c il - - -~ opposite Post Office, Notice- To Creditors. IN TH MATTER of the est ate or W1-1fILIAMU GEORGE GLO VER late of the town of Bowman ille,- in thse co'ntyr oJ Dueham, liveryimaà, deceased. N OTICE 18 IIEREBY GIVEN PUR. 1suant te sec 38, chap. 129, R S O 1897, that alpersoa having Caaims or demande againîl the estate e! the satd William George Glover deceased, whe died ou or about the sevenlb day of Otober 19G9.are required ta send by Post, pmpior deliver to, tue underigned soliitar fr ibe executrix of the lat will of the said de- ceasedýI on or before WtdLiesday the 220d day f DecemberI509 their christain sud suruames and adees with ful articuars in wrtîug o! their dlaime, and statements of theîr accunts aud tbe nature of the securitiei [if any] leld by themý duly veifiedby statutory declaration. Andlaite notice that afler the said 2înd day o!f lecember 1909 the sald execuitrix wil pro- ceed te disgtribute the assus of the sslddeceased ameug the parties euied thereto. having re- g ard only te ttec daims o et abc ssal then bave nioticç,and the said executrix will nct be .able for aald assais or* any part thereof te any persan or persoaso! aboie dam, notice shail not have been received by lier said solicitor et the time of snob distribution, Daed at Bowmanville, November i4tb, 1909 E. E. lspeo, 47-4m Solicitar for the said Exectrix, Notice To Creditors. IN THE MA TTFR Ol7 THE' E,'TATE 0P' JOHN CLEMENCE fate of the Township cf Darlington, in( tise County cf Durham, farmer, 'N7TIOEI BE RE BY GIVEN PUR X'-, suant t ',The lteyised Statues o! Otario" 1897. cbapter 129, tbai ail creditors and otiiers havingelaims agaimstibe estate o! the said John Clemence whn died on or about the feurth ca'y of Ociober, 1909, are reo olnd on or hetere theSEVENTEENTH DAY OFt DECEMBER, 19)9, tuosend by post prepaid or deliver to A. E. MICLAUGHLIN o! th s 'own of Bowmanville lu the said County o! Drham, solieitor for William John lemence and Tbomas Henry Clemence, Exeatiors ef lat Will and Testament of the said deceased. their christian and sur- namnes, addresses and descriptions, the fulil par- ticulars of their dlaims, the siatemeut of their accounis and the nature of the securities, if Roy, held by them. And further take notice that af er sucb last lluiitioned date the sald Executers will prooed to distibute the assois of thte deceased among the parties enitled thereto, haviog re- gare ony te the dlaims o! whcb thev shall th.. have ntice, aud that the said Executers wilI not bý lable for tue said asiests or any part thereof te any persan or persoasof whase cdaimis notice shah ual bave beaul received by ihem aitbe time of sncb ditribution. Dated the tweuty second day o! November ifiOS A. F- McLaulghlin, Solctor for William John Clernence and Thomas HeLry Clemnece, Execuiors of the will e! the eaid jonClemeDce dot eased. 47 4w Executors' Notice to Creditors. TN TIfF MA7TER 0F THE Es- TA4TE OP FNR yC. IHOA R late 0f the Township cf Darlington in th4 County of Durhamn, (armer de- cea.sed. N ý,OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN PUR. »-%Suant ta the ProviionS o! the ttevised Sta- tutes of Ontario 1897, ebap. 129, becd. s8 that al persona havlug dlaims or demande aginst the estte ef the said Hlenry . Roar deceased who dled on or about the nineteeuih day et August 1909. are required on or beoere the finit day of Januar y next (1910) te senfi by poît prepalfi or deliver te the undersigeed soi-itor for Silas V Roar sud Milton J, Werry the Executors er the nald estate or to the said execuiors, their christ ain and somnamtes addresses sud descriptions and a staiement of their respective ciaime or 1demand sud the partieulars sud proofs there- cf and the natureo! the securîties If any held by tbem together witb a valuation of such se- Andnotice is hereby given that after