Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jan 1909, p. 5

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Rtem*ngton Typewriter of Canada, to better provide for the large and constantly increasing demand for- ex- pert shortbmaýuct w-riters, typ ifits andi bookkeepers .skilled in modern 1- uýsiness rnethod, announces lhe opening o th.e REMI NOGTON BUSINEOSS C0LLEGE! W. ~Coilloe 'reo adSpadinx .Avenue, Toroxto, ~IEABTY THÂNKS J FOU 1908 We arc gratefil u) Our Manly friends for sncbh lberal patronage that bas muade the paît year by far, the 'bostyt We solicit your nind VliiLs in the coing ar at OUr soeopposi*e the Post Office and salendeavour to mernt il youar favours f'or 1909 Hiappy New,ý Vear, ý'$FredîR Foley, 'kPone 1 Bowmanvill e. 'ts Tono omn.l nthe Cut of Durham, Esquire ceed 'XTOrlE IS HEREBY GIE", -hat~ ail pensons h~tga rîy G1zirms t-r 'ni Oi-tý)ber 1908 ar tic Tor, o! ic inasiivilie lu tihe Provioce of Crts le, AïE HQIR to ,iend by 1post prepalsi or iteie to) the minder Sign1ed Solicitons !ýri1for fuï Zr% VÀNsr M ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~S B.E AJÂJsuîro,1 d-, 1M ' - lE3eeutnix and Executens su doný ihe WliO o! the vRlqd John V auNe Xp Oite ycuig, decased ibeirnames .'nd1 asdre1es ao]d fuit atl lr lu wrltiig o! ibeir dJaims and sttemnits o! v~tholraceonuflls, am'-, the naturet of the ,eCunt (if anylbheld bytem AND TARE 1;()TICEU teat ,fier tbIse Tenith day or e(buary 199tte sa-.isi Jniiî Vat-Nesi, mses james ansi Normaso S. 3 Jimeswili 0- d tb d1istrite 'lic ass8eis o! ibe sald hia gregard eul,9 tihe clîims o! whtch tbïpý s iai thený bave hasi notice, andh i t fin Julia VanNes,. à1loses A. Jaines adNn ,mien S. Il James wiil net be lihble1 f tis eadd afflis t-r anly pat tt le ',eo0f to, any pensons cf wll!e ldmBs they 2M.ùç' then hav eev Rig t-Ce, BowmeailMe, 'SoitrfoOi adExotllýx fourOi day o! Novemben A. D, 98 n td i 1,ieT w n f B wm a viloiieTwý t- 4 boe foranc. $20 Suits fr$4 Sypca! fir Cash-02 Man'aSUStaor Wl 814, in idaetunocd .Bargelus fori 17woMouhs B 'ttc7th'in auy Guar- OtherSultnga ainereducîloxi. Jos. Jeffery & son, tar r,,, 7.-naPwmmuvill,, -. N TÂ, _BOWMANVILLU3, JAN. 14, 190 Insida pages ara iutierestng Ibis weel oStckFeesiofa! lkinda et Murdiochl hsweek 's issue16? K12 00 buys e geosi kibehen cabinetj WlMIieMs & Son's M.Aibet ïHean, Meorvisïted là : istas, Mrs W. Eizen. Reet u -"hlo'sCre Vwl I awa V enýe y oug'hz ansi coide." J.E& ae amtn as soag Wthing toisay. lReasibis asivt te Baud el the iunk Thursday ulghl 1hý Sweek The ice is now il ne shape. Mn Chia. ansiMisNellie Carrutiel: îraccntlv visitesi frianids lu Coîboru'e Miss Gale spent New Years wlth he brother, Ms Harrs' Cale, Ceibornao Mnr. ansi Mrs. G.HM Jol, Nawc-at î ,islled ntMn. WurîEdge-r'a receuîly z ueat et Mr, M. A. James' lest week. Miss Buinnes speul New Yeass wl eu ber brother 11ev, W. A. Bunner, Cel -borne. ,c 88.50 Cabinet Photos for S830oc for 1w, ~weeks onîs'. See Samples in Has' owiudow. Mifss E. M. Henry, B. A, Wbltby visitesi fniends4 in town tbc latter part!0 t be -week. Col. Sem Hughes, M. P., Llndsav was in towu lestI week, guest o! Mrs f WBurk. T. H Knight la efflernng seven case euly, osf seediesaG oranges, regualas 801 size at 9 o Mr. ansi MrS. W. C. Ferguson, BlRes stoc-k, spent Sundes' wlt hber melbaj Mra John Beacock. Mn BaesBag, Peterboro, who i recoerin frin tvhod feervlsited et Mir. F A. Haddy's Mn. Huiberi C. igginbothain Of thE Sîeniderd Benk staff, Chathamn, waE home for tihelidays3 Mr ansi Mrs Jas O LaBalle have re. turnesi from a verv pleasant vîsit wltl terson iu Peter-boro. Oreno unews appears ou au lunes page, aIse las-el eddiug adisoin! Bowmianvilîe 3paragraphs. Marmelade limue la lera again, Or- auge at 19e per doz. lsa esnap for marelaeregularMOc sze. six sets of meving pictures-aul firai elass f!Iima-Saturdeiy nigist et Opera Bo1use, 5e teailLparts o! Hell. Ail La-dies' .now ansi up-to-date Coati sellinF off &t 88à a cent dliscount ai Concis, Joisuston & Crydammeu's. Ms J Norman Thickso sswspaut Sudcas'with Bowmnanvile frianids, Be aceompeniesi11ev, H. T. Lewis liera. IIPousewivasi, reesi A. Tait's asivî. lu another columul, thon eau andsoi sethe bargelus the next lime youtare up town Young ladies wanled ta learu nurs- ing. Reesi the article, ' Oppentunllies tor Ycung Women," ou an lunes page. Couch, Jobuston & Cryderman are saling -off' ail Laies' ansi ChLldrau's ClaisCoas t, Q ne-thirýd off tise reguiar Msrs. H. F. Hunten, Toronto, spent a feV days dUring tha Ppeat waek with baer mheMrs H. Fowlar. Col ïborne En. teprse.ý h'tr. Fraulk Kiniiendail bas returnesi froin Coîborta where ho bas beau arn playesi for. soeamnîb l ise eEnter- prise office.' Messrs. Thos. Weslawas', Port Hope, andi Richard Westaway, Sutan West, wesýýe guesta o! thair coutjin, Mn. jerry Westaway. Messas. Wesley' Cawkar, B. T. Stapis eus, G. A Siephens, A. Colvîhle ansi C 0 born(e atteudesithle e Races et Port Penny Friýdes'. O.HU.A. Hlockey match haeeMonday, Potr. Fervs Bowmenvilla, Ms F C. WsghrneToronto, is axpectad te adaIegaine. Wa e ýre pleased te r eceive e CRl- frinrM J. Heîrv Alexander, Calgary', All, who is on bis annuel visit le sala. Iives lu Onlenie andi Quebee. Don 't tortura Sour feet bv folaratlug cernas. Rmove thei A few applica- tions o! Jury & Lovall's Casuý Cura wili de il iviLhout patin olcneine Ms, euad Mis. WV S. Percv andi deugs- tes Ruth, who have boeen spandiug tise -holida-swlth rolathves isere, have se- turnesi tethein home lci -hicago, 11L. Atten Epwetis eague Monday evenug-elasamNlght-and hear "Haw tisaenidsews ila obtaÀiesiansi funulishel te nawspapens." 8 e'ciock sharp Mrs. JL Rowe, Ce igers', Atta, s reetgLasi o! Mrs. W. W. Alun et ',theý Post Offiýe âMs, ansi Mrs. 1Bewe hava muovesi ta Peterbone wisera the ' W111 lu future rasida. 