Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Nov 1909, p. 6

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N E W C AiST 1 71LE .P C('ý1 I ise in T im é -llarry Pierce is rcvigfromdetrmie te uesionof4owesu youý canlnot keep wi unless thie bowels are regular. MsWasafviedrenst"FutatesPomtyCrd T1ac2 Nektof thisrule of lîealth invites half the sicknesses Pesn on.Hm AtrDcosHd T~rsi ilb ace -~_ fromxvhih westifer. eep he bw-el rigit; theriseAndy Quin-lan, Rochester, visited Fa;led To Give Relief, n);ajority of the ledr1fb~hpr atematter and poisons which should pass out of the his.broehn omas.Bwmnil b_-odyý,, find their way into the blood and sieken the whole Mr. Jodhn oloBo-auile isa olc avcae b heLb visitcd~~~ lu fterral Ministry of(À nlad systemr. lon't wait until the bowels are constipated; take monThoas Mollon, who' is scriouslyTh e îii, lias bccu a resident of our vil- e henewfdraltx ncrpr' U W elage for about thirtyyeais.taa e]sthinrincta Mirs. Sam Bragg, Providence, l'e- aeali n ihteLod e cently visîted lier inother, Mrs. Ab- Y. Gogthoisor aain __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _by. _ __ __ __ __ __ __ T hey are-the finest natural laxative înte orld - gentle, isUuk otHpwh s rpsdt nraeteicm safe, promiupt and 'horoigli. They strengthen the stomiacli uet.t0r.JatheRwln1-3an muceand will not inlure th e delicate mucouds l-iing of asl nteMtoit uc u-tx oadto tctie on lor the owels. Beecham's Pis lhave a constitutional action. dy rcl wthpeuin ffct n tofcotoitax mudilIca.ie Mr. &Mis. lRobert Adair, BoWeonrsoatnubls tbt That is, the longer yon take tliem, the less frequ«tently you mnilar pnugtI îtrsli,-1t rocredosn.he lî ia taxesto Leed them, They hit.p Nature help lherseif anid wtihi agier i.Clals' lepae pnst of the ý%lan iro~7 Hlancoclk,, Clarke, jn omadaohcicuiga~ Mr. C. H. Anderson of tle fir0prcnt a nwia sclr ofMsnClothing Co.,Bowman- thpicen ale"ceîtn B ;e cane Mrc Lyons and Frank Evans aud Mr. for aý,griculturalprpe. e -~Prepared ilb hmsBehaS.1e i.Lacsie n~rd and wif le were guests at Wi liumi Sold by ail DuLss nCndaadU;Szaia.~ oe5 2z c,-t.Pac'udy ek .HRE ARET S ugtalso provides atxon 1theý ncesdvalue to the eivner of. Mr. -Roy Richard, teacier at New- -abrau Bouche, Uand whlen a lease exce, and ai ____ - ~~~~~~~tonville, occupied the Mtiodist Antigoniali Co., N. S., Marh 24, 199i ioga nth ievleo n ~~ A el-urci pulpit Sunday mrening "T wish toe7epreýstmv sincere app eveoc ruimrvdln week, prcacihing an intercsting ser ciationofth egr beneft1receivedfrom mon. TIe evcning service was tak- tkn Futatrs"Isfee ri ireyafîadmritwrs<CONBADSRP safo îtol o enbBleEwrhLau. ]iliousnes and Dyspep--sia for fifteen 4Heniy Gogestleorics. 