Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Nov 1909, p. 3

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TRepkace the stakin the fring '-ýpan,~TlEPRU1IRSAT tii te stak istendr, lD-h oVa Wmen Now Diorn:and SubteBed P l1-7platter, pour the grýavy over it, and ing of Perfiîmçs. garis, it boun ottos."Women are strangely fickle _nj DOUGHNUI S. their choice of perfumes,"aya failons London chernist. 'Ti fA dTh oaru FsdJi Stuffed Douglinuts.--Make dough- the scent of single flowers, they are A1 h odrU ue Forl,1n fanit andii Û dren nuts after your favorite recipe, now demanding subtie blendinf.s.- r__ollthiri, and ctt ,itli email But the fashion in, scentS iS ud - :y----- ---- - oounw ~ie cutter. llavte prepared_1 corneig.Mrtan$000jflua---------------- oued prunes ofz api-;cots drainedysto be made f rom theevltoFud r) hi uc.Plç on ftef (4onie new peti U111e. , adhttey ea I mt een two oftocils Perfurnery hias risen toe, anb to everoa rrs ~eegefi r.li together ndat Beautiful music --id lovet[y J fM rmArFra? pe odro]% 1ictie strike their note upon ile _____ 71%i -,let encl ol lUS LANN ues so does a delicate biending"eca Fue vÎl, -K iý;I-esf er~t~* ~ e lonce, u'iitithe makîng Inted o! 1,ehxga mono- of od In the Pvolution of a noe, Jointsarmdeb o~thee p icul idughnutIs ad tnoadU giybcee e fume 1 play tupon a (el ~ os-,,~tbîsteelair Iiwt ionthtem frorn l W. urehn SunI htep brohronusce. ;irngg l tting Iopen while f rvîng. Many Y eeîer-S~~t 'Large surine If monev are citer..cationtgthra ro~,c-~i~ Vi hosewf~ aI-Xper.enced ti depotnorhatrt lapon prelîminary lbstrl'Whît et h v.fcit n iglk iad.i t .i? o!othr oapork. Here"-he produced a tirytw ui~~e ~~.W.. ils easii, dàslteyoecoeFlIwdrltosfragî'ant pot 2 incises býgh l"is the. rntciIoîeTb t ____4PG~~b y the simple isiethod of Twettinr g: perfume essence, derivdeiba tbÎ"- -joints te or r teedges cf tl-e dough witb ilrni;lI ton of violets. I jv,ît i O before pressing týiem together. Our flowcr basis for laboratory e ~~ .f~~~ ~~' Doughnuts. ýOne and crie-qua; priments includes aise jasm,i.-I ,!ersue R1iS ter cupfluls sugar, two egg yoIls, fore stirring it into te bt hîuid rose, orange blossonme, ansd cassîeg- "ieCa usc and crne hole cone, one teaspoon- Dyo not forget tb at ating ue a French flower podce elely forý7 4 oints hv ee hil cf sait, one ctîpf'îl of sweti ,nexver hp wash d w'ýith soaply water. perfumery. Tî 0 ceadd newrkdloe ik, four and co" -bal cuplule cfl' A strongý solution of sait water s'egetbl oonchesedofmm~ flouer, one tee spolonf soda, two clýeans nîattiug and makes it look plant, tonqu1in envnil ben, They fr h n Ç ~ ea.