Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Oct 1908, p. 2

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You Neyer Cati Keep Gooci Resolutions Simply By .Rules and IRegu1ations, An when the sun was up tliey 'wer seocbed; and because tbcy badl ne, root tbey witbered away." The teaeings 01 Jesus are uni- visa;i. One dees net have te be a f 'Le t understand the parable of te soer;lie finds it wrtten in r ý on xperieince. Despite the cf- SI rts (of mnny te mysify this stery iisplaiTn te us ail, because many gc.ojwors anid liopes have dropped into ur heants whle few of tliem coule teod ria verymni as knj,, wn ithe jey ef reuevingthegood seedA. Like a gîf h fin liheae as 1om ,t-egerra of -cof, the vso'f omhigli pos- siiiy tait lbas fornfid tself into li noble r(esolution in the mird. kocala av beconie our possession and Iin the moment wben the infini te serseemod te pass our wnly, we ba e dtermined te endeavor te rcaiize thena. For a -w bile our geod resolutions tbr-ived; we lix cd up te tbemn. Thon somo day wben we suddeniy noed- cif therai we found tbey bad wither- ed away. The liushandry cf our bensis a long record cf geod seed _gene te xaste, witbored after a Fnef pperiod cf flourisbing. 1-o0w can) one do better ?l What is the sec- ret '_cf koeping goed resolutions and makJiing tliem fruihful? l 01u'r good intentions mail bocause they dIo net strike deep enougb io- taý our hearts, inho our affections and interests. MOTIVE IS LACRING. We need te root our resolutions dep in good reasens. Conviction 's iraainlya matter cf tbinking tLt-oug7b a thing unhil tho truth is cleaiýr eut a nd bas become our owil first hand possession. ne ay begin a good course on imus;but n e nover w iii main- tai:a it ý-ept on reflechion, reason- ïing and conviction. The more you tnktbrougb your onwn cenduet, ohrs ut witlih usi its motives, outýine its resurt, ,, be more clearly n'llyu goal be visioned. Let 1i n s (cf higli and difficit action atike tbevir roots deep into your Tehab)it clf the rigbhfe is the be at fruitage cf ail good resolutions i and hai-bit is ýsimply action repeated. lis lwy btter te do riglit babi- tuaiy banitis o bvete make a~~~~~ý eprtdeiinadact cf xil ea~. ime. e cmstedin ni~Ixtbabituily bytroquetrpe ttocf rîgflit act1ionvoutri. J~rifIresolutions strike eut nxyrcain euvery possible actio. Teonyway te do a thing ight ah il is te do it riglit alxvays. Seize exery epportuiiity, te realize your 1(csliuiona;I'. Do the tbing inthe best ,,îy even,!ben a pooror way wouid ~eete suï, ifhece; do the tbing dter- reind ona1ways, even unnecessar- îiutlit becomes habituai. If yu nold ecorne courteous. tb~n pactcecourtesy under al cîrcmahaeesevenwben iiern a;i thu ,iyumigbt tai-e(.off th::' to1se alttie saud lixe 1a liUtîcle thouhtfllyof others. ïIfyu ui b-,comei unselisb, practice the ed cftW self givig lufe down t,, tbe cahdetýails cf living.. The otýiiy- way te ýý)keep the lhf e mcxing up ýis t, ee il al .MOIN wUP ALL THETME Godhabita have aweà«tu futfigpower. Tbeh er ri quel.They grow ail troigh th 1Ufe. Tho if e of truItb and gbod- reas ,ýi nt, as wo oeif atink, a weý(ary, tedieus business of n atei-, ing an innunmerable number cf ae- tiens. Ih is simply the lufe that steadily sets itsolf toixard tbegood îiîat yilds ex or te higlier life.ï The seed sow n ani wbere coies't ieý and tinereabes as ih ezs vr po'.weri'.of life in1 the Warmn eartbad the siiinabii ,in ndsbowor. Tiie'l thbat weuiid come te its fulînos _11-t see'k eut its foodeeyw rei{ irnust choose its eniroamenwnLýid aI moisphere, it rachups ortpçte itei veryhhing tbat xiii belp, ma axoid, as fan as-possible, ailthbaht Hlnders. 