F. A. HuADDY'S china Hall Grocery You cýanit have gooJd resuits V'T' poor stock.L Qa t"s tuhe test 0o! Figs!leFigs! Figs I Sec ourloffer in figs. Choico cooin im-gs reguIar Se per 'lb for 5e per lb. These are no4t the coru- mon 5c kind. ExracoieLayer Fis eglar 15o per lb for lOc; reguLlar 2ePer lb for 15e. Currantsl, Raisins and' 3 lis good Currant s21k 2 Ilis very býEst Curranrts 25e 3 los very licat Raiýsins 25C 2 ibs very best Sul1tanas 25C 2 pkgs soddRaisins25 8~~~~ 3b ae 5 Orange and Lemon Peels, good 15e Orange and Lemon Peels, boat 201, Citron Peel 25C MIXCd Pools 20 Extact !Extracts I AUl flavous of Extracte 10e per bottle. Cofcti oney G7o,-d Mixtures, .3 lbs for 2e Ohocolate Mixtures, per lb 1me :Fille Mixture, -worll 40c for 25C A large assortmcut cf Candies fro~m Joe W 4ce peu lb, alBd at special31 pries for Chuistunas. Nuats, Orantges, Grapes in greato vainety. lu, our (rocktry Departmen t we are g à&n ' diseoant of 10 '/0 on ail caISh purehases of one dollar and over. Tht Il1w mean, a great sav 1ng, in your Ohrietmas purchases. Cups and Sauicers 'Wehav a large ehoi*co to selecti from, the best 25c'inII'In tOwn. With theu- diseounrt off you get 4 for. Speeial valueo in 10(;, i 5c, 25(3 and 50e ims inclufdiug Trays, Vases, Jardlineres,HarrevrsSpo TrayF., SaIad Dishes, Cake ae, Bon.bon Dielies and many other lieme-mber the d iscunt ie on al Specials ýaswell as 'everything lso Ithis édepartment, Cýhoice ncu l ilnner Sets, Tea Sets,, ToÀLiet Sets, Library Lampe,' Parlor Lampe and everytblng fil glass, n.nd crockery. Makýe your seLct'fiOnîS early. POUJILTRY WANTED. E AHAD DY chitna Hal GrOcery,ý as that t lormi count adns ecitations, etc, th3eý een t of the Season. AI cme awaits ysu, Bargain. ou aduts 1ý5c chidren 10t. lbid') theeeis ne puoparation» It lias saved the livos o! lidron-, SOLI NA.. Rlecent visilorsi Mu and Mr-s Robt Rallev. LcEsard, visited at Mu W'11t;I Tavior's;- Mr HI F Os'horne and bride. Eezea' A L Péasco's; MssLiz!ei Eiford, 1slay, at Jas Vice's: Mu andl Mrs W N Pasco)elit EUnliskillen; Miss, Peu-1 baud-c, Bowmanvii*le, With hou cousin1 Mus W C Werry,... About 40 mrember-s of SoiaDivisiojn viîsltedýtir brethrenL at Tauuton Fridarniglil au.d weue ývery hositaly eceve llVe vîilingDiv.- isicon unsh leproguam, M NibsNoua Weur ý uapc-2d thecaiRefres4îents were served iand an çenjoyab1l5 eveniug was spent together. INPLMJDEYEIDS Wleu t hn oyellds e becme rïed and iftmdand lîhiue re wp'eeilathe elle yeu1wiliL know lIaI you haieguae d e lida.Our readers wlllli e glaid 10 lear-.u that Dr Chase's OIiýnteLtF'iacomplete cure foi, thîs -troe. aii nd should be applied aI ulgit ller washtnthe i1de wltli warmi W ater ENNISKILLEN. ,ýisitu Mr Saul Hanecck, 'oches- 1e3r, N Y, witl i sis 55er Mu-sLevi Brunt; Mu s Jmspye is lokinwll af er lier exeddvisil lu BadoMan' Mrs Feýrry wvith 'Mrs Geo Argue; "'r ceplias Souch and Mrs .Jn1o pYe Sundfayed lu Port perr'ý; Mus S Gllberyt, Oshiawa; re- .eIngod acquaiutalicS'.