Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1908, p. 8

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* À I, 'Our $180O Blu ineadBlc for"~ong ize~. hePen-,Angle uneicontaïnsüh garmnts that wiIl best suit your requirements at this eeason, Don * rabu he kiud of * -:Furniture:- you -reig3ng wri. Corne into our store and sýect'the * briglit e desgus, a týomplete assortment lu ail 'gr-ades . , * uniueau u piý make buying easy. *o Par Z, i cs, ne west patterns. .$18,0 44 Bad Room Suites from ... ......... $1~OUP. î1l ïIURE DEALERS AND FUNERAL DIPRECTORS, 8,o etuSwmanvllle. Branches: Orono and Hlampton Wehvm~istpurchasea a ïUew up-io-date Seed Cleaner -id are novv prepared to haudie ail kiuds of Clover and Grass ýýeds cleaned. or une]eaned and to pay the hlghest market pri6e.. WB WANT VOUR GRAIN. We are aisa in the market as usual for ail kinds of coarse Grain, such as Barlev, Buckwheat, Oats, Peas, Rye and Goose Wheat, ail of wihch we are prepared to store and buy at store- bouse up town, our elevator at G. T. R. Station, or to buy if ;atored,'at the Public Elevator, Port Darlington. WE ARE STILL SELLING COAL. t06.50 per ton at,"Harbor & G. T. R. Station and 87.00' per ton delivered to alparts of the town. Pea Coal $1.00 per ton lesa 25 oents per ton off for Spot Cash. Carrying in baskets extra. We also have splendid Threshing Coal at 85.50 at Harbor or Station and 86-00 up town. Usual iUes in Wood,,Charcoal, Cernent, Lumber, Shingles <mate-& d-wooi14«-nîtkte-sd--TÂahaW Rofiixg- )or Sash, BBiinds and Mouldings. Special attention to planing and atelrg, resawing and d-ressing lumber. LIM ITED, I ~Kng St., Ea st, BowmanvllIc. * Look at This! * - Sop Riglit ffr,~ *That Is the bpo âad cheaeetfuri~ 1 Ibave m'eun f ý ~'ame te the town. g Corn~;ee ini and see tepr lor suite in our window this ek, It's a dandy and the price will suit yciu too. Un tall l pdiclal brane :oritý 111 1business and raiways ne- ccv ~.~soal at to ay or ngt We do flot make aly extra S chirg~ (r~dItaue.~houe58,HamronBraueb, Pàone 129 F. One Wh icïad saffpeed for Yeara, Cored by Dr. Wiiýlians' ink APIl The symptorus o! stomach trouble vary. Samne victIms bayeas ravenous appetite, wblle othersloathe the sight of food. Often there le a feeling as o! welgbt ou the ceet, a fuil feeling lu the tbroat. Wltb others thene le an Intense, pain and feeling o! nausea a! 1er eatlug. Somatimes gas presses on the lieart and leade the sufferer to thiuk ho bas beart disease. Sick headache leanother frequent aud distressing symptomc. Mr. Alex. McKay, MoLellan'i3 Motin- tain), N. S, says -For years 1 was a groat sufferer from Indigestion, whicb was gradualli' growiug worse sud worse, sud it would be impossible for me to tell how mueb aufferiug I endured,. At differeut limas I had treatmaut front three good doctors but It did flot halp me Iu the least. Then I begau trying ail sorte o! advartlsed medicinas sud took ten packages o! 'one medicine speeialby lutended for dyspapsia, but with no botter results. I had practicalby coma to regard mysel! as incurable, ,and te feai that 1 would be a continusu suffarer, wben oue day 1 read lu a nawspapar o! the cure o! Indigestion thuough the u_-e cf Dr. Wiliams' Pink IPille, sud 1 made up my miud ta giva tham a trial. I1liad usad nearby five boxes befone they began te belp me, but 1 do flot wonder at tbis as my case was so bad. I used lualal a dozan boxes o! the pis, and they cured me collIplOlO- 1y can now est anytbiag