~poofuls cf crom cf tartar hike new.cloves, and ,ýthse distillation of coin- n nyfrnc oltthat wot i eak gso ut if c P', -a dy for Cons t cie atrtap oflicu- Haif a saur of chioride,- of zinciploie plants, sncb as lavenoder andIfou anpenyfardyPRE i- hon.SourS oach,' rhoea egBeat og.Adsgraî'd i-ten V sxt neIImxuerosema'y. ______ _____ F r v r ïilýk, thon sift dry 'tiný fedients and cfinegar Iand wte'a cWd- p When delicatebIendsfromtieseathe inmum Cis o ul n ttesnetm ce bondLover S EhE attývasc-aebenotýp,îii yourhome a ýýbsol]utely free of.gas us n ,rtsemron'g rl about crie-I qua'room in a few mnutsoratorios le bveteprcue ns ioeu in a "H ecla" Furnace. f-cr cfdF rr(Aan iincb and eut witb a dcugb 'Protetdi'roa tbe !rm na!,substances te keep tU'liseoosTIraeo-sfteseiîfaueaolîeleî htvr Ê'at ordi0iary r mmed onesk[ susk from the îus des, i-o papes'. osedin hekitchlenr dra oifrom te baver, nn mcgi ~ ~ Bo,&Co., Limitedà, PresonOn mi c oaos,îetheson aecornîneal, strt imer An art iri itecif's the orn lIT J) IIT N ( ITN AJT fî'le of meltcd lard, eue cmpfu] cfougby ith gasoliîne. sri I uite cf t ho perfome xshen it hbec been ___________________________________ suigai'. twe eggs, cone cupflul co_ s'i sorcre, n cubwt ht e.Pure v~~able co]orings ,______________________ LXC CP D 'L~P~e et 1111 re oapenul of salit, a ro.I i onv i it ieffivare useed Ieult cf per- t~i-iereaspoonfuils of baking pov-aid dus,, m.akirig the carpt ockfisses bas se aIvaried that a wo- dc. Ia o " th nutnieg and add hik ari sitb aretinted gou nnosv eIo uglh four to miake soit dougb. Hsep!ienty cf dish. tc-we 1, and densands, as a nateof coUrse, a 0 ________________________Fry ini bot fat. Boul and masisthe a ihiicf or' t1eon wbicb te r hor eutn uo'odr-ndavoet 'potatocs, add lard, sugar, heetei Hase ss cia! ýlsets cf tecloths, csuecorsodigybsI i- ~ ' or'a Iongigpae Ilogbcobedaller; toezg -d wbip tbei'ougbiv chinaortu-e for giassil."rareli sul.traîn l ciia cze ndlst ges~oti iefiltprus.Lb eihffyoiia pot n ree er aoc h st i t, T ih, nadd the iilknand other and tree fort__tin anr beatn wio cf one ogg. 1ings'edicnts. Sou' mnlk and soda wa e frts iiadcokr ril it Paral0 h ,_ i sFeeze for abouit t ç'enti y minutes, !may br' used if preferred, Iepth peces o Z.1I-Bui KE-NOS EARS OF retii oewy Sthon let stan-d for lbaif heur befomeI pae'atrppigaromRoin Nmam SALXD.. the pie s togethe r: and keep in a ZI l1 t W 11 Apple Priddirig.-One cuîfuo Ilcf'-Gaeîi aa.-G'pf'i papor box. If the paperetfdd Pomierful Proots of Ifs Uair milk, tire tabiespoonfuis cf short- or teri it cI ho reiac-Led ssitb new. Valve. l / TASTY DESSERTS. nirig butter and, lard, tire tee-and vwbite grape salad. Cnt the FoalanrbgbycieOUS OrneSotae-n ur fspoosîfuls cf shortening butter and grapefruit into snsail sections fre ' o e dybg b'i 'n n Asa oshlrmd teu i sifte flotteasoomîfurs cf lard, two -teaspoonfuils cf baking1 frein swhite pitb and seeds. Add te haîf yards of ulde bleacbed minen- emorgencies sucb as are ulunyýs <Orfh nso bimgPc der, crie teasporiful cf pou des, a gced pinenh cf sait flour 1se baif its quantîtv cf swhite grapestcedg, adopubleiout vaîtue siin inary brne, anid