the tfrst day o! January siexi [19101 the said execu- tors wlltproceed ta distribute the etate o! the ®aRd U z -~ amongt the prions entitled thereto hiaving regard te the clasimi only o! wbich they or their soliitor shall have bad motide, and the sad ex ecutars will not bho hable for the said esiate or any part thereof te auy persan or persons o! whose cdaims notice shahl nt have been received by tbem or their sald sollelitor ai -the ime o! sneh-dii'button,- _ DVated ai Bowmanvihhe ibis 2rd day o! Novem. hbem A. D, 1909. B1. R. Loscombee47 4w The Mason Building' Bowmnanville, Executors' Bolletor. Slas V. Hoar, Milton J. Wery, Executors, Tymone, P 0. ont. Special to Farmers IRCLIELLAN & CO, LIMITED, BOW MAN'VILLE, WANT YOIJR -~GRAIN AND SEED. DON'T FORUET that we are stili Iiaying hlghest prlces for ail klnds cf grain aud seeds. . MOlelan& O.,Ltd. YI,, RAI X 7' Bowmanville. Christmas Photos-No Xrnas prosent cf double the value will give half the pleaý_,geruete a distant frinnd than a recený photo of yourself will givo. Hays, the Bojwmanville artlst. has becu turning ôut songe very life like pictures. Dress up in your best Sundav ï,uit and go te the Havs Gallery in, James 1Block and sit for a dozen cabinet photos. A few dollars se spent will gîve j)y te more persons than iu any Cther way. Figure it out-12 persens made happy at about 25 cents each. The sooner ýou sit for them new the suret yenu are te get themn bef are the holiday rush, WARNING. The Fau.ily Herald and Weekly Star of Montreai ln this week's issue are warnlng their present subscribers te renew earlier than usual thîs season, as there is an enormnous demand froin new subscribcrs and there is apt te be a congestion at the close of the 3 ear. The new premnium picture "The Soul's AwakeBnlng," is causing a perfect furore of enthusiasm in ail parts of the Do- minion. It i3 crtainly a beautiful pic- ture and is appreciated more and more the oftengr ene sees it. It le 19 x 24 Inches ready for framiii g A copy ls sent te every subsoriber f r 1910 and aiong wlth such a paper as The Famlv llerald and Weekly Star at'one dollar a year ccrtainly ls the best bargain cf the year. Clergymen cf ail denemîna- tiens -are urglng parents te bccome possessors of a copy cf this interesting picture. BOWMANVILLJE MARKETS, Oorrected eaeh Tuesday FLeU 100 OOis ........82 70 t 8810 WeHEA, 'Eaul, bush .... 0 M 'e 1 02 'I .., 1) 00 tg 0 98 .ele....0 00 te1 J2 Goose .... 000 tu O 95 BARLEY, Vbush, No. 1i..O 50 t 0 55 9ATS, Whte Il.......0() 55e (0 36 LYE, ".............. 000 et0 70 BUOKWHEAT et ....O 050 'l 0 51 PxAs, Blackeye, f bush.0,00 -1 o Co 'e Canadian Beauties 0 90 te o 95 tg 8mali le' 0OC0Qle'0 80 il Biue il 0O OClat'089 CLOVER .SIED ........... 4 50 Il 5 50 TimoTHY S«D......... 2 25 et 2 75 BUTTER, best table, V lb., O000 et o 25 POT_, edOZ...............0Mte0" 28 jO fRS Vbush.......O0 ot. o 8o RA ton .... ......800 l10 00 Why Should Von Bang Back wbou yeur friands are ail cemiug bore for their shees ? For no reascu probabiy, ex. cept that our reputation for selling at vary low prices made vou- suspect thequality. Iu justice te us and to, your- self you should calI sud learu how unjust that suspicion -is. Our shoas canuot be exeallad at any price, Rutbbers! Rubbersfl Don't put off buyiug your rab- bars t111 you get yeur foot wet sud catch celd. Corne lu to- day. We havealal grades of rubbers for maen, womeu aud ehiidren aI lowest prices. REID & 'PEARN9 Crner Shee Store , BOwmanviliJe- r,. PLEASLE EÇUNUIVY Purnaces. P1 For twenty-five †~ T' ars these heaters have maintained an ml unapproached reput- Ë,i latioiu for ECO1lOMiIY, -~ I D1IJRABJLI Y and 'massthe makers are con- - '..'"-~~-stantly a dding im- -~><-- -..