1h i.s ne use boping to e hoAe1;vb doemn f goedness. The disý,- akjýle f e is the fruitage cf edà Sor. Tt cihtix ahes frienidahips thati isbment in thougbts and s igbts and sGunds that leave the life stronger, swoeter,' and with groater desires fer the besh. 1h dees the deeds that t dcesiros. 1h pays the price cof per- fection, HIENR1Y F. COPE. A MedlIo!nàe That Appeals to Physelians--TheyîRe-ý cognïize Its Value-Dr. J. E, Ennîs of Atanta, Ca., Tells the Truth ýAbout Vnol. "I xanh people teo knew that I believe the ment valuable ced liver cil preparahien, the best body-build- or, healtb-restorer and srength- creator kacwp, te medicine ho-day is Vnul. "I advise Vinci in mny practice, and find it bac ne equai for heaiing couglis, colds, lironchial troubles and sore lungs. "I bave used Vinol in many cases cf indigestion, mal-assimilation, and for patients wlio have ne appe- tite, weîe anaeini"c and run dewn, xith splendid i'esults. I bave aise found '/inol te be a booil te the aged. "I believe Vinol ho lie wcil werhhy of any honest physician's endorse- rent."-J. E. Ennis, M. D). For ohd people, dlicate chidren, weak, run-down persens, after sick- ress, and for chroni coughs, eolds, broncbihis, and ail throat and lung t'roules Vinol is unexcelled. Tbose xvihe ry Vinol and receix e ne boee fit may bave their money hack. Jury & Loveil, Druggists, Boxvman- ville. THE M ASTER C11ORUiMA1STER. Vr. Illenry Cow'ard, thec Fainous Conduciet eflic Great Shef- The sory f th sucesaof Dr. Choir is thatet intense.otiasi1 and great indusýry-. The oncfa Liv erpool biotol-ireeper, lie was ap- pronhiced te the culery trade in Sheffieldi,, but literature and music xxero bis great pursuits. '1 Ec1e e- rame a pupil teaclior, then'a bead- master cf a board sebeol, d.evoting ah b is spare energies ho music, In 1887 ho bift the ranks cf amateurs and began bis wondeniul work of revoiutionizing ini the art cf Choral singing. The ides ,Hiîat inspired Dr. Coi-1 ard' wssn 1 ý thhe human voice, lie ing finer: lhan any mechanical in- struinent, should hoe able, in a CUhorusi, te predluce as notable ef- fochs as,-, an eýnsemnble cfintues cal orhsr.Heblesii i n'astee anchwro ebut choral muse; oc rea a epedeco ccon thetrditonl tno~h y hemu- sic adtelittie (ttenion ýfpaid'ho the irausie and the ors.Dr. Ce- vard b las eagdahi that. Itho words idieasceff, -t(ýý 4 heborýus seofs,ifaaglicaprdeis siilitudeif ahear it viiiexpress it. 1Or. Vegh c f the M'endeissobu Cbho' ir andreadiiy acknow-j Ledr!es o ba fuloedin bis foot- steops, witbwhtnodrflrecuits The ýýSbeffleid Cb'Ioir-t-kobundredi h'nmerwr serai le here, and ou'pulie can 'judge fr( 'theraseives . Tfw coeneerts take place ah Massce Haf~, Toenoon 1Nevaraber tb, Ohbl aild tb. PahCieiL-"Doctor, bois long dees 'it uhuAally take orne ho recover frein an 'operation for appendicitis?" Dotor-"Physically 'or financial- -~ I y w THE i{AJSER'S CASILESI TRAIN FOR BUSINESS Tî heQn hurced into publie insfiti-, tionis, as for instance Oranienburg, wihci basbecome a semînary for ferahe heachers, and Niedor-Sebea- hausen, whiieh was given over ho the publieas a park and reoet for ne- creatien. But al hbeEraperor's landed pos- ssionis outside of the capital ebnjiink baek into the second rank, as fan as hiehoieni importance is con- cerned, xhncomypared with co scîhlinignfiautifnet shaby ai~ ~~~~j lu'sdsac byrailfri Beillin. I1h wns the fvrt uao î'osorh of frederîck VWi*lliaI.,th seonKing cf Pusn(7314) i os 1p)ta ewmeth e vcr y yean t tis uatacieplcwIth hic The plaýeisc'aled Rng-u herbausen, onceLafaracu butin grudin avryLarge and nioblei fore,,cii_ in Part peovdandU ciil frequenhly econ >d byroy al ýsportsmen. The, castie ]iSaise in exicten.e,' a plain, cudbuLild]ing,ý somethiaglike a respectable bfarra-- bouse cf thIe eco e s. 1h,[ cea(i-i tains many relies, cf Frederick Wil- liam and is sonte touriste wîth toadhiag gravity by thie guardians.