BAIE GOODS FUR LADIES Ladies. tberý,Is ne need to go te Tor. onto for hair g'oeds. Mrs. Raindal1 dees flret-clasa work and she will furnisb T-eu Jwlth puifs, swltches, etc., at very mod- erato prîces. Give her a eal], corner Wellington and Centre Sta,, Bowman- ,ville,40-4w. - %0OAL AND TILE FOR SALE. The uadei, ý uo ,d 7s prepaied te fur- niish thefarmers etDarln ntopi)wth ail kinds etoea andýal1 sizes eft ile at luw- Sest prices at'Darlington Station. Farm- ers rquiriug same wiil da weli te caul and see thoir supomior grades ef tile and ceai betore purchasing. S EvnRseai, . -tî Darlington. - 41fiH SçCHOOL FIELD DAY The ifirst Field Day of Bowmanvilie High Seheel was, heMd on the seheol grounds Wednesday, Ct 14 AiL pros- ent voted îhLe adfalr a meucess and hope Sfor its contînuance. On acceunt et the number ef evenuts the jumps wore mun 'off Tuesdtay evenlng. lrollowing are the winners: Tusd&etonn1ug LoT Jump-Bob Wilson, O. Worden, L. Cox. -Running Hep Stop and Jump-O. Wor- <don. Bob Wilson, Hý Perey. Runnlng E lgh Jump -H. Wight. L C01, il. Perey . -'dnesday atterneon: Rlckiug Foot- SRundie, W-Redman, L, Cox. VVtagMatch, 100 yds fer girls-M. Galibraith, L. Paintin, E Bragg. E[undred Yard Dash, Juniors-B T-ucker, HI Nichels, G. Linton. Hun- 'dred Yard Dash, open-Bob Wilson, O. Wemden,C. Beunssil. Flftv Yard Race, Gi~rls, open,-L. Conners, B Walsh, F. Couitor. Fifty Yard Race, Girls, jun- 10=-- Volick, A Fiheh Re-- and Elmer Rundle Otis. Worden sud Leslie Cox, F. Walter and J. 'l ruil. 220 Yard Race, Iutermediate ~-]ob WVilsoni, F. Cryderman, H. Wight. ,Base BaIl T hrow, F, Brow~n, Bob Wil- sen, W. Redmnan Basket Ball Threw, Girls-L. Colo, EK Coillacutt, L. Hoar. jockey Race-.E. M4a3nard snd F Cmv- derman, H. Psýrcy. sud O. Womden. H. Miugeaud aid H. Slemoen. 440 Yard 4Raco-O. Wcen.e Bob Wilsen, Fred Çlryderman la the uii,îs Basket Ball game-Thie 'IXeds vs The Blues- the blues won by s Feore ot 2-0. Worms in eilidrern, if tbey ho net atttended te, cause convulioes, sud Olten deatin. Mother Graves' Worm Exftirminator wîllproteet the eilîdren 1 gse distmessing afflictions. for Y cur cholce shoot mus4ic dur- OiDg the October sale at Nichoils' 15 or a Neektie worth 25e dur- luC fg Oetobor sale of tles at 1 li 'buy a 25c back comb dur- Ju 4i Otober sale at Nichoîls' OcwiIil l4y 8 pair me's wolen' - d-s(Urlng Octoher 'sale eti 5 wil buya 10e box of 131- 8 Shue CBaking during Qelober sale at Nîcholls'. wili buv a 1o bull dag comb' 5C during Outober sale at Nichols'. O the October sale now on at Nicho Ils'. ~will buy a 25e j r dinere dur- I èt i Qtber salu at Nichoils'. I ocrease Your Salary 1 Proper Preparation does it. Attend TOROTOOT and the tîme te commence la rigbt now.. Onîe bundred and one students fmom other bunss cleges ha patronized ehi col- prge wlthin one year,.. Whaýt doc bis Vo.Ail grad.ates readlly scmempl.y-_ men . rite oratalogue. W. J. Elîlott, Principal. Cor. Yonge & Alexander Bts, Toronto T h F i rsft SÜ,,toep -pcant auccess to tbousands of ?oung people who wrote for our liatalogue and the first step. to- ward a gooS saiariedpoton Taha 41ace Btep te da, .Âdes Central Busînass 011ege, 395 Yonge Street, Toronto. W. H. SHAW. Presîdent. G.P. R~ Atlanltic steamers, To LIVERPOOL Prom Empreas of Ireiand Lake Erle Empresq of Britain Oct. 10 ~ ae Manitoba Oct 21 ~'RATES:-Accomdlnig to steamer- Flrst claS8 $72,50 un, Second ciass $42,50 up -ici class $27m5 and $28.75, Conuplete sal- <jÊýlst pust issaed, write to or eah on nearest ýje gent for copy. 01- fuil partjcu1ars appiy to S. J. SHARP -V rass. Agt. 71onge streat, Toronto, or BOWVMANVILLE AGENTS, I -........ jlzuumpaper uargaînsatai r. u.reb-1 auv..ilSafl1 Viiul4n, u£-. ZZ6IV, *. 1 1 IIAneab'. Vote for Laurier candidates. Victery le sure for Liberalisut. Fresh Crullers daily at Thes. Tod's. Mm Ed. Worden Is home freut Tor- ente. Libersîs, beware et last-mluute sen- sations Miss Morse, Toronto, vlaitod at Mr. L.Corush's. Ladies' band satchelq lu leather at P. C. Tmbicock's. - Mr. A. B. Cemnlsh, Toronto, spent Sundsy at home. Mr. and Mrs. Arehie Tait spent Sun- day in Port Hope. Mms W. H. Wostiake, Whltby, speut Sunday at Mm. R. R. Blrd's. Presentatien te A. R. Walsh and sister, Omeno, on Inner page. Mies May James, Teronto, Is vililg hem mother Mme. R. W. James. Capt. W. C. Frank'e second letter frout B. C. appears In this issue. Mr. and Mm. E. B. Wiliiamson, Osh- awa, ecotly visited friends hera. 1î 1Mrs. F. A. Hoar and dsughter Barrie, are visting ber father Mm, John Osborne. beon visitlug at ber -grsundfatber's, Mm Wm Fsleigh. Mme, John Boacock bas returned freut a ploasant six weeks' visit with triende ln Western Ontario. Mr. and Mms, W. Dingutan spent Sunday with their daughter Mme. E. W, Pattînson, remonta. Mr. and Mme. G. H Finkie. Detroit,i Micb , vislted bis brother Mm. J. R. Fînkie over Sundsy.i Miss Eva J. Wakolin bas returned1 from s pleasant visit with finonde lu Oshawa aud vielnlty.1 MIeSUSIO Bailey bas mturned frm m seven weeke' visît w1th ber, sister Mms. J.W. Archlbald, Belleville. Governor aud Mme. Audrew Jackson, Linds3ay,,-are visltiug Bowmanvilie, Newcastle and Cobourg frlqInds. Liberals, werk on Monday to get out the Liberal vote as If the election de- pended on your individual- effort., Mrs, Wm. Robson, Division St., bas gene te Fouelon Falls te visit ham mother wbo bas bad a pamalytie trake. Mme. L. A. Tole bas been chosen dole-, gate te represent the local Uninate W.C.T.U. cenvention lu BarrieNv -6. Evemy lady le invitod te call andf sûe the fine stock et dmess geedesud suit- luge new shewiug at Couch, Jobuston & Cryderman's. Mme. Don. S. Linden, 191 Grace St., Toronto, recelves this Weduosday atter- noon sud evenlug sud aftemwards on the-third Weduesday. Teas may corne, sud teas may go, but "Salada" gees eu-slewiy, but sumelv winulng Its way luto the homes ef millions ef satisfied usere, Mme. S W. Mason sud Mm. John Griggvwere ameng the frieude trout this towu who attended the tuneral et the late James Saunders at Toronto. Mme (Dr.) Frank C Trebiicock, 722 Spadina Avenue, Tooto, wiii receive ou Frldav Oct. 23rd atftemneon sud oven- inug sud aftorwards en the fimet sud third Tuesdays oet2 ach menth. Iu the Autumu Rheumatism le so wrll ho -glad te hoar that a letter ad- drcssed te tho Dr. Williams' Medicine Ce., Brockville, Ont., wili be te their adi-antage. WrIte te-day. Messrs. C. M Cawker, C. Arthur sud Wesloy T. Cawkor, W. H Cawkem, Mm. sud Mms. J. J, Maeen, Misses Adab sud Maud Wright and M. sud Mrs Fred Osborne atteuded the funemai of the late Samuel W. Cawker at Oshawa Suuday attemnoon. Mm. Gee. Power loft at this office a pelato cf the New Brunswick uammotb vamlety that walghed almost twe Ibo. sud was muade into a dinuer pie fer the i amlly, The quailtvy waq goed The potato was grewn ou bis farm near Maple Greve. .Another