L OTEÏAD AS I Roudte fCand,or cuRaîlwýay Througb Wcst Durlii, r A W Pà -I WW D. fI N US sooni asý possi1i and a largc. dose' of cto-umay be given to has- ten theý( eliminiation of any asyet un- aibsoý(rbed portions of thc musliroom., Stlimulants are needed to support ih heart and milk containing an abunanceof magnesia or bicairbon- ateý o4 soiMay be given. 1injections of a sisotoninto the eîn an-incas ofmuscarin posiig -h.ypodermic injecntions of aopnare often emnployedà by phy- Fý( fiins with benefit.-Youth's Com- DiIINKING WITII MEALS. To1- d1àink witli meais retard di- hetobecause it dilutes the df- gestiv e fluids -and prevents quick ehemicai action on the foods. The secretions of the moutli, aikaline i-o nature, contain a ferment known a.s ptyalin, whcihas the power of eounvcrting, starches into sugars. î1his powver, liowever, depends upý' on two conditions: First, the thor ough',1 cuoking, or rupturing of the strc cil;second,' and of equal imprtacethorcntgh mastication, or mouth mixmng. As ume a glass of cold water, no ipd ay be taken slowly at theèndofa mneal. This seenis to betenatural nmctlod of ail ani- tral,:bt if the gastrie secretions tr ak even this vnay retard di- geto.Nothing will so qtuicll upset god1digstion as the constant sipngo hot liqids witli meals.1 Coffc or tea1 witli a hearty dinuer WIIEN THE? S110] PINCHES, 'W omen can stand pain far more be)1orocaly than n.en. 1 know it-by are you a doctor? l i "u, a shoem-aker." FARM PROFITS t Iilay bec largeIy increased. by knowing the1 exact condition of the farmer's market,f and byý learniug of the best method in farm- practice. This is ýprecisely the sort cf information the Farm-ers' Weekly San gives mn every issue.' It lias no equal as a Farmer's Business Paper. Good Sas-mers rely on it. For price se lour chabbing offer. THE] LAW'S UPIIOLDER. Wituess-'i w the prison ir comrimitting the assailt." Eecordcr-"Wýliat did you doû?" WVituess--"I hît him behind the car seze imi by the fliroat, put nyknecý intof the, iddlce of his back, au ragýged imi to, the floor," KidneýY and Liver Medicated Pads Cure byasrpiuIbog ores of arr Wckness.Childrnd wetin, Élver and mc.Idgsin osiain sauow counfex n d ail Live ad tomcl efttd ie. 11_cmaWanaprq~t , The le~idlC4tcd ?.d Ca., înoO-r.Cs. ADENTS WNL.MNAt OEWIEjREM whule at work in thor Glenravel shr, rgiug the long board Imne t t nui odto (County Autrim) iron mines, wvas w ,hich lie bcd maraged toe pull from man flnds the-best remcdy i su r buried by a fail of the roof of hea near-bv fènce. Wlien the boys racees Vegeta3blePis, whichî arc 1a hth lncdt ote i warrante(i to speedîly correct the mine. athïlepandtdote l1 The King lias conferred the~ dis- began to hlep, and soon the board dsoe.Thrisnbetrmd tinguishcd ServiceMea on Mrs. -as thrus--t ont across the sink-pot cine in the entire list of pili pre-1 McLoughlin, late of the waevo d dwithin the reacli of Toms aria. çavations G. P.. 0. for long and faitif ni 5r-I-e seized it at once and tried to -- Vice. idrýaw himseif up, but the sand lad -HE PROVINCIAL RAILWAY. The Roscommon County Council gi ned such a liold upon hin t.hat SowCn ha.,ve reccieicd intimuation tlîat the l 1ie cenld, not lif1tbis weight. It a as R1eport~s frSpel hwCu grantýý to tlie county