'ThiscG1d1n ut oreveryroae---and hi sdb vroe Mi. thedEpMrs. B en, oie. -ths ears sud I consnli>ted pilysicians and gives tlie great land-o-\ noms tie iû al ekc hchseklleh vm oe M.adMsBe.Mieo hstookînrany kinidsof ordiuary medicin'le, semblance of a chance to denounce lt letico eig t hsui tat b ln r ~L ,Tvillage and Mr. and Mis John but got no relief. I was iu miserable f jýh_, tý'- htstî£.; i Theire Are V alues and Realities in This Moise, Orono, vere called to Port heath ail the ie and nothing did me the measure as ici olutioviary and z Hopeby lic eut ofticî moher any gond. 1 read the testimonial of socialistie to a degree; but Dread wihaliati iidrnadio.aut ae Hoeb h et ftermteArchibald MIcUtecIInie, of Ottawa, and nult cost money, and the masse sc iitc oe it slst0lli h nkigU Life That ]Deatli Cannot TouchNr Tik elvdwfeo e -Ieiettry "ri--tvsI have of England are pour, and tiere you Ci'vî B and sts-,Iethe 'hs psil jamin Moise, on th ioth inst., ýtke ujýc f-'zscf"Fruit-a- have it. ury .tals-pI iraedior enwoesiemne her 74th year. tires," but b)efo-re I hadl taken one box Clabranad isflorsfoiteey ustigdetshihceload-con "Anddelvertlim we tioug dethNetby ay daft onim- Mr. Harry Douglas raiscd I it better and lno-w aul entirely welI. I arn thankfe whotniogtodbth? et i afterafs onlf-een aie the leading spirits inopoi lorscfnehuyudihera. ferof deati wcrc ail their lifetime aginatien as te the felicities tiat calbuages this yeai on thice acr(, es r awllnth tion to thc budget, and thiey offerTeOý toniaoSwy '-sel nîs nhru iubjeet te bondage."-Hebrcws ii. await a fcw bcyond tic graveý, buti of land1. He liassold the cntiir e trssuffenandîa thiîîingof ave BRANof"proSctio" an 1~~~~~. ~~~~by emphasis on the value af hf e it- icîep te a Tarante fi rm by the ton other sufferers, suda to theun 1 strongly cirocty', in its place, with h ereaei 01-uu,,lad2 bi-ian, ili~fhcu Christinanity professes este deliver slb!efhig i rsn ihand expects te ealize $500.00 frein recommend "Fruit-a-tives." rfse eiuo epn I b dadbrlSa~ frountIc fear of deathi, and Yct its power and value that-it becomiesli t. (Signed) CHARLES BARRETTr. trlefEîgaderttcuny eaIclers have steadily used tfirs fear victor over any fear fer the future. tSCSbo,6fr 5-r ra ox noie ooia'oss inTis S A LS ED 15.2 aa motive, and te-day large nurn- The ridher we make tic if e thatHG'THS 25c. At all dealers or sent post-paid on ký,,crs rereiptofbopdigebte, hit-n-tiis themoreede isypc aliaps, ableîvonaimedatI0cr-eiWt of p:ic ARflruit-aOnie. eimieedMON PRrhapsT aobli 0&BRd at Ger ber reai inbadag t tht nw s te areweîna l asure ~e ole Ou Iun ,edDollars Pte- Ottawa- nîauy, and, doubtless is se intended, 0lreatd.,lu. is difficuît te find anc whe e-e its duration througi ail vicissi- wadfrayrs fCtrh iut_ o uccsa1h olsc hspl dees net regard death as the hast tudes. caunot bu cured by ' Hall's Catarrb icV' would seriuusly affect tIcelia- greatt enenmy, tlie darkest of ail dis- MAN IS MORE THAN CLAY. - ure. NL D' TROUBLES. tinurs lNotSc.A u asters, wlie daes net spcuk of tiat F. J. CIENFEY & CO., Toledo, c,. va roramheotimmese diAn ~vhci s omnonte s a a ti Vat lpcer bundles ef day we Ne, the undcrýsigu, b(i ave knewn l 2ird. ses sbgraioatmew-d, nd aei emay bc destroycd, utter- F. J. Cheney for thelas iiteniosi enav 1inexitab)le calamity,. b]te u 3 lgteeia ears, and believe uiin pperfetyhnrI uh rdi rthn I unt orie I noi SurI a dread is, pcrhaps, largely land fiuauturially chiniableYtocarry eut nydehe lopi ItMcf in t in Engiund udrtpes.icr ointheropostome natra. ne anhadly lchianges. Wliat a