purticu-j- satcretaiepcmfo f hie enoxugb te thieken. Filthe l ,ttc euct in hlIs osndic]ee]ec]. Dros g ndpt tottPedraw lrysbî' br r cic rand up:-tdefuntue ga. ix etbcrpogl ofThie, adsua- aigpaiwibaplscutellealitesat ls'etablespoon- tririg at the top. This bag cari o an Bîkils iitisout oquin . ere ghma li pieces and sugared; add a fois cf cil., and crie tabiespeonltllunee otr.ai e et aretrecin Hwaou O cuh W ae n a 67 saa'econeapnios f ts irnt:- teetablespeon 'fuls cf botter and îittîe cinnamnite the apples and cf emon juice. Lot stand ini the n da.Msls. -HaliidayWxti, Ont., that cannot be surpassed. srenilk sufficierit te make soft OObaesovsthm Bk dsirgfr bot nbu'ad A litthe vaseline miay ho rubbled i i dogb Rhieu iitbeolaer, ten tmtes ii* a em.botoen eveci otic aso.ovs idsoo tnib, n sy "I hase ,prc-vý,ed Zam-Buk slgb]ybtts'eciaer aycreSevel touarmltaue rCen aade-re edui izd e of rth acotccthiete ricuaîe ercoesre, n nerain rcevs rop adperoaoatmtipta diseusesmcfuteesiuiri. lhoveoyecase nîgit and we doidot mke any aira)(h]rloifr distano n1 otep")e-ftise other, bake tireity- Fgudig-Ore cillc abgciedznor en en. Tbus a godphih a 1b tw iuts eprt telye hpddeie cOnd clflfii, icbeo ep ersar or,-1' l o which1haeplidt tbs ceaaetelyrsfv l, ep rie quart vine- 1 ho ob tained, arid id mli oubt atilappred, i sPRElOSLE 5& I- irhul ,-armi, place bottons cruo thrtree oggî, tire espflîs of bs'ead gas'ý, threle tablespoonifulhscf grerind presers cd bîythe vaelne 'oi ab àotaire, and I ro platecor suitb slced orange, crvrn's, criecuplul of sugar, tue 1,IlvUstard, crie tablospeonful cf sait, Eeypido n i uaeit'eimendCasie tei tersVic"oi ~ A A I ~ 11JI J A spî,inlkle tbickly witls sugar, lay on upfucf milk. Wash, pick lover crie tablesporftil cf cclory sced, a paste is an excellent nmixtu-re te Miss Cae BPetn, vicotia i4 J-LtAN ~lyl.V L.~.</iV119 Icre;duetto np tbfiee subc- tefgaichp.Co h ut<ne cinful .sugar; bheu anid1sel ean steel. uub cri well and polisb insCaeontoeov Sota beat altos' ssb-ci -wich î'ub sitban ioued 1 "ss:--"For a long time I suff esed Ph e.5 - OMNVLE sev wl satopwitb cieroa a1 beathe oggs hligbt vithout cepar- Wbitefisb Salad.--Boil ib urtil s'ag iniples anInihl pt suar Baias or p it easm a -ation. Mix ai the ingredierifs tendes'; pick and set on ice te cocl. arid thon polisb up again with a îrom unnsgtiipt thorouAyk-.tom irite aor eihgreasydITake crie-hall cupful viriegar, two cdean dister. ci ylae ad es'rg e uh PineaplepFufh.Orie gmy, evrn n oua tblre eus, ed aspouccl , epr rc sie W/bon îsakiig cour pies, sucb as ebout Zarn-Buk, gave it a trial. It _________________________________ servobct Wtb mu saue: On tast. dab cf apî'in. ud ~ irhubab ard craiberl'yst is ou tebas oir i thsescd te ei'ptiorann a p p l e c opp e d l f i n , ci.h l u c p n f tsnee, h a l o c s u c . Puin e lf sb- b l r a a dc u ra e r is i s wth a t ov e rI s vcu d 0ert h y i'e c î n n