---~pro Vements suggested by their large experience in the heating business. We give a positive guarantee with al Our work. Let us submit and estimate for your consideration. MINISTERS AND CH CiROHES. Bawmanville M ethodist chiurch an- nlversary on Sunday Dec 5, The choir cf St. Paul's Presocyterian church , Port Elope, appeared in new survlice gowns Sunday. The ladies cf the Disciple Church will hold their bazaar and sample sale In the basement cf the church on Wed- needay Dec. 1. 11ev . E. Cragg, B. D., of Foxboro, conducted both services at the Metho- dist Church. Port Hlope, Sunday and gave two very lnterestlog addresses, 116v 1H. V. Mounteer, Chairman cf Cannington District, will preach in the Methodist Church next Smnday. Pastor Garbutt gees te Cannington tor anni- versary services. C atherine Gaudin Gulld is the name cf a society ln connection with Ontari o Ladies' Cllege, Whitby, whose object is te ralse money for missions in the Canadian West. The anniversary services of Bnwman- vilo Methedist chnrch wil b held Sun. idas, Dec. 5. 11ev. J. P. Wilson, B A., 5Lindsay, wiil proscb at both services. .The usuai thankcfferiug et $1000 wiii bo 3asked for. A ftact worthy ot note was omîtto d lu the obituary et Mr Thomas Smalo which appesred. lu a recant issue cf The James Papers, narualy, that he taught theIBible Ciasi ln Previdence Sabbath 9Seheel fer fory joars. 1 Rev. John Garbutt gave au excellent sermon Sunday evening on the rois- tien3ship et the minister to the congre- Sgatlon sud vice versa. He gava seme very practical aud helpfnl suggestions worthy et the thought snd attention cf every member aud adherent o! the church. Mr. P. C. Trebilcocit gave s general outiue cf the work of the Provincial Sabbatb School Association andreperted a splendid addtess ou "The Investment of Personality" Thursday evening ut the prayer meeting lu the Methodlst church. This waeek Miss M E joneess wiii givo a report on anothar part cf the convention. Among the speakers sud the program fer the District ýLeague Convention at Oshawa Wednesday Dec let are: Rev 8 T llsrîiett, Torouto, 11ev E W Morg- au, returnad missiouamj from China, Mr Acaam Garabedian (Armenlan), Mr A G Schofield, mlssionary, Oshawa. snd Mts F W Lee, Enlskillon, The' day sessions will ho held in Madcalf St. Church and the eveuing lu Simcoe St. Church. Let overy League bc repre. sented. The ladies of St. John's church held a very sucesful tes sud sale Frlday eveniug. The excellent supper of bot potaties, chiekon. ham, tongua, lamb, etc . with salads. joulies, pickles, cakes sud varions kiuds of p«e afitat-ciass lu evary particular sud as thoreugblv enjoyed. Willng sud attentive waiters lait nothiug undono for the pleasureo f thair pa.trons. The home-made catidy, fancyarticles snd other things tound ready sale. During the avouing the vis- iters were entertaiued with music on the new pipe organ by Mrs J C Hcedge, Toronto, Miss Tamblyn sud Miss Ar- meur, sud viehun selections by Mr, A. E. McLaughliu. Rev Dr. G W. Mîlligan, Pastor of Old St Andrew's church, Toronto, whu praachad wlth sncb groat acceptauce lu St. Pani's Presbyterian churcb, thîs tewn. Sunday last at its annlverssry. recently returnad from a five mouths' absence from bis pulvit speut lu Edîn- burgh, Glasgow, Caithness and Orkney Islands sud. othar parts of Scotlaud. Overwork had breught ounanrvous troubles, hence bis proiongod vacation. Eminent nhysicisus tell hlm that bis ilinesa s enet rganic sud witbjadicious care ha wll 'regain full heslth, Dr. Milligan bas sceueue genoration pass away since ho became paster cf St, Andrew's cburch, for en October 24th hoe preacbed bis 83td anuiversary ser- mon since Induction iet its pastetato. It is a rare exception for, eue man te minister se long lu the same Churcb, Over fifty mamnbers cf the Young Lad- ies' Bible Class of the Metbodist Suuday Sehool spout s very pleasaut oveniug at the Methodist Parsouage Tuesday. The