narreir vicw of orable in ail bsns rnacin reiie adutmctrn cfthe ifor -on expecte te cenemplateith-ihfetisaorsuif tîetgrav may tocli cc expeted to'conempate ith lie i ous ifthegrae my tuchobligations made by bis fu'1. and sizing upi)tic battle botet le i eut pprliesio an evet iueally vital being. Evcîy truc WALDING, KIKNAN & M JN ismjetKigEwadadlscces bctwcen the tw o nations i man now li is mmotal li can Whoesae DuggitsToldoregard te, future arrnuameuts. If tIc whidh puts sudc a pcriodlte unho' i i mnra;le a hls0 rugss oeo . Hanse cf <anid) Lords. Wlut tIce nly questionwreicaotonf curprsen eperenes nd hilaugli and bid defiancete ailh tat Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken m-Ifina ohtonaboilletnieueerf Wd destrcys the flesli, foi liée'is more teruailly dui îê -1pn tedes y uiîs u itne fe rdtcLiberais ireîld .n ~Q las issues coucerning wiholwe ihave tia dybiood aud mucous surfaces of thel dlusthess win, but when "jingisiam" ne cerfainty.- Yot ticre aie those ta ly sy stem. Testimoniale sent Ie,. eau safe]î predicu.. in etici faitîs irliede face de-th Faifi in lite overcomes the fear Prire 75c. par bottie. Sold by ail The wlIr trouble startcd in the! 's interjecfed in thc campai gu, .as r ivitheut fot whem it meansbu dal.Tseliestatrilimugt. intense and iubred selfisiness cf thii.isuet lne ue sire an unidenf ini tIe wlole sfory of ugees on froni glory te glory, meves Ttaka HIall'a Famiiy is for Cflprv crtity rEniandths navlsu Qih 1eng a nt crgrbeng-ses re frmuauuî eged land-holding castc cf eouh eprdi""le e.it i heing. )ii int largerbeing, teps leer for-England, Whio are se prùminentirl eadsae nl J'lie siadoîr of deati is se black wýard into thc liglit, cernes nearer 'Ptic membership cf tichan-1os e cf; pemacv sureydnad hne becausc wecb have put abou)lt if uir t-the divine, realizes te day tlîeLIRI{ NOE Lords. It1 is said that tIr pecis le tthe presentsiten cof taxation supcrstitieus custounsý, we îavc ah I ram of y esterday, and reaclies fo)r who fild seats in that body ocîru if it, is fa bu îritaine lwed if te beceme in cur thinking tie vision cf to mrothîsis 'iyta Ptsbr, hnearly a quiarter, and by fui tIelCA.MBCE flic triumph ef an arch euemy; we fgîve ourin * infinitude and eter- anTres fifrnhie for ofnls qatr of ail th- liand cf Denver, Oct. 27, 1909. hji eetae h akra-nity- nates tefaciefo(o-o leieu Britain. The budget as have haccen occtdntdal ier as Thts is the message of science ta iin fenver, ai these are uîust on- j,ýd by fIe Cemmons, inchu des a iUO U 51 S pcti il u cidna u t emnufis y ntthtb ing1traiig disrussed in fie Wo pseI- EMN cf murning, and m seem te have tI a tt-anttatbigitlanu avd tax, and prorîdes for tic re- SENTENCE SROS letfatl in the po)ýrsiistence cf ifc; 1 ceases but tlaf it increases; it!man's Houie Coumanion fer No- autocfhelnorheis Srwi heece fsyp-1 inheahngow r ed- a ost 't o aceG. i i tlps andoin' 1te 1~since 1798. The cutire landty ou isand deny it witl oui arts. teO tIc lay whicl showis ahl lite erer irenture-and successfîîihy as uit-o Engiand pays onhy $7,500,000 per'Thmearenesaitswîtouusc-e TEOBOW 0FATNO enlargingan finds its indorsement