e mire on the !sarm for mail to at, aud ave o loger tho pakl ri idis sýeeral yeâars Dow since 1I wae eured, and 1 bave neyer lefa a ympteru o!f indizestion since. I arn welb kuoLw lin this lecality sud Sou ara quiite t3 tibertyj ta use wbat 1 sàa i tha ope -that It will benefit semae other sufferen." Alil medilue dealers bell Dr. Wiliams' Pinkr Pille or Sou cau get thea by mail at 50 cents a btex or six boxes for 82.50 fromn The Dr. Wiliamýs' Medtcine C., Brockvible, Ont. RAMPTO14. Mn. Wlbur Brnnttansd sou are wlth frinde at Rlugweod ... The Misses Horn have retunned front a plaseaut vieil wth friandsa a Port Penny sud Lndsay ..... Mes John A Mllesand daugbter bave returned home to Toronto sitar a two weak' viil aI lien father'e John OolwIlll ...Sesanal pensons froru bars ob lu the fair at Liuday.... Mme W W Horn, orcÀi~lthfrindse iae,. .0 OWebcb sud H Whmmell, Port Ferry, vitsled Suuaay at Thas Welha .... J Thorupson bas rernoved frcru aur villag~e and H Wilcox takes bis place lu the blackernitb sbop ...Principal John Billot t, B A, Bowmnuville, vilated' our S 8 Suuday a!ternoon givlng a veny lutareeting, ad- drest sud pneschlng a very lielp!ub. sermon to a large ceugnegation lu tbe eveuiug. Corne agalu ... ... MlisGentie Martin bas gone te Toronto te realde.. ..-Levi Nlddeny moves Into the Creepen houas Ibis week. . . .Miss Symono, Salem, Vlsited friande liane necently, . Rev W 9 îïsch was net able 10 take the service sndy ornîng owiag te feeble bealtb SI,- «jzerWalken, Port Hope, bas beau liae orkiug lnx the Interest o! tbe Home Cîrle., . , Chau Coo.mbe, Bowmau'. villie tll 54 Edusaac MXooe's this week,. T es a ldreatives PBoelNw.a eeoulady exhibitors o! fancy yrou C ati Cote ~~~~~Vsit ativ ade FourQe e- O'urgFt droor r uwe rvi uad MM llC' Mlt artiies The flew regulation readà;- the uu léY MilieBile, ~fT ~Hoa, Tren j pim coufined to this year'a work sud neq eehtgu t e MeWm cno article to be sbowu that has ever The~,1 rA.. Case. Kin~Y' Lughla.taken a prise befare." hsîn'î that cruel? SL:ds mornlag wss Cidreu's Serv- ,,Opplis po,ý, thir owe tO UOO ir lathe resyt6iânchurh, hen u Beep Nature le retoriug the celis and Let urine Stand frteR~ou oi5ie $n shode PeslE Angav e gu cexu yen ise asted duriug the hours ofwkj- and If at; the end of that time, there ame 5 d ç-1essod rgefs, A aea xeln s:: es eau lîve longer with out f ood dhan posits cf a brick dust varîety, or if theadrrloo mGfewtont sieep sud persistent Bîeeplase neuslly and cloud you may Sons O! Tem1penance lield a rally ln points to uervous coliae.DChs'Nra waerbeoesemk Mdel S citc Mnaynilt.11vfood cures eleepleso hy buildinz np the nerve be sure the kîdneys are deraaged. ,W B Tuçk-er oecupled the chair aud syetem aud its beuefits and tber~efore basing. Tbe'lettar queted boloW tele how these exCcliebùt addresses were given by Revs Audy MôGuira, eue o! 0oboiurg's bad symptome or oDro Ae udkidne-y Lw sd 'ke adAPBrc !boys, la ed-dRe was foond dyiug on disease cured. by Dr. A.W. Chase'5 idê- ibmoud Bi. MisE3 A Wotteb gave Bathliurst St, Toronto. Ra was over 60 Liver Pille. Beanseofo their direct a-1 n apropriate raadlng aund Messre comibined action ou both liver and bowslS Headarson, Brown, Paul sud Adla.neyvearf i'od aud bad à very excitiug canr, ! these pille cure the most complicated e505afrais3hed the musical part o! the pyr-> Hie temape-r ws violent sud lie ahoi, J)hn C'apt, W. Smith, ReVeletoke, nî.c.,gramu. Tee iCbug o hc asr writu:-"MYdoctor exaiued ccmytiirînO Medeal! St Epwortb Leagné opened 1 e~ uteputulrada r and tald me I had chroulniseseof Que Tuesday everiaug wlth a very largea- wards a ýî1 year ernnceor atem0pblýUg kidneyo. Dr. Chase's Kde-IS Pillr seudanue2. 