f f r I V 1 A E W o ' ~ 5 h ciopped Erigisbsh ainuts, crie cup buttercrie cup cf powdrdci-sring. This is good spî'ead on been pî'evieuîsly soakod iri sater. mpe u kiidsue.jac ordcde nteidsTon ra ~gU1 eeV derd u-sev ,i *'Mis A Burue NtreDaeBak afe lco inth idu-e rid rioae h h ereuri wmppdeefourth poiru , etbuts t rem c]irthin sIices cf bread lfs' sandwiches. Tbey miii take away that; grt fia- isA oruNteDîe triai history cf Engharid a certain 3O lod'Vj.CreNr- nilis'sinoquaros it hosga' gad uatery, a rwen lîgha- --ver, besides absurbing the super- Kent CniN. B., says '-"'For B nioriethash I saùffadredy, nditbn airur1in1îmg s .ar.edte, iake oap. n oWs aol0fen !!l into qdutaetiinrswwîichbaseheeiTmIdeS WORTH IKNOWING. fluocns joiee. mnh ufr wt unn i rbblt twsjs omnpir knes, Ealc1 adtewn hclisbemaeTo cdean patent leuthser and pr- -soie on mey leg, and altbeugh îalpohb1t i rsjutcm natorriéasec,al Eircso 4lus rJ~?îes s c i s o i, r u a n o e rid p i ie .p p e, li ot a if l u t a i n e, l a e i e W h ite p e p p e r m i h b o n d p ' O- ! v e n t it f fi- m c r a c k in g ta k e F r e n c h tr ie ti se v e r ul in til e n ts a n d s a lv e s , c u , r d f i a s r e o h t c u eurrjP i e . lp r b y s x o r n w 1 p e s . C l d d i ip p eu t c a r . ho -h in a as n faotsdaf r 1ri f ra b le t e b la ck in i s a s n in g ch i k - 1 h a rn e ss p a te u se d y sa d d e rs. A p - rn o n e d id m e nu c b g o d . T h e so re a o uri m e o ri u te ry. lua il t h ikei- i lîaîn pk .e T e 'e p f x mie N s p e p s Apl Ci osad. ae r]stir for tire or tbree minutes. Toho oeienec i u ]p<mtt~e TWooU Mhoncine Co. ocr tre lrg apls.Starfil aue hoîc h smmots ri] 'eany. Or oup, j î'b if spuringly te the leathes', arc] imould just ble ver, ac]thn a<nciîrt 'sudorwTrotoeO, tirides' arc] prees tbougb eciandori - Fer leaning dem stairs a stiff, ipolish if igbthv mitb a piec, cf Jbreak out again. I suas advised ecutemaea niohrue ________ il n pesthog olne; o :that uîsuuhiy beset tis -e patb of an__________________ irbilebct ad crictubiesoonbuicf in mubis better flta îîhisk ibîack cloth. Patent heather thuis tyZam-Boit, cric]ohtuired a sup- ~ ']btb fl buttr, hre lago fblepoofui MEAS.:reoa. reated rameîy cracks. ply, together mith sonie Zarn-Bukmai nitreiug cf uttr, hree , large tabiespooi- Hans, Sonthor Syle.-Boii bain A_î sciioppeti aimnrds added te Five necossary fhings for cs-.Soap. I caiefuhir svasbed the sei ri, acnrcieatîu roi oC U S ihweegadutltneuigtowtrsi to the iineemmon. Rie began to ac]d-__ thre-fous'tbs culul iik. Bake aric]place iri hakirig pan. TisonI greatly inîprose tc flaves'. 