guaste were eerdlally weieomed by 11ev sud Mrs. J, Garbutt sud Miss Gar. butt aud speut a dellghtfnai social time. Refresbments were served sud ai iuied hesrtiiy lu siuglng s hymu l'a- fore departing for their homos The I best tbauks cf the class are due te Mr 1 aud Mrs Garbutt for opeuing their home thus afferding the members au oppor- tunity for social luterceurse, The ofi- cars were re-elected as foliews: biacher -Rov John Garbuit; President-Mtss E E HaScraft; Vîce-President-Misa Ada Silver; Sacretary-Miss Maud M Otton-, Treasurerm-Mliss G)raeTreiwin; convellar Vlsitig Commlttee-Mrs W. B Tapsen; Conventr Program Coimmiit - :e-Miss Alima Peliard; Coavener ioôk-3ut Cowmmttee-MiýssEthei Van- mm% CASTOR NA For Infants and Children The KMn You Rave Always Bought Bears the Found iD the Traveler's Grip The means by which ho cured a very seveye case of piles. very rnnny traveling salesmen kno-w what il os te sufer from itehing piles and will read with interest the f ollow- ing lettet: Mr. W. J. Saunders, salesrnian for the Sawyer-Massey Co., and wbo lives at Killamney, Man., states: 4"After bav- iug sufered for tbree years with a very bad case of piles a friend recommended Dr. Chase 's Ointment and I carinot now speak tee higbly ot saine. After hav- ing used twe boxes of Dr. O-ase 's Oint- ment 1 eau truthfully say that I am cured eof piles, and eheerfully reeom- meud it te auyone snferiag trom this complaint. 1I ni L ever without a box of this ointment in mry gip." It is impossible te dlaim tee mucb fer.Dr. Chase 's Ointment as a eure for every f orm of itehing, bleeoàing and protruding piles. It seems te have ne rival in this regard aud the record of cures lu simply wonderful. Nearly any druggîst can tell you of scores ot cures that bave come te bis notice. Some of these efeeted eveai atter surgical operations bad failed. 60 cents a box, at ail deaiers or Edmauson, Bates Co., Toronto. EOWMANVILLE, NOV. 25 1909 GREAT FUR SALE We direct theý attention cf our read- ers te the large f ur advt. of Maritus Mayer, the rliale and experienced furrler, on cur last page. If jeu waint a new coat, raff, muif or anything lu the fur âne, now is the timo te get a genuine bargain. Read ever the llst and make Sour selectiou oariY. There is no better timo or place te get genuine bargains than at Mayer's. 1'f'S RESULTS THAT COUNT. Last woek vie puablished a letter from Mr H Argue, Solina, who advertised soma farm stock for ale lu The James Papers witn good results. Bore is more preof where resultà have beau satisfactory : Bowms-,nvllle, Nov. 20, 1909. M. A. James & Sons, Please do net Insert mv advertisemeut again as 1 have f ound the stray animal and oblige, Truly y ours,, F LFquAIRt. We happed te be lu conversation Saturday with eue cf the gentlemen who purehased soeaof Mr Argua's stock. Ho tcld us six other farmors drove into Mr Argue's yard whiie he w as there as they had sean the advt ln The James Papars. No bluff -or "hot air" about thîs These are facts. TmH STATESNAN and TEE NEmws are at jour service If S ou have anything te sali or bu-Y. D ISTRICT ]NEWS. IVictoria county council grantad 8100 te Lindsav Winter Fair Association. Alen's L-ung Baisam ts warranted te cure the most distrasslng cough. Mr C W Kerr, B A. a weli aud faver- abiy kuown Cobourg boy, was eiected Presideut cf, the North Toronto Lîbarai Association, My uervousuoss has left me entirelv as a resuit ef taiig Mtller's Compound Itou Pulis. Sold by R. M:Mitcheill& Ce, Druggists. William S Perry, aged 24, unmarried, a native cf Poterbore aud a Grand Trunk Railway brakeman, was kilied at Orlllia Thursday while shunting cars.