ESTII'IIÀTES 0F URAIYIELB' Nýorthlwest Dlealers' Association Place the Wheat Cropat 1107,000,000 Bushels. A despâtel f rom Winnipeg says - i S bushels, giving a total produc- The Northwest Grain Dealers' As- tion of 1,424,330 bushels. s ceation has issued a revised estiý- The association also estimates mcate of the production of the Cana- that 150,000 bushels of wheat and ( an west'this season as a resuit of 100,000 bushels of old oats are stili thec tour taken by the niembers twu in the fres hands. eeks ago. It places the wheat The statment adds that about 75 areage at 6,055,600, and, the aver-j per cent. of the wiieat cutting will age,(, yield at 17.7 bushels, giving a be completed b'y IIt emen of the pro- t tal production of 107, 184, 000 bush- sent week. el.The previons etimateof the lie acreage of oats is placed at vin cegmd ue1 sr- .,607,000, and the average yield at garded as3 osmnall, nnd n in- ~6$busheis, giving a total pro- creaLse o"(f pe cnt as been made. dc,tion of 95,155,500 bushels. The(re bias been -A ome froý(st damages ,'te acreage of barley is plnced -in eenidsrcttee )tn f 3. 55,650, and the average yield wbch ii impossi e o ti uncl nt 2â.1 bushels, giving a total pro- the har esin g is complete , tit duIýction of 24,899415 hushels. is no[ to uit tha t ere as b)een "'le acreage of flax is plnced at any cýonsîiderable, amounit of dm 1'.',,420, and the average yield at age. FINDER GETS DIA31ONDS. !TenIhouandDollar Prize for a 31ontreal Mian. A tiospateb frons Montreal says: Ihome timoe ago $10,000 worb of ring"s anti diamontis wero fountiin tlise C. P. R. station by a mn:- paeiAngustus Cooper. l Iews arresteti on a charge of steaýingý t'hoem, but now they will bcoebis J'îopo'rty . Thiss is thse effecet of a communit'kiication roceiveti frons Mr. lIjîri Lafontaine, Clerk of th-, Crown, who is roturning from Eîîg. landi, where ho wns sent as specia1 comminissioner to inquire, into thse case. Mr. Lafontaino in bis ltter sttsthat Mr. anti Mrs. Burrow- i' Lontion, tIse supposeti ownors of tIse diamontis, refuse to give evi- donce, anti waive al dais to tIse jeweis. TIse diamontis are at pro- sent in thse possession of thse police, but will bu turiîid over to Mr. Cooper. GOOD CR01' REPORT. Direetor Sauîîders of Experirntal Farms in Aiberta. A dlespateb from Ottawa says:, Thse Director of Expoen-iital Farms iros thse TDepartmeiýnt of Agrieultuirerom LaomuAlta., u ntiertinte ofltise 25th nîut., as fol- lows:-Witer heat in this disý- trict nl eut. Cro)ps gooti(. MoSt cf tho spring wbeat is still stanld- ing, but r;ipeniuig fs.The bondý(s are very plump anti well1 fillet. TIse weatber is favorable. Thse frost ocf te 20tIs tous not apusear to have injuretAtIse wbuat mucb. B'arley is eut anti a largo acreago ofnts is nîso ceut. Thse grain ero-ps on thse eyperimîental farms are veyiseavy. Thse wino wheat antid al varie- ties of spring wboat are eut." TO TARE BANK'S LAND. Captain Bernier lias 0rders to CANAD AILED 0FBIIITIN.rushs Through ice. A despateb Irons'Ottawa says: lUember of Seottish Commission TIse Canadian Government cruiser, Praises Guelph College. Arctie, -whieb sailet from Quebec A tepatli fom uelps sys:last month, is -nuder instructions TIeSotibagiutuit woaeto pusb its way througb Lancaster nwtouring Canada amnîveci in Sound anti