1Whan business l dul islaro lime te condy'eFQ nsesrusa ,i on"d" ri, lg 9. Obidrens sleighs ceep at P C Trebi Rapeat il :-1'S'h ll'. Cure will alway k. Oure may coogha and ld" a.r. H. Kbilght bas bitter orangs f Lumarmalade. SUicer loanied. Their Is a demand for eggs. Cail Ft Mlurdoî-_ch's for Davies Poultry Feood. Caude E Law writes entertaýiniugi las cf icclander?, Cbhrlstmes lin this issue. Save money bv ordering your grocer Ps les at A Tai, ý-FçeiiJaur e 0O4âhaaintermedl'ate hockey teta pla pe'a n exhibit ion gishere Fnidaý nlhtSe Poster's. s Torronto Da i[y Star ayeraged cvc- 56COa day flu 19 8. !ead what la saI about it on ohrpa. Leav»,e yourdr eariy for sweet ci 3r bitter oranges ýfor Satturdav dellvery st Do nu t forget thnt jury & Love]l1 sel Eteamshfv tIckets and railwav ticket sail parts of the wor-ld. Tbey represeni Sail the stseamshP ip unes 1g1nzand. Be fair to your face and complexion. hThere la ne excuse fcr lettlng- a da-int -cleer stîn sufer from the effects of rough weather, Any shin eau be kept sof I ohealtby and velvetv b ythe use of our î' ki lotion. Jury & L oveli, "IN Mr W j Rowe and wl fe, Neepawa, Mau., are Vlsitlng Mr. James Gi and )f other former acquaintanees in and arounid Bowraanvllle. It la thlrteei 7years since they mnoved West where Sth ey areý doing weIl at farming. The -Cowmanvillie and Bra oîf ,Si(B.B.) Cluïb, Toronto, heici their first 0 meetinig Saturdey evenlug Jan 9dih a the rooms of Misses Edra Grlgg and Fbo Mason wth Misa Violet Fishleigi as Presidenot and M-Vr. BertlIlodge acting as chairm a-Li 3 Repei It -"SbIhlh'a8 Cure wlll always 1cure sny caugba aud coids." Great reductions lu china. goods a' A, 9Tait's, the popular gracer., Leather b,,unds books by standard writers, for 50e ai P C Trebllcock,',. *Decav of the teeth is an article on *another page every body- shou ld read . Upright piano aud good organ for sale Apply to M. D Wililamns & Sou 3 Bargeins on Saturdav ai the Mode! Gro3er-regular 80'e ise for 19e a doz, Coueb, Johnstou & Crs derman are givlng great bargalua lu ail kinds of Fu1rs. Seven cases of seeidiess oranges-so0e size for i19c pier doz. at Kuîgbt's grocery Saturd ay. Fresh hàomemae meple creain, hum. bugs, and îîoatutcrisp at D ILuttrelI's new store.1 Mrs. J. J. Mutton was la Toronto lest week attending the funeral of Miss Mabel Boue Men's and Boss' Overcoats are selllng off ai reducesi prices at Coueh, Johnston & Cr3 derman's., There is certainiy a snap in oranges at the Model Grocery for Saturday sale, 19a per dez j regular 30a size. Talk te your customers lu the news- papens lu tl'e samne plain, everydas' language you use et the caunuer. Muff Found-Enquire at STATESMAN office. Owner mev have sameby prov- log property and paying expenses. 