ........-94 $2 Agnicullural team ...... ..... 4 2 General Purpose tiea.......4 2 G e n e r a l P u r p o s e S gea r I. . e r. 4 2 Roadeter loam, 15J and a-ven...ý 4 2 Roadeter leam, under 15ý bande 1 2 Single driver, 15ý and aven.,, 4 2 Single driver,ý under l5ý bauds 4 -2 Heavy Drnght tearn ta weigb not lese than 3O l bs. General Purpose borse sbould be one thatll go in sddle, bug, plough, deiivery horse or la second tearn on the tarin. L.ady Driver 8.,,,$ 2 Unsurpassed Values and Styles in Overcoatsu The Popular Milîtary Collar. College Overcoats. Brown, Green, Gray, Stripe, Check, Single, Double Breasted, ail the; newest designe 34 to 41, $10 85. 5.00-8. 00, .20. Black VeIvet Collar Overcoat,ý,- Melton, Beaver, Vicuna 4 6 to 50 inuches long, well lined and triined beautiftilly tailored, The very best value that can be had any place ini this country............. .01.00-.1250-15,00.. I8.00- 20fyJ Boys' Overcoats. College style, 28 to 33, Grey,Brown, Green, Single or Double breast- ed .....................WC..C**e.. $5.00-.6M00- 6,50 te 8.50 Children's Overcoats. Buster Brown, Teddy Bear and Motor Coats. We are showing e. line of these Overcoats for the littie chaps that will please both the. littie feliows and the mothers, iBlack, Blue, Grey, Brown, plain and rnixed colors ............ **boue........$2.75-.3.50-4.00.,5M0 Seven distinct styles iii buttol- Up coats and eaeh model ini from tIwo to, five different patterns. That's the kind of a stock wise buyers have beein choosing from here. Do you wonder that we have the bigges. busines,,-,in These are the big broad shoulder, ed, full chested garments qy ou've seen and admired on the streets, clothes thaz add to a mnan's cornfort and ap. pearancee New lligh-class Shirts, We have just recel ved a ship. ment of high-elass shirt,. lmade fron cloths altogether different froia thoseý shown in the orJinarT shirt. . sarne as, shown by made-to-order houses, coat style, euifs attached Pv1,50 and 81,75. New Xmas Neckwear, Just in the sweliest lot of neck- wear that we ever shown and that is saying a lot becanse we are noted for our neckwear. Corne in and select your Xmas neckwear now at 50c. A Splendid Presenit for the, Boy. Sweater and Toque to miatch. made from pure wool, in a spleudid& combinajion ' of colore, green aand white, cardinal and green, maroonaud brown, royal and cardinal, 82,00 for both. THE MASON CLOTIIING Ù"U00> MA.PLE GROVE Mr ncudMns Foulon N Stevens, Mlani- lau. Man, are yVieitiug aI Mn John D Stevens'. . -,Mr and MreS Ji Jackman, town, visiled ber parPnts bore Suulday . ..Mn suid Mis Fred Bou-kia and ehidren vissted at ekr .e Jas Barnes will bold servicedu ur Lchurch Suuday evoninig at 7s30. Bal MY Beach Coliege, Toronto.. .,Mes Johin Peney, Bowmanville, bas been vilîng al ber bn^olber'Mrm A E Clem, en@.M ..Nrs John Pooley Is ln Tononto yisiting ber risler1 MisScott, Wbo le 111, MIêr's Grlp Powders Cure. Sold bg? E M. Mitchell & Cc. Drugglsta, M t t ~reatReductions. 1 ý lee-19-