- A GENTLE HINT. AV caesman a t a dinnen toid a tipping ehry. "There ased ho ho an oid fidBemman," ho snid, "who brouýgit me the first cfthIe menth a preseuît cf a splendid saumon frein býis master. -I1aiwnyc gave thie old " iemnatpBut one morniag 1 was very bus,5y, and whea the ohd mac brougit the ie 0db1thankec imrahum- 1 iediy, and forgehicg bis tip bout ovner my dock again. HoReeihated a momient, tien cienred hic thnoat "'SimlwSurd ye lie se kicd as te put it in writin' tint ye didn't gv me ne ip tlis hume, or my m-ife'll thhnk I'xe wveahntdspent it Lon mur." Fiee'n Berlirnwa wh igit jaýjcet, whchare lfiled frein 0we hlose, . a1id afforci a great pnohec- Via"n frejin I' 'e eflames. TUE SHIEFFIELD) CHOIR '70 Wben the Sbiýfield Choir visihed Gemmaay tîvo years ago the efforts made isith a view ho their entenhain- ment wereocf a, moet wbole-souled and bospihable characher. The Mu- 1îciipni Couacil cf Frankfort- spont 11,500 on their entertaîinent, but thene was one incident that espoci-ý aily appealed te Dm. Coward. In t-ho Publie Palm Gardons, where thie civie banquet wac givon, specini cx- pensive efforts wereý made ho get hie Victoria Reginia waten lily ho fluwen in houer of the visitons. The b-leora came ont ah juct thie igît hume. Evenycce in the Gernian cit-- escenspirced te gi-ve thie Englidli iaes a goed thume. As an ex- ample f1-- lliiainnhed elechnie cars w-ceoplaced ah theji disposai by the Tralmwayýs Boad. Whcolr 1brotlers frein across hIe Athanhtieceme;hoCanada tbere wili doubhle'-ss 'le te csamne spirit cf hospihaity con and this is in- shaned by o enotable fach. Sir Moutagu iand LdyAlianc ot rouil wih ehetai he ntire choru ah their bauiful hoe, "Ravens-1 crag".ý Man y arranigeiieats have been comiplehed for bos,ý,pitalities elsewhere, and hie banqjuet for 500 guets pbaynned byr the 11MJedessoîni Choir wiill le a gala event in Te- nante. 1h wiiltake flace(on thie ovo-ning of N,),,emý ber 5thi, afhenthie firt coný,ert in Massey all lEýt in Toronto sostlint maaiy froin tuisto N will aise tl1,11-1g9ho bear this wodrulcou. The coacoîelts wiib ien Nov. 5,6 alnd 7 iiiorat.Seats :eaui be se- crdby wnihicng tho aagr MasseyHal, Tonno. Lnniad-' Yonmake a wn noise ý witin fate." Boader "Well, Fimsorry ho bian .Laaild- Our idlea cf a geod mian1 is one whose childu-en ervFx'y alten u evemyi hume o bve ohe uase. Flýl5EEa ,,Do yn einiember nutiing cf - vrywel,~ ias thIe reply. "Sicce' I~ ~ ~~~~~~i li' eiedfenbsiesa on- etrman doesu' breate. Stan-d ipl fronit of a irxveî Most men train their bramas and al- NOT ALL AS FINE AS HIS PUR- lnost entirely ngcttheIr bodies. CHASE AT COJIFU. T1hey do flot seem to reaiize that lzeen- ness of iudgment and clearness of - thought depend as rouch on the body jas on the brain itself. Any man can l'bis is the Forty-Ninth Addition to prove this to bis on satuisfaction by the Residences of lthe King atternpting to dCIde- a weiglPy busi- of Prssia.ness probieni -ile suffer1ng; with an of Prssiaacute attack of indigestion or a vio- A two bours walk frorn the capital lent speli of bloses ctf Corfu brings the dust-covered The amount oi vwork that the brain tourist wthnsighitof ofun the, nd eensme nthe health- rnlost glorjïous architectural