instance et the quick resulte obtained by advertislug in THE STATEs- mAN was sbewu last week when two ads were- inseted for '"Pige Astray."1 Through roading Tins STATEsmAN boti- owneme wore succestul Iu locating their lest stock. They woro pieased sud se were we at the mesuits. If 3 ou want te huy or soli anythiug sud waut the people o tekuew t we have the moane et reachiug the meetpeoplo. A spelling match was beld Iast week at Solinia Division, the werde being takon troutTRESTATEsuAN. This shows how popular aud universally read TuaE STATESMAN le throughout the couutry. We give more local uews than chers, - bnce the people ail waut it. By cou- sultiug the memhants' advertiemente eacb week you are aesured et the hest goode along witb the ioweet 'prices. t han heen proven that s merchant who advertisee eau seil goode cheaper than eue wbo doegn't Golden Star Lodge A. F. &A. M. bas heen organized at DrYden. Ont, with Mr. W. A Quibaîl, Worshiptul Master. This le the gentleman whe r Bcoutly came te Bowmanville snd cap-, tured oeeoe this tewn's popular teechers (Mise MacWaiu). At a banquet given alter the Institution et this lodge, oeeoe the pleaslug teatumes was the preseuta- tatien te Wor, Bre. Quiboîl, the flrst master et the ledge, et s beautiful solid geld watch sud fob, suitahiy engraved, lu rocoguluiou ef hie services te the lodge sud craft, and a utaguificent sterling silver tes s.ervice beariug the tollowiug luscrIption: 1 Peeeted te Mr. sud Mme W. A Quihe li hy Golden Star Ledge, Ne. 481, A F. & A M. on the ôccassiou et their marrnage." The Venemahie Amchdeacou W. Bre Cooper ruade the prosentatien on hebaîf et the lodge sud lu su cloquent addressretermed te the1 self-sa crificing services reudered by Bro. Quiheil, sud bis zeal for Masonmy whlcb had resulted lu the buildfing up ot eue ef the uteet prexising leodges lu the dis-- tri t, The recipleut replied briedly. thaukiug the bhrethren for thoir uever. faiîing courtesy sud kinduese te hlm as their mastnr _Ho had eutemed upon this werk beca-use et bis sincere appreclation of! hoir beloe order, suid withouthope et furthi)r reward than a knowledge et dut, hoestly sud faitbtulIly peformed. By this action the brethreu et hie IodJge had made hlmi theîr perpettuai dobtor. On behsAt etf Mrs. Quibell ho thaniked theut most ineeroely for thoir kludly me- utembrances et hem lu their magnificent sud cestly giÀtta A vote for Simpsen will be a vote for Laurier. Oone aud Newcastle news letters are on inside pages, Evemy Liberal sbould vrote uext Moù- day and voe early. Miss Roby Hughes, Lindeay, is visit. Iug Mrs. H. W. Burk. Mm Burton Taylor, Toronto, spent Sunday with fmlouds bore. Mr'Gordont Mitchell et the Royal Bank, Toronte, spont Sunday at home, Mr Harold Garner, London, bas been vlsitlng bis sister Mms. C H. Anderson, Miss Edra Grigg of Business Systems Sehoel, Toronto, spent Suuday at home. De't terget the grand concert ln the Methedist cburcb Nov 6. Reserve the date. Mm. and Mrs. Alec Hamilton, Toron- to, weme recent gue-ts at Richard Bim. acombes. Miss Fie A. Mason and Miss Gertrude Aboli, Toronte, spent Sunday at Mr. J. J. Masen's., Do you know about the fauteus Shet.ý field Choir ? Read twe articles on an- Cher page.