% W wlcomen 1ja ckMu% Waiteu Ranlen atter lis pro- anid Murs JOmson Broohuin, wlti Mus R. H - lall wàic; la ,ve ry vli Ennis. kilen is ta hapve atý rtSunda v enlng b'y lavýiug Enflld cor..Svrlfrom bure attended Lea'gue concert au 'T'roue -. .. ýDou'l forgot next Tuesda li Dec 22pid, îIsou risiy,;mas tu nt talnment. Admission 20e. You wlîl onitv lie sorry oneif yon m!ss it .. ..Our ma!e ie uartet are to SiDg at Enfloed Frlaynilit .. MrClaresPascoe la iolidayiag at homo until after New yearS. Must not lie corfouuded with common 'catharîlo or purzative pis. Carter's Lîtle Liver Plils are eutirely, unlîne them lu over7 re-spect. One -trial will prove thelu superot. DARLINGTONt o'îforget the biig Xmas enterta la- m e n lu tir "Seo Bo se Tu es a niglit, Dec. 2~2. Mjv. E. F. Wiliouehby lias been laard aI work ia preparation for abouit a month, suci sftrng outside talent lias boon secured, and(lth',, prom.. ises te lie a rcr-ie igelra meut Evorie comie aadcss ary MI'Ss Eva MG1I-teaciher, bas licen ieenagd ouSchooi No. 2, adMr E F.,W 'liougiby for No. S.._Musi Pperry, M1ajiiou, Mn, lias been vlslting the Mlisses MMila . isMilie Jackson3f, tae, Crice,spenit Sun- ý day withî, M iMay Guy. ...Miss Mur- gaueî tOke lihas 1retnrez from Port Peïry.-.DeU RURlIm I Trouto, who1 lias been visitlng lis fatier aI Provi-J denýce, Spent Suadav wil bis uncle W 0 13la1ckbujrL .Mu Welshý's clover thuosjhin.g cutftis -îýb113s... Mus PBW1 LangniaiJd is visiting a, ouiis CHRoNîc BR.ONCourriS 1,5 YEARS, Mus. James Burns, Su., Wiler, Ont., wirites: "My biusband was iIIJ with dhroie brou.- ebitis for flîteen years and wsas attended by several physicluns witout succesG. B3Y the use et Dr Chas&' Syrup o! Lin. oeed and Turpentine lite buonclitis li boon entiuoly cured and bis sïstom lis been bulit up tho iuse cf Pr-, Chaso's Mus Batins las returued from ;lie Wamen's liustituIte ai Gueli and reports a ïvery pleasanlt time ..Mnr C h-bm visited Torozno ou busnes ne. iety MurEdRar Boracaru-iedc s rounAd moue than bis eus tomîary amount of cheek for a fewv da, s last week. Dr1 Ieo had tb liecox'suited .. ..-Some et euu young people assisted aI a Leae3t ,ntrtinmnlatTyrone Frlday even-ý ng..Mu aud Mus Clive Cienience And Myu and Mus'r Clemonco, Klrby, vîsiledi at J T Cole's Suo<'apy. A bouse lie- îonglng 10 Mu 4rJ Balso tlirewhIîmsel in the tcahur c sds Sunday ig tdaiug i consliderïble damage o tbîeef ai-.' ness, uil!torp, etc. B ey A M Irwlu,Ï B A, 13 D. Neweýastie, preaebed anniïer- ary sermons Sudy is Mornlug ubjý-ct was lvngand bis eveuing hoewas "Chaýracteu B3uildin-g", and he liandilod both suienslua iasterly vway t0 the guhat deliglit of ail, Pastor AnderHron took 03e work aI Newcastie Mu)àe Joues'W baby is de3ad, F'uneral Tuesday.,,. Mu W 1 Clarke's sale Frida'y p1assd off quite Satlsfactoriiy .Msi J Barris, Minto, Man, is at lin [athe:r'sq, Mu J T Ciarkae.. . Lengue senvice Priday eveniug ai 7 50.So Ub- oect: Why wvas the Klng lior ?",. byMa J E L Coe....Mlibs ida J Allii vislted ENFIELD a flst udas ta' lnt will Ida McCu nas Troo m and 'Dr-Sle'rnouAdmisSlon:-Adltsý 2Qc. Chllduen 