- William Moffatt, Who was boru lu Raglan, August 24th, 1837. where ho speut his youth. snd joung manhood, died recentiy at Paw Paw, Illinois, aged 72 ye-ars. The marriago teck place Wednesday of Mr Alex Clarkte, ycungest son cfmr John Clarkeo, Milibrook, and Miss Ethel Hutchinson, daughter of Robt kintehin. son, Cavauvilie. I was pale and weakly for jears. Mil. ier's Compound Iron Plls brought about a change. Sold by R. M. Mitchell Co CDruggists. Mr Herbert G Gae, Toronto, was re- cently married, te Miss Annie Bugg, Torouto. Mr Gee is a sou of the late -Rev D F Gee, a former paster of New- castle Methedist church. Thomas Bray, one of the old pioer sottiers cf Northumberland County, died Friday Nov 121h, aged 81 yaars. after a lngerlng iluness, at the residance cf his son near Cobourg, Thousauds cfamothers can testlfy te the virtue of Motheýr Graves' Worm Ex- termnutor, because they kuew [rom ex. petience how use f ai it is. Mr Jas Weatherup, Millbrook, passod awsy Nov 17 after a llngering illness, agad 50 -vears. Daceased has iived lu Mkillbrook for a couple cf jears. He louves a widow but ne chlldreu. Mr Sam Clarke, M L A, Cobourg, has raturued alter an absence ci some months lu the Northwest. Mr Clarke has beeu iookiug afler the harvesting of his crop, which was a very abundant eue., The materils used in "The D.&L" Emulsion are the fiuest ýthe market affords regardlesscf expense lu cases et wssting diseuses, losa cf welght, or losscf appetite, Itis5taken with great benefit. The wife of Mr Arthur Davidson, son cf Mr Robert Davidson, Oshawa, died recautiy at Johannsviiie, Mich. Mr Davldson, with his lather and brother William, wera members cf Oshawa eltizens' baud for several years, and well known here. The efficacy of Bickie's Anti-Consump tive.Syrup ln cuming cougts and colds and arresting inflammation ef the lungs ,an be establshed by hundreds et tes timoulals from ail sorts aud conditiens of meu. Itlai a standard remedy lu these alIments and ail affections cf the throat and lungs. It is highiy re-. comendod by medicino venders, because anyknwsd appreciate its value as a curative, Try ut, Imported and Canadian Woel Blankets, a very complote asscrtment o! sizes and qualIties Ovor 20 styles te choose from and certainly ne botter values anywhere, PIrices trom $300 Up $8,00, per pair. Fl arir, ~l ett~ New Flannelette Blankets lu whiteansd grey with assorted colored berders made fromg fine quality cetten yarn in three sizes. Prices frein $1,00 te $ 1.60 per pair. Wool Flannel Sheeting, 2 yards wide, good heavy quality, wiIl give Per yard 75e. -'-St t -' t 3 * 1: How About that Overcoat yVou proised youtrse4(y TFh t s Fa il. We are preparad teo give you the hast value in tail and winter overeoats for men and yeuths, that- is saying a lot but wa eau stand by what we say. Our immense stock of ready-to-put- on coats iu plain black, navy aud tan- cy tweeds iu ail the lateat stylos ara haro, for your approval. We have the regulat. Ion black velvet collar aise the coliar that buttons' close up te throat, excellant wear. If you waut a botter ovarcoat or suit made-to-your-order iu the Iatest styles and the newest fabries we wil take your'measuremant sud guarantee a perfect fit. This is net au experiment, wo have provad the rcliabilitv o! our ordarad elothing sud huudreds ot our eust- omers stand ready te voueh fer the satisfaction cf our 20th Century Garmeuts, llockey Boots. Me's and Boys' Hockey boots made frein hast quality chromi cal! skin, blucher eut, lacad te the tee, padded tengue aud reiutorced over instep, Per pair 82.25,$20 Men's new style Hockey Boots with steel box toee cap aud spring heel, blueher eut, doubla lacing, padded tengue, the hast hockey boot yet. Par pair 82.50. McMurtry & Co, Limiited. M ONEY TO LOAN-at 5 and 5Iý per Aý.lcent on martgage seenrity. Pr!vale fonds ppy te R< R. LoscomiiE, Barrlister,vBowman- Bcst Place in Canada, for superior Busiaess and Sborthand Eda- cation is the progressive ~~LEOT Toronto, Ont.,' Graduates of this eoliege readily obiain cholce prsitions. The demand for our grasuaies la f ully live limes the supply. Wintem temm opens Jan, §rd. New Cata- logue free. Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sis. W. J. Elliott, Principal Co P. R. Steamers. Atlantic Service. From St. John, N4. B. From (West st. John.) Liverpool N~ov. 26 Steamer Nov. 12 Dec. ' 1 EmpreBseof Britain Nov. 19 Dec. il Laie Manitoba Nov. 24 Dec. 17 Steamer Dec 3 Dec. 24 steamer Dec 10 Dec. 51 orsicali (chartered) Dec 17 J'an. 7 Steamer rDec, ?4 Iani, 14 Empress of Ireland Dec, 31 Extra Stea,,mer front West St. Johsn to Len. Cooi. D)ec. 8, IIXontrose," carrylc scndcai pasen ge rs oly, rate $1 250 Tiyd udais rate on "Emlpresses" rdcdto ý287-a id on "Lakte" Steamfer s toe 827.50 to Ulverpool1 or Lodon,ý To book or for flirt'er iniformlation re- gatding our steamners aplytothe inearest :0, P. R.agt or S. J. 'Sharp), Î7IYoQge Street T'oronto, BOWMANILE .&OMN r8. TORONTO EASTEhRN RAIL WAY NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN that applica- tien bas been made ta the Parliamnent O! Canada at its next Session for an Act l- comporatîngz a Company under the namne of the Toron.to steru llailway Company, with powers toacc.nstruct and oDerale a o e r11 way from a poioi in the City of Toronto., mn- nlng easterly throogh or near the tewns of Wbutby, Oshawa and Bcwmanville te Cobaurg, wilh branches tborefmom as followsj:- A, From. a point lu or near Cobourg ta Peter-. borough., B. Frema peint Iu Scarboro Township to Maritham, Steuffville or Uxbridge. C. From a point in or near Oshawa Northerly via the Eastern sîde of Lakte duegogte Lindsay D. From a peint lu or near Oshawa Soutberly te a point on th *e waterfront o! Laite Ontario. Aise declaring the worits of the Company te he for the general advantages o! Canada, and acithorizlng amalgamation witb other Comps- nies with other usual aud customary pewers, L. K. Murton Of the Town of Oshawa. Saliclior for and siguing on behaif of the applicants. Oshawa, Oct. 22nd, 1909, 43 5W Dec, 4 te 10 Inclusivc, Returu limit Decetuber 13. Aclcçant. Ontario Provincial, Fair! ic Fi9C AGO C 818,85 Retumu. Ner, 28, 29, 80; Dec. 1, 5 sud r), Return ilmît Dec. 11.Aeccount Live stock Exposition Above rates apply from Bowmauviile. Pro-portioliate rates from aIl points lui Ontario. sacure tickets sud further Information from JURY & LQVF4LLI, CP. & T. Agen ts, Bowma2vluio. ' White Star-Donnol ROYAL MAIL STEAUSEHIPS Montreal, Quebee, Liverpool. Megantc ....,... ....No 1 Largesi and most modemn steamers on St. Law- rence route, Latest production of the 8hip. builders' art; passengers elevator aervinig fouir decitsEey detail of comtort and luiury of present daytravel will bc found on thdee streametr. Moderate Rate Service. (called Second Glass) To Liverpool 845,00, To London 50 Dominion From Montreal Nov 201 Canada Fmom Portland Dec. '1 Dominion F rom Portland Dec. 25 1Third Class carried on all steamers. Sec plans aud raies ai local agents, or Company 'a offices, For sîl information apply te M. A. JAMES, Agent. Allan Linle Royal Mail Steamners CHIRISTMAS SAILINGS. st. John Ral*iax VirginiariNov. 36 Nav. 27 Oýamp1an Deec, 4 Victerlan Dec,. 10 Dec. il Rlesperian Dec. 17 Dec. 18 BOSTON TO GLASGOW Pretomian De. 10 ani. Numîdian Dec, 548a.m Ioni!" jan: 7 7 ïa. m1.' SAILINGS to N1AVRE c1)d LON DON Corinthian Dc.c 15 Dec, 17 Sardinlan Dec, 19 Decà. M Rates of Passages Accordling to Steamier, 181Glas. ..$7.00, .8000. .an(ý upwards, 2iud . ... S0.. .850. S>.andl 850.0 3rd ... .. $2175( ..828,75 For par,ýtic ulars of suilings and mates ask M. A. Jamues, 'liau Lino lAgant, Bowmanvie The4 West End Houseo Some Warm Reminders for the- Cold? Days now upon us. Yon eau profit by acting om this suggestion@ Our prices are always within reach of the most careful buyers. Waol t E31iarikc--te.