1You cannot attein îàte high eharacter without'igh purpcse, sava Heury' F Cope. Read this week's sermronette Baud et the rink Thuraday ulght Instead of Friday Ibis week on accout: o! hockeyrmatch with Osisawa Fniday niizht, Bev. C B. Jcffery, Dalsto, writes: "H1eartiest congratulations on the issue o! the Local Option cempaign lu my aid town," Farinera, tak-e a fien's advice and write FARK AN» D Aim, Petrerboro, Ont, for a free sample cops'ç1! that excellent weekIý journalý. A eouZh cure that lea giviug great satisfaction la known as Tamarac Cor- di'sl. Itlel put up fi, Jury & Loveli and saisi lu liberal size bottles for 25e, Ladies, 3iou'have a splendid oppor Iuuity ta secure oranges for marmalade at T. H.Knight's -Saturday. Sucer loanei See our up,-toJ-date kitchero cabinets with fo;ur chasi, fleur sifter, suga rebe(st ansi tea asicae.cndseraIso canîs- îtenP for every kinsi e! spices, -Willlssmas &Sou aee sumin o oeY and value1ble papera, ing lit THEi STATE8ýMA.N ff 10e. ni, Merchant, doni't look uo svr tlsing- as a biU cf expense, ils an Inveat- ment Everv cent you apeni l good adven tisin - wiii bniiog ý our o bak nud sural, 'e e U gre your profits as inlerest, bec-au;e IVs busine3ss ,n woidn'c have hesi otherise .Fraik 'W ettreli attended tise Fouji try Shnw et Peterbero winnlng 17 prizes eut 19Qennie. I eeceled fiIsM - Lest We 'ýozrget E P. 60 U 11 L Desinerandi DeierLa Monuents Tallets Mane, cinl Gr anite and Marbie 10 WM AN VILLE, ONT Corstr aoliT asty WnnEAp Fa;ti uh,.,0..0OO1) 0 O87 " Sîig . f (0 O82 1,Iacd Ffo.:.:. CO 87 3A VLI!Y. ÏbShK0No.1 0 O Jfi 50 Smai 0 O 5 O08 Bine OO1) 75 Bu VTeRst tabld ý b.' 00 n()23 LEGGSý, pd]z.......00 012 5 ýA Y,ifto 90'101 O0 R-SAu LE -'Jntas o!i i1L roomi"d V iiarding house, 7 bo.arders ai preseat, 14 Bond St., Oshawa, Onit. Z-1wl JIM USE FOR SALE-Ou th4 sOut Bide of King street, onii. six rmSUKsabegod kL.Appjy toD. G9M ocoped by V, .Hinm . 3irk, bimme(dise possesionif rqnlred.Api toWM lfomus awmauvsle. 0t dene. witb MirilFr-ank ragCnesin5 Bowgmaniville or post oW.ge JBox 214 - MIOUSE FOR SALE-On the Routh ~ldo!King street, Bowooaviiie, ifine noom8 aiî pattrroom, new lPease iunaece, Electile lgii, stâ! ablal oeincsuder cov3,qurtricre and. Apply t'D0 GM GALBRAVII, Bomanville.8-t Tho anu u 1; neUing o0! s una g 1:icuitut al Eý iet i wii b (3 (di i 1t1ie Wednesisîy Jsn.uîre 20 et ip. n LOI ra-caite eGotso! ireýfctors, f "r11he lewthn cféffcMus mni fa: geue"uc bkm? T. BAUMU,J.8 oanbr premideut, eetry i- MINILSTERS AND CHUROHaq duts' Suuday as musi'cal director of til orMethodist Sunday Sehool. A uetrai and memrorlal saervlce fi 'l for 11ev. W. Ceembe wll be hd lu ntii Methodist Church Fridas' aI 2 p. in Bey. S. T. Bai'tett. SerEtary, t Suud4y Sehoofs ansi Epwortb Leiu o! the Methodia crc, was lu 10w: r-eBturdey eu route te Netpauee te preace el anniveraary sermfons luntise Western l Methodiat church heehwe a former ýY pester. 