Melville Soundi, if thse Gucîplb on Wednesday morning ant ice purmits, to Ba,,nk's Lanti, anti sueittis dy a tse . . C., t,) ?aeps ession of tIsat territory sperttý[(Iâcy t the-. A specting ýtise province 's agrïcutur- ai institutfion ani eling sbhowni arouniby-PesientCrelma anI btý is saf. be,,y 1bat Lunch atit Is e ing tione. One of thonsstatu that Canada a aeai of Britain in tIse m7attor of angnicultuma-l etiucation, anti epesth Ie hope tisât tIse ImeilGovernment woulti nwnke to tIse importance of tIse great boue- ÉF,- of sncb institutions ns Canada cclidboast of. E E A'S A ýSURPLUS. lieceipts Show Balance Over Ex- penditure of $1,035,696. A tisae frons Quebe says: TIse, ofiiisatement of revenue t i expeniitiure of thse Province of Quebue for i-sfe fiscal y-ar ontietion ooCth of Junie last, lbas been iissueti1 b3tIe Prov'inciail Tronesurer, at- testeti by thse Assistant Trensurer,. G.1. T. Mciai tIse Provin- cial Andtor, _Mn. A. 1-. Verret, anti shows thiat tIse2 totalotinrme cipts amountoti to $,1,1.7 andt ie total ortiinas'y anti extra-i Cortdi innry xpvitre nchuiing 41, 001) for pul ic works, to $,8, F1.06;, wblicb leIcves a surplus ol, "Proessr," aidMrs.Gsel tole tIe istlingishet] nisicaswho hat ibeun engageti at a Isg piýce tc üçntertain hem gosts, aîhntwas that lovelv slectluin on îneti lI tIse ilublocks tise passage west- war1d, thse vessel is 'to visit tseGulf oýf Booth!ia, aidmlay eitbem retr in Ise fal of 10 or stay' - over uni- ti 190 ati erris undýer strit inuncionsto tke o course wbicight msuilt in international cc,siplications. TWO BROTHERS ]KILLED. Crossing Acident 0on the Interco- lonial Near Truro. A despateb from Truro, .S., says: Wetnestiny momning at 7 o-'clock wbile No. 10 I. C. R. train ývas bowling along towartis Truro anti was approaebing Eastville crossiag acarniage containing two biothers, -sons of William Scott, Loruovale, was strnek andtihIe oc- cupants immetiatoly killeti. TIse hrewas aiso killeti anti tIse Car1- niage tiemolishoti. BotIs yonug 1 umon were on their way to Mloosei Riveru golti miines. Their namnes U ere Walter ai IHerbent Sot ç,ARE WITR EXLOSIVES. T!ransportation Comp11;anies lis( Takle Precautions. A tiespateb Irons Ottawa says: .As tIse neslt of tIse epoin of-n car of nitrougilycenisse at Essox sos-ie tisme ago, reultinshae beenl prepareti forftise blantiling ofex ploisives by trans"portaItion compa1"n-ý ies. -These rgltinwbile te- signoti to peýrnit cf tIse transportai- Suffei'ed Torments fromi Birth- >Bolis Formed as Big as Walnuts -in Frightful Condition and Could Flard 'ly Work,-Tried Al Kinds of Remedies to No Avai-At Laut WHOLLY CURED lil 3 «'I had a ihn-7, tormentin g eczea ever since I came into the woril , and I arn nos inan., ity-flve ye ('sl. I tried al knd o1mdiins hardof but found no reie.'I as trulin iia frightful cnito.At last m iood'l,)(c was se, bad that Il roe ot ail oveýr with red and -white boi1s, ;w1ic1iop growing'until heywerFe Fas Fig aswal- nuts, cuig great pinand m'ery thought they oudtalte the skin off my whoiô body, but lI kept from scratch- ing as well as J. could. I was so Fun down that I cou1,lhrdily do my w,ýork. Mr. ýNelson E. 1$urnett rco(mmended the use of uîuaIeeis eln me heo scnfidntthey w.oldbeft and, in Urne, cure me. Imc h ui cura SaOintmet, Rsivn, PUIS for about eight moths, anI eau c' trutbfuil1y suv 'I arn cire. ci*ord1ially reoommend fluticura Ftemerndiesto ail who are a'llicted the aýne as 1Ivas, be- leving that, if they-wl use them, acoording to directionsý, they wfllfld1 them ail they are rpee ted tobe. A ny one dobing the triuth cf the noovo can write to Mr. Bret h iler fuliy voucli for xnystten. ',Hale Bod Ell . F. 1). 