- Miss Greta Fisbieig-h, Toronto, bas, Su daywith bis alter Miss Muriel Gould. Heu. Mm. Fielding, Finance Minister, oxpeets 7 of the 9 provinces te go Lib- oral Resd about Sunny South Company lu Bowmauviloe next Ssturdsy un Imuer page. Ointarle Ceunty piewlug match will be held at Myrtie Oct. 80 iustead ef Nov. 4. Good quaitty estieuoery at P. C. Tebiicock's. Ask for Linon Lawn It excels. A rieh trçiat-le lu store for those Whe '&aireh Nv8 Mms, S, Bray, Eufield, bas beon visît- iugY Mrs. John VanNest, Jrl, sud ether relatives bore Mm. and Mme. D. H, Minaker, Ce. bourg, ceebrated their golden wodding on Octeber 20. Mme John lggluabetham, ZMon, 'bas heen visitIng Mms. T C Langmaid snd other relatives lu towu. Mr. sud Mme- Archie Tait gave a ouchre party Thursday eveuing te a largo nuniber et friends Mm, sud Mme. Thos. Sherin have me- turned from vlsitlng their daugbter me F. Mason, Petombere Mm Jobn Cewsu, Oshawa, deuated $100 towards putting a uew roof on St. Geerge's church, Pickering. M. sud Mme. Herbert A. Fletcher entetalned a number et friends very ploasautly Thursday ovulg Mr. John VanNest sud Mise VauNest bave returued freut a visit te hie daugh- tom Ms Jas. Hostile. Peutypeol. Mr W. G. Rundie and M. Frank Mitchell, Toronto, receutly vlsted the iatter's meother Mmes. Geo. Mitchell. Mrs. Barber bas becu vlsitiug hem husbaud Mr A. Barber who Io principal et the Medel Sebool at Bracehridge Prof J. C. Robertson cf Victoria Col. loge, Toronto. was gueet ef Principal and Mrs. John Ellott wbile in tewn William Evans- the 17 year old sou et Jos. Evans, Clarement, wae kicked ]ykled Mrs Gee Mitchell bas returued trmu tho elty accompanied by ber grand- daugbtor Miss Lauma Mitchell wbe wifl spend the wintem bore. Mm and Mme. C. H. Anderson enter- tained a number et friende Monday eveuiug lu houer et hem brother Mr Uiaroid Garner, London Mme. Geo. C Haines sud Miese Vida Haines are visitîug the fommer's daugh- ter Mme. Gilbert Parent, Walkervlle. and Mm. F C0. Suow, Detroit, Mlcb. Mm. sud Mm. L. Corilsb eutetained a numbor cf friende Weduosdsy oven- ing lu henor efthter guests, Mme. A. Bý Cornish sud sister Miss Morse, Toronto. Mm. Frank Birdeail, Petembero, bas been a member ot East Petarboro Agmi. cultural Society and tor the past 20 vears bas held the position et Prosident.: Bowmauviile Womon's Institute wili moot ln the Council Room, en Saturday, Oct 81 at 8p. m. Lot thîs be arallving m~eeting for ail the members sud their friendeý Mme. Thos. Baker, Sollua. bas beau visiting the Misses Stephonesud othor other trieude lu towu on hem returu treut a pleasant visit with triende at Peterbemo, Millbmook sud Pert Hope. Mme. Rebt. Smith, daughtor Mamie and sen Eddie, Oshawa, spent. Suuday with ber ister-în-law Mme. Jas. Ca5ley, Chicago. Ill, who le visitlng hem etter, Mme. Wilson Neade, and other relatives heme. Mr, A. J. Short, Ceurtîce, brought te the McMUmtry Co. thie week a petato which le somewhat et s curioslty boing seven tubeme lu eue sud weighiug er 3 Ibo. It'e large onough tom a meal fer a large tamily, Mme. M. A. Hemon, daughter Margaret aud son Wallace, who bave been visit- Ing hem mother Mme. M. A. Washington, Homsey St., durlng the psst thmee menthe, bave mturne4 te thelr berne lu Carpio, Noth Daketa wbere Mm Heren bas a large farm et 480 acreis. Mm. John Buckham, ex*reeveofe South Moaghan, won first prise lu field cempetition fer eounty et Peter- bore on eas, sud Reeve Robert Fisher won second. Mm Fisher bai 700 bush. els frout 12 acres, weighing torty peunds te the bushel. Seuth Mouaghan le prend et hem progressive farmers. Canadiane