crea- I ulness of liver, bcwýels, kldaeys and tions in, existence-the Achilleion I~Ii thefaiy csti oftha retîes, . Fruit-a-tives" aefruit juices In the air Casle f tht rstles, n-'ta biet form. They it (ir-,ectly on Miver, f ortunate Empyess v, lho was. t ie.bowels, kidneys and' skin,-and enabIe under a murder's tee-!. these.vital organs to ridl the system of .ThJ beauty of its outwad orn-ai ipuites Thus the biood will be a ciever imitation of the 1Po1peTan kept pure and rich. the brain active, dligestilon sound,and h1f e miiade pleasant. style-is only nmatcbed hy its la\ith "ruît-a-îîve" aý*,re ow put up Ini ,nner deco)ration, o be h w ie-h e 5 o as well as press Eiaehi'adt aa h eua 0 ie f your(de-aler spet £50000 te m~ni' oesflt caýrry themi, wieFruit-a- ficent.viewsi TeAchlleion, says thie Ld' ____ RBealm,,is the forty-niiinthadto te the residences of tho1 King of NWA.TE Prussia. Thc German Empe-iýror as such draws no payment orj emol[u- Mr. and Mrs. IL. Dudley reeen-tly nient of any kind and thereic exists visited friends inCobre thorefore ne "imiperiai"; posses- Miss Eliza HutrFast Toron- sions. to, was ho-nerenty In ordinary German parlanec Mrs. T). B. Siip'son, Bowman- cvery one of these forty-nine strue- ville, recentiy visited Mrs., Lock- tures or estates is called a "Rai- hart. scrlicbes Schloss," an imnperini cas- Mrs. Burns and tWo children, tice, b ut the trutb is that on ly a f ew Oshawa, are visiting ber sister, of them'are reai casties in a n ardhi- Mrs.' Aicorn. tectural sense of the word, and- stili Samuel Edwards and famiiy have fcwer in a historie sonse. m ioved to Trenton, Thu, roy~ai seats in Germny are Mr~. and Mrs. R1. Katerson, not national. For this reason the E-ampton, recently visited his sis- rostoration of time-worn casties ter Mrs. S. Moore. dos -not go on according to a large, Mrs. Coiny, Chippewa, visited liberal insight as ho what is of her daughter, Miss Corry, who i S TilE FILST IMPOI{TANCE; teaclier in our Higli Scbool. it. goes on unsystemnatically,, accord- r. viatnMr. GFfordPano. ing to a dynastie feeling of wha 1 ev. A. V. and Mrs. Brown t tiaeticnparatio th ynaty dis-Itended Wbitby Preshytery meeting uninterostingat Oshawa. castle lîke the llohkonigsburg M.-.RudiMis nieCîe one eampi eutof mny .1 per and Miss Aima Wigbt attend- quote oeeapeou frayis! eciThank-clfferitn s: ervices tda theretore restored, as the outeome woek and heard gtoj ore ps oan imperiai whim, ah an enorra- tor R1ev. L. Wihtei frerpas- eus expense, whie seats of over- *p'eh. Wgt ngtn whelraing historie importance, as Mr. lie. Gryias roturned from foi instance Konigs-Wusterhausen,'IFis jdigtu ftefisi h are allowed. West. 1e mt many old Durbara- The German Empror's rosiden- ites. ces-aie mostly_ plain courtry seats evL.S Wight, Brniglton, was c- mere shooting boxes, se that the total, feorty-nine, loses mucli of its g reeted with very large congrega- sensationai cliaracter when proer- lions at the--Metbndist 1Tlank-off er- ly scruhînized. Among the various îng servi ces. The off*erings were Berlin and Poshdam palaces thei very libera.1 1,EvA.M Irwin sup- Royal flastie on the' Spree is one ofP piied ah ngltn the iargest cihy residence buildings, Mrs. T. M.lise ias returaed îin the wbole ef Germrany. £rm a tnp t New York One o f the favorite reorts, of Em- Ms rd SecatadMs p.