3, Cedar Cor ners, Tipto,ha., Aug. 17, ](;07." 1 cheerfully en-idorse the above tes- timon ial. It is the tru 'th. 1 knowv Mr. B'ordweli and know the condýition ho vas in. Ble nover tires cof praising thet Ciuticn'-a Remedies. "Nelso)n R. B&mnott, Tipton, la."1 Gente anintigs wth Ctircura, the gent 8km Cure, precded by warma baths With Cu ticura qSoap, followed in the severer forms, ith mild doses cf Cuticura RsietPui1s, afford instant relief, permit rest and slee-p, and point to a speedy cure of torturing, disflgur- ing, itching, lburningp,, and scaiy humýors, from i î3fancy toage. Cuticurim Seapt leset fi(,,10f, cuteura Oijrtment to Heaitise a. id cttu Resol- "ent wr u ise form of Chocoiate Coated Pis. In vlais o1 60) tu Purify tise Biood. Sold tirougis- out tiie worid Potier Drus & Chem. Corp.. Soie Props., Boston, Mais. nýmaledPFrie, Cutieura Book on Skial Dieeses. TRAVELLING JS CHEAP, PO UND TH1E WORLD F FITY CENTS IS LATE ST STUNM. iPasteLablson orugg n d If you vi's'h to tr>elro undth world on_50 jcetstheei aLn don portmanteau imako( r -wbo, can' enable you to do it. Foýr the smiallE sum, mentioned, you can buy' a tick-1 et whîch entities you to diaim toi have trnveled from Hong Kong toj Hobard, N. Z., or elsewhere, and you can visit, en route, Paris, Rome, Mon!i- Carlo or any othor mortal place. Ail you need in order. te accomp- lisb this -marvolouts journey is ai bunch of' labels, witb the name of the various cities to which you -wish people to tbink you have been. Paste these conspicuously on your trunk, your grip-býag, your camera, haithox, and on the( blanket of your bu-Lllpuip if youl sport one-tandprs to-yu eeo fore thei, eye(s of tho pub1lic as a fll-tledgoid globe- trottfe r. Theseig of tr.avelod hlbes to untlraveleýd traveors is, a tbrivingý buiesin London, Paris, ant"i throf the big EuLropean cnrs You c ýan buy a vioe et of labels rW1ii yu finsto tiiink yuhavýe m" cne fomth iviea, ou can pustco of labeIs foriMnteCal-r- getplenty and other resorts. If you proIer -a trip down îitIse Iile you 1canl be as esl and as P1tOMPTLY ACCOMMODA)ýTED.- jus nol- 'Tnmdan"b tuon of explosives, will equimo A label veudorý in tIse Stmai sit answoruti, glaritsg ai beru "was an preenutions wbich wiil guard agninst t"Ea correspondent. AI lut ont pont- improvisation. " "Ah, yes, I ru- the loss ofhIfe in any, accident. Thse nte.aux cfnlliy inheti for nniy trip nmomer now. I kuew t was au oit ailwny ccimpanie,ý bave exprçsseti you like to take. Somre po liket favorite, but I conltil iko a tiesire to ho huard beforo r'egula- to stick on thesir osvn assotmen-it nIe name of it to Save ni tions are finally atiopteti. of labels," continnoti my informant, ________________________________________________________ svbloothers prfer tmun-aiks, griîp- bags andi boxes plaste-ret aiIl over.c fl TIse more a trnuk or a grip is womu anti belabeleti, tire btter some folk seom to liko it anti mucbi of our1 T hey