1oc. Mrs. Chas. Smith of Jimes,, Ohio, w lte:iha-,e used eer Oy rc1eedy for sick headqcie !ooldhear o! for Ihe (past fiiteen yerTS, bt Crtr' ÎLttIe Liver Puis, did me more giod tharn ail the rt Recent visitors: Miss C Chanier, Tor- ao3 ait Mr W Mouutjioy's; MrS Gec lakoPort Perrv, at Mr J H Camp- beli's; Miss Edilli Tordjiff, Bokf, Jas Parr's.... Our choir wlll assist Rev J A Jewjeil next Suuday eveningý at Ennisk-illen ..Christmas tree and eutelalnentshould lie well attended Friday night.;... ,Mr auid MriasJaGilbert attend!aed the funeral o! Mu Brent at Raglan Sunday. . .,The wood sale at Mu Allen Hlayes' -vas brisk..,...Maay well's -la this ocalîy are very low nudà sedrA good ram wouldble veris Seve .ral onjoyed amoniltdvee Bowmianville to ep UnLo m's <abla. "bey ilked l~--Raigand hocey. are Ihe favojrite sports on the pond ....ý Miss lluuuham, ee, Port Hope, lias ben engaged as -principal for our Puib- li, cShol for 1909, succeeding Mis Benseon whLo lias uesigued . . . . Beywm Limbert, Orono, excliangd pu.pilsý wlth Rev H S Speuco Sunday and, pueacied very acceptably ln Tyroine lu lie miorning ...The Anuai $pworîtli League co3ncert held lu the Son-s' Hall Friday -evealug was an ulï.ertalumlcnt whIich did cuedit to ailH who took part Paâstor H S Spence presided lu lis owni pleasant manneýr. Hlampton Oetette, Pontypool Quartettt and a trio fuom, Leskard. graciously and efficiently asslstd ilu the program, whie members o! our League dtd excelleutly lu chorus slgng olos, recitatieus, roadliga, ý dilgeaud a drill. Proceeds 827.... BawmauviiIo E S hockey team are ex- pected to play a gsame liera with Ts roue team Satuuvday at ternoon. No matter how dleep,-rooted the corn or wart May be0, il Must yield v)eu oway 's Corai Cure if used as, directcd. PROVIDENCE On Tiursday eveniu-g, Dec. .10, ti, N ~wcastle League, aba#ut fifty stroug,1 visited eut League, wheu a vory pleas- ant and profitable e3vgiing was spent. MIr Walteýr Rlkarà, their able president, ôeeupled the chair li hs usual pleasing maunar and lntroduced lie3 toplc of tle evenlng, '-Temperance.' Att.er a suir. rinig chborus which was wiI rendered b'7 a niumber Off joung meu, Mr Irwiin1 Allia gave an interestia?. paper o)n "Temnpecrance Orga1izatlon,' which sliowed.mach careful thouglit. Read. ing.;s und reelltions woeý given by Meosss.Norman a krd alFioher and Win Penny. Ali weue greatiy appocatd.Solos were ue3nde)red by Mis Rakin,1MESsus Mark Al nand J fW#alteu Rckaransd duets by Misýsesi Ethiel and Lillio Riekard and Miss Hawkins and NMr WalterRic an ad Messrs Frank- Ricliard and Mark Alun. Ail were woll Felectled and eaxedni well giý en Bev. A, M. Irwin lu lis, selrtted address, discussed Temperancej from au entirely nuw standpoiuî which bruogit home some effeetive lessons. Misses L-,aura and FlorenceBlkd anï1d iss EHawkýinàs acted as nacoan- ists very efficrently, The program t as'a w hoie was gneatl'y appreclated Re. Sfreshments were served at the cl ose and P. very sociable time was opont. New. cas t1o League wlll alwayçs llnd a iearty wileome at providence,ý Areyodsound9s ordto' cure Lye,)I at orelceyorb.