-eror William and is famt1ily seems isFily xvtithiamUe r) be,-,bis demain(of Cad ine,nwa- ejoI;ined th1eir ubnsa Eiigstuated Jin a ms hra rn oie a ing foealns1peT bs1ecm IGolP îRiekard 1barv'seda eo widely knewn r1tbrough 1the Epr-e-200 uhesefmngis;rr or' s successful experiment a a one ac. manufacturer and expor1e; the M . A. A owi a eno handsome majolicas produced ati tour of fail fairsý as judge., Cadinen -and pubiicly soid ail ovor JMr. Carl Piekatrd, Peterboro, and the world are highiy vaiued by con- Mr- and Mrs., A. W. Piekard, Bow- noîsseurs. man.iile, rýcei0 'visited their fa- William IL. is aise the owner of ther, Mr. Win, Piekard. a steapm brick factory and alcobel Mrs. Wm. M,,l1ntoali bhas returned di4ii' îLerY ah the sanie place, and ., frora xisiting lier brother in Wash7 attends te the details of bis business 1 nghcn Territeryý. with the ireumspoction of 1 Mr. J. H. Galbraith, B. A., ATI{AINED MERCHIANT W hitby, is now; Principal ef our 11Iigb Schooýl. Tiis4the third one Somie of the royal estates have w e bave badcsn! ridummer. (++'+ -+++++-- + + Î-ý LIbLIt1the Farui HEALING 0F WOUNDS. Animais on thie farm are continu- ally being icjnred by accidents that Eappen in a thousand different wayc. Banli wire enta are raost fre- quent, and a word or two cf ad- iice as ho the proper treahinent in tic hands of farinons will net lie amies. The first thing, ho gain a correct understanding cf a cane and effective methed cf reating nwounda,. is ho remember that na- hure dees the healing and that ne- medies applied are simpiy for the purpese cf assishing nature. The niglit mental attitude in this re- spect wîîl tend ho eliminahe a thon- ,,and and co nostrmrs whieb are tî'ied in rnpid succession in thIeho- lief that tbere je socîewhere, if it couid lie found. n specifie nemcdy n'ith a magicai influence te bring about the desired recevery in a nmarveilous xvay. Mankind bas been diligently seeking scd remedies fer thonsands af yonrs and is stili keep- ing up thie cenrel. 1h i s tirae tînt sncb a viexv cf the situation, wbich :s bnsedl punelyupon supeistition, sbould ho4eiiminnhed -and tint we ehould get down te pnineiphes bnsed iipon eieahific research, and in- shead-,cf groping blîndiy in thIe dark seeking-thie "wiee" lot ns aiways be reaay ho inqaîre ' why."' The ordinary wouud will beal cf ihseof if net interfered with. This interference mny bo frein germ in- fection, 'parasites, or tee ach raeddling with varions applications or. >hie part cf mac. New, lot us suppose a case. A hanse lias n bad- ly iacemahed leg frein contact with a barli wire. Tic Omest tbing ho do of course, n ould ho ho stcpi hie bleeding. Tiiis cau lie accomplisi- oui hy a iglit bandagec, f ean white mualin, ied direchly over thc wound, or above it. Often the bleeding nrhory xiii protrude, and P, tiread can ho mi-n under it n'ith a needle and the artemy tied. Do net us,,e fleur, dirh or cobwebs, tbey are tinneeesaary and may produce n daiîgerouS infection. H-avi-ig shopped thIe heeding, me- inox o the dlots of blood and euh off the agged odges cf muscles with shears. A pan cf achiseption soin- tion shonld ho provided. O of thbe cheapest antisephies 0ou th. flara, geed for mac or benet, is creolin. Add n tenspoonful of this ho, a pint cf wnher that lias heen lz.ile. Pacetho kuife, sbenne, et.in tb zsluition, and waeh thie bana bfome beginning,,. Ate h horougbly iiti tIcahîeti solution. Sea thatter is gcod driainage f roithIe wound ah thej bottera. Do net allow it ho stant îheaiing n itiî a peeket tînt will iobd pue. As iA is pmncicnhly impossible hoý keep a wound on a honse anti- ,eptic, it is net nuiisable for a former hu ie up the wonnd; bcave it exposed te the air and apply the aitiseptie wnsi sevemai humes a dlay. Three good anhisophies are,l corrosive sublimnate, vhich can ho j.urchased eh the drug store' in