1fianrel, plenty cf fruit,' plcrity cf _Buk Seup, arc] thon appliod the vrie eal riesco.ful iiismil osardces lkeordn tic i th ff trodozn rboe Rsgethat icor!nrithe edges cari1 leseh air and plerity cf eocs. ur.A loir eeks cf this freat- r stickrif thheatnakiug cf bottes' goodel Ir n Shortb&tnd or B~n~ ib~o amycutaîds Wbn onchop mthclovos arc] spinkle sifb browu su- hobcmade te lieifiat by tiumpenirig a mother miii sec ber- chihd(reri get mmî cîsheey eaei h sth"e trad i aknAt nîcrrigu mco cfsîbtes lbIt oves', gar. Bako an heur. If is dehîci-leiricd edge rc rsin bmibtos hisseMay ho ahmost ces'- lMr'. Joseph Kostyuk, cf W/do osfrovîbcedeat l d Wrntrounilbl ls1l hs's~r hibty; ric ilrv d]. ilss when sliced cod. bot umen. tain cf lber littie cies keepiig mel t itige, Mca., savs :-"I bac] eczemc ho lastiig. Tise rest cf the îtomy îogne fre, a. t ieppoCanne!c. Boil ii n Hum cric] ggs-Meif crie fabie-1 lsays huy linon ban.dkercbiels anric]strono' on my lace, nrik anc]harid, cebac] i,3eri]. Hro uthoutaheldmiiiozed hIe l( eî' tue -ýcupbols cf browm u- So pOoonul o bhuttesric]d moieten wm'h and tessels and yen cari kecp tbem ____that I mas onuhie te iéuve mvls'oolm. suolc]liazard c giross irbut fitBhes meia 'ii, oelcfcupful tapioca that if cric cric]a bal cuipfuls cf stulet.a good cols'more eusîlyv thun Svrif j t ald odomBrts 7, w(ï skdoe ihadbrceic nb. Put a layer )f clotten eulsare bouight. iA Amys Poldy Pihl.-T fode Svea tors IIic t le om nie ftatsa-mgtt a iria sssil akng hisMho lobn beatiumlg imuge iija e cf rogulas'habit Medicirie is ofl â goti iteuh 1pet aresos osuccessfully capifulized les', as Rune \~sbce soakod ove; nght, dd 'cm iivbs f ofmo ey. Z m Bok as effctetialtogethes fomn the assets icin J I the ~~J C ll g quntycrc]cck until a clous', !a layer cf nîinced bars, siiced oggs, lent bIlan Pt e eabuideoie sr cncer, but the gmoat maijerit voi htthey lailed tedo, arc] I airnfeome tc>-»idngTrno 11ub-(iehybas heen formed and cisc] croans sauce alteriufciy. The ftic noie cric]motb. This pmeý s'ois in r nfofrgua hbt. rcr ed..' thforu cf crnsic]a srhn icbCfrlY-C a' ucIydi lait laveri should be cumbs. Buke tise irbaliirg cf the doit. jîo'yci]cre îbns r- Zam-Buk is the finesf knosm ri e peree siiaceeitf a h i t a p i o c a b a s a ndh etno fbt hro u g h l yd adi s - f r e n t c i t i e s , ri ] ba ne m y , h Ple- baveoa-ftopiyackamemhuit baieeyenwej Theltraris-Aanaextra record-break- GkRM~1~T5 bt iatr' Mifthe butter j ainîkashsieinmnmemindwhThe cosQt ismil an"d me m"Yr te yen te encier a question. Wbat iuyirig pan, ico the enie ced f s'yf thu expMesscharges une way on cut o-twî ol]ynd fIwr o ieyn1 ra oC th -n u jw A a.fmtuat eathliras duc e a eiei tell'c %k1 W11 MfOTLEMA( 'os, Alinj fuor, anrcl'y in the ibt 19n.~1 ieal nesb el"~ V LT chause umldue e as'f-faiucre Ps s fr yîg p uisandcric dte Saleebuffer uA MU D e bP.. - 30 AelIde T . W. oAN fa m r it ait e cgs, ac] iss- BRE KFAS T su PER IwvCNb [OTImmûM mWGcmOCTMEOa UK the sali. insgar, imustarciarc DAI CAWH)ILDREN0Àd,!,-st oo 3nud MC ol tyn J s p p r . T e a d t i e b o t w ae r .n r I r ] e o i m n u e " p e " ~ î s e u ~ - .E P

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