are tue affemded a very are opportunity ef heamlug eue of Euglaud'e bof t musical organisations, The Sheffield choir et 200 voices who are comiug serose the Atlantic lu a charterod steamer. As will ho seen hyj advertîsement sud articles ou etheri pages tbey willI give tour concerte in1 Toronto next montb.1 In the walklug match rom Bawman-1 ville te Oshawa Saturday attemnoon, E.1 G, W, Bell sud H. G. Robinson me-1 deemed themeelves trom their previeus1 sprint te Newcastle hy coveing the dis- tance lu the fast tîme et 1 heur, 59 min - utee. t rmîght ho mentioned that the winers were paced more than hitf thei way bv a pony and cart occupled by two of the faim sex aud s bas;ket et applos starng t heut lu the face, With ,thiî 01- planatien wo are net eurprised At thie1 good time mtade, A. R. Camnron sud1 H. W, Harptw "aise raU."ý 1 19(]WMAIM VILLE. 22- 19118. 1 é iD n nn--u 1 Johnston à&Crycforman's, Tho hast isthe cheapest. This appliee particulamly te, splces. F. A. Hfady keope tbe highost grade et pure spice Bee Our up-to-date kitche u cabinets with fleur chest, fleur sitter, sugarechest and tea aud coffee canisters, aIse cais-r toms for evemy kind et spîces. Williams Bright boy wanted te leama prlutiug at James' Publisbing Houso One who bas passed Entragç~ e xin4utiQn te High SchQol preforrpd Âpply te NOR- XA 3 . JAMES, 1 ereman, Misses Stela Mcagonnand TLen fa A, sud Mr William Trewln are the dole- gatos fmu tho Methodist Suuday 8chool te the Provincial Ssbsth Sebool con- vention lu Orilia noît week The heet vinegar le uet too geod for piekliug. Lt doos net psy te use poor vinogar and speil youm pieki es. F. A. Haddy bas a stock et the beet vinegar in White Wine. Cder sud Malt. Mm. J W5 Alexander. President D O. & P Ceo, was elected 2nd Vice-Presi-1 dent ef the Canadlan Piano & Organ MaunIacturors Asseciation ivhieh helt 'its teuth annual meeting lu Toronto Mm. Fred R. Foiey, Presîdet oet'Bai, et Quinte Epworth Longue. atteuded Petembemo District -Epworth Longue convention Iu Chaml'tte Street ehumch Monday sud led a conference on the missionary and litorary departuteute. Mme H. T. Phillilpe Who bas beeri VI'iiu hem niece Mrs, Thornley Pen- niu11gnaud ether frieuds, bas gene te ilat ber daughiter Mme 18. M Ciemene, Drayton She aise inteuds visitiug hem grand-daugbtems at St. Louis, Mo. Mm James Motloy, Loudon, tavomeà us with a trlendly eall, Ho learned bis trade as hlaeksmith with the late Mm Thos Clarke, Hampton. Hi s visltiug hie sisier Mms. John Soers sud other relatives sud tnieuds IRis wite passed on te the botter world iast month. An ohltuary wili appeRrm neit week. The Ailan LUne S. S. Virginian had a verv ough passage eut last week. As soon ase she leit Liverpool Fridsy week for thre days andilor was o than a desen persone lu the dining room at uteal heure during that time. Mme W. R Goodwln et this towu was a passengor. Raye' Studio wludow le a constant attraction, groupe et people heing otten seen luepecting the photos. Hie work le much admired. Lt le a very common thlng for people te ordor a dozen photos and thon find theut se goed that they want more This seake weli for the amtist. Thousande ot people are sorry that tbey have flot photos et their, child- hood. The moral le, Get yeur childreu's plctu%,es taken evemy yearor se Raye takes bilîdmen woll, Our readers will ha glad te learu that since THE BOWMANviLLE Naxws was purchased hy