tali- lots roacly for tise, femmalin acdi boracie acid solution. Aîter aboutlj a îseek, it is isehl ta change ho dry cliessing. Chenu air-slnked lime, pondened aven the xsouad twîce claily, is veny caihsfnctony. The se- csied "prenýd flesb ' is oaiy un- bonihiîy granulation. Ih is seldora nuivisabie fer the farcier te inter- foie_ vtb ths condition hy usiag caushies; thie nesuits are usually dis- astrous; botter in tis, case ho eaul it a qunhifled veheinarian. If rang- gets sbould get into thie wound. a lithle turpenhine and dbborofomux wiil hèip bring thora ho the surface n bore they mnay ho picked ont. 1, do net mention sewicg up the woucd for thIe rensea tînt in case ef thc agged barb , vire euh it is xemy seldomn werthiwbiie ho do se. A xsourmd, ho heai pnepenly, mach ho gotten perfectiy dean and broc fira germe 'frora the chant and 'ni s EXACT COPY9F WHAPPER. r Vte et e S1 I 0-!r1, e erAs1 A slmWaec t iedyf CO nRtipa- tooIJsion, Su tmChDirfda xessandRe otfS nElth 'Ft hnle51naer~ 'NEW ARMY FOR AUSTRALIA. Pive Classes May be Called lInto the Field.- Australi-a is te hax'e a new de- fonce lais. Hon present iclunteer systora pnoduced onhy 20,000 veiun- teons eut cf 80,000-adulte capable cf boarng amnis. Under the new act 82,000 mon xvi lie secuired--fer cnly $500,000 more than it -is newv% p.aying. la war tin1e five classes may bic cýalled undor the coloXg. First, un.i rcarried mon between 18 and 'W-): nieat, uamarried mon behween 35s and 45; thon meridmn resp"',- tively bèhtween thei foregoing age,, w'hile the fifth caaincindos a[il men between 45 a id 601. The act presccnibes that ail libe maeinliabitants c(f the Coramenoi- weal.it, unlesa speiah;1e1,, pte who, haxe resided for sýix rmýontha iin Australia are hiable ho be tnain"d, ftcm the age cf tweivo te eighteen as cadets, and frein eigbtoen ' e twenty-six in the defence force. Presenibedpeace training for ca- dots is flftL txvo attendances of oee heur oach, -and four whohe days' at tendance yearhy. For the defenco terce la the first three years eigh 1 heen days' attendance, and in tho hast fixe years seven days yearhy. For the naval forces the artil iery-and engiceors in the first live yeaî's 28 days yeaniy; in thi iast tbree years seven days yearly. The ach dees net apply te thoae over eigliteen ah the hume cf its coin- ing into force. At the terminatien cf the annuatahraining members wili b-~ ciassified as efficient or nçn-effici- ent. If the latter, tbey willilbe re- quired ho attend au addihienal training yearhy until hhey are effici.- ent. A penalty of $500 wiih be infliched on any employer eithen preveating an eraphoye frein servîng or redue- ing bis wages or dismissing lira in consequence et his railitany service.' Aay one failing ho compiy with the aci wihh lie ineligible fer employ- aient in the Commonwealth service, and wiii ho dicqualifled frein voting or receixing an _oid-age poeni.'0on. DO YOU EAT RItIIT? Few Peoffle i la Pavll eally KnxvIow. Slow eahing and neguhar meals is of greahiienefit to a wrong- actinig stomacli. Those Who suifer witb i-- digestioin and weak stomacli can wihh cane and the use cf Mi-o-na stomachL ablets restore thie diges- tionte a healthy condition, se that tbey can cat whah hhey want ah any hum,-e witbouh bear cf distress or sui-, 1Afher a few day's use of Mi-o-na shomacli tabiets, the headaches, diz- nfeeling,, drowsinecs, bad haste in tue muhhcoated tongue, flatu- iene, iepbesnesdistrese aiten eatng ilthese sympteras of a isehishoac-xvhidisappear, and perfect digestion and good health lie. E. Mo(ore bas se ahcn cure idigesion tat fhbey