1ev W B Tucker, Hiortary toptisb Tucker's d3âughttir la fot!a perfeýctly cured me, as mýjy docýtor »s Vice Preýsîdeat, prosided. Aaexeelleat train %tCoübouirgetsition. 6týaes after a secondeamnto" prografnwasq given *Voaa solos by Mn These Pille Onrzeumts.T the Quepil a ose 25cone abox AtailLuthen Kirby aaid Mise Nora Franzls; tnauy wbo b4hfîer fo. buaimatilo deaiers o)r Edmnansen, Bates x&Co_,T ý'o1nto neadinxge vMs MblWlonadMs Pree' VglbePil erconed BE ng rneeltatiou, M'r Jas Vinente; Tay havepruuedaonuu e p4an1 so-5,MIs.set Dorotb'y Lieand liJver sudncuyesud Qýby rËqaguislîn e Miabel SaltaýrGrapes asAd apples were EC"iOn cf flese orrgese fsie rusv- an he srvn ade'eyleatavuigl preventiiffofig te ad i1ua noidsu LiÊver I îUIlIls Dr KlOiartund msin-ue taiysd îbey yulsPsaiyg ary frTOM ýWest Ch'na, gaïe an la- evidce oof Vlnlr beneficial affecte.' OUF $I2~O $11$ 1OO THEP SMARTE ST BEST MAD~E THE MO.NEY By givinga large ord-r uci paying net cash we sueeeeded, Üh purchasing a hune of blue and black clay v!qrsteds suits at a great re- duction from the regellar pie It la owing to our large outpvt that we are enabled to buy lu this wvay aud we would asik youi corne in and inspect these suits a, compare' thern with suita offered elsewheve at 83.00 more Per suit and we vwili staind by your judg- ment blue, and black English vwOrsted suil is muade either singÀe or doubie breasfzcd, wl-ln and trUarned and made with canvas and bair ecloth so that it will retain its shape. Cut î fin the ry Latest styles. blue euit is the nobbiest suit that we have~, Right up to the minute in style. Made dip front with fancy euff and button poekçzt fiap# on coat and vest, trousers maJe peg top with open-welt side seam, 8ide straps, loopa for beit and hip pockets buttongrd. -Made from 19 oz, I3otany worsted, Indigo dyedi, lined, trimmed atnd made from the very best mterials Mado sihape retaining. Al Our Full goods are lu.ý Corne in and see them OSHAWA Mies 17e-aPark le attending Toronto Mrs El.r£ows,Toronto,vla;ited friends lierc recentiy Wil Gro)se,TootpetSdy with bis pareî.ics sentSna Arthur Salter, T.oronto, vllted hie parents recenitly. Luther Kirby bas returned ta Vietoria College, Toronto. Mr: Jas lluaggetýt, Toronto, was recent guest 0f Jasý Craig. Roy Bennett le attending MeMaster University. Toronto. Mrs P Barclay, Ennisklllen, 1la vIsiting Mr Bobt lMcLaughlin. Miss Kate<, Rowse, Toronto, le guest of ber aunt Mrs A JStalter." Mrs F R Eljott and Gordon, Toronto, [are vsiting Mârs Wm Elliott, Mrs WI M Kemp, Toronto, was s re- cent gues't o! Mrs J Hasting MÎiss Clavpole 18 visiting ber uepbew Rai' W S ýSmart, Glenora, Ont. M13o Eva Smith, Toronto, visited ber sister Mrs E Finigzan recentl v, Miss luez Mason, Bowmanville, was receut guest of Moes Editb James Mrs Alec Clsrke, Toronto, vlelted ber mather Nirs Wm Kester recently. Mrs Herbert EliUott, Belleville, ie guest o! bierfather C fl Chr3sdale. Mr and Mrs Jaqck Webb and oildreu, Toronto, vieited relatives receetly, Newtonaranaing bas returned to the SCbOoI o! Practical Science, Toronto,. Mr and iMrs F Wite.Mamnie and Ponald, are 8 lda le la Pterbnr9 'Me8ýrs Chas, and Orville 1Tuttlie, De- iri.Mlhtre Vlitiug thalr parente, Orton Bonid, Grand Rapide.'lb epent the past week