Mm. M. A, James & Sous ou August th last sud Geo W. James heosme editor sud publisher, it bas been euiarged te a 7 celumu quarte paper, equal lu size sud nuews te TH» STATESMAN. That ils meaders appreci- ste the change le shewu hy the rush et uew suhecrihers, Net a day bas passed tom twe woeks that new subserihere have net been meceived Lt is uew a local paper et wbich we are justiy prend . Mme. H. T. F, Duokwortb (ueo Hunt ') held ber pest-uuptlal recepîlen at Trin. ity College yostorday aftemneon when she wss wcaring a beceutiug white gown with Duobese lace sud pearl onaments, She was asIsted by' hem mother, Mme Hunt, Bowmauviiie, wearlug a haudsoute black gown with Duchess lace. The moins wene decer- ateil with Killaruey roses, the saute flewere belug arrauged ou the tes table lu eut-glass sud iiver.-Toronto Mail and Empire. SeI)nINeG AND HEALING-As a mosus ot eothiug the Inflammation sud beal- iug the aw soros et eczema sud saît rhouma, it le dîfficuit te imagine anv. tbing se wonderfuily effective as Dm. Chasa'e Olututent. Relief freut the dlstressing ltching cernes almoet lut- Medistely, the ulcers heal sud gradu- ally a uew, velveti- ekin le fermed There le ne treatruent se effective lu curiug eblibiains. GETTIZbU READY FOR XMAS. C. M. Cawkem & Son are making their usual preparatieus fer thelr Christmtas business sud have alreadv heught the tollowiug stock for their holida-y trade . Five steere trout Mr J Arthur Werry. Four steors frout the fine bord ef Messrs Samuel Ailin & Sons. Five cheice heiteresud steers treut the uoed feeder Mm Thomas Jackson. Twe steers frout Mr William Werry. wheee reputation fer feediug choice *cattie for C. M. Cawkem, was established over forty years age, sud very tew Christutases bave passed sinco thon without soute et bis feediug- being autoug the number, Messrs Cawker & Sou wMliaIse have their usual display eft ahkluds et Poultry. Lu tact, evorYthiug t tompt your appctito for the seasen Faruters, bnlng thleu your choice Pouty u got the hïlhe3t prico lu cash;,hvwl Z3 te to ou. Victoria Bulildings, Bovmauvule. Laurier wiil be sustalned. Fmosh-eut flowers to-da y at Thos £nod'ý. Onfly 250 fer a new s, bseriber te cuid ef 1906l. Best 25e and 40e tea oýver o)ffemed at Murdoeh's. $1200 buys a geed kitchen cabinet et Williams & Son's, If sou waut your hens. te la, eggs got Davies' food at Murdoeh's. Ceuservatives are talklngup Whitney for their leader lu the Cemmens. >A full lino et Ganong's G. B. choc- olates juet armlvod at Thos, Tod's. Upright piano and good organ for sale. Apply te M. D. Wllilams, & Son. It would ho ereshing to know what Censorvatives reaily thluk of Themuton, Cali on Mudch and get a god sol- ectien et bulbe t rom a good assortment, The purest ciover boney lu 10 lb. pails, aise lu glass aud lu the compb at F. A. Had'ly's Ladies' and chlldren's ccoats, huudreds et them just reeelved at Coucb, John- sten & Cryderman's. Publie sehool toachers wlil find the monthly magazine 11Cormet Englishi" vory holpfui. See advt. A big stock of uew rp-tdy-to-wear àn mOFATTO APeaet od Pasna Mm8T OsdrawOfft, 1on o Mrandtta os byn Rose,.KW. t. art, a autrk msiW et;.t andý M lr.nce LetaF.tSao hr f M,a i EUTCU.S ON-cAt Prt e , optl.T rno ,.NLWINO-IUn flWIUUVOie, Oct. 14, by Rev. D. O. Crossley, Wbitby, Mr. Herbert Fraink Osborne, Coul-ica, aud Mise Eva Windifred, eldest daoghtem of 31m. aud Mms Andmew Pennington, Bowmanville. WRIGHT-In