11ev. Davidi Roýgers, Saafrth, wîes. ;r 1 want te seud my curtiî ono dycur Esecuninrg Loecal Opurlofry ,OUI haine town, Neýarly ail o! Duiira ýr Couulty has Cllmbad up "On the top of ,t the water.wagon,"' Very kludïy andsi paîlet1c refer. Il enlcewaa madepet the Suulday Suchool o session by Mr. Wm. Trewlr, cupernu it tendent, and 1)v nev. H. T Lewis Sun- day eavening lu the uMethoitchurcb. te iba ,death o! Bev. [I O. CrcEslev, Whftbs', a former higbly esteemesi pa- ter, whoe à suddjeu patsslng a way was sucb a shock te ail bis friends borc r Telegrain Night utet pwonîb League naext Monday eçenlng whenr intGrestiug Ne 1w Year messaigo(s will e read trom -ufeËreuce Epwortîh League officers fmrpastors and ethers. Editor M A. J me-3s wlll deliver an asidreas en "Hoa e worid's news la galhered sud ei:;. nibutesi b the uciespers " Every body weicome Begins et 8 p.m. The news of Rev. D). O. Crossleý'î death came te thi'ý towu Frîdas' will slentllng effect. l, forme3r cougrege- *tien here waa repraseniesi et the Me- Î morial service lu Whltbçv by Mayor Mason, Treasurer e! the Officiai Board, M. A. James, Trea3urer Trustee Board, FredRl . Foies', First Vice-Preslidant of Epworth Leegue aud President cf Con- ference LeaÏue, Mrs. L. A. Wf Toue, President Ladies Aid, andi Norman S B. James. The Week c! Prttyer servitces were fsîirls weli atterded and the pub ished program was carrled eut with the ex. ception (f Frîidav evening whieu on ac- count o! the absence o!f11ev.Il, I. Weir, Revo. Munroe and Garbutt spokre ou Sebeols andi Homes, eachwlVing very practicai asidresses 11ev. T. W. Jeiliffe gave an excellent eddreas ou The Bible and Principal ElloltI one On Missions Ihat was highly lnterestà3g lu addition te those given bY the Iwo pestera. The ehoird e! the tehurches led ltesevie of sang, soles beýlng suug by Mrs, C A. Cawker and -NIr H J. Kunigist. 'The absence et these mneetings of Bec. Wmn.Jeliffe, Who bas bean con- fluesi te bis home over tbree mentha, wa s deeply regrettesi andi statesi et the meetingzs. The last four Sabbaths o!fJaunars' are 1e be given ta the subjeet o! Missions lu the Ivethodist church. 11ev. B. T. Lewis, B.A., nastor of Slmcoe Street Methediat church, Oshawa, epenesi the subjeci Sundav takiug as bis theme ln the moraing Foreignu missiGus andsiuli the evening Home missions, lie pres- eëntesi b3th suis jecta lu e very unique, lnteresting anci intelligent maner Psai- iug uIîle about givîng but as sitates ilu the mernlng diseourse ho belleves weheni Intelligent men are made acquaitesi with the needa o! thehoieux hieywihl rise up ansi detheir duty. Fer anme reasen audiences were net large btthot)e who heard Feior Lewis were geii9~sae wiîh bis able preseutle tno! he es foi, hbaraliy 2supporîing the istienaÎrs' cause. Next Sundas' ýl' rGarbutt will preaeb aI both services. 7bMr james -L mcOoh of souris.