in aid of the tfien that Sanimy walked out upon tiniied Inerease in Earnings. rates are stopped te mneetthe cost the planli, and whiic it began to A despateli from T"oronito says: cf extra police.snl under the addcd bcd, he The grcss revenue of the Provrn- The dcath lias occurred at Cloonu-quickly seized Tom s sho-alders and,'ilT .O aiwyfrteps free, Stokestown, -couinty Tyrone, of mIl leU with al bis stressgtb, unti 1 nine months was $618,000, as Mrs. Catherine Tierney, at tlie rc- first one foot and then tlie otlicr1 against $180,000 foi-tlie sam e time rnarkabic age of 104. Deceascd was on the plank, and b0th boys last ivear. Tlie net revenue for tlie w.as an old-age peusioner. scrpercdbcisfl eln. psiod iras $510,000, while receipts Wlicn a new factory which WlMhii e hp came, the boys, werom- ore royalties amounted to Messrs. Gallaglier, tobacco manu-i 11making their way U ic liei l, 170 h rcgtrvneia facturers, are erccting at Belfast is trensblug andci xcited. $86,000, as against- $11,000 last in fulilxîorking ordcr employment il'I say ," said one, a littlo shamie- y-car. and the passenger rceeuu is expected to be found for 1 50 facedly, "I gucss ire mwli drop this k53,Ù.2, comparcd with $35,92,3. The bauds. ý fs-aid rat bisiness !" And thlin ,Lie rest on construction is $50,000 Messrs James Moynihan Barry (others agreed to it rcadilv. Theî i pr montli. Tlic Septembes- returs-us & Son, anctioncer p, Fermnoy, sold 1cou-"l not sav ne. but Sammlll. frcm tlie railmay, just receix cd by the lauds Curraglireigli, coutaining 1v as satisfied. Y tuth', ý_osnpaniou). the Provincial Treasurer, show lo1 acres, at judicial moent of $9-60 ~- gross rc-cipts of $157,777, and ex- per annum, irith al thc cattie. 310STEUi'U STI-F* îsendituscs of $90,151, the nct rcv- sbeep aud liorses.1 enue froni opes-ation being $ 031,626,j At a recent meetinîg ofth X- .D. Cllrefl Ânaie o.Wggw f and fs-ori ore royalties $000.The magb Clix Council it was decided i Û<-iî revenue from the ulne iast >"eýar Nwas te inci case the salary of Dr. Grey, Àcyonc who lias ever seen or suf- q350,000, whule this yiears- s far it Medicai IIealth Officer, from $t3-.5 fcre-1 from -Eczeiahuonrs home stub- as aînouuited to $550,000 .AlI sur- te $250. Dr. Cmx bhas been a ser- bornlY àit defies crdinary tî-eatmnent plus carnings are dci oted te im- vaut of thie board for 35 yeais,. a i d c ctorsý presciiptious, and h1mw- rovements. cuttirig demn grades, The farmers of Ballybeby, î_em- c per difficulit it is to get rid oif it. filling-in, and straiglitening curs es. pleglantine, auid Drointrasua, Ah- iisAnnie M. Wiggîns, of Fiett's beyfcate, have -puorchased for a suil- Springs, Sask., was finding it s,, tili tA L innct foi, the Logger. - stantial figuretise, Dev on I{cad she licard cf ansd tricd D.D.D.-Pic Logges-s lead a lufe mhicli cuýposesý iCneamcmy, eue of the best kneun scripticn. them o te îany pejils. Wounds, factojries cf its kiud in this district. Then carne reliefý, fr-cm tise very cuts and bruises cannet be aito- The Estates Cemmissioncrs have, first tinue shc used ,it. She w rites:;gethcm avoided In preparing timber dclared their intention cf acquir- "Your D.D.D, h!as cured rîy face 'for tise drive and in river work, ing co-mpuilsory portion cf the lands 'completely and [1 nsust say it is the wihere met and cdUt comiucnd are o-f, Sh1auccloon, Ourteen -nd -Long- fsscst- wonrierful stnff Iha1e-ic daily experice su cghs and-celds- fdthc propcrty cf James Llco d'heard cf. I. suffcred wiirli w eeping and massenlar pains cannot but en- for the restoration cf the evicted'eczrma foi- about tw ion'ntlis un- sue. Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oit tenants der~ doctors came and was gettiug wIer, applîed te the injured or ad- An, application lias been m~ade by 1nc better when a friend acfvised mue linistercd to tlic aiiing, works the Traice Urban Council for a 1to scnd for a saînple hettie. Tlieýý wonders, boan, of $35,000 for the erection of firsËtrime 1 issr d it', it secncd te i-_ J. - _ flfty hoüses îînder the Workîng lelp mne, anci I at cnce sent for a 11) CIIA', GE 11110) '1O STEEL. Classes Dwelling Act, and for a $1.00 hottle, and bcfore I had uscd __ boan cf $12,500 for the cection cf haif nsy face w as aîs w cll as cicr. Viblage Bkaellsîith liasw Inveîîled a neir techaicai school. h lave recoisîîended it te severai Simnple Effectlive Proeess. At Baubridge, un inquest was and anm seridinig for a S.00 O bottle Adsac fro lipi, bîeld tcnchiug the death cf Mrs. foi- a friend w ho tried sormce of Ohi-dsat e w sefrei t Ciipois M. Bromu, a nothler cf ses'en chlii mine." Ohich, ssaidtA ncwabsecrt mae to diren, irbo w-as kilied' by a ruinaPmay- If you ci- any cf ycnr frienids la riciihadtob bet ave t liose nde trgi cicunstacesbrn uffe-in fsm is-urig eze United States Steel Corporation hos ndrrsufrngfo truig ce t&i' icinDne . D. ai. ieas $1,000,000 a year lias been A ve rdict cf dcatlif -c shock w-asmaor any other skin discases, getscdb Mao Grvvilg re-turned, .. just as quick as vou eau. biackçsmith at Bidwell, near here, An od age pninr Pat Gem- Il-, elieves instattî and posîti eiy 1 for $200,000 and royalties.. The man,), of Greeteck first cures, plan is te couvert 'ircu ome into pize-a, silver match-at a'step- For fs-ce sample bottie cif D1)v steel by a simple prýoccss, and this dacig omettin led in con- Prescription w rite te tth D.D.D. w'ili do awav with mui cf the use- ecinw1ith a locýal entertainîrieut. Lnboratory, Departmnent B.S., 23 canîsmn now used and flic long The deis;ion cf 1thef judges wvas me- Jordan St., Tororuto. 1ieeîpoe nti rnfra ceicdwîh ctd h-sers.I For sale by aIl drîsggîsts.tinrok Gevrlabenapr cicty have acaquimedl Choshea Dairy SPEAKINGO0F JUSTICE. cation. So,ýcityfrom Messms. Lngsdaic. "Anyway," remarkcd themoa Th(, farrers cftLeitrict are higli- lizer, "justice is biind." Sýoie, ad se one hnndred er, "but not soeluchse as fl1 e siamshae en aknin it. luded man who gees te law with1the t1 arha, id raNueo î-hf j de hat bcliissure te geýt jsie'______ cm -('fth f,ýv A PEIRFECT HOME RfflEDY. Iris Pees ilieote o m e lu ai en are net duebvb btEmilsJornI.Spl ent-ly' re 1- dth2tmÎoIMii penifl a,;h".smiht be. cr ail y'â: i nnd A *1 HaN, H 'A y:" v -y t-t y ~ -'s t.?yl'u ~ ,/ &t'm Crahôm Cow,~n ~/'1. "i «s 6eo. f#p~ftens O ~. hens /1 tf,,,,, ~ F ./r>o F A on la b c ~ Jane Oea t'- A J 4atf Lay ton, R -~ Co/fùis t4'm Foy9'-I Gee, Gain ici Geo.Cotbbc/rý OrO s a~es~~ar -, - ~ -~ -. Courtesy o~ ~îToronto World'L -ffý