ness tie experîcuce et Lilian Todd Trie aen ans ihu TH ORW FPRÉG i'u tIc undying hope clierished tlie fiisû wuman ta lîuiid un a ereo' a i drcttxe.vfaseseu e. ' tIc rate which pieu nus in Canada Most remoîse cames fromî espis- e s are bitter eougli uithout eur deil 1tirougi ail generatiens in tIe plane, mie tells lhem remamhable adteLie ae twu pyrn euo emate endeai ors ta add te tic gaîl in 1Ibreasts et mon thaf beyond tIe door story i this imnth's Wuuuan" andci-ci United0,Statesriy.The ud if- Tg eud es rhaslo rsmtiaifro-hr sn ndh rud the cup. 'If me believe the merds !of deati w e enter ie tIchelarger Home Coîrpaniou. A very differ- vr 2oo crly h i h odlvsaeawy ok rSmtigifro-hr sn nd me ioom.foece betîveen fliese raLes, rpe- 1 ing te beffer cnes. su ,ýy, mly siould wîe tear to die, rom.TIen foui turus te lape and cnt m(iman is Queen Floua, ideai el- Iegate Egiiladod Brnn lîîll1eeî3oi uy GOLD DUST and you buy the Let and wliy sîeuld mw wep as if tiose jthe dread cf doati tota e lcgad cx- uoflier, iseestori stidi d-im Ii iert oniu t ag foeho iad.OHE EERL Brub, Kel,-shrg ltesaddins een'1 ad 'wie have gene fre n ns la d ass d pe tati n cf yet m ore fre r, ottealog D u ha. A u rd elc ti tor h eir ju st share f t Ie nationa hl N othing fee s t Ic la ek f exerc s o USES FOR work . col cloth, silverware and iru ae oii h i br s c ferever frein a world of suusliine in- life. b uaKtaieGe n in this burdens, the Lords aie ready terie- ciicker than piety.' COLD DUST r-i clning bath r0om. PiPes. etc., andnikg ifnstotsop te some dark and clieerless land?' HENIRY F. COpE. issue begins Wecli. Tlere are steries hute an ancîcut principie et the Buit- Ho mie tears te le caihod a cw yTEN .FARAKCMAY ote? .0-aesc ÀR OP Wlhat sert cf a leaven eautiîchre ble1aise by Rate Douglas 'Wiggin, Alice isi constitution, mhiei, fîem tîme, r aid isY sure te le a fooMANYl. irei, . 0 if me thus meuru wlien our lovcd 'I Brown and mauy ôchers. And tiere adi uetb ol aneherclaIercf dwad F -nmemoriai, gives entire central of TIchehiness tiat secuns te huri GOLO DUS r makee bad wator so ors pass therel TO THE YOUŽ-NG MAN. i nte hpe fEwr v 'ii Whîat rîght [have w e te talk ef 1 eîett Hule's popular rerniniscen - 1almcivenuie incasures te fteeflouse licu canuof hîiep the world. deafh as if if mere tle inevitabie e Drespise -net tly ioflier urliruces. Sa mudli for pure enter tain- 1T iet Cmmos dae tifteorer fhe meauiug cf life. proot et tIc ictery et sanie0 infin- 1sIc is old."-Prev. 23: 22. "Hem ment. Fer practical use flero are 'Lords do revis(, thie budget. they Hie luas aý share lu a ecod deed I___ ite power et darkuess h If ire le- ildrcn risc up, and ral 1cr bics- îe ixen egxar depiatments. r mli appeul ta fIe country aud pie- Who cliecîs another on ta ifTemr a uw tcht n esc liuad I eîel liore tha.t flic lord cf ail lite 'mIes ted. " "Give lier ef tic fruit of lier Especialiy interesting are tIr twoThmoea ankwstel1s1ad n , here, tliat love is strouger flian hands; and let iiens praise lier'f.iui motheîs. Fasiions in fuis, an j cuire, whut me ral] in this country Temptation may le good discîp- hie is asliarnd et lis ignoac. scuft abroad TeclaaerftI even fhe grave, mîght me nof hearu n tcgts"-rvrs3 8 1 article an hamme.ired brass, "A a rerereudum 'vote, cf the riorters line, but il maies pon dief. nrne te tee in thtibttan md cf eue Tiree-Tîausand2ollar1flouse," etngiaud on this subjecl.