wlth relatives lu town. Mi'ss Marýgaret Gu-', Hamilton, lias bee iei n â er frlend Miss 4abel Mr and Mrs Smith, Drayton. bave been vlltiug ilisir daugliter Mrs A Go'vne. Miss Gertrude Veale, Cote, St Paul, [bas been vistiug her sîster Mrs Frank Mason. Mrs (Dr) Bretbeur and daugliter, Tor- onto, visited ber mother Mrs T Connut, recently. Mrs Judson Pugb and daugbter, Whltevale, vIited relatives fa town recently. Mrs J Dinnes' bas returued from Ex. eter accompaaied bY lier niece Miss L Lambrooke Mrs E B Nortbwood and chidren, Chatham, are guests of lier father Mr Geo Pedlar, Miss Nellie Waltere, West Toronto. Mabel Whitney. Mie Lottie Richiards left Tuesday to take a course at the Elliott Business College, Toronto. 11ev H T Lewis. B'A, gave an address at the Sunday Scheel Rally at Ebenezer Suuday afternoau. Mr and Mrs Wm Laucliland attended the Lauclland-Layefette wedding at Guelph on Tuesday. The Trustee Board o! Medealf St Chureli eatertaiaed tbe choir at D M Tod'à parlers Friday eveoiug. Messre W Cana, W Terwlllegar sud F Smitb bave resumed their studies la medicine at Toronto University. Oliver Raid, Toronto, lias accepted a position lu tbe automobile dýpartmeut of thie McLaugblia Carntage Works. M Nrs Dick Thomason and daugbters Dorotliy ad bMarlou, Paris, are guesto b'@r Moqur Mie M MeLea, Mary St. teresting and instructive adIress in the scboolroom of Simce St church Tuaoday afternoon Mrs T il Everson, Presi- dent W M S, occupied the chair Soleis were sung vers eswestiv by rîiises F Thomas aîzd M Nott. A vote of thauks to Dr Kilborn was moved by Mrs Arthur 1Baie a And seconded bý7 Mrs D LM Tod for ber excellent addressj. 1ev H T Lewis disissed with the benediction. My frieud lok ferei Yeu know Law weak and nervous voue wife le and You kniow bow Oarterg trou Pilla will relieve ie r, now w hy ot bu fair about it and buy ber a box. DISTRICTE NEWS. Northumberland county teaohers willl hold theîr convention at Lampbeltford Oct 15 and 16. The attendance at the Cobourg Cen- tral Exhibition waa about $150 botter thon last year. Several parties have been bItten by dog8 in Port Hopeo lately and Toronto &IBO baýd some cages. Cobourg-decided t a publie meetinez to foire Immediate ateps to necure Local Option. Few towns need it more. Dr Chas E HIckey, medical superin- tendent of the Hospital for the Insane, Cobourg, died Sept 19th aged 68 years. If You are nervous or dyapeptic try Carter 'a Litle Nerve Pilla. Dysppeia maires Yeu nervous, and nervouanesa maires Von dyspep tic elther one renders you miserable. and these pil cura both. Paul Bis the four year old son of John Btille, smpbellford, whïle playiug In the istreet was knocked down Friday by a team o! horne@ and kiled, Jeui (é Ïà a lmate of the Cobourg AsùylUm, died on Friday of lasi week, sged 62 years. The remwains were lnterred ln St Mlchaei% caerneery. A. woman whvVo le weakt, nePouLsd sleefp- leRs, and who bas coldl haisa and feet ca-nnot fardl sud iat litre s we]i person. Carters Yron Pilla tquahize the circulation, remnove nervous- es and give etraugth and rail, Palmer Piano Co, (Jxbrldge bas made an assignment. The labïlities are estim- ated at between 870,000 and $75,000. sud the asaets lu the uelghborhood of $100,000. Dr B C MoNichol bas beau sppointed ReturnIng Officer for the Weet Ridiug of Northumberland aud Mr F M BrîtnelI ban been ap poInted ReturnIng Officer for Baat Riding of, Northumnberland. Mrs J ablsholm and son Olifford, Win- ulpeg, Mrè &KcOuîlough,- Newtouvilie, Mrs W H Wickett, Little Britaîn and F W Davidson, Uamllton, were guestes of Mrs J Oe, Port Perry, recently. John Crof t, aged 84 years, dfed at the House of Refuge ou Thursday last after an Ilîneas of some fine fromt kidney trouble. Ha was bora aIngnand snd Alex J Grant, Goverarnent Eoglneer, reeeDtly ruade a tour of Lake Sougc.g 10 examine the condition of the water levels whleh we nnderstand la to be materially rateed and navigation cou- sequentiy improved., la the treaiment of aummer complints, thé Most effective remedy that eau ha unid in Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dynentary Cordial. Il le a standard preparation, aud mauy people empioy lB in prefereacs o her preparationas il le a hlgbly couceetraied medictue snd les sedalive and eurative qualities are beyond question. Io bas beau a popular medicine for muy yearo and thonsaudo ean atteet te ruperior qualities in overcoming dysentery sud liudred complainte. Mrs John Dames, MorlI osa station, was a ourprlsed lady Friday morung ,,ben sitee tepped off the Torbato train, Hauglug to ber parasol ehe discnvered a chatelaine (not ber owu> containings Pickllng Reqisie VINEGA R Fruit Vinegar, white wine Vinegar, IMalt Vingar- tlie h kind, the satistactory kind. Made under goverameat supervision. 40eto 80e per gallon, PURE SPICE. Whlle Pure Spicas cat more par pound thau the adulterated kiad, they giva best resulte and are e.heanest in the end. WO keep gglv ~ spicç botb hoie !nd gr'oin V ËEGEABE Ail kinde of Vegetables for pltlklîng. HO4DDYPS IDEAL TEA~. Don't forget to inelude th is popular brand lu your grocery order. lu Groceries and Croekery You will flnd our stock well assorted. Butter und eggs wauted. P~AE o .IADY, HAYDON. Miaes Mande Creeper bas raturned to Toronto. . .. J E E , liott sud wlfe,cadoeus, visîted fniende bere Sauday .... J frieunt- jo)y, Nestieton, vIited Thosmonoy- .... Miss Ethel Cooper,Bornvle vlited at R A AshtOa's,-. . Sevaral frný be3rs atteaided Oîhawa sud PLidsNy Faire et N Hal!a saa -Are en waib? Are ynlewekd. prsadl iite eaub lre.uerVOIns sudl~ abl Tr' flles5C~opurJ mo HALL GaOCrnrr k? ORDER PRIN'TING B! hMAIL. Our readers often w ant priintïugd one, -bil aud latter besa, envalopes, busi- mont'q, receipte, progmame, baud bille, Salo bille, catalogues, hymlne,et. Prompt attention le always giVen teor-u dans ymail, It le uno mater bo'w fan. you live from BoDWmsnv4 llea. We have- au ordarnuow for pltigthatt ae frou BitiliColumbiai. It eosts n;3mre te renBd a parce! b, miltc Victoria, !6. C', than, to HamUptout. Oiit Wrïte- lcepy plnC, udwe wlil do the t'Vork well aud at leht pnice. Butater paper R spelaii', Adites al odert~Jamtes Grocers' Due Bill& taken as cash The tason Clothîinig Co, CLOraING AND ý*0IrnnsFORGEN'Ts.FMEN AND TffoIR SoNs, Exclusive Styles In~ FineFootW--e ar~ We are re.eeiving our -FaI GoodG and it wtll pay yen to eall and iüspect our lunes before buyiug els4ewhere. la the Fluer Shoes we have the celebrated Polly Varden and Foot Rite whie-h are leaders i heir Mne. Our Staple Shoes are the best on the miarket. We* ~ê have sole control of the Dayfoot Brand -for this vicinity. * Every pair guaranteed. We handie The Solid Leather Brand of Boots for Boys and Girls. The Maltese Cross llubbers are hard toi beat. We have them lu every-style and size. OLEANESt STOCK IN TOWN. Opposite Balmoral Hotel - Bowmanvllle 4î' 'tç -M-.2 %il -l- r,

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