- dens. Why fliot end the in and topt. Aiyued do is 1to write jeor a fre,ý box of tbe remed wb!-,ias been piaced in m ands to 1)" p"gil~ wy ebp this onle Wbox willilr-o-tba oeS for others-,. If 50, I1a ebap n you wihiliecuefori2e(t1he uost f appeps iaun t a st pp1Jv. v w. themn-bocauge TanE STÂTE5MÀ.N did not reacl Oehwa lutimeto vteal ts,,e, s Whnreferrtng ta TUEa STATESMIAN it miglit teil its few score readers that 5durlng theý pasýthtree months THE L -TATEIMNiaNbs 1cortained Wý,eklymore Oshaiwa news-fresh, red liot uwtoo-- tan it bas. o tsief what it copled., Bv actuial collja ,I TnSTÂTESMAN had 75 sep7 rate items o! Oýshawa n iews In its last Issue wihul Tho Reformaer had 86-- less thau haitf.... Mr aud MrsGom. Necelspent the week end guiest cf and Mr Norman MYlcLeaun spent Suuday in 8owmianvilie. .. _rAmnbersonGerrie, Hamilton, vlsited Mr ïWM i'rst ris- oeutl...Mr erion altimo-re, HMd, is guest o! lier fIather Mr Ediward Cars weili.. .. Misses Elsie Grills and Carrne 0Courtic, Darlington, -were guests of MusJSureor Sauday .... Mrs Smith andi churone Wellington, are vIsitinsr hcr father MuNi El 'gin E Cooper.. Mu a n d 'Mrs IebetJack' on have raturned fromn their edin tour to London and De'r oit and b have taýken up houeqekeening on Klug S't cosst..,. Msss aude Par- a3ss and Agnes Bi-ewv,,vlslted liTor onto receutivy.... Mrs Weým loadana littIe soni Gen-rge, Tnronto, are vl'Siting her fatthor IMr Geo Peacock ,. . . DGwriie's- Uncýle om Cabin piayed to a f uli Miîssion Baud of! Hope held thair flrst auniiversary lu the sbolrometSimee St churcli Fridav eveaing. Rey Hl T Lewis preslded evBntAdes, Brocokliu and F L, Fawkc, M P, wvere the tDa er orthe Pevenirg TheIl choir oýf Cte church furnished ui.. Rev W B8,Tuclier preaclied pave r,7praic tîclel missionary sermon l yeQafS church Suuday roorunrg. lainbpecial empiasis on the o mnsMvmn for Missio0ns. M'tiss Beatrice Bauker saga solo witli muachieçrsi It, le .our Sad duty to.0record the- de.ath1 of EiaehJane Gouald, wife o! Mr Elgin E Cooper, which oecurred at tie; fmivresîdenCe Cenitre st, SAturday Dec 121h1, aller L few rla-is' illness fromî diplýItheria. Sheý was beLoved bey a large circlo of friauds wis, sïmpah- 'go out te tzesoroigfmiyin their hereaFve. ment. BIesides lber husband sie leaves at mariried d aglior Mrs Smith ol Woel- 1lington, Ont, and Muriel and Aubreyç aI home Rev J H Talbot, B A, rector of St George's churcli of whlch sho was a imember. coLd(ncted the funeral services Su ndjy . . . .Saturdav Jast whila Li, daulitler of M'Or Gea MIorris, grocer, was cloiaDilug fcrs -with gasaline lu a roomn where a tire was llghted, the liiuJld ig-nited and before aid arrived lier face and bauds were quite badly barbed, We are pleased ta say she is Impraving , ... The ag!of death again entered our mldst on Saturday morning last azid Look from the home o! Mâ r and Mrs Geo Peaeocktheir littie granddon Wllie Ro-ward, eider son of Mr and VIrs' Wým