Were Entomlbed by Fire i ~si aeta a y n a n it showing.i-bat it bas ~011 f-'j,1 een tbmue times round i-be wtrni. CoalX!111.utibas been arounti once, i-o1bu sure, anti you can sue portions of A tespati-cI cIrns »CAîser, 1io tIse moisting shah- an dt tuearihofirsi- lot of labels vu-b cusi-oni- 0kl,says: More than i-bm ii- sîisah-,anti il osmnicti , wilo use marks. Ibis -,ýoitcase us a ors vyero foUatet sýu Wodnendmy C-o top -ausM'M 1mf TIse irsimdigieni- favrite, ant -bre is'a Mwait-, mDomi-ng ýin Iiiey, Okîn, scat uiion tIse]peopîe ai- i-e surfce ugus- iout .1 uineN n earlnlevilo fur fbtfiho ti-rul a -b ms "ebaeoeflylabelet loe teen ilsast of fMeAester, when anti sme cmng ontof ibtopItotn a IatIns$5 o fin deroedth -e biiîgshah- AftIse shah-. twwuebru(tIseuuI charge i anti airsh-anti eut (-ofrfi rio u týmnns It - ibh, tu6 o7Acnsawek b tIsheu eo. w--i mmul e reur esteruer tako -buse bgs aw svemu- suffoceaiý-et anti some oii cn ni -e - o nt Ieariby uaea1 meet ols Lotieswero bmnet. hah- t L thi a ipsible astonsati toug Ci-ber iings htIsi E"xplctýoratinsin tIs hnni ntIa-wy i-ssnbfr" st ri n wy Ie asp y fri-hem- Wetuestday altemnoon rt reveaei-dcobo oak, Thon neffort was I eNS,, Tsa sient-elntitessanti i-bat noue of tuse wmo e i-b bly MatWioY pmaoi-ho cge "un,-gbringIsusescperýs ai esu buring, but i-bat nah w re u-u p antiY cW t u-e hosting dsha tabr iers<rtonare wasuis- catut. ià uns farsuthi-bi-dusecags, iWu Yp-00t yton. anst-by suonsi-o A4fior i-benors bat gone town cMbUS Wth -e guides at eugi în-rp'esn in thse cage a ire broke ont. occa-1Luruet. Thmeeas abso-Cs eI ASRT0 RSI sîoîsed bY i-beigitioofA a nrel!help for i-hobimpienid ï !-,Tr') cf o)il wiba minier was try ing ehe ppy l otsnmay ru=acl i U ni1-uO'ian- %laelsforint- divitie. TIs fa ies spnat a one 1000. i-ah esoubsncb in dtomant fort the Ilrs,[but1theme are full sets cflblror, aill tise fashfionable]( EngIllireotsnbaCws andi thse like. A hssnov do aý rushing buns nsaiuresort; labels. Acustmer my go no ,far- tIser than one of tise lesser -knowni suburbs of Lontion ianti yet, wben b-' returns to) the city be bas ail tIse evdnc)f baving ipassedthIe veek- entiat n upeniveresort. I don't knw wbypopîne do these t ung l"atcdt tIse- dealer, "but tbey do-, ai tatsetlsit. "it i-1aque tbng, hoconcluti- eti. "thait po living in flats go i more frtis sort f tbing than others. IIsppoe\yave,,bee(nI shut .up so Ilonin'C. týIse n]<*arro con fines of thei sml, so ca home tfiat wentiyita t oontheir smainay ravls0th1-vketo cov- os' s mch ftIse uier as pos-ý sible." LONDON LANIDMARIî GOING. TH1E RULER 0F TURKEY 11W IME'N ALIVE IWRO RAVE BEEN SO MALIGNED. NIlstrust of Subjeets - Somne Pecu- hian Si-rics Coneemaing the Sultan. There is probabîy few mon alive te , day wbo have Iseen more sa i--ligu- et than bas AtulHa itii-bSl- tani of Tunilcey; yt in spiteo of bis ununivialîle reputation ho bas con- ti-uet i-o sut ,on bis perilous throne for os o r y years, says a writor in M.A.P. Abduln Initi is onu of i-be si-man,îgest mixtures of bavery anti cowaundice, cuinnîng anti sis- plci-yit t is, possible to imagine, anti so sncb h las -een wriiten anti sait about is i-bat i-o ohi-ain any- t to iko n i LUiOe tic ut nfIie 200Yer-ldSeoitish Churel inii real c:haracter is aimost impossible. C'ovent U'Gardo n(n omiagDovn. Like mjost