Clarke, Ct. 151h, Alfred Wright aged 85 years. KNIGnT-Ih Bowmanville, Oct. 18th. William h, Knight, aged 52 years. Loc"XAgÂa-In Newtonvllle, Cet. lstb, An- dsrew LIockbart, aged 80 years. P'owgns-In Kirby, Octý 17, Henry Lamue Powers, aged 92 years and 6 mos. PFZBOUN-IT, NewtOnVille, Cet. itb, Mrs. Wiilliam Freeborn, aged 84 years. O'RsiQÂN-In Oshawa, Oct 19th, Ellen Gibb- ons, rellet of the late John O'Regan, la ber 751h year. . CÂw«ER-In Whltby, Oct. 16, Samuel W, Ca wker, aged 58 years, Son of John Cawker, frnE-In Bowmanviile. Oct 90th, Geraid Christian, only cbiid of FreS and Winnifred Lyle, aged 2 years. '1ttYNSKILL-At the residence cf Mr James J, Curry, Cooksville, Oct. 19th, Rarry W. Brunskill, eider soncf the late William Brus skli of Cooksvilie, aged 23 years. HmqNDEtON-At 70 First street, New West minster, British Columbia, Oct, lot, Alexander Henderson formerly of Oshawa. Father of Hon. Alexander Henderson, CommIssioner cf the Tukon Territory. CREEPE.R-At the residence of bis son, Mr. W. H. Creeper, Haydon, Tuesday Oct. 201h, William Creeper, Hampton, aged 80 years, Fu veral on Friday aI 1.30 p. m. 1'to Bowman- ville cmetery. "Lest We Forget E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Desaler iu Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., lu BOWMÂLNVILLE, ONT CO00K WANTED-A plain cook by Novemnar let, Apply to MRs. D. B. Simp- SON Silver St., Bowman l . 41-tf W ANTED-All kinds of fruit on consigument by LAEO5TAFF Bitos. Ottawa. Quick returna and a square deal. 82 -tf Y -ORKSH1RES FOR SALE CHIEAP _&-Jauuary and Mamcb sowa lu farrow, lu. cludlug my pr!2e-winua-rs T JCOLB, Bow- manvlle, Box 58.6 42--4w JJOUSE FOR SALE-On the south aide of King street, Bowmanville, six rooma, stable, gooa lot. Apply to D. &. M. GÂLmRAiH, Bowmanville, 8-tf B OOMS TO LET-Officêe roeins, _&;lodge rooms or wiii fit for living.ooms as requlmed. Nice brigbt rooms over our stores. Appiy to T Guo MAsoN, Bownianvllle. 41-tf FARM FOR SALE-One hnudred Facres in lofs 80 and 31, con 6 township of Darlin good frame bouse wlt'bBseate roof, bank brn45 x 100 ft. Appiy ou premnises 10 P LVanNest, or to, Mra E E VgnNest, 169 Aibol St, East, Oshaa4 2-3w JJ-lOUND LOST-A hound bitch with -11tan bead andi cars, damk browu over tbe back, gmey on sides, scar on front of left Inuf leg Lost about Ist week in September. Would bave pup about last waek of September or first week Co toer Reward for mtumu ta WIL- BERT J. HOÂit, BOWManVillie. 4-tf VIOKEBS & ALDRAITH. Barristers, Solicitors, Nolarlea Public WILLIAM W. Vicats.s D. 0. M. GALBRAITH. (formely of Bowmanviile) 77 York St., Toronto. The practice fomeerl carrled ou by Mm. Gabraithi Bowmanville wilil be ontinued by the new firm. Mr. Galbraith will libcln Bow nanville evemy Saturday and aise dumlng the week If equlmed. I22-tt JOUSEý FOR SALE-Oit the south secf King Street, Bowmnanviile, nine moots and batbroom, new Pease Fumnace, Blectric lhght, stable, ail couvauleues under cover, quarter acre land. Apply to D. G M. GALBRAITH, Bowmanvilie. 8-tf BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Correeteci each Tueaday FLOUR, f 100 fbe;.........$250 to83 00 WHBAT, Fali, bush. O OC) 0 '00i O 87 Sprîng .......C)a0 il0 82 Red FIfe ....... O 00 i O87 Goose .....0 00"Il0 82 BARLETI 4Pbush, No. 1 ... O 481,i O 58 OATS, White et........... 000"le0 88 RyE, il...........00 (0 e0 78 BUCKWBEAT le ......O 00 ' 0 55 ['SAS, Blackeye, V bush.. O0O00' O OC il Canadian Beauties OOC) fi O 9,5 #1 Smala 'I 0 OC) i O85 tg Blue c 0 00OOil O 75 C LoviR SEED. ý........... 5 00 6 00OC TîioTRuSnU).........2 00 8 75 SuVrTER, boat table, eth l.,. O 00 'i O22 EaGS, Vdez ............. 