- Ne eue dies cf spiritual indiges Tic religieons lîfe is flic on]lyv way emuorationasmlsitnmrci chapter, a furning cf thec page for Te yan in youtî's primiearea taet ofthe inîteîesting, use- Edîrard hîas intommed the Lords 1tien -froun swaliowing lis spite. ito the uehegcetreigo s aisaunlak hnea i t, ticenext, a stop in thec oerney n hr iei ulmfn-l subjects covcred. Address, tn tiy a cle-ps tcbu- TI ugei fIe e Irt flicmore ~ riî ite aepan juy un- W/lor lite is sblime, W/a-gel cm e mIýilîaie a flouse cf Lords'f strp wc flih ad. Tirpeople mie are gaing ne- ime was infewodeir, tew nmaîd btter scenes h This niessage us sent îy a brtîer -man's Home Companîcu, Meie-that xiii passA i.fIsuhespoweryf ta uempheurts uvîre are aimays- inia rush ta get xias associar uintin tp XV uull bda rcdinah- Resist urlat i îrogplianAuex adso Suae N0ee-isuestheRn' pme ri t nis a nvon md.Ste, antliwiI ncin n esigteu ii ueprii t r ýing beief in immnortality, but ho-- Be teamhess and strong, w-, o 0Yr'k.N ndsuesteIn' oe, st us nevin id n cause we lare made fliaf future se And àwàsremember îonr motîer. - o e eii u len rîute auw ltei s ipyt aye oat orking for sinners aie but mcii- lin show fth e ,7 e~n wu F-trangehy conditiened, se dubieus, a0ry î aeiisffcetnmbr ering cf ciii pqmer te feol otheis. ing flic saints. emigîated drn l ur~e~ becanse we lave alhomed onrsehres Not yet may you knom BATUS FOR COLD) FEET. cutie thtIcCenlseriatives in tuis Folk__hoit_____ina_____plac________S W bber if tiey refuse te fuke theirFakmItidmuiasotpaechstetmbrohci d t,- bcrhipped hIile dil Slaves by Jîît af 1ilfat.hse -"su'eron ata-fa eriine, aud obsexe1île-me-' NTure m.e1 he cres f sat gîne pa. lvtrarc ii1iindb, Cbs' eve- eod1 tuer. "11I1 "haso,$te r Pox tIi p'pr-T.WTO. ae cd lsi e a budgetsoni eu îjcln sean aksrC l, tic Unifed SIates ahane wmas over ¼ 11promtbe firq, ý'o C'f WA SON, 1that Yi prcentePd lbp hr ýie I o .mmos [ns. ru h I-ilaifsc ndra u rter c tiouimy Wmife usdm oie ilrV-GritinIsi, Ont., 1909. Ileas tcrcates n apeite11e, unti may o deny ieo d.mlin sn-t sud nom a.be ecopieeM encdIt bdaup thn jada run-down Lo"rs his rprew î, but)c]sto i, lng ThoAE 5v(L'11îis le ieoidn s m i tcnîid mnd as mcli as Phceve ms etemli sstl u matrl l53 aîru asgir Iilm'ltcfsnc1i4sMiidru lsfflrIl u wieep wm i A fe?is fuiiy rsoc.ISs es i$Us00bettietnt ail ding- pe ,Sen , A recfppu;&d MtSi , fo eli asc 1d sft my mit«me erlte'N ezedfnacer re mon wli euecnco .jcin Esaus, si kc SidsSkWBo--nw esfog cnoiahyIl lm d ghgîsisc&%a Iendy ceA a aîlc N.on cuhîrdnLloyd Geni gc bilî, noSCOTT & BOWNE cu rmlc auai',btas 6 YAboxpes Mor$250AIail dmeralhey rau aduise you heurte invest wr TIIEVWg-lile Imy ( ipoii.K, m et Edmauso, Bafs & CoTornto. é- . - M .:,i~.a~s- ---- ,eu".I:nei i tci<i rsuoid'.os , . '-i N1e tiieu" ,', io Ieut le th i uusns

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