autocratie Monarcbs bo ges abut in bourly tirenti of as- Thse most lmn Loion bi uilti- sassination, anti it is sait that bie nng in tIse bn of thse bousebreak- spentis as mucb as £180 a ngbt to ors at tIse pro-sent moment is un- bave bis bedroomi secnroýly guai- tioubtetily tleIdeot National Scot- ei., tish Churcb in Crown Court, Cov TIse Sultan's mistrust ofbi su,- mus noritb ont of Russel Street, ons resnults. A few years agoih oýpposite tIse tage ontrance to v as on),,bis way to tIsemoqe Drury- Lane Theatý,re. It is-or was wh,-Ien bie sntdenly noùticetithtsos a -- eritable Lninlantmark. It nwtelIegrap wres isati b(een ba, owever, for lonig been too b'* 'ig ttbeti aeross tIse roat-Iý,ivy.No foi thse cas pon it, anti bas been one to this day knlows wbiat hol paying untier str jess na very large thougbht woulti bappen, but lho gave gi-ount renit to tlIske of 'Bet- orders for thse royal procession to fordl. It il o ebii upon thse haIt, anti messengers v'ere sont off samo spot(I- ,mbu on a mueh isnller post-bnste to, tIse telegrapb consi- p-lotof lani. Menw ie Ie srvie- pany to feteh mnto neut tiown tIse oS of tIse curcbwill lbu conducteti w ires. .Aftei, ostmal ea in tIse Nv'onHll, 1Fetter lane. tbis wýas aeulytone, anti thon tIse TlwIs-lticucbin Crown Court Suiltan ant ibis retinne proceetieti wasorîînllybuît bot oo un n hirwy. Not content with iranti ninty yers ago. It rea- mrybainig tIse wires tiestroyet. lizeti tIse dsi(so its founoters in Abdiullamiti also commantiet that aa noml aonfrn lng výsile(.teywr on no account to ho re- Tho suitinlycame a im wben it pacti was~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~M faos onCmig 1~ "NY~yVOICE." ilati beon icest opec nM 182 ytIse Aberdeen ('Pros")yîer'. TIse Sultan s l ose of uling was vas ctig astutr inKenîngtn, ce ex;emplifi, _î in an extraordin- wben lho was miei (.to 'pî-eachisini rymannor. lie bau purebaset a tIse olti eburc inii Crown Court. parýrot, of wbicb ho grow very fond, In Augnst ofJtIse samne year buie e anti lho spent many hours in teacb- ceeved a "al from tIse iýt to speak. Thse bird was an It was thon snll1 anti inconvenierut apt pupil, anti learnet to imitate its andthtIe minister's income was not august master's voice to perfection. os or £200. But bis preacbing soon Oneu day tIse parrot was banging in attmacteti n Iuge congrogation, anti its- eage in the Sultan's private, tihe churcb a rebuil t in 1847 at a apartmnent, when it snddenily calleti cost of $,0. Titwas openet i nt Isam i.Mjst'ffv 1848 w:tI sittings, for a thôusanti onite attendant. TýiIlatrcm pensons. TIse income from PC va,ýthte summons, but Abtl aii rents reacheil,500 pur annum,, ew into a towuring pjassýion. Tear- t>1 the, un11511a11n.15 . filrd USoOA_,C p mocre than M£900,ý the remainder pay- ing offthe iebt inurýreti orre- b)uildingýýý. The c hcl as", aie strnglypicturesque anld Pgrim1, Now0the fashionable ongega-l newýý church i Pont sreet, Chel 1- sea, and thse o](1 Manse, or tiwel- ling as tbe meau t, bujîlt for Cnm- ming, is be(] ig pleidown witb thse res Ào tisebilig The big or- gan, is to bu-)(,ubi ai lLady Fian- cesBalou, oe o te lstpatron- e'<es bs, i suteotsoFeur- eco the possescuin 4f smeof thse v ootiwork, bc is benutifuil anti valunhie, inftise-Manse. A SIVVINGx CANNIBAL. Ate His Br-other's5 