guaran- tee satisfactin or monoyback. The youa1g mac bnok i holdng ownalm a any kiad c f ai job. weled bod is ia disease frein wbich thje rc'eyis 1more painifl thantediecisef [ýROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE NEWS BY MAIL F11011 iRIE- LAND'S SHORES. happ)enings ju- the-Ernerald lelIe of Interest ta Inieli- Somne country disticts in Ineiand have oniy one delivery of letters per week. 1h is pro-oýpocd te build 300 cottag- csfoi thle Listowei rur-al district, Boy ottîigis eing cmido Mrs. hizaColline died i Iant hY Workboý_use Inifirmary,Woo- ton, age-(d 108 years. A mac nared Francis Brsdley, aged 50, wac buraed ho doati ah Fl'a îyloon, County Derry.. A mac naraed Michael Casey was ie xictim cf a sboeting affray aht Ratical'iaun, Ce. Clare. The Local Governinent Board bave sacetioned the plan of the thîree-roomod cottage fer Duc- sbaughlin district.. The Gaels of Tibow are about ho organizo a great atblteie carnivai in aid cf the centenary of the Bro- thons of St. Pîatrick. An cid bronze vessel shaped ike aý preserxing pan was recenthy, dug up in a mrash noar Newtonbuther, Co. Fermanagli. David Orr died ah Kilmarncc as the resuit cf a cycling aecident, Orr colided wihh anothen cyclist, nbo vn'as kilied on the spot. Sir Samuel Black, Belfast tewn, ciork and hewn seliciho , is shorhly ho retire, Ho is occ (f the oldech, corporation officiais in Ireland. The announcement of the deati cf Dr:. MeH-ugli, cf Emyxaie, Ce. Mon- aglian, oceasioned ranch regret to hiv raany friends in the Northof lreiacd. Lord Deon is selling, undýer the Irishi Land Act, seme, 35,000 acres clf hic proeony in CunityLicik pactieally- everythin1g thiat heo cirs except bis castie and park. Mn. E. Dean, for the pa st,17- years agent cf the.' Canatrd Co., ah Queëenstown, lias rehired frein the carapany' s service in which le lias A ld aamed Devine, agod about 7 years, of Grantstown, Ce. Loutli, c'ied frcm blood ipoisen)ing n esulhing frein being injurod in theý face b)y the apre c f a cokwhicb flew ah lira whiie ho, was catcbing n hon. The Queea's Counti y Comritteec f Agricuflture; have adlopted ive stcck sebees fr 198-9,involving anos tîrtedexpedihreof ,$7.1265, ot x v i b $ , 7 0 w i i le p a y, a b l e fr e in tb, rates and$,m 5fen h e panhinent. The hhreat' ened i spute amcaog tho Belfash irnamuiesba-s bueenset- hled by the acetac y the ecm- p oy f a e'L toncf icshl ling perwek in thecir wag'ec iiahead rt(ceI nt eeting applyiag h, o thje Board cf Wrsfor an ban cf $2_,00, h'eing thle jfret instalmient cf a1Uoantý saciadfor thec building cf a dis- psryaaid medical recidence at Goiden. Succeçs nover coae o a macu whc ,iýs shsldwiiayhn 1 Ea"ti ng Caresy freuetl case sorna,-ch t roublles, but careful eating ill never riglitthem. hen your soal is oui of condition, it 1needs jejp that no food (anl suply. Lt must be thoroughlly Ccansed, setItled and str-i.lentnd. Food n eyer de-es ibis.s aire Ile gecateststomachrniedic.nc huian sk'illeCVer compo.unledl. Istarve and getle benefi;t. Give 3ecam'S Pls a chance and you * il gain ko~h laue of a souind digestion. Appetite wiil! * return' anld the stomacli again wo ýrk wýithiot any discornfort. 'The Skin - will cer the face p iuxnp out, m'hile people ivill rem,-iark "Flow weli *you'ire loo I bg." t e arç fact5, inot inie.4rue eit yourself. PrePared Gniy 1,Y Thwnas iBeecmam, Si. Ilelas, Lancashire, PngIand. Scid by ail DruZggtF In Canada and U. S. America.hIn box25 28 Cents. THOCEaTAUR COMPANY, snw YQ.,UOrTT. iBears, the %inature l F', Lný r , v à r

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