0 00 l0 20 PeoÂ'rOss, P Oush....... 0 00 1- 0 45 HA-Y, eton.......700'il 800 WlnoopîNG COUGH CustuD-Mrs, H. M. Edmionds Allan Park, Ont , writes: We think a great doal of- Dr. Chaso's Sýymup of Linseed and Turpentine as a cure for whooplng cough. Mychildrýen were very bad withthiýs annoe in&g dis q3ase, This medicine relieved attpeks of hard coughingý and made a comiplote cure." This treatment îs aIse ef ines- timable value ln euning croupi bronchi tde and severe cheat cold8, 1 àçtnc te Cncrtiý meMeilcLlç. iIl 12ý "Omu-ni !hRa P i àPusi ~a DvLa 'VàFI -Wanted at- CALEDON1AN -MILLS Highest Price Paid For Any Quantity of Good Barley M John Mackav iLi m111 A B3OWMP:ýNVILLEA C'r c C" vu-noge-m»w m ninc-nai . a - . cbiita- l w w 0f Ladies' and Misses' coats bas heen a great sueceas, aud are acknowledged by tlioae who have seen tbem tot be the Most stylisli and up- te-date coats shewn lu Bowmanvllle. The Provincial reputation et the Nerthway .Ceat isaa sutticont guarantoe of Style, Fit and Workmanship. Sec them, before buying a new Ceat, SEH OUR NEW DRESS GOODS. This department -reveals ail that is deairable lin the newest mrationls in dreas material including the, very lat- est woaves in sliadow Stripes in ail the fashionable color- lngs. Our dress gooda will be a revelation to you. COLD WEA2HER WAN2S.t Wool and Flannelette Blankets, Bed Quilta and Tie DoWns, Flannel sud Flannelette Sheetings, Wool Vests, Drawers and Corset Covers, Night Gowns, Hoisery, Gloves, Underskirts, and ai kindýs of Knitted Gooda. NO CREDIT Orocers' Due Buis taken ar, Cash A W. fAS N &SN, N,,ext door to Standard Banik. omnil Froc shed room a'. Central Livery yards anytime, BUTTER TRAN EVER. Our readers when deciding on tbeir readlng mattor for 1909 should net overlook "The Famiiy Heraid and WeeklIV Star", ef Montreal. 0f course, you want sour local paper for local news. but anv ho>me la Canada would be the better of receivlng 'The Famiiy Hierald and Weekly Star " It costs but oue dollar a'% ear. and is wltbout doubt tbe greatobt va.ue in the news- paper hune. It is a weeklv hewspaper, famlly magazine and an agrieulturai journal, aIl tiàree in oe e t sheuld bo in every Canadian home Toilet Sets We have jus. !mported a crate of new toilet Sets shipped te us direct from the Engliali Potteries, anid, we thlnk they ýare worthy of your rnotice. They are in ail colora, styles and patterns to jmatch any room, or to suit any taste. The prices are right too, ranging from $2.50 te 810 Corne in and sec them, :ARCH'-IlE TAIT : - Phone 6~. TePpis rcr lllghest Price pald for Fanti Produce; BOWMANVILLE STATION. OOiiigEA5T.Gome0WE&T ,Mali...«8 69 a. M. nExpress -. 4.40> a.M. 'Express -ï 10 10'4'N Locsi....... 7 51 N tmîred.....a.. si 31 .m. IPassalger-1 48 p. m LoCil . .-649p.m. I*Mlxed......744 JUET 4iLovâLL TrOwn Agents Notices of BlrtiaS, 25 eenta; Harriagfes, ,)0 cents; Deatlis, 50 outa, eao.h la- sertion. When funeral earda are «rinted at tht, ooc, lumertion free openea out at Ï-f -F q 1-1 t--16thy- -M-F -L T 1- u -U-- 1 eu rit ý-i ý-L F-1- -L- 4- i role i Vl 1 - - f in m iil 1 1 -t 1 -t 'q ni! f; 0 ý LA j lui' 1-7-=- 'NW îer à da 0-11 r 2ý;,q 1 o,