Howard of Toronto. Willie waa au oxcoptiQnaly brigit, maul, Ileý fellow cf four years and a general fa.voriÎte. The deepoest sy;mpathy of *the3 commiiiuiiitIv is extended tu tLe famýiy liu their affiliction. Thenoains were ïu lerred lu the Union cemetery unda affernoon, Rv J BHTaîboct, BA3 cn ducted tho ervc . e ortaIMv and MuýTs _Xlartin Il Argall's goldeýn wdis enouaoieir pageý._eyI jas HoILdges tene aPresbytr m.eeting aI L-ALdI-.v,, eda . h Social Depi. af the MeIUdcalf St Epwvorth League, lu charge Cf Ms ibhl vory succesefl sz.a Tesaevening when a collectiàon of ac and useful we eoffered for sale. Bread and but- ter, ince3 pie and coffee were ser-ied. Mur Salmond presidted at the piano and fuirnilhd music during the eveniog. Th aou huock Male Quartette) of TorontÏo, witii MAessrs j M Sherlcck, lst tenoîr andë director, Geoýra'e Nixon, 2aid tenor, W M M'vcKendrv, lstbs, and Ed-ward Barton, P2nd bzss, gave a higli class concert l in ha Simcoe StI Mlethodist Chuich Mondav eVenin., I uInder auspices cf Epworth ILeaguie. The qua.rteýttes were giveiiu uaccompn L. led lfine syland were greatLy en. UcSome0f the numibers iwere "Beru Boit", 'SaçeOdby Gac", "he Old Brigade", aDd ' SimpleSio" Mr Sherlock is always popular -with OshLawa people und is sweet tenor vole-was Iheard .te advanâtage ilu lis -solo "Magr<'"and also l ie h)encore "Oit il tie Stiuy Niglit." MNr Brtonai saur that old favorite, l'Asleep lu, the )eepý" and was, beartIlyeuordtowhich 'ce reýoLoned with another numaber. Ris due3ts with r. herlock were also Very tiue. Thut NMu. Dixoin i a faývorite here wae showu bv ,the applause given li renderiug -of' Sunshineaand uerie" As an encore ho geae1'Oh, Theý Dearj panist -in -a.n lgIsl-1 -credy -ta e -aun 1noer." lot 21,con 3% DArligtow iii Hsol lu acrýes of standàog tim'ber, elm and hardwood. lu j ýacre lots Se bide, Salé kit i o'clouii s iarp, L. A. vv. TOLU, auctoneer. WEDNCSDAY, Dec 23-Mr. Bruce For- guison, lot 91, con 7, anh, wiil sou Iail o isfumstock,imennt e.Sale at 1 o'clc. seepbioms. JAS, Brsmop, nuctioneer, COAL ÂND TILE FOIt SALàE. The wuudersizned is preýpaed 10 ur ii îl te farmer s ofDrigo»wtal est prices6 at Darlington taton Farm- orsreulrngsasse wlil d wil b e'au stud ýsee thoir suporior gra 'es af tïle and coal bofore purchasing. S Evrvseis, 4-tfDaino. Cash For Farm Prodnice Tho undeusigned 15 pp-a etabuv ali good] farm produCe, nmeb Eggs, bultter. Poutriv, Duessed Hogs, Ileans, tioiliig Peas, Dried 2Apples, etc. Ti'e kigliost price wililbo paidfoue good, fat, wei-dusse stckdry pieked, wilni head, wings and f set on and uudrawn, a t the cme oô! ';stand-Temporance St,, Sýouth o! Standard Bank, Bowmanviihe, 49 2m JAMES McCONNAu-IIE THE', MAN WHO SXUKESE To lie man Who smokes, no3 more ac- ceptable preseýnt, eau )e set han a box et goad Cigars. W. >J,. Ba7ell l as rv 0 finesî stock o! elg'rs lu town Ho keels only tic besl brands aud kee-ps Ine l perfPectconditio,,n. Your cigar money wili gel erxceýllent :value13at 1lils store lu eonnection with Pethiick's Barber Bhop. H li le h-i es la boxes o! 10, 25 and 50 spe3cially put up for Christmas pues- onts. ________ 12 WEST IJURHAM ,!LIE RALS ANNUAýL MEETING A meetin g of the Wert Durham R.',- form IAssociation wll be held ln île Council Boom, Bowmanole, Saturday, Dec. 19, at 2 80 P m forelCection of offle- ors aud transaction o! ganeual business, AIl Liberals and finondq cf tlie party are requested to attend. 