Wife and Foui' Chlildren. A dsac from St, Petersbuirgi says: Details aegiven in Ykrt newpaprs fanrevolting case(,o eanibaism of tile nomladie trbe Korkodinin etrm not ws- ernl Siberia. One' of tho omds driven despeKrate hy lhunger, de- vuire th te botiies of bis bohr ,Wife andi four chlildrlen. A party of huniters came iipoin the ieso-rtid encnmpmoent, found the remna;s c0r the hodies and reportedl the caseý Therewa no vestige of food on thse promnis)es. GREAT STRIDES. "His success in a financial Wa1y, bias beon somiethinig imarvellous." 'Yes 1" "Yes, sir,.I've often huard bim tell bow\, wbien hoe cafme bore fifteen ye ri, ago, ill hoý oweti in the world was a dlollarv ori twoý, and last -week ITCHING, BLEED5ING-. WVomen are partîïcularly subject to piles or Iserorrhisdiefove and afirciclbribe- cause o' pressure on, the portai vein A.hil interferts with the circulation of thse blood. Manythsad of women have proves thse efficacy of Dr. Chase's Oitment under auch rrcumstances. Thse torture of piles is almosi beyonci en- ,durance, but ît ïmaqers flot whether 0hy r of the itch ng, bleeding or protxuding ,aiZtY, can, becurcd b Dr.,A. W.Che' From nalmost tise first a plcation tizis !ces,, mnit, by its maveoussothîng power, brinigs relief and cornfort. Persisýtent and regular use xvil l heal the ulceri and bing about thorougli andi astiîng cure. 60 cts. a box, e aial! dealera or Edmaoîon, làCs o., Toroýnto, Ont,,wie: 111g end Poui g piles for eleven yearS, ard tlistis )failuire of doctor's îraenerLosI ait hope of cue. Dr. Chase'sOintiment brougist relie( et once, and 80o-m Lealedth ie ulcers That was five yearsa ega and I have neyer Lcen trouLL!et i rnce. ThcEKind You Have Al7ways Bouglit, iandlch sbeeu i n use for 0over 30yeaC , as or e esgntrcf and as een adeunder bI Pe ~ Aiow n eueteecelve -yeu lu îthis. Al Counterfei, l ainsad"ut-sgo"are buis Experiments ttlt r'ie wt and endanger the health of Infants inÈ). idrn-xprine galnst Eprmn. Al eastriais a, anie ustiu te :for Castor 011, Pare.- ge, Dropsand SethulSyrups. lit is Peaa t amI llas Fvershnss.litcures Dharrlioea and WVind' Colirc, 7t rellevesc- Teething Tobecures oitpin «and Flatuïlcçýy. it assinillates tLhe Food, reguflates thel So aci dowels, giving healthy mandaura1 sieep.; The ÇhlrnsPanacea-Thie llthrFriend. A, eElA3-TLWAYS inUse For Ov 30 y e ar OWIM F RIJTTERFLIES. iFJWiSII FAMILY W1PED 0OUI.T 1Boheinlianl District Invaded by Them. TIse Prague (Anstnia> Tageblatt says that enormons swarms of bUt- terfiies passeti througb AseIs andthIe surronnding country last week. TIse farmers anti gardeners are in a state bordering on terror, as it has been discoveruti that tIse invading arîssy loI t an awful memnento behinti it i tIe sapeof eggs. Someiduaof tIse extent of tIse tro lecn bu gatherut Irornsthse caze bliet it on thse spot; thon as tvenotty stencb c onitaining tnmn t ts figteei eran,1lC,00'eg, w ere fonti. This bu sat: "ndentanti that in l-1menusftise batcbliugon f ,0 ture oilly sly vioshaîl comisan i ma rvonous ctrilr, bc ilim- ButAbtuîlInsti as a sfe csmcinon tIse plalnt tlat lbas chanetr, ntithoe wo kow is Tfise swarmitiimt1i ii it wa ove isstmatl bave spokon eouetyAsI s ouy on f tIsenmny ta Ofli- biRides is own tretjf aeteasagBoei.Iln on phys -icl pain as matie him of tIs -e districts givun np