* Mau, andf LyiaR, second danghter of lirs.G R. Metcaif, GaÂs-BmT.At ellVieW Farn, Dec Srd, by Rev W B Tucker, B A, Oshawa, MggeJ,, second daughter ofMlr and Mrs Da-vi id Beil and George M Glass., botlb of Clarke. BIRDAt esle vileJan l'Él, Johin Bird age d 4 y ea re. LIAp--in 1arwood, January 4tb, cLaries Lapp, aged 78 y earS. JluW ELLr-IïiDan1,11)g ton , January3lih, JoýhU Je well, aged 6î, years. HILL-At Port Hope, Jan. 5tb,ý George Hifl, aged 90years ,ïand i9months. GAYNE-T Belleville, Jan 9th, 11ev James Gardinjeý,ri D0OL, in bis 9lst year. ROBBINs-In Hfampton, Jan 8, Eber J Neiaonj, 801n of Levi Robbins, aged 10 years. WHITE-lu Cartwright, Jan 2md, Earl, fourth son Of Mr Francis White, aged 9 years. Cox-In Hampton, Jan. 1otb. Mary Langdon, relict of the late Win Cox, in lier 8rd year. PEARaoON-In Clarke, January 6th, of opinai mneningitisý Alfred, son of Mr Frank Pearson, aged16 y ears, McLÂITGILIN-ID Dariigtor~, January llth, 18sabella, relict of the late Wmn H MeLaughlin, aged 7À years. WRIGHTON-At Port Hope, Jan 3rd, Nancy O'Loughlin, relict0f tle laie Daniel Wright- lon,ý aged 87 years. MtTCaia-InWerten iospital, Toronto, Dc 8, Jûean Coomnbe, beloved wife o! Mn. Chas n Muitcheli, aged t8 eas GÂBe.AIT-In BOVmnv1lDec 312', 1908 Christenia Staiker, neliet of the late John Arethi bald Gabraith, iniber 70th yeaýr SHEÂ]rân-As reit oa acclent, Ja Uar lt, Bernatrd Keith, son) of the laie Jamnes and ar garet 8hearn), Oshawa,jn is iýoh year Itre COOBE-At TorontD, Jan l îb, 11ev Williama Coombe, aged 55 years. The finneral wili take place frein the Methodisia church,Bowrnanvle, tFrtday, Jannary 15th, service ai 2 pini. CROS BLEY-Atthe parson age, Wbiiby, Friday Jaln. 9Ih, 11ev Daniel 0> Crossley, pastor of The 1eho r Tabernacle, Whiiby, fuirMerly the pastor o! Bowmaniville Methodisi cnrc, ged 160 yeara. MCCLING-Thomas McClung, aged1 84 ye3ar$, dearly beloved husband of MirsMary Jane MeClung, fatiler o! Mrs b'P A Powell cf Sari Fernando, Stanley F Mcciung and Mrs George I. Cochran of Los Angeleq, January 7, 1909 at the residence of George 1 Cochran. 2249 Har- vard boulevard, Los Angeles. Formerly of Bowmanvilîî and Newcastle,, NTn-,rr~ r)cîos fn .qts.nln.va liuaii, -Bowman v71 I e ~ree sb~d rooni a~ C ntra ~ yards anytime. LL 1 Stock=takîing -Saie, -During the balnce o! Januars you 1wlil finsi 16 iny uhi eas then cqtI. h iii pal, ýou te WILCOX & 1MART1N'S bundC,-teat ourstctemleooifrSrg Big ovîn Picures4'~Weecling Out Groceries. coinnain6 aime hanes o pîcure ~ Glnhirougis aur stocklu meunay iunes we copsg6 necag esc ý"rSfinsiwe are vesteekesiansi wisere We finsi suehà o! the best films to be seau in Canse aw reanngu ereutals s eneas These wee1,is' hî-els hw ae .*r>et Orpaeo or hDsa e, ei becoma very pOolear with thecilîizen>S " ~ ~ yu hn !goitig tra agls o! Bwma~iil su vieuit'. resh Fish We carýrya largegni wa l sserà1Sý -t esist0ck'f -Admission ~ailkinsIs 0fci reas fish, Fresh lHer:ilng, Sl STo, WieFsh amon, ecthe 'n 5 ~~ To everybody etbas !Gses Doors open ]7-1-1n OPULARAr che TaitPULAR RtaqT-In Bwavllat, iMrandMr PGOc',F-R GROCETRa" çari B Kent, a son. Pîpz-In Taronte, jan4th, tc-11r a-nsi waler Fifea daughlter. MCFEMTrzS- u oweu Sauni, . aï,. 7th, to WU Mn ansd Mrs J W MocFeeters. a son. WoNqNÂco-T-m BawmanVillle'Janr12ht Mn and Mns John Wosînacott, a son CÂrS-In Danilsîgton, Jan 101h, la Mn suid Mrs Wvm: jas. R, Cann , a daugbl<er. BELLMA--AI 89Wîuch (,ester S..Teronto, Jan, 2,10 Mn frand Mrs Nra eia a -' WE WAN'I OURISEED, MIjTOHEL-lO owmnviieLu 7ta na4W aeillpriaei on tpt-aeSeiClae M rs H od eri k j M itchell, a son. (John a d e ~ 1 w ~ i,. ~ . . . . . . . . Sacrif ice Sale i ~What We Advertise we Have lu- ordar ta edceStock before in--renory, we ofaramng innumerabe other baîrgans tise foilwîng: i end navy blua flan'l (pue ml)rg SAfor ......... tue 4 ends heavy kiona clot rg 1e ansi 20eý for.... 2 il ends ronsreeg12 ý'e y d foýr . . ..............9 j I ntifurntur danask re SO for..' ý.............0 5 enis oolEilerdowvn, reg S0U for............ ....35 i ninavy bine Astrachan clotis, -eg $2 00 for- . $1 0 iendz ean., 2 0Oyd fo«. 100 2 eudsBevMatcot. avybnsuegren, neg-81 25 ssifo..,0 5 1end whiAUBa kiback dot, rce 2 50 fr...........$10 e nsi 56 in. c 'ted r~g oda reg $1 QOfor. .,.......5 Assoesi lkt fanci' -cusl -igs , n as45a fCn......e 4 ends cerd velveteenasoted eclr, Za d cy o.....8 6; ends dresq geeda. aserted, reg Eu, , d fer ,. .........5 A1 big iSt ofg reinstdrs od a" but bal! pério 1 n I ani84bea«'unile coiteieuîn. reg-22ci 'C fe......Me 1 ansd 9 1 heavv blechisheele, Cg 5eyd frs...--. . .2.7e qTie downse mw81i50 ion 1ip 10$2 A rton1 50 re 2 '25 for 1 75 ra 250 for 1 95. Wod ineS, reg $2 75 fer 2 25, B3y for 2 85, 8 50 fer 2 91 ( for 8 25, 4 OU fen,,375 Corsais 1 ln p0 ean, rg 0 arfe' e:ai-o ,sDeabroean ýlinos of cmre s g $1 OU0nti 1 25 for 71- 5 dcz lodie,' ansi gances i Cud'rchuaR a50i& agSC aach 10 des ladies' hniîbe Si am 'iearg25epals for.-..19C 7 dozchtro'a , , 25e ns2Me for 15u acbu sie ouiset blaer pwosîe rC!40e painfor ......29w. FMs en rfs, ugs, ufyeur Ccis enativ Peosi pice. lieu% Hfie wa&o!-let sewar rmg 75q ae, 'spfce......55 Pnmen's wool-feacd udcwer s ........89 , fi'n E Ltbsdownn undýîcrerr, vg i ,saapnce.::75e, Cieeeakuit wo&oen damwe4,reg SIOf 0, i-ae pnýCe5 ,.hlaàe-wiCuudpnwear, reg 75q, sapries. ... .......5u -~ fl rî-i ai tp slîutsreg i 25 aMOi 1 01 Sale Pr-W_cd9 1: nsdIlj's inier esp, reg5Me forï18W,75a for 5WC,$1 OOfor 1ýýLADIES' and IL'CO T AB U aiIOCI: S W.îfIASON!&SONf A dellg htful prognain wa pi esentesi et the MethodlIst League Mondey aven- lng. The subjeet wes "The yoles of eus new settiars ansi missinii," andi Was lu charge of Ms. Olis Wordeu ansi Ms Mausen Bradley. Mr J. , Eilott B. A., gave an instruetive tik which was greals'appreciates bv -tise young people present. Ms. Otis Worden reads an inlarastlug papes ou the saine tub- ject sisewing how rapidîs' eus country la being inhebitesi bs'emîgranir, ansi our duty lu regard 10 Chistieniziug thoe people thet eus country may bhacoma eue o! the bast, Reasiluga were weli rensieresi iy NMisses Grela Wieat.,ans Dora Parcs'. T. H. Foilick ,. B A., sang a solowiîiîMi8saJ,- Mc.Leeu as accompaniat. A delz wf; 8renees PiFlneh with viol, seelau heanîs' eane which ta'willingiy gavè Tha eetng lossi ithprayer by Msr. F. . FIes. exIwee ltat- p1rograin la lut charge o!1 Mrs. F. R. Flyansi Mdi8ss L)ilinMLenansi prominses te hae of anunusuai,%' viuteresting cberaec ter. CordîaiaIvitatýion_ extandesite aIl. New Star House Clefer,. los. Jeffars' & SoDn's Star Hous-tha Olsi R'eliabia Tions ans iGentiameu'si td cali ansi Inapet I he cloilis-s variaIs' b ehoose fremin f -ý0,, aIdressy Spricg suit orties ne,_w siUd Save bgmoues'. Er ady'sý report goas but to ul up a record ef a woniderfu ni Januars1_ uerv'sales. Our uew storeisjsta poipulr as Our donsi-euewas. Tisel store ta deal lu. Yen îvïil ikCe aur peopi t, wito ye. W117, hav store, so npie iius iîssia o,! on ouo Wehaaalnesok!gr- itwrtinwine, Wlre goi.chune, Istuaotiýs c soapa 153 a numibercf pelonr ienp aeinluie~in <nJuavsalie. Evryaricle is in rkcsl.;u iý%tainfiurs Now w ci s'eu see baw low thase goos aremanesidon thnkwe ara sohifing ouit on trs'iug to redace unr sts Ck. Xar are juIl avi m aJanuar.v tala Tbhe big stases bavfeminluTeýronto ansi theeisae laeaonnow a, NiCcis!s' Mss W. S Cmrn w hsbeoýn as neturnedi t-behom u acor- We erdonblywiîb a, versl sa as woma%, eu udrea i th eiloril ae- I publis from Milansid mIr mo 'Swaaping Away ftha Bars>ý." it l e goa emisa, Beaus elie Kilid 'lau heAhways 8ose! ,Slgaatsi grroý-ii A Bears Ithe , UTe Kid Yoi 'ave Alviaas Bigâ -. --, -ljw P tnutuccL ah) n nâas MI01Of Utover aind Grass 83Eed13 leaned or Unclea ned ad to ac tehV's mre pri-ce. a h "he' lïe We WANT VOUR GRAI;N, We are aso in the'Mare suulfrl id of coarse Grain, s1ch as Brly Bckhat as, aRye and Gclýse Wheat, ail cf whw e ar rpae o store and buy mat store- bous uptow, or eevaor t G1%.R. Station, or to biuy if Ptored at the Publi, loatr Port Darlington, WE ARE:STILL SELLINO COAL. At $6.7Ç'per ton eat YT Cbr,G.T. l, 8at-ion and &7.25 per ton! deliverecl to ail prsof tetown. pea CORl $1,00 per t o n1 'e " .; 2 5 e n ts p e r t o n offA f r s p o t c a h . C- a r r y in g in baaketaextra. W'e alo bave slni hebigola 5, at JJarbor'or Station and $6.OD up townv Usaal lunes in WuûdhacaC n, Launber, Shi-jngles (metal and wood,)Rx-lnko nd AFphait Roofling, Doors, Saabh :;ds and Mould!i.Seci attention to p]aning and nmat&1yln g7 re-aawing an d cfressingilý1uni ber. 42à îý LIMI;'1ED1 m otétr £lu um-tjj JDUV(Lutquvlà4t:. Next'door'to Standard f.,anký. , uut: tu Ot.,>LiueitL vulin, 1 1 Bowmanv-àýe -11 Y Z-11 t, uuý

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