'P. BAKER, W. -R. ALUiN, Presidant. Secuetar£. 50'2 1 j Thi lhe nle, 175c, 811 X MAS GirlFs FOR M EN6N Let Us Help Youl to DecJ.de, He vui11mpreit now a gif t lia comes from our store becaus-e ho ýw;il know that you Lave been trying to please him Neckwear A- S fti ts hirt io iR'ýt 'A1nowG seipme nt 1elteat w hpsand Shadesý, 25e, 45e,- shirt-piuin, wide stripe.lioxed separr- Ci0$l 50 atl......... .... -..i..8$L2 t081 50 1 ï derw-a vi Gloves Wools, SanFld, Puman, Hewson, Watson,,39e ta 4h,2 50 per gar.- ment, Seo the Phoenix Muffler Colo)rs, Navy, Blaek, lie, Sky.. ......50ec Wo ehave làad 3 shipients of War,'sý Mufosalculr.......50C Sfik Squares, a 'Mcolon, 25eto $50 Other Unes 'T Rats Umbrelias Armletà Seau! Pins (billars "YOU'RE NEXVT, Suspenders Mr. W. H. Densem who bas been Open every niglit with Mu. W, A. Mathews of the King rc s' u Bi Edward Barber Shop fou tle past fourGr esDu BI voars, lias bougît out the baelness and toi ail oid customous and wiii welcomo h f a o any new ones. Mr. Densem lias beeni CLc'runGÂAo FURN111NOSma POI fortunato lu securing as is assistant Mu. J. Edwands, who ile-au oxperienced and tloroughly up-to-date lousoria Bowmauviile was a buay town ou artiet Wheu van w-Anu, firstec'ass Sqîurday luaSt Many ff amonswh o slave, liair cut, w1,is!ers lrimmed o'r Uuual trade oth-ýer plaqces.Q didIhr face ýmassage equal ta tI s work doue shlo ppIingPinD Boýwmn i de th la t CdaP by Ilie lesî city barbers go ese' wirgto t'he exetrducemnt feud Barber Shop. lucuetoî it he XMas eei. o! thewie a aedrug-gists, Msu CHRISTMAS lISAIS AT ?HUMI'S. Jury & Loveli. When is enterprlsng9 As uual, bis custouAirs ihave bee,,n plans recaefli aid and eveuy etbi wii provided with igli qualiïy meata la c'srrïecd out to the latter, so tht wbeýn fo îe hrstastudebv Mn. K AUx. thev makie auoyspecie! nononn Hum, bepepl'sbutcher. Ris ex. of thif isîiidiluthe bpapeýre il at-iracîs h.b t io iiw ll le uead y on Satuuda v and cnow'ds bîthe town, as th,) public knows Wili include a Veruyý choiee dispiav of as jIlat ne promise made byý this rellablo gocod meatsarsîlie'couhtry adfords. T;-,,, 1flrm is ever knwigl egiecîted. On display wililuhclude dressed bcef, choiceý this particulaý,r day telu tore was very -mutton aud park and ail kinds of poultry. beautifuly decorated, and it was cnowd- Don'-' bail ho ieau and select tour Christ- cd most o! the d.ay with eitlusiastlc mas me3at icarly. Mu humae desiros tac people u!rm botlow and cunrfou thanli ir publie for their generouspal.