to these cul- thoug-btîul; of tIse velfare of others, tivation of enhbages the fieldis wore anti bu hý b ad a a bospital built white as if with sucsw, anti alter thse vih is kept up entirely at bis own passiug cf thse butterfiie's it was eýxponsu. Ibis bospital is princi- noticet that tIse cabbages were pnliy for tIsetise of womou anti chil- thickly covereti witb thse oval eggs tison, bu)rt anyono is eligible for adi- of thse inseets. Tbis yeam's cabbage mission, anii every Patient us treat- ciop is quitu lost., cdcnA nl freo charge. Even At Oelsnitz thse butterfiies flew in fcroîgners-- anti strangors are admit- at the open wiudovs cf an umbroi- ted, anc i tIe wb-oleconom is rmn todry factory in sncb numbnlers i-bat on thse most- upr-to-date linoestIse machines became' cioggeti by DIPLOMACY.- their bodies anti work bat to bu TIse Sultan is a 'born tiplomat, suspunieti for thse day. aîthough oe;casloinally bis tiiplonac,_ A curions Ine 't in connection witb is Isardly confortable with English j these swarms us that they appoar itoas., The story is .tolti(of a cor- îuvamuably toifly souitb west. ta in Ambassador wbo iwile wnlaking in thse streets of osatiol a FINDING A HORSESIOE. onu of bis ausyscloseti earri- There is a mian v'bo bas a very ages, elsiygare i nstIse pny- poor idea osf thse borseshoo as a ing eyes o-f tIse populace. TIse As- bninger cf guoo luck. bassadour was indiscreet enongb to 111 fount onuiein thse rond some oudeavor to peep into this vebicle, [tise ago," hoe remnanketi. "As a but bue qnickly repenteti of bis folly usatter of f net, another oit gontle- whon ho received a stinging blow man fount it also abIout thse samne cf thse lace from an attendant, Mati tise.~ We botIs wapited it, andt tere with rage, buetiemandoti an anti- v-satnsslo for it. ence o-f Abdui Insiti, whicb was "I1 got tIese hoe, a black oye, a ganteti. Alter listeningý quietly 10 i-ornufluger fros a rusty nail in tIse thbe Amnbassador's tale of wo thse 'oanti a sumnfo sal Sltan s<ýmilotianti sait :-"I have soumn o saî anti baitory. crflyconsidereti your case, ant i l wasn't a very gooti stant, but sue exnctiy Isw fie matter stands. j thougbi- Id give it a f air trial. 0f You areo, ofcore a gentleman, ecunsoc, in, tIse sboe np aboveQý- anti you wos-fId nover have comimit- thbe front oori manageti to smiashi tedt sncb a~ breacb of gpoot ma,-nners my thumb anti faîl from tIse stop- ns yualg took place;.:the1relore, latter.: yonr Exeeny no attendant 'Thon I sat dov'n anti waiteti for couiti possibly bave stmuek 'you. Thsei-be luck to beglin. That sbioe ses- wboile affair must bu a prodtet of cti to buieudnowod wli t Is power yonmr fancy. Lot us thon' dismuss i-o attraci-'troubhie in evýery forus. t"Wbiat tIse Ambasýsadortougbt "Duns, bailiffs, tIse lantilord, bas not been recorteti. nsensleg, anti povorty v'oere raruly t> cnt of tIse bouse, ani m inithi was LOVE'S AWVAKLNING. sîaken. Hoeiticiset iber puddings, anti "Thon onu daýy, vîIsonis-e ta-co-(l- I , did't like berci,,ake; hoe wisbed helctor was stantun-gon tisetp tp sbeý,'d mnake thse buseuit th:at bis mo- that shoe caine down itIs thon uset to maike; sbe idn't svashl crash-" tIedishos, anti she titut imake a "Ah!" intemupteti a smahz swanti she tiin't enti bis!on "Luck at lasi-!" stocingsas is mothe use to "Not n bit of it,"1 sigbet i il n- de. A, wel, tIe vas't prfu, luckyones. "It misset hliilhy a ntlat lengtb shIetogthnti-e> bat onsuto ave mes. S v hu, "ardtises are but ob onew dIay ho e t tIse saolti1d fnl1 of uleasat ,soks ads-u uslenl tbmouigbi, sbe me t ani nng srOsises sitan oitma bûIxet bjls ear, jst ias his mte fib oî.' eebnts a us'eito Cdo. f ýincalpa ie ani a srmo that struek ibiis wbeu irs er lors upsor napeefltirore scannt, th(Llat smtisyumy igteooyaTetncm t test asumet, anot brtrus n i ogeain uve lts h-autd.Alas! ÉtIsi ogsaaeigbr ieteesoî on x Irons lIove'(telicionlstios itIagaconesuosxpsi-re somt tIe ml fmta oet i at u vr u-oog o ange-cotetcre11ans. So o'eri-be(jiu parut tvu. Tise con gegto tiff hey artei-a hing hat ft jhuita Cttl seisat sa odeurs, le we n me oLIs mý, lasi- ljnsously eue ih a'ssl jnLa, anti she wet uhme o brs. tlfio $,00 o 1,00 Ilussian Revolutionists Took Ter- rible Vengeance. Ness bs rencheti St. Petersburijg Jýf a terrible vengeance takeni by the Ruvoîntionists of Ynnivkn, 'n Yekaterinoslav Province, upon n.a Juwisb f amily namutd Edulstein, 'aho svere accused of giving infor-- mation to thse authoritiesread ing tise activities of thse iaos The.y vstttIse Eoîtiouse ati n.:gbt anti thruw bombs ý-;tbmon;ý,gb tbc~ ýwindows. TIsuy thcun pneion t1Is Imom i-0 runise xdl ul. vers anti shot to dethtIefaer n taugitr, somian guiîstfanti her Cbilti. The nmotheýr, a son, son-rn- la ad wogantiso)ns wero soeee- A tetis imurderýousoislu-t tie Re oloist teprarvily re- tetanti helý,p forth wone wnsu summoiýnei. In the coursje o a copeo 'or Illevctm wo weesiialive bi: b ýeen oveei to a hospital. Ntstsidwitb their vengeancei,-the Ieonin ists, now a well-nrmed bnd f' about forty or sixty mon, descendC- eupon it4 opiaoverpowe-ired1 tIse nreatiguartis ant ihotte~ miotheýr anti son toetienth, aft'er wh-ih tbey matie> their escape, Aniother tiespatch from the pro,,- vinýces reeiebre says thiat ise prisoners in the lail at Saratov, upon discovering that two of their ci'mrades wr traitors, feîl upon tbem anti beat thiem to tienth. BIIflFItIIIT FOR LIFE. Atakdby Fsemno tet of PorfiugiueseTon Seve,ý ral Britishl fisher mnen recently bati n fierce figlit for their lives in thse littlo Por-tugu,,tese üfibng Town. cf Povoa. The lBrtisbh trawlers, wile fisb- ing off thse Portuguese coast recent- ly, tiamagetisoonetsbeogn t s tIse Pruvua fisbiermenl, and there, bas been ill-feeling i, ,nce in con- sequence of this. The other day thse Britishî fishiermien landeti at Povon to buy3 footi, andti tey were iimmiatlely n bttackýetI bY ise Porhu- gnose, wbo wrearimutiwith revol.- vesantiknve.The Finlsbe were surrunideti, a nt( ilnthougisg they- foulgbt sotlthey woulti cr- tanl ibve ah bejen killeci bai nols the commiander of a Fortogu1-e gunhoat, whlich -was , l,ing off dTPovori not;ced wbnt wns gosn1g (on'and lantietia paýrty to resculefthe Eg The Pruus bnjcesformr- eti a squa:reabuttIe Egihe anti conductedti them to their boýats, but~ ~~li- tIefgtn iinot cease unmtil thelas Enlismanwasabrd Sval personcor oCinjureti on botb its Chrc "Wa' lat peeof 'oidte rutyu igrfr~ Gotîsatî "My vil put it tr h1.0 me!", T rong Uer i, a Reidaoron ofchwme e o-er ifini. P- imi-; h, -g --, -agie ieai as manylmemw 1 an- - isiands in the vieinitv. 1- ,-l ký 2Fi ý-L rt r e e e t 1 r