ýt Jury & Loveil know t -he value o! these rouae drin th yea su hoes y Icolumns andI their lr,ibrualse of the proviing hgli casa mula t monta advortising space rogv rwd cantinuanco (3 o!the samo. lije tbeir store ftnomevery sectio !a ibfe!1 wishes ail a ve3ry MNeurs'Chisma sd county, sud as a resu-,it thewioe town a Happy a-aid ,PespusNew Y41ar, I was ben-efltted- moue onlets. It is oruy 51 2w vby surne extra efforz (cf'Ibiknd thrat ____________ I oA awmavilio mouchanits can offer NOTCE O SATEStlem indiucements thlat are eqaýL ïif not NOTICETO SKTERS, superror ta the large crt-Y stores, and it -- Wail neve.ôpenier Élu Àlany 1 seeIDthe Mri Alex Taylor, -Manager of the magnificence and tle extent o! the skating -rik, anmunces 10 the publie stock carried by M, as jury & Lavol.. the followviag z We unideretar1-d Lta their eýnt1re store Goals' tiokets 83.00; ladies 1,2.25. will lie used as sailesuooms tintialer Famiiies ýpiiuliasiug aoveu $6 worth of Xmas sund thoie readers wio could Lot tickets allowed i' ~discouLnt. Childreu gel lu for Saturdii--liaudIropll asud under 15 years $s2,00 Aftornooin tickets isee this store, for they W111 li3 WelCo-med fromi 1 ta 5.30 p m 1,5,providïig oevoni f tlieï do otrequlue any gcojs, eaougli are sold t.o make il ýworth opea-__________ ing rink, Skatiug uot guauauiteed for more thau 4 nig-hts ecd week. Rigits reserved tb ld aay night for speoal C . i,.Z A. doluge. Ail tickets sold sulijeot ta tubos Beara ts qhKfdîoVAYaSBi of management. Tickrets for sale at th, e BigUatma rink. Rýink opeuslFrid.ay uight, Modha, KidI, Dogskiu, Buckskîn, uuliued, siik--iined flaece-1iped, knit.. liredfurlind.......... -5c te 82.V5 Handkerchiefs 6 leLa-wn Handklerchiefs, beau- tlfully býxod,. ý..........._.. ....50 3 zal Irish L'inon Randi keies beautifuhly bnxed .,....... -. , . E xee, f acy b oudera S..12ïfor 258 Silk-Iuitan d plain, vbite and coloud.......5c, .50c, 74t'.'rd 8.0 'hat We lave: 1 Bath Robes FaT3cy Vesta, IFancv j Hose Gartors Cuif Lia Cuff Boxes (lu Fancy Bo60 8 uutil after Xmas. ltaken as cash ýGENTLEMEN AND TI'RItSoLqej OLUBBING RATES. 1the uaderf"nted publication k -ho D)aily Mail&Emf . WeeklyMail &Em4iM 1Daliy Globe e3.6g1e34on Toronýtg Daiy 85....... TrtoDaly Star, in to3wn. S 6 TOrouto DaiIy St ,r, in countrY... 2.5û1 Family Herald and WeekIy Stay. 200G Farmoers' Advoeatci..........2.50 The LekvSn......175 VWeekly Wtes. ......... .75 Christian Guardian......... 25 wil be complote by t1he singling of the*.-. ; Latest W<z Song SLittle Hoop of Goid To any address 25cê. E. fi SCURRAI-, 23 MiYiiSt., Toronto ont] I . ~. SPBeIAL Ladies' Goats from $50C to $10 50 Or d% 0% , 25 loiec.,.0.... -ý.......I... -ý....o-r $2.00 TIýiS 250pairsof TravE;Ller's sarnple Ladies' and Gent's Boots and Shoe The cheapest place on earthBO T ta buiy your DRY GOODS, CLO'-TIIINGO OT AND SIiOES -o XVateg:A amail farm of about 100I acres. Aýpplyj or write to A. BR CHEFFrINS, Conveyanocer, real estate agent, W anted MW AM commaissioner for tý.akin,,g affidavits, Office in this store 2 DOORS HAST 0F1- elf-E BENNETT HO USE A. B., efEFFINS, 2 DOORS HAST 0